Analysis of the success factors and Key Competences for Agro-Food processing in SMEs

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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


CAVA project – WS-O2

Summary Methodology WS-O2


Data collection's grid of succes factors and key-competences


SWOT Analysis of Data


• "Collective" (group of producers, cooperatives, etc.)


• Restaurants or similar


• Farmers


• Artisans (farmers with large production and distribution)


• Schools and training centers




Main training modules


Main modules and link training sequences





Methodology WS-O2 Introduction After the first information data collected from the different structures surveyed, a SWOT analysis was requested to refine the results and define knowledge, skills and know-how to determine the competencies to succeed a project in the valorisation of local produce in short circuit. Each of the countries had, initially, establish a SWOT for each case study. A second phase of work was to group for each country, the results obtained in each category surveyed. The third phase was to consolidate all the data for each category and analyse these global data to establish large training modules. Major training modules could thus be defined and their sub modules.

Explanatory note for the WS-O2 realization process

In charge of steering of the WS-02 of CAVA project, steering that have associated SCF (IT) and AZRRI (HR) partners, ETCHARRY proposes the following process to achieve the two objectives of: 1. Quality factors' analysis → October 31, 2015 2. Definitions of key competencies → January 15, 2016 This work will build on WS-O1's productions, that come to an end. Nevertheless, it seems essential to go back to each of the 7 partners (including ETCHARRY) who conducted interviews from these targeted experiences. Indeed, it's indispensable to go up, to provide, by the most accurate and sensitive manner possible, the success factors and risk of failure: this can only be done by those who have been in direct contact with these experiences' stakeholders.


Our proposal is therefore based on two similar tools, presented in attachment:

• a "Data collection's grid of succes factors and key-competences" in the form of a kind of SWOT grid, which must be completed, as precisely as possible, for each country and according to the experiences of the 5 targets

• this same grid, that will serve as synthesis document, but in a transverse way, for each of the 5 targets. For reminder, the 5 "targets" are : 1. Producers: Farmers, farm producers, breeders, shepherds... many stakeholders who act upstream of the industry and sell their products, sometimes through direct sales; interviewed in a personal basis (although some may be involved in a collective approach). 2. Artisans: sometimes they are producers, not always, but are engaged in a strong commercial approach (trade factor and more important than production factor). 3. Collective: these are all cooperatives and associations, most of the time created and managed by the producers, for which those responsible were interviewed in a collective basis. 4. Restaurateurs, guest houses, bed and breakfast, cottages... 5. Schools and training centers

The collecting and synthesis work will be organize thereby : (cf. grid ) :

• The 3 partners produce, with the grid , the transnational synthesis of SWOT for the success factors and difficulties, each dealing with one or two targets ; Example -> SCF : 'schools and training centers, "AZRRI : " Artisans" and "Restorateurs" ; "ETCHARRY : " Producers" and "Collective" : this is simply a proposal for the distribution → October 31;

• ETCHARRY makes a general narrative production that will explain and analyze the obtained results about success factors and difficulties (intellectual output O2/A1)

• The 3 partners finalize the synthesis of all SWOT regarding key-competencies, everyone keeping the same targets as before → December 31; • ETCHARRY makes a general narrative production that will explain and analyze the obtained results against the key competencies → January 15th.


Data collection's grid of succes factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY :

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

STRUCTURE : Key success factors 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Difficulties / Constraints

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.


The numbers of success factors and those of

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.




Threats/Risks • •

EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…

• • • • •

The numbers of success factors and those of

• • • • •

• • • • • • • •




Data collection's grid of succes factors and key-competences ❷

*** A synthesis by type ***

STRUCTURE : Key success factors



Difficulties / Constraints 1.

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

• • • • •

The numbers of success factors and those of




3. 4.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



Threats/Risks 1.


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The numbers of success factors and those of

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



Data collection's grid of succes factors and key-competences ❸ *** Syntheses production's table ***






Schools Training centers

















Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❸*** A synthesis by type ***



INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

• To Improve the attitude of people • To discover each single potential • Social cohesion • Community focus • Social investments • Presence of professional trainers • Creation of a new form of organization, a social work • Local identity products • Motivation of producers – being your own boss • Creativity – new products/crops • Higher level of resiliency compared to the individual producer • Have a goal and a common project • Being creative • Whether to share the same vision of business • Increased social cohesion, teamwork and solidarity between members • Work together as a team • Whether to share the same vision of business • Creation of effective employment opportunities • High quality products • Sharing of labour and mechanization • Sharing of knowlede and good practice examples • Well get to know • Being able to talk, to listen to

