Summer 2019
Reimagining volunteering Cricket World Cup mission resources God is bigger than the storm!
Beach Life: sharing faith and fun with sea and sun
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Contents 3
Sowing spiritual seed this summer
Volunteering – not what you might think
Cricket is the ticket for mission this summer
God is bigger than the storm!
Beach Life: sharing faith and fun with sea and sun The good news message of Jesus is unchanging
Welcome from our National Director, Myles McBean.
We thank God for the thousands of you who give your time so generously to SU. We spoke to volunteers Craig Linaker and Hannah Wheeler about the interesting ways they get involved.
This summer, the Cricket World Cup returns to the UK for the first time in 20 years. Thanks to your generous donations, we’ve been able to develop a range of free resources to help churches put on a match with mission at its heart.
Holiday leader Chris Eales explains how, last year, children on SU’s outdoor adventure holiday, Go Wild!, got an unexpected lesson in learning to trust in God.
– and so too the popularity of a summer visit to the seaside. Find out how Beach Life, a brilliant pop-up mission initiative, is making the most of the opportunities that this provides.
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Connecting You is Scripture Union’s supporter and prayer magazine, keeping you up to date with what God is doing through the work you support.
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Published by Scripture Union, Trinity House, Opal Court, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK15 ODF © Scripture Union 2019 Registered Charity 213422 Limited Company 00039828 Registered in England and Wales
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09/05/2019 09:20
Sowing spiritual seed this summer Welcome to the summer edition of Connecting You.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 I remember the first summer I went on an SU camp. I was in my teens, and a new Christian. I learned so much about God, not least through the example set by the camp’s volunteer leaders. Everything they did in word and deed – from leading worship to peeling potatoes – they did because they loved Jesus and they longed for us youngsters to know him too. Through their authenticity, my life was transformed. Summer remains a key period of impact for Scripture Union, as staff and volunteers in a range of roles and a multitude of missional contexts enable children and young people to explore the difference Jesus can make in their lives. Leading holidays and missions are not the only ways to volunteer with SU. On page 4, to mark Volunteer Week in June, we’ve invited Craig and Hannah to explain what voluntary work they do and how it helps children and young people to discover Jesus. SU summer holidays and missions continue to play a significant role in helping young people to find faith
and grow spiritually. Find out how one holiday last year gave children an unexpected lesson in trusting God (see page 16). And we reveal how a new kind of mission has brought churches together to share faith with more confidence – see page 22. Cricket is likely to be this summer’s sporting highlight, with both the Cricket World Cup and the Ashes on the calendar. Discover on page 10 how our free Sticks for Stumps resources make it quick and easy for churches to combine cricket and mission, and reach children and young people without church connections. However we serve God through the SU movement this summer – through volunteering, praying, donating – let’s do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God, as we help a new generation to develop a vibrant, personal faith.
Myles MacBean, National Director
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Volunteering – not what you might think 1–7 June is Volunteers Week – and we praise God for the thousands of you who give your time and skills so generously to SU, helping children and young people to discover Jesus! When you think of SU volunteering opportunities, perhaps you think of helping with our holidays and missions. But there are other ways to serve with SU as well, as volunteers Craig Linaker and Hannah Wheeler explain.
Volunteers Week 1-7 June 2019
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Craig didn’t come from a Christian family, but his parents sent him to Sunday school. ‘It was to get me out of the Craig house while they Linaker cooked lunch,’ he jokes. ‘When I was seven, my gran bought me a Bible and I read it every Sunday.
and Glenbrook residential. And I’ve given a hand to two SU local mission partners too.’
My wife says volunteering makes me ‘come alive!’
‘God is so important to me, and it’s tragic that most children and young people today don’t know about him. So when SU came to present Christmas Unwrapped at my church in Fleetwood five years ago, I asked if I could help them.
Craig is a full-time carer for his wife (who also volunteers when she can). Craig says, ‘My wife says volunteering makes me “come alive”! My faith has really grown, and I’m overjoyed when children realise for the first time that God loves them. Nothing beats that feeling.’
‘Since then, I’ve helped the North West regional team with It’s Your Move assemblies and manned the SU stand at Big Church Day Out North. I’ve served on the John Wesley Lifepath, Beach Life missions
Rob Steward who leads SU North West team says, ‘Craig has been a real asset – he’s so willing and enthusiastic, and no job is too small for him. If he can possibly help, he will. I’m very grateful to him.’
