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NEWS LATEST WORLD NEWS On ETERNAL RUIN´s MySpace page appears in memory of their bassist Ryan Engle (R.I.P.), so rest in peace... like the others in the past three years who have left us. The American label Comatose Music announces that the new CD of the group COATHANGER ABORTION “Dying Breed” from Chattanooha, TN is ready to be marketed. In addition the label has taken into its ranks the Spanish group CEREBRAL EFFUSION “Impulsive Psychopathic Acts”, being these the new proposals for this label.

SCUMZINE es una revista de Death Metal, para la próxima edición esperamos expandir a otros géneros por las bandas de Villavicencio, pero el género fuerte de este Zine es Brutal Death Metal y Black Metal desde ahora. AGRADECIMIENTOS: Agradecemos a las bandas que confiaron en esta edición y que tuvieron paciencia para el zine, Daniel Paz por su siempre apoyo, a las agrupaciones de Chile que nos apoyaron, a las bandas de USA que nos apoyaron mil gracias, la colaboración de Stefania Silva Carranza.

SCUMZINE Director- Gerente: Ricardo A Bedoya COVER ZINE: Tom Couture Fotografía: Entregada por MALIGNANCY. DISEÑO: Color Pub Villavicencio/Meta/Colombia. Traducción - Corrección de Estilo: Lorena Kasallas Yesenia Duarte. Corresponsal de SCUMZINE y distribuidora en Europa

A. A. P.O.BOX 188 Villavicencio Celular: 313 803 03 92 Las entrevistas en Español las encuentran en: www.myspace/ FACEBOOK

For ZYKLON´s fans, the guitarist Samoth decided that the band was not going to be formed, because its members are in other projects and for this reason decided to launch a new production by collecting all the material in “The Storm Manifesto” under the label Candlelight Records. The group from Indiana U.S.A., VISCERAL THRONE signed to Brutal Bands, a label that is very demanding with its bands, as the quality of this label is awesome because it has within its armed ranks to: DEVOURMENT, EMETH and INSIDIOUS DECREPANCY. Unique Leader Records is ready in its ranks three productions of hell, full of gore and apocalyptic, these are: BRUTUS this group who lost their drummer after their previous recordings now they feature this new album entitled “Murwgebeukt.” The polish DEIVOS after a long list of issues on CD, releases this new CD “Gospel of Maggots”. The production is done by Tue Madsen (VADER, ABORTED y KATAKLYSM). The Italian HOUR OF PENANCE is here now with its new CD “Paradogma”. It is undoubtedly a masterpiece, one extreme and apocalyptic cover, this is their fourth album. SERIAL BUTCHER from Ghent, Belgium with its CD which is titled “A Crash Course in Cranium Crushing” ARKAIK from Riverside County, California. As a curious fact, this is a technical group and brutal at the same time as shown in “Reflection within Dissonance”. Finally also they´ll have in their ranks FLESH CONSUMED, BEHEADED, INHERIT DISEASE´s new album and CONDEMNED and others. The ultra brutal label Sevared Records from U.S.A. has in its ranks the following productions: The Turks CENOTAPH with its full CD “Putrascent Infectius Rabidity” in addition to those who remember to HUMAN FILLETED with its CD entitled “Blunt Force Embludgeonment” and to end the carnage they have now the legendary SHORTBUSPILEUP and also the legendary Spanish FERMENTO with its new CD “Recipe for Cremation”. For more information visit the website HYPERLINK “” www.seva- there you will find all the products in this brutal label. Gore and Blood Productions has produced a festival with three bands formed by just one person, the bands PUTRID PILE (Shaun Lacanne), the group BLOODSOAKED (Peter Hasselbrack) and leaving no doubt that there are three hate-filled lunatics and will spread much meat and destruction as much they can do in our country, from Texas comes the apocalyptic struggle INSIDIOUS DECREPANCY (Shawn Whitaker) is the first time he steps on Colombian soil. We will be watching this annual festival which reaches its edition number seven called “BIRTHDEATH PARTY 7”. It will be carried out as two dates in Bogotá on June 5 and June 6 in Pereira; this will be one of Colombia’s most brutal shows without any doubt.

PATHOLOGY returned to the studio with an ultra brutal work “Legacy Of The Ancients” and not on Comatose Music but will be in the ranks of Victory Records, the recording was made by Jeff Forest in the Doubletime Studios, mastering was done by Erik Rutan (HATE ETERNAL), and as always a world full of zombies in all side shows a doctor injecting a virus to people who become zombies, this will be a brutal piece. The Belgium group FRACTURE INSANITY will be part of the label Xtreem Music. On the other hand, the band from Chile THORNAFIRE will be at the most extreme festival of the old continent OBSCENE EXTREME FESTIVAL, who will show their latest work “Vorex Desconstruccion”. The group HUMAN MASTICATION continues with Sevared Records and will release a material with 7 new songs and material from Split with other bands. For Cannibal Corpse fans, it´s now available the video “Priests of Sodom”, the new video can be seen by Metal Blade TV. The video was directed by Kevin Custer. NOTE: We would like to put a lot more news, at this moment it is not possible for space. However, expect more soon!




1 - Tell us how was the recording and mixing of the new CD “Malignant Supremacy”? >> Well, the recording was done in a record time of 3 days. The first day the drums were recorded, the second day the guitars were recorded, and the last day bass and vocals were recorded. The mixing was about several weeks where Sander Bermudez (engineer) and I (Leviathan) found the mix we were looking for. 2 - What could you say about “Malignant Supremacy”? >> “Malignant Supremacy” is the name that defines what we wanted to express in our second CD, as the name says, evil triumphs over good, this world is full of demons... 3 - Who did the cover of this new work as it is apocalyptic, dark, and gloomy and is the day when the devil takes the world. How do you define it? And why did you choose that cover? >>Well, the cover was designed by Blast Line Design and it expresses specifically what we wanted to show the supremacy of evil in the world... 4 – You have continued with Brutalized Records, Is there any proposal to make the edition of this work elsewhere? >>Well, actually we already had a signed contract with Unmatched Brutality Records signed by both parties for the production of “Malignant Supremacy” but for reasons that we really don´t know the label seems to be finished, and for causing of time then we decided to talk to Brutalized Records for the CD production. 5 - What are the plans to promote this CD, a tour around Colombia or any country? >>We did the official release. We’ve played in several major events in the country such as: Manizales Grita Rock, Armenia Death Fest and others and we are going to play on Nov. with Entombed in Armenia and there are other shows to be confirmed. 6 - How were things with selling of your first CD “Dark Blasting Tongue”? >>Well, the CDs were sold; the T-shirts that we put out were sold out. There were good reviews of the CD and it was a good starting for the band. 7 - How was the response from fans and extreme press? >> It was good. People who have heard the CDs give pretty good views of the band and actually we have people following us to the events and that gives us encouragement to go ahead and the people who come to our shows are not disappointed because we carry out with ours duty in live. 8 - What changes can we hear in this work “Malignant Supremacy”? Well, many. Because, this work was recorded with a drummer, we have so much more to show of what has been learned as time goes by and a work so much neater than the previous one... 9 – Do you have final comments or something you want to add? Thanks for the interview and for supporting the band. A brutal greeting to all the pals that follow and like the band!


nov. Con ENTOMBED en armenia y hay otros shows por confirmar.

:::::::::>> ESPAÑOL <<:::::::::

6-¿Cómo estuvieron las cosas en venta con CD “DARK BLASTING TONGUE”? >> Bien el CD se vendió las camiseta que se sacaron se agotaron se tuvieron buenas críticas del CD y fue un buen comienzo para la banda.

1-¿Háblanos de cómo estuvo la grabación y mezcla del nuevo CD “MALIGNANT SUPREMACY”? >> Bueno la grabación se hizo en tiempo record de 3 días el primer día se grabaron las baterías el segundo día las guitarras y el ultimo día se grabaron el bajo y las vocales la mescla si se llevo unas buenas semanas donde Sander Bermudez el ingeniero y yo leviathan pudimos encontrar la mezcla que buscábamos. 2-¿Qué nos puedes decir sobre “MALIGNANT SUPREMACY”? >> MALIGNANT SUPREMACY es el nombre que define lo que queríamos expresar en nuestro segundo cd, como el nombre lo dice, el mal triunfa sobre el bien, este mundo está lleno de demonios... 3- ¿Quien realizó la portada de este nuevo trabajo como es apocalíptica, oscura, tenebrosa y es el día en que el diablo toma el mundo como la definen? Y ¿por qué esa portada? >> Bueno la portada la diseño BLAST LINE DESING y si expresa específicamente lo que queríamos mostrar la supremacía del mal en el mundo… 4-¿Continuaron con BRUTALLIZED RECORDS, alguna propuesta para hacer editado en otra parte este trabajo? Bueno en realidad nosotros ya teníamos firmado un contrato con UNMATCH BRUTALITY RECORDS firmado por ambas partes para la producción del MALIGNANT SUPREMACY pero por motivos que en realidad desconocemos el sello parece a verse terminado y pues por tiempo decidimos hablar con BRUTALIZED records para la producción. 5-¿Qué planes hay para promocionar este CD, alguna gira por Colombia o algún país? >> Ya hicimos el lanzamiento oficial hemos tocado en varios eventos importantes en el país como son el Manizales grita rock el armenia fest y otros mas y pensamos tocar en

7- ¿Cómo fue la respuesta de los fans y la prensa extrema? >> Fue buena las personas que han escuchado los Cd dan muy buenas opiniones de la banda en realidad ya tenemos gente que nos sigue a los eventos y eso nos da moral para seguir adelante y la gente que va a nuestros shows no queda decepcionada pues cumplimos con lo nuestro en vivo. 8-¿Qué evolución podemos escuchar en este trabajo “MALIGNANT SUPREMACY”? >>Bueno muchas ya este trabajo es con baterista se tiene muchas más cosas para mostrar de lo que se aprende a medida que pasa el tiempo y un trabajo mucho mas sollado que el anterior... 9-¿comentario final? >>Gracias por la entrevista y por el apoyo a la banda y un brutal saludo a todos los parceros que siguen y les gusta la banda!. Algo que quieras agregar. COLOMBIAN MALEVOLENT GRIND EXECUTIONS!!




1 - Your latest album is “Sadistic Grotesque Memories Deeds ...” which was made several months ago. So, what’s new in the band? Have you received the acceptance you expected? >> I am already writing new material for the 3rd Bloodsoaked CD and booking shows for 2010. Yes, I have taken Bloodsoaked further than I thought I ever would and the reviews for the new CD have been great and most important the fans love it! 2 - How do you make the composition in Bloodsoaked? And what is the thematic of the band? >> I take my time and try to write catchy Death Metal songs with an old-school feel. I also jam with a lot of friends to get different ideas and to get things moving. Bloodsoaked does not really have a theme, just straight forward Death Metal with the focus on Gore and Anti-Religion. 3 - How was the response from your previous CD “Brutally Butchered”? >>The response was very good but it was my first CD so I still had a lot of growth to do as a song writer but overall the response was solid. 4 - What the cover of “Sadistic Grotesque Memories Deeds ...” represents? >>All things that are twisted in the world! 5 - What can you say about Bloodsoaked´s video “Rotting in Filth”? How it was edited? And why this song “Rotting in Filth” was chosen for the video? >>The video for “Rotting In Filth” was the first video I did and it was a totally new experience for me. The director Blake Fausette directed and edited the video to make it as sick as possible. I chose Rotting In Filth as I felt that was the best song on the album. 6 - How long it took to get the contract with Comatose Music? >>I released the Brutally Butchered CD myself and about 3-4 months later Comatose Music released it. It was pretty fast. 7 - What can you say about “Brutally Butchered”? >>In your face Death Metal, lots of Tremolo picking, lots of Deicide feeling to the CD. 8 – On MySpace there are some pictures of a super brutal show as it is Putrid Pile and Insidious Decrepancy. Tell us how was that show please? >> Yes, us three did a special show together in Philadelphia and it was great, lots of fun was had by everyone. We had played together before but this was a special show put together just for us by Pure Death Productions. 9 - Tell us about the Bloodsoaked shows? And have you thought about become Bloodsoaked a complete band, I mean with more musicians? >> I have thought about putting together a full band for Bloodsoaked but I have built Bloodsoaked from the ground up and want to keep it that way. A full band might be nice once in a while but I think I

