Southern Alumni Magazine Fall 2014

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a publication for alumni and friends of Southern Connecticut State University


HAVE PASSPORT, WILL TRAVEL The mind-expanding, life-changing power of studying abroad


Dear Southern Alumni, The cover story in this edition of Southern Alumni Magazine focuses on “the mind-expanding, lifechanging power of studying abroad.” The theme is timely. As we know, the United States is now part of a global marketplace and most of our large industrial enterprises are internationally based. Therefore Southern graduates of the future will be competing for many jobs, not just with peers in the United States, but from across the globe. With this in mind, a critical part of our mission must indeed be “preparing our local students for global lives,” by giving them more international exposure at home and abroad. This includes preparation for global professions such as health care management, technology, and the sciences. Offering critical language, communication, and thinking skills that can translate into any environment. And building the personal characteristics that will enable our students to survive and flourish in an increasingly interconnected world. We can achieve our goal of preparing our students for a global world by increasing opportunities for study abroad programs and by attracting more international — and out-of-state — students to Southern, which will further enrich the diverse tapestry of our campus. Studying abroad instills in our students the ability to think outside of themselves and the desire to play a meaningful role in the world community. Each year, a significant number of Southern students study abroad — in places like Guatemala, Iceland, Germany, Chile, South Africa, Spain, Australia, and Ghana — and we have a growing contingent of international students. We continue to explore new opportunities for engagement. In October, Provost Bette Bergeron and Erin Heidkamp, our director of international education, visited five institutions of higher learning in China with a view to establishing new collaborations there, while a number of visiting scholars from China were on campus this semester. Southern has also joined 240 institutions nationwide in the Institute of International Education’s Generation Study Abroad initiative, with a goal of doubling the number of American students who study abroad by the end of the decade. Currently, fewer than 10 percent of all U.S. college students study abroad at some point in their academic careers. With 2.6 million students graduating with associate’s or baccalaureate degrees each year, it is clear that major segments of America’s young people are not getting the international experience they will need to advance their careers, participate in the global economy, or work together across borders to address global issues. At Southern, we intend to do our part to ensure that students from all backgrounds and in all fields of study have the opportunity to gain this important experience. And this renewed emphasis on study abroad is just one of the many steps we are taking as part of our institution-wide commitment to student success. An Academic Success Center will be established and located in Buley Library after the library renovation project is completed next spring. This will provide support for students seeking help in meeting the university’s academic standards, as well as for those who are already good students but want to excel. We will be creating more co-curricular and social activities for freshmen, sophomores, and transfer students, as research shows that students who are connected to the university are more likely to succeed and are less likely to drop out of college before attaining their degree. We also have created several new advisement positions to support specific populations, including transfer students, commuters, second-year returnees, and business and nursing students. An additional position — and one that we believe is unique in Connecticut — is devoted specifically to providing financial literacy and planning information to current and prospective students and their families, as we seek to help relieve the potential burdens of spiraling student loan debt. More initiatives will be forthcoming during the academic year, as we work to ensure that our students receive the best preparation possible for successful participation in our global, knowledge-based economy. Sincerely,

Mary A. Papazian, Ph.D. President


f e at u r e s


Have Passport, Will Travel

| Fall | 14


Studying art at the Louvre. Researching the influence of climate change on farming in Iceland. A growing number of Southern students are finding the world is their classroom, thanks to Southern’s increased commitment to international education.

The Secret of Their Success


Homecoming and Owl Family Day


Southern pride ran sky high as the university community gathered on campus to show whoo-oo-oo really rules Owl Nation.

Cover photo: Iceland provides countless opportunities for students to gain field experience, including exploring geothermal fields near Mývatn. Photo: C. PatriCk heidkamP, Chair of the dePartment of GeoGraPhy

d e pa r t M e n t s

New initiatives, including an Academic Success Center, are being launched with the ultimate goal in mind: helping students graduate.

From the President

2 ■ 8 ■ 20 ■ 22 ■ 26 ■ 30 ■ 36

Campus News ■ True Blue Supporting Southern Nostalgia Alumni News Alumni Notes Southern Events



school of education awarded full reaccreditation southern’s school of

education has earned a full, five-year reaccreditation from the Council for the accreditation of educator preparation’s Continuous Improvement Commission. the commission reviewed 64 institutions nationwide under the rigorous professional standards required by the national Council for the accreditation of teacher education (nCate). the school of education met all six national supported by an undergraduate fellowship, biology major Kirsten famiglietti (left) spent the summer conducting research with rebecca silady, assistant professor of biology.

standards, which measured

professional dispositions of

national research fellowship for Biology student



FA m i g l i E T T i

l i k E D S C i E N C E A S A C H i l D , B u T S H E D i D N ’ T i N i T i A l ly

plan to major in biology at Southern — until she took a few classes with rebecca Silady, an assistant professor of biology and the university’s botany specialist.

famiglietti’s interest was piqued, and she began volunteering in the professor’s botany lab. “i was learning quite a bit,” she says. “the only downside was that i wasn’t getting paid, so i couldn’t spend as much time in the lab as i would have liked.” at her professor’s suggestion, famiglietti applied for a summer undergraduate research fellowship offered by the american Society of Plant Biologists (aSPB), and was one of only 16 recipients selected from throughout the nation. the fellowship provided a $4,000 stipend for a 10-week program, which ran from mid-June to mid-august. Buoyed by the support, famiglietti spent much of the summer in the laboratory, conducting research on a small, flowering plant called arabidopsis thaliana — a member of the mustard family that her professor calls the “lab rat” of plant biology. “We use it for experiments in the lab because it is small and grows faster than most crop plants,” says Silady. famiglietti’s research centers on how the plant responds to various stimuli, such as

the knowledge, skills, and teacher candidates; assessment; field experiences and clinical practice; diversity; faculty qualifications and performance; and the school’s governance and resources. “We are very pleased that our school of education was among those institutions receiving full reaccreditation,” says president Mary a. papazian. “southern has been a leader in teacher education in Connecticut for the past 120 years, and we look forward to further enhancing our program in the spirit of

sunlight and gravity, and involves using mutant variants of the plant to compare results. the

the continuous improvement

study looks at how the seeds of the plant store protein, which could eventually help

model that is at the heart of

botanists and breeders learn more about the nutritional value of grains. famiglietti, who is

successful teacher prepara-

now a senior, will present her findings at the annual meeting of the aSPB next year.

tion programs.”




Dr. Mary A. Papazian, President Robert L. Stamp, Vice President for Institutional Advancement staff

Bette Bergeron

robert J. rennie

stephen J. Hegedus

new Leadership Hires announced


A k E y l E A D E r S HiP APPOiNT m E N T,

education and rated “most Wired” cam-

Bette Bergeron was named the

pus by yahoo. in 2004, rennie was hon-

provost and vice president for academic af-

ored as one of Computerworld’s Premier

fairs. Bergeron brings more than 22 years of

100 information technology leaders.

experience to Southern, most recently serv-

Stephen J. hegedus was named dean

ing as dean of the School of education at

of the School of education, drawing on

Southern illinois University edwardsville

more than 15 years of teaching, research,

(SiUe). in october 2012, Bergeron also as-

and leadership experience in higher educa-

sumed full governance responsibility for

tion, both in the United States and in

SiUe’s Charter high School, a public school

england. he comes to Southern from the

that serves students within the district

University of massachusetts dartmouth,

boundaries of east St. Louis, ill., a diverse

where he was a professor of mathematics

and underserved urban community.

and mathematics education. at Umass

Previously, she led the development of

dartmouth, hegedus also was the found-

educator-preparation programs at arizona

ing director of the kaput Center for

State University’s Polytechnic campus, and

research and innovation in Science,

served as a faculty member and program

technology, engineering, and mathematics

chair at Purdue University Calumet.

(Stem) education. in 2009, he received the

Joining Southern in august, robert J.

Umass dartmouth Scholar of the year

rennie is the new chief information officer

award. Previously, he held appointments as

(Cio). Since 1997, he was the Cio and vice

research fellow, educational consultant,

president of technology for florida State

and lecturer at the University of oxford in

College at Jacksonville, a multi-campus in-


stitution serving more than 60,000 stu-

he is the principal or co-principal

dents. Under his leadership, the college

investigator of numerous projects funded

was lauded for its technology, including

by the national Science foundation and

being ranked first in the nation for three

the U.S. department of education.

out of four years by the Center for digital

continues on page 4

Patrick Dilger, Director of Public Affairs Villia Struyk, Editor Mary Pat Caputo, Associate Editor Michael Kobylanski, Sports Editor Marylou Conley, ’83, Art Director Isabel Chenoweth, Photographer Melanie Stengel, Contributing Photographer Charlie Davison, Alumni Notes Editor OffICe Of aLuMnI reLatIOns

Michelle R. Johnston, Director of Alumni Relations (203) 392-6500 edItOrIaL OffICe

Southern Connecticut State University Office of Public Affairs/ Southern Alumni Magazine 501 Crescent Street New Haven, CT 06515-1355 Telephone (203) 392-6591; fax (203) 392-6597 E-mail address: University website: Printed by The Lane Press, Inc.

Southern Alumni Magazine is published by the university in cooperation with the SCSU Alumni Association two times a year and distributed free of charge to alumni and friends of the university. Opinions expressed in Southern Alumni Magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the university or the SCSU Alumni Association. Although the editors have made every reasonable effort to be factually accurate, no responsibility is assumed for errors. Postage paid at Burlington, Vt. Southern Connecticut State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, gender, gender identity or expression, national origin, marital status, ancestry, present or past history of mental disorder, learning disability or physical disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic information, or criminal record. Inquiries related to Title IX may be forwarded to Jules Tetreault, Title IX Coordinator, 501 Crescent Street, EN A 106 C, New Haven, CT, 06515; (203) 392-5556; All other inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies may be forwarded to: Jaye Bailey, chief of staff/vice president for organizational development, 501 Crescent Street, EN A 213 D, New Haven, CT 06515; (203) 392-5552; Fall 2014 | 3

CaMpus neWs ■

senior Moves


not too late to g et moving! s EDEN tary folks who begin a moderate-intensity physical ac-

tivity program between the ages of 70 and 89 are more likely to maintain their mobility in the years ahead than those who stay inactive, according to a national study that included the work of faculty and students from Southern. a total of 1,635 people participated in the Lifestyles interventions and independence for elders study, which divided individuals into two groups: one took part in a physical activity program; the other group did not, though they participated in a health education program. of the 1,635 adults, about 100 participated in physical activities at Southern, which was tapped by the yale School of medicine as a site location and for its assistance in admin-

to lose mobility — defined as being unable to walk 400

istering the program. those participating in the study gen-

meters on any given day without assistance. regular exer-

erally engaged in 10 to 30 minutes of walking three to six

cise participants also were 28 percent less likely to suffer

days a week; 10 minutes of strength training for three days a

from persistent mobility disability — being unable to walk

week; and balance training and stretching exercises.

400 meters independently on two or more occasions. the

the study revealed that regular exercisers were 18 per-

study was conducted between february 2010 and

cent less likely than those in the health education program


continues on page 6

is included in Princeton review’s 2014 “Guide to the 332 Greenest Colleges.”

many of the university’s ecological efforts benefit the financial bottom line as well as the

planet: for example, new high-efficiency lighting in campus garages and gyms saves about

$123,000 annually.

27 all americans in the 2013-14 academic year. overall, Southern boasts nearly 1,100 all americans. TUDENT-ATHLETES

continue to excel: there were

volunteered in the local community 760 during the annual dr. ronald d. herron day of Service on Sept. 20. Service projects P r O x i m AT E ly


were completed for numerous organizations, including ronald mcdonald house, edgewood


Park, integrated refugee and immigrant Services (iriS), and Beaver Ponds Park. outhern prides itself on its diverse, culturally rich campus. minority students comprise



29% of Southern’s enrollment.

faculty faces


in addition to serving on the faculty, morin is the assistant athletic trainer. this fall marks his 25th season as a member of the university’s athletic training staff. he previously was the owls’ head athletic trainer for 12 seasons.

Gary Morin, professor of exercise science and program coordinator of the athletic training education program


received the athletic trainer Service award from the national athletic trainers’ association at its national conference on June 27.