The Creative Collective
and illustrator, so it was the perfect opportunity to explore how the creative process interacts with faith!
While Craig has volunteered across a wide variety of general roles with SU, Hannah has focused her volunteering on one specific initiative.
She says, ‘SU launched the Creative Collective in 2018, for people keen to use their creative talents to help share Jesus with children and young people. I’m a designer
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It was the perfect opportunity to explore how the creative process interacts with faith! ‘We keep in touch and share ideas through social media. I also applied to join one of the residential weekends. I had to write a “pitch” – what I felt I could contribute to the weekend. ‘So a group of around thirty creative people, youth and children’s practitioners and SU staff converged at a centre in the Peak District. We collaborated to come up with new ways of presenting the gospel to young people who don’t have a church background. I’m not involved in youth or children’s work at church, so it was great to work with those that are and learn from them. We
came up with a host of ideas, and SU is taking some forward into research and, hopefully, development.’ Scripture Union staff member Gemma Willis coordinates the Creative Collective. She says, ‘Hannah’s been brilliant – since joining the Creative Collective, she’s contributed to Jesus without Words, a resource for sharing the good news of Jesus with those who don’t read or speak English, and is currently working on a book for children coping with grief. We’re so very thankful for her and all our other Creative Collective volunteers for using their God-given talents in this way.’
Could you volunteer with SU?
If you feel you’d like to volunteer with SU, in whatever form that takes, go to to find out more.
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09/05/2019 09:21
Prayers Please pray for all Scripture Union volunteers
Sunday 2
Praise God for the gifts he has given to Craig and Hannah and the thousands of others who volunteer with Scripture Union.
Monday 3
Give thanks that our volunteers give up their time so willingly so that children and young people can come to know Jesus for themselves.
Tuesday 4
Please pray that God will bless all who volunteer their time in his service and help them to grow in their faith.
Wednesday 5
Thank God for providing enough volunteers to make so many of SU’s activities possible.
Thursday 6
‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few’ (Luke 10:2). Pray that God will raise up more volunteers to help more children and young people to know God personally.
Friday 7
Please pray for the SU staff whose role involves managing, training and coordinating volunteers, that they will be able to help them use their gifts and time effectively for God’s glory.
Saturday 8
If you don’t yet volunteer with Scripture Union, ask God to show you whether this is something you could consider doing.
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Prayers Sunday 9
Scripture Union Korea has a special theological conference on Friday and Saturday with Chris Wright speaking on The Relevance of the Old Testament for our Social Context Today. Pray that many staff and Korean church leaders will be inspired.
Monday 10
This week, central region development worker Bob Goody will be in coffee shops across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Church leaders, volunteers and others are invited to come and explore resources, receive advice and training, and dream dreams together. Pray for fruitful meetings.
Tuesday 11
Over the next month, Dan Wicks (development worker in the South East) will be involved in Sticks for Stumps cricket activities in Pimlico, Kings Cross, Havering and West Molesey. Pray that through the medium of cricket, many children and young people will engage with the good news of Jesus. 8
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Wednesday 12
week beginning June 9
Local mission partner COINS (Christian Outreach in Newbury Schools) asks us to pray for new team leader, Joni McAuliffe, who started this month. Joni will be leading a team of four part-time workers and a number of volunteers working with at least 20 primary schools and four secondary schools.
Thursday 13
Pray that as children attend the prayer space run by local mission partner YOYO (York Schools and Youth Trust) in St Mary’s Primary tomorrow they will understand more of how they can meet with God. Pray also for another prayer space in All Saints Secondary on 9 July.
Friday 14
During June and July many thousands of year 6 children will receive a copy of the completely revised It’s Your Move. Thank God for all those who have been helped in the past and pray that again this year many will discover God’s help as they enter secondary school.
Saturday 15
Pray for the events team at SU’s National Office as they start work on a new guest booking system for SU’s holidays. Pray that everything will go smoothly and that many will book.
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Prayers Sunday 16
SU Singapore has a youth ministry Bible tour in Greece this month. Pray that the Bible will come to life in new ways for the young people on the trip and that as they develop a better understanding they will grow in relationship with Jesus.