will keep Bloodsoaked as myself. 10 – Which are Bloodsoaked´s future plans? >> Playing more and bigger shows, release a 3rd CD as well as a DVD and keep crushing the world. 11 – Do you have a final comment or something you want to say? >> Thank you SO much for taking the time to interview me and support Bloodsoaked!! ::::::::::::::::::::: EESPAÑOL :::::::::::::::::::: 1 - Su ultimo álbum es “Sadistic Grotesque Memories Deeds ...” el cual fue realizado hace varios meses atrás. Entonces, que hay de nuevo en la banda? >>Han recibido la aceptación que esperaban? Yo ya estoy escribiendo nuevo material para el tercer CD de Bloodsoaked y concretando presentaciones para el 2010. Sí, yo he estado tomando a Bloodsoaked mas de lo que hubiera podido pensar y las criticas del nuevo CD han sido estupendas y la parte mas importante es que a los fans les encanta! 2 - Como realizó la composición en Bloodsoaked? Y cual es la temática de la banda? >>Me tomo mi tiempo y trato de escribir canciones de Death Metal pegajosas con el sentimiento de la vieja escuela. También, me rodeo de muchos amigos para tener diferentes ideas y mantener las cosas moviéndose. Bloodsoaked no tiene realmente un tema, solo es un Death Metal simple con un enfoque de Gore y Anti-religión. 3 - Como fue la respuesta de su CD anterior “Brutally Butchered”? >>La respuesta fue muy buena pero fue mi primer CD, entonces tuve mucho crecimiento para hacerlo como compositor pero en general la respuesta fue sólida. 4 - Que representa el cover de “Sadistic Grotesque Memories Deeds ...”? Todas las cosas que están retorcidas en el mundo! 5 - Que puede decir del video de Bloodsoaked “Rotting in Filth”? como fue editado? Y por qué esta canción “Rotting in Filth” fue escogida para el video? >> El video de “Rotting in Filth” fue el primer video, yo lo hice y fue totalmente una nueva experiencia para mi. El director Blake Fausette dirigió y editó el video para hacer este lo más enfermizo posible. Escogí Rotting In Filth sintiendo que era la mejor canción del álbum. 6 - Cuanto tiempo tomó para obtener el contrato con Comatose Music? >>Yo saque a la venta el CD Brutally But-

chered solo y cerca de 3 a 4 meses después Comatose Music lo lanzo al mercado, fue bastante rápido. 7 - Que puede decir de “Brutally Butchered”? >> Death Metal en tu cara, cantidades de Tremolo picking, muchos sentimientos decididos. 8 - En Myspace hay algunas fotos de un Show super brutal como es Putrid Pile y discrepancia insidiosa (Insidious Decrepancy). Porfavor comentenos como estuvo el show? >>Sí, nosotros tres hicimos un show especial juntos en Filadelfia y fue fabuloso, mucha diversión tuvo cada uno. Estuvimos tocando juntos antes pero esto fue un show especial que nos puso juntos solo por nosotros por las producciones del Death puro. 9 - Cuéntenos acerca de los shows de Bloodsoaked, y si ha pensado en convertir a Bloodsoaked en una banda completa, me refiero si con más músicos? >>Ya he pensado sobre colocar juntos una banda completa para Bloodsoaked, pero he construido a Bloodsoaked desde su fundación y quiero dejarlo de esa manera. Una banda completa podría ser buena de vez en cuando pero yo pienso dejar Bloodsoaked por mi mismo 10 - Cuales son los planes para el futuro de Bloodsoaked? >>Tocar más y shows gigantescos, sacar a la venta el 3er CD igual en DVD y seguir aplastando el mundo. 11 - ¿Tiene algún comentario final o algo que quiera decir? >> Muchas Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de entrevistarme y de apoyar a Bloodsoaked!!

GORTUARY 1) To start this interview I would like to know how the band was formed, and why did you choose the name GORTUARY? Also, tell us about the new CD “Awakening Pestilent Beings”, is it already there a preview of the cover? What are your plans for promotion? The band formed in late 2006 with Andres (guitar), Josh (drums) and Jae (bass / vocals) and three pieces. After making of which required a vocalist Oscar found through a mutual friend of the bands and began writing music quickly. Soon after, the band needed another guitarist to fill the full training. Oscar then introduced Glenn to the band completed the training with a twin assault of lead. Oscar was later let go because of musical differences and Nate soon after brought to the mold as Gortuary Jae’s frontman, who is now training. The known Gortuary is a source of the combination of the words Gore and mortuary. The new CD was launched in late October 2009 and will have a new slab of music really brutal, intricate, and much more mature than in “Manic…” songs. We are currently using to Jon Zig illustrations and you’ll just have to wait and take the pictures when the CD comes out hehe. 2) Tell us about the record’s production, recording and mixing of “Manic Thoughts of Perverse Mutilation” and how was the recording with Ángel Ochoa of CONDEMNED and CEPHALOTRIPSY on the two songs “Mutilation by Double Penetration” and “Wake up Murder”? The total production is very noisy and “Manic…” captures a very raw and “manic” sound to the songs. The whole situation was very fun and Angel Ochoa, who is a close friend of the band, was more than happy to lend her vocals to songs by “Mutilation by Double Penetration” and “Wake up Murder”, as he’s known to have gutturals sick nasty. 3) Let’s talk about the cover art by George Prasinis (Grin Piece Illustrations). How did you get to do a cover so strong and Gore in showing the severity of the situation as it would be a kind of movie? George is a very skilled artist and knew he would capture the kind of feeling and that would look we wanted in our deck. First I saw one of his works that he did when I took Inveracity´s album and I drew the sophomore years quickly to his style of artwork and we thank them both for giving us a cover of a badass. The cover concept is based on the actual title of the CD so the pictures just seem to flow with the title. 4) What are your favorite movies of BMovies, serial killers or zombies?


I ‘m a sucker for a good zombie movie. I ‘m a huge fan of “Dawn of the Dead” remake as well as “28 days / weeks later”. So anything with the splattered blood by the zombie is impressive to me. Even serial murderers, Ed Gein, BTK and I find them the most interesting and most influential of the Death Metal themes everywhere. 5) I think the agenda was busy in 2008 with the participation in Central Illinois Metal Fest and other festivals. What do you prefer Metal Fests or smaller concerts? We had a fucking blast playing the Central Illinois Metal Fest in July 2008. The fans get very good and we’d love to go back there again. We plan on playing next year in the biggest festivals of Death Metal to further promote our 2nd CD after it is launched. Although, we love large metal fests, we also like playing in smaller shows, we basically just love playing live even Haha anywhere from a sewer would be absolutely fine Haha, nah just kidding 6) How is a GORTUARY concert? The main thing that you see on a show of Gortuary is direct headbanging haha. We got really into music and feed the crowd of that. We also tend to be slightly more noise than most bands as we´ve said that often so be prepared to go deaf or neck pain Haha. 7) How are the things doing with SEVARED RECORD and its distribution? Things are going very well with Sevared, Barrett is very helpful and we can see that the label is starting to really grow and expand more. He’s also very good distribution for individuals convicted of many vendors say they found in Europe and Asia selling our CDs so you to know Barrett’ s behind all that Haha 8) What can we expect from “Awakening Pestilent Beings”? And do you have new songs? What you can expect to “Awakening Pestilent Beings” is a very polished brutal album than the last one. The songs are much more intricate and heavy as fuck and also threw in two instrumental songs, one that is acoustic, and one that is full of solos between me and Glenn. 9) Are there plans to promote “Manic

Thoughts of Perverse Mutilation” with tour dates in Europe? We have planned to travel to promote our second album and have plans to visit Japan, Europe and Indonesia. 10) What do you know of the Colombian scene? Do not really know much about the scene in Colombia but if we get the chance to play there, we’d love to check it out! 11) How do you see the North American scene about CDs and bands? , and what do you think of the scene of Brutal Death Metal nowadays? I think the scene here in United States can be a bit bigger unlike other countries such as Europe, etc... But I ‘m sure the Brutal Death Metal will grow with time and will be appreciated and respected if done right. 12) Do you have new songs or any new proposal to continue with Sevared Records? We will launch ... with Sevared “Awakening…” again. The new songs are based on the “28-days later” the films for which many people are really excited. 13) Do you want to add something? Just want to say thanks to all the fans worldwide that support the shit out of us. Stay tuned to get your asses kicked by the new CD. We’ll consider it on the road!




interview with Dave Kibler (guitar / backing vocals) 1 - Tell us a little about the new work “To Desecrate and Defile”. Dave – This album is Lividity at it’s best!! Powerful, unrelenting, crushing faces and bitches in our path as we have taken our music to a new level of aggression that I feel is our best work yet!! We obtain the techniques and styles of the previous albums and molded them together with Garrett’s old school meets new school technical drum attack and this album has the best of all worlds we have been striving for the past 16 years!! It fucking blows me away! From the execution to the song writing that we all collaborated on to the production that Scott and Mercenary Digital Studios provided us!! All the songs stories and issues make sense and are brutal! I am fucking happy with it!! 2 - Why the change from the label Morbid Records to War Anthem Records, and how were things with Morbid Records? Dave – We had released 2 albums with Morbid Records (…Til Only The Sick Remain 2002/ Used Abused And Left For Dead 2006) and then we were out of our 2 album contract!! It was a double edge sword working with them as we were given greater opportunities with tours and circulation using their service, but at the same time they did not communicate well nor did they come through with all merch / royalty situations which were frustrating because we are in the US and them in Germany!! It would be nice to drive to their place and take care of business face to face!! So we decided to go on the hunt for new blood! We weren’t in any hurry either! Wanted right choice! After we came back from our Europe 2007 tour we decided to find a few weekend festivals and see if there was interest! The only ones who provided such a great event for us was Party.San Open Air in Germany!! We had a fucking blast!! Great turn out of 10,000 metal freaks and a week after we return Mieze (Party.San coordinator) also has label War Anthem Records!! He wanted to offer his service, we listened, really liked the conditions and now we are his band!! Great people, great label!! 3 – It is normal on LIVIDITY to have line-up changes because in your previous works was the drummer Jordan Varela in the line-up, but before of that the drummer was Matt. They have brutal bands now. So, in relation with this, what is your opinion regarding them and what group of them is your favorite one? Dave – Yeah, that is what I think holds us back somewhat is the inconsistency of line up, but we are very strong now as this core of band members have been together since 2005

