8 minute read

Celebrating 20 years of It’s Your Move

Yes, it’s 20 years since It’s Your Move was first introduced to help children take the daunting step from primary to secondary school. We share how it came about, why it’s stood the test of time, and how one volunteer, following God’s call, now uses it annually in ten schools across Lincolnshire.

Emlyn Williams, Since then, It’s Your Move has formerly helped over two million children in SU’s Head their school transition. ‘I think there of Schools, are several reasons for its enduring recalls how success,’ observes Emlyn. ‘Schools see It’s Your Move the need for it, it’s not too heavily


Emlyn came about. “spiritual” and the churches pay for williams ‘In 1999, a the books so it costs them nothing. Plymouth church Churches like it because it gets them asked if we could an invitation into the school and a publish a suitable book that they chance to build a relationship with could gift to local schoolchildren for staff and pupils. Children enjoy it the Millennium. And so Ro Willoughby because it gives them good advice in our publishing department balanced with lighter, fun content. produced two anthologies (KS1 and And, of course, the issues around

KS2) of Christian writings. At their school transition haven’t changed, launch, SU released the results of so it’s still relevant.’ a survey which highlighted how little today’s children knew about SU volunteer Anna Davis the Bible. The Times picked up on uses It’s Your Move it, ran an article – and suddenly, in in ten Lincolnshire response, thousands of churches were schools. She says, ordering multiple copies of the ‘Schools ministry books to take into their local schools. wasn’t something

It was the first time that this had I planned – God happened – usually it was our staff called me to it! So I going out to schools. There was prayed, had a go and clearly a hunger for more, so SU he blessed what I did. developed It’s Your Move.’ I started by doing occasional assemblies, then introduced It’s Your Move. Working with just one class, you have to capture the children’s attention quickly! I used an idea from one of the extra It’s Your Move resources – I give the children different snacks such as chocolate and fruit to illustrate that they

An early edition Anna DAVIS

It’s Your Move has helped over two million children in their school transition.

might not have a choice over the school they move to, but it’s really not so bad when we have a positive attitude and help each other. (I take extra snacks too as they are very popular!) We talk a bit about their concerns, then I give out It’s Your Move books for them to look through and take home.

‘Last summer when schools were closed, I used the It’s Your Move workshop video that SU brought out. It was well designed to keep the children’s interest, with lots of variety including pupils talking about their own experiences of moving school. I videoed myself on my phone to top and tail it and sent the edited version out to the schools. They were happy to use it – they felt it was good for the children to see someone different on screen, and to be encouraged at a time when they really needed it. I hope I’ll be allowed back in school so I can make this year’s It’s Your Move experience even more interactive. ‘If you’re doing It’s Your Move for the first time this summer, remember, the children are far more anxious than you are, with this big school transition ahead! It’s a great way to connect with them – they will be so grateful that you’re there, that you care about their concerns, and you want to help make it easier for them.’

Order copies of It’s Your Move – call us on 01908 856000

Get additional FREE resources at www.su.org.uk/iym. You’ll find videos (including a new and improved workshop for 2021), lesson plans and much more!


Sunday 20

Please pray for the WAY2GO children’s ministry conference being held by SU New Zealand next Saturday. Pray for the workshop leaders and for the key speaker Terry Williams, SU Global Children’s and Families Ministry Consultant.

Monday 21

At the heart of the new framework is the desire to see Grow Communities emerge. Pray for the team in the north region as they work to turn this into reality alongside churches who have established Grow Communities, are planning them or have yet to catch the vision.

Tuesday 22

LMP Beverley Schools Christian Trust has found opportunities for schools work limited in recent years, even more so during the pandemic. Please pray that as things open up, they and their partners will be able to forge good links with the secondary school.

Wednesday 23

We are working towards the launch of a new database in September to help us stay better connected with supporters. Pray for staff users WEEK BEGINNING (Finance JUNE 20 and Gifts for donations; Supporter Care for orders and subscriptions, Mission Enablers for the recruitment of new Faith Guides, as well as the Project, IT and Database teams) who are familiarising themselves with the system.