Monday 17
Local mission partner Christians for Education (working on the North Wales coast) asks us to join them in praying for children and young people who are facing very complicated family relationships. Pray that they will discover hope and security in Jesus.
Tuesday 18
This month Neil Jackson, development worker in the North East and Yorkshire, plans to work with churches in Middlesbrough, to use The Games in the context of the Cricket World Cup in local schools. Pray that this will create many opportunities to share the good news of Jesus.
church about the possibilities.
week beginning JUNE 16
Thursday 20
Pray that many of the young people that local mission partner Sevenoaks Area Youth Trust are working with will attend the SOLID festival with them in July. Pray that the festival will encourage these young people in their faith journey.
Friday 21
Give thanks that after a period of difficulties for our IT systems, things have become more stable. Ask God to help SU’s IT support partner and Technical Services Manager Ian Gooding as they work to keep systems reliable and secure.
Saturday 22
Next week SU staff, local mission partner The Mustard Tree Trust, Barnabas in Schools and representatives from local churches will be running Lifepath Brinkburn. Pray that as over 600 children explore the life of St Aidan they will be challenged to think about the spiritual aspects of their own path through life.
Wednesday 19
Please pray for development worker Lisa Jones as she works with St Andrew’s Paddock Wood to run a Sticks for Stumps activity for children and families during the Cricket World Cup. There is real excitement in the
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Cricket is the ticket for mission this summer The Cricket World Cup returns to the UK for the first time in 20 years this summer – hotly followed by The Ashes. Because of your generous donations, we’ve been able to develop a range of free resources to help churches put on a match with mission at its heart. 10
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Cricket brings people of all ages and backgrounds together, and everyone has a part to play, whether that’s playing, scorekeeping or making the teas. Richard Witham, SU’s National Sports Mission Leader, says, ‘We want to help churches big and small to create Richard missions around Witham these major sporting events, so we’ve developed Sticks for Stumps, a range of free downloadable resources. ‘There are ideas for use in schools such as assemblies and playground cricket tournaments. There are outlines for putting on a simple game of street or beach cricket over the summer holidays or at weekends, which could involve the wider community. For more ambitious churches there’s a guide to organising a non-residential cricket camp for up to three days. There’s even an outline for a cricket-
themed church service! We’ve also produced some short videos that can be combined with any of these activities, linking cricket with Christian faith.’ Laura Patterson, a children and family worker at Tove Valley Baptist Fellowship in Towcester, LAURA used last PATTERSON summer’s free resource Jumpers for Goalposts, linked to the Football World Cup, with a new football-themed mission initiative she and her church had launched.
Building relationships through sport She says, ‘We’re not a big church – there are about 45 of us on average on a Sunday. Three of us were really keen to reach out to children and young people, including those not in a church, and share our faith with them.
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‘Last spring, we launched Footy, Faith and Food, a weekly football-themed club held on a Monday night at a local sports facility. We get around ten boys and girls aged between 10 and 15. After a warm-up session we play football; then over pizza we have a discussion relating to faith. I’ve been amazed at how receptive they’ve been.
You can still run a cricket mission this summer! Why not download and use our Sticks for Stumps resource to put on a simple street, park or beach cricket match with children and young people who aren’t part of a church? Visit
‘When Jumpers for Goalposts came out, I divided it up into weekly sessions. It was a brilliant resource with really good quality material. The young people loved it and so did I! I was really sorry when we finally finished it. ‘Sport has proved to be a great way to get into the community and make relationships with new young people and their families. Two of the young people who weren’t from Christian families are now coming along regularly to church, and one is going on a Christian residential very soon. ‘It’s really heartening that children and young people who don’t even
have a faith background are so open to talking about spirituality. Many are looking for an answer to life’s issues – it’s up to us to give them every opportunity to discover the best answer of all, and sport provides a brilliant opportunity to do that.’
Help children and young people not in church to discover Jesus We rely on your donations to create and distribute free resources to help churches reach out to children and young people. If you’d like to help us develop more, you can donate at or by calling 01908 856 000. Thank you!
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Prayers Sunday 23
Scripture Union in German-speaking Switzerland are still looking for several camp leaders and kitchen helpers for the 2019 camp season. Please pray that God will provide volunteers for all their camps.