/ 2006, with the exception of Jake on bass since January!! However Matt was the singer and Von took his spot as guitarist / vocalist!! James Whitehurst was the drummer before Jordan! But everybody has played an important roll in helping this band elevate to new levels!! So I am not disappointed in anyone’s time they have spent in Lividity!! I look at the bright side and notice that whenever a change has been needed, there has been a great friend and great standing by that we have never had to stop the band!! Teach the old songs, learn new music for new album, staying active and visual!! They biggest flaw is touring or weekend warrior shows and the crowd get’s a different taste of Lividity with new line up!! But now the world is getting very familiar with who we are today!! 4 - How were things with the distribution of press with the previous album “Used, abused and left for dead”? Dave – Old fans didn’t know what to think!! New fans thought it was the most chaotic music they have ever heard!! In a 6 – 8 month time, they all figured out the new direction of the band and then became familiar with the sounds and it has become almost legendary in such short time!! With each album, with each new drummer or vocal attack, we have presented different style of Lividity from each spectrum of death metal I believe!! I like this just because I don’t like to be predictable and the fans never knew what we were going to pull out next!! That excites me!! Each album is kick ass in my book! I am not disappointed with any of them!! Each one has a little different twist and that is cool!! But the circulation and feedback for “Used, Abused…” has been great!! 5 - The DVD concert of LIVIDITY with WACO JESUS is a masterpiece collection for fans of Brutal Death Metal. How was the distribution and where the idea came from of making this reality? Dave – When we played Fuck the Commerce Open Air Fest in Germany May 8, 2005 Morbid Records had a team of videographers to DVD

the sets!! This was our first show with Jordan! It was a blast, once in a lifetime concert with this line up since we were only together for 1.5 years with Jordan!! A huge pleasure to be on the split with our brothers in Waco Jesus!! I think it sold out, but just one pressing of 500 or 1000!! (*note* Morbid Records has folded since July 2008, so they are dead due to personal reasons) 6 - Who are the main composers of LIVIDITY? Dave – All 4 of us!! Von writes riffs, I write riffs (sometimes our own songs or we put riffs together), Jake writes the bass lines and has written a whole song himself on the new album, and we don’t give Garrett much direction in what to do on drums, he feels it out and does his thing!! It is the perfect combination of writing!! A lot more variety now than before!! Von and I write all the lyrics!! 7 - What is the meaning that holds the album title “To Desecrate and Defile”? Dave – hehe well, it was named coming back from the 2007 Europe tour and we haven’t even started writing the album yet! Von said “… we should call the next CD To Desecrate And Defile so when we tour we can call the tour Desecrating and Defiling Europe…” Canada… etc… haha that shit’s funny, but the name stood strong, we think it represents Lividity today, with the music and the album art!! So it stuck with us!! We had captured the art to represent the title! And this time put a chic as the character doing the crazy deeds of fucking and killing instead of a man, and it is hot!! She is totally enjoying it!! 8 - What do you know from Colombian scene? And how do you see the current Death Metal scene in the world? Dave – I love the scene in Colombia with sick ass brutal fucking grinding superb death machines as Ancient Necropsy, Amputated Genitals, Holy Shit BSE, Sadistic Mutilation, Carnagia and so much more!! This is going to be a treat for us, not to only crush the stage ourselves but to see the sickness in person from the-


se monster bands!!! We are so fucking excited!!! Great supporters you have!! I will feel like I am at home!! 9 - What is the concept of pornography in your lyrics and why this topic for LIVIDITY lyrics? Dave – Because we are true men lusting for female flesh in our lives and we speak of the issues that are exciting to us!! There is nothing better than maximum erection pounding wet dripping pussy and talking dirty to them and exploding a fat load of hot gooey cum all over their faces and ass, tits or wherever they want us to aim it!! Damn, just makes a great day after that!! A lot bands already cover the issues of maggots, graveyards, Satanism, corpses… And we sing of some of those issues as well, but we seem to always come back to fucking!! We are confident men, and we know how to please, that is what chics want as well, is to be owned with huge swollen cocks and treated like real women!! 10 - Thanks for your time. Do you have something you want to add? Dave – Thanx bro for the sick ass interview and support! For spreading the word of brutal death metal! Support the bands that support the scene!! Support your local Colombian brutal death metal!! It is special!! See you sickos in a few days as we will play at the Bogota Grind Death Fest VIII on Saturday November 14, 2009!! HAIL & KILL!!!!!!!!! ::::::::::: ESPAÑOL :::::::::::: Entrevista con Dave Kibler (guitarra / coros) 1 - Cuéntanos un poco sobre el nuevo trabajo “To Desecrate and Defile”. Dave - Este álbum es Lividity en su mejor momento!! Potente, implacable, aplastando rostros y perras en nuestro camino como hemos llevado nuestra música a un nuevo nivel de agresión que siento que es nuestro mejor trabajo hasta ahora! Obtenemos las técnicas

y estilos de los álbumes anteriores y los moldeamos juntos con la vieja escuela de Garrett y se encuentra con la técnica nueva escuela del ataque al tambor y este álbum tiene el mejor del mundo que ha estado luchando durante los últimos 16 años! Esto me da una maldita golpiza! Desde la ejecución de la canción escrita en la cual todos nosotros colaboramos para la producción que Scott y Mercenary Digital Studios nos ha proporcionado! Todas las historias de las canciones y las cuestiones que dan el sentido y son brutales! Estoy putamente feliz con este disco! 2 - ¿Por qué el cambio del sello Morbid Records to War Anthem Records, y cómo estuvieron las cosas con Morbid Records? Dave – Nosotros habíamos lanzado 2 álbumes con Morbid Records (...“Til Only The Sick Remain” 2002 / “Used Abused And Left For Dead” 2006) y luego nos fuimos luego de nuestro contrato de 2 álbumes! Era un arma de doble filo trabajar con ellos ya que se nos dieron mayores oportunidades de viajes y la circulación mediante su servicio, pero al mismo tiempo ellos no se comunicaron bien ni vinieron a través de todo el merchandising y situaciones de derechos los cuales fueron frustrantes porque estamos en los EE.UU. y ellos en Alemania!! Sería bueno conducir a sus casas y cuidar de los negocios cara a cara!!! Así que decidimos ir a la caza por nueva sangre! No teníamos ninguna prisa tampoco! Queríamos la elección correcta! Después de regresar de nuestra gira por Europa 2007 decidimos buscar unos festivales de fin de semana y ver si había interés! Los únicos que presentaron un gran evento para nosotros fue Party.San Open Air en Alemania!! Tuvimos una explosión de mierda!! Gran asistencia de 10.000 fanáticos de metal y una semana después de volver Mieze (coordinador de Party.San) también tiene el sello War Anthem Records!! Él quería ofrecer su servicio, escuchamos, en verdad nos gustaron las condiciones y ahora somos su banda!!, Personas geniales, estupendo sello!!!



3 - Es normal en LIVIDITY tener cambios en su alineación, ya que en sus trabajos anteriores estaba el baterista Jordan Varela en la alineación, pero antes de eso el baterista era Matt. Ellos tienen bandas brutales ahora. Entonces, en relación con esto, ¿cuál es tú opinión acerca de ellos y qué grupo de ellos es tu favorito? Dave - Sí, eso es lo que creo que nos detiene un poco y es la inconsistencia de la alineación, pero estamos muy fuerte ahora con este núcleo de miembros de la banda ya que hemos estado juntos desde 2005 / 2006, con la excepción de Jake en el bajo desde Enero!! Sin embargo, Matt era el cantante y Von tomó su lugar como guitarrista y cantante!!! James Whitehurst fue el baterista antes de Jordan! Pero todos han desempeñado un papel importante en ayudar a esta banda a elevarse a nuevos niveles!! Así que no estoy decepcionado con el tiempo de nadie en cuanto a su permanencia en Lividity!! Miro el lado positivo y observe que cada vez que un cambio ha sido necesario, ha habido un gran amigo y un gran relación por la que nunca hemos tenido que dejar la banda! Enseñar las viejas canciones, aprender nueva música para el nuevo álbum, mantenerse activo y visual!! El mayor defecto es cuando tenemos giras o tenemos los shows guerreros de fin de semana y la gente obtiene un sabor diferente de Lividity con la nueva alineación!! Pero ahora el mundo se está realmente familiarizando con lo que somos hoy!! 4 - ¿Cómo estuvieron las cosas con la distribución de la prensa con el álbum anterior “Used, abused and left for dead”? Dave – los antiguos fans no saben qué pensar!! Los nuevos fans pensaban que era la música más caótica que ellos habían escuchado! En un tiempo de 6 a 8 meses, todos ellos habían descubierto la nueva dirección de la banda y luego se familiarizaron con los sonidos y se ha convertido en casi legendario en ese tiempo tan corto! Con cada álbum, con cada nuevo baterista o el ataque vocal, hemos presentado diferentes estilos de Lividity desde cada espectro del Death Metal creo yo!! Me gusta esto sólo porque no me gusta ser predecible y los fans no sabían lo que íbamos a sacar después! Eso me gusta! Cada álbum es un patea traseros en mi opinión! No estoy decepcionado con ninguno de ellos!! Cada uno tiene un toque un poco diferente y eso es genial!! Sin embargo, la circulación y la retroalimentación de “Used, Abused…” ha sido genial! 5 - El concierto en DVD de LIVIDITY and WACO JESUS es una obra maestra de colección para los fans de Brutal Death Metal. ¿Cómo era la distribución y de donde surgió la idea de hacer de esto una realidad? Dave - Cuando tocamos en el Fuck the Commerce Open Air Festival en Alemania, 8 de mayo de 2005 Morbid Records tenía un equipo de camarógrafos para grabar el DVD! Este fue nuestro primer show con Jordan! Fue una explosión, una vez en un concierto de por vida ::::::::::: SIGUE PAG TAL ::::::::::::



BLOODSOAKED “Sadistic Deeds… Grotesque Memories” Comatose Music

::::::::::: VIENE PAG TAL :::::::::::: con esta formación ya que sólo estuvimos juntos durante 1 año y medio con Jordan!! Un gran placer estar en el Split con nuestros hermanos de Waco Jesus! Creo que está agotado, pero sólo era una publicación de 500 o 1000!! (* Nota * Morbid Records se han quebrado desde Julio de 2008, por lo que ellos están acabados para nosotros debido a motivos personales) 6 - ¿Quiénes son los principales compositores en LIVIDITY? Dave - Todos nosotros 4! Von escribe riffs, yo escribo riffs (a veces nuestras propias canciones o juntos ponemos riffs), Jake escribe las líneas de bajo y ha escrito una canción entera por sí mismo en el nuevo álbum, y no le damos mucha dirección a Garrett en qué hacer en los tambores, el se siente libre y hace su cosas!! Es la combinación perfecta de la escritura! Mucha más variedad ahora que antes!! Von y yo escribimos todas las letras!! , 7 - ¿Cuál es el significado que tiene el título del álbum “To Desecrate and Defile””? Dave - hehe bueno, este fue nombrado al regresar de la gira Europea 2007 y que ni siquiera habiamos comenzado a escribir el álbum aún! Von dijo: “... deberíamos llamar el siguiente CD “To Desecrate And Defile” así que cuando estemos de tour podemos llamar la gira “Desecrating and Defiling Europe…” Canada… etc… haha que mierda es divertido, pero el nombre fue fuerte, creemos que representa al Lividity de hoy, con la música y el arte de los álbumes! Por lo tanto, se quedó con nosotros! Habíamos capturado el arte para representar el título! Y esta vez se puso a una chica como el personaje haciendo los actos locos de mierda y matando en lugar de un hombre, y además es ardiente! Ella está disfrutándolo totalmente!! 8 - ¿Qué sabes de la escena colombiana? ¿Y cómo ves la escena actual del Death Metal en el mundo? Dave - Me encanta la escena en

Colombia con enfermas, brutales, malditas, y moledoras excelentes máquinas aniquiladoras como Ancient Necropsy, Amputated Genitals, Holy Shit BSE, Sadistic Mutilation, Carnagia y muchas más! Esto va a ser un placer para nosotros, no sólo para aplastar el escenario nosotros mismos, sino para ver la enfermedad en persona de estas monstruosas bandas! Estamos muy felices! Grandes partidarios tienen ustedes!! Me sentiré como si estuviera en casa!! 9 - ¿Cuál es el concepto de la pornografía en sus letras y por qué este tema para las letras en LIVIDITY? Dave - Porque somos hombres de verdad ávidos de carne femenina en nuestras vidas y nosotros hablamos de los temas que son interesantes para nosotros! No hay nada mejor que la máxima erección penetrando sus mojadas y chorreantes vaginas, hablar sucio para ellas y la explosión de una carga de grasa pegajosa de esperma caliente en todas sus caras y culos, tetas o donde ellas quieran que lo apuntemos! Maldita sea, se vuelve un gran día después de eso!! Ya muchas bandas cubren los temas de gusanos, cementerios, Satanismo, cadáveres... Nosotros cantamos algunas de esos temas también, pero parece que siempre volvemos al sexo! Nosotros somos hombres seguros, y sabemos cómo complacer, que es lo que las chicas quieren también, esto para ser poseídas, con enormes vergas hinchadas y tratarlas como mujeres de verdad! 10 - Gracias por tu tiempo. ¿Tienes algo que agregar? Dave – Gracias hermano por el apoyo y la brutal entrevista! Por difundir la palabra del Brutal Death Metal! Apoyar a las bandas que conforman la escena!! Apoyar tú escena local Colombiana de Brutal Death Metal!! Eso es especial!! A todos los “enfermos” los veré en pocos días cuando toquemos en el Bogotá Grind Death Fest VIII, el sábado 14 de Noviembre, 2009!! Hail & Kill!!!!!!!!!

