Connecting You – Summer 2017

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Summer 2017


The 95 Campaign launches ‘Can I go to church’? A royal visit Holidays and missions prayer planner

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Contents 3



The 95 Campaign launches


‘Can I go to church? I want to know more!’


A royal stamp of approval

from National Director, Tim Hastie-Smith

If an estimated 95% of children and young people aren’t in church, we must take the good news out to them. Will you join the campaign to share the good news beyond the church?

SU runs after-school clubs that help children with no church background to discover Jesus. When Colin Meadows’ 8 yearold daughter Jasmine went to one such club, little did he know that it would be the start of his own journey to faith.

We had the privilege of welcoming His Royal Highness Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, to officially open our new national office, Trinity House, in Milton Keynes.

Centre-pages: A summer of mission

Your at-a-glance guide to all of this summer’s holiday and missions. Join us in prayer for these wonderful gospel-sharing opportunities.

you have a story for Connecting You, or a suggestion on how we could improve our service to you, please contact the editor:


Connecting You is Scripture Union’s supporter and prayer magazine, keeping you up-to-date with what God is doing through the work you support.

For general enquiries Tel: 01908 856000 Fax: 01908 856111 Email:

Connecting You magazine is also available online at: If

Published by Scripture Union, Trinity House, Opal Court, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK15 ODF © Scripture Union 2017 Registered Charity 213422 Limited Company 39828 Registered in England and Wales

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08/05/2017 17:18

Taking the Light back out into the World Welcome to the summer edition of Connecting You You may have noticed things look a bit different. We felt the time was right for a bit of a refresh for Connecting You and Scripture Union as whole – to keep us looking modern, contemporary and, above all, relevant.

Our history and heritage will always be a vitally important part of who we are, so what you’ll see isn’t a radical departure, just a bit of a refresh. Our new logo, for instance, is a contemporary reimagining of our historic ‘lamp on a stand’ symbol but also could be seen to include a smile or perhaps even a child with arms raised in exuberant joy! In our 150th year, as we reassert our focus on sharing the good news with the next generation, we want to emanate joy through all we do – the joy of knowing Jesus and the joy of making him known, too!

More than a lick of paint

It’s not just our visual identity that needs to be relevant and contemporary, though. We must find ways of connecting with today’s children. Jesus went to

where the people were. He shared a meal, a miracle and a message with a lakeside crowd. He healed a blind man by a city centre pool and preached a sermon on a mountainside. He lived, worked and died in the public eye. SU’s founder, Josiah Spiers, also held meetings in public spaces. And, if we want to share the gospel with the 95% of children not in church, that’s the space we must be in too. That’s why we’ve launched The 95 Campaign. Take a look at page 4 to find out how you can join our campaign and help make a big difference to mission work with children outside of church. Together, let’s take the Light back out into the world. Yours in his service

Tim Hastie-Smith National Director PS Our 150th anniversary events include the Global Prayer Day (2nd June) and our Jubilee Fun Day (9th September). See pages 20 and 21.

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The 95 Campaign launches If an estimated 95% of children and young people aren’t in church, we must take the good news out to them. The 95 campaign aims to take that message and to make it heard. Will you join the campaign to share the good news beyond the church?


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Last edition, we shared with you our heart for reaching those who don’t yet know Jesus, and we’d like to thank everyone who prayed or gave financially to support our fledgling plans to reach the 95. This edition, we’re pleased to announce that we’ve officially launched The 95 Campaign which aims to elevate the cause and encourage even more people to get involved.

What is The 95 campaign?

The campaign aims to bring together all those with a heart for the 95% of children not in church so that, together, we can fly the flag for the vital task of sharing the gospel where children are. Whether or not you’re personally involved in children’s and youth work, if you long for the next generation to encounter the gospel, and you want to see this sort of mission work go from strength to strength, then sign up today (see below).

Why is it so important?

SU worker, Sarah Smart, who knew nothing of Jesus as a child, explains how The 95 Campaign echoes Sarah many elements that Smart were vital in her own journey to faith. And we tell you how you can get involved. Sarah says, ‘Jesus spoke of the good news as a treasure that a man gave up everything else to own. But I grew up in a home where God simply wasn’t part of the conversation. I didn’t know that the treasure existed, let alone that it was priceless in value.

‘Wouldn’t it be amazing to see a nation where every child knows who Jesus is and all about his message of hope? I think The 95 Campaign could help make that a reality!’ ‘My journey to faith took time. I didn’t just hear the gospel and go, “Oh that’s great, I’m in and I’m going to be a mission worker!” There were lots of different touchpoints along the way. And I’m excited that The 95 Campaign will create a wide variety of opportunities for children outside the church to hear about Jesus. I was 14 when my faith journey started. My best friend pestered me to go to her church youth group until I gave in and went! I had a lot in common with the other teenagers in the group, except they had this vibrant, inspiring faith. I wanted some of what they had. So I started going along regularly. ‘The 95 Campaign is also pioneering new forms of mission. The year after I joined the youth group, we joined with hundreds of other teenagers on an SU Mission in our home town of Deal. Joy, our youth group leader, ran a session one evening on Psalm 139 – it gave me a different perspective on life, and suddenly all the pieces fell into place. Afterwards, I asked Jesus to be Lord of my life. ‘Now I’m an SU mission worker and I work closely with churches. Often they struggle to share the gospel

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with children that are outside of the church altogether. So I’m delighted that a key part of The 95 Campaign is to research what really works with those children, develop appropriate new mission tools in conjunction with churches, and then share them far and wide. ‘Wouldn’t it be amazing to see a nation where every child knows who Jesus is and all about his message of hope? I think The 95 Campaign could help make that a reality!’

