Internship Report JD

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John Deere

Internship Report 2013

Claudia Strand - Nr. 1021396 Summer Semester Internship 2013 Faculty for Communications Design Mannheim Hochschule

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This booklet summarizes made experiences during a 6 month internship at John Deere in Mannheim, Germany. This took place from March to August in 2013. For Graphic Designers, it is important to gather different types of experience and develop an understanding of how our society functions. Being half American and having grown up in the United States, I felt a natural bond to this prestigious American company. Agriculture was for me, up to recently, also an unknown field of work that has always sparked my interest. This led me to apply for a Graphic Design Internship in the Tactical Marketing Department. I hope all readers find the information contained in this report not only informative, but may also allow others to gain a deeper insight into the exciting John Deere world of Agriculture.

The information and image material in this booklet is property of John Deere. The contents of this booklet will only be used for this internship report and no other purposes.

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Background Information

John Deere was founded 1837 in Moline, Illinois located in the United States. What started out as a small blacksmith shop has today become one of the most worldwide successful businesses for agricultural machines and equipment. “Following the first-ever listing of John Deere in the Interbrand report of the ‘100 best global brands’* last year, the company has made a quantum leap in the 2012 ranking. According to the latest Interbrand ranking, John Deere’s assessed brand value stands at US$ 4.221 billion, a 16 percent increase compared to last year. In its 175th anniversary year, John Deere gained 12 places and is now ranked at 85, ahead of other well-known brands such as Starbucks, MasterCard, Harley Davidson and Ferrari. “ (1) This was made possible due to the companies‘ hard work in maintaining its Corporate Identity and upholding their core values. These core values include integrity, quality and commitment. Over many generations of hard work, John Deere has managed to create a brand that speaks a worldwide common language and is also “Committed to those linked to the land“. (2)

1. 2012 News Releases and Information 2. Strategy

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The Brand Pillars Apart from the company core values on the left,John Deere also has three stabilizing Brand Pillars (3) which helps in maintaining their business functionality: –– Responsive Responds quickly to keep you up and running –– Easy Designs and delivers user-friendly products and services –– Smart Helps people be smarter about how they use the land Company workers are given support maintaining these ethics through a number of helpful resources, as shown on the following pages.

3. about_our_brand/brand_basics/ Tone of Voice for Everyday Communications PDF

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References and Guidelines

The following references and guidelines helped in developing a deeper understanding of John Deere and their Corporate Identity. These guides supported my active project participation.

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The JDAA Checklist

The JDAA Checklist is a text sheet with summarized information which is intended to help design agencies, who co-operate with John Deere, to correctly maintain their Corporate Identity. This Checklist includes information about working with correct Indesign versions, working with layers, paragraph styles, text frames, hard returns and automatic separations, layouting, presenting dummy PDF’s, packaging files and naming them correctly. These were only a few points listed among many others of interest. Image material to support comprehension is also shown. Text information was summarized by my supervisor, Ms. Bugert. I was responsible for translating in English.

We, the Designers in the John Deere Tactical Marketing department, are responsible for layouting and not for final production. Due to this, it is very important that all exported files are correctly formatted. Folders must also not only be correctly setup, but also rightfully prepared for LithoArt, the agency incharge of John Deere productions. All information on this checklist is subject matter found on the Brand Portal, which is a Website from the John Deere Headquarters in America. Everything about John Deere’s Corporate Identity is found there, along with useful sample material. Further information about the Brand Portal can be found on the next few pages.

The JDAA Checklist turned out very useful for me. It helped me to maintain an overview of all important steps required for file exportation.

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Volume #, Issue # / Date

JD_AA Layouts 1.






Bitte bei Erstellen eines neuen Layouts beachten: -

Wir arbeiten mit CS5.5 Indesign (1)


Layoutfreiheit klären. Vor Entwurf abfragen, ob Sprachwechsel mit Schwarzwechsel im Layout zu berücksichtigen ist oder ob z.B. durch Digitaldruck Farb- und Layoutfreiheit gegeben ist.