One of the bands who visited us last year, it really was a brutal event. This work is the second under the guts rows of the label Comatose Music, are 9 tracks and a cover (Obituary) which allows observing the influences of bands in Florida. This work is very technical, brutal with marked riffs and it seems the way you may bring the hell destruction. This is a work that reveals the thoughts of Peter Hasselbrack and a video for fans to observe a creative mind but with evil intentions. Rating: 10.0 points

GOREOBSCENITY “Macabre Violent Instinct” Gore and Blood Productions

Neiva (Colombian City) increasingly becomes an outpost of brutality, now has a monster as it is this group that in their first work have something clear with its sound. Personally I think it is one of the best bands you can hear in this country with an export quality, although their influences are present in the riffs, it is noted that the process of musical composition is a very good job. There are 8 tracks of this brutal work. If you do not have it yet, I believe that you unknown this army of pest, guts, guns and an army of zombies that could well destroy your brain. This band is a long-term promise, they require a more powerful production to be allowed to hear all the power. Rating: 10.0 points

EXECRATION “A Feast for the Wretched” Comatose Music

A brutal production, this is one of those bands that you look like long-term career, is a band that in its musical composition is just brutal represented in 9 tracks with occultist and satanic lyrics and if it weren´t enough one member of this band is ex - bassist for MONSTROSITY, although in EXECRATION music is more brutal, the structure is faster with the riffs. In addition, they have choirs in a topic that are really odd. It is a master piece for having in our music collection. Rating: 10.0 points


1-A while the CD “Spitting Savagery” was released so what happened to the band? And how are things these days? Of course some time has passed since that “spitting savagery” came to light that not even remember since it was now jaja, it’s been four years in fact, time has flown, well the band has continued all this time banging heads perhaps we delay with our new job due to many reasons, but the main one was that we do not hurry into writing our stuff, we decided to do that calmly today to get what you can actually see in the CD that is technical, brutal, honesty and speed to thousand, which is what our ears cried. These days the band is rehearsing the items on our new material for presentation to release this record, besides being refined details of the artwork and the presentation of our debut demo “the beginning of human cruelty.” 2 - How was the reaction of the press and fans with this CD “Spitting Savagery”? The reception from fans and press was brutal, I think they understood what we were looking at the show, much to the review highlighted the band left us very happy because our demo that had left many people with their mouths open and expectations they had of “spitting savagery” were high, but were fully achieved, on the other side for us to observe the global distribution that had our first record was a stroke of genius that allowed us to keep in touch with dementia from all corners of this fucking globe. 3 - How are things with the shows? What do you believe is the most brutal? The DEFACING shows have always been brutal, not for sissies, what we do is Death Metal without mercy only for sickos who enjoy this. At the moment we are rehearsing for all presentations that we will come with the release of our new album. 4 - Do you continue with Xtreem Music? Are there other labels interested in the band? We are with Xtreem, we are very satisfied with the work done by them, just thank all the support Dave Rotten and Xtreem has given us.


5 - Any U.S.A. tour or maybe Europe or South America? At the moment we have no dates scheduled, hopefully then with the release of the CD can destroy with our musick every damn place on this fucking planet. 6 - What can you say about the new work “Unmerciful Violence”? and offers of any label? The album is ready we are just fine tuning details of art that is well under way, look at the release date sees the label so it is, would be between the months of January and February 2010, the album was recorded in the Sade Studios under the hands of Juan Pablo Donoso like our last album we were very happy with the sound, we think it sounds more overwhelming and annihilating that “spitting savagery”, was a quiet and quick recording we did not take long for the record, about the offers label I can tell you that we received some but as I said before we continue with Xtreem Music. 7 - What can we expect from DEFACING in this work? And how are things in the studio? In this work is a heart brutal to thousand, when you hear the album you will realize that it is a honest work done for sick people who love this music, I think there’s a maturity as a musician in every member, a remarkable technical level that we ourselves have been surprised, but the main thing is that Death Metal as extreme as it can be in a style as always should be this music, there is a work in all lines, the most I can say is all our rage, anger, rage, dissatisfied with everything around us that makes music. 8-Something you’d like to add. Only we want to thank you Richard and Scumzine for the support to DEFACING and extreme music, all the fucking sick dogs really enjoyed Death Metal. Greetings and we are keep in touch damn insane.





AMPUTATED GENITALS Hola Daniel. Cuéntanos un poco que ha pasado con Amputated Genitals después de “Family Bloodbath”. El disco se ha distribuido muy bien en Estados Unidos, Europa y Asia. Hemos tenido algunos conciertos y esperamos seguir promocionándolo fuertemente en este año 2010.

1 - Hi Daniel. Tell us a bit about what has happened with Amputated Genitals after “Family Bloodbath”. The disc has been very well distributed in the U.S., Europe and Asia. We’ve had some shows and look forward in promoting it heavily in this year 2010. 2 - How long you’d been writing and recording the album “Family Bloodbath”? Well, it was a process of several years; we really did not have much need at the time of writing. We took our time until we found what we like. On the other hand, the recording was made in two weeks and engineering of mixing and mastering two more weeks. 3 - Who are the songwriters in the band? And what is the greatest source of inspiration for this work? I am in charge of the composition in the band, both music and lyrics, and Sebastian Guarín and Beto Martínez make the arrangements. About the inspiration of this album I chose to brutal music all the time, Death Metal and everything that happens in a country like Colombia. 4 - What is the meaning which is embodied in the album title? Is it performed by Diego Cortés? Although the cover is quite obvious, what truly represents the CD cover? “Family Bloodbath” shows how close can be death and violence to the home of any of us and it is something that is not so far too. All the graphics of the album has been worked by Diego Cortés who has worked with Gore and Blood Productions for several years in different CD covers of Colombian bands. The CD cover is directly related to the name given to this production.

These differences are due to the change of studio, engineer and time. However, the opinions of connoisseurs and fans of the band are divided, as some prefer one over the other. The band has had a change in the sound and will continue doing it to always offer something new and fresh to fans of Brutal Death. 7 - How are you doing with the distribution of the CD “Human Meat Gluttony”? “Human Meat Gluttony” has been well accepted by fans worldwide. This work already has two thousand copies in the market and we expect a possible third re-release of this work. 8 - Tell us about the shows. Which what bands have you played with and in what cities? We had the chance to play in cities in Colombia like: Armenia, Bogota, Neiva, Fusagasuga. In Venezuela, in cities such as: Barquisimeto, Maracay, Isla Margarita and Puerto La Cruz. We have played with Colombian bands like: Evil Darkness, Inbreeding Sick, Holy Shit BSE, Sadistic Mutilation, Goreobscenity, Elbow Drop, Cardiac Explosion, Extremely Rotten Flesh, Impure Faith Mindly Rotten, Carnagia, Suppuration, Incinerating Prophecies, Leishmaniasis, Torture Everlasting, Vehementer, Nihil Obstat, Solegnium among others. In Venezuela with bands like: Crocell, Intestinal Infection, Vomitando, Verminous, Morbus among others. And other bands like: Decompose (Argentina), Onanizer (Czech Republic), Animals Killing People (NY, USA), Lividity (Peoria, IL. USA) and Bloodsoaked (North Carolina, USA).

“Sigan brutales y enfermos, manténganse en el Death Metal!!!”

5 - Tell us how was the trip to Venezuela? We had the opportunity to be twice in Venezuela. This second tour had several shows in the cities of Barquisimeto, Maracay, Isla Margarita and Puerto La Cruz. We were very happy to be in Venezuela and the scene is really growing and it is also very wild. 6 - What do you think is the biggest difference between the 2 works? Mainly, the sound and composition. In our first production “Human Meat Gluttony” is a crushing, brutal and decisive sound. And in “Family Bloodbath” the sound is a little more work, trying to find just a change to not sound like the “Human Meat Gluttony”.

9 - Something you want to say to the fans. Keep brutal and sick, stay in the Death Metal!!! Translation by: Lorena Ksallas Traducción por: Lorena Ksallas HYPERLINK “ma ilto:shirleyblack@hotmail. com” HYPERLINK “”

¿Cuánto tiempo les llevo escribir y grabar el álbum “Family Bloodbath”? Bueno, fue un proceso de varios años; la verdad no teníamos mucho afán a la hora de componer. Nos tomamos nuestro tiempo hasta cuando encontramos lo que nos gusta. Por otro lado, la grabación fue hecha en dos semanas y la ingeniería de mezcla y masterización dos semanas más. 3- ¿Quiénes son los compositores en la banda? Y ¿Cuál es la mayor fuente de inspiración para este trabajo? Yo me ocupo de la composición en la banda, tanto en la música como en las letras, y Sebastián Guarín y Beto Martínez hacen los arreglos. En cuanto a la fuente de inspiración de este disco recurrí a la música brutal todo el tiempo, el Death Metal y pues en todo lo que ocurre en un país como Colombia. 4 – ¿Cual es el significado que encierra el título del álbum? Es realizada por Diego Cortés? Aunque la portada resulta bastante obvia, qué representa realmente la portada del CD? “Family Bloodbath” muestra lo cerca que puede estar la muerte y la violencia a la casa de cualquiera de nosotros y que es algo que no es lejano además. Toda la parte gráfica del álbum ha sido trabajada por Diego Cortés quién ha trabajado con Gore and Blood Productions durante varios años en la portada de diferentes bandas Colombianas. La portada del CD está directamente relacionada con el nombre que lleva esta producción. 5- ¿Cuéntanos como estuvo la gira por Venezuela? Hemos tenido la oportunidad de estar ya dos veces en Venezuela. Esta segunda gira tuvo varios shows en las ciudades de Barquisimeto, Maracay, Isla Margarita y Pto. La Cruz. Nos sentimos muy a gusto de estar en Venezuela y la escena está en crecimiento y además es muy salvaje. 6- ¿Cuál cree que es la mayor diferencia entre los 2 trabajos? Principalmente, el sonido y la composición. En nuestra primera producción “Human Meat Gluttony” tiene un sonido aplastante, brutal y contundente. Y en el “Family Bloodbath” el sonido es un poco mas trabajado, tratando de buscar precisamente un cambio para no sonar igual que en el “Human Meat Gluttony”. Estas diferencias se dan por el cambio de estudio, del ingeniero y el tiempo. Igual las opiniones de los conocedores y seguidores de la banda están divididas, ya que unos prefieren uno más que el otro. La banda ha tenido un cambio en



All reviews are conducted by Ricardo Bedoya Orjuela. The material and content is part of my own collection, they are not sent by the labels. The rating is enumerated 0.00 to 10.0. CARNAGIA “Blood Machine”

Gore and Blood Productions

el sonido y lo seguirá haciendo para ofrecer siempre algo nuevo y fresco a los seguidores del Death Brutal. 7- ¿Cómo van con la distribución del CD “Human Meat Gluttony”? “Human Meat Gluttony” ha tenido una buena aceptación por parte de los fans a nivel mundial. Este trabajo ya tiene dos mil copias en el mercado y esperamos sea posible una tercera re-edición de este trabajo. 8- Háblanos de los shows. ¿Con que bandas han tocado y en que ciudades? Hemos tenido la oportunidad de tocar en ciudades en Colombia como: Armenia, Bogotá, Neiva, Fusagasuga. En Venezuela, en ciudades como: Barquisimeto, Maracay, Isla Margarita y Pto. La Cruz. Hemos tocado con bandas Colombianas como: Evil Darkness, Inbreeding Sick, Holy Shit BSE, Sadistic Mutilation, Goreobscenity, Elbow Drop, Cardiac Explosion, Extremely Rotten Flesh, Impure Faith, Mindly Rotten, Carnagia, Suppuration, Incinerating Prophecies, Leishmaniasis, Torture Everlasting, Vehementer, Nihil Obstat, Solegnium entre otras. De Venezuela bandas como; Crocell, Intestinal Infection, Vomitando, Verminous, Morbus entre otras. Y otras bandas como: Decompose (Argentina), Onanizer (República Checa), Animals Killing People (NY, USA), Lividity (Peoria, IL. USA) y Bloodsoaked (North Carolina, USA). 9- Algo que le quieras decir a los fans. Sigan brutales y enfermos, manténganse en el Death Metal!!!

