SUNZ Adventure Magazine May 2010

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THE ADVENTURE Your Scripture Union Magazine

MAY 2010 ISSN 1176-5143


PARTNERING WITH new zealand churches to promote bible reading

INSIDE: E100 Winter Camps Way2go

Our mission: Seeing children and young people transformed by jesus

With Students In Schools – On Adventure Based Camps – By Training Leaders "Break Open Your Words, Let The Light Shine Out" Psalm 119:130 The Message

Editorial May 2010 Remember playing with Lego? I saw a TV programme where a group of people collaborated to build a life-size house out of Lego. Individual pieces fitted together to create something bigger than themselves. On their own, Lego blocks are not effective but put together they can create all sorts of wonderful toys and practical creations. These blocks are partnering like the group assembling that house. Partnering is an important concept. By partnering with the Bible Society and Wycliffe Bible Translators, Scripture Union has been able to produce resources for and promote the E100 challenge. This is an example of a formal partnership. We have a signed agreement describing what we will do and what the outcomes will be. Scripture Union aims to partner with churches, it’s how we work, but it is not always a formal arrangement. Here are 4 good reasons to partner: 1. It is a great way to use the resources contributed by supporters really well. 2. It increases capacity so that more can be achieved. 3. It makes us cross boundaries and work with different people. 4. It is a way of cooperating, just like the biblical body at work. Partnering is the way of the future if we are serious about building the kingdom of God. In this edition of The Adventure, you will read about the ways we are partnering. Wayne Fraser –National Director

An initiative of:


Scripture Union

E100 is launched!

Since Scripture Union, Bible Society and Wycliffe decided to partner together on the E100 Bible Reading Challenge, there has been a high level of interest in the resource from both churches and individuals. We now have over 250 churches registered to take the Challenge, which officially started on Sunday 18th April. This represents over 16,000 participants. A large number of the churches have placed small first orders, only to find they need to place much bigger orders within a week as the take-up from the congregations is very positive. Congratulations to you if you have already taken up the challenge! We know many of you are taking up the E100 Challenge and would love to hear how you going and what you are getting out of it. Email us at info@scriptureunion. or write to us at Scripture Union, PO Box 760, Wellington 6140. There is lots of support for everyone on the challenge and those considering it: Radio Rhema is airing the E100 devotions from well known kiwi Christians each day at 7:25am, 9:40am, 1:40pm, 5.30pm (after the news) and 10:10pm. Go online to our blog at to read the daily passage online or listen to it via podcast and read/listen to the reflections played on Rhema Join our Facebook group: Please continue to pray for the thousands of people taking up this challenge to read their Bible regularly. May this become a life-long transforming habit for us all.


PARTNERING WITH CAMPS LEADERS With the leaves turning colour and the weather getting colder, myself and the other snow camp Team Leaders are preparing for the upcoming winter season. We each lead different teams in different weeks for different age groups during school holidays, but we work on the ‘big picture’ together, and work as a team to keep camps growing. We are currently organising a new leaders training weekend for the end of May. Finding, training, encouraging and equipping new young leaders takes a lot of time and energy, and I’m so glad that there are lots of us of like mind and like heart, so I don’t have to organise it all on my own. Recently I heard a sermon on 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 (One Body, Many Parts), where we are encouraged that though we take different roles and forms, noone is more or less important than the other, and we all have a crucial part of the puzzle to play. I’ve heard this message many times, but this time I was able to personally identify and remember times when as winter camps volunteers – we do just this. We all have different skills and the team is much greater than the sum of the individual parts. For example, I enjoy pre-planning, pulling key people together and getting new people committed to come. Once I arrive at training, I rely on the others to carry the next part – who, as teachers, have the skills to explain and teach importance concepts to young leaders. We often discuss how our strengths are complementary, and how much we need each other. It feels good to be part of a growing community. Jo Overall – Scripture Union Board member


Scripture Union


Last Christmas, Westside Christian Fellowship in Te Atatu decided that they would choose three community families and provide Christmas hampers for them. So Doug and Danette who run a SUPAkidz club in the nearby primary school asked the Principal for suggestions and one evening just before Christmas they set out with the hampers. At each home they were greeted with excited hugs from the kids. In one of the homes they were brought to tears when the kids turned to their mum and announced excitedly, “See Mum, I told you we would get to have Christmas this year.� In another home, the parents told them that their kids were reading the Bibles they had been given at SUPAkidz club a few months earlier, and now the family say a prayer for the food at each meal time.


WAY2GO 2010 was all about stories like this, as we explored the role of the church in helping children and their families be transformed by God. This year 650 people from more than 150 churches attended in Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin.

This is what some of the people who attended said . . . A very special time in which we were reminded of the importance of working with children. It was awesome. Meeting so many new people from all walks of life was fulfilling. Praise the Lord! The Spirit was moving. Amazing key note speakers. Practical advice with a supportive atmosphere. Really targeted to my needs. Loads of ideas to take back to my church. Every moment has been a blessing. I will definitely come again. Scripture Union would like to support your church as you work with the children and families around you. Check our web site and see if there is a training event near you. If there’s not and you would like us to come to your church email Hilary Hague on Hilary Hague – Children and Families Ministry Director 7

SURGING IN SCHOOLS Surge is Scripture Union’s new and exciting schools ministry programme for Intermediate aged students (Years 7-8). It is currently running in two schools and there are possibilities for more to start soon. About 20 regular students at both Wairau Intermediate and Henderson Intermediate meet weekly at the school during lunch time. Local churches including Albany City Church, Sunnynook Baptist, and Glenfield Presbyterian have partnered with Scripture Union through prayer and practical hands on support to provide this program to schools. It provides a friendly environment in which students can have fun and discover the New Zealand Schools Curriculum values from a Christian perspective. Students develop understanding, skills, leadership and attitudes that will enhance interaction and relationships with other people through opening and exploring the Bible.