Thursday 27
week beginning June 23
Monday 24
Lifepath Malmesbury runs this week with 200 children expected each day as schools bring whole classes to explore the lives of the monks at the Abbey. Pray that they may be encouraged to reflect on how God might have a part to play in their own lives.
Tuesday 25
Thank you for prayers over the last nine years for the annual prayer space at a school in Folkestone run by volunteer and former staff member Marjorie Francis. Over 400 children explored stories of Jesus this year; pray that they will continue to make space for God in their lives.
Wednesday 26
Local mission partner SU Ministries Trust on the Isle of Man starts a Lifepath today; around 700 year 5 students will look at the lives of the monks at Rushen Abbey. Pray that the team, mostly volunteers, will communicate the love of Jesus.
As we look to grow our relationships with churches across the country, please pray that we would be able to support them in their outreach to children and young people as well as connecting with churches which can support our work with prayer and giving.
Friday 28
SPREE South West runs this weekend with over a thousand young people expected. The south west regional team will be leading the sports venue using sports to introduce young people to Jesus. Please pray that many will respond to the good news.
Saturday 29
Give thanks for the many churches that faithfully support our work. Pray for south west team leader Margaret Lilley as she shares in a day at St Georges Church, Beckington, Somerset when they meet up with mission partners. She will talk about reaching ‘the 95’ in partnership with local churches.
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Prayers Sunday 30
Last Christmas Scripture Union Ghana visited deprived rural communities to organise camps for children, which included feeding and clothing them. Praise God for his provision that made this possible and pray these children will be drawn closer to God.
Monday 1
Give thanks for a successful transition to new IT provision for our staff. Pray for them as they discover more about the capabilities of new software and the best ways of using it to ensure better collaboration and that everyone is well informed.
Tuesday 2
Today the Frontline team from the south west leaves for South Africa. They will be running weekend missions on the streets with churches in Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. Pray for good conversations and for strength and safety for the SU volunteers from South Africa and the team from the UK.
Thursday 4
week beginning June 30
Thank God for the way in which Diary of a Disciple has captured the imagination of many children, introducing them to the Bible both through the book and through school-based clubs. Pray for Simon Barker as he leads a Diary of a Disciple workshop at Oakley school in Bedford today.
Friday 5
Local mission partner Fleet and Crookham Churches Together in Schools gives thanks for the success of two new projects – Outdoor Club and Bake through the Bible. Please pray for Bake through the Bible as they recruit and train up other bakers and storytellers.
Saturday 6
Wednesday 3
Please pray for the launch of a Youth Hub in Sittingbourne aiming to reach young people in the area through schools and supported by development worker, Lisa Jones. They are exploring a pop-up sports event for young people during the summer holidays.
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Give thanks for the Creative Collective programme led by Gemma Willis that pulls together creative volunteers from across the movement to investigate imaginative new ways of communicating the good news to today’s generation. Ask God to inspire them with his creativity.
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week beginning JULY 7
Sunday 7
In Trinidad and Tobago Scripture Union thanks God for the increasing requests they have for resources. Pray for the finances to enable them to employ a full-time staff team: director, administrator and children’s coordinator.
Monday 8
This weekend up to a thousand children and young people from around Essex and East London will attend SOLID Festival in Upminster and hear the gospel in a fun-packed environment. Pray that the children and young people will encounter Jesus afresh.
Wednesday 10
Pray for wisdom and creativity for SU development worker Bob Goody as he writes and rehearses a primary schools show, Jesus and Friends, ahead of a primary and secondary schools mission in October covering Mansfield and Ashfield.
Thursday 11
Give thanks for the SU Board and pray for them as they meet today. Pray particularly for Richard Godden as he settles in as Chair, and for new trustees to join the Board.
Friday 12
Tuesday 9
Today we give thanks for Wayne Dixon. Wayne has been involved in local schools ministry for 30 years, initially as SU staff and now with local mission partner Christian Connections in Schools. Give thanks for God’s faithfulness which will be celebrated at an event to mark the occasion this evening.
Local mission partner Brentwood Schools Christian Worker Trust gives thanks for the opportunity to provide Year 9 sex and relationship lessons from a Christian perspective. The trust asks us to pray for staff and associate workers providing chaplaincy and mentoring support across the schools in Brentwood.
