9 minute read

By giving, you receive

‘By giving, you receive’

Vicki Sellick, who recently received an MBE for services to social action, has volunteered on SU sailing holidays for 20 years. She shares how she became involved, why it became her passion, and how it’s changed her life.


When I was 18, my teacher invited me to be a cook on SU’s Mallards

Vicki sailing Sellick holiday on the Norfolk Broads. It was like entering a different world. The 1930s yachts had no electricity so we cooked supper on a little gas burner and sang Mallards sea shanties by candlelight. During the day, we’d be out on the water, revelling in the enjoyment of learning to sail, spotting birds in the reeds and listening to the songs of warblers.

But the greatest attraction was being with Christians from across the country, helping these young people to know Jesus and form a lifelong relationship with him. There was no polished spiritual programme – we simply shared in conversation why

Jesus meant something to us and what he could mean to them.

One lad, whose parents weren’t

Christians, had come on Mallards

It’s been amazing to see young people give their lives to Christ or come back to Christ; to see them return year after year, their faith renewed.

with his church youth group. During the week, he realised that Jesus wasn’t just a storybook character but real and present, someone he could have a relationship with. It was brilliant to pray with him as he chose to follow Jesus, and to witness God’s great peace descend on him.

Later I did a sailing qualification and, for a while, helped lead Mallards with a friend. It’s even how I met my husband!

It’s been amazing to see young people give their lives to Christ or come back to Christ; to see them return year after year, their faith renewed. They’ve brought friends who have also become disciples and matured into young leaders, encouraging the next set of young people.

By giving you receive – and as an SU volunteer I’ve received joy, inspiration and made lifelong friends. Now, heading a social action charity, I’ve applied what I’ve learned as a volunteer in working with local communities, encouraging them to look out for one another.

Could you volunteer with SU?

If you’ve been inspired by the volunteers we’ve featured in this edition, check out our volunteering opportunities at su.org.uk/volunteer.


Sunday 1

SU Japan thank God that their publication ministry has been active during Covid, three titles being published. Pray that sales will grow through visits to churches and through Christian bookstores.

Monday 2

Some videos produced in schools before lockdown will be used for the Guardians of Ancora holiday clubs. Pray that through them children will engage with the Bible stories in lifechanging ways.

Tuesday 3

Give thanks for Mission Enabler Hannah Legge who has just returned from helping run Sports Ministry outreach at CreationFest, a Christian festival in Cornwall. Pray that the hundreds of children and young people who attended will continue to grow in their understanding of Jesus and how much he loves them.

Wednesday 4

Please pray for the staff and volunteers of Local Mission Partner The Lighthouse Project in Crawley as they prepare for the start of the new school year. Pray that schools will welcome them back and that they will have many opportunities to share the Christian faith and values with children and young people.


Thursday 5

Give thanks for the way in which the Rooted programme has enabled many young people to explore what Jesus means to them, at their own pace and in their own way. Pray that the resources and the groups will continue to help young people find a meaningful relationship with Jesus.

Friday 6

Please pray for the central region staff team (Simon Barker, Steve Hutchinson, Hannah Legge, Matt Farley and Karen Quinney) as they support Faith Guides in their summer outreach activities as well as those SU holidays and missions taking place across the region either face to face or online.

Saturday 7

Give thanks for Regional Mission Team Leader in the south west, Margaret Lilley, who has been on staff for almost 21 years. Pray that as she takes a sabbatical later this month it will be a time of rest, reflection, and spending time with her family.


Sunday 8

SU Malawi praise God for the 220 teachers they trained to run Bible clubs and respond to the problem of teenage pregnancies and school dropouts. Pray for the implementation of the Smooth Stone Sport project to share the good news with at-risk young people.

Monday 9

Please pray for trustees of Local Mission Partner Bodmin Youth Project (Jon, Steve, Alistair and Lizzy), as they seek God’s guidance for the future of the work which provides youth groups for the churched young people and a football outreach in the town.

Tuesday 10

Our National Director, Myles MacBean, asks us to pray for vision, guidance, wisdom, stamina and the right heart as he seeks to continue serving Scripture Union across the many facets of the movement and with many competing priorities for his attention.