John Deere Stilvorlagen benutzen - sind in den Templates eingebunden. (2)


Achtung: in den Templates aus unserem Brand Portal sind die neuen Schriftschnitte JD Sans book, semibold und deren italic Schnitte nicht enthalten. Fonts gerne bei JD AA anfordern.


Falls eine neue Stilvorlage angelegt wird, bitte eindeutig für LithoArt benennen.


3 Ebenen anlegen: Bild – Text – Hinweise. (3)


Keine harten Umbrueche.


Keine automatische Trennung.


Textrahmen immer unter Berucksichtigung des Textzuwachses (bis +30%) verbindlich, unter Beruecksichtigung unseres Rasters aufziehen und platzieren. (4)


Ausnahme/Info: In R2 platzieren wir die Seitenzahl und Rubrizierung oben, im Gegensatz zu den Templates aus dem BrandPortal. Gerne bei LA oder JD die AA templates anfordern. (5)


Agenturen erhalten von Beginn an unsere interne Projektnummer (YY oder AS, usw.) , die mit im Dateinamen enthalten sein muss. Finale Uebergabedatei nur mit finaler JD Projektnummer kennzeichnen.


Bei Mailern, bitte auf letzte Seite mit Hilfe einer Miniillustration die Funktionalitaet des Mailers darstellen und Handmuster in Originalgröße liefern. (6)


Layout_PDF Dateien als Einzelseiten mit Dateiinformation und Schnittmarken schreiben


Weitere Informationen auf 1

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The Brand Portal

The Brand Portal is a Website for John Deere employees and external agencies, which consists of valuable information about John Deere’s Corporate Identity. This Website includes basic information about the company’s history, information about protecting its Trademark, Verbal and Visual Identity, Branding and Naming Standards. The Brand Portal is not only important for these points, however. Indesign Templates for many project types can be found and downloaded from the Brand Portal. These Templates are used for most John Deere projects. Magazine Ads, Catalogs, Brochures, CDs Leaflets and Posters, all in different formats, are just some of the templates which can be found. Other important Templates include those for Word and Powerpoint, which are also available in different formats and for differing purposes. The Brand Portal is located under and can be easily accessed.

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The Brand Portal John Deere Trademarking

“The John Deere name has value, born of centuries of building relationships. The brand is an asset to express that value.” (1) John Deere is an well-known international company. To maintain their hard-earned repetition, it is important to maintain a stabile and distinguishable image. In other words, John Deere must have noticeable differences from their rival brands. This is where their Trademark helps. There are structured guidelines located on the Brand Portal as to how the John Deere Logo is sized, spaced and placed. Correct colors their usage is also displayed with useful image examples. The John Deere Bar and Logo must always be used in templates, only in rare cases are these allowed to be removed.

Some examples of incorrect Logo usage include (among other points) distorting the Logo, using other Typefaces than JD Sans, altering the Logo colors or the Logo’s construction or adding new words to the Logo which do not originally belong. It is always important to review correct and incorrect usage examples to avoid Corporate Identity infringement. Viewing bad examples was the easiest way for me to learn how to represent John Deere’s image correctly and effectively.

1. Company Trademarks and Signature

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Why we are focusing on our brand

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The Brand Portal Verbal & Visual Identity

The Brand Portal contains essential information about John Deere’s Verbal and Visual Identity, which is not only crucial information for us designers but for all John Deere employees.

While working on various Advertising Campaignes, Tone of Voice was a very important topic for me to keep in mind while contemplating striking headlines for Advertising Campaignes.

Tone of Voice

Visual Identity

John Deere’s Verbal Identity, or Tone of Voice, consists of individual wording that brings the Company to life and connects John Deere to the simple Man of the Land. Texts must be written to reflect John Deere and no other company. This is the reason why the three Brand Pillars are constantly being repeated throughout all designs: Responsive, Easy, Smart.