PrOgrAm kuDOS :

Southern is home to Connecticut’s longest-accredited athletic training program. Congratulations to the 2013, 2012, and 2011 senior classes for their 100 percent first-time pass rate on the national board of certification exam for athletic trainers. Fall 2014 | 5

CaMpus neWs ■

december 2013, with results published online in the Journal of the american medical association on may 27. “to our knowledge, there hasn’t been a definitive study that looks at whether physical activity prevents or delays mobility disability in older, previously sedentary adults,” says

applause! applause!


ongratulations to several members of the southern community who were recently recognized for outstanding achievement.

MeLIssa taLHeLM , associate professor of english, is the full-time

faculty recipient of the J. philip smith award for Outstanding teaching, one of southern’s highest honors. Having taught at southern since 2006, she also advises graduate students, serves as a student teaching supervisor and an english department honors thesis adviser, and is the coordinator of the secondary english education program. she received a Connecticut state university research Grant for spring 2014.

robert axtell, SCSU profes-

feLLOW HOnOree , aLLIsOn Bass ,

sor of exercise science and

adjunct professor of english, re-

co-principal investigator of

ceived the J. philip smith award

the study. “our hypothesis

for Outstanding teaching in the adjunct professor category. Bass

is that it would help, but

began teaching at southern in 2011 and also serves as co-director

nobody has really looked at

of Bridges, a program designed to help juniors at new Haven’s

the effects over a sustained

Wilbur Cross High school develop college-readiness skills.

length of time, which in our case was over a period of

stepHen aMerMan, associate

nearly 4 years.”

professor of history, received

the study was funded by the national institutes of health and the national institute on aging. dr. thomas Gill of the yale School of medicine served as the lead investigator for that school. the University of florida, Gainsville, coor-

Melissa talhelm

allison Bass

southern’s faculty scholar award, presented annually to a faculty

member with a single exceptional scholarly work that has appeared in the public forum during the previous five years. He was recognized for his book, “urban Indians in phoenix schools, 19402000.” In addition to the urbanization and education of the american Indian, amerman’s areas of expertise also include the history of native americans in Connecticut in the 20th century.

dinated the study that also

stephen amerman

included: northwestern University in Chicago; Pennington Biomedical research Center in Baton rouge, La.; Stanford University in Palo alto, Calif.; tufts University in Boston; the University of Pittsburgh; and Wake forest University in Winston-Salem, n.C. 6 | Southern ALUMNI MAGAZINE

Half full . . . and then some drInK up! new water stations have been installed on campus, making it quick and easy to refill water bottles. these hydration stations provide cool, filtered water — and a more sustainable alternative to repeatedly buying and tossing out plastic water bottles.

president receives 2014 athena Leadership award

president papazian is pictured with her fellow nominees for the athena award, along with dee prior-nesti, executive director of the Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce (next to the president, center) and anthony rescigno, president of the Greater new Haven Chamber of Commerce (right). Ary A. PAPAziAN, PrESiDENT


of $190 million. her first day at

numbers of students earning college

of Southern Connecticut State

Southern was feb. 1, 2012, and since

degrees and to close attainment gaps

University, received the 2014 athena

then she has led a period of institu-

between traditional and under-repre-

Leadership award during an oct. 9

tional enhancement that includes a

sented populations.

luncheon at the toyota presents

major construction program, initia-

oakdale theatre in Wallingford.

tives to enhance retention and gradu-

Presented annually by the Greater new haven and Quinnipiac chambers of commerce, the athena award rec-

ation rates, and curricular changes to meet student and workforce needs.

ognizes women who “strive toward

role in the community as a member of the new haven regional Leadership

fessional accomplishment, who excel

Council, vice-chair of the Greater

in their chosen field, devote time and

new haven heart Walk, and a direc-

energy to their community in a mean-

tor of new haven Promise, a scholar-

ingful way, and forge paths of leader-

ship and support program created to

ship for other women to follow.”

promote college education as an as-

career as an educator, administrator, and scholar of english literature.

piration for all new haven Public

at +

Let’s hear it for our new students! for a few lively highlights from a summer orientation session, go to


What’s it like to be an international student studying at southern? Students from england, Germany, and Sweden share their thoughts at testimonials/inbound.


Browse past issues of southern alumni Magazine and catch up on other alumni news at


Check us out on facebook. the university’s page is at and the alumni association’s is at


Music, comedy, and more! a calendar of upcoming performances at the Lyman Center for the Performing arts is at

School students. at the state level, she is the vice-

appointed as the university’s 11th

chair of the Connecticut Campus

president in december 2011, she

Compact Board of directors and was

oversees an institution of almost

part of a delegation to Complete

11,000 students, 434 full-time faculty,

College america, a national confer-

1,100 staff, and an operating budget

ence that helps states to increase the

On the Web pay a vIrtuaL vIsIt tO CaMpus

Papazian also has taken an active

the highest levels of personal and pro-

Papazian has enjoyed a notable

Fall 2014 | 7


from the pool to the playing field, a look at Southern athletics.

J ■

there’s a new Owl in town Ay mOrAN HAS WOrN mANy HATS DuriNg THE course


his 25-year career in collegiate athletics — all draw-

in Southern history — joining the owls after 10 years at the

ing on his demonstrated leadership skills. he’s been

helm of the University of Bridgeport athletics program.

a coach and an assistant and head athletics director — as well as the mayor of manchester, where he

the move to new haven is something of a homecoming for moran, who was the athletics director at albertus

has served since april after several months as deputy

magnus College from 2002-04. Previously, he held increas-

mayor. in august he added another title to his impressive

ingly responsible positions with St. Joseph College in West

resume when he was named the fifth director of athletics

hartford (1993-2002) and notre dame high School of West haven, where he oversaw a $2 million fundraising campaign. in addition, moran held leadership positions among his peers, serving as president of the east Coast Conference athletic directors’ Council from 2007-11. he is also the vice chair and chair elect of the eastern College athletic Conference, which represents more than 300 members. moran will now usher the owls into a new era — looking to build upon the successes achieved on the playing fields, in the classroom, and in the community. “i’m happy to be here,” he says. “i like being an owl, and i think that we’re going to do some great things.”

Cool runnings


May 31, Owl spirit reigned supreme at the Cross County and track and field alumnae social. More

than 45 alumnae and current student-athletes attended the event, with graduates representing class years ranging from 1982 – 2014.

Jay Moran

What a year!


he Owls are looking back with pride on the 2013-14 academic year,

which was marked by stellar achievements. accomplishments include:

• two nCaa individual champions (swimmer raymond Cswerko in the 200 butterfly and indoor track and field’s nick Lebron in the heptathlon). • four northeast-10 conference championships (men’s swimming and diving, men’s indoor track and field, men’s basketball, and men’s outdoor track and field). • 27 newly minted all-americans. • a wide variety of community outreach efforts and Southern student-athletes’ best overall academic record to date.

for more points of pride, check out the 2013-14 athletics year In review at 8 | Southern ALUMNI MAGAZINE

F O R M O R E S P O RT S H I G H L I G H T S . . . turn to the “owl news” newsletter, available exclusively online. receive the free newsletter by providing your e-mail address on the subscription form available at; click on the “Owl Club” heading.

Meet the Student-Athlete ■

from southern to the nfL



who are making their marks in the national football League (nfL) this fall. former owl tight end, Jerome Cunningham, has signed with the new

Sarah Brochu Senior, majoring in nursin g Women’s Soccer, co-captain , defense

york Giants’ practice squad. Cunningham played at Southern from 2009-12. in four evan PinkUS, neW york GiantS Photo

years he caught 61 passes for 690 yards and seven touchdowns. former Southern defensive lineman ike igbinosun is also catching nfL action, having signed with the Buffalo Bills to be part of the organization’s practice squad for the second year in Jerome Cunningham

a row. he also previously played with the

Pittsburgh Steelers and dallas Cowboys. at Southern, igbinosun was one of the top defensive players in the northeast-10 in his senior year, collecting all-conference, all

BUffaLo BiLLS Photo

region, and all-eastern College athletic Conference honors.

a few claims to fame: all-new england, all-region, and all-northeast-10 Conference selection as a junior in 2012; northeast-10 Conference Commissioner’s honor roll selection (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)

soccer start: Began playing in a local league when she

was about 4. “i was part of the pack — just chasing the ball all over the field.”

back in the game: Brochu underwent surgery after injur-

ing her aCL, a major knee ligament, while competing with a summer league and was unable to play during the 2013 season.

recovered and ready: “i played this summer to get any nervousness out of the way. We’re really excited about the season. We have some great freshmen . . . and a lot of excellent returning players.”

favorite thing about soccer: “everything. it’s a stress outlet, whether we’re talking about school or life in general.”

summer job: medical assistant at an obstetrics and gynecology office

clinical assignments: yale-new haven hospital

(ynhh), ynhh’s Saint raphael campus, middlesex hospital, and midState medical Center

why nursing? “a lot of people in my family are in the

medical field. i’m very hands-on —definitely not a desk person — and i wanted to help people.”

Join the team Ike Igbinosun

BeHInd tHe teaM !

the Owl Club recognizes donors who support southern’s athletics program with a gift of $50 or more. to make a gift, go to Fall 2014 | 9

Studying art at the Louvre. Researching the influence of climate change on farming in Iceland. A growing number of Southern students are finding the world is their classroom thanks to Southern’s increased commitment to international education. By Villia Struyk iT WOulD BE DiFFiCulT TO ENviSiON A mOrE STuNNiNg ClASSrOOm THAN iCElAND.



“The wildlife is incredible,” says senior geography major Kristen Chaney, who participated in Southern’s 2014 study abroad program to the Nordic country.“There are puffins, arctic tern, seal, and reindeer. We saw whales — not on a formal whale watch, but while just sitting out on a fjord,” she says. Under the guidance of C. Patrick Heidkamp, chairman of the Department of Geography, students conducted field-based research with a goal of studying the interrelationship between the economy and the environment. The connection is particularly interesting in Iceland — a world leader in innovative environmental policies and energy production. Chaney had visited Canada, but this was her first trip overseas — made possible by a scholarship that funded part of the expenses. Students stayed at several sites, including Skálanes, situated on a 1250-hectare (or 3,089-acre) nature preserve, complete with vast sea cliffs, snow-capped mountains, black sandy beaches, roaring waterfalls, and at least 90 archeological sites. Research was the cornerstone of the experience.“I looked at how climate change is affecting farming in Iceland,” says Chaney. “It’s interesting because the seasons are actually becoming longer.” She extended her trip by two weeks to complete fieldwork for her Honors Thesis as well. Chaney’s research is based in the town of Seyðisfjörður, a picturesque rural home to about 800 residents. With the assistance of the headmaster of the local school, Chaney is looking at the diet of the town’s children and comparing it with data gleaned from a similar study conducted in Iceland’s capital and largest city, Reykjavík. “Seyðisfjörður is isolated,” says Chaney.“You have to cross a mountain pass to get into town. . . . The isolation is even more extreme in the winter when a storm may make it impossible to pass for an entire week.” Compounding matters, she notes that there is only one grocery store, open limited hours, with food prices about 30 percent higher than in the city.“I’m interested in comparing diets in the urban setting to this isolated rural environment,” says Chaney, who following Kristen C graduation hopes to join AmeriCorps or the Peace Corps.





an aMerICan



notes that spanish was her first language. Her mother, who hails from puerto rico, emphasized spanish in the home with the hope that her daughter would fully embrace it. “I started taking english courses in fourth grade,” says Machin, who learned english when she was eight. “My dreams shifted to english instead of spanish. that’s when I noticed that my way of thinking was changing — even subconsciously.” a similar transformation followed Machin’s participation in the International field study in rome offered through the department of english and led by Leon Weinmann. the program immersed students in the heart of roman culture while they completed two courses:

chin Vanessa Ma

“the Classical tradition of Western Literature” and “Literature of the new testament.” accommodations were located within minutes of the Coliseum and the roman forum — and the professor led excursions to many of the area’s most celebrated archaeological, architectural, and cultural sites, including the vatican Museums and the catacombs of san Callisto. for Machin, who is simultaneously serving as a full-time and traditional member of the army national Guard, interacting with the Italian community was equally illuminating. an outing to an Italian shoe store for comfortable “tour-worthy” sneakers provides a telling example. relying on patience and trial and error, Machin — who doesn’t speak Italian — and the sales person successfully completed the transaction. then the clerk asked Machin where she was from. “I said america,” she says with a smile “In the past when people asked, I would say [I was] puerto rican. . . . that was the first time I described myself as an american — and it was overseas.”