TARGET : Collectives DIFFICULTIES / CONSTRAINTS • The labour market • Intense workload • Working together as a team • Involve members • Complicated administration • Organize and host meetings • The Organization • The time required to be everywhere • Shelf life of some products • Low productivity and availability • Low number of job positions • Quite high prices for the consumers compared to large production and distribution systems • Lack of capital and access to agricultural land • Low level of agricultural education • High cost of labour and lack of appropriately educated workforce • Average age of the producers is increasing

KEY COMPETENCES TO SUCCEED • To be able to organise the work in small groups • To be able to produce sustainable and equally distributed work • To be highly motivated • To be more sensitive to relations between persons and land than relations with consumer goods • Good team work and ability to maintain good group /collective cohesion • To be able to listening and share collective reflections • To be an entrepreneur (management) • To be able to transfer competences between persons and generations • Basic social skills and ability to work with different people profiles • Ability to transfer knowledge and competences • To be able to maintain the cohesion • To be able to work together • Local network and partnership • To be able to learn new skills • To be able to integrate skills in different contexts • Maintaining a high level of product quality • Good organizational skills relating to the production and distribution of the produc


• Offer quality both in the products than in the following off adherent • Improving the seasonal products • Local identity products • Joint marketing plan • Being able to talk, to listen to… • Marketing • Fresh products because of short supply chains • Higher responsiveness to customer demands than large agribusiness companies

• Ability to follow and apply the HACCP procedures • Ability to transfer knowledge and competences • To be able to define a business strategy • To be able to listening and share collective reflections • To be able to talk, to listen • To be able to promote self-production at village scale (or rural district area scale) • To be able to sale and speak about the products and its origin • To be able to give a high image of the collectif • Good notions in marketing • To be able to define a business strategy • To be resilient • Appropriate agricultural education


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…




• Increasing interest of young people for starting and managing an agricultural holding • The local farmers who want to develop their business • Access to funding for training and innovation for SME – availability of resources from EU funds • Public attention to the themes of economic and environment sustainability • Increasing number of agricultural holdings • The existance of educational institutions in the field of agriculture • Increasing awareness about ecological and integrated production • New generation of consumers appreciate locally grown fresh and seasonal products • Presence of a large seasonal demand for fresh produce in the touristic sector • Easier access to EU market • Online advertising and web shops • Good image of the local products • Free advertising by visitors • The local tradition • The specificity off the country • Benefits for the whole society

• Economical context • The shortness of the members and their investment in the long term • Fluctuations in prices may occur • Increasing energy cost • The cost of the seats on local farmers markets • Social barriers • Instability of volunteer support • Geographical marginalisations • Major producers are establishing control of supply and distribution channels to corner the market • Increasing number of competitors • Competition by large production and retail chains • Weather & pests – there are inefficient mitigation and compensation measures in place • Decrease in the number of farmer

• Project notions • Meeting organization • Good negotiating skills • Ability to understand bank policies and to find financial support • To be able to profit from the support to innovation brought by external factors • To be able to participate as active citizen in society • To be able to mix professional work with volunteer and social work • To be aware of the production ethic • Ethic implications of Production styles • Good computer and internet skills • Project notions • Meeting organization • Basic marketing skills – ability to follow market demands • Good negotiating skills • Lifeskills • Marketing • Finance • Management • Network


Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❸*** A synthesis by type ***



INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…



• High quality products • Motivation of producers – being your own boss • Working from beginning to end of the chain • Using tradition /local products/ecological products/ • Professional equipment • Improving skills for business development and management; for technical - vocational competences personal skills • Training based on specific need analysis of companies individualized / personalised training projects • Good relationship with banks • Access to funding for training and innovation for micro and SME • Pooling • Presence of a consolidated food chain • High quality products • Motivation of producers – being your own boss • Good organization (production and marketing) • Multidisciplinary knowledge of manager • Exchange experiences for all employees • Team work • The manager behavior toward employees • Professional equipment • Motivation of the entire team

• Intense workload • At the begining « how to do » with the idea • Food technology rules • Necessity of solid technical tools • Coordination of production and business activities • Support from the bank • Lack of finance • Costs of raw materials used for some (dairy) products. • Lack of networking and collaboration • Lack of support from local institutions • Need for practical experience • Necessity of External support • Complicated administration • Need for continuous upgrade of the skills • Need for training made to measure because of different level of experiences, knowledge and • background of beneficiaries • Need to balance and integrate technical skills and business ones • Shelf life of some products • Lack of capital and access to agricultural land • Low level of agricultural education • Average age of the producers is increasing • Lack of creativity and reliance on

TARGET : Producers KEY COMPETENCES TO SUCCE • Maintaining a high level of product quality • To be able to mix tradition and innovation • To be an entrepreneur • Clients demands • To be able to innovate • To be disposed to assume responsibilities • Entrepreneurial skills • To be goal oriented • To be an Entrepreneur (and to have an entrepreneurial attitude • To be in capacity of cost control production • Basic social skills and ability to work with different people profiles • To be able to work with others producers • Local network • To be able to work in team • Team work and team communication • To be able to make profitable and productive collaborations • To be able to establish relationships with consumers • Good organizational skills relating to the production and distribution of the product • Ability to follow and apply the HACCP procedures • To be able to mix tradition and innovation • To be able to coordinate the production and distribution of products • To be able to know the processing technics and perform in several job • Playing transparency.