James Bogie – Auckland Youth Office Intern

Luzette Hermon – Auckland Schools Worker

Young people enjoy working together, playing games, problem solving, making crafts, checking out the Bible and praying. In the last school term, the two Surge groups were looking at the Easter Story, things Jesus said and the Parables Jesus told, particularly in relation to how these stories can help us in every day life at school and home. If you would like to support, pray, or get involved with SURGE, please contact Luzette Hermon on 8

Scripture Union

INTERN UPDATE Rachel Mote – Auckland Since I’ve settled in Auckland things have been very busy, and I quickly got involved in a couple of SUPAkidz clubs. These have been lots of fun and I’ve really enjoyed working with the kids. In the last couple of months, I’ve really got back into being creative and I love leading the craft activities at Starship Children’s Church. I’m really enjoying myself so far and looking forward to what the next few months have to offer!

James Bogie – Auckland Youth Office I am really enjoying my time so far with Scripture Union. We have started serious work in 2 intermediate schools on a Tuesday and Wednesday, which is so rewarding. Every week I leave with a new story to tell. I have also visited a few high schools and over Easter weekend and the week after I went on camps, which mean a close interaction with a smaller number of children. I look forward to the next four months and what they will bring

Phil Holley – Hamilton I can’t believe that I am well into my stay in New Zealand. I have had so many answers to prayers this month it has been crazy. I have again been so busy with all the school work I have been doing. I have working with student Christian groups in Hamilton Boys High School (HBHS), Frazer High, and Fairfield College and we are going to be going into Hillcrest High School at the start of next term. Each week has about 10 regulars turn up where we discuss the Bible and have fun activities like a Strongman competition. Please pray for encouragement and direction in the groups I help lead.


Partnerships in Nelson It took me a couple years to learn that developing partnerships with the local churches meant putting aside my own plans. Our first student leadership conference (FUEL’04) was fantastic, but was missing the buy-in of local churches. We had worked hard to get them on board, but not until later did I realise that was the problem. We were teaching about servant leadership, but what was I demonstrating by expecting the churches to suddenly embrace my project? Over the years, we’ve changed our focus from projects to relationships. We take the youth pastors out for coffee twice a term, which gives them opportunity to partner with each other, and for us to learn new ways to support them. I don’t take the daily progress of the school Christian groups so personally, instead seeking ways to support the leaders as children of God. It’s truly an honour to partner with churches, seeking ways we can encourage them without ulterior motives. Unsurprisingly, this approach has deepened the commitment of the students leading their own school Christian fellowship groups. Milo Coldren, Nelson Field Staff

Respond Milo Coldren and his assistant Rebekah Smith need more financial support to be able to continue and expand the key work they are doing with young people in the Nelson region. Would you consider supporting them on a regular basis or making a special donation today? Please write Milo’s name on the enclosed form to direct donations to him.


Scripture Union

Staff news Diana–Alaska trip The most exciting thing coming up for Mark and I is our trip to Alaska and Canada. Alaska has been a place that both Mark and I have wanted to go for some time. Our main objective is a 10 day Sea Kayak trip in Prince William Sound. We will also spend some time in Seattle and Canada meeting up with friends, skiing and tramping! We are really looking forward to spending some quality time together as both our jobs require lots of away time, so we can be like passing ships in the night sometimes

Milo – South Seas Adventure Milo Coldren and his wife, Kimberley, and their children, Emma and Milo Jr, will soon embark on a yachting adventure around the Pacific. While the main focus is family time, they will be visiting and supporting churches and Scripture Union groups. Milo will be taking a leave of absence for three months from the end of June. During his time away, Rebekah Smith will step up and take over leadership of the ministry in Nelson. Support for Milo covers Rebekah’s time. We are looking for more people to support financially the shared work of Milo and Rebekah. Please pray for Milo and his family, and for Rebekah, over the coming months.

Partner with Scripture Union Scripture Union is always looking for more volunteers to partner with us to help us in our ministry – If you are interested in investing your time into SUPAkidz, Schools ministry or helping out at a camp we want to hear from you! Please email or free call 0508 423 836 to register your interest. Alternatively if you would like to make a donation you can make a secure online donation at or free call 0508 423 836. Or respond on the enclosed form.


Light for the path Guest Writer: Aaron Galey-Young – Ponui Senoir Camp Leader

“In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 I’ve noticed that people around me hear and remember many lies about themselves. These lies cause so much pain. Some of them are: The lie of consumerism and materialism that insists we won’t be happy without this and that. A lie that demands instant gratification with no skills of saving, waiting and patience... Then there is the lie of physical image which fuels much of the previous lies power over us... you must wear this, be this size and have this hair cut to be loved and accepted... What about the lie of entitlement and rights that says you deserve it all now, without any hard work and perseverance... The harshest lies are the ones those closest to us tell us or we tell ourselves; “You’re/I’m dumb/stupid”, “You’re/I’m a mistake”, “You/I will never be anything”, “You’re/I’m ugly and unlovable”. All of these lies (and many more) bring death to ourselves, and as we live out these lies it brings death to those around us. Paul tells us “be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2b) which is having misbeliefs and untruths replaced God’s Truth. The source of truth for us is the Bible. Opening it regularly stops lies getting a foothold. I encourage you to remain in the Bible – why not begin again with John’s Gospel so that “The light shines in... [our] ...darkness, and the darkness has not... [will not] ...overcome... [us]” 12

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