Fall 2014 | 11

suMMer In tHe

CIty Of


“paris is my first real international travel [experience], other than the fact that I wasn’t born in the united states,” she says. a native of the republic of Cameroon (located in the far west of africa), elung grew up speaking english and french — the country’s official languages — as well as a Cameroonian dialect and West african pidgin english. the sCsu in paris program pro-

Yvonne Elung

vided elung, a senior who is majoring in political science and minoring in french, with an ideal immersion experience. Led by Camille serchuk, profes-



s nd


As a child, she lived with her family in Waterloo, Belgium, for two years, attending an international school and traveling throughout Europe. Years later, as an undergraduate studying biology and photography at Sarah Lawrence College, she studied in Tasmania, Australia, traveling the country and meeting people from around the world. “I always tell college-age students that they should study abroad,” says Iwanowski, who came to Southern to pursue a teaching certificate in secondary biology and a master’s degree in environmental education.“Even if it does not fit into your major, or you think you will be miserable. It is life changing. Period.” A firm believer in practicing what she preaches, in summer 2013 Iwanowski jumped at the opportunity to participate in a field-based study in Bermuda offered through the Department of Science Education Claire Iw and Environmental Studies. Directed by Associate Professor Scott M. Graves, the program included anowski day trips to various locations on the island to observe and investigate their geology and natural history. Conducting science in paradise was exhilarating. Iwanowski recounts snorkeling to study the profile of the shoreline and investigating the island’s caves.“When the test was finished we were able to freely explore the dark cave and take a dip in the natural pool inside,” she says of one research experience. “It was dimly lit, freezing, completely clear, and incredible.” 12 | Southern ALUMNI MAGAZINE

sor of art, and Luke eilderts, assistant professor of world languages and literatures, the program offers courses in art, architecture, and french language and culture. paris proved a stunning classroom, with trips planned throughout the city, including the eiffel tower, the Louvre, the Basilica of st. denis (the traditional resting place for the kings and queens of france), the paris Opera, and much more. the group also visited sites outside of the city, including the Château de versailles. for elung, the daily interaction with parisians was the highlight of the trip. “political science is not only about politics but also about learning what other countries are like socially and economically,” she says. she particularly enjoyed assignments that sent her into the city to explore and discover . . . be it the language, the cuisine, or the attitudes of the people. “I am a youth today — and a leader tomorrow,” says elung. “Gaining any international experience will make me more of a global leader.”

Luke Eilderts and Camille Serchuk, co-directors of SCSU in Paris, share more of the trip at

Currently an eighth grade science teacher at Dolan Middle School, Iwanowski says the experience helped her reconnect with early interests.“I remembered just how much I am in love with field research abroad. I would love to do that for a longer period of time one day,” she says.“I rediscovered my inner science geek and wore it loud and proud. And I reminded myself that making friends in strange places is the best place to make them. Being someplace new and exciting with people creates a strong bond and lasting memories.”

Fall 2014 | 13


the International field study in Health is a telling example. professor of public Health William G. faraclas has been taking students abroad since 1976, first traveling to the

JOurney tO


yucatan peninsula of Mexico. since 1995, the field study has been conducted in Guatemala — the second poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, a country nonetheless rich in human spirit and stunning natural beauty. as an undergraduate studying public health at southern, Joanne Cavadini, ’06, was unable to participate in the international field study. But when she returned to southern to earn her master’s in public health, she jumped at the opportunity to learn firsthand about public health in a developing country. a visit to the government health center was particularly illuminating. “When you first walk in, you are somewhat taken aback . . . because the facility isn’t what we think of when we imagine a health center. It doesn’t have the same sort of sanitary appearance . . . It’s not as high-tech as what we are used to. “But you quickly realize that you have to leave those ideas aside and look at what they do have — a government program that is vaccinating children at very high rates. they have health services available to them. . . . people who are dedicated and really care.” Over a 15-day period, the students took daily classes while immersing themselves in the Guatemalan culture. visits to health facilities, schools, and remote Mayan villages, all offered the opportunity to interact with local residents. the academic quest was a critical component of the program. Working with an interpreter, students traveled into the community to answer questions related to public health. “We went to municipal buildings, physicians’ offices, pharmacies . . . to speak to experts in the field,” says Cavadini. “It was the best way to get information. We were set on a path, but we could also be extra inquisitive if we wanted to learn more.”



spanIsH suMMer

N SummEr 2015, SOuTHErN Will CElEBrATE THE 25TH ANNivErSAry

of the Summer in Salamanca program. Since launching the international field study in 1990, Professor of Spanish Carlos Arboleda has annually escorted approximately 25 students to Salamanca, also known as the Golden City of Spain — a stunning showcase of Renaissance architecture. Senior Cody Yacavone, who is majoring in Spanish and secondary education, has made the journey twice — first as a participant and this summer as an assistant. Her responsibilities ranged from helping students prepare for the trip to assisting with group events and tours. The latter were awe-inspiring. Students visited numerous sites, including Segovia’s famed Roman aqueduct, and enjoyed a five-day trip to the Andalucía region. The international field study is open to undergraduate and graduate students, who select from a variety of courses in Spanish language, culture, and civilization. Yacavone took classes on classic Spanish literature, colloquial Spanish, and modern Spanish novels. Her ultimate goal: to improve her fluency and experience Spanish culture firsthand. The allure of future travel beckons for Yacavone, who began studying Spanish in second grade. “Overall, studying abroad in Spain has been a very rewarding experience for me,” she says.“Not only did it infinitely improve my fluency and understanding of the Spanish language, but also inspired me to explore other languages and cultures, and continue traveling the world.”

Cody Ya cavone

Fall 2014 | 15

vaCatIOn vOLunteers


who traveled to Jamaica to volunteer at medical and care centers. Led by Antoinette Towle, assistant professor of nursing, the trip marked the Nursing Department’s first educational field trip outside the United States. The class,“Understanding Global Healthcare,” offers students an opportunity to study within a culturally diverse and vulnerable environment. The journey kicked off with challenging team-building exercises, including a group climb of a 950-foot span of Dunn’s River Falls. The nursing students immediately went to work, observing Jamaican medical professionals and providing assistance, including performing general health assessments. Visits were made to numerous locales, including a nursing home, a children’s hospital in Kingston, and a one-room schoolhouse in the Parish of St. Mary, where the group volunteered and contributed toys and books. As a teacher, Towle’s favorite part of the field study was watching the students’ perspectives shift throughout the week, as they went from seeing “the big, stark buildings with no windows,” to valuing and understanding the people. While appreciative of the tropical weather and beautiful scenery, then-junior Nicole Valeriano said she left the trip with a greater appreciation for the opportunities and cleanliness in the United States, and a changed perspective on mission trips.“I look at people differently now and will take my experience with me wherever I work,” she says. — By Bailey Brumbach, ’14

director Erin Heidkamp, the of of Southern’s Office tion, International Educa eing shares thoughts on se her the world, including list. cket personal (travel) bu




the daughter of a lieutenant commander in the navy, heidkamp says she became used to traveling and adjusting to new locations at an early age. She credits her globetrotting grandparents for developing her interest in international travel. “they traveled all over the place — Japan, ireland, China — and they would send me little trinkets from different countries. travel was very mysterious to me from a very young age.”

“When i was 15 i wanted to study abroad. i applied to go to france since i had taken a year of french — and i got an envelope in the mail that said in Spanish, ‘Welcome to ecuador.’ . . . So at 15, i rode banana buses in the jungles of ecuador in the amazon. i went to Colombia and Peru. . . . We backpacked through the jungle for two weeks. We had a guide with a machete in front of us, cutting down brush so that we could walk.”

a few facts O n





Currently 150 – 200 Southern students study abroad an✈nually, their destinations ranging from Botswana to Belgium. Currently 20 international students are attending ✈Southern through a short-term exchange program.



tio nal ed ucation

in addition, there are four J-1 visiting faculty scholars at the university. there also are 70 international students from countries throughout the world who are seeking degrees at Southern.

Study abroad opportunities range from short-term (summer or spring break) to longterm (one to two semester).

SCSU is a partner in the international Student exchange Programs (iSeP), a network that includes more than 300 prestigious institutions of higher learning in 42 countries. in addition to other options, Southern also currently offers numerous faculty-led programs administered by the university, as well as programs with 17 partner institutions from all over the world.

Located in the north Campus midrise, the international LivingLearning Community is a residence hall option for domestic and international students who want to develop language skills and explore cultures of the world.

is committed to doubling the number of students who study abroad over ✈theSouthern next five years. Working toward that goal, SCSU is a partner with the institute of international education’s Generation Study abroad initiative — conceived to double the number of american students who study abroad by the end of the decade.

all eligible financial aid recipients apply their aid and/or scholarship funding ✈toalmost their study abroad experience. an increasing number of Southern students are applying for and receiving Gilman, rotary foundation, iSeP, american institute for foreign Study, and other scholarships to study abroad.

SEE THE WORLD, FIND YOURSELF “traveling completely resets your goals and values. i came back [from ecuador] and the minute i got off the plane i knew that i wasn’t going to be satisfied with a life without travel . . . a life without experiencing other cultures.”

LIVING LIKE A LOCAL While living with her husband in Germany to be close to his family, heidkamp successfully completed a three-month-long apprenticeship to become a conductor with the deutsch Bahn, the German railway. out of a class of 40, she was one of only two women — and the only one to successfully complete the challenging program. “our tests were out in the train yard,” she recalls.

RECENT TRIP in october, heidkamp and Bette Bergeron, provost and vice president for academic affairs, visited five institutions of higher learning in China with a goal of

establishing new collaborations. in turn, a number of visiting scholars from China will be on campus during the semester.

ON THE HORIZON “armenia is very exciting,” says heidkamp. “We are developing a nursing ed.d. program with a partner institution in armenia.”

TA L K I N G T H E TA L K heidkamp speaks German (native fluency), Spanish, and french. her research languages (she has a Ph.d. in medieval Studies) include Latin, old and middle high German, old english, and old norse.

PA C K I N G T H E I R B A G S “We have a lot of students who have not had the opportunity to travel outside of new england or even Connecticut. a lot of joy comes from seeing these students experience for the first time what lies outside of the state’s borders. for some students, it’s life changing in the sense that they sit back and reevaluate the path that they’ve set for

themselves. for others, it complements what they’ve chosen to do. they might decide that studying, traveling, or even working abroad some day would be a good thing. after traveling, a lot of students do a 180° in terms of the way they look at the world and their own potential.”

T R AV E L C H A L L E N G E S “if there is any hesitation on the part of the students, it’s always a financial issue. funding is an ever-present concern in our office, and we are actively looking for external funding that would offset the costs for the students.”

PERSONAL DREAM D E S T I N AT I O N S korea, russia, Patagonia, and antarctica “those places where nobody goes. . . . my bucket is so full, i can barely carry it.”

Fall 2014 | 17




New initiatives, including an Academic Success Center, are designed with one goal in mind: helping students graduate. By Joe Musante, ’86


everal initiatives designed to improve the university’s graduation and retention rates are being implemented this fall as part of Southern’s commitment toward greater student success. The creation of an Academic Success Center, as well as the hiring of both a director of new student and sophomore programs, and a coordinator of student financial literacy and advising, are among the developments that resulted from a report of the Student Success Task Force last semester. “The report was only released in February, but we’re already taking some significant steps intended to improve student success at Southern,” says Tracy Tyree, vice president for student affairs.“I really believe we’re on the path to doing some great things.” The Academic Success Center — which will provide support for students seeking help in maintaining the university’s academic standards, as well as for those who are already good students but want to excel further — will eventually be located in Hilton C. Buley Library. The area will be designated after the renovation of the building is completed. “I’m hoping that a year from now, we’ll have a physical location,” Tyree says.“In the meantime, the concept of the center will be developed. We are already looking at several initiatives, including online tutorials and peer-coaching programs in which upperclassmen work with underclassmen.” Katie De Oliveira has been hired as the center’s director. Meanwhile, Sal Rizza, ’98, has been named the director of new student and sophomore programs. Rizza, who had been the associate director of student life since January 2004, will look to create cocurricular programs for freshmen, sophomores, and transfer students. Among the possible programs are a transfer student social organization and a peer-mentor program. He will work closely with Nicole Henderson, director of the First-Year Experience program. “Research shows that students who have social and co-curricular connections to the university are more likely to succeed and are less likely to drop out of college before attaining their degree,” Tyree says.“We have an excellent first-year student program already, and continues on page 35

Lewis deLuca, coordinator of student financial literacy and advising, meets with student taylor andrews (left) and her mother, Karen andrews.