“People take one look at our communications and immediately recognize it as John Deere.” (1)

Verbal John Deere Dialogue itself is sorted into three main categories. This includes company, informal and live. It is important to know these dialogue differences since each Target Group must be spoken to differently.

John Deere’s “skin”, or visual identity, is what the company reflects to the outside. Customers take one look at an Advertisement and know, without a doubt, that it is from John Deere. How is this possible? This is all due to designers correctly using John Deere’s CI. This includes correct usage of the John Deere Logo, Bar, Colors, Backgrounds, Typography, Layouts, Charts, Graphs, Callouts, Promotional Graphics, Photography, etc..


1. Visual Identity Brand Elements

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Our Tone of Voice for Everyday Communications

May 27, 2009 Intern_Report_JD.indd 15

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The Brand Portal Typefaces

The official John Deere Typeface is the JD Sans. This is due to the clean, easy to read figures of this font family. Currently all JD Sans styles are used, with the exception of Light and Semibold weights. The main reason for this is due to Brand Portal, which has not yet made it clear for which purposes these styles should be used. Light and Semibold are also not included in any Template Paragraph Styles. The weight Book is rarely used in projects either. JD Sans is never mixed with other Typefaces in a Template, all other Typefaces are replaced with JD Sans. In the situation where a project is translated into another language, Russian for example, JD Sans cannot convert the symbols correctly. Due to this, a substitute Typeface is used: The Calibri.

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Calibri is said to have a similar structure to JD Sans and is therefore used in Indesign files and rewriteable PDF’s, which are meant to be translated. The official secondary Typeface, however, is the Verdana. This is mainly used for Word and Powerpoint Documents. My personal opinion is that JD Sans is a well constructed and smartly chosen Typeface for John Deere purposes. This Typeface is smooth, easily readable and recognizable even in font sizes as small at 5 or 6 pt. Due to this, it is currently my favorite Typeface along with Myriad Pro. I find the Typeface Calibri a poor substitute for JD Sans. The differences are easily recognizable and due to this, I would suggest finding a more compatible alternative.

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Shown above is the official JD Sans typeface which is primarily used in all templates, as long as no text translation takes place.

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Above is the Typeface Verdana, which is the official secondary Typeface for JD Sans. This is mainly used in translated Word and Powerpoint documents.

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The Brand Portal John Deere Layout Style

The grid shown on this double spread is an example of the official John Deere grid system. I used this grid throughout the entire booklet. This grid system consists of 6 columns and 6 rows, each with given sizes. Grid templates, both for Portrait and Landscape formats, are usually included in various Indesign templates which are found on the Brand Portal. MS Word and Powerpoint templates also have built-in grids which can be used automatically.

Headlines, Body Text, Caption Text, Disclaimers and images usually have specific grid locations. The official John Deere Bar and Logos also have specific location guidelines, as they are not allowed to be placed just anywhere. Due to translations, there is a chance of 30% Text growth. Text frames must always be set accordlingly on the grid with enough space for growth, otherwise texters will not have enough room to translate.

Sometimes I was given a project with no existing templates on the Brand Portal. A new file was then created and the grid set up manually by following the manual grid instructions on the Brand Portal.

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Above is an example of an A4 Ad template with automatic grid system included. John Deere Bar and Logo are also positioned already in one of the few correct locations. Magenta notes are placed as guidelines.

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The Brand Portal Paragraph Styles All Indesign templates on the Brand Portal contain the very useful John Deere Paragraph Styles. These styles are located in a properly labeled folder and sorted according to each purpose. There are 23 Paragraph Style categories in total, ranging from Headlines to List Bullets to Disclaimers. Text written in other JD swatch colors besides black, like JD Green or JD Yellow for example, are only allowed to be used depending on which print technique is chosen for the given project. Choosing text color also depends on if text will be translated or not. Text meant to be translated in other languages must always keep black text. Translated files must also use the Calibri Typeface instead of JD Sans, as stated in the Brand Portal. For this Booklet, I used John Deere Paragraph Styles but replaced JD Sans with Myriad Pro. This is because I do not own, or have the right, to use the official John Deere Typeface. My Cover Page Headline nr.1 is 24pt, Cover Page Headline nr.2 is 15pt., Inner Page Headlines are 15pt., Body Text 10pt., Subnotes all 8pt. These are clear and easily readable sizes for a booklet in this displayed format, Portrait A5.