Early signs of success

We’re already hearing some exciting stories of the impact that pioneering outreach work can have. Take a

look at page 10 for an inspiring story from an after-school club and next edition you’ll be able to read about the success of pop-up Lifepath events. Imagine what else could be achieved through The 95 Campaign!

join the 95 Campaign to find out more or, to sign up, go to

Help us develop the mission tools of the future. If you’re involved with children’s or youth work, please take our survey at (or forward the link to the appropriate contact in your church). It will help us develop new mission resources and support to help churches and Christian groups countrywide to reach out effectively to children and young people who don’t know Jesus.


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08/05/2017 17:18

Prayers Please pray for The 95 Campaign to bear much fruit.

Sunday 28

Pray for God’s blessing on The 95 Campaign, that he will inspire and equip SU volunteers, staff and supporters to share him with today’s children and young people who know so little about him.

Monday 29

This week, a Welsh language version of Guardians of Ancora launches – Arwyr Ancora. Pray this will help Welsh-speaking Christians reach out effectively in their own language.

Tuesday 30

Ask God to stir the hearts of thousands of SU supporters to sign up to The 95 Campaign, so that the next generation may develop a vibrant, personal faith in Jesus.

Wednesday 31

Pray that many children’s and youth workers take The 95 Census, so we can develop new mission tools to help them share the gospel with children and young people in ways that will help them to engage with it.

Week beginning May 28

Friday 2

150 years ago today, Josiah Spiers held his first meeting for children in Essex Street, Islington, London. So today, join with SU movements across the world in a Global Day of Prayer: Thank God for the dedicated volunteers and staff who have been faithful to his calling, and for all the lives he has changed through their SU ministry. And pray for the many events taking place today around the world, including a Walk of Prayer and Praise in London, led by Janet Morgan, which will be streamed worldwide. (More on page 20.)

Saturday 3

Pray for God to bless those children who know him already, and to provide them with opportunities to share Jesus and his message of hope with their friends. Pray that The 95 Campaign will really help them to do this with confidence.

Thursday 1

Today is the start of National Volunteers’ Week. Give thanks to God for all the amazing volunteers that give their time, energy and talents to sharing the good news of Jesus with children and young people.

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Prayers Sunday 4

Glenn Coombs (SU Global team) will be leading the SUPA Serve Teen Leadership Mission running KidsGames in partnership with SU Northern Territory in Australia, June 23–30. Pray for his preparation and that many young people will come to know the love of Jesus.

Monday 5

Wednesday 7

Week beginning June 4

During the second half of this term, Jo-Ann Gaunt of Local Mission Partner Impact in Bedford will lead ‘In the Footsteps of Bunyan’. Children visit the Bunyan Museum and walk around Bedford finishing in the Bunyan Church. Pray that through exploring the life of Bunyan, children will discover something of Bunyan’s Lord.

Thursday 8

Some of the South West team will be at the Royal Cornwall Show over the next three days to promote Guardians of Ancora. Pray that many children will be enthused, will download the game and will discover more about Jesus.

Friday 9

Give thanks to God for the How can they hear? Conference in March, where staff and Local Mission Partners celebrated 150 years of SU Ministry and committed themselves to sharing the good news of Jesus with the 95% of children and young people not regularly in church.

Tuesday 6

Local Mission Partner re:generation Harrow are taking RE lessons on the life of Jesus this term. Pray that these will encourage pupils to think seriously about the Christian faith. Pray too that they will have opportunities to host more prayer spaces. 8

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Over the next two months many will be doing It’s Your Move-related activities. Pray that these will help to give children facing the move to secondary education a sense of how Jesus can be involved in their lives.

Saturday 10

X:Site Gloucester takes place today; as well as giving children an opportunity to hear about Jesus in a fun environment, this gives those coming to Lagger camps a chance to meet up and build relationships.

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Week beginning June 11

Sunday 11

Please pray for SU Belarus as they train camp volunteers next weekend. Pray, too, for the Transition Leadership Team of SU East West Asia as they meet in Ho Chi Minh City (16–20) to look at the next steps in developing new work in the region.

Monday 12

During June, six teams from GenR8, Local Mission Partner in Cambridge, will be visiting over one hundred and fifty primary schools as part of their summer tour on the theme of ‘peer pressure’. Pray that children will learn that God sees them as unique and important individuals.

Tuesday 13

Schools are a great place to connect with the 95%. Pray for Local Mission Partner Grantham Christian Ministries as they raise funds to expand their work into secondary schools. Pray too that they may build relationships with three primary schools in which they currently have no work.

Wednesday 14

Local Mission Partner Oswestry Schools Christian Worker Project use after-school drama clubs to help children engage with the story of Jesus. Some of their material is

used in collective worship. Thank God for their enthusiasm and pray that it may lead to children having a relationship with Jesus.

Thursday 15

Give thanks for Lifepath Bunyan in Elstow last month which saw over one thousand children attend over the three days. Pray that something of what they experienced will stay with them and that they will want to explore further.

Friday 16

The South East team are taking a group of young people from East London and Essex to Norwich to play a cricket match. Pray that as youth workers and unchurched young people travel and play together there will be opportunities to share Jesus.

Saturday 17

Pray that a good number of children will come to Xsite North Devon today, including some who do not yet know Jesus, and that in the action-packed environment they will not only have a good time, but also encounter Jesus.

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08/05/2017 17:18

‘Can I go to church? I want to know more!’ Because of your faithful gifts, SU is able to run after-school clubs that help children with no church background to discover Jesus. When Colin Meadows’ 8-year-old daughter Jasmine went to one such club at the local primary school in Barnstaple, little did he know that it would be the start of his own journey to faith.


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‘Jasmine came home one afternoon with a list of various clubs that the school had going on,’ explains Colin. ‘One of them was Check It Out, an after-school club that Chris Eales from SU helped launch to help children learn about the Christian faith. I wasn’t a Christian, but I thought it would help Jasmine to grow up kind and decent.

the gospel. I was intrigued by it, but I’m also very logical and like to have evidence of things. I’m surrounded by scientists at work (in a hospital) and knew one of them was a Christian. So I asked how he reconciled his faith with science. And he said that even if you felt that science could explain the process, it couldn’t answer the question “But who started that?”

