Connecting You December 2016 - February 2017

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connecting you in prayer and action with Scripture Union

December 2016 – February 2017


Inside this e

How can they hear? Taking the good news beyond the church

A gift of hope A brand new gospel opportunity this Christmas

Then and now Treasures from the archives

Contents 3 4



Welcome from National Director, Tim Hastie-Smith How can they hear unless someone tells them? Thanks to your support, Scripture Union has been helping children and young people to discover Jesus for 150 years! Tim Hastie-Smith shares a bold vision for the movement’s future.


A gift of hope this Christmas This Christmas, with your support, we aim to share the true meaning of the season with thousands of children who are going through difficult times.

Fitting in and finding faith 11 years ago, in North East England, one boy discovered God through an SU community project. It had such a profound impact on him that he’s now a youth mission worker. Then and now We delve into SU’s archive and uncover some gems. Over 150 years, much has changed but the mission remains the same. Take a look at how we connected with children in the past. Fitting in and finding faith



A gift of hope this Christmas

Connecting You is the supporter and prayer magazine of Scripture Union England and Wales produced four times a year, bringing together news, features and comments from key volunteers and staff. We aim to keep you in touch with what God is doing through the work you support. Connecting You magazine is also available online at: connectingyou. If you have a story for Connecting You, or a suggestion on how we could improve our service to you, please contact the editor at the address to the right.

Published by Scripture Union Trinity House, Opal Court, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK15 ODF.

connecting you in prayer and action with Scripture Union

Design and print by Yeomans For general enquiries Tel: 01908 856000 Fax: 01908 856111 © Scripture Union 2016 Registered Charity 213422 Limited Company 39828 Registered in England and Wales


Inside this editio

How can they hear? Taking the good news beyond the church

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December 2016 – February 2017

Contents |

A gift of hope A brand new gospel opportunity this Christmas

Then and now Treasures from the archives

31/10/2016 10:43

Back to the beach!

Welcome to the winter edition of Connecting You ‘How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?’ Romans 10:13,14


have some exciting news with which to launch our 150th anniversary year – we’re going ‘back to the beach’!

In order to look forward, we’ve felt the need to look back to our roots, and to reflect on how Scripture Union began with Josiah Spiers sharing Jesus with children on a beach. He took the good news to where they were. There’s an urgent need for us to do the same. We need to wake up to the fact that most children today know nothing of Jesus – church just isn’t part of their culture. We’ve got to take the good news of Jesus to where the children are (although these days ‘the beach’ may be a smartphone or a recreation ground). We lay out this vision in more detail on pages 4–6 and you can see first-hand the effect that this vital work had on one unchurched child from Newcastle (pages 16–18).

Tim Hastie-Smith

people who are part of a church – that will always be part of our DNA. But we feel bound to urgently prioritise reaching the 95% that have no church connection at all. For how can they hear without someone preaching to them? It’s the space in which Scripture Union operates – and it’s more vital now than ever before in our history. Yours in his service

Tim Hastie-Smith National Director, Scripture Union England and Wales

We’ve moved!

We’re also really excited to let you know how we plan to share the real meaning of Christmas with 25,000 disadvantaged children in a new way this year (see pages 10–12). Many of our connection points may have changed since 1867 (what would Josiah Spiers have made of a smartphone app?) but the mission is the same: To give children and young people the opportunity to discover Jesus. We will still offer support to nurture the faith of the 5% of children and young

This exciting time for SU has also seen a more practical change. In October we said goodbye to our long-standing national office, Queensway House in Bletchley, and took up residency in a new office building, Trinity House in Milton Keynes. See page 2 for our new address.

Back to the Beach! |


How can they hear unless someone tells them? Thanks to your support, Scripture Union has been helping children and young people to discover Jesus for 150 years! Tim Hastie-Smith reflects and shares a bold vision for the movement’s future.


e have much to celebrate and praise God for over 150 years! He’s enabled us to help so many children and young people to get to know Jesus and develop an enduring faith in him. And we have many people to thank too – in particular all those volunteers who have given freely of their time and skills to help children and young people on their journey of faith. Throughout 2017, we’ll be hosting events where our staff and supporters


can come together to celebrate and praise God for his goodness and faithfulness to us. Our Jubilee also presents an opportunity for reflection. Since the SU movement began in 1867, there have been many changes in our culture, our communications and our communities. One key change is the decline of church membership (currently 1% a year1). Even a generation ago, most children and young

How can they hear unless someone tells them? |

people had some connection to a church but that is no longer the case. And today, 95% of children in England and Wales (that’s over 9 million children) don’t attend church regularly2. Many children and young people don’t even know the basics about Christianity – one in three British children aged 8 to 15 (35%) don’t know why we celebrate Good Friday, while for Easter Sunday it’s a similarly high one in four (24%).3

They simply don’t know about him. They are curious about spirituality, open to discussions about faith, show a natural inclination to talk to God in prayer and genuinely expect him to answer4.