Saturday 13
X:site Keighley takes place today. Please pray for Moz and the team as they seek to keep the event fresh, exciting and relevant with a clear gospel emphasis. Pray that children who were attracted to the event through the Easter mission week will continue to engage with the bi-monthly event.
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09/05/2019 09:21
God is bigger than the storm! Through your support, thousands of children and young people each year discover God for themselves on an SU holiday or mission. Holiday leader Chris Eales explains how, last year, children on SU’s Go Wild! outdoor adventure holiday got an unexpected lesson in learning to trust in God. 16
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09/05/2019 09:21
Unusually for a May bank holiday weekend, the sun was out as several dozen children, leaders and helpers CHRIS converged on EALES Great Wood Camp in Somerset. There were many fantastic outdoor activities planned including archery, building dens, face painting – and one that wasn’t… We’d been foraging on the hills and were heading back to camp for an evening talk and the pleasure of toasting marshmallows on a campfire. Then we heard the first rumbles of thunder. The storm swiftly gathered pace – as did we! Lightning flashed overhead, the thunder bellowed, and the children were getting quite scared. As we reached camp the heavens opened, dissolving any hope of a campfire.
Learning to trust in God
We retreated to the mess hut and, at first, were disappointed that our plans had been scuppered. But as the storm raged outside, we realised we had the perfect opportunity to point the children to the awesomeness of God. As the rain poured down we discussed God’s immense power and how we can trust him to look after us in literal storms and in the challenges we all face in life. Although unplanned, this disruption opened up the best faith conversations of the week!
Next day, the weather had cleared and outdoor activities resumed as groups of children negotiated a low ropes course wearing blindfolds. We talked about whether you can trust God although you can’t see him.
I know I don’t always do things the right way, and I really want to live differently. On the final day, looking back on the planned and unplanned activities, we asked if any children wanted to follow Jesus. Five responded, including Toby*, aged nine. His family weren’t Christians, but many years before, his mum had been on an SU holiday and thought he’d enjoy it. He definitely did! Toby, who had been very shy and quiet for much of the weekend, opened up and said, ‘I know I don’t always do things the right way, and I really want to live differently.’ I gave him a copy of Diary of a Disciple to take home. When his mum collected him, he proudly showed her and, as he waved goodbye, I could hear him regaling her with tales of his exciting – and lifechanging – weekend. *Name changed
Helping you go Wild!
We’re developing some Go Wild! resources to help you use the concept and ideas of the Go Wild! camp in a non-residential setting. To help us test these prototype resources, go to
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Please pray about SU holidays, missions and holiday clubs this summer
Sunday 14
As the schools break up, please pray that God will prepare the hearts of all children and young people coming on SU holidays, missions and holiday clubs over the summer to receive the good news of Jesus.
Monday 15
Give thanks to God for Toby and other children and young people who decided to follow Jesus last summer. Pray that he will provide them with encouragement and guidance in their new-found faith so that it grows and matures.
Tuesday 16
Please pray for children and young people who came on summer holidays, missions and holiday clubs last summer, but have not yet made a commitment to follow Jesus. Ask God to water the seeds he has planted so that they may grow.
Wednesday 17
Please pray for all the volunteers involved in setting up and running 18
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holidays, missions and holiday clubs, that God will enable them to be bold in sharing the good news of Jesus with children and young people, whether through word or deed.
Thursday 18
It may be 2,000 years old, but the story of the prodigal son brought five children on Go Wild! to faith. Give thanks that ‘the Word of our God endures forever’!
Friday 19
As more and more children and young people who aren’t part of a church attend holidays and missions, ask God to give us great wisdom in how best to help them continue on their spiritual journey.
Saturday 20
Give thanks to God for everyone who gives financially to Scripture Union – they enable our holidays and missions to take place and provide a bursary so children can attend when their families could otherwise not afford the cost.
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Prayers Sunday 21
This year, SU in Gabon wants to establish a work in two new regions: Ngounié and Ogooué-Maritime. Pray that God will open the way and enable this to happen.
Monday 22
Pray for the new Beach Life event in Millom which starts today and for other new events, Barrow (29–30 July) and Crosby (5–7 August), asking that children and families have fun and hear more about Jesus. Pray too for repeats of previous events: Cleveleys (25–27 July), Blackpool Beach (8–10 August), Fleetwood (26–28 August) and Blackpool Square (29–31 August).