• Multi-skilled employees • Motivation of producers • To pay attention to animals health and welfare (dairy • sector) • Local identity products • Fresh products because of short supply chains • Higher responsiveness to customer demands than large agribusiness companies • Work on the image of the product, market listening and responsiveness • Good organization (production and marketing) • The location where is situated the structure, if it has some particularities from other locations • The aspect and the quality of the products • Particularities of products • Using tradition /local products/ecological products • Valorisation of quality, local, certified and biological products • Presence of a territoriality identity • Presence of a large seasonal demand for fresh produce in the touristic sector • Team working • Short circuit and self-sufficiency: from production of the animals food, to the sale of raw milk and dairy products • directly to consumers (dairy sector)

government support • Motivation off the family • Lack of knowledge • Unprepared (formal education) local human resource • Employers are looking for a multitasking person

• Culinary skills • Flexibility and adaptability • Time management and priorities skills • Appliance of the working strategies those are most favourable to create a productive environment • Openness to continuous training • To be able to optimize own work comparing it with more productive realities • To be able to apply the HACCP procedures • To be able to maintain high standard of good manufacturing process (GMP) and standard operating procedures (SOP) • To be a team-worker • To be disposed to assume responsibilities • Maintaining a high level of product quality • Basic marketing skills – ability to follow market demands • To be able to sale • To be able to give a high image off the products • To be able to coordinate the production and distribution of products • Good notions in marketing • To be in capacity too follow the evolution of the market • Clients demands • To be able to innovate • Highlight the importance of Rumanian tradition and of the local • products • Communication skills • To be able to promote products • To be able to establish relationships with consumers • Appropriate agricultural education • Marketing • To be goal oriente


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…




• Increasing interest of young people for starting and managing an agricultural holding • The local farmers who want to develop their business • Access to funding for training and innovation for SME – availability of resources from EU funds • Public attention to the themes of economic and environment sustainability • Increasing number of agricultural holdings • Access to funding for training and innovation for SME – availability of resources from EU funds • The existance of educational institutions in the field of agriculture • The local farmers who want to develop their business • Increasing awareness about ecological and integrated production • Public attention to the themes of economic and environment sustainability • New generation of consumers appreciate locally grown fresh and seasonal products • Presence of a large seasonal demand for fresh produce in the touristic sector • Easier access to EU market • Online advertising and web shops • Good image of the local products • Free advertising by visitors • The local tradition • The specificity off the country • Benefits for the whole society

• Economical context • The shortness of the members and their investment in the long term • Fluctuations in prices may occur • Increasing energy cost • The cost of the seats on local farmers markets • Social barriers • Instability of volunteer support • Geographical marginalisations • Major producers are establishing control of supply and distribution channels to corner the market • Increasing number of competitors • Competition by large production and retail chains • Weather & pests – there are inefficient mitigation and • compensation measures in place • Decrease in the number of farmer

• Project notions • Meeting organization • Good negotiating skills • Ability to understand bank policies and to find financial support • To be able to profit from the support to innovation brought by external factors • To be able to participate as active citizen in society • To be able to mix professional work with volunteer and social work • To be aware of the production ethic • Ethic implications of Production styles • Good computer and internet skills • Project notions • Meeting organization • Basic marketing skills – ability to follow market demands • Good negotiating skills • Lifeskills • Marketing • Finance • Management • Network


Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❸*** A synthesis by type ***


• Certification of education qualification (or declaration of attendance, competences, etc.)

• Connection between teaching and practical activities

• Multi-disciplinarity • Different courses for different skills • Direct observation of companies

Difficulties / Constraints

Entry prices (very high for private University)

Management of different entry competences of beneficiaries

To focus lessons on providing more theoretical information than application in daily practice

Long period of time of training, that could be a constraint for some trainees who need rapidly wage to support the family needs

activities and connection with them

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

• Individual follow up for each trainee • Teaching skills for business development

• Quality training offer at different levels: from vocational secondary education to higher education levels



To be able to control the product along the whole supply chain

• •

To be able to prepare a business plan

To be able to compare different points of view and experiences

To be able to follow law and hygiene requirements, including labelling and traceability

To be able to perform a management control and cost analysis.

To be able to propose update training allowing to low-skilled to acquire skills, professional attitudes and technical experiences responding to the labour market needs

• •

To be highly motivated

To be open to learn discuss, work positively with other colleagues

To have personal initiative