DOLLARS AND SENSE are you ready for a shocking statistic? In 2014, student loan debt in america exceeded $1 trillion. In an effort to help students plan for the cost of education and manage their financial obligations, southern has created a position devoted specifically to providing financial planning information to current and prospective students, as well as their families. Lewis deLuca, who served in the university’s Office of financial aid and scholarships for 10 years, has been named coordinator of student financial literacy and advising. through outreach, advising, and on-campus programming, he will work closely with parents and students to raise awareness about financial literacy, student aid programs, scholarships, and long-term financial obligations. “financial aid departments in colleges and universities have people who talk with students, but generally not in the kind of depth that we will be able to provide on a consistent basis,” says deLuca. “and we are available to talk with high school students and potential transfer students, as well.” for more information, check out the university’s financial literacy and advising webpage at Fall 2014 | 19

S U P P O RT I N G S O U T H E R N ■

By natalie Missakian

ettling into a new townhouse with her husband and in-

ate student earning a master’s degree in psychology who

fant son, amy Huie-Li, M.p.H. ’95, knew she’d made the

maintains a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. preference

right move. she met Barbara Mcewen on that very first day — and a few weeks later, Huie-Li invited the southern psychology

is given to students doing independent research. “Losing someone you love or care deeply about is very

professor to a housewarming party. It was the start of a more

painful,” says Huie-Li, a residency-trained, nationally certified

than 20-year friendship that involved celebrating holidays and

geriatric pharmacist at a major Connecticut hospital. “I miss

birthdays, vacationing together, and chatting daily about the

my dear friend Barbara’s kindness, graciousness, and her posi-

joys, hopes, and frustrations of everyday life.

tive attitude. By establishing the scholarship, I hope to ease

Huie-Li would go on to have two more children, and Mcewen was an “aunt” to them all, attending concerts and graduations, and playing their favorite board games. for

my pain and preserve Barbara’s name.” the scholarship forwards both women’s demonstrated commitment to education and the community. In addition to

Huie-Li, Mcewen also filled a void left when her older sister

earning a master’s degree in public health from southern,

died years earlier.

Huie-Li holds bachelor’s degrees from the City College of

When Huie-Li’s family outgrew the townhouse and

new york and Idaho state university, as well as a doctor of

Mcewen wanted a home with a bigger library, they built

pharmacy from the Massachusetts College of pharmacy and

houses next door to each other so they could continue

Health sciences. she volunteers at the uConn Migrant farm

being neighbors.

Worker Clinics and at local health fairs, and is committed to

Huie-Li says establishing a scholarship in the late professor’s memory is her way of healing after Mcewen’s death in 2007. the Barbara Mcewen Memorial scholarship also will

providing geriatric pharmacy-related consultation services in the community. Mcewen, in turn, came to southern as an assistant pro-

preserve her friend’s legacy and promote the field of psychol-

fessor in 1967 and earned a reputation as a dedicated

ogy, which Mcewen loved. the scholarship benefits a gradu-

teacher, researcher, and author. Before joining the university,


she earned an undergraduate degree from Hunter College, a

her father was dying, making a late-night trip to the hospital

master’s degree from the university of Iowa, and a ph.d. from

to join the family at his bedside during his final moments.

McGill university, and held research appointments at McGill,

Less than five years later, when Mcewen became sick,

tulane university, and the southern research Institute. she re-

Huie-Li was there at her bedside to comfort her. she, along

tired from southern in 1990 to work on her book, “the roles

with her husband and Linda Mackey, a former chairwoman of

of vasopressin and Oxytocin in Memory processing,” which

the psychology department at southern and a longtime friend

was published by elsevier. at the time of her death, Mcewen,

of Mcewen’s, were at the hospital the night Mcewen died.

a firm believer in the importance of conservation, was working on a book on earth science and evolution. Colleagues describe Mcewen as a perfectionist who was

Huie-Li says that she and her dear friend were so close that a librarian at the yale Medical Library, where Mcewen spent many hours doing research, once mistook them for sis-

so thoroughly immersed in her work that her personal library

ters. “Barbara and I looked at each other and laughed. Barbara

and workspace took up the entire second floor of her cus-

was Caucasian and I clearly asian! How could the librarian mis-

tom-built home, which she had reinforced to support the

take us for being sisters? I guess we behaved like sisters to

weight of her voluminous files and book collection. the col-

her,” she says.

Amy Huie-Li, M.P.H. ’95, funds a new scholarship that celebrates the lasting bond of friendship and a dedicated professor’s passion for teaching and research. lection was sorted based on the dewey decimal system, the library classifica-

affinito says Mcewen’s research in the field of physiological psychology —

tion used to shelf books in an organ-

which explores the connection between

ized way.

mind and body, and the effects of the

“downstairs she had a lovely apart-

brain and nervous system on behavior

ment, and upstairs she could go to

— was ahead of its time. she says there

work,” says Mona affinito, former chair-

recently have been numerous articles

woman of the psychology department

written about the brain chemical oxy-

at southern and Mcewen’s longtime

tocin (the focus of Mcewen’s book),

friend. “that was Barb. that was her

which is often referred to as the “love



affinito remembers another profes-

“I wish Barb was here to see where

sor joking that Mcewen was writing “the

this research is going, because it’s very

definitive book about everything.”

exciting,” says affinito.

“every time she hit something new

Huie-Li says she chose southern for

in her research, she would have to go

the scholarship because the university

explore that in-depth,” affinito says.

meant so much to Mcewen, and it was

But Mcewen’s devotion wasn’t lim-

where she met most of her lifelong

ited to her work. When her sister fell

friends. Mcewen is buried near the uni-

seriously ill, Mcewen traveled to new

versity, at Beaverdale Memorial park in

york every weekend to visit her,

new Haven. “I know Barbara would be

affinito recalls. Mcewen also provided

proud of the way the school is growing,”

unwavering support to Huie-Li when

she says. ■

Fall 2014 | 21

n O s ta L G I a ■

If We Build It . . .

It was arguably the most significant groundbreaking ceremony in Southern Connecticut State University’s history — and it was held on former farmland once used to grow corn and raise hogs.


Or severaL GeneratIOns, tHe farnHaM faMILy

struction began on the only building the legislature had

cultivated a large stretch of land in new haven. But in

fully funded — irma Pelz Gymnasium. more than six decades

1947 they agreed to sell

have past, marked by the con-

37 acres of their approximately 150-acre farm to the state of

struction of numerous build-

Connecticut to build a new

ings that have continuously

home for new haven State

transformed the face of

teachers College, as SCSU was

Southern’s campus to meet the

then known. the agreed upon

needs of students, faculty, and

price for the land was $134,750.

the community. recent years have been no exception as

the groundbreaking cere-

shown in the accompanying

mony for what would become the Crescent Street campus was held on oct. 3, 1951. one month and one day later, con22 | Southern ALUMNI MAGAZINE

In progress: (top) the new academic and Laboratory science Building and (bottom) the renovated and expanded Hilton C. Buley Library.

sidebar, which highlights numerous major building projects completed in the last ten years.

W H AT A D I F F E R E N C E A D E C A D E M A K E S the future is equally promising. in

In addition to significantly upgrading facilities throughout campus, numerous major construction

spring 2015, two major construction

projects have been completed in the last 10 years. stay tuned . . . the academic and Laboratory

projects are slated for completion: the

science Building and the renovation of Buley Library are slated to be finished this spring as well.

new academic and Laboratory Science Building and the dramatically renovated and expanded hilton C. Buley Library. rising four-stories, the new

Wintergreen parking Garage • it officially opened in July 2013. • the garage replaced a paved parking lot, adding more than 800 spaces for a total of 1,257 spaces.

103,608-square-foot science building

• it’s fitted with energy-efficient Led lighting and three charging stations for electric vehicles.

will be home to classrooms and re-

• more than 90 security cameras and blue-light phones provide added security.

search labs for nanotechnology, physics and optics, earth science, environmental science, cancer research, astronomy, molecular biology, and chemistry. the new building will be located next to Jennings and morrill halls, which currently house the university’s science departments. together, the three buildings will form a “science enclave,” connected by passageways. highlights of the academic and Laboratory Science Building include a supercomputing laboratory and the Werth Center for Coastal and marine Studies — named for the Werth family following a $3 million gift from the family foundation. in addition, the state-of-the-art CSCU Center for nanotechnology will be located on the ground floor with laboratory space designed to isolate the building’s vibrations — a critical consideration when working with microscopic materials. the latest technology also will be incorporated in the renovated and expanded library. the project consisted of two-phases: the creation of a 135,000-square-foot addition, which was completed in 2008, and the renovation of the original space,

continues on page 35

school of Business • opened in 2012, the facility was created by renovating part of the university’s former student center, which was built in 1959. • a high-tech trading room equipped with a ticker-tape display helps students learn the intricacies of the stock market. • the building is home to the Business Success Center. funded by a generous grant from the northeast Utilities foundation, it provides student services, including internship development and management, academic advisement, technology assistance, and professional development seminars. • it’s the second building in the state to receive Leed (Leadership in energy and environmental design) Gold certification, a recognition of exceptional ecologically sound construction. it also received the Power of Change top State Building award for energy efficiency.

Michael J. adanti student Center • opened in the 2005-06 academic year, the facility was named in honor of the late President emeritus michael J. adanti, ’63, in recognition of his more than 30 years of service to Southern, including 19 as president. • the four-story, 125,000-square-foot building is three times larger than the previous student center. • amenities include a bookstore, conference and meeting rooms for student clubs and organizations, computer laboratory, fireplace lounge, food court, 900-seat meeting room/ballroom for seminars and other events, a 200-seat theater, fitness center, and more.

engleman Hall • the project to renovate and expand engleman hall was completed in 2005. • in addition to renovating the building, a 69,000-square-foot addition was built. • improvements throughout the building include high-tech classrooms, departmental libraries, seminar rooms, a student lounge, and faculty and administrative offices.

West Campus residence Hall • the 350-student, co-ed residence hall opened for the fall 2004 semester with an accompanying parking garage. • it offers two living styles: traditional rooms (doubles and triples) as well as suite-style housing (single bedrooms with shared living room, storage space, bathrooms, and compact microwave/refrigerator units). Fall 2014 | 23

Homecoming OWL FAMILY DAY 2014 Southern pride ran sky high as the university community gathered on campus to show whoo-oo-oo really rules Owl Nation.


ecked out in owl blue and white, members of the Southern community showed their Southern pride at homecoming and family day, which had an #owlnation theme. the festivities kicked off earlier in the week with numerous events, including a pep rally and student dance party. on oct.

17 the President’s donor recognition reception honored leadership-level donors whose financial support

makes it possible for Southern to create a climate of excellence. the celebration continued on oct. 18 with a full day of homecoming events. in the morning, the robert Corda memorial road race drew 43 competitors, with graduate student alex mcdaniel (top male) and undergraduate titilayo vanriel (top female) the first to cross the finish line. in keeping with the theme of the day, many students dressed in a wild assortment of feathered “wings” and beaked masks to strut their stuff in the homecoming parade of floats, which included 13 entries. Congratulations to omega Zeta Pi Sorority for its grand prize-winning float and to the West Campus residence Complex, which won the banner competition. the alumni “Spirit” Garden tent party also was an overwhelming success, entertaining more than 400 alumni and guests, who enjoyed refreshments, camaraderie, and a separate tent with children’s activities. Several groups added to the festivities by commemorating special anniversaries, including the Crescent Players, which has kept the show running for 60 years, and the Class of 1964, which was honored for its 50th anniversary during halftime at the homecoming football game and at special events the following day.


