2nd year
The School in the 22nd Century Italy STUDENTS Do you wear a uniform at school? a. No,we don't b. Yes,we do c. We wear a particular piece of cloth (a t - shirt, a cup, a scarf....with a logo) just on special occasions Do you think students should wear a school uniform? a. I don't think so b. I think so 1. I don't know Is there a formal “ School Rules� document in your school? a. Yes, there is b. No, there isn't 1. I don't know What are the principal students' duties in your school? put 1-2-3 next to each option from the most important (1) to the least important (3) a. to respect people, places,equipments b. to do homework and assigned tasks c. to get to school on time for lessons Do you think students have the following rights in your school? a. to have a fair amount of homework a day in order to enjoy some free time b. to be respected and supported by teachers c. to have a good learning organization: well equipped laboratories and good teachers who teach in a pleasant and intersting way, using ICT and innovative approaches