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Shown above are the standard JD color swatches which are embedded in the Indesign Template Files. Pantone 108 U and Pantone 363 U are the John Deere Yellow and John Deere Green tones.

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Shown above are the John Deere Paragraph Styles, which are subcategorized into 23 categories. Only these styles allowed to be used in the Templates.

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Projects Shown here is the complete list of all projects and campaignes in which I actively took park. I kept a notebook with detailed descriptions of all projects and their locations on the server. Projects below which are highlighted green and marked with numbers are those, which were chosen to be presented on the next 10 pages.

–– “My Great Ideas” Booklet –– Recognition Day Event 4 –– Icons for PUC –– Calendar 2014 –– Golf Backdrop Display –– Fuel Efficiency Guide 5 –– Russia Ad –– Seven Lineup –– Early Order Campaigne –– 1890/1895 Ad –– Fun Trac 6

–– Sprayer Parts Catalog

–– Leaping Ahead

–– JDAA Checklist Word Document (English Translation)

–– Junior Club

–– JD “Werke” Catalog –– Afterwork Party Event 1 –– Lets Meet for a Deal Advertising Campaigne 2014 2 –– Certificate of Excellence 3 –– Brace the Page –– JD Financial Ad

–– Plus 50 Flyer –– 8R Attachments Mailer –– A0 Format Powerpoint –– AMS Brochure 7 –– NANME Brochure –– Farmsight Visual Puzzle –– 40 Years of Business –– Intern Greeting Card

The 10 highlighted projects above are those, which I personally found most interesting. Many projects listed above are upcoming campaignes or strictly confidential and therefore are not allowed to be presented.

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–– Russian Plow Brochure

–– Water FAQ

–– Keep Your Combine Harvesting Brochure

–– TAO Flyer

–– Box Drills Ad

–– Winter+ Flyer

–– Icons for Adroid/Iphone Application –– Berlin Studio Booklet –– Being Inclusive Event –– D2000 Specification Sheet –– PUC Logos –– Specification Sheet Brochures 8 –– Seat Mailer –– Better Together Campaigne –– Photoshop Retouching –– RTK Flyer –– Banner Creation –– Full Line Tillage Brochure –– S-Series Banners –– Quick Hitch Ad –– Harsewinkel Video Banner 9 –– Berlin Event 10

–– Full Line CIS Ad –– SGL Short Brochure –– Inspection Self-Mailer Fall 2013 –– Plow Salesman Pocket Brochure –– Reman Flyer –– Hoppegarten Cover –– Full Line TIllage Brochure –– SPFH, Sprayer and Combine Mailers –– Agenda Flyer –– Russian Full Line Brochure –– Better Together Wall Posters –– What’s New Campaigne –– Leaping Ahead Powerpoint Layouts –– Waterloo Handout Cards –– Team Enrichment Event –– House of Exclusivity

–– Golf Mid-Season Mailer

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Afterwork Party Event 1 Every year, John Deere Mannheim hosts an Afterwork Party in the John Deere Forum building. This is a massive party and well known event in Mannheim during the month of April. I created a fitting Afterwork Party Ad Poster, Admission Ticket, Flyer and Internet image. While drafting first layouts, I had to consider all given criteria. The text information from the 2012 Afterwork Party Poster was to be kept the same. Therefore, the new layout must suit the old text content. The key image was also to display many people dancing around a tractor in the Forum building.



31. oktober 2012 17 – 24 Uhr John Deere forum

Best of Mixed Music by dj christian pudlo. Mit Cocktails, Wein und BBQ den Arbeitstag in der außergewöhnlichen John Deere Location ausklingen lassen. VVk 4€ - AK 6€ - Vorverkauf am Tor 2 John Deere Werke Mannheim und im Fanshop des John Deere forums John-Deere-Str. 70 - 68163 Mannheim - AfterWork4_Poster_594x841_LAY.indd 1

9/20/12 10:19 AM

To the right are images of the Afterwork project development, from first to final draft.