OWL NATION Fall 2014 | 25

aLuMnI neWs ■

DEAr FEllOW AlumNi/AE,

Welcome to a new academic year. It is a very exciting time to be engaged in the life of our alma mater, and I am honored to be serving as the current president of our alumni association. during my five years as a member of the sCsu alumni association Board of directors, I have come to admire the dedication of board members and the many alumni volunteers whose hard work is such an important support to the sCsu community. you — the members of our association — appreciate what the university has done for you and now, in overwhelming numbers, you contribute to scholarship funds, share career and professional expertise, create internships, and volunteer as mentors to support today’s students in attaining their acBob parker, ’76

ademic, career, and life goals. thank you. dr. Mary papazian, president of sCsu, has a bold vision for the future of the university. she is hard at work with a new administrative team to realize that vision, and she understands the critical role that sCsu’s alumni/ae will play in helping to achieve her goals. Certainly we will be asked to contribute financially. new buildings, new academic program growth, new services required to ensure that students have the best possible chance at a first-rate education . . . all these things will require new funding, at a time when public funds are diminishing. More important, I believe, will be the support that you and I can lend by telling our stories. If we share — often and proudly — how southern helped us achieve our career and life goals, we will build support for the university that cannot fail to attract highly motivated students and a wider community that will help to support them. the alumni association and the Office of alumni relations are working diligently to plan events that will offer you the opportunity to reconnect with southern. If you have not been back to southern in a while, you will be amazed at the campus and facilities — and you will delight in the warm, welcoming atmosphere. events are being planned for you across Connecticut and across the country. We hope you will attend this year’s events, bring fellow classmates from your years at sCsu, and help define ways that our alumni association can help southern continue to provide the high-quality education that current and future students deserve. If you are not currently a member, I urge you to join or renew your membership by contributing to the annual Giving Campaign currently in progress. a gift of $35 or more entitles you to membership in the southern alumni association. you may make a gift online at or by using the enclosed envelope. you also may receive a phone call from one of our student phonathon callers, and I hope you’ll ask questions and give generously in support of our students. to keep up on future events, check our alumni website at please feel free to contact Michelle Johnston, director of alumni relations, at (203) 392-6500 or me at Best wishes,

Bob parker, ’76 president, alumni association Board of directors


new Members on Board


he ballots are in! the following new members have been elected to the alumni association Board of directors and will serve through 2017. In addition, at the June 19,

2014 annual meeting, the board voted to instate three board members emeritus — dorothy Martino, ’54, M.s. ’69; patricia frisa Miller, ’69, M.s. ’75, 6th yr. ’81; and Carolyn dorsey vanacore, ’52, M.s. ’68, 6th yr. ’73 — all longstanding volunteers who are among the university’s most dedicated Owls.

sCsu aLuMnI assOCIatIOn BOard Of dIreCtOrs

Robert D. Parker, ’76, President Nancy Dudchik, ’88, Vice President Christopher M. Borajkiewicz, ’98, Treasurer James H. Booth, ’97, Secretary Teresa Sirico, ’70, M.S. ’73, Past President Kristin M. ahern, ’13

Christopher M. Borajkiewicz, ’98

the most recent graduate to be

James a. Bruni, ’07, M.s. ’13, 6th yr. ’14

teresa Cherry-Cruz, M.s. ’96, 6th yr. ’06

ucation), Bruni also completed a master’s

elected to the board, Kristin M. ahern,

in education and, most recently, a sixth

’13, was a member of the honors College

year professional diploma in the educa-

and majored in political science. as a

tional coach program. he hails from a

Southern student, ahern was active in the

Southern family, with both his father, Louis

Pre-Law Society, worked at the campus

Bruni, ’73, and brother, michael Bruni, ’11,

bookstore, and played intramural softball.

having graduated from the university.

She began attending the University of Connecticut School of Law this fall, with a focus on criminal law. having previously served as an alumni association Board member,

a certified licensed speech-language pathologist, teresa Cherry-Cruz, m.S. ’96, 6th yr. ’06, has been in practice for more than 30 years. the recipient of Southern’s 2010 outstanding alumni

Christopher M. Borajkiewicz, ’98, has

award from the School of health and

worked as a private wealth adviser in a

human Services, she currently works for

team practice for the past 16 years. at

the Bridgeport School System. Previously,

Southern, he majored in political science,

she served adults and children under the

was a member of the honors College, and

auspices of new york City Public Schools,

served as president of the Student

Connecticut State department of

Government association for three and a

developmental disabilities, and Stamford

half years.

Public Schools. She is participating in

James a. Bruni, ’07, m.S. ’13, 6th yr.

Kristin M. Ahern, ’13 Phoebe Donehoo Browning, ’04, MBA ’05 James A. Bruni, ’07, M.S. ’13, 6th Yr. ’14 Nancy Charest, ’71, M.S. ’75, 6th Yr. ’80 Teresa Cherry-Cruz, M.S. ’96, 6th Yr. ’06 Susan Love D’Agostino, ’79 Marybeth Heyward Fede, ’79, M.S. ’87 Miriam Gonzalez-Huff, 6th Yr. ’90 Jerry Katona, ’74, M.S. ’88 Edwin A. Klinkhammer II, ’71, M.S. ’76, 6th Yr. ’92 Dorothy Martino, ’54, M.S. ’69 (Board Member Emerita) Patricia Frisa Miller, ’69, M.S. ’75, 6th Yr. ’81 (Board Member Emerita) Donald Mitchell, ’57, M.S. ’61 Judy Paolini, ’73, M.S. ’79, 6th Yr. ’93 Carolyn Dorsey Vanacore, ’52, M.S. ’68, 6th Yr. ’73 (Board Member Emerita) Deborah Sue Cedar Vincent, ’82 Southern Connecticut State University Office of Alumni Relations 501 Crescent Street New Haven, CT 06515-1355 (203) 392-6500 Michelle R. Johnston, Director

Southern’s alumni mentoring Program,

’14, has been a third-grade teacher in

guiding a student interested in the field

Bethany, Conn., for six years. after earn-

of speech and language pathology.

ing two undergraduate degrees from Southern (psychology and elementary ed-

continues Fall 2014 | 27

aLuMnI neWs ■

Support Southern. Leave a Legacy. PLanned GiftS — also called deferred or estate gifts — can help you meet your long-term financial goals, while providing critically needed support for Southern’s talented and deserving students. the university’s development office can supply information on a variety of planned gifts that help Southern maintain a climate of excellence — from bequests that extend your generosity beyond your lifetime to charitable gift annuities and trusts, which can provide fixedincome payments and several tax benefits. if you’ve already included the Southern Connecticut State University foundation in your will, please let us know so that we can acknowledge your generosity by enrolling you in the heritage Society. if not, please consider leaving a legacy by making a planned gift to the Southern Connecticut State University foundation. For more information, contact the Development Office. (203) 392-5598 Southern Connecticut State University 501 Crescent Street new haven, Ct 06515-1355 28 | Southern ALUMNI MAGAZINE

robert B. felder, ’08

Carolyn dorsey vanacore, patricia frisa Miller, ’69, ’52, M.s. ’68, 6th yr. ’73 M.s. ’75, 6th yr. ’81,

dorothy Martino, ’54, M.s. ’69

Science) in 1982, a position she held until

robert B. felder, ’08, is the cofounder and chief executive officer of

her retirement in 1989. She continues to

driven2inspire, an organization with a mis-

teach at Southern, and has been an ex-

sion of motivating and empowering oth-

tremely active volunteer since her gradua-

ers. felder also is a senior manager at

tion. in gratitude for her dedication, she

inroadS, inc., a national nonprofit organ-

was honored as the recipient of the alumni

ization dedicated to placing talented, un-

appreciation award in 2001 and the

derserved youth in business and industry,

alumni Service award in 2009. When not

and preparing them for leadership roles.

dedicating her time to Southern, vanacore

(See story on page 31.)

can be found playing competitive tennis in

in addition to being elected as a tradi-

the Senior olympic Games. patricia frisa Miller, ’69, m.S. ’75, 6th

tional board member, Carolyn dorsey vanacore, ’52, m.S. ’68, 6th yr. ’73, has

yr. ’81, a fellow board member emerita,

been appointed a board member

was teaching at Southern in the 1980s

emerita— a new designation approved

when vanacore inspired her to begin volun-

this year. vanacore launched her career at

teering at their alma mater. over the years,

north haven high School. in 1965 she

she’s served on the executive board and

joined Southern as an assistant professor,

numerous committees, and supported the

and was named director of the university’s

university as the interim director of alumni

division of health, Physical education,

relations. in 1999, she retired from fairfield

recreation, and Safety (now exercise

Public Schools as a curriculum leader in the

from buildings lauded for eco-friendly design to a reinvigorated, campuswide recycling program, the university is committed to keeping it green. that’s why southern is a proud signatory of the american College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment.

Please support Southern and its students by contributing to the Campus Greening

Fund. donations may

be made online at or call (203) 392-6515.

areas of health and physical education. for the past 15 years, she has operated an educational consulting business, working with various school systems as well as the state of Connecticut. in 2005, she received the alumni Service award in recognition of her years of support of Southern and the alumni association. “it’s heartening to see how much progress has been made at the university as well as the growing dedication of our alumni,” says miller. also selected as an alumni association Board member emerita, dorothy Martino, ’54, m.S. ’69, taught in new haven Public Schools for 42 years, retiring from edgewood School in 1996. She returned to the school as a consultant from 1996-98, overseeing the kids as Curators program, and then volunteering to teach reading for 14 years. martino’s commitment to Southern and the alumni association has been equally unwavering. She was first elected to the alumni association Board in 1979, later serving as vice president from 2000-01 and president from 2001-03. She has been a member of numerous committees, but the Scholarship Committee, which she has consistently chaired or co-chaired, is particularly near and dear to her heart. “there are so many wonderful students who need help,” says martino, who has established the dorothy J. martino endowed Scholarship.

alumni relations Office on the Move the countdown is on! In 12 – 18 months, southern will have its own

alumni House. But first several transitional steps will be taken that ultimately will benefit both students and alumni. With that goal in mind, the Wintergreen Building will be renovated to accommodate the undergraduate admissions Office, currently located on farnham avenue. this will expand a “one-stop service” area for students to include admissions, advisement, the registrar, and financial aid. to create necessary space while the renovation is taking place, alumni relations has temporarily moved to offices at “southern on the Green,” located on the 10th floor of 900 Chapel street in new Haven. parking is available on the corner of Church and Crown streets (210 Crown street), and shuttle service operates between the campus and Chapel street during the academic year. the rest of the division of Institutional advancement (development, public affairs, donor relations, foundation Business Office) will remain in the Wintergreen Building, and staff will be available to assist campus visitors who wish to make donations, get alumni association membership cards, etc. When the renovation is completed, the Office of alumni relations will return to campus to relocate to the former admissions House on farnham avenue — a beautiful arts-and-crafts style building.



Southern and

Web for athletics SCSU, office of alumni relations 501 Crescent Street new haven, Ct 06515-1355 | (203) 392-6500

phone numbers and e-mail addresses for the alumni relations staff remain the same: (203) 392-6500 |


(203) 392-6508

• Michelle rocheford Johnston, director of alumni relations • doreen Cammarata-Gilhuly, assistant director of alumni relations • Charlie davison, secretary to the director of alumni relations Fall 2014 | 29

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CarOLyn vanaCOre, ’52, M.S. ’68,

6th Yr. ’73, had a scholarship established in her honor by the Connecticut Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. renee GLassner HartMan, ’55, a

Holocaust survivor, and her husband, Geoffrey Hartman, a refugee who escaped the Nazis, were interviewed by the Jewish Ledger when they donated a collection of scholarly books about the Holocaust to Sacred Heart University. The couple previously donated an extensive collection of modern-poetry books to Southern’s M.F.A. program. They reside in Hamden, Conn. tHOMas p. LOMBardI, ’59, was in-

ducted into the Hall of Fame at West Virginia University. While at Southern, then known as New Haven

State Teachers College, he established and was named the first president of the student chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children. He and his wife, esteLLe LOMBardI, ’61, live in Morgantown, W.V.


raLpH IassOGna, M.S. ’67, is the act-

ing superintendent for Brookfield Public Schools. He previously had retired after 14 years as the Trumbull school superintendent. He lives in Shelton, Conn. Larry OLszeWsKI, ’69, retired after 27

years as the director of the Ohio College Library Center in Dublin, Ohio.


dOnaLd Casey, M.S. ’71, was pre-

sented with The Hometown Hero Award by the Union Savings Bank in

Share your good news

With SoUth ern friendS and CLaSSmateS. mail this completed form to Southern alumni news, SCSU alumni relations office, 501 Crescent St., new haven, Ct 06515-1355; fax, (203) 392-5082; or e-mail,

name ____________________________________________________________ Street address ____________________________________________________ City ______________________________State______________Zip __________ Check if this is a new address. Phone (


e-mail ____________________________________________________________ SCSU degree/year________________ major __________________________ name under which i attended college ________________________________ news item ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

reunion news

tHe CLass Of 1965 will be recognized in honor of its 50th reunion at the undergraduate commencement ceremony on may 15, 2015 at the Webster Bank arena in Bridgeport. for more information or if you would like to organize a reunion for your class, please contact alumni relations at (203) 392-6500.