Wednesday 24
week beginning JULY 21
Pray for those leading holidays for the first time this year: Hannah Bishop (Step Out), Jane Bryant (Action Replay), Jenny Paterson (Harriers), Anna Docherty and Nick Morley (The Maze), Anneka James and Richie Fromow (The Track) and Elisabeth Crutchley (Transformers).
Thursday 25
The SU Holiday Fund enables children from families facing financial difficulties to attend an SU holiday. Give thanks for all those who have contributed to the fund and pray that the children who are benefiting from it will have an amazing time and learn more about God.
Friday 26
Local mission partner PSALMS works around Painswick and Stroud. Its Friday tennis evenings have connected with a large number of new young people. Pray that the sport will complement the message of Jesus they share weekly and that more young people outside of Painswick would connect with it.
Tuesday 23
Local mission partner Contagious in Alnwick is developing a new follow on to It’s Your Move to use with Year 7s at the high school in the autumn term. Please pray that they will come up with something that will help young people in the next step of this significant change.
Saturday 27
Local mission partner Thrive (Warwick and Leamington Spa) has created a resource to help local churches run holiday clubs; it will be piloted over the summer holidays. Pray that it will help churches to be more fruitful in reaching out to children in their communities.
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Prayers Sunday 28
Pray for the protection of SU staff, volunteers and board members in restricted countries as they explore how best to serve children and young people and share the good news of Jesus under difficult circumstances.
Monday 29
Alisha Mitchison is on placement with the north east and Yorkshire team while studying at Cliff College. With part-time sports consultant Mark Oliver she is developing Sporty Legs, a new after-school club focused on reaching ‘the 95’ through sport. Pray that it will continue to grow.
Tuesday 30
Local mission partner Mission Initiative in Newcastle East is trying to reach a group of young people on the estate who are a particular concern to police and community groups. Pray that their idea to run a DJ school will engage these young people.
Wednesday 31
Today and tomorrow, Helen Franklin (development worker in Wales) will be working with a church in Borth near Aberystwyth to run children’s activities as part of the local carnival. Pray that this will reach many of the 95% of children who don’t go to church. 20
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Thursday 1
week beginning JULY 28
The gifts team are responsible for the processing of the donations made by our generous supporters. Please pray for Tracey Bell and Michelle Johnson and for others in the finance and gifts team as they continue to carry out this work faithfully.
Friday 2
Give thanks for the partnership we have with Creation Fest which starts tomorrow at the Royal Cornwall Showground. In the past many young people have come to faith during the week. Pray for Chris Eales as he coordinates the daily mission teams visiting different towns and beaches.
Saturday 3
SU@Soul Survivor starts today and runs until Thursday enabling young people to benefit from Soul Survivor in a Scripture Union environment. Pray that the young people will meet with God, learn from his Word and be equipped to share the good news of Jesus with their friends.
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Prayers Sunday 4
Thursday 8
Monday 5
Friday 9
Please pray that SU in Pakistan will be able to realise their vision of reaching 100,000 unreached children and ask God to provide a group of around 100 volunteers to help in this task. For the next five days, development worker Neil Jackson will be working with local Christians from several churches to run afternoon activities for families which will complement a holiday club run by Guisborough Bridge Association, a Churches Together initiative. Pray that whole families will encounter Jesus.
Tuesday 6
Unlimited is a new holiday for young adults with additional needs which starts today and runs for the rest of the week. Pray for leaders Helen and John Vinter and the team that they may be able to communicate the love of Jesus in appropriate ways.
Wednesday 7
As the summer activities get into full swing, give thanks for the many volunteers who will be involved in various ways. Pray that teams will gel, demonstrate good relationships and work harmoniously.
Pray for members of the SU staff team as they take the opportunity to visit holidays and missions to bring encouragement and seek insight into the operation of the movement. Give thanks for the tireless work of the Development Hub, led by Matty Hawthorne, in capturing and amplifying grassroots ideas from across the movement. Pray that they will develop creative new missional models and content to enable a new generation to explore the Bible and respond to Jesus.