‘So she started going. And she loved the games, crafts and stories. And then she asked me and my wife, “Can I go to church? I want to know more!”

‘So I decided to follow Jesus. And it’s really changed me. I used to lose my temper very easily, but now I feel so much more peaceful within.

‘Andy Dodwell who co-leads Check It Out is also our local vicar, so it’s his church that we visited. The last time I’d been to church (apart from weddings and funerals) was when I was a child. It hadn’t been particularly enjoyable – sitting on hard pews, not allowed to ask any questions and being told to “sit still and be quiet”! But Andy’s church wasn’t like that. He was great with the children and they got to join in the service, have fun and enjoy themselves. So we kept going along.

‘Everyone has to make up their own mind about God. The Sunday school I attended as a boy tried to browbeat me into believing, which just drove me away. That’s why I think things like SU’s after-school clubs work so well. Children from non-Christian families come along, have loads of fun, and are positively encouraged to ask all sorts of questions about faith, so they keep coming. And as they do so, the seeds of faith are being sown and watered.’

An incredible faith

‘Jasmine developed an incredible faith. I remember she was asked to do the Bible reading in church. She was nervous about it, but she said, “God’s given me something to do, so he must think I can do it.” And I’m proud to say she did it, and very well too! ‘Eventually I attended church every week, even when Jasmine couldn’t make it. ‘Then Jasmine asked to be baptised. That prompted me to join a course at the church to learn more about

Without the SU afterschool club, Jasmine and Colin may not have had the opportunity to explore the Christian faith. Join The 95 Campaign to find out how you can support (or even get involved with) important initiatives like this:


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Week beginning June 18


Please pray as we share Jesus with children and young people outside the church.

Sunday 18

Give thanks to God for Colin and Jasmine coming to faith, for the SU South West team that help set up the Check it Out after-school club, and for vicar Andy Dodwell and others involved.

Monday 19

Pray that God will speak to many more children through Check it Out and other SU school clubs so that, like Jasmine, they’ll want to know more!

Tuesday 20

Thank God for the freedom we still have in England and Wales to share the gospel in schools. Ask him to protect that freedom, so that we can continue to run school clubs and assemblies that tell children and young people about Jesus.

Wednesday 21

Ask God to bless the SU regional teams across England and Wales 12

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as they work with churches and local mission partners to find new ways to take the good news of Jesus to where children are.

Thursday 22

Give thanks to God for his financial provision through the generosity of our supporters that is enabling us to develop and run 150 missions this year, reaching thousands of children with God’s love.

Friday 23

Pray for all the volunteer teams who are helping to run this year’s holidays and missions (see centre spread). Pray too that God will prepare the hearts of the thousands of children and young people attending, to hear and receive him.

Saturday 24

Pray that new SU resources such as Guardians of Ancora will really help non-Christian children and young people to engage with the Bible.

08/05/2017 17:18

SU holidays and missions and The 95

Prayers Sunday 2

Last month SU in French-speaking Canada visited food banks, inviting children from families struggling financially to a summer camp. Pray that many will come and be ready to receive the gospel. Pray also for generous donors to sponsor them.

A few months ago, we presented The 95 Campaign to our holidays and missions leaders. And we asked two of them to share what they feel about Scripture Union’s new focus.

Sutton-on-Sea Liz Boland helps to lead SU’s Sutton-on-Sea mission, which last year celebrated its 130th anniversary. She says, ‘It’s great that Scripture Union is planning on “going back to the beach”. In the last few years, many children and young people at the mission have had spiritual encounters with God for the first time. Now we’re considering how we can proactively reach more of them on the housing estates and in the town centre – going to where they are, rather than hoping they’ll come to us.’

Criccieth Mission Dave Butt has been involved with Criccieth Mission for over 30 years. He says, ‘I’m really encouraged by The 95 Campaign because it reflects our own experience that there are so many young people who haven’t heard the good news of Jesus.

for ten years and on her sabbatical this summer is taking her three young children home to Nigeria for the first time. Pray that this will be a time of refreshment for her. Pray for other staff taking holidays during the summer.

Friday 7

Monday 3

Pray that as Local Mission Partner, Sevenoaks Area Youth Trust advertise for a part-time youth worker, the right person with the appropriate gifts to share Jesus with The 95 will come forward.

Local Mission Partner Gobaith Môn (Anglesey) prepares breakfast for an entire student body every Monday and Tuesday, showing students the love of God. Students have been more attentive during school and more receptive to assemblies led by the team.

‘Many children and young people coming to Criccieth Mission have no church connections but there’s a real hunger for the gospel emerging.

Wednesday 5

In order to help the churches reach The 95 we are creating a new suite of online resources. Pray that this new online resource centre will be a means of bringing many to Jesus.

Thursday 6

Thank God for the commitment of longterm staff. Maureen Okwara has worked in the finance team 14


Week beginning June 25

Sunday 25

Lifepath on The Isle of Man runs Monday–Wednesday this week. About 150 volunteers will help 700 Year 5 children to explore Christian faith through the story of the monks who lived on the Island. Pray for great conversations about personal faith.

Monday 26

Tuesday 27

The SOLID Festival, run in partnership with Urban Saints, YFC, Red Balloon Family and Chelmsford Diocese, provides a weekend away for children and young people, with a wide range of activities and the chance to meet with God in new ways. Pray that many will do just that.

Saturday 8

Today the North West team, with Preston Youth for Christ and local churches, are running Xcel, an event for 11- to 14-year-olds from local schools. Pray that as they explore faith in the light of the issues they face, they will come to learn of the good news of Jesus.


Crawley, are planning a fun day to celebrate their 20th birthday. Pray that it would be an opportunity to bring school communities together and that in the middle of all the fun, families would see Jesus.