Monroe, Conn. He teaches at Stepney Elementary School. ed HuydIC, ’72, has retired after 34

years of coaching at Staples High School in Westport, Conn. As coach of the girls’ basketball team, his career was marked by more than 450 victories, four Fairfield County Interscholastic Athletic Conference championships, one state title (1995), and 28 consecutive state tournament appearances. He also was a guidance counselor at the school since 1981 and coached the softball team from 1978-2000. dr. stepHen L. WHIte, ’72, is the

chair of the Pulmonary Hypertension Association Board of Trustees. He lives in Hancock, Mass. KatHLeen BaGLey, ’74, parks and

recreation director for Wethersfield, Conn., is now also the director of social and youth services. Bagley has worked for the town’s Parks and Recreation Department since 1989. franK yaWOrOWsKI, ’74, is the as-

sistant treasurer and branch manager for Newtown Savings Bank’s Clock Tower Square office in Monroe. He is a member of the Shelton Lions Club and is a longtime assistant scoutmaster and counselor for the Boy Scouts of America. He lives in Stratford, Conn. Bernard LIndauer, M.S. ’76, 6th Yr.

’78, is the interim chairperson of the Department of Special Education at the University of Saint Joseph. He lives in Berlin, Conn. rOseMary KInG, ’77, M.S. ’82, plans


to pursue a doctorate in education and continues to teach. She lives in New Haven, Conn.


GaIL d’eraMO-MeLKus, M.S. ’78, a

Signature __________________________________________date __________ Spouse’s name ____________________________________________________ SPoUSe'S SCSU deGree/yr.

Children’s names/ages ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 30 | Southern ALUMNI MAGAZINE

professor in nursing research and director of the Muriel and Virginia Pless Center for Nursing Research at New York University, presented a lecture entitled, “Type 2 Diabetes: Journey from Description to Intervention.” In conjunction with the Diabetes Research and Training Center of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, she developed and implemented the first specialty concentration in diabetes care for advanced

practice nurses in the country. JOan HersHMan, ’78, is an area busi-

ness manager for Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals. She lives in Holden, Mass. tIMOtHy f. COnneLLan, M.S. ’79,

6th Yr. ’81, has been appointed superintendent of schools for Southington, Conn., where he resides. He was formerly the superintendent in Oxford.


Kurt sOLLaneK, ’80, M.S. ’10, a third

year doctoral student at the University of Florida, received one of nine American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) doctoral grants for 2014. He was recognized at a banquet at the ACSM conference in Orlando, Fla. rOBert sCHreItMueLLer, ’81, is the

chief operating officer of WebsterRogers, a South Carolinabased accounting and consulting firm. tHOMas O’COnneLL, M.S. ’82, was

appointed automation coordinator at the Mid-Hudson Library System, which is headquartered in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Matt BIespIeL, ’84, is the chair of the

Marketing Committee for the DuPage Community Foundation. He is the senior director of global brand development for the McDonald’s Corporation and the worldwide lead on developing the company’s brand. He lives in Naperville, Ill., with his wife and two children. rayMOnd e. CrOsBy, ’84, is the direc-

tor of the Canton Church and Community Program, a nonprofit agency created in 1974 by six area churches. He resides in Amsterdam, N.Y. MICHaeL duda, ’84, is the vice presi-

dent of correspondent lending at Farmington Bank in Conn. He was formerly with Citigroup. He lives in Trumbull, Conn. Judy tHOMpsOn, M.S. ’85, a clinical

assistant professor of nursing and the director of the Nurse Anesthesia Program at Quinnipiac University, has been named the 2014 Program Director of the Year by the American


Hen rOBert feLder, ’08,


first walks into a classroom, he warns students not to be fooled by his suit, collection of degrees, or well-honed public speaking skills. just two days before heading to Southern’s campus on a football scholarship in 2005, Felder was crouched on a jersey City sidewalk, dodging bullets from a passing car. The target was a neighborhood friend. “All i could think about as i lay on the ground was, ‘Wow. i am two days from getting out. Two days,’” says Felder. “i said, ‘if they open up that [car] door, i have got to run.’” The car kept driving — and while his friend was unharmed, the near miss caused Felder to look hard at his future. He wasn’t a thug or a criminal, just in the wrong place with the wrong people. “i said, ‘if this isn’t a sign to go to New Haven and do what i need to do, nothing is.’” Having attended several community colleges, Felder transferred to Southern. He went on to spend three successful years at the university, serving as captain and a two-year starter for the Owls’ football team. After earning his bachelor’s degree in business administration, he enrolled at the university of New Haven, where he earned a dual master’s in business administration and public administration. Today, he is co-founder and chief executive officer of Driven2inspire, an organization that provides motivational speaking, training, and seminars at inner-city high schools. He talks about the drive-by shooting, he says, so young people won’t think his life story doesn’t apply to them. “A big part of life is being able to persevere,” he tells students. “i’m no different than you. i’ve already gone through what you’re going through. i’ve just found a way to get past it.” going to Southern changed his life and not just professionally. “it’s where i met my wife,” says Felder, who is furthering his connection to his alma mater as a newly elected member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors. it was his work as an academic mentor for Developing Tomorrow’s Professionals, a Southern-based mentoring program for black and Hispanic high school males, which shaped his career. in addition to founding Driven2inspire, Felder is also a senior manager at iNrOADS, inc., a national nonprofit organization that places talented, underserved youth into business and industry internships. raised in jersey City, N.j., Felder came to Southern with dreams of playing for the NFl. He never thought he could match the

Association of Nurse Anesthetists. She lives in Guilford, Conn. raLpH BLaCK, ’86, has retired from the

position of assistant chief of the New Haven Fire Department after 27 years of service. teresa CHerry-Cruz, M.S. ’86, 6th

Yr. ’06, was honored with an Education Award from The Greater Bridgeport Club at the 51st annual

Sojourner Truth Founder’s Day award celebration. sHeILa COOper, ’86, works as a sub-

stitute teacher in New Haven and a paraprofessional in Hamden, North Haven, and West Haven. She plans on pursuing English or English as a Second Language certification and moving to Maine in 2016. KevIn s. russO, ’86, of Shelton, was

adrenaline rush he felt on the field — until he started mentoring high school kids. “i thought, ‘This is great. i like the feeling of this.’ it was like a light bulb went off,” he says. So after graduation, he contacted some fellow Southern graduates from the mentoring program, and together they formed Driven2inspire, holding planning meetings in a booth at a New Haven Burger king restaurant. The organization has done speaking engagements at high schools in New Haven, Bridgeport, and Hartford and is now working with New Haven’s parole and probation population through New Haven Adult Education. Part of the mission is to help young people set goals and then figure out a specific plan to achieve them. He says that often the hardest part is convincing them to try. He remembers his first speaking engagement, when a young woman raised her hand and tearfully told him she wanted to be a lawyer. “She said, ‘my mom says i’m going to be just like her. . . . that i’ll always live in the projects, and that i won’t amount to much,’” recalls Felder. “i told her, you’re in an alternative high school so you are already two years behind. The first thing you need to do is figure out how you can at least get back to being even.” As they continued talking, he remembers watching her expression change from a look of despair to one of hope. “i kind of walked her through it and helped her understand what was possible.” By natalie missakian

nominated to the Superior Court by Governor Dannel P. Malloy. Russo has been a supervisory assistant state’s attorney since 2007. dan sCavOne, M.S. ’86, the athletic

director for Berlin High School, was presented with the 2014 State Award of Merit from the Connecticut Association of Athletic Directors. He lives in Hamden, Conn.

BrIan BLIss, ’87, a two-time All-

American soccer player while at Southern, was featured in an article in the Democrat and Chronicle newspaper spotlighting “great sports figures from the Rochester area.” The article cited his 1988 Olympic and 1990 World Cup participation. He is the technical director for Major League Soccer’s Chicago Fire Soccer Club and lives in New Albany, Ohio. Fall 2014 | 31

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ary Sikorski holds out her hand, a small carrot resting on her palm in offering to yankee, a chestnut American paint horse. Happy to oblige, yankee gingerly takes it and begins crunching away. Sikorski, 101, smiles, and the horse lingers so she can pet him.


The gentle scene is repeated throughout the afternoon as james j. griffin, ’71, guides yankee around rows of residents in wheelchairs at Talmadge Park, an East Haven rehabilitation and nursing center. For years, griffin has volunteered with yankee and his dog, Dougie, through Pet Partners, an organization that trains dogs, cats, and — very rarely — horses, to be friendly visitors at nursing homes, hospitals, and homeless shelters. The horse has a powerful healing effect, says Talmadge Park recreation Director mary rosa. “He’s such a well trained, gentle horse that even people who don’t join in many activities ask ‘When will yankee be back?’” rosa says. griffin isn’t surprised by their collective embrace of yankee. His own life has been indelibly shaped by horses, which not only inform his volunteer efforts but also play a starring role in the successful Western novels he writes. A secondary education major at Southern, griffin planned to become a teacher, but after joining Southern’s Equestrian Club a new dream came into focus: he would have his own horse. At the time, the university’s $100 tuition and $72 activity fee were a financial stretch. “But i told my mother i’d work two jobs if i had to. So i did, and i still do,” he says. He bought a golden horse named Sam and one of his fondest memories — beyond making a circle of Southern friends that has lasted a lifetime — was riding into the stadium for Homecoming. After graduation, with teaching jobs scarce, he hitched a horse trailer to a ’65 Chevy and moved with Sam to California. For 20 years he managed moving and storage companies, and it took many years to get another horse. An advertisement in a New Hampshire tack shop led griffin to a farm where a horse had long been neglected. When griffin stepped to the fence, yankee put his head on his shoulder. “i knew i wasn’t going to be leaving without him,” he says. Seventeen years later they’re still together, charming people at nursing homes and patrolling 32 | Southern ALUMNI MAGAZINE

state parks with the Connecticut volunteer Horse Patrol. griffin still works two jobs, including serving as an AAA emergency dispatcher. At night he tends his creative life. A decade back, he struck up a friendship and did research work for Western writer james reasoner who encouraged griffin to write. Though he initially scoffed, griffin gave writing a try. He sat down at his computer and conjured up a Texas ranger named jim Blawcyzk, “an earnest lawman who is assigned to bring to justice cattle rustlers who are wreaking havoc on the settlers” in a far-flung Texas outpost. He sent the manuscript to publishers and eventually published it himself. Soon after, publishers came calling, and today he’s the author of 20 novels, including the “jim Blawcyzk, Texas ranger” series and two young adult series, “lone Star ranger” and “Cody Havlicek.” Success has come calling. His recent release, “lone Star ranger 2: A ranger to reckon With,” hit the top spot on Amazon’s rankings of books and kindle eBooks in the Children’s Historical Fiction Westerns category this summer. Watching as his books sell across the u.S., Europe, and Australia never gets old, he notes. This life, with a horse at its center, “i wouldn’t trade for anything,” he says. By jackie Hennessey

Janet BrOWn-CLaytOn, M.S. ’87,

6th Yr. ’96, was featured in an article on the website entitled, “Principal Cleans House, Charts Turnaround.” Brown-Clayton is the principal at Lincoln-Bassett School in New Haven, Conn., which serves children in kindergarten through sixth grade. stepHen Kautz, ’87, is the author of

“College is expensive. We all know that, right?” which was published in the Portland Press Herald newspaper. He lives in Portland, Ore. tOM GOdeK, ’88, was named the sixth

head football coach in the history of the Southern program. Godek was the team’s offensive coordinator for the last 13 seasons and a former Owls’ football captain. terry HuGHes, ’88, is the executive

director of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Pittsfield in Massachusetts. Hughes is a native of Ridgefield, Conn. CIndy LavaLette, M.S. ’88, has been

named the assistant superintendent for personnel by the Wallingford Board of Education. She is the former assistant principal at the city’s Lyman Hall High School. Jeff tesCH, ’89, managing director of

RCN Capital, addressed Pitbull’s National Hard Money Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Tesch has more than 20 years of real estate experience and lives in Watertown, Conn.


denIse COLes-CrOss, 6th Yr. ’90, has

retired after teaching 40 years in the New Haven School District. She was credited in an article in the New

Haven Register with being a force behind positive change at MauroSheridan Interdistrict Magnet School for Science, Technology and Communication. MarIa C. (tIna) rIvera, ’90, M.S. ’02,