Saturday 10
Give thanks for Guardiões da Âncora (Guardians of Ancora in Portuguese, for Brazil). Davi Kruklis, from SU Global says, ‘The translation was headed by a God-given 16year-old girl... The recording was done by an audio engineer with full-time assistance of a phono audiologist… We are thrilled … that the Brazilian children THANK will soon be learning YOU more about the Bible FOR YOUR whilst they enjoy playing the game.’ PRAYERS
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week beginning August 4
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Beach Life: sharing faith and fun with sea and sun The good news message of Jesus is unchanging – and so too the popularity of a summer visit to the seaside. Through your support, we’ve helped churches across the north west to put these two elements together to create Beach Life, a brilliant pop-up mission initiative using beach activities to take the gospel to children and families. 22
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The seagulls soared overhead, the sun shone, the briny air was fresh and families were heading to the beach for some summer fun. Along the Fylde coast, church volunteers were gathering, and Beach Life was about to start! There were all sorts of activities on offer – sandcastle building, kite flying, crafts, beach games – and the most important of all, the gospel, shared in stories between other activities. Children were given goody bags with sweets, gospel tracts and invites to follow-up events at local churches. ‘How much is it to have face painting?’ asked a visiting parent. ‘It’s free,’ said Shirley, a local church worker. ‘We’ve been blessed by God. He gives us so much and we just want to share that with other people. It’s our gift to the community, freely given in love. Just like God’s gift of love to us in Jesus! What design would you like?’ Shirley recalls, ‘I loved the way people relaxed and enjoyed the many activities on offer. Parents were happy to let the children play while they chatted with Beach Life
It’s our gift to the community, freely given in love. volunteers. One holidaymaker said, “I thought church was boring! If churches were more like this, I might go with the kids.” I was glad of the chance to talk about her church experiences and encourage her to try a local church that suits her.’
Helping volunteers share faith naturally
Beach Life came out of a conversation between newly appointed Blackpool minister Steve Haskett and SU’s Rob Steward. Steve wanted a mission concept aimed at children and families that was simple and fun, and would enable volunteers to share their faith easily and naturally. Beach Life ticked every box – and soon other churches were keen to get involved too. The first Beach Life in 2017 comprised three days of mission each in Blackpool, Fleetwood and Cleveleys, and last year’s reached over 700 children and families.
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Bringing people together
Rob says, ‘Beach Life has brought together churches of all denominations. They now organise most of Beach Life themselves – SU just helps with planning. It’s helped them make contact with many non-Christian families and the opportunity to build relationships with them.
SU’s Sarah Davison recalls an encounter with a mum, not Christian, who was on holiday in Blackpool. ‘I’d just told the story of Jesus calming the storm, and she came over with her daughter. She said how apt the story was for them – they were having to return home early as a relative had just died unexpectedly. I shared how knowing God had been a great comfort when I lost someone I loved, and asked if I could pray for her. She agreed, and I asked for her to be able to know God’s peace and feel God was with them at that painful time. She was really grateful.’
‘This year, Beach Life will be the biggest yet, stretching 150 miles from Colwyn Bay to Millom over four weeks. It’s funny how much the world has changed since Josiah Spiers first shared the gospel with children on a beach – and yet we’re discovering today how successful that can still be!’
Beach Life has brought together churches of all denominations. They now organise most of Beach Life themselves – SU just helps with planning.
Bring Beach Life to your community!
Beach Life is now open to churches everywhere because our team has developed a Beach Life resource. Download it for free at
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09/05/2019 09:21
Prayers Sunday 11
Scripture Union Côte d’Ivoire gives thanks to God for their 2019 Bible promotion. Pray for the development of the work across the regions and the country as a whole.
Monday 12
Gab in the Park is a week-long pop-up mission in partnership with St Gabriel’s Church and local supporters in Weoley Castle, Birmingham providing a range of activities in the park designed to build relationships with the community from surrounding estates. Pray for a good response as Jesus is shared.
Thursday 15
week beginning August 11
Local mission partner Faith in Schools working in Newham is thankful for the generous provision from churches and supporters who have donated to their 150 fundraising campaign and ask us to pray that more churches will come on board. Pray too for the new anti-knife crime project being run in partnership with others.
Friday 16
Tuesday 13
This week there will be a mission in Barry, South Wales – potentially two days in local parks and three days on the beach. This will be led by Helen Franklin and a local volunteer working with Open Air Campaigners. Pray for wide involvement of local Christians and for a good response.