Friday 30

Malvern Lifepath ran last week. Give thanks for the new leaders Rosamund Ponting and Jenny Bull and praise God for all the work previous leaders Mary and John Barr have put in.

Tuesday 4

‘The message of Jesus is life-changing, and churches have a responsibility to reach beyond their own walls. Scripture Union’s The 95 Campaign will help us do that!’

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Week beginning July 2

Lifepath Brinkburn in Northumberland takes place this week, looking at the life of St Cuthbert and the importance of God’s Word. Pray that the volunteers will relate well to the children, communicating the love of Jesus, especially tomorrow when lots more children than usual are expected.

Wednesday 28

The North West Region are coordinating a team of local church youth leaders providing two retreat days in St Margaret’s School, Liverpool. The first was last week and the second today. Please pray that pupils will feel able to ask questions about faith and will leave the retreat feeling challenged and encouraged.

This summer, the good news of Jesus will be shared with children and young people all over England and Wales at SU holidays and missions. This planner gives an overview of what’s happening and when, to help you pray. Our holidays and missions are the perfect place for children, many of whom don’t go to church, to encounter the gospel for the first time.

Saturday 1

Local Mission Partner, The Youth Net, worked with St Mary’s Church, Stafford last week on their Open Doors project where primary schools learn more about Christianity through different activities around the church. Pray that the children will have been prompted to think about Jesus.

Let’s pray for the children and for those who will be sharing the good news with them.

Scripture Union Uganda ask us to pray for the two-week mission in primary and secondary schools in the Northern Region which starts today. The aim is to reach more than one hundred and fifty thousand students in over one hundred and forty schools.

Thursday 29

Local Mission Partner, Lighthouse,


08/05/2017 13:46

SU holidays and missions and The 95

Prayers Sunday 2

Last month SU in French-speaking Canada visited food banks, inviting children from families struggling financially to a summer camp. Pray that many will come and be ready to receive the gospel. Pray also for generous donors to sponsor them.

A few months ago, we presented The 95 Campaign to our holidays and missions leaders. And we asked two of them to share what they feel about Scripture Union’s new focus.

Sutton-on-Sea Liz Boland helps to lead SU’s Sutton-on-Sea mission, which last year celebrated its 130th anniversary. She says, ‘It’s great that Scripture Union is planning on “going back to the beach”. In the last few years, many children and young people at the mission have had spiritual encounters with God for the first time. Now we’re considering how we can proactively reach more of them on the housing estates and in the town centre – going to where they are, rather than hoping they’ll come to us.’

Criccieth Mission Dave Butt has been involved with Criccieth Mission for over 30 years. He says, ‘I’m really encouraged by The 95 Campaign because it reflects our own experience that there are so many young people who haven’t heard the good news of Jesus.

for ten years and on her sabbatical this summer is taking her three young children home to Nigeria for the first time. Pray that this will be a time of refreshment for her. Pray for other staff taking holidays during the summer.

Friday 7

Monday 3

Pray that as Local Mission Partner, Sevenoaks Area Youth Trust advertise for a part-time youth worker, the right person with the appropriate gifts to share Jesus with The 95 will come forward.

Local Mission Partner Gobaith Môn (Anglesey) prepares breakfast for an entire student body every Monday and Tuesday, showing students the love of God. Students have been more attentive during school and more receptive to assemblies led by the team.

‘Many children and young people coming to Criccieth Mission have no church connections but there’s a real hunger for the gospel emerging.

Wednesday 5

In order to help the churches reach The 95 we are creating a new suite of online resources. Pray that this new online resource centre will be a means of bringing many to Jesus.

Thursday 6

Thank God for the commitment of longterm staff. Maureen Okwara has worked in the finance team 14


Week beginning June 25

Sunday 25

Lifepath on The Isle of Man runs Monday–Wednesday this week. About 150 volunteers will help 700 Year 5 children to explore Christian faith through the story of the monks who lived on the Island. Pray for great conversations about personal faith.

Monday 26

Tuesday 27

The SOLID Festival, run in partnership with Urban Saints, YFC, Red Balloon Family and Chelmsford Diocese, provides a weekend away for children and young people, with a wide range of activities and the chance to meet with God in new ways. Pray that many will do just that.

Saturday 8

Today the North West team, with Preston Youth for Christ and local churches, are running Xcel, an event for 11- to 14-year-olds from local schools. Pray that as they explore faith in the light of the issues they face, they will come to learn of the good news of Jesus.


Crawley, are planning a fun day to celebrate their 20th birthday. Pray that it would be an opportunity to bring school communities together and that in the middle of all the fun, families would see Jesus.



Friday 30

Malvern Lifepath ran last week. Give thanks for the new leaders Rosamund Ponting and Jenny Bull and praise God for all the work previous leaders Mary and John Barr have put in.

Tuesday 4

‘The message of Jesus is life-changing, and churches have a responsibility to reach beyond their own walls. Scripture Union’s The 95 Campaign will help us do that!’

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Week beginning July 2

Lifepath Brinkburn in Northumberland takes place this week, looking at the life of St Cuthbert and the importance of God’s Word. Pray that the volunteers will relate well to the children, communicating the love of Jesus, especially tomorrow when lots more children than usual are expected.

Wednesday 28

The North West Region are coordinating a team of local church youth leaders providing two retreat days in St Margaret’s School, Liverpool. The first was last week and the second today. Please pray that pupils will feel able to ask questions about faith and will leave the retreat feeling challenged and encouraged.

This summer, the good news of Jesus will be shared with children and young people all over England and Wales at SU holidays and missions. This planner gives an overview of what’s happening and when, to help you pray. Our holidays and missions are the perfect place for children, many of whom don’t go to church, to encounter the gospel for the first time.