Above are the original Afterwork Party Posters from 2012. Based on this Poster, I was asked to create a new striking theme for 2013.

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mixed music by dj Chrizz - VVK 4€ - AK 6€ - John-Deere-Str. 70 - 68163 mannheim

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ticket AfterworkParty


18.04.2013 17-24 Uhr John Deere ForUm


AFter worK PArty


Below are some examples of my Afterwork Party ideas, all including images of people dancing around a John Deere machine. Before making a clean draft with high quality images, “image collages” are first made to present different ideas. The images are usually taken from Istock, Imageshack or the John Deere Mediabin.

3/26/13 8:51 AM

AFter work PArty 18.04.2013 17-24 Uhr John Deere ForUm

mixed music by dj Chrizz - VVk 4€ - Ak 6€ - VVk am tor 2 John Deere werk mannheim und im Fanshop des John Deere Forums - John-Deere-Str. 70 - 68163 mannheim AfterWorkNo5_Poster_594x841_TOPRODUCTION.indd 1

Shown above are some Afterparty Poster design drafts. Images were used as placeholders from Istock and Imageshack.

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Above are the final drafts for the Poster and Admission Ticket, which were chosen for production. Displayed internet image was kept the same as the poster.

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Let‘s Meet for a Deal Advertising Campaigne 2 I was given a briefing concept, which I was to base my Let’s Meet for a Deal Campaigne design ideas on. The goal was to first brainstorm using the criteria below and then draft some examples on Ad layouts to display the top chosen ideas.

Campaigne Message “ There is never a better time to buy than now “ “ It’s Time “ Visual Keywords Quality Integrity Innovation Commitment Brand Loyalty

Target Groups Contractors XXL Arable Farmers Arable Farmers Mixed Livestock Important Design Factors One Striking Key Image 3 Machines/3 Customers Emotional Campaigne Repetitive Message Language Translations Modularity

Above are a few idea samples. The top two images display the concept of “feeling” different John Deere textures. The bottom two ideas were based on the english phrase, “The Early Bird Catches the Worm.”

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EARLY ORdER Order early. Act now!

Shown above is a concept of “feeling” textures, which my supervisor and I found very appealing. The main message “It’s Time for the Harvest” was chosen, with a Mailer consisting of three pockets. From these three pockets, readers could “harvest” (or take out) further machine information.

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Produced was my supervisor’s idea, using a type of “Early Order” flag. This flag, was placed around the mailer as a flap to keep it closed. I helped design this flag using mainly Adobe Illustrator.

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Certificate of Excellence 3 The Certificate of Excellence was one of the projects which I enjoyed working on the most. The main goal was to create a package filled with incentives for the most loyal and successful John Deere dealerships. This package consists of the following items:

2013 2013 Light Embossment outwards for Text Acrylic Transparent-Blue material for Pins

– The Certificate of Excellence 2013 Plague (Either to hang on the wall or set on a table) – Dealership shirt buttons/pins – A USB stick – The Customized Packaging Box I made 3D models of all components using Cinema 4D and Showcase. For most of March 2013, I was busy with this first major project.

Rectangle 1 Rectangle 2

Shape Two adjacent-intersected rectangles. Case material is acrylic glass, transparent-blue color shade. USB visible through transparency. Capacity 8GB USB Stick Size approx. 70 x 21 x 11 mm

Above are the pins/buttons for shirts, packaging box and USB stick. All images were created in Cinema 4D. The goal was to create an acrylic glass effect, which would be produced with plastic material to save costs.