Focusing our efforts

The bigger challenge is getting their focus onto the deeper questions of life when so often their minds are stuck in the shallows of a virtual world. How do we make them ‘see’ and ‘hear’ above the noise of social media, computer games and texting?

We shouldn’t assume that because children and young people don’t know about Christianity that they are anti-God.

When Jesus shared God’s message, he got out of the temple and into the street. He drew crowds by telling stories, a common form of entertainment in those days. He used imagery they were familiar with – shepherds, farmers, landowners, widows. But his stories always had a twist in the tail, designed to provoke a response from those who had ‘ears to hear’. With those people,

Sharing the good news of Jesus with children and young people who aren’t part of a church has always been part of Scripture Union’s mission. But we feel that it’s an area on which God now wants us to focus our efforts.

? ?

UK Church Statistics 2010-2020 Based on church attendance stats from UK Church Statistics 2005-2015 edited by Peter Brierley, ADBC; and national and local government Census stats 2012. 3 YouGov Plc and the Bible Society, 2014 4 Scripture Union research on faith formation, 2015 1 2

How can they hear unless someone tells them? |



he then built a relationship and walked with them to help their faith to develop. And we must go to where children and young people are. We must strive to understand their culture and present the gospel to them so they are challenged and surprised. And we need to build real relationships with them. To do so we must once again become ‘creative pioneers’.

with those who don’t have any church connections. It’s something many of us feel called to do, but how do we connect? Of course, we already have some great pioneering initiatives running (like Guardians of Ancora) and thanks to your faithful support, our team of expert children’s and youth workers has recently grown. But we don’t have all the answers. Far from it!

? ?

Sharing the good news… but how?

In our Jubilee year, as well as taking the time to celebrate all God has done through the movement over the past 150 years, we’re also going to use the opportunity to explore what sharing the good news really looks like

As we write, we’re excited by plans to draw together those who share this passion and to work with them to find and test new ways to connect with this missing generation. We’ll have more news on how you can get involved (practically or through financial support) very soon but, for now, please do pray. God is leading us out beyond the walls of our churches, to introduce a new generation to the Saviour that they don’t yet know. We hope you’ll join us on this exciting new journey!

“We must go to where children and young people are. We must strive to understand their culture and present the gospel to them so they are challenged and surprised. “

Please pray for Scripture Union staff and volunteers as we approach this exciting Jubilee Year. 6

How can they hear unless someone tells them? |



Prayers: Week beginning November 27 Sunday 27

Thank God for inspiring Josiah Spiers and other men and women to found CSSM so that children and young people from all walks of life could hear the good news of Jesus and develop a personal relationship with him.

Monday 28

Give thanks to God for all those who have volunteered with Scripture Union down the decades, for their faithful service and witness to children and young people.

Tuesday 29

Give thanks to God for all the children and young people who have come to know him through Scripture Union. Pray that many more will discover the difference faith can make to the challenges and adventures of life.

Wednesday 30

Give thanks to God for his faithful financial provision through our supporters, which has enabled so many children and young people to come to faith in him through the SU movement since it began.

Thursday 1

Advent, a time for preparing: Ask God to prepare the hearts of many more children and young people to hear and receive the good news of Jesus in the coming year.

Friday 2

Ask the Lord to guide, inspire, bless and protect our staff team, local mission partners and volunteers as they prepare to take the good news of Jesus out to children and young people beyond the fringes of the church.

Saturday 3

‘How can they hear without someone telling them?’ Please pray that many more Christians, including children and young people, will be inspired to share their faith with their friends this Christmas and in the year ahead.

How can they hear unless someone tells them? |


Prayers – week beginning December 4 Sunday 4

Wednesday 7

The Directors of SU movements in the Former Soviet Republics meet this week for training in strategic areas including sustainability. Pray for the trainers, that they will be able to provide relevant and practical training, enabling these movements to serve God more effectively.

SU’s national office has relocated to Trinity House in the north of Milton Keynes; pray for all staff as they adjust to a new working environment.

