8 minute read

Young evangelists find their voices through Amplify

They’re full of faith, passionate in sharing Jesus with those who don’t yet know him – and they’re not yet 18! Meet the young evangelists taking part in Amplify, an evangelism mentoring scheme developed by SU and other partners which encourages and equips them to share their faith.


‘One of my Amplify involves staff and volunteers friends at from an impressive range of college Christian organisations, including seemed Scripture Union, Youth for Christ, really The Message and HOPE Together, interested among others. Staff and volunteers Caitlin in faith and really wanted from each organisation mentor a small group of students through to come to regular online sessions. church,’ says Caitlin,

‘But her mum wouldn’t let her. So I Bradley Shaw, one decided to take church out of my of SU’s Amplify building and take my Bible into volunteers says, college. [Now that friend] helps ‘The students me write my blog and I include may not think of

God in that – and I just see such a themselves as positive effect and she’s got so many evangelists. One questions… We shouldn’t confine told me, “I just talk

God to a church building – he’s to my non-Christian everywhere so we need to take him friends and family about outside of the church…’ God, I don’t preach in the street”. But not all evangelists are going to

Caitlin is a graduate of Amplify, a be the next Mike Pilavachi! Often it’s year-long mentoring programme for simply about being who you are and young Christians who are already letting God’s light shine through you, passionate about sharing their faith, where you are. Amplify helps them particularly with other young people become comfortable and confident who don’t have church backgrounds, about enabling that to happen. but want to learn how to do that We as mentors share our own more effectively and confidently. experiences, help the students think

bradley shaw

through how they might answer difficult questions about faith, and support them on their journey. I think it’s helped me to be a better evangelist too!’

Amplify students also take part in masterclasses led by renowned evangelists, exploring how to share their faith through sport, drama, music, social media, social action and more. And twice a year there’s a conference for the whole year group to get together, along with all their mentors, for a day of worship and celebration.

Dozens of young Christians have completed Amplify since its inception in 2019, including:

•Josh, who subsequently went on to livestream services to hundreds of people from his church building during lockdown, and set up an

Instagram channel to share his faith with other young people. • Katie, who helped to build up her school Christian Union from 2–3 people to 25 – one of the girls who found faith through the CU now helps Katie run it.

•Alice, who took a non-Christian friend to a Christian conference.

They had lots of discussions about faith along the way and, before they returned home, Alice’s friend decided to follow Jesus.

South East team leader Ben Poch, who is part of the Amplify leadership team, says ‘It’s so exciting to see that, despite the challenges of the pandemic, these young Christians are out there, sharing Jesus in so many ways. God has blessed them with the passion to share the gospel. We just want to help them discover their “sweet spot” in terms of how to go about it. Who knows, in years to come, some of them may become Faith Guides, helping to grow the faith communities of tomorrow!’

Amplify 2022 – open NOW for applications!

If you know young Christians aged between 11 and 17 who might like to be on Amplify 2022, visit www.amplifyacademy.org.uk to find out more – applications close at the end of August.



Please pray for young Christians as they share their faith

Sunday 11

Reflect on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20) – praise God for how he is putting that desire to share their faith into the hearts of young Christians like Caitlin, Josh, Katie and Alice.

Monday 12

Pray for young Christians across the country, that God will give them the wisdom to know when and how to share what Jesus means to them.

Tuesday 13

Ask God to provide all young Christians with wise and spiritually mature mentors, whether through programmes like Amplify or within their own church communities, so they can develop in their faith. Wednesday 14

Reflect on 1 Timothy 4 verse 12 – pray that God will strengthen all young Christians to have courage and confidence to talk about their faith in their everyday lives.

Thursday 15

Please pray for all the young Christians who have already been through the Amplify programme in the last three years that God will open up opportunities for them to serve him using what they have learned. Friday 16

Pray too for God to prompt church youth and children’s leaders across the country to prayerfully consider who they might put forward for the next Amplify course in 2022. Saturday 17

Give thanks to God for all the partners that deliver Amplify – Scripture Union, Youth For Christ, The Message, Pais Movement, Church of England, Alpha, Redeemed Christian Church of God, Advance, Luis Palau, Evangelical Alliance and HOPE Together. Praise him for the different gifts that each organisation is able to offer through its staff and volunteers.


Sunday 18

Pray for the participants in SU Singapore’s Certificate in Practical Children’s Ministry which was conducted via Zoom every Tuesday from February to May. Pray they will have a continuing passion to share the gospel with the next generation.

Monday 19

Mission Enabler Neil Jackson asks us to pray for Faith Guide Chenda Nuttall who is based in Penrith in Cumbria and is running several outreach activities for families in August. Following on from this, families (most of whom are from outside the church) will be invited to join a new fortnightly family event ‘Family Zone’ which will be starting in September.

Tuesday 20

Pray for churches that are using the Wonder Zone holiday club material this summer asking that children will get to hear and understand the good news of Jesus as they explore the wonders of the natural world.

Wednesday 21

Local Mission Partner Brentwood Schools Christian Worker Trust is thankful that they were able to create digital It’s Your Move resources last year and is delighted


to support Year 6 pupils of the Brentwood area with IYM lessons and books again this year. Please pray for these lessons.

Thursday 22

Livewires is a technology holiday for 11- to 14-year-olds, and their online activities start today. Pray for good relationships and an openness to be established so that young people feel confident to explore faith and ask questions.

Friday 23

Pray for Faith Guides as they help facilitate Grow Communities that they will find the right balance of support and nurture while letting the children and young people respond to Jesus in ways that are appropriate for them.

Saturday 24

Pray for Bex Jignasu, Mission Partners Coordinator, as she continues to support our mission partners in the best way for them. Pray especially that she may be able to help them embrace and understand the Revealing Jesus framework, and help them to implement the vision.


Sunday 25

SU in English-speaking Canada has produced one-minute videos providing clear answers to some of children’s biggest questions as a free resource for children’s ministry workers, youth workers and parents. Pray that these will be widely used.

Monday 26

Please pray for the South East team as they look to inspire the local church to reach out to the 95 through equipping, training and supporting Faith Guides. Pray that as they speak at church network groups across the region, churches would be inspired to join in this great adventure.

Tuesday 27

Local Mission Partner Faith in Schools (who work in Newham) ask us to pray that they may revive their relationships with schools and churches (especially those they haven’t been able to work with regularly for the last 15 months) as they plan for the next academic year.

Wednesday 28

Give thanks for the launch of Guardianes de Ancora, the Spanish version of the children’s Bible app, WEEK BEGINNING which is being JULY 25 used across the Spanishspeaking world, including through 11 SU national movements. Pray that the app will be a way to bring God’s light to those who are experiencing difficult and sometimes dangerous times.

Thursday 29

Thank God for the way that Mission Enabler Lisa Jones has been able to facilitate closer relationships between the Minnis Bay Mission and Local Mission Partner ACTS Thanet. Pray that this will lead to ongoing and effective year-round work with children and young people.

Friday 30

Following on from a year of online work, the mission team are back in Minnis Bay this week. Pray for them as connections are re-established and for Avtar Hunter-Singh as he leads the team.

Saturday 31

Join with Local Mission Partner Re:generation (Harrow) in praising God for the many online resource requests they have had from schools for RE lessons and assemblies. Pray that God will open doors in schools across Harrow and that the It’s Your Move sessions this term will have a lasting impact.

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