6th Yr. ’05, has been appointed principal of the Academy of Information Technology and Engineering in Stamford, Conn. rOse-ann CHzanOWsKI, 6th Yr. ’91,

had an art exhibit and sale at Dickens Books & Arts in Bantam, Conn. The exhibit included polychrome and monotone original artwork as well as limited-edition fine prints and her line of note cards. She lives in Naugatuck, Conn. KevIn MCnaBOLa, ’91, is the director

of finance for Orange Public Schools, having previously served as the district’s business manager. He lives in Orange, Conn., with his wife and two children. JaysOn GOrdneer, ’93, was honored

for his success as a 1986 football player at the James Hillhouse High School awards dinner. Gary vIGeant, ’93, has joined the U.S.

sales team at Decipher, a comprehensive market research services firm, which operates as Decrypt in the United Kingdom. He resides in Fairfield, Conn. adeGBOyeGa ‘BO’ OsHOnIyI, ’94, is

the men’s soccer coach at East Tennessee State University. Previously, he worked as an assistant coach at Penn State and Wake Forest for a combined five seasons. sCOtt WenzeL, ’94, was inducted into

the Berlin High School Athletic Hall of Fame. He teaches at Plainville High School and lives in Berlin, Conn., with his wife and three daughters. CHrIstIna rOeLOfsen fensOre,

’95, M.S. ’00, has been appointed the special education director for Norwalk Public Schools. She lives in Monroe, Conn. edMOnd neILander, ’95, was in-

ducted into the Hall of Fame at Lyman Hall in Wallingford, Conn., as a member of the Class of 1989. He has been on the school’s staff since 2004 and was named Lyman Hall’s Teacher of the Year in 2010. At Southern, Neilander was an All American in the 400-meter hurdles and qualified for the NCAA Division II championships in 1992 and 1993. deBOraH s. WHeeLer, M.S. ’95, 6th

Yr. ’00, is the superintendent of the Upper Dublin School District in Maple Glen, Pa. She has published several articles in the Journal of Special Education Leadership and the Education Review. JaMes Hutt, M.S. ’96, is the director of

the personnel department for the town of Wallingford. He resides in Branford, Conn., and has worked for the town for 11 years. MICHaeL J. HanLOn, ’98, has been

reappointed by the Connecticut Society of Certified Public Accountants as a member of its Advisory Council. He is also a past chair of the council. He lives in North Haven, Conn. sIntHIa sOne-MOyanO, ’98, has

been appointed principal of Manchester Preschool Center in Connecticut. She is the former assistant principal at Manchester High School. aMy C. BeLdOttI, M.S. ’99, has been

appointed principal of Toquam Magnet Elementary School in Stamford, Conn. She was the former assistant principal at Davenport Ridge Elementary School. steven CarvaLHO, M.S. ’99, 6th Yr.

’00, has been appointed director of pupil and special education services by the Windsor Board of Education. He resides in Manchester, Conn.


rOBert davIs, ’00, 6th Yr. ’03, has

been appointed principal of Bethany Community School. He lives in Cheshire with his family. MarK MOynIHan, ’00, was honored

at the Connecticut Scholastic and Collegiate Softball Hall of Fame induction ceremony. He is also a member of the executive board and has been involved with softball for over 25 years. antHOny testa, ’00, director of

sports medicine at Seton Hall University, conducted a live webcast from the institution’s HydroWorx therapy pools on the best practices for helping athletes to use this advanced training methodology. The lecture was entitled, “Progression of Running Drills Using the Underwater Treadmill.” He lives in Little Falls, N.J. MarCus paCa, M.S. ’02, was ap-

pointed the director of labor relations for the city of New Haven. The announcement was made by Mayor Toni Harp. sHaWn WILsOn, ’02, was appointed to

the Veterans Trust Fund Board of Trustees. The announcement was made by Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan. Wilson lives in Lincoln Park, Mich. tysOn KaCzMareK, ’03, M.S. ’12, is

the cross country and track and field head coach at Darien High School. The team won the State Open in outdoor track in June 2014 — the 11th state title for the program in

In print and On screen news on Books, television, and film releases from southern alumni.

Mark C. sadoski, ’68, m.S. ’73, 6th yr. ’78, has co-authored both the first and second editions of “imagery and text: a dual Coding theory of reading and Writing,” and authored “Conceptual foundations of teaching reading.” he lives in College Station, texas. susan Guagliumi, ’69, has written “handmade for the Garden.” her previous book focused on her knitting designs and talents. She resides in northford, Conn. anthony J. tamburri, ’71, professor and dean of the John d. Calandra italian american institute at Queens College, CUny, in new york City, has written “re-reading italian americana: Specificities and Generalities on Literature and Criticism.” he was honored as Southern’s distinguished alumnus in 2000 and resides in new york City. Michael J. fusco, ’76, m.S. ’82, has authored a book entitled, “teaching for What?” he resides in Wallingford, Conn., with his wife, debra Crescenti fusco, ’78. Linda zonana, m.S. ’89, has published “vertigo! When the World Spins out of Control: meniere’s disease, Benign Positional vertigo, and other vestibular illnesses.” She lives in Stony Creek, Conn. Laurie rieger Bellesheim, ’00, has self-published her first women’s fiction novel, “Surviving emily.” She resides in Southbury, Conn., with her husband. Michael pye, ’02, is the co-editor of “Lost Secrets of the Gods: the Latest evidence and revelations on ancient astronauts, Precursor Cultures, and Secret Societies.” he lives in Warwick, n.y. sally parkhurst, m.L.S. ’06, has published a novel, “the emboldening of kassia West.” She lives in fairfax, virg. akintunde sogunro, ’11, is the director of the film, “fire in the heart of the City,” a three-part documentary fueled by tales of new Britain notables who refused to allow their circumstances to define them. Sogunro has performed in the off-Broadway run of “mado” in 2011 and his original piece, “my Life is in your hands,” debuted in 2012. he’s working on a pilot episode for a television series as well. he resides in new Britain, Conn. Christine Beck Lissitzyn, m.f.a. ’13, has announced the release of her first book of poetry, “Blinding Light,” published by Grayson Books. Lissitzyn, who publishes under the name Christine Beck, began the book as her m.f.a. thesis, directed by vivian Shipley, professor of english. Lissitzyn teaches writing courses as an adjunct faculty member. Chelsea McKay, ’13, is the author of “a tangram aBC, Shaping the alphabet from an ancient Chinese Puzzle,” published by mathWord Press. the children’s book, in which the letters of the alphabet and each corresponding image are formed from the pieces of a tangram, includes an activity by adam Goldberg, associate professor of elementary education at Southern.

Fall 2014 | 33

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a nIntH Grade speCIaL eduCa-

tIOn teaCHer at nOrWICH

Free Academy, megan Wakely, m.S. ’08, is clearly a role model. But last spring the dedicated educator found herself in a new spotlight —

RUNNING AHEAD inspiring fellow athletes as a finalist in a cover-model competition sponsored by “Women’s running” magazine. Wakely has long been committed to fitness. Prior to studying at SCSu, she attended Franklin Pierce university where she was captain of the lacrosse team. After graduation, she found she missed competitive sports and started running as a way to build on her natural athleticism. She entered her first race in 2007 and placed third for women. inspired by her success, she entered other races, including the Hartford marathon where she finished 23rd among women. Her coach, mark Hadley, encouraged her to train for the upcoming Olympic Trials, but she was derailed by hip and hamstring injuries. While recuperating she noticed the contest in “Women’s running” magazine looking for athletes-models. Wakely initially had no intention of entering, but after some prodding from her mother, she decided to submit the required photo and personal essay as a way to express her love for running and its positive impact on her life. in her essay, Wakely described the meditative nature of her running practice and the physical and emotional challenges of recovering from her injuries. She forgot all about the contest and was shocked to learn she was one of nine finalists chosen from a pool of nearly 2,000 applicants. readers voted for the winner, and while she didn’t get the most votes, the experience helped Wakely stay positive during her months of physical therapy and recovery. Today, Wakely is back in training with Hadley, who is also the coach for the 2016 u.S. marathon Trials Project, designed to help as many u.S. runners as possible qualify for the Olympic marathon Trials — Wakely’s ultimate goal. She runs about 25 miles a week and is gearing up to compete in the 2015 Boston marathon, although she still needs to attend weekly physical therapy sessions as she continues to recover. She notes that her students provide the ultimate inspiration to persevere. “i see the difficult challenges they overcome every day, and it drives me to look at my situation in a positive way,” she says. “i try to give myself the same positive encouragement that i give them.” By katney Bair

Kaczmarek’s 12 years of coaching. He lives in West Haven, Conn., with his wife, Regina, and their two children. sean raffILe, ’03, is the head coach of

the University of Bridgeport’s men’s and women’s swimming programs. He is the former swim coach for Pace University in Pleasantville, N.Y., and lives in Cos Cob, Conn. CHrIstOpHer MOrettI, 6th Yr. ’04, is

the principal of Hawley Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. He was formerly principal of Long Meadow Elementary School. MattHeW a. COrreIa, ’05, has been

appointed principal of Emma Hart Willard School in Berlin, Conn. He lives in Naugatuck. MICHaeL dOnOvan, ’05, had a show-

ing of his sculpture at the Five Points Gallery in Torrington. He resides in Naugatuck, Conn. KeItH vInCI, ’06, is the assistant ath-

letic director for sports performance at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He was formerly the head coach of athletics performance at Canisius College and is a U.S. Marine veteran. MICHaeL zeOLI, M.B.A. ’07, vice presi-

dent and manager of Chubb Litigation Management, was the keynote speaker at the 2014 Claims and Litigation Management Alliance annual conference in Boca Raton, Fla. The title of his presentation was “Legal Cost Control – Five Creative Ways to Control Legal Fees Other than Legal Auditing.”


JOsHua MedeIrOs, ’10, M.S. ’12, is

the new director of recreation for the city of Canton. He was formerly a staff member with the city of Bristol’s Parks and Recreation Department. WILL BaKer, M.L.S. ’11, who managed

the not-for-profit Institute Library on Chapel Street in New Haven for three years and is widely credited with leading its revival, has left his position to move to Kentucky. Founded in 1826, The Institute Library is Connecticut’s oldest independent circulating library and one of the last remaining membership libraries in North America. KatHryn eren, M.B.A. ’11, has been

named vice president, cash management officer, at the United Bank of Glastonbury, Conn. She lives in Bethlehem, Conn. susan zarnOWsKI, ’11, is the assis-

tant director of campus engagement at Bryant University in Smithfield, R.I. JaMes r. GreGOry, ’12, is the execu-

tive vice president and chief software 34 | Southern ALUMNI MAGAZINE

The Secret of Their Success continued from page 19

Nostalgia continued from page 23

now we want to continue our work to improve the experience for second-

expected to be done next semester. When finished, the library

year and transfer students, as well.” In addition, Tyree notes that a Commuter Student Lounge has been established in the Michael J. Adanti Student Center.“We’ve noticed that many students spend the time in between their classes in their cars,” she says.“This will give them a place to go and help them to be more engaged in the campus community.” With the same goal in mind, changes also have been made to the availability of late-night dining options this year. The food court in the student center will remain open longer at night, while Connecticut Hall will close earlier. “We believe that having students in the student center at night will encourage them to become more involved in the university because of the flurry of activities in that building,” Tyree says. She also notes that when the renovations to Buley Library are finished next year, a portion of that building will remain open 24 hours a day.“That will help enhance the community feel for Southern,” she says. ■

will total 245,000 square feet and feature the latest in information technology, extensive collections space, classrooms, computer teaching labs, a cyber café, an “information commons” with a computer lab, lounge seating, and information technology desk, and much more. ■

JaMes J. rOtH, ’62, April 27, 2014,

Guilford, Conn. Laura CLeMentsen, ’66, M.A. ’75,

6th Yr. ’77, Feb. 27, 2014, Cheshire, Conn. BarBara COppen, ’66, July 24, 2014,

Waterbury, Conn. pHILIp GaBOrIauLt, ’68, M.S. ’74, June

28, 2014, New Haven, Conn. Mary LOu Huzar LOvene, ’68, M.S.

’77, March 19, 2014, Branford, Conn. paMeLa BrandLer MatzKIn, ’68,

2008, Branford, Conn. rHOda BrOWnsteIn, M.S. ’69, Aug.