Saturday 1

Local Mission Partner, The Youth Net, worked with St Mary’s Church, Stafford last week on their Open Doors project where primary schools learn more about Christianity through different activities around the church. Pray that the children will have been prompted to think about Jesus.

Let’s pray for the children and for those who will be sharing the good news with them.

Scripture Union Uganda ask us to pray for the two-week mission in primary and secondary schools in the Northern Region which starts today. The aim is to reach more than one hundred and fifty thousand students in over one hundred and forty schools.

Thursday 29

Local Mission Partner, Lighthouse,


08/05/2017 13:46

SU holidays and missions and The 95

Prayers Sunday 2

Last month SU in French-speaking Canada visited food banks, inviting children from families struggling financially to a summer camp. Pray that many will come and be ready to receive the gospel. Pray also for generous donors to sponsor them.

A few months ago, we presented The 95 Campaign to our holidays and missions leaders. And we asked two of them to share what they feel about Scripture Union’s new focus.

Sutton-on-Sea Liz Boland helps to lead SU’s Sutton-on-Sea mission, which last year celebrated its 130th anniversary. She says, ‘It’s great that Scripture Union is planning on “going back to the beach”. In the last few years, many children and young people at the mission have had spiritual encounters with God for the first time. Now we’re considering how we can proactively reach more of them on the housing estates and in the town centre – going to where they are, rather than hoping they’ll come to us.’

Criccieth Mission Dave Butt has been involved with Criccieth Mission for over 30 years. He says, ‘I’m really encouraged by The 95 Campaign because it reflects our own experience that there are so many young people who haven’t heard the good news of Jesus.

for ten years and on her sabbatical this summer is taking her three young children home to Nigeria for the first time. Pray that this will be a time of refreshment for her. Pray for other staff taking holidays during the summer.

Friday 7

Monday 3

Pray that as Local Mission Partner, Sevenoaks Area Youth Trust advertise for a part-time youth worker, the right person with the appropriate gifts to share Jesus with The 95 will come forward.

Local Mission Partner Gobaith Môn (Anglesey) prepares breakfast for an entire student body every Monday and Tuesday, showing students the love of God. Students have been more attentive during school and more receptive to assemblies led by the team.

‘Many children and young people coming to Criccieth Mission have no church connections but there’s a real hunger for the gospel emerging.

Wednesday 5

In order to help the churches reach The 95 we are creating a new suite of online resources. Pray that this new online resource centre will be a means of bringing many to Jesus.

Thursday 6

Thank God for the commitment of longterm staff. Maureen Okwara has worked in the finance team 14


Week beginning June 25

Sunday 25

Lifepath on The Isle of Man runs Monday–Wednesday this week. About 150 volunteers will help 700 Year 5 children to explore Christian faith through the story of the monks who lived on the Island. Pray for great conversations about personal faith.

Monday 26

Tuesday 27

The SOLID Festival, run in partnership with Urban Saints, YFC, Red Balloon Family and Chelmsford Diocese, provides a weekend away for children and young people, with a wide range of activities and the chance to meet with God in new ways. Pray that many will do just that.

Saturday 8

Today the North West team, with Preston Youth for Christ and local churches, are running Xcel, an event for 11- to 14-year-olds from local schools. Pray that as they explore faith in the light of the issues they face, they will come to learn of the good news of Jesus.


Crawley, are planning a fun day to celebrate their 20th birthday. Pray that it would be an opportunity to bring school communities together and that in the middle of all the fun, families would see Jesus.



Friday 30

Malvern Lifepath ran last week. Give thanks for the new leaders Rosamund Ponting and Jenny Bull and praise God for all the work previous leaders Mary and John Barr have put in.

Tuesday 4

‘The message of Jesus is life-changing, and churches have a responsibility to reach beyond their own walls. Scripture Union’s The 95 Campaign will help us do that!’

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Week beginning July 2

Lifepath Brinkburn in Northumberland takes place this week, looking at the life of St Cuthbert and the importance of God’s Word. Pray that the volunteers will relate well to the children, communicating the love of Jesus, especially tomorrow when lots more children than usual are expected.

Wednesday 28

The North West Region are coordinating a team of local church youth leaders providing two retreat days in St Margaret’s School, Liverpool. The first was last week and the second today. Please pray that pupils will feel able to ask questions about faith and will leave the retreat feeling challenged and encouraged.

This summer, the good news of Jesus will be shared with children and young people all over England and Wales at SU holidays and missions. This planner gives an overview of what’s happening and when, to help you pray. Our holidays and missions are the perfect place for children, many of whom don’t go to church, to encounter the gospel for the first time.

Saturday 1

Local Mission Partner, The Youth Net, worked with St Mary’s Church, Stafford last week on their Open Doors project where primary schools learn more about Christianity through different activities around the church. Pray that the children will have been prompted to think about Jesus.

Let’s pray for the children and for those who will be sharing the good news with them.

Scripture Union Uganda ask us to pray for the two-week mission in primary and secondary schools in the Northern Region which starts today. The aim is to reach more than one hundred and fifty thousand students in over one hundred and forty schools.

Thursday 29

Local Mission Partner, Lighthouse,


08/05/2017 13:46

SU holidays and missions and The 95

Prayers Sunday 2

Last month SU in French-speaking Canada visited food banks, inviting children from families struggling financially to a summer camp. Pray that many will come and be ready to receive the gospel. Pray also for generous donors to sponsor them.

A few months ago, we presented The 95 Campaign to our holidays and missions leaders. And we asked two of them to share what they feel about Scripture Union’s new focus.

Sutton-on-Sea Liz Boland helps to lead SU’s Sutton-on-Sea mission, which last year celebrated its 130th anniversary. She says, ‘It’s great that Scripture Union is planning on “going back to the beach”. In the last few years, many children and young people at the mission have had spiritual encounters with God for the first time. Now we’re considering how we can proactively reach more of them on the housing estates and in the town centre – going to where they are, rather than hoping they’ll come to us.’