Wednesday 11

Port St Mary Beach Mission is 120 years old this year. Thank God for the way the mission has grown and adapted to reach children and families from across the Isle of Man and pray for those stepping into new roles this summer due to the uncertainties of travel to the island as a result of Covid.


Thursday 12

Pray that as Faith Guides use Go Wild resources this summer, children will get to know the great Creator God as they explore the great outdoors.

Friday 13

Trevor Ranger of Local Mission Partner Synergy Christian Trust has produced a new album of all-age worship songs to bring the message of Jesus to life for children and young people. Please pray that the album’s message of a certain hope in Jesus will resonate with many children and adults alike.

Saturday 14

The new supporter relations database (see 23 June) is undergoing user acceptance testing, a critical phase where we make sure that the system works as expected and identify and fix any bugs. Pray for our external suppliers and all involved, that they may be able to spot the areas requiring attention.


Sunday 15

Pray that the new website RaamattuStartti developed by SU Finland and based on the E100 youth Bible reading programme will be widely used and that it will help many individuals and groups to understand more about what God is saying to them.

Monday 16

Pray for Mark Green who, as Digital Transformation Manager, has a key role in the implementation of the new database of supporters, volunteers and donors. Pray for him as he oversees the testing and works with external suppliers.

Tuesday 17

Grow Communities are a key element of the Revealing Jesus framework. Ask God to continue to reveal himself to children and young people as they explore the Bible and worship together in Grow Communities.

Wednesday 18


Pray for the team in Wales as they aim to ensure that key resources are available in the Welsh language. The team support Faith Guides and churches who work in a range of areas, from those where Welsh is a significant minority language to those where Welsh is the predominant language of everyday life.

Thursday 19

Local Mission Partner Cadwyn Teifi, working in Tregaron and the surrounding area, is excited about working with the new Revealing Jesus mission framework and is looking to appoint a worker when Covid restrictions are eased. Pray for trustees as they revise their policies and that as lockdown ends there will be many opportunities to visit schools.

Friday 20

Jo Morley leads the Mission Events team who support the holiday and mission programme. Even though it’s only August she is already starting to work on the plans for 2022 – pray for wisdom in developing the programme and the plans for the coming year.

Saturday 21

Please pray for Sarah Howard-Smith as she manages the administration of Faith Guides who are assigned to the SU North team, ensuring that they receive appropriate support and encouragement.


Sunday 22

SU Chile ask us to pray for their programme for adolescent children and families that they have been able to develop online despite the pandemic. Pray for all those they will reach in 2021 with the message of hope in God in these difficult times. Pray also for more volunteers willing to serve these needs.

Monday 23

Thank God for the continued generous gifts from all who faithfully support the work of SU. Pray for an increase in sustainable giving that will enable the ministry to develop and grow.

Tuesday 24

There is now a new Guardians of Ancora Collection available to all Faith Guides as part of the Revealing Jesus mission framework. Pray that these resources will give Faith Guides confidence and inspiration and that they will be effective in helping children connect, explore, respond and grow on their own faith journeys.

Wednesday 25

Please pray for the Mission Events team as they support holidays and missions running in a whole mix of new and old formats this summer.

Thursday 26


On March 1, Mick Moffett started his work as a children and youth officer for Local Mission Partner H4V (Hope for the Valleys) working to reach children and young people in the valleys of South Wales. Pray that he may know God’s strength, opportunities will open in schools, colleges and in the community to share the gospel and many would come to know Jesus.

Friday 27

SU’s Human Resources Officer Adelaide Nketsia provides HR advice, ensuring compliance with statutory obligations and best practice. Please pray for Adelaide as she continues to support managers enabling them to achieve the movement’s mission in effective ways.

Saturday 28

Pray for the Content team as they finalise the April–June 2022 issue of Daily Bread which will be going to the printers shortly, asking for the ability to focus on the right details to help readers meet God in life-changing ways as they read the Bible.

A brand-new Scripture Union sports resource

All you need to run a fun football & faith session for 8- to 14-year-olds

Connect with the buzz & excitement of major football tournaments or use it at any time! Flexible and free – Perfect for use in your community, in your garden or on the sports fi eld

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