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Award Plate

... engraving in acrylic glass

... to put on sales counter

Achetez mAintenAnt et pAyez dAns un An ! pieces et services Taux attractifs, dÊmarche simple et rapide. Disponible dès maintenant chez votre concessionnaire JOHN DEERE. 11_Sima_Tafel_A0.indd 1

18.09.2009 12:05:58 Uhr

... or to fix it on a wall

The Plaque pictured above can be hung on a wall or positioned on any flat surface, however the dealer pleases. Center image below is the positioning of all incentives within the packaging box.

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Above right is how the plaque was designed to look once produced, this image was also created in Cinema 4D. Below are the three final Plaques, each with a different machine for specified dealers.

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Recognition Day Event 4 Recognition Day is an event which takes place every year in different locations throughout Germany. During this event, families join each other and enjoy a sunny day full of fun-filled John Deere activities and ends with a dinner buffet for all participating guests.

Ziel: Die Wagbachhalle





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I created an appealing Flyer for this event, along with food and drink Menu and Information Board based on the Flyer that already existed from the Recognition Day event in 2010. Images can be views to the right.

Recognition Day 17. Juli 2010

Anfahrt nach Waghäusel

Für Anreisende mit der Bahn: Wiesental liegt an der Rheinbahnlinie zwischen Mannheim und Karlsruhe. Zu Fuß durch den Ort bis zur Wagbachhalle sind es ca. 2 Kilometer.

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Katharina Ehrler Telefon: +49 (0) 621 829 1417 Fax: +49 (0) 621 829 1411

Both images above are the front and back side of the original flyer given to me, from the Recognition Day Event in 2010.

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Recognition Day 2013 1



Traktor fahren






Kinderbetreuung von 16 – 19 Uhr




Aktionsstand der Lehrwerkstatt (Buttons basteln, Sägewettbewerb)




Kaffee & Kuchen








Sportangebote für Kinder


Aktionsstand Jim & Jeff (Rollerball, Bungeerun, Riesendart, Stapelkisten, Rasenski)







4 i

Trettraktor fahren für Kinder




17 6



1 7







9 i




Ihr Standort






The two images above are the new Recognition Day Flyer front and back side which I designed for 2013, including a new variety of pictures from the “John Deere Collections” CD and cleaner layout.

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Above is the layout for the food and drink menu. Located below right is the information board which was created to help guests orientate at the event.

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Fuel Efficiency Guide 5 The Fuel Efficiency Guide is a pocket sized booklet created for John Deere employees. This booklet contains information about different types of tests and results, including machine fuel and field tests. This booklet also compares the test results to rival businesses. I was responsible for layouting the booklet and redesigning most of the charts and graphs contained within the original text material. A letterhead was also created along with the booklet for sender information.

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Your key to convincing customers: The Pocket Guide to Fuel Efficiency Dear <First name> <Surname>, Over the recent weeks and months you have no doubt seen in the press that there has been a strong focus on tractor tests and corresponding advertising covering the topic of fuel consumption. Not surprising, given rising fuel costs and our competitors’ introduction of Adblue/SCR technology. No doubt your customers are asking you questions on this subject when discussing tractor business. So to help you overcome the arguments put out by our competitors you will find enclosed 5 copies of your personal “Pocket Guide to Fuel Efficiency”. Please read, understand the information within, carry it with you and use it to counter competitor’s claims with customers. Of course, what published tests show doesn’t always correspond to what the customer will see in the field. This is because many factors affect the tractors’ performance in the field and on the road including ballast, tyre pressures and operator driving behaviour. If these are wrong, then the fuel used will easily be in access excess of the difference shown in the tests. To help you understand these factors, another publication is also available and has been for some time: The Efficiency Maker Booklet entitled “Squeeze it”. So please study the enclosed “Pocket Guide to Fuel Efficiency” and ensure you also have your own copy of “Squeeze it” so you are equipped the give customers the real efficiency story. More copies of both the Pocket guide and the Squeeze it guide can be ordered via AdZONE anytime: 1. EfficiEncy MakEr BooklEt “SquEEzE it” (yy1214124). 2. “PockEt GuiDE to fuEl EfficiEncy” (yy1318180). Thanks and good luck convincing your customers. If you need more info or support, please contact your tractor PSS.