Wednesday 14
Centre Stage is a new performing arts holiday for 11- to 14-year-olds running this week and led by Em Rogerson and Rachel Vallance. Pray that the holiday will establish an identity and that those who come will discover both new creativity and the love of Jesus.
Please pray for the children who will come across Guardians of Ancora over the next few months at local events, in holiday clubs, on holidays and missions or by finding the game in app stores. Pray that this will be an opportunity for them to discover Jesus.
Saturday 17
With the increased emphasis on reaching ‘the 95’ through missions and residential activities, pray for clear strategies for each activity and for wisdom in balancing the needs of Christians and those who are not yet Christians.
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09/05/2019 09:22
Prayers Sunday 18
Scripture Union Global initiative Leadership Lab International prepares a new generation of leaders aged 18– 26 to serve in multicultural ministry, on church-planting teams or as leaders of outdoor adventure activities. Join them in praising God for the continued life-changing work he is doing in young leaders around the world.
Monday 19
This week Helen Franklin will be helping St Paul’s Llandudno to run a music-based holiday club, a result of last year’s 150th anniversary of Josiah Spiers’ activities on the beach. Pray that this holiday club will cement the relationship and lead to further opportunities for mission.
Tuesday 20
Today sees the start of a new week of mission in Saltburn seeking to engage local children and holidaymakers and facilitated by Neil Jackson. Pray that the many local Christians from a number of churches will gel as a team and be effective in sharing Jesus.
Thursday 22
week beginning AUGUST 18
Pray for wisdom, sensitivity and patience on the part of team members as we welcome an increasing number of children and young people on residential activities and missions from confusing and painful backgrounds.
Friday 23
This weekend sees ‘Lark in the Park Torbay’, a community event in which SU will be partnering with others including Alpha and Big Church Day Out and involving Gemma Hunt from CBeebies. They will deliver children’s and youth programmes alongside other local churches and organisations, with a wide range of activities. Pray for a town-wide impact.
Saturday 24
Wednesday 21
Pray for open doors to go into schools with the Diary of a Disciple project in Blackpool and that the children involved will have fun and get excited about learning about Jesus and reading the Bible. 26
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A new tennis holiday, Love All (led by Victoria Chubb and Richard Witham) runs this weekend. Pray that the 10to 12-year-olds who come will enjoy improving their tennis skills and will discover the love of Jesus.
09/05/2019 09:22
Prayers Sunday 25
SU Timor Leste praises God for the launch of The Big Picture Story Bible in the national language. Pray that this resource will help many to encounter the big story of God who has kept his promise in Christ.
Monday 26
Local mission partner Beverley Schools Christian Trust gives thanks for the volunteers who run lunchtime clubs in primary schools, reaching over 400 children weekly, enabling them to explore the Christian faith for themselves. Pray that God will give them wisdom and strength.
Tuesday 27
Volunteers are key to the ministry of Scripture Union. Give thanks for the contribution of those who help out regularly in a whole range of ways, and pray that they will grow as they use their gifts to serve God.
Wednesday 28
Thursday 29
As we reach the end of the summer season, pray for children and young people who have been part of holidays and missions as they return to school with all its challenges, asking that God will help them to remember what they discovered and to be true to him.
Friday 30
Praise God for the impact of Guardians of Ancora. A schools worker writes: ‘… one of the girls was clearly very familiar with the biblical stories. I enquired if she went to church to which she replied no. She told me that two years ago she had downloaded Guardians of Ancora and continues to play it now.’
Saturday 31
Pray for Terry Clutterham in his new role as Director of Culture and Innovation. He will be developing the movement’s practical theological position on critical topics such as the key needs of today’s children, the nature of faith development among the digital generation, and digital media in Bible engagement.
Fun@Finghall – a new three-day mission starts today following on from an Easter one-day outreach. This mission, with a range of activities for children and families, aims to engage with holidaymakers on local caravan parks. Pray for good contacts and a renewed vision in the local church.
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week beginning AUGUST 25
09/05/2019 09:22
Request a speaker We’d love to come and share with your church about what God’s doing through Scripture Union in your local area and further afield.
Request a speaker for your church service or any other Event at speaker
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09/05/2019 09:22