Another good group from Bogotá and it is a fact that CARNAGIA is among the elite in the best of Bogotá scene. The reason? Well, I was able to see them in a show with bands like MALIGNANCY and PUTRID PILE. It is an overwhelming group, crushing in its music, which is not so seen on the CD, in my book. I do not know if it is for drums but something is missing. However, it is a good band but I think they need something that identifies them. However, it is a band that cannot be missed. Rating: 7.78 points

CRIMINAL ELEMENT “Guilty as Charged” Sevared Records

I do not think Sevared Records hesitate to sign this band. With extremely heavy riffs, marked with violence, simply allow your head is upside down, destroying everything; drums are well marked when it needs to seem like a machine gun and giving us riffs for moshing. Some tracks remind me mostly DYING FETUS because of its similarity to the genre. I think it is a great band, but I did not like the cover and design. The music is everything here. Good for them, they are a band that if they continue at this pace will get the attention of fans and they already are on a list of the best bands. Rating: 10.0 points

EMETH “Telesis”

Brutal Bands Brutal, it is simply extreme the work of EMETH, a band that has an unusual level. In the ranks of this band its members gives a wastecrushing riffs ruthless, sharp axes, it is difficult to say that EMETH is a typical band of Brutal Death Metal. I think every song displays a personality, creativity and thus identifies each song. It is very difficult to fit this work in one piece without creativity as it is an insane piece of art. Presumably, each member of the band puts on technique and brutality on each piece or theme of the CD which contains 11 tracks. It’s something different, is the evolution of the technical and brutal part into extreme but they will have to pass this work, which is sure it is going to be incredible. The case design is perfect and I think it is aggressive but lacks a bit of dirt on it, well, I do not think you can only fix this. The music is complete and the production of Brutal Bands, so that things are done well. Finally, my favorite tracks are “Telesis”, “Folly and Weakness”, “The Doer Alone Learneth”. In general, it is a different work from all groups but no less brutal. Rating: 10.0 points

PUTRID PILE “House of Dementia” Sevared Records

Shaun Lacanne creates a brutal piece. This is a CD that shows all ruthless, chaotic and technical riffs, half combined times with riffs that allow you to smash your head from start to end. You cannot stop imagining a mad moshing. The cover is amazing, seems straight out of a horror movie, something that shows all your perturbations. They are 13 tracks in the line of brutality. Good for Sevared Records and we must expect more of this band. Rating: 10.0 points



MALIGNANCY: 1- Here Ricardo from Scumzine Magazine. Well, tell us a little about what has happened with MALIGNANCY after “INHUMAN GROTESQUERIES”? Hey Ricardo! After Inhuman Grotesqueries was released we did a small U.S. Willowtip Tour with Impaled, Phobia, Illogicist and Maruta. Followed by few festival appearances and gigs in support of Inhuman. Writing for the new CD has been ongoing throughout the last 2 years. The new album entitled Eugenics will have 10 brand new songs and should be released sometime later this year. 2-How are the things with MALIGNANCY “Inhuman Grotesqueries” distribution? And what has been the response from fans and extreme press? Distribution has been limited, I think it is hard to get our CD outside the United States and Europe. We try to trade with as many distros and labels we can but our supply of CDs is scarce. Reviews have been good so far for Inhuman, most are saying it is our best release to date. Our fans are very hard to please and I have not heard any complaints yet. 3-How do you make the composition in Malignancy? And what is the thematic of the band? We compose our songs in many different ways. Lately, all of the music is written first then I write the lyrics. We try to write the music as a band collective. I enjoy being there for the writing process, to ensure the integrity of Malignancy is carried out! Sometimes I can be very difficult during the early stages of a song but I believe it is a necessary evil. The themes I usually write about concern mutation and disease. Grounding my lyrics in fact has been the way I write for many years now. 4- Do you plan to record new material, you can pass something? Yes, drum tracking for Eugenics will commence in early March 2010 and the rest will follow accordingly. A two song promo is in the works now to distribute at shows and festivals to stimulate interest in the new CD. 5- How are things and distribution with WILLOWTIP RECORDS? Willowtip has been supportive to our cause but we hope things will get better with Eugenics. We need more promotion for this album then we got for Inhuman Grotesqueries. The two album contract

we signed with Willowtip will expire after this release. After that we hope to ink a deal with a bigger label that can properly support us. 6- How was the recording in GUTTURAL VOCALS studios and how was the work with Lance Snyder? Ahhhh yes, that is not a real studio. We recorded vocals at Lance’s old house in the basement. I sang in a closet with a red light for all the low vocals. Then Lance moved to a new place and I finished my high screams in his bathroom. Lance has engineered my vocals for the last 2 albums and it is always a fun time. We both have good chemistry in the studio. 7- What is the message of “Of What´s to Come” CD and the cover? Which is the concept of it? And are you happy with the work of TONY KOEHL? Eugenics will have a different style cover, not like the other albums. Slasher Design (Aborted – Coronary Reconstruction, Forever It Shall Be) is doing this one for us. We are very happy with Tony Koehl’s work on the last CD. Extremely detailed and he pretty much nailed what we wanted for the cover. Inhuman Grotesqueries was a difficult concept to create, Tony and I worked together to get the best result possible. 8- Tell us about the Metal Fests in which you have participated in the U.S. and in which other countries have you been participating and what are the differences you can observe in the scene of each country? Over the years we have performed at Maryland Deathfest, Central Illinois Metalfest, New Jersey Deathfest and many others in the U.S. Overseas; Fuck the Commerce (Germany), NRW (Germany), Tokyo Death Fest and Brutal Assault (Czech Republic). The scene in other countries varies on where we play. We have always had an amazing time playing all the festivals. Europe is insane and totally chaotic. It is a pleasure for us when we get the opportunity to perform outside of the United States. Metal music is embraced more in Europe and Latin countries, the fans are die hard! You have a killer scene in Colombia Ricardo!! 9- Do you think it is the best Malignancy line-up so far? Yes for what Malignancy is playing now, the current line-up is the best. All the members are dedicated to the band even though at times they have other projects. This band has survived for 18

years and we do not plan on stopping anytime soon. 10- There is something you want to add? I would like to thank you Ricardo and Scumzine for the interview! Also thanks to all of our crazy fans and friends in COLOMBIA! Thanks for the support and see you soon! Stay Malignant! Aquí Ricardo de la revista Scumzine. Bueno, díganos un poco acerca de que fue lo que pasó con MALIGNANCY después de “INHUMAN GROTESQUERIES”? Hola Ricardo! Después de Inhuman Grotesqueries fue sacado a la venta lo que hicimos, un pequeño U.S. Willowtip Tour con Impaled, Phobia, Illogicist y Maruta. Seguido por algunas apariciones en festivales y actuaciones apoyando a Inhuman. Escribiendo para el nuevo CD ha llevado al cabo de 2 años. El nuevo álbum titulado Eugenics tendrá 10 nuevas canciones y debería ser sacado a la venta en algún momento este año. Como están las cosas con la distribución de MALIGNANCY “Inhuman Grotesqueries”? y como ha sido la respuesta de los fans y la prensa extrema? La distribución ha sido limitada, yo pienso que es difícil de conseguir nuestro CD afuera de los Estados Unidos y Europa. Estamos tratando de comercializar con muchas casas disqueras en lo que hemos podido, pero nuestro abastecimiento del CD es escaso. La critica para Inhuman ha sido buena por el momento, la mayoría dicen que es nuestro mejor lanzamiento a la fecha. Nuestros fans son muy duros de complacer y no he escuchado ninguna queja aún. Como realizó la composición en Malignancy? Y cual es la temática de la banda? Nosotros componemos nuestras canciones de muchas maneras. Últimamente, toda la música es escrita primero, entonces yo escribo la letra. Nosotros tratamos de escribir la música colectivamente como banda. Disfruto estando ahí en el proceso de escribir, para asegurar que la integridad de Malignancy se este llevando a cabo! A veces puedo ser muy difícil durante la fase inicial de una canción pero creo que esto es maléficamente necesario. Los temas que usualmente escribo acerca del interés de la transformación y de la enfermedad. Basando mis letras en hechos ha sido el camino por el que he escrito durante muchos años.

MALIGNANCY Están planeando grabar Nuevo material, podría darnos algo? Si, la grabación de baterías para Eugenics iniciará a comienzos de marzo del 2010 y el resto seguirá como corresponde. Dos canciones promocionales que están en el trabajo ahora serán distribuidas en los shows y festivales para estimular el interés en el nuevo CD. Como van las cosas y la distribución con WILLOWTIP RECORDS? Willowtip ha venido apoyando nuestra causa pero esperamos que las cosas estarán mejor con Eugenics. Necesitamos más promoción para este álbum entonces tuvimos para Inhuman Grotesqueries los contratos de los dos álbumes los firmamos con Willowtip y expiraran después del lanzamiento. Después de eso nosotros esperamos firmar el trato con una disquera mas grande que nos apoye apropiadamente. Como fue la grabación en los estudios GUTTURAL VOCALS y como fue el trabajo con Lance Snyder? ahhhh si, ese no es un estudio real. nosotros grabamos la voz en el sótano de la casa vieja de Lance. Yo cante en un armario con una luz roja para todas las voces bajas, entonces Lance se movió a un nuevo lugar y termine mis gritos altos en el baño. Lance ha estado arreglando mis voces durante los dos últimos álbumes y siempre es un tiempo de diversión. Los dos tenemos buena química en el estudio. Cual es el mensaje del CD “Of What´s to Come” y el cover? Cual es el concepto de este? Y esta usted a gusto con el trabajo de TONY KOEHL? Eugenics tendrá un cover con un estilo diferente, no como los otros álbumes. El diseño de Slasher (Aborted – Coronary Reconstruction, Forever It Shall Be) está haciendo este para nosotros. Estamos muy felices con el trabajo de Tony Koehl en el último CD. Extremadamente detallado y el ha captado lo que queremos para el cover. Inhuman Grotesqueries fue un concepto difícil de crear, Tony y yo trabajamos juntos para obtener el mejor resultado posible. Díganos acerca del festival de Metal en donde Uds. participaron en los Estados Unidos y en que otros países han estado participando y cuales son las diferencias que pueden observar en la escena de cada país? A través de los años nos hemos presentado en el Maryland Deathfest, Central Illinois Metalfest, New Jersey Dea-

thfest y muchos otros en USA. En el exterior; Fuck the Commerce (Alemania), NRW (Alemania), Tokyo Death Fest y el Brutal Assault (republica checa). La escena en otros países varía de donde tocamos. Siempre tuvimos un increíble momento tocando en todos los festivales. Europa es demente y totalmente caótico. Es un placer para nosotros cuando tenemos la oportunidad de tocar afuera de los Estados Unidos. La música metal es mas aceptada en Europa y en países latinoamericanos, los fans están muriendo duro! Ricardo ustedes tienen una escena asesina en Colombia!!! Cree Ud. que la mejor alineación de Malignancy esta muy lejos? Si por lo que Malignancy esta tocando ahora, la actual alineación es la mejor, todos los miembros están dedicados a la banda a pesar de que ellos tienen otros proyectos, esta banda ha sobrevivido por 18 años y no planeamos parar pronto en ningún momento. hay algo mas que quiera agregar? Me gustaría agradecerle Ricardo y Scumzine por la entrevista! además agradecerle a todos nuestros fans locos y amigos en Colombia! gracias por el apoyo y nos vemos pronto! Stay Malignant! (Quédense malignos!!)