Criccieth Mission Dave Butt has been involved with Criccieth Mission for over 30 years. He says, ‘I’m really encouraged by The 95 Campaign because it reflects our own experience that there are so many young people who haven’t heard the good news of Jesus.

for ten years and on her sabbatical this summer is taking her three young children home to Nigeria for the first time. Pray that this will be a time of refreshment for her. Pray for other staff taking holidays during the summer.

Friday 7

Monday 3

Pray that as Local Mission Partner, Sevenoaks Area Youth Trust advertise for a part-time youth worker, the right person with the appropriate gifts to share Jesus with The 95 will come forward.

Local Mission Partner Gobaith Môn (Anglesey) prepares breakfast for an entire student body every Monday and Tuesday, showing students the love of God. Students have been more attentive during school and more receptive to assemblies led by the team.

‘Many children and young people coming to Criccieth Mission have no church connections but there’s a real hunger for the gospel emerging.

Wednesday 5

In order to help the churches reach The 95 we are creating a new suite of online resources. Pray that this new online resource centre will be a means of bringing many to Jesus.

Thursday 6

Thank God for the commitment of longterm staff. Maureen Okwara has worked in the finance team 14


Week beginning June 25

Sunday 25

Lifepath on The Isle of Man runs Monday–Wednesday this week. About 150 volunteers will help 700 Year 5 children to explore Christian faith through the story of the monks who lived on the Island. Pray for great conversations about personal faith.

Monday 26

Tuesday 27

The SOLID Festival, run in partnership with Urban Saints, YFC, Red Balloon Family and Chelmsford Diocese, provides a weekend away for children and young people, with a wide range of activities and the chance to meet with God in new ways. Pray that many will do just that.

Saturday 8

Today the North West team, with Preston Youth for Christ and local churches, are running Xcel, an event for 11- to 14-year-olds from local schools. Pray that as they explore faith in the light of the issues they face, they will come to learn of the good news of Jesus.


Crawley, are planning a fun day to celebrate their 20th birthday. Pray that it would be an opportunity to bring school communities together and that in the middle of all the fun, families would see Jesus.



Friday 30

Malvern Lifepath ran last week. Give thanks for the new leaders Rosamund Ponting and Jenny Bull and praise God for all the work previous leaders Mary and John Barr have put in.

Tuesday 4

‘The message of Jesus is life-changing, and churches have a responsibility to reach beyond their own walls. Scripture Union’s The 95 Campaign will help us do that!’

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Week beginning July 2

Lifepath Brinkburn in Northumberland takes place this week, looking at the life of St Cuthbert and the importance of God’s Word. Pray that the volunteers will relate well to the children, communicating the love of Jesus, especially tomorrow when lots more children than usual are expected.

Wednesday 28

The North West Region are coordinating a team of local church youth leaders providing two retreat days in St Margaret’s School, Liverpool. The first was last week and the second today. Please pray that pupils will feel able to ask questions about faith and will leave the retreat feeling challenged and encouraged.

This summer, the good news of Jesus will be shared with children and young people all over England and Wales at SU holidays and missions. This planner gives an overview of what’s happening and when, to help you pray. Our holidays and missions are the perfect place for children, many of whom don’t go to church, to encounter the gospel for the first time.

Saturday 1

Local Mission Partner, The Youth Net, worked with St Mary’s Church, Stafford last week on their Open Doors project where primary schools learn more about Christianity through different activities around the church. Pray that the children will have been prompted to think about Jesus.

Let’s pray for the children and for those who will be sharing the good news with them.

Scripture Union Uganda ask us to pray for the two-week mission in primary and secondary schools in the Northern Region which starts today. The aim is to reach more than one hundred and fifty thousand students in over one hundred and forty schools.

Thursday 29

Local Mission Partner, Lighthouse,


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Prayers Sunday 9

Please pray for the Bible Youth Camp which Scripture Union Chad are running this month, especially as it takes place against a background of social unrest affecting the whole country with striking officials, and closed schools and clinics.

Monday 10

Family Fun events are planned across the summer in the South East Region aiming to encourage and equip churches to reach out to The 95 in their communities. Please pray for a good level of involvement and for followon events to help families continue to explore faith.


Tuesday 11

Shine in Schools will be running in November encouraging Christian young people to be signposts to Jesus for their friends. Pray that those planning it will find ways to help young people catch a vision for ways God can use them in school. See

Wednesday 12

Week beginning July 9

More young people than ever from Byker attended SU holidays last year. This year, Local Mission Partner MINE hope to see even more young people getting excited about prayer and learning about Jesus. Pray for wisdom in nurturing those who are too old to be campers but are not sure about leading.

Thursday 13

Local Mission Partner, Brentwood Schools Christian Worker Trust are looking to expand the team to meet the demand from schools for various activities including prayer spaces and lunchtime clubs. Pray that the right people will be forthcoming.

Friday 14

Pray for Graham Bell, Susannah Quinn and Andy Evans as they process holiday and mission team applications and DBS clearance, enabling volunteers to serve on residential activities and missions during the summer.

Saturday 15

Please pray for a good turnout today at X:site Keighley and that many children would be inspired to bring friends and to book on SU holidays this summer, especially X:site National and Glenbrook Adventure.

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Prayers Sunday 16

SU in Madagascar praise God for the common programme agreed for the whole island. Pray that this will lead to a growth in ministry. Pray too for the distribution of a new tool, Woman of Value, and for the daily Bible devotions on 34 radio stations.

Monday 17

Wednesday 19

Week beginning July 16

COINS, Local Mission Partner in Newbury, ask for prayer for effective follow-up to work done when Riding Lights visited schools in April. Pray too for the provision of new workers in their team and especially for maternity cover for next year.