5, 2014, New Haven, Conn. Jane BarnuM, M.S. ’70, May 5, 2014,

architect for Core Informatics, in Branford, Conn. The company provides cutting-edge software designed to accelerate scientific innovations. Lauren pIzzOferratO, M.A. ’12,

wrote an article for The Hartford Courant’s Fresh Talk column entitled, “Millennial Women Face Job, Family Choices.” She lives in Newington, Conn. CHeryL eBerG, ’14, was featured in an

article in the Stamford Advocate entitled, “Challenges for Female War Veterans.” She resides in Wallingford, Conn.

Marriages avIMaeL apOnte Jr., ’08, and

Melissa J. Dunlavey, Sept. 20, 2013, New Haven, Conn.

In Memoriam MartHa HensHeL BrOuGH, ’38,

April 3, 2014, Fayetteville, Ga. BeatrICe aBraMs, ’40, April 10, 2014,

Hamden, Conn. rIta vOzzO, ’40, July 20, 2014, West

Haven, Conn. KatHerIne Barrett, ’41, July 31,

2014, Guilford, Conn. HeLen s. BLade, ’42, Aug. 18, 2013,

Evanston, Ill. eveLyn COLe vIets, ’43, March 24,

2014, Shelton, Conn.

GLOrIa pILLInG, ’47, March 7, 2014,

Wallingford, Conn. GLadys Kautz tIedeMann, ’48,

June 24, 2014, North Haven, Conn. CHarLOtte f. evans, ’51, May 4,

2014, West Bend, Wis. eddIs HOffMan, ’51, May 16, 2014,

Rancho Bernando, Calif. euGene LeOne, ’51, April 16, 2014,

Wallingford, Conn. Jean W. sHeLtOn, ’52, July 25, 2014,

Milford, Conn. rICHard ayers, ’53, May 6, 2014,

Branford, Conn. patrICIa f. JOHnsOn, ’53, July 16,

2014, Glastonbury, Conn. pHyLLIs sCOtt COnneLL, ’54, April

14, 2014, Stratford, Conn. WILLIaM r. parKer, ’54, M.S. ’66, 6th

Yr. ’75, Dec. 2009, East Haven, Conn. deLOres H. CassIdy, ’55, M.S. ’80, 6th

Yr. ’84, July 14, 2014, West Haven, Conn. Mary franCes WILLIaMsOn, ’55,

May 8, 2014, Trumbull, Conn. CHarLes J. HaGue, ’56, April 19,

2014, Cheshire, Conn. rOseMarIe BuOnOCOre, ’57, May

14, 2014, Branford, Conn. antHOny ‘tOny’ MartOne, ’57,

M.S. ’66, 6th Yr. ’74, April 28, 2014, Bonita Springs, Fla. edWard s. MusHInsKy, ’57, March

29, 2014, Wallingford, Conn.

Deep River, Conn. dennIs J. GLeasOn, ’70, 6th Yr. ’87,

July 22, 2014, Derby, Conn. pauL J. staeHLy, ’70, June 14, 2014,

West Haven, Conn. JOHn a. east III, ’71, April 26, 2014,

East Haven, Conn. franCIs d. turCHIK, M.S. ’72, May

31, 2014, Trumbull, Conn. WaLter s. WILK, 6th Yr. ’72, May 30,

2014, Sunapee, N.H. JOsepH a. BerKe, ’73, M.S. ’75, July

15, 2014, Stratford, Conn. JOHn f. WaseLIK, ’73, May 12, 2014,

Oakdale, Conn. artHur GOsseLIn, M.S. ’74, May 30,

2014, Wallingford, Conn. Mary Lu pLOsKI, ’74, Feb. 16, 2014,

Harwich, Mass. MarGaret a. steKLa, ’74, May 13,

2014, Helena, Mont. ann WOOdBrIdGe ButLer, M.S.

’75, April 12, 2014, Hamden, Conn. dOrIs B. (dOOJe) Crane, 6th Yr. ’76,

Feb. 16, 2014, Lark Worth, Fla. KrIstIn r. JOHnsOn, ’76, May 2,

2014, Plainfield, Conn.

rICHard B. WOOdWOrtH, 6th Yr.

’78, June 3, 2014, Pawcatuck, Conn. Mary t. BuCKLey, ’79, Feb. 21, 2014,

West Haven, Conn. Jane t. franKes, M.S. ’79, July 31,

2014, Charlestown, R.I. peter J. santareLLI, ’79, May 31,

2014, Salem, N.H. MICHaeL ‘MIC-dev’ dIvernIerO,

’80, March 14, 2014, East Haven, Conn. anne sHIpMan MaCfarLand,

M.L.S. ’80, March 15, 2014, Wellesley, Mass. anne v. CHOJnICKI rICHardsOn,

’80, 6th Yr. ’88, March 12, 2014, Wallingford, Conn. pasQuaLIna aCerra-fIaLLOs, ’81,

May 25, 2014, Derby, Conn. JudItH rIvas, M.S. ’82, May 22, 2014,

Norwalk, Conn. JOsepH L. CerpOvICz, ’86, May 17,

2014, Chicopee, Mass. CatHLeen HaLMeCK, ’87, May 6,

2014, Fairfield, Conn. reBeCCa tOLderLund GrOnLund, ’88, March 29, 2014,

East Lyme, Conn. KennetH C. Marder, M.L.S. ’91,

Aug. 7, 2014, New Haven, Conn. stepHen M. vICenzI, ’92, July 6, 2014,

Manhattan, N.Y. nICOLe LOBan (also known as saMantHa stevens), ’93, July 28,

2014, Naugatuck, Conn. dOnna raMIrez, M.S. ’97, Aug. 6,

2014, Trumbull, Conn. MICHaeL BeLLMOre, ’12, May 3, 2014,

Hamden, Conn. sIGurd Jensen, professor emeritus of

theatre, April 9, 2014. Madan nanGIa, associate professor

emeritus of management, March 4, 2014, Orange, Conn.

susan BradLey MILes, ’77, April 16,

2014, Guilford, Conn. CarOLee Q. andersOn, 6th Yr. ’78,

March 2014, New Haven, Conn. LerOy a. WatsOn, M.S. ’78, Feb. 16,

2014, Meriden, Conn.

Class notes are compiled from submissions from alumni, as well as announcements made in newspapers and magazines. Fall 2014 | 35

■ feb. 27-28 | 8 p.m.

Higgins in Harlem

■ March 5-7 | 8 p.m.

■ dec. 2-6 | 8 p.m. ■ dec. 6-7 | 2 p.m.

■ March 1, 8 | 2 p.m.

kendall drama Lab

a modern adaptation of George Bernard Shaw’s social commentary, “Pygmalion” — the basis for the beloved musical, “my fair Lady.” Set in 1938 during the harlem renaissance, it’s a comic, endearing, and lively reimagining of the classic. from Southern’s theatre department and Crescent Players. By Lawrence thelen. directed by Sheila hickey Garvey, professor of theater.

in the 1780s, a group of royal marines and convicts arrive in a penal colony in australia, where a young officer decides to put on a play. from the theatre department and Crescent Players. By timberlake Wertenbaker. adapted from the thomas keneally novel, “the Playmaker.” directed by James andreassi, founder and artistic director of the elm Shakespeare Company.

$10 for general admission; $5 for senior citizens and Southern active alumni, faculty, staff, and student guests; and free for Southern students. (203) 392-6154

december Commencement undergraduate Ceremony

Irving Berlin’s White Christmas the Musical

$10 for general admission; $5 for senior citizens and Southern active alumni, faculty, staff, and student guests; and free for Southern students. (203) 392-6154

■ dec. 30

■ dec. 18 | 2 p.m.

Shubert theater College Street, new haven

Graduate Ceremony

■ dec. 18 | 7 p.m.

Southern holds separate winter commencement ceremonies for undergraduate and graduate students who complete their degree requirements in the fall semester. (203) 392-6586

Career fair 2015 ■ april 1 | 1 - 4 p.m.

the stage adaptation of the beloved classic film.

michael J. adanti Student Center Grand Ballroom

meet with hiring professionals and explore a wide variety of career opportunities.

$75.50 includes a ticket in the mezzanine (third to fifth row) and complimentary wine and cheese reception beginning at 6:15. register online at (203) 392-6500 (203) 392-6536

ChriS hetZer Photo

sOutHern events ■

Our Country’s Good

Wally Lamb’s Wishin’ and Hopin’ ■ dec. 4 | 7 p.m.

Join one of america’s most notable authors for a special screening of the film version of his bestselling novel. the 90-minute film stars molly ringwald, annabella Sciorra, meat Loaf, Conchata ferrell, Cheri oteri, danny nucci, Wyatt ralff, Quinn mcColgan, and Chevy Chase. the evening includes an audience introduction by Wally Lamb and producer andrew Gernhard, ’99. Screenplay by John doolan, ’10. directed by Colin theys. alumni dessert reception in the lobby following the film. all ticket proceeds benefit the SCSU Scholarship fund.

student-directed One acts ■ april 28 – May 2 | 7 p.m. ■ May 3 | 2 p.m

kendall drama Lab

theater at its finest brought to you by the students of directing ii, the theatre department, and the Crescent Players. $10 for general admission; $5 for senior citizens

$10 for adults; $5 for children 16 and under; and $25 viP experience, including premium seating (limit 100), autographed book, and special post-show meet and greet with Wally lamb. (203) 392-6154

and Southern active alumni, faculty, staff, and student guests; and free for Southern students. (203) 392-6154

dave Koz and friends Christmas tour 2014 With special guests Jonathan Butler, Christopher Cross, and Maysa

■ dec. 6 | 8 p.m.

kick off the holiday season as the legendary saxophonist and some very special guests present an evening of smooth jazz — with a dusting of holiday classics. $40 for general admission; $35 for Southern active alumni, faculty, staff, and student guests; and $20 for Southern students. (203) 392-6154

*All events held in John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts unless otherwise noted. Southern students must have valid identification to receive their ticket discounts and are limited to purchasing one student ticket and two student guest tickets per event. For tickets and additional information and listings, visit 36 | Southern ALUMNI MAGAZINE

If you’re an Owl, you know Buley Library. The relief of successfully finishing that all-important term paper. Settling in a quiet corner to read the required novel that magically becomes life changing. Gathering with classmates to collaborate on a group project — and leaving close friends.

We share memories of Hilton C. Buley Library. In spring 2015, we’ll be cheering the completion of the newly expanded and renovated Buley Library — every square foot designed with our students’ success in mind.

This is where you come in. Your annual gift to the Southern Fund makes it possible for Southern students to stay in school and earn their college degrees.

Because we’ve all been there . . . in need of support. Please make a gift

Stay connected!

to our students today by returning the enclosed envelope or by visiting us at

Visit the newly expanded library this spring and keep up with campus developments at

With a gift of $35 or more, you become a member of the SCSU Alumni Association.


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Days of Summer Research



much of the decidedly not-so-lazy, hazy days of summer studying the relationship between borderline personality disorder (BPD) and substance abuse — her work furthered by Southern’s new Undergraduate Research Grant Program. The initiative, spearheaded by President Mary A. Papazian and funded by the SCSU Foundation, awarded five students each a $3,000 grant. “By providing financial assistance to students to carry out their research during the summer, we hope they can work less in jobs unrelated to their academic and career goals, and spend more time engaged in learning,” says Marianne D. Kennedy, associate vice president for academic affairs. Battipaglia, who is working with faculty adviser Kenneth Walters, assistant professor of psychology, plans to share the study’s results at the Eastern Psychological Association’s annual meeting next spring. Among her early findings: college students between the ages of 18 and 24 with BPD symptoms drink more heavily on average than their peers — likely the result of impulsivity and a tendency to engage in risky behavior. Summer research grants also forwarded the work of the following students: • Biology major Aileen Ferraro for testing the ability to remove the herbicide atrazine from soil using bacteria grown on plant roots. (Elizabeth Roberts, faculty mentor) • Geography major Michelle Ritchie for assessing the experiences of people living in a New Haven “food desert,” a geographical area where affordable and nutritious food is difficult to obtain. (C. Patrick Heidkamp, faculty mentor) • Chemistry major Liana Feinn for studying the synthesis of tetrazoles — commonly used in explosive and pharmaceuticals — using late transitional metals. (Adiel Coca, faculty mentor) • Public Health major Chandra Kelsey for examining the attitudes, trends, and health behaviors of shoppers in Bridgeport’s farmers’ markets. (Peggy Gallup, faculty mentor)

Alyssa Battipaglia was one of five students to receive an Undergraduate Research Grant this summer.

The SCSU Foundation has provided funding for the program in summer 2015. For more information, go to

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