1 - What can we expect from this “Putrid Stench Acts of Psychotic”? Well, this work is much more aggressive than our previous record, a brutal death metal with cuts to unhealthy extremes, more guttural voices and generally more violent sound. 2 – How did you arrive to Charred Remain Records and for how many CDs? Well, it all started after that Daniel who is in charge of this label heard our earlier work and grew by an interest in working with the band due to this was talked for the production of the CD. 3 - How has been received the previous work “The Concept of Murder”? Well, before this work was a demo, then “The Concept of Murder” which had a very good response within the international underground, we sold all copies in less than 2 months and still receive good support for these creations. 4 - What is the concept of the band over serial murderers? And What is the story of some of the letters or favorite theme? The concept of the band not only covers this theme, if not that there is lots of everything related to what humans might do, not only in psychotic level if not also emotionally. I could say that my favorite theme is Delight of Suffering. 5 - Whose brutal design of the cover? And what was your inspiration? The cover design was produced by a designer who friend of mine is named Fabian Espina, under the instructions I was giving him during its development. It is noteworthy that without his talent might not have made such work. The other designs such as posters, website, and general layout of the disc were developed by me. 6 - How are the Decrepit Cadaver concerts? With which bands? And what are your Metal Fests? Well we’ve played with a lot of national and international bands, throughout the time we’ve been playing. We have participated in several national and international festivals in which we also had a great welcome 7 - Tell us a little about the recording of new album “Putrid Stench Acts of Psychotic”? Well, this recording took longer than expected because of the changed line-up of the band. It was the main reason that delayed the release of our CD that was predicted for the coming year. The album was recorded and mastered in the same city and will be available later this month. 8 - What do you know of Colombia and Grind Death Metal scene? The Colombian scene has an excellent level, there are many brutal bands which


I listen to a lot like: Goretrade, Internal

suffering, Amputated Genitals, Purulent, Carnivore Diprosopus, Sarcoma.... 9 - What is the concept of Gore for you? The gore for me has to do with the extreme violence that is in the most perverse minds, violence which we express with our music. 10. Anything you want add? Well, Scumzine thank you for the interview, we hopefully one day be able to visit your country and show a little of the music we’re doing. If you want to purchase our material please contact us at HYPERLINK., HYPERLINK “ or you can contact us directly to the label HYPERLINK, HYPERLINK charredremainsrec@gmail. com”

Stay brutal J.C.



The “Promo rehearsal 2008” is born from the initiative of recording our new songs and to present a material that represents the current line-up because then we’d just be the final line-up of Visceral: (Manolo: Vokills / Guitar, Felipe: Drums, Peter: Bass). This promo was given to those who asked for some material in our shows and this helped a lot in the release. Subsequent to this we started receiving offers from labels, both domestic and foreign production of our first LP.

Usually our presentations are held in Valparaiso or in Santiago, but we recently had the pleasant experience of sharing a tour of the Octava región del Bio-Bio along with the bands Wounds of Christ and Esophagus, through the cities of Concepción and Los Angeles. The public reception was quite good and we were quite satisfied. Also last year we were lucky to participate twice at Metal Pages Death Fest.

Paria A brutal greet… 1 - Tell us about the recording you are making? What can we expect from this material? First of all, a great greeting from Valparaiso, Chile. Well, now we prepare for our first LP recording. This material will contain 10 tracks of brutal death / grind. Some of the topics that will contain this CD were included before in our “Promo Rehearsal 2008” and the others are new songs that we are finishing the tune. We anticipate that we are working hard to create a material that will whip skulls; musically it will be our most brutal and technical material to date, since our goal is always to go beyond the implementation of our music. 2 - Who are you doing recording and mixing with and how things are going on studio? As I said we are currently in process of rehearsing and refining the last details before entering to the recording, but in advance we have made a test with the song “Putrid existence” in the studio by Ricardo Cabrera in Viña del Mar and we were satisfied with the results, therefore, we decided to record our debut LP in that place. 3 - What is the name of this job? And you already have defined the cover? Our debut LP will be titled “Macabra realidad de caos y Letargo” and the art of it will be in the hands of Harold Bustos, who pleasantly surprised us with the work being done to our material. 4 - How were things with the demo “Hecatombe”? and reaction of the press and fans? The demo “Hecatombe” was our first work and this helped us in a good way to let us be known in the national underground brutal scene. We believe that the reaction of the grinders and the press was pretty good because this material opened the doors to gigs in Santiago and Valparaiso, plus many people still consult for the demo, but due to limited copies we released from it, we decided to publish it for free download on our MySpace: www. 5 - How were things with “Disgusting Cranial Split” and the promo rehearsal? And offers of labels? With “Disgusting cranial split” everything was good. We were invited to participate in this by Rectalized and United Winds Records. In this split we included our demo “Hecatombe” to be released in Europe by these labels, apart from delays in delivery of the demos, because of distance, everything was as good as it could be with this work.

6 - Why did you choose the label “Charred Remains”, which are the distribution expectations and for how many works? Finally, as a band we decided to work with the national label Charred Remains. Our decision is based on strengthening the national Brutal Death scene and for this we trust and believe in Charred Remains because it is making a great effort and work to support the new generation of extreme bands in our country. So far the talks with Charred Remains are for production and distribution, both domestically and internationally of our first LP. We know that together we will do a good job that will help bring Chile into the global extreme scene. 7 - What could you say about the presentations? Shows, tours, festivals, any experience? For Visceral the live performances are highly relevant, because as a band we are trying our best in this scenario, both physically and mentally. Our performances are full of brutality and the public feels this way, on stage unload all our hate as Brutal death/grind.

8 - How are the scene in your area and the scene in Valparaiso, Chile? And what are your favorite bands? The scene of Valparaiso is good. There are many extreme bands which have potential and that is evidenced by the number of gigs that are taking place constantly. Nationally it seems that the scene is growing steadily, and the increasingly brutal underground takes more strength and more and more fans of this extreme musical proposal. As a group we highlighted the work of national bands as: Defacing, Wounds of Christ, Decrepit Cadaver, Ser, Esophagus, Chronicus, Cranial Bleeding Nun Immolation, among others. Internationally our favorite bands or the ones which catch our attention now are: Defeated Sanity, Disgorge (USA), Dying Fetus, DeVVvourment, Orchidectomy, Despondency and etc. 9- Something you’d like to add. Well, first of all thanks for the interview and supporting our band. We would add that you should be attentive to our next material to be loaded of technical and brutality. Greetings from Chile and continue supporting the brutal and extreme global scene. Stay brutal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



FLESH CO Interview with Corey Athos of Flesh Consumed 1-Tell us about the new CD “New Order of Intelligence”? What is the answer of fans about this new work of the band? “New Order of Intelligence” was released in May and the response has been great. 2- Could you give us a brief review of Flesh Consumed? How did you arrive to the rows of Sevared Records? And how were things with the production and the distribution of CD´s? We have three releases with Sevared Records. Barrett is really dedicated to the bands he works with and that’s why we have continued to work with him for the past 3 years… 3-Has your first CD “Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate” received the answer that you hoped from the fans and the extreme press? Our full length “Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate” was released early 2008. We have had a great response with that album from the press and the fans. 4- Tell us about your first work with Sevared Records as well as your first release? The first Flesh Consumed release is “Fermented Slaughter/Inhuman Butchery”. It contains our first two EPs. 5- There is no doubt the cover art is so impressive and it is a work made by P. Timm what do you think about it? Who was the idea for these two covers art? Both Alex and I came up with the art concepts for “Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate” and “Fermented Slaughter/ Inhuman Butchery”. I came up with the concept for “New Order of Intelligence”. P.Timm is an amazing artist! He’s great to work with and is an art school graduate so he definitely knows what he’s doing. We will continue to go through him for cover art. 6-Well, talking about your productions, tell us about the concept for each one of them and their corresponding line-ups? The concept for “New Order of Intelligence” is based off of the song “Harvesting Humans” which is the closing track on “Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate”. I have been going through members since 2003, 19 in total, so it’s nothing new. The current members are by far the most ta-

lented, awesome dudes I’ve worked with. 7- How were things in the studio Zack Ohren? Zach Ohren did both “Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate” and “New Order of Intelligence”. He’s great to work with and knows what we are trying to accomplish. 8- How are Flesh Consumed concerts? Some travel in especial? We have done a couple tours and some local shows. Playing with Devourment and Guttural Secrete was probably one of the most memorable shows for me. 9-Tell us about California and its the scene? California is a cool place to live... We get a lot of bigger death metal bands coming through here. 10-What can you say of the Flesh Consumed current line-up? The current line-up has been working out great! We have been able to tour and all get along like brothers! I believe we will be pushed to the next level with this line-up. 11- What do you know about Colombian scene? I know of a few Death Metal bands from Colombia. My old guitarist is from Colombia actually! Internal Suffering is sick as fuck!! 12- Who is in charge of lyrics and concepts of the band? I handle the lyrics, concepts, and imagery of the band. 13. Thanks, something that you want to say to your fans. Thanks to all the fans that have supported us!! Columbia fucking rules!! Thanks to Scumzine for the crazy interview I’ve done in my life!! For tour updates, band info, and merch check out: :::::: ESPAÑOL :::::: Entrevista con Corey Athos de Flesh Consumed 1-Cuéntanos sobre el nuevo CD “New Order of Intelligence”? ¿Cuál es la respuesta de los fans sobre este nuevo trabajo de la banda? “New Order of Intelligence” fue lanzado en Mayo y la respuesta ha sido grande.


ONSUMED 2 - ¿Podrías darnos una breve reseña de Flesh Consumed? ¿Cómo llegaron a las filas de Sevared Records? ¿Y cómo estuvieron las cosas con la producción y la distribución de los CD’s? Tenemos tres lanzamientos Sevared Records. Barrett es realmente dedicado a las bandas con que trabaja y por eso hemos seguido trabajando con él durante los últimos 3 años... 3-De su primer CD “Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate” recibieron la respuesta que esperaban de los fans y la prensa de extrema? Nuestro larga duración “Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate” fue lanzado a principios de 2008. Hemos tenido una gran respuesta con el álbum de parte de la prensa y los fans. 4 - Háblanos de tu primer trabajo con Sevared Records, así como de tu primer lanzamiento? El primer lanzamiento de Flesh Consumed es “Fermented Slaughter/Inhuman Butchery”. Contiene nuestros dos primeros EPs. 5-No hay duda de que la portada es tan impresionante y es una obra realizada por Timm P. ¿Qué piensas al respecto? ¿Quién tuvo la idea de estas dos portadas? Tanto Alex como a mí se nos ocurrió con los conceptos de arte para “Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate” y “Fermented Slaughter/Inhuman Butchery”. Se me ocurrió el concepto de “New Order of Intelligence”. P. Timm es un artista increíble! Es un placer trabajar con él y es un graduado de la escuela de arte por lo que definitivamente sabe lo que está haciendo. Seguiremos trabajando con él para las portadas. 6-Bueno, hablando de sus producciones, dinos sobre el concepto de cada uno de ellos y su correspondientes alineaciones? El concepto de “New Order of Intelligence” se basa en la canción “Harvesting Humans”, que es el tema de cierre de “Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate”. Flesh Consumed ha tenido diferentes miembros desde 2003, 19 en total, por lo que no es nada nuevo. Los miembros actuales son, por el momento, los más talentosos e impresionantes amigos con los que he trabajado.

7 - ¿Cómo fueron las cosas en el estudio de Zack Ohren? Zach Ohren hizo “Mutilate, Eviscerate, Decapitate” y “New Order of Intelligence. Es un placer trabajar con él y sabe lo que estamos tratando de lograr. 8 - ¿Cómo son los conciertos Flesh Consumed? Algunos viajes en especial? Hemos hecho un par de tours y algunos shows locales. Tocar con Devourment y Guttural Secrete fue probablemente uno de los espectáculos más memorables para mí. 9-Háblanos de California y su escena? California es un lugar chévere para vivir... Tenemos un montón de las más grandes bandas de Death Metal viniendo por aquí. 10-¿Qué puedes decir de la alineación actual de Flesh Consumed? La formación actual del grupo ha estado trabajando en grande! Hemos sido capaces de girar y todos juntos como hermanos! Creo que seremos empujados al próximo nivel con esta formación. 11 - ¿Qué sabes acerca de la escena colombiana? Yo sé de unas pocas bandas de Death Metal de Colombia. Mi antiguo guitarrista es de Colombia en realidad! Internal Suffering es tan enferma como brutal!! 12 - ¿Quién está a cargo de las letras y los conceptos de la banda? Yo manejo las letras, los conceptos y las imágenes de la banda. 13. Gracias, algo que le quieras decir a tus fans. Gracias a todos los fans que nos han apoyado!! Colombia fucking rules!! Gracias a Scumzine por la entrevista más loca que he hecho en mi vida!! Para actualizaciones de tours, información de la banda, y mercancía visiten: Translation by: Lorena Ksallas Traducción por: Lorena Ksallas,




DENYING NAZARENE Hi. A brutal greeting DENYING NAZARENE. How were the beginnings of the band? And how was the response of the promo?