Above is a screenshot of the Fuel Efficiency Letterhead.

Due to this booklet being marked confidential, I will only display parts of the layout design. This Booklet was translated and printed in German and English, therefore text color is kept black.

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Fun Trac 6 Fun Trac was a very exciting project from April 2013. I was given the task of creating a key visual for the following theme: “what happens when employees don’t pay attention at work” I had many great ideas, and using humour to grab the viewers attention, these were the final ideas displayed to the right. The visual was for a Powerpoint layout and the finished images were all retouched in Adobe Photoshop. The original image material comes from John Deere’s online image source, Mediabin. All examples shown to the right were placed in a standard A4 Ad formats, which is standardly used for presenting ideas. All images here have been reduced in size.

Top left, the tractor wheels of the displayed machine have been replaced: front and back. Did you notice? Bottom left, the logo has been replaced with that of another animal.

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Top middle, another example of the John Deere logo of a Deer replaced with another animal. The image perspective is also different.

Top and bottom right, examples of John Deere machines being produced in pink, which is due to an employee’s lack of paying attention during production.

Bottom middle, the “Deere” in John Deere had been replaced with “Reere”.

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AMS Brochure 7 I chose the AMS brochure as a typical example for many brochure reworks that I am responsible for. Many Brochure, Mailer and Catalog layouts, for example, already pre-exist with project numbers. I am then incharge of reworking these projects and making them up-to-date. Updating can include adding and/or changing image and text material. A complete change of certain pages can also occur. Once finished, these changes must be approved by the specific colleague who gave me the task and also by my supervisor. Since I am only responsible for layouting, notes for fine-tuning must be written on necessary pages, in a magenta tone, for LithoArt to produce final drafts correctly. Further information on notes for LithoArt is also mentioned in the JDAA Checklist.

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Above are some example of received text changes, which are marked in Magenta and white boxes. This shows how they are formulated visually in the PDF’s I receive. I am in charge of reading these notes, making the necessary changes and then resubmitting the updated PDF’s back to my colleagues.

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Specification Sheet Brochures 8 Specification Sheets are interesting projects, they offer large amounts of text information in a compact, easy-to-read design. There are a few Specification options bound to the John Deere Paragraph styles, which designers can freedly choose to use. These sheets help readers view the advantages and disadvantes of each machine easier and show comparisons to other models. To the right are examples of these Specification Sheets. The chosen sheet examples are of the models X950R, the Gator Utility Vehicles and the new Gator Models.

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New Gator

XUV 855D S4 and XUV 825i

Fantastic Performer

Cover Photo opt 1: Placeholder Photo

retouch decal to 825i

On the left is an example of Specifications Cover Page for the new Gator machine. Magenta notes indicate final changes for LithoArt.

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Above is an example of an inner page of the Sheets, with a studio shot for different models presenting machine information.

On the right is an example of the sheet’s backside. The specification chart contains compact model information, along with mini studio shots of the adressed machine.

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Combine Video Banner 9 The Combine Video Banner was a mini-project which was based on the Harsewinkel Video made by John Deere. In this video, one of John Deere’s most impressive machines is filmed while driving through rival territory in the small town of Harsewinkel. As the machine passes through different town locations, all citizens stop their activities and stare in disbelief at what is driving by. A key visual from this Combine video was needed for the German John Deere Homepage. For this purpose, me and another intern spent time rewatching the video clip and documenting time clips on the search for fitting visuals. To the right are the final results.

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Here is a compilation of chosen motives for the Harsewinkel banner, based on the Harsewinkel video clip from John Deere. As seen in the enlarged banner image above, the film strip version was chosen. The film clip version was layouted by another Tactical Marketing intern. I was responsible for selecting fitting images from the video. This visual can currently still be found on the German John Deere Homepage. (19th August, 2013)

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Berlin Event 10 The Berlin event is a well-known disposition at the ExpoCenter Airport in Berlin. Here, John Deere representatives travel to Berlin and present information about their different machines and products. This takes place from the 22nd of August until 11th of September, 2013.

John Deere Attachments Discover valuable attachments highlighted by the Add More Green Button

Me and my supervisor, Ms. Bugert, were in charge of completing a number of event tasks for several different colleagues. This included making layouts for Stickers, Rollups, Banners and Flyers. Some examples are shown on the right side. Even some Poster themes from the “Better Together” campaigne will be displayed at the Berlin Event.

performance comfort uptime individuality profit resale value satisfaction

Druckmaß 85 x 210 Sichtmaß 85 x 203

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Above is an example of a Rollup displayed at the Berlin Event. This presented Rollup displays information about different John Deere Attachments, the so called “Add More Green Button” and its advantages.

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New NoN-Product SolutioNS 2014

John Deere Attachments performance comfort uptime individuality

RideandDrive_Banner_AddMore_3000x1500_LAY.indd 1

profit resale value satisfaction

Salesman App

PowerGard Maintenance and Repair Plans

GPC & JD Quote


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new CommerCial ial mowing solutions 2014

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PowerGard Maintenance and Repair Plans

T2_Banner_ComMowing_3000x1500_LAY.indd 1

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Fast, Easy & Flexible Financial Solutions

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Shown above are miniaturized banner layouts, which will be printed and presented at the Berlin Event. The Banner are a huge 3m x 1.5m in size. Banner themes range from Attachments to Machine Displays to Powergard to Financial and Better Together, which represents the importance a connection makes between customers and dealers when it comes to choosing a John Deere machine.

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Gained Experiences During the internship, I also took part in many diverse activities offered at John Deere. One of these activities was John Deere factory tour in Mannheim and Bruchsal. I decided to take this tour along with potential customers in order to gain a better understanding as to which key points are most important to them. We had a day tour and learned how Deere machines are assembled, took a look into the past and future of John Deere products. I noticed the massive amount of effort and detail John Deere puts into every corner of their business, which was very impressive. Interns were also offered a variety of special tours. During an Environmental Control Tour, for example, we found out how economically friendly John Deere has become and witnessed their fascinating developed watering system. We even had a 3D Simulation tour, where we virtually viewed different machines and learned how they function in a virtual green box.

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There are also a number of mandatory schoolings, meant for all employees and interns. These schoolings taught me essencial facts about privacy, content management systems, email organization and internal cooperation. I was also given the opportunity to apply for a tractor license. I took part in theoretical and practical lessons in Mannheim. In the end, I was able to take home the official tractor license for interns. I am currenclty allowed to drive John Deere machines within the Mannheim and Bruchsal bases. The license must be renewed annually. I would like to thank the Tactical Marketing department for allowing me to join the John Deere Afterwork Party in April and for inviting me to their team Barbecque in July, 2013. It was an exciting experience.

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The image above was taken with other colleagues from the Tactical Marketing Department at the Team BBQ in July, 2013.

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As a summary, I can say that I have gathered a lot of vital knowledge during my internship. All achievements at John Deere were worthy of the invested time and effort. I am confident that I have proven myself an invaluable part of the Tactical Marketing team and hope I was able to fulfill all of John Deere’s expectations. I would like to thank all readers for showing their interest. A very heartful thanks goes out to Ms. Chistiane Bugert, my supervisor, and Mr. Karl-Heinz Schleef, Head of Department, for allowing me to be part of such a wonderful team and gather unforgettable experiences. I would also like to thank all colleagues from the Tactical Marketing Department for their support, teamwork and enjoyable company. This is an internship which I would highly recommend to all ambitious and and highly motivated designers.

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This report has been read and approved by the necessary reference persons stated below in August, 2013 from John Deere in Mannheim, Germany.

Ms. Claudia Strand Intern

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Ms. Christiane Bugert Supervisor

Mr. Karl-Heinrich Schleef Head of Department

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Claudia Strand Seckenheimerstr. 90 68165 Mannheim, Germany

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