Monday 5 This month, Local Mission Partner Bridgebuilder will present Christmas Cracked in approximately twenty-five Milton Keynes schools. Twenty-three churches will be involved, working in schools in their localities. Pray for the church teams who deliver the project and the children who experience it.

Thursday 8 Pray for all the Local Mission Partners and volunteers as they give Christmas presentations in local schools. Karen Relton (affiliate worker in Ely) will be in schools making Christingles and sharing the story of Jesus.

Friday 9 Today staff and volunteers in the North West Region meet to give thanks for the past year and plan and pray for 2017. Pray that God will encourage them as they look back and inspire them as they look forward.

Tuesday 6 Many churches will be holding nativity events, Christingles, carol services and family events to help people hear the gospel. Pray that SU may produce appropriate resources and inspire outreach to children and young people. Pray especially for two new booklets to explain the meaning of Christmas to children, The Best Present Ever (5–8s) and The Greatest Gift of all Time (8–11s). 8

Saturday 10 ‘Star at the Stable’ will be taking place in Caerphilly today following earlier events in Ystrad Mynach, Pwllheli and Risca. This outreach activity enables members of the public to have their photo taken in a stable scene and learn something of the Christmas story and its significance. Pray that people will be encouraged to think about Jesus.

Prayers – week beginning December 4 |

Prayers – week beginning December 11 Sunday 11

Wednesday 14

On 5 September Sophie Doyle started as Development Worker in the South West. Following the initial period of factfinding, induction and networking she is excited to see things developing. Pray that her passion to see children and young people encounter God, and to develop SU sports ministry in the region, will bear fruit.

Pray for Local Mission Partner Christians in Stockport as they run a Christmas project in a special school today. Pray for them too as they run a Christmas project alongside In Yer Face Theatre Company in a local Academy on 20 December.

Monday 12 This Christmas we are distributing copies of Bauble Books to food banks, children’s hospitals and children of prisoners. Please pray that these books, with their simple Christmas message, will be well received in homes where little is known of Jesus.

Thursday 15 Matt Godfrey who has visited South Africa as part of a team from the South West is planning to go to South Africa to help develop young leaders. Pray that the necessary funds and permissions will be available and that he will be able to start his new role early in the new year.

Friday 16 Pray for Local Mission Partner Oasis Trust as they prepare to lead a Christmas service with a local secondary school in Haydock next Wednesday. Pray that hearts and minds will be opened to the love of Jesus.

Saturday 17

Tuesday 13 SU in Pakistan ask us to pray for the Christmas rallies for children and youth being conducted in December in Lahore, Rawalpindi and Peshawar. Pray that many will discover the love of Jesus.

Today sees the fourth Byker Nativity organised by David Johnson of Local Mission Partner MINE. Participants will visit art installations telling the story and will be offered the chance to reflect on what the birth of Jesus means today. Please pray for good weather, a great turnout and clarity for all those leading reflections.

Prayers – week beginning December 11 |


A gift of hope this Christmas

This Christmas, with your support, we aim to share the true meaning of the season with thousands of children who are going through difficult times.


stonishingly, a quarter of British children say that they have never seen, heard or read the story of the nativity. (‘Pass it On’, Bible Society, 2014). That may be a reflection of how many children have no links to a church, and attend a school that does not stage a nativity play or share the Christmas story. Yet there is also a great opportunity here, because the same report says that over a third of children would like to hear more Bible stories. And the nativity story still tops the poll as the favourite of the nation’s children. Every year, through our regional teams and local mission partners, we aim to share the Christmas story with tens of thousands of children across England and Wales. This year our Christmas campaign brings a new opportunity to help children hear the real meaning of Christmas.


So with your help and support, this Christmas Scripture Union hopes to share the nativity story with over 25,000 children, many of whom will never have heard it before. We’ve produced a set of beautifully designed Christmas Bauble Books, telling the Nativity story from the perspective of different characters. Not only are they a great read, but they double up as a decoration that can be hung on the Christmas tree! As we did with the Christmas Bible Comics in previous years, we’ll be distributing these little ‘gifts of hope’ in partnership with Trussell Trust’s network of local food banks through their Christmas food hampers. In addition, this year we’ve also partnered with Prison Fellowship whose Angel Tree Project supports children with one parent

A gift of hope this Christmas |

in prison. At Christmas, Angel Tree Project provides gifts and a letter from that parent to their child. So this year, with the parent’s permission, each child in the scheme will also receive a copy of a Christmas Bauble Book too. And, in conjunction with children’s hospital chaplains, children who are hospitalised this Christmas will also be able to read the nativity story for themselves. Copies of the Christmas Bauble Books will be put out in waiting rooms, hung on Christmas trees and offered to children at St Barnabas House hospice in Worthing, and on the wards of Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Evelina London Children’s Hospital, King’s College Hospital Trust in London, and University Hospital Coventry & Warwick.

Sue Taylor is the Children’s Hospital Chaplain at Evelina London Children’s Hospital. It’s the second largest children’s hospital in London and part of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Sue Taylor hospitals. She says, ‘The children treated by the hospital range in age from newborns right up to 17 years old. They come in for a wide range of reasons – they might have an injury, need neonatal care or an operation, be critically ill, or have a rare inherited degenerative disease. Whilst many come from London, because of the specialist care offered by Evelina’s we also get children from other parts of the country.

This year, we have the opportunity to share the real Christmas story with thousands of children who are facing tough circumstances; through local food banks, children’s hospitals and the Prison Fellowship

A gift of hope this Christmas |


‘It’s hard on them and on their families to have to be in hospital over Christmas. Often the families of non-local children will stay at the hospital or perhaps in Ronald McDonald house, but we try to make their stay as comfortable as possible and give them opportunities to share in the hope of Christmas. We have a carol service in December which is open to all, and we’ll be offering the Christmas Bauble Books to children then. We also visit all the wards and will offer the books to children and families there, along with prayer cards and Christmas cards. We are mindful that

we need to respect people’s personal beliefs as those who come to the hospital for treatment are from a wide range of backgrounds. But we believe many will be interested in receiving something that is a little gift for their child, particularly Just given their circumstances and the time could help us of year.’ sh


are the joy and w onder of the Christm as story with ten children.

If you haven’t yet donated to the Christmas appeal, it’s not too late. Help to get the real message of Christmas into the hands of children by donating online at, or by calling us on 01908 856000. 12

A gift of hope this Christmas |

Prayers: Week beginning December 18 Sunday 18

Praise God for the doors that he is opening, enabling us to share the real meaning of Christmas with more children.

Monday 19

Please pray for all the children that are in hospital, have a parent in prison, or whose families are struggling to feed them, that they will be blessed by the initiatives of Scripture Union, Trussell Trust, Prison Fellowship and children’s hospitals.

Tuesday 20

Give thanks to God for the chaplains in children’s hospitals across the country and pray that he will give them many opportunities this Christmas to share the good news of Jesus with sick or injured children and their families.

Wednesday 21

Please pray that God will speak to the hearts of children and families that don’t know him, and encourage them to seek the true meaning of Christmas this year.

Thursday 22

Give thanks to God for the faithfulness of Scripture Union supporters, whose gifts this Christmas are enabling many more children to hear about Jesus through the Christmas Bauble Book initiative.

Friday 23

Please pray that God will open our eyes to many more opportunities to partner with other organisations, so that next year we can share the real meaning of Christmas with even more children and young people.

Saturday 24

It’s Christmas Eve! Please pray that the story of Jesus’ birth touches the hearts of all the children who hear it, especially those who have not heard it before, and for God to present opportunities for them to come to faith.

A gift of hope this Christmas |


Prayers – week beginning December 25 Sunday 25

Wednesday 28

As we celebrate the birth of the Saviour and rejoice in all that God has done in Jesus, let’s pray for the many children and young people around the world who know nothing of his love.

Genesis is a new holiday for 13- to 17-year-olds which runs over New Year starting on Friday. Pray for leaders Dan and Christy Wheatley and for their team, asking that they will build good relationships with the young people and that the young people will discover more about God’s love in Jesus.

Monday 26 In previous issues we prayed for Guardians Clubs in the North West. Last term Rob Steward led one in Fleetwood which was a great success with children returning each week enthused by the stories of Jesus. Pray that many more churches will catch the vision and use these clubs in their own local schools.

Tuesday 27 Last summer hundreds of children and young people went on national and regional Scripture Union holidays. Pray that they will continue to remember the experience they had and the things they discovered and that they may grow in relationship with Jesus.


Thursday 29 As guest bookings for our holidays open, pray that many young people will join in the events, particularly those who don’t regularly attend church.

Friday 30 Pray for the Breakthrough holiday which starts today and runs until Monday. In previous years, this annual holiday run by the North East Region has brought many closer to Jesus. Pray that the young people will encounter God in a new way through the discussions, worship, teaching and activities.

Saturday 31 Pray for successful visa applications for those attending the 2017 Global Children’s Forum Leadership Experience Residential Course in South Africa, and for the participants as they begin their Community Research Assignments. Pray that funds will be available to enable all to attend.

Prayers – week beginning December 25 |

Prayers – week beginning January 1 Sunday 1 Looking back at 2016, we thank God for his provision. Please pray that as we enter this Jubilee year we may celebrate God’s love and faithful ministry through SU, humbly and gratefully, and see his ongoing provision and blessing as we tell children and young people about Jesus.

Monday 2

Thursday 5

Tim Hastie-Smith is planning to visit the Far East this month to promote Guardians of Ancora. Pray for good discussions, widespread interest and that funds will be forthcoming for a Cantonese version.

Pray for the planning team meeting today to continue working on the ‘How Will They Hear?’ conference for March, an opportunity for the SU community to gather together for a time of celebration, inspiration and equipping.

Tuesday 3 SU Canada is successfully leading many children to faith in Christ, but there are significant challenges in discipling them. Please pray for them as they develop a robust discipleship strategy to connect unchurched children and families with local churches.

Wednesday 4 For five years an annual prayer week has run in Folkestone Primary Academy and each time over 400 children have attended. The event planned for October had to be postponed due to injury but it is hoped it will run this month instead. Pray for healing for Marjory and Phoebe and that the event will again provide an opportunity for many children to discover something of God.

Friday 6 This month Esther Stansfield will be running training sessions for the South West Youth Ministries Academy students on a range of issues including culture, mission, and churches engaging with their communities in a multi-faith context. Pray that these sessions will equip them for their ministry.

Saturday 7 Volunteer Tracey Owen has a pioneering role as Playground Pastor in Barnstaple. She writes, ‘I’ve had the pleasure of forming friendships with the children … finding out about their everyday lives and encouraging them.’ Pray that she will show Christ’s love to children from many backgrounds.

Prayers – week beginning January 1 |


Fitting in and finding faith

Introducing children with no church background to God is not a new concept for SU; 11 years ago, in North East England, one boy discovered God through an SU community project. It had such a profound impact on him that he’s now a youth mission worker.


alcolm grew up in Longbenton, a sprawling North Tyneside council estate built in the 1950s and 1960s. He went to the local Catholic comprehensive school but any teaching simply passed him by. He says, ‘There were no Christian assemblies or Christian union that I recall. We had Religious Education lessons as all schools do, but they were pretty boring and enough to put you off religion for life! My parents weren’t Christian and I wasn’t christened as a baby. I never really thought about God or spirituality at all – it just didn’t cross my mind.’ But that was to change when Malcolm turned 11. He says, ‘I was very shy at school, and so I spent a lot of my time on my own really. And there’s not a lot to do in Longbenton – there weren’t too many places for kids to go, so I used to hang out


at the local library and use the computers. Anyway, one morning I’d been in the library and I was walking home when I passed a place offering breakfast and tea and coffee. I fancied something to drink so I popped in. It seemed really nice in there – people were friendly and talked to me, which I wasn’t really used to.’ The initiative had been set up by Scripture Union and was being run by volunteers from local churches. They ran a breakfast club for children of Malcolm’s sort of age, and so he started going along regularly. He got to know a few of the volunteers and in particular a lady called Jen. That summer, Jen invited him along to the SU Community Mission Week in Longbenton. ‘I had a great time,’ Malcolm recalls. ‘It was loads of fun! There were all sorts of different activities – sports, crafts, music, challenges and games.

Fitting in and finding faith |

And in amongst the activities there were some talks about Jesus, and Bible stories and prayers and such. ‘For the first time that I could remember, I felt one of the crowd and like I belonged – rather than being the odd one out which was what I was used to. And I started to become a bit more confident. I changed from being an unhappy, moody kid into being much more cheerful and outgoing. I found I rather liked the fact that we could talk about God quite openly – we never did that at home or at school. I started going to the local church, and I got baptised when I turned 16.’ Unfortunately, Malcolm’s mum had developed mobility issues. The Council moved her to a ground floor flat – but it was several miles south of Longbenton and east of Newcastle city centre, in Walker. Whilst he was living there, Malcolm didn’t go to any of the local churches as he didn’t know anyone, but he did go back to Longbenton each summer as a volunteer helper on the Community Mission Week. But last year when he turned 21, he moved into a place of his own in Byker, further west of Walker. There he joined a local church which led to him signing up to a year’s youth work internship with an SU local mission partner, MINE (Mission Inspired Newcastle East) that launched a weekly youth club in 2012. Byker has one of the highest levels of child poverty and deprivation in Newcastle, and there is little for young people to do or to look forward to. The club has proved popular and now attracts around forty children and young people, most of whom don’t have

‘For the first time that I could remember, I felt one of the crowd and like I belonged – rather than being the odd one out which was what I was used to.’ a church background. Malcolm is in his element. He says, ‘I’ve discovered that God is using my experiences as a child who “didn’t fit in” to spot kids who have the same problems I had. So I do my best to make them feel included and valued, in the same way that I felt included and valued when I was at the Longbenton Community Mission Week when I was younger. It made all the difference to me and I hope it makes all the difference to them.’

Fitting in and finding faith |


Help others find faith Your support allows Scripture Union to find and develop new ways to share the good news with young people like Malcolm. If you’re able to make a gift to ensure this vital work continues, please visit


Fitting in and finding faith |

Prayers – week beginning January 8 Sunday 8

Thursday 12

Today, pray for Bob Milton who is a Local Mission Partner worker in Widnes. Through using sport to engage the children, he has seen many more starting to attend the evening services at a local church. Pray for him today as he again leads a session with these children as part of the service.

Pray for holiday leaders as they prepare for the summer holidays. Pray for wisdom and creative ideas for communicating the truth of the gospel in ways that really engage the children and young people on their events.

Monday 9

In Scotland many Christian teenagers don’t attend SU groups in their schools, and keep their faith in Jesus hidden for fear of ridicule. Pray for an increase in pupil leadership of SU groups in high schools and for growing numbers attending such groups.

Please join in prayer with the North West team as they meet today to pray for all the work in the Greater Manchester area. Pray for Lucy Pearson, the new Scripture Union Development Worker for this area, as she settles in and makes new contacts.

Friday 13

Tuesday 10

Saturday 14

Today the Central Region hold a retreat day for all Local Mission Partners, affiliates and volunteers, while the North West team will be exploring new mission initiatives in the Blackpool area with BYSW (a Local Mission Partner) and the X:site Wyre team. Pray for God’s leading in these meetings.

Please pray for Ian Gooding, Technical Services Manager, who manages health and safety matters both for staff and for volunteerled events. Pray especially for an effective relationship with the health and safety leaders on each event as we review 2016 and look for the correct balance between practicality and the reduction of risks for 2017.

Wednesday 11 Pray that at today’s meeting to review the Shine in Schools initiative which took place last November, God will show a clear way forward for the future.

Prayers – week beginning January 8 |


Prayers – week beginning January 15 Sunday 15

Wednesday 18

Scripture Union in Kenya ask us to pray that God will provide resources to enable effective programmes in line with the Strategic Plan. Please also pray for open doors and new markets for dated materials and other resources.

During the winter months the detached street work programme in Byker takes on a new flavour. There are fewer young people yet they are the very ones who most need the hot chocolate, friendship and good news the team bring. Pray that the team will show unfailing, gracious love and make significant connections.

Monday 16 Local Mission Partner GenR8 will be leading Inspire prayer space days at Wyton On The Hill Primary today, Great Paxton Primary on January 24, Babraham Primary on February 7 and Milton Primary February 20–22. Pray that children will understand how they can meet with God for themselves.

Thursday 19 The North East Region have a history of running regional holidays and community missions; pray for God’s leading as they seek to develop this programme in a variety of ways and for his provision of local people to catch the vision and join teams.

Friday 20

Tuesday 17 Pray for the effective ministry of several publications issued today. 40 Days: Mark helps the reader make space for God amidst the busyness and to rediscover all that Jesus offers. Two Easter booklets explaining the meaning of Easter in a simple way are designed to be given away to children who attend Easter events. 20

Cynllun Efe, Local Mission Partner, request prayer for fresh vision, new ideas and more team members for their regular youth groups in Llanberis and Llanrug. They also want to refresh Moli, the local monthly outreach service, aiming to engage with more people; pray for wisdom and direction.

Saturday 21 Pray for HR Officer Adelaide Nketsia as she manages our recruitment processes and provides support on a range of HR matters to the Movement.

Prayers – week beginning January 15 |

Prayers – week beginning January 22 Sunday 22

Thursday 26

Join Scripture Union Chile in thanking God that, despite the economic problems, many adolescents continue serving children and parents in Santiago and Concepcion.

Pray for X:site Bath which takes place tomorrow evening. This high-energy celebration draws in children aged 7–11 from local churches and involves games, live music, videos, creative prayer, crafts, drama and Bible stories. Pray that the children will have such a good time hearing about Jesus that they will invite their friends to come.

Monday 23 Pray for Dave Parsons, Alicia Wallace and Maureen Okwara in the finance team as they process financial data and provide key information to enable good stewardship of resources across the Movement. In particular, pray for the budgeting for the 2017–18 financial year.

Tuesday 24 Pray for mission and holiday leaders as they build their teams for the summer. Pray that the right people will come forward and that each event will have enough team members to run their events smoothly and efficiently.

Wednesday 25 We are currently raising funds to enable the production of the Welsh language version of Guardians of Ancora, Arwyr Ancora, which we hope to launch this summer. The team in Wales are really keen to see this happen but a lot of support is needed. Pray that God will provide.

Friday 27 The southern Event Leaders Conference takes place this evening and tomorrow. These are opportunities for leaders of holidays and missions to share vision, improve skills and pray together. Pray that they will go away with fresh enthusiasm, renewed vision and some new ideas.

Saturday 28 Carlisle X:site, which takes place tonight, ask for prayer for the team and the existing and new children. Pray that they will begin the new year with a sense of excitement about meeting with God and that this evening will be a significant one for many of them.

Prayers – week beginning January 22 |


Then and now

As we approach our 150th anniversary, we’ve been delving into the Scripture Union archives, and we’ve found some real treasures. Over the years, our way of connecting with children has taken many different forms in our effort to remain relevant and up-to-date, but the vision to share the good news with the next generation has remained a constant. We thought it would be fun to share some of the treasures we’ve unearthed from way back when and to compare them to some current SU initiatives.

Some things never change


Beach missions have been a staple of SU’s ministry since Josiah Spiers ran the first (and impromptu) mission in Llandudno in 1868. They remain a brilliant way to share the good news with those unconnected with the church!

1960’s 2016


Then and now |

From video to video games Today, Guardians of Ancora does a great job of using cuttingedge technology to bring Bible stories to life for children, but back in the 80s, VHS videos were the technology of choice for wowing children. SU’s first steps into VHS were brave and pioneering ones. An early press release we unearthed from the early 1980s suggested, once again we were ahead of the curve in our technology ventures – something we’d go on to repeat with WordLive, LightLive and Guardians of Ancora.

Look out for more ‘Then and now ’ treasures nex t edition.

Evangelistic booklets This year, we’ve produced a brand-new range of evangelistic booklets to help children explore the Christian faith (see back cover for our latest Christmas offerings), but this, of course, is not a new idea!



Take a look at some of these little booklets we’ve found from the 60s. They say history repeats itself – this style of artwork is almost back in fashion today! Then and now |


Prayers – week beginning January 29 Sunday 29

Wednesday 1

The ‘Transforming Our Thinking’ training day in the North East will be taking place on March 4. Please pray for those working on this event that God will guide them as they finalise the details for the day.

Today there is a meeting to explore how we can grow and develop our team of volunteers in the North West. Pray for the schools volunteer team as it supports churches running projects in local schools around Liverpool. They are committed, enthusiastic and passionate about children hearing the gospel.

Monday 30 A vision is developing for a County Durham sports-based outreach event which will hopefully be run as a partnership between SU, the Diocese of Durham, the Methodist District and others. Pray that plans will take shape enabling it to take place later this year.

Thursday 2 Tim Hastie-Smith will be visiting Jamaica this month in response to an invitation to help SU find ways of re-establishing a ministry in schools. There is vision for this; pray that practical ways may be found and that a clear plan may emerge.

Friday 3 The Hand in Hand Conference takes place this weekend. The SU team have an exhibition stand and run seminars. This year the conference is focused around building lifelong faith for children and young people. Please pray that God will be inspiring the delegates as they take time out to be equipped for the work in which he has called them.


Tuesday 31

Saturday 4

Thank God for the many people who are helped to meet with God every day by SU Bible reading material. Pray for a renewed enthusiasm for personal Bible reading in the church.

A new website has been launched by SU Finland: please pray that this will serve well those who are interested in reading the Bible. Also pray for the health of their staff during the long, dark Finnish winter.

Prayers – week beginning January 29 |

Prayers – week beginning February 5 Sunday 5

Wednesday 8

In South Korea teams have been restructured based on the targets for ministry. Please pray that each team will be equipped with the necessary knowledge, information and ideas to work carefully, professionally and effectively.

The North East and Yorkshire Region covers an area with a rich Christian heritage but which today has one of the lowest rates of church attendance in the country. Pray for the team as they look for ways of making Jesus known in this context.

Thursday 9

Monday 6 Helen Franklin tells of one five-year-old telling another in great detail about her favourite book, Jonah. Thank God for the delight of one child helping another to know more of God, and pray that more people of all ages may find this simple delight in God’s Word.

Tuesday 7 In Wales, Local Mission Partner Trobwynt are planning a number of new initiatives: a new Open the Book team and a new kids’ club, both in partnership with local churches, and regular assemblies in Glan y Mor high school. Pray that these plans will come to fruition and that many children and young people will hear about Jesus as a result.

Thank you for your prayers

The Northern Training Conference and Event Leaders training weekend takes place this coming weekend. Pray that as leaders share together, and attend a range of workshops, they will be equipped and envisioned for the work that God has called them to this year.

Friday 10 This weekend Local Mission Partner GenR8 are running a residential weekend for children aged 8–11. Pray that the children will enjoy the fun and activity, but above all they will encounter Jesus in new ways.

Saturday 11 Please pray for the Publishing Team as new systems are introduced to enable greater efficiencies and cost-savings. Pray that the administration team will adapt well to these changes, enabling effective support to those creating more books for children and young people every year.

Prayers – week beginning February 5 |


Prayers – week beginning February 12 Sunday 12

Thursday 16

Please pray for camps for children in foster care run by SU Western Australia; for more volunteers skilled in working with children from these backgrounds and for specific programmes for young people in foster care.

Some X:site events in the North East have closed in the past year, one has relaunched, another is going through a time of re-envisioning, and discussions are ongoing about a new event. Pray for stability, growth and fresh vision.

Monday 13 Please pray for Ian Gooding who, as the Technical Services Manager, oversees our IT systems, and for external suppliers who provide support. We increasingly rely on having a number of complex systems available at all times, so ask God for wisdom in making our IT resilient, cost-effective and fit for the varied tasks we undertake.

Tuesday 14 EPIC is a termly event for 7- to 11-yearolds. Please pray for the team who plan and run this fun and creative event, that relationships between the churches in the East Devon/West Dorset area would continue to deepen, and that it would be a place for children to have a personal encounter with Jesus.

Wednesday 15 Local Mission Partner GenR8 will be taking an Easter tour to over 120 schools on the theme of New Starts. Pray for them as they prepare for this and for all others who will be using the Easter period to make Jesus known in schools. 26

Friday 17 Last summer Local Mission Partner, Missional Generation, working along the M62 corridor, saw 34 people commit to Christ. Pray that they will continue to grow and that many more will respond at the Faith in Life Mission in Bradford and Leeds in April.

Saturday 18 The Gower Trust, a Local Mission Partner, are re-launching with a ‘mission through sport’ focus. Pray for them as they plan and raise funds with the aim of appointing a new worker this year, that God will provide.

Prayers – week beginning February 12 |

Prayers – week beginning February 19 Sunday 19

Wednesday 22

Pray for groups using Light today in whatever form, that they will get to know Jesus better. Pray for the editorial staff as they plan for the future.

Pray for Chris Nuttall and the missionenabling team. They provide the key support functions for the work that SU is undertaking including, finance, IT, HR and ministry support; pray for the challenges of developing these functions to meet the evolving needs of the Movement.

Monday 20 This week sees the publication of several new resources. Pray today for a new book in the popular Explore Together series which is designed to help people of all ages learn together in many different contexts and in a variety of ways. Pray too for a new Easter resource book providing creative ideas for celebrating Easter in an all-age context.

Tuesday 21 Pray today for three new books based on the Bible friends characters from the Big Bible Story Book. The Big Bible Activity Book uses lots of different activities to give children a way into the greatest story of all time, while Big Bible Prayer Book and Big Bible Chalkboard Prayer Book offer creative ways for children to pray.

Thursday 23 Please pray for the creation of a new SU publishing house called Pretext in French-Speaking Switzerland. It is hoped that this will enable six books being published to be made available in nonChristian bookshops.

Friday 24 Pray for Graham Bell, Tracey Bell, Dan Baldwin, Andy Evans, Grace Inwood, Michelle Johnson and Jill Taylor in the ministry support team as they process donations, website orders, volunteer and DBS applications and a variety of email and phone messages.

Saturday 25 Pray for Easter holidays: Kestrels, GW Tracks and Bridleways. Thank God for all they have planned and pray that all the preparations will come together in time for the events and that they will make an impact on the young people who attend. Prayers – week beginning February 19 |




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