Greetings Comrade! Here Hugo Fuenzalida DN drummer. Everything starts a long time when I, Hugo Fuenzalida, Francisco Bravo and Marcelo Ortiz (voice) decided to form Denying Nazarene by 2001. After that, the band was complemented with all the other guys who have gone through the band, Marcelo and I just stayed today. Regarding to the promo, it had an excellent acceptance by the underground public. It was released in limited copies on cassette by Hellspioke Records in Brazil, today nothing remains of that material. People are asking us for the promo. There will be might soon a reedition of it. For that reason, we are negotiating with some national labels, but there is not anything defined yet. 2 - How was the response of the latest work, “OBLITERATING THE CHRISTIAN DEVOTION? What has happened with the band after this work? “OBLITERATING THE CHRISTIAN DEVOTION” was the evolution of our work, it was released by the label Onslaught Records from Mexico. It has had an excellent reception and very good review by media. Also, there was a lack of copies because the truth is that this material is out of print. Actually, the band has gone through several changes starting with all the strings and the entry of David Barake on bass and the “Phantom” on guitar. “Phantom” was one of the initiators of Gorhot and today is the first guitar on DN. What has happened is an evolution, tracks are increasingly brutal and more elaborate.

3 - What is the concept of the cover of “OBLITERATING THE CHRISTIAN DEVOTION”? And how was the recording and mixing of this work? It is based on a painting by William Blake; it represents for us the defeat of Christians and our victory. The recording was done in a short time and the result was optimal, it achieves a pretty good sound. The mix was done by our engineer Claudio Torres (greetings for him). 5 - Do you think the musical evolution of the band improved a lot? Absolutely, this is part of the path of maturation of the band it is about falls and going back and rise. The evolution not only goes through the musical but also by personally going to the band´s musical point, it is at its best moment of creation and this will be sick on the next album. 6 - What is the major influence of the band? And why does it have an occultist thematic? The band today is influenced by all the extreme and old Death Metal. The thematic of the band is insubordinate against an old thinking and baseless as Christianity. 7 - What is your opinion about Jesus Christ, God and Satan? And what is the group’s concept about crucifixion? The first two are a falsehood invented by Christianity. Satan is a response to Christianity lies. The crucifixion is a punishment for thieves and hypocrites. 8-The shows are brutal, we see that the concert´s schedule is very good. How are the performances of the band in live? (Descri-

be us a show of Denying Nazarene) And which are the bands you have shared stage with? Actually, the best show was the one we shared with Incantation, cult band of Death Metal. We have also been with other bands like Gorgoroth, Krisiun, Anal Vomit, Torture Squad, and recently we have shared stage with Malevolent Creation. The show here is kickass with many changes. The DN show is engaging, it is Fucking Death Metal Rulessssssssssssssssssssssss.... 9 - What are the greatest musical works that influence the band? I´m not going to say one per one because it appoint to never end, but clearly Incantation and Immolation are very important in the band’s influences like early Morbid Angel etc ... All the Old Death Metal. 10- A Final comment and anything you want to add... Greetings comrade thanks for the interview and you will soon have news of our next record which is coming really brutal. Greetings to all Scumzine readers and keep in Fucking Death Metal rulesssssssssssssssssssssssss... :::::::::: ESPAÑOL :::::::::: 1-Hola, un brutal saludo DENYING NAZARENE ¿Cómo fueron los inicios de la banda? Y ¿cómo fue la respuesta del promo? Saludos camarada! Acá Hugo Fuenzalida batero DN. Todo parte hace bastante tiempo cuando yo, Hugo Fuenzalida, Francisco bravo y Marcelo Ortiz (en voz), decidimos formar Denying Nazarene por el 2001. Luego la banda se complemento con todos los otros integrantes que han pasado por la banda, hoy solo quedamos Marcelo y yo. Con respecto al promo, tuvo una excelente aceptación tal fue la aceptación del público underground y fue editado en copias limitadas en cassette por Hellspioke Records de Brasil, hoy ya no queda nada de ese material. Nos siguen pidiendo el promo, quizás pronto se hará una reedición para eso estamos en conversaciones con unos sellos nacionales, pero no se ha concretado nada aún.

REVIEWS SCUMZINE >> 19 2-¿Cómo fue la respuesta del último trabajo “OBLITERATING THE CHRISTIAN DEVOTION”?, ¿Qué ha pasado con la banda después de este trabajo? “OBLITERATING THE CHRISTIAN DEVOTION” fue la evolución de nuestro trabajo, este salió bajo el sello Onslaught Records de México, este ha tenido una excelente aceptación y muy buena crítica por el medio. Faltaron mas copias porque la verdad que también se acabo ese material. La verdad que la banda ha pasado por varios cambios partiendo por todas las cuerdas y el ingreso de David Barake en el bajo y Phantom en guitarra, él fue de los iniciadores de Gorhot y hoy es la primera guitarra de DN. Lo que ha pasado es una evolución, los temas están cada vez más brutales y mucho más elaborados. 3-¿Cuál es el concepto de la portada de “OBLITERATING THE CHRISTIAN DEVOTION”? y ¿Cómo fue la grabación y mezcla de este trabajo? Está basada en una pintura de William Blake, representa para nosotros la derrota del cristianismo y nuestra victoria. La grabación se hizo en un corto tiempo y el resultado fue óptimo, se logro muy buen sonido. La mezcla fue hecha por nuestro ingeniero Claudio Torres (saludos para él). 5-¿Crees que la evolución musical de la banda ha mejorado mucho? Completamente. Esto es parte del camino de la maduración de la banda, las caídas y el volver a levantarse. La evolución no solo pasa por lo musical sino también por lo personal, yendo al punto musical. La banda hoy en día se encuentra en su mejor momento de creación y esto será “vomitado” en el próximo disco. 6-¿Cuál es la mayor influencia de la banda? Y ¿Por qué una temática ocultista? La banda hoy en día se encuentra influenciada por todo el extremo y antiguo Death Metal, la temática de la banda es contestataria a un pensamiento antiguo y sin fundamentos

como es el cristianismo. 7-¿Cuál es su opinión acerca de Jesucristo, Dios y Satán? Y ¿Cuál es el concepto de la banda acerca de la crucifixión? Los dos primeros una falsedad inventada por el cristianismo. Satán una respuesta a mentiras cristianas. La crucifixión simplemente un castigo a ladrones e hipócritas. 8-Los shows son brutales, se ve que la agenda de conciertos es muy buena ¿Cómo son las presentaciones de la banda? (Descríbanos un show de DENYING NAZARENE) Y ¿Cuáles son las bandas con las que han compartido escenario? La verdad que el mejor show fue el que compartimos con Incantation, banda de culto del Death Metal. También hemos estado con otras bandas como Gorgoroth, Krisiun, Anal Vomit, Torture Squad, y hace poco compartimos con Malevolent Creation. El show de nosotros es una patada en la cabeza con muchos cambios. El shows de DN es envolvente, es puro Fucking Death Metal Rulesssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssss.... 9-¿Qué trabajos musicales son la mayor influencia en la banda? No te nombrare de a uno porque no terminaría nunca, pero claramente Incantation e Immolation son muy importantes en la influencias de la banda así como los primeros de Morbid Angel etc... Todo el Old Death Metal. 10- Comentario final y algo que quieran agregar… Saludos camarada y gracias por la entrevista pronto tendrán noticias de nuestro próximo disco que se viene realmente brutal. Saludos a los lectores de Scumzine y sigan en el Fucking Death Metal rulesssssssssssssss sssssssssssss...

CORPORECTOMY “Within the weak and wounded” Sevared Records

In Germany there is always a brutal band that represents the genre, and CORPORECTOMY is not exception even though there are only 5 tracks made from the best way, well established, with a musical structure that only in that country exist. Sevared Records really put the eye to what this band so promising is, a new promise to legend, and the sharp guitars in a world where demons are humans’ armor as a kind of HellRaiser. It is really a brutal and chaotic group; it does highlight the place where the demons live. We should wait for a complete work but for now their music is insane. Rating: 10.0 points

CESSPOOL OF VERMIN “Beastial Necrophilia” Sevared Records

This assembly-looking group, with members of another band, I mean they belong or belonged to other groups like LIVIDITY, LUST OF DECAY y SHURIKEN CADAVERIC ENTWINEMENT. However, that experience can be observed in this work, I mean Jordan Varela with Jay who belonged to LIVIDITY, I don´t so much about Derek, but in this work makes clear that he is a devastating guitarist. It’s an album of 9 tracks on the roughest, dirtiest, and most mundane and most Zoofilic line you can see, the music is brutal, there are no melodies, but there is something odd and it is album cover that is very strong and totally sick. There is a woman having sex with a pig, is very strong so “Beastial Necrophilia” has the status of a great band that hopefully will not remain as SHURIKEN CADAVERIC ENTWINEMENT as a project and a single CD only, they should think like a big professional band. Rating: 10.0 points



ANIMALS KILLING P 1 - What has happened after the release of “KENTUCKY FRIED KILLING”? R: Well, first of all Ricardo, thanks for the interview. After the new CD was released we’ve been rehearsing, playing concerts, and putting ideas together for the composition of the new CD which is possibly a split with my other band ANDROMORPHUS REXALIA, Manuel the guitarist also has left the band. Then there were integrated 2 new band members to have a more solid line-up. 2 - How was the acceptance of the CD by the press and fans? R /: The response of the new CD has been very good, has had very good reviews around the world, and by the people has been widely greeted as we are having our second press. 3 - Since you were in some shows in Colombia two years ago. How it seemed to you? R /: I think it was one year ago at the end of 2008 we were doing a mini-tour in Colombia, the response was very brutal. I missed to play in Colombia; the scene has improved a lot since I left the country so it was very good to do these shows. We hope to play there again soon! 4 - The Mini CD came out by GOREGIASTIC RECORDS. How were the things? And how is the distribution with SEVARED RECORDS now? R /: Yes. The MCD had a very good distribution by GOREGIASTIC RECS which is a very good label and Andrés is a great friend and also the relationship between the band and the label is still on. We decided to go with SEVARED RECS for Full Length. According to the distribution it is very good, the CD is worldwide and so the band has expanded globally, the re-edition through SEVARED RECS as well.

than before, much more brutal, many more bands wanting to do something better and stronger, also people wanting to take music more seriously. Regarding USA mmmm I would say that is maintained in a good position in the world, there are many brutal bands but people follow and get involved very easy to fashion.

5 - What is the theme of the CD? And why did you choose that title? R: Well, the theme is general. It is as always about animal revenge against humans for the atrocities being committed against these creatures. They are stuck in the stupid human reality having to pay with their flesh and their lives, which is eaten by unconscious human masses which do not even know how these animals grow in so filthy forms for being able to sell them to the people. Especially, the title of the CD goes against KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN because it is the most revolting of all companies where they kill millions of chickens every day and globally. If you investigate how these animals are grown maybe you would think twice before eating whatever that comes of this mutation created by this company. 6 - How do you see the scene of BRUTAL DEATH METAL in Colombia and in the States? R /: The scene in South America and especially in Colombia look much better

7 - There are two tracks, one of LA PESTILENCIA with “OLE” and “TORTURE INSIDE OF ME” of PURULENT. Why the choice of these two songs? R: Well, first of all PURULENT ´s song was taken as a tribute to my brother David of PURULENT. I think it is a very brutal song and super well done, that was the reason for this one. About LA PESTILENCIA ´s song was a decision that took a lot of time if we were going to do it or not because of what this band represents today, nothing to do with its previous material. However, it was a song that influenced me a lot and guitarist too in the early days of our lives in the metal I guess and the theme has everything to do with our philosophy DEATH TO FUCKING BULLFIGHTERS and we did it a little more Grind and it was good we could do these 2 covers of Colombian bands with the cooperation of Sebastian ex-front man of PURULENT. 8-Something you want to add. R: Well, thanks again for the interview. Continue listening to brutal music and I recommend you to watch videos about the truth of the meat you swallow to see if you wake up nasty people ja ja ja. You can find them on YouTube as KENTUCKY FRIED CRUELTY!!!