Thursday 24

Mandy Hagon, PA to the Mission Development Director, asks us to pray for the Mission Development team as they prepare for a new director to join them and that the team would gel quickly. Pray for Mandy as she helps the director to settle in.

Friday 25

Potters Bar holiday club ran for the first time in 2018 and involves all the churches in the town. Pray for Cath Hawes, Atalie Gaines and Joel Mercer as they take on leadership of the holiday club for the first time this year.

Saturday 26

Please pray for Local Mission Partner Contagious as they relaunch with a new name, considering the changing landscape and new ways of serving Alnwick. Pray too that they will be able to bring youth cell groups together in person, especially reengaging those young people who have found Zoom hard.


Sunday 27

Praise God for his leading as seven of the SU movements across Australia unite to form SU Australia. Pray that this will lead to more mission opportunities and transformed lives and that the process of coming together will go smoothly.

Monday 28

Please pray for Sam, Anji, Maddy, Alison, Cathy, Jo, Laura, Scott, Jay, Annie and Jon of Local Mission Partner Staffs Youth Net. Pray for the young people they will be connecting with over the summer, and as they hope to pick up a number of projects again next term.

Tuesday 29

Pray for sensitivity and creativity for the Development Hub as they look to produce a completely new range of resources aimed to introduce the 5–8 and 14–18 age groups to Jesus.

Wednesday 30

Pray for wisdom and insight for Gaenor Hall, Senior Fundraising Manager, as she works with the Fundraising team, developing supporter relationships and looking to increase levels of support for the ministry.

Thursday 1

Pray for children and young people who have responded to Jesus’


invitation to lifelong faith as they form Grow Communities and find ways to continue to explore and grow in faith and understanding.

Friday 2

Please pray for the concluding sessions of the ‘Moving to High School’ (It’s Your Move) project run by Local Mission Partner CSCW in Chester, for their first term delivering Kintsugi Hope wellbeing groups across high schools and the developing local school prayer group network. Pray for wisdom and guidance as plans take shape for the next academic year.

Saturday 3

Thank God for blessing us throughout the Covid season with the early fruits of the Revealing Jesus framework, and for giving us the ability to learn and adapt to the new blended offline/online world we live in. As Covid restrictions relax, pray that we might continue to innovate boldly and refine our new vision for serving the church and the children and young people of England and Wales.


Sunday 4

Please pray for SU Sri Lanka who has 17 programmes planned for 2021. They ask that they may know God’s help to continue their mission in the midst of challenges and achieve their aim of reaching non-Christian children in new regions.

Monday 5

Each year the south west region partners with Local Mission Partner South West Youth Ministries to give placements to trainees, giving missional experience and opportunities to grow as disciples of Jesus. Give thanks for this year’s trainees. Some will stay on to study for a theology degree, whilst others will move on and new ones will arrive.

Tuesday 6

Pray for Sue Hill, Mission Events Coordinator, as the Mission Events team continue to process volunteer applications for the events that are able to run this summer. Pray for all those children and young people taking part that, as they hear about Jesus, they will respond by giving their lives to him.

Wednesday 7

Please pray that Local Mission Partner ACTS and the churches in Thanet will work effectively together to be good news to children, families WEEK BEGINNING and schools. JULY 4 Pray for Maggie Paddison as she plans how best to serve schools and support them with wellbeing issues.

Thursday 8

Scripture Union has been supporting the holiday club in Hexham for 50 years. Thank God for all the children who have encountered Jesus through the work of the holiday club and pray for the preparations for the coming summer.

Friday 9

Terry Clutterham, Director of Culture and Innovation, is retiring at the end of July after more than 20 years at SU. Please join us in giving thanks for all the many ways God has used Terry in his ministry here. Pray for him and his wife Sue as they enjoy this next season of life together.

Saturday 10

Give thanks for the trustees of Scripture Union England and Wales who bring varied skills and experience to the task of overseeing strategy and ensuring good practice and compliance. Pray for them as they meet next Thursday that God will guide their thinking.

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