Thursday 20

As part of the Jubilee celebrations and The 95 Campaign, a series of talks designed to provoke fresh thinking on mission to children and young people is being produced and made available online. Pray that these will help churches to think in fresh ways.

Tuesday 18

Please pray for those who try to balance the requirement to ensure our data is secure with the need to help staff work efficiently. New regulations governing data security and new credit card payment systems need to be integrated with our existing work.

Friday 21

Please pray for the Publishing Team as they move towards a new and more focused vision of reaching The 95. Pray that those guiding this process can help the team adapt so they can become better equipped for a future that includes more digital content.

Saturday 22 Tonight Local Mission Partner Faith in Schools based in Newham are holding their Appreciation Evening where they thank God for their volunteers and pray for their work in schools. Join with them in thanking God for all the volunteers who make SU ministry to The 95 possible. 16

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For the next five days, Local Mission Partner PSALMS is running a residential for 50 pupils in years 7–9. Please pray that God will bless the time away and in particular speak to the young people as they hear the good news of Jesus Christ.

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Prayers Sunday 23

Please pray for the Bibel Mobil team from SU Austria as they travel around the country this year, asking that many will be encouraged to read the Bible regularly.

Monday 24

Please pray for the relaunched Marske Mission taking place this week. Pray for the newly formed team to work together well and especially that many local children will go along to the activities and will respond to Jesus.

Tuesday 25

Pray for The 95 Campaign, that it may act as a catalyst for SU and the wider church, encouraging a fresh vision for ministry to children and young people outside the church, so that many who do not know Jesus may be introduced to him.

Wednesday 26

Today Tim Hastie-Smith and Chris Poch leave for the Gambia with a mission team from SU England and Wales. Pray that this trip will bring blessing and growth to SU in the Gambia and to members of the team.

Thursday 27

Local Mission Partner MINE have a new trainee starting in Byker. She is from the area, became a Christian through the work of MINE and SU holidays, and now wants to take a year out learning how to share Jesus with others. Pray for her as she starts her year.

Friday 28

Thank God for the all the volunteers who give up a week or more to serve on holiday and mission events this summer. Pray that their faith would be renewed as they see God at work in the lives of children and young people.

Saturday 29

Helen Franklin, Development Worker in Wales, is at The Big Cheese Festival in Caerphilly, which draws an expected 70,000 visitors, today and tomorrow. Children will be able to play Guardians of Ancora or the Welsh version Arwyr Ancora. Pray that for some this will be the start of a journey to Jesus.

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Week beginning July 23


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A royal stamp of approval We recently had the pleasure and privilege of welcoming His Royal Highness Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, to offcially open our new national office, Trinity House, in Milton Keynes.

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It’s not every day that a member of the royal family comes to your place of work. But that’s exactly what happened when His Royal Highness Prince Edward joined SU staff, volunteers and some young people involved in SU activities to officially open the new SU national office and to launch The 95 Campaign. During his visit, the Prince heard all about what our mission to share Jesus with the next generation entails, and was interested to explore resources like Guardians of Ancora and Diary of a Disciple.

He also enjoyed hearing about our exciting face-to-face ministries like Lifepath. It was a pleasure to welcome His Royal Highness and to hear him praise the work of the movement so highly. It’s a day that will be remembered for quite some time by all those in attendance. ‘He loved meeting our staff and some of the teenagers we work with.’ comments our National Director, Tim HastieSmith. ‘We were encouraged that he left excited by SU’s great vision for the future.’

I’m delighted that the move has been a really positive one for what you’re trying to do, and to help you to go out there to try and spread this story to many more young people. I wish you the best of luck, not just in celebrating this 150th anniversary, but also in the challenge you’ve got to try and reach that 95%.” Prince Edward

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Join our worldwide celebration of 150 years!



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To help mark our 150th anniversary in style, there are some special celebration events happening. Do join with us if you can! You can find further details of each at

Global Prayer day

2nd June 10am–3.30pm St Mark’s Church, Kennington, London (opposite Oval tube station)

150 years to the day that Josiah Spiers held his first meeting for children, we’re holding our main celebration! It will be a morning of worship and ministry-themed prayer stations followed by lunch and then a Walk of Prayer and Praise, led by SU International’s Director, Janet Morgan. If you can’t be there in person, you can watch the morning session being streamed live. Find details at 20

28512 Connecting You JJA stg7.indd 20 And please join us in prayer – thank God for the dedicated volunteers and staff in England, Wales and around the world, who have cheerfully given their time, energy and skills to enable children and young people to discover Jesus. If you’d like to join us at this event, please email Chris Poch at or call us on 01908 856000

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Jubilee Family Fun Day – FREE ENTRY! In September we’ll be celebrating our 150th anniversary in style with a Jubilee Fun Day, and we’d love to see you there! Join with past and present holiday and mission leaders, teams, their families and other SU supporters for an amazing day of fun and celebration.

9th September 12:30 – 5pm High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, Herts

Join us for: •

An opportunity to reconnect with other holiday and mission volunteers

Activities including slides, face painting, food stalls, a football cage, bouncy castle and more

A special 150th Anniversary Celebration service at 4pm featuring the Right Reverend Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham

Find out more at or by calling 01908 856000

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Week beginning July 30

Sunday 30

Please pray for seven work parties coming from other SU Movements to continue rebuilding the SU campsite in Vanuatu after Cyclone Pam in 2015. Pray for safety on site and for opportunities for ministry during the reconstruction.

Monday 31

Bishop’s Stortford and Saffron Walden run by local churches and coordinated by Local Mission Partner, the Stort Valley Trust, running 7–11 August. Pray that the 300-plus children who come for games, stories, craft and Bible teaching will encounter Jesus.

Graham Bell manages the Ministry Support team, responsible for donations, mail order, customer services and processing volunteer team & DBS applications. Please pray for Graham and the administrative hub as they work to build God’s kingdom by using their administrative gifts.

Thursday 3

Tuesday 1

Pray for the Bibury outdoor activities camp for unchurched children and young people run by the South East Region that those who have never heard of Jesus before will find him in life-changing ways.

In line with our emphasis on reaching The 95, staff in the North West Region are involved this month in mission activities on and around the beach in Fleetwood (Rob Steward) and in communities in Manchester (Lucy Pearson). Pray that all involved will be able to communicate the love of Jesus powerfully.

Wednesday 2

Pray for the large-scale holiday clubs for 5- to 11-year-olds in 22

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Please give thanks that National Mission Partner Chaplaincy Central have a new Development Worker, Miriam Kearney. With new chaplains to schools and colleges being appointed every term, do pray for her as she gets used to her new role.

Friday 4

Saturday 5

The South West Region will be working in partnership with Creation Fest, a Christian music and teaching festival at Wadebridge, to run a Beach Mission and Explore Together. Pray that this partnership will result in many outside the church hearing the good news of Jesus.

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Week beginning AUGUST 6

Sunday 6

A team is heading to Rwanda for a new sports mission initiative involving SU England and Wales, SU Rwanda, Gloucester Diocese, Bungoma Sports Club in Kenya and the Diocese of Muhabura in Uganda. Pray that churches and agencies will gain a new vision for sports ministry.

Monday 7

by offering a training course for potential chaplains, and providing support and training for existing chaplains. Pray that this will result in better support for young people.

Thursday 10 Scripture Union in Wales will be promoting Arwyr Ancora at the National Eisteddfod this week and at the Anglesey and Pembrokeshire shows next week. Pray that the Christian presence at these events will make an impact on the 95% outside the church.

Tuesday 8

South East Region are running two camps with the London City Mission: Runways 1 (7–10 August) for children and Runways 2 for young people (12–16 August). Pray that as they engage in a range of activities and explore who Jesus is, he will become real to them.

Wednesday 9

Christians and Sheffield Schools, a Local Mission Partner, aim to develop school chaplaincy in Sheffield

Pray for holiday and mission teams and especially for those who may be coming to the end of their second week on a mission team. Ask God to give them the physical and emotional strength and for wisdom in sharing Jesus with The 95.

Friday 11

As part of the Jubilee celebrations and The 95 Campaign, a fund has been launched to encourage innovative initiatives in mission to children and young people who have no contact with the church. Pray that many new opportunities will emerge.

Saturday 12

A new Guardians of Ancora holiday starts today and runs until Tuesday. It will translate the game into some real-life adventures for 8- to 11-yearolds. Pray that leaders Tom and Lucy Winn and the team will help children to see the reality of Jesus.

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Week beginning AUGUST 13

Sunday 13

Please pray for SU Cameroun giving Lifeskills training to Student Bible Fellowship leaders to assist in their secondary school programme, asking that it will bring transformation to many lives.

Monday 14

Local Mission Partner, Learn4Life, Reading, give praise and thanks for the various new openings they have in schools and ask us to pray for a door to open at the right time in one school they are not working in yet.

Tuesday 15

Thank God for all those who so faithfully and generously give and for the many donations we receive to support our mission. Pray for Tracey Bell and Michelle Johnson as they process gifts and thank supporters. Pray too that supporters will catch the vision of The 95 Campaign.

Wednesday 16

Pray for the preparations for the Jubilee Fun Day on September 9 that will draw together holiday and mission teams past and present and many more of the SU family to celebrate all that God has done through SU.

Thursday 17

Christian Schools Work Hastings, a Local Mission Partner, will be taking 24

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a group to Soul Survivor. These will be young people who attend their ‘Link’ Youth Group aimed at those they meet in schools who wish to explore the Christian faith further. Pray that these young people will have questions answered and respond to Jesus.

Friday 18

Local Mission Partner Bridgebuilder in Milton Keynes are hoping to create Prayer Spaces for secondary schools following a successful programme in primary schools. Pray for the launch of this new project and for a good response from schools.

Saturday 19

Over the next ten days, we shall be exhibiting at Soul Survivor festival to connect with local youth workers, presenting our resources and looking for ways in which we can build effective partnerships for mission.

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Week beginning AUGUST 20

Sunday 20

SU Romania write, ‘Please pray for the many camps and vacation clubs being held over summer – that God will bring many children and teenagers closer to himself. Please also pray that God will provide passionate volunteers, material resources and his protection.’

Monday 21

Thank God for new holidays such as The SU Bake Off 2 which starts today. Pray that it will inspire children to develop their culinary skills and discover God for themselves. Ask God to give wisdom and strength to the leaders and team.

successful contacts and build good relationships with the schools.

Thursday 24

Fleet & Crookham Churches Together in Schools, a Local Mission Partner, ask us to pray that the Year 6 pupils who currently come to their junior school lunch clubs will make a good transition to their secondary school Christian Unions.

Friday 25

Tuesday 22

Chris Eales, Development Worker in the South West, has a vision for a new beach mission in North Devon and for more Guardians of Ancora Clubs in schools in the region. Please pray that God will open doors and lead in the right direction.

Wednesday 23

Sarah Jenkins of Local Mission Partner Christian Connections in Schools wants to see more prayer spaces in schools growing out of initiatives that took place earlier in the year. Pray that she may have

Pray for those who will be taking up leadership roles in Christian groups in schools at the start of the new school year asking that God will give them confidence, boldness and wisdom, and that the groups might be a light for Jesus in the school.

Saturday 26

A central part of The 95 Campaign is listening to children and young people and those working with them to understand better how we can make Jesus known. Pray for new insights and for a real change in the way the church reaches this generation.

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Guardians of Ancora now in Welsh! Scripture Union’s popular digital Bible game for 8- to 11-year-olds, Guardians of Ancora, is now available to play in Welsh. Download Arwyr Ancora today and bring the Bible to life for Welsh-speaking children. Find out more about Arwyr Ancora at

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