PEOPLE 1-¿Qué ha pasado después de la edición de “KENTUCKY FRIED KILLING”? R/: Bueno primero que todo Ricardo gracias por la entrevista. A ver después de que el nuevo CD salió al mercado hemos estado ensayando, tocando conciertos poniendo ideas juntas para la composición del nuevo CD el cual posiblemente sea un Split con mi otra banda ANDROMORPHUS REXALIA, también Manuel el guitarrista ha dejado la banda así para integrar 2 nuevos miembros a la banda para tener una alineación más sólida. 2- ¿Cómo ha sido la aceptación del CD por parte de la prensa y los fans? R/: La respuesta del nuevo CD ha sido muy buena, ha tenido muy buenos reviews alrededor del mundo, y por parte de la gente ha sido muy bien acogido, ya vamos para la segunda prensada. 3- Ya hace 2 años ustedes realizaron unos shows en Colombia. ¿Cómo les pareció? R/: Creo que fue hace 1 ano para finales del 2008 que estuvimos haciendo un mini-tour por Colombia, la respuesta fue muy brutal, extrañaba tocar en Colombia la escena ha mejorado muchísimo desde que deje el país así que fue muy bueno hacer estos shows. ¡Esperamos tocar allí de nuevo pronto! 4- El Mini CD salió con GOREGIASTIC RECORDS, ¿Cómo estuvieron las cosas? y ahora con SEVARED RECORDS ¿Cómo va la distribución? R/: Si. El MCD tuvo una muy buena distribución por parte de GOREGIASTIC RECS el cual es un muy buen label y Andrés es gran amigo también, la relación entre la banda y el label sigue en pie, decidimos ir con SEVARED RECS, para el Full Lenght. En cuanto a la distribución es muy buena, el CD está por todo el mundo

y así la banda se ha expandido mas globalmente, el re- prensaje será a través de SEVARED RECS también. 5-¿Cuál es la temática del CD? Y ¿Por qué ese título? R/: Bueno la temática es general, es como siempre con nosotros la venganza animal contra los humanos por las atrocidades que se cometen con estos seres, ellos están atrapados en la estúpida realidad humana teniendo que pagar con su carne y su vida, la cual es ingesta da por masas de humanos inconscientes los cuales ni siquiera saben cómo crecen a estos animales en formas asquerosas para así poderlos vender a la gente, y en especial el titulo del CD va en contra de KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN, pues es la compañía más asquerosa de todas donde matan millones de pollos diariamente, mundialmente y si Ud. investiga como estos animales son crecidos de pronto lo pensaría dos veces antes de comer cualquier cosa que venga de esta mutación creada por esta compañía. 6-¿Cómo ve la escena de BRUTAL DEATH METAL en Colombia y en Estados Unidos? R/: La escena en Suramérica y especialmente en Colombia se ve mucho mejor que antes, mucho más brutal, muchas más bandas queriendo hacer algo mejor y más sólido, también la gente queriendo tomarse la música más en serio, en cuanto a USA mmmm yo diría que se mantiene en una buena posición mundial, también hay muchas bandas brutales pero también la gente sigue y se deja llevar muy fácil por las modas. 7-Hay dos temas uno de LA PESTILENCIA con “OLE” y “TORTURE INSIDE OF ME” de PURULENT ¿Por qué la elección de estos dos temas?

R/: Bueno primero que todo la de PURULENT fue sacada como un tributo a mi hermano DAVID de PURULENT, me parece una canción muy brutal y súper bien hecha esa fue la razón de esta, y en cuanto a la de La Pestilencia fue una decisión que tomo mucho tiempo si la hacíamos o no debido a lo que esa banda representa hoy en día, nada que ver con lo primero. Sin embargo fue una canción que me influyó mucho y al guitarrista en los primeros días de nuestra vida en el metal me imagino y el tema tiene todo que ver con nuestra filosofía MUERTE A LOS PUTOS TOREROS, así la hicimos un poco mas Grind y fue bueno que pudimos hacer estos 2 covers de bandas colombianas con la colaboración de Sebastián exvocalista de PURULENT. 8- Algo que quieras agregar? R/: Bueno de nuevo gracias por la entrevista, sigan escuchando música brutal y les recomiendo ver videos de la verdad de la carne que se tragan a ver si despiertan asquerosos jaja los pueden encontrar en YouTube bajo KENTUCKY FRIED CRUELTY!!!



1 - Tell us a little bit about earlier years in the band? Formed in Valparaiso around 2000 as a concept of renewal of the band Krucifixion band founded in the early 90’s. In 2002 after a difficult period of composition is achieved by entering the studio to record the first promotional CD of the band including “Deathshadowed”, “We Rise” and “Hell on Earth”. In 2006, after participating in a large number of concerts, the group enters Sade Studios to record the album “Bringer of Desolation” which was released on sale in late 2007.

a technical rider etc. And we’re very focused on the creation and composition of our new CD which goes on sale in 2010. Chile has a very good scene. We have bands of a great reputation as Melektaus, Sadism, Psychosis, etc. But unfortunately, we have producers who only look after their personal interests and friends which makes our scene is just for some and musically a fiasco. However, the quality of the shows has increased the supply of international bands who visit Chile, nothing to envy to USA or Europe. Our scene is one of the most solid in a Latin American level in our personal side we’ve played with Dark Funeral, Cannibal Corpse, Marduk, Vader (twice), Malevolent Creation, Deicide, Dismember, Pentagram (Chi), that is, there is a scene which is moving.

2 - “Bringer of Desolation”, Could you give us as many details about its edition? As I mentioned earlier in the year 2006, we entered Sade studios to record the album “Bringer of Desolation” which was released on sale in late 2007. Already with a great, stable and solid line-up, the band is in the process of diffusion of “Bringer of Desolation”, its first LP, this accompanied by a video clip of our single “Psychopathic Satanic Vision”.

6 - Have you talked to a label to edit the new material? And do you have new tracks? At present we are only focusing on the creation and composition of our new album 2010. We accept proposals that meet certain minimum requirements to us.

3 - How the extreme press and the fans have been received it? We have been fortunate to have very good reviews and many congratulations from the press, media and fans. They respect us; recognize us as one of the strongest bands of the new generation that plays Metal in Chile, and this is seen in concerts, gigs, comments, etc. We play in a major circuit of concerts in our country, with international bands, and major stages of our country. .4 - What is the meaning embodied in the album title and the concept of the cover? Our record speaks about many things which are pointing to what the man himself has created and every day is complaining about it. It does not point towards a mainly blasphemy or worship Satan. On the contrary we believe that evil is present in the humanity or humans and that the same is responsible to cultivate this hatred, resentment and problems. In regards to cover, we have many influences from Eddie (Iron Maiden) the devil mocks at man; here is almost the same as the construction of the devil by man. 5 - Have you played lately? What is your view of the festivals in USA, Europe and South America?

7 - How is the band’s musical composition? And what are the band’s musical influences? Generally, about the composition it is in charge of Gonzalo Astudillo and Miguel Roa, who are great musicians. This is supplemented by further teamwork of all members. However, our compositions are slow but surely and of a great quality. We like to review and correct many times when we are compliant. Talking about our influences..... ufff We have many such as: Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Nile, Necrophagist, Dream Theater, etc.. 8- Something you want to add and final comments. Dear, I send greetings to all of you. I hope you enjoy our music, thanks for the support from Valparaiso – Chile. Hope to visit your land soon. Juan Torres Loyola Vocalist DETHRONER

Actually, we have played a little bit. We have only been in the last major presentations with Malevolent Creation in Chile. We have rejected the other ones for different reasons because people do not comply with minimum requirements as


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1-Your last album “Psalms of the Moribund’ is a masterpiece of the new scene of Brutal Death Metal. What is new in the band? Have you received the acceptance you expected? Hey man, we are currently getting the next album on its way. It is being mixed right now. 2 - What are the differences between the first album, “Prelude to the Tragedy” and “Psalms of the Moribund” related to music and lyrics? I think the music progressed quite a bit on the second album. The lyrics were cool on both albums I think. On the first album our old singer wrote the words on the second it was mainly me. 3 - What was the response to your previous album “Prelude to the Tragedy”? We got some attention with it for the first time in our band’s career. We earned some die hard fans (some who even just dedicated themselves to only this first album). 4-How were the things with the English label Grindethic Records. Why did you decided to leave after two CDS? We thank Grindethic for everything they have done for us! But we decided to try something new with the next album and heard a lot of good things about Willowtip so we decided to sign with them. 5-I understand you’re putting out new material what could you tell about it? It will come with Willowtip label? It will be recorded by Moribund onSoundlodge Studios? And that what can you tell us about new themes? The themes will as always be human insanity, serial killing, torture, death, morbid stuff connected with intricate, complex and crushing music. It was recorded at Soundforge studios in Berlin this time. Our bassplayer engineered. 6 - Why did you decide to release out this work with Willowtip who in their ranks have bands such as: Malignancy, Impaled andDisavowed…what are the expectations... and for how many works?

It seems a very good label to us and communicating with Jason is really easy and professional! Those bands are of course a sign of good taste of the label, so there you have another reason for us to release the album there. 7-It’s amazing the cover design of your previous two productions, who will make the new work now? and what do you intend to do for this new one?. 8 - What are the plans for the band to support this new album? Hopefully some touring! 9 - Tell us a little about shows and Metal Fests and the tour in Mexico? Also, when do you think visit Colombia? We would love to visit both Mexico and Colombia one day! I heard great things about the metal scenes there. 10 – Do you have a final comment or anything you want add? Thanks for the interview. Keep it sick! ::::::: ESPAÑOL :::::::: 1-Su último álbum, “Psalms of the Moribund’ es una obra maestra de la nueva escena de Brutal Death Metal. Qué hay de nuevo en la banda? ¿Ha recibido la aceptación que esperaba? Hey man, estamos recibiendo actualmente el próximo álbum en su camino. Se está mezclando ahora. 2 - ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre el primer álbum, “Prelude to the Tragedy” y “Psalms of the Moribund” relacionadas con la música y las letras? Creo que la música progresó un poco en el segundo álbum. Las letras fueron frías en los dos álbumes pienso yo. En el primer álbum nuestro cantante escribió las palabras, en el segundo fui sobre todo yo. 3 - ¿Cuál fue la respuesta a su anterior álbum “Prelude to the Tragedy”? Tuvimos un poco de atención con el por primera vez en la carrera de nuestra banda. Hemos ganado algunos fans firmes y agresivos (algunos que incluso sólo


se dedicaron a este primer álbum). 4-¿Cómo fueron las cosas con el sello Inglés Grindethic Records. ¿Por qué decidieron abandonarlo después de dos CDs? Damos las gracias a Grindethic por todo lo que han hecho por nosotros! Pero hemos decidido probar algo nuevo con el siguiente álbum y escuchamos muchas cosas buenas acerca de Willowtip por lo que decidimos firmar con ellos. 5-Tengo entendido que están sacando nuevo material, que podrían decir al respecto? Vendrá con el sello Willowtip? Será grabado en los estudios Soundforge? Y que lo que nos puede decir acerca de los temas nuevos? Los temas como siempre serán: la locura humana, asesinatos en serie, la tortura, la muerte, cosas morbosas relacionadas con lo intrincado, complejo y de música aplastante. Fue grabado en los estudios Soundforge en Berlín esta vez. Nuestro bajista realizó la ingeniería. 6 - ¿Por qué decidieron sacar este trabajo con Willowtip que en sus filas tienen bandas tales como: Malignancy, Impaled and Disavowed... ¿Cuáles son las expectativas... y por cuántos trabajos? Nos parece un muy buen sello y la comunicación con Jason es realmente fácil y profesional! Esas bandas son, por supuesto, un signo de buen gusto por parte del sello, entonces esta es otra razón para que nosotros hayamos decidido hacer el lanzamiento del álbum allí. 7 - ¿Cuáles son los planes de la banda para promocionar este nuevo disco? Esperamos alguna gira! 8 - Cuéntanos un poco sobre shows y festivales de metal y de la gira en México? Además, ¿cuándo visitaran Colombia? Nos encantaría visitar México y Colombia algún día! He oído grandes cosas acerca de las escenas de metal allí. 9 - ¿Tienes un comentario final, o alguna cosa que quieras añadir? Gracias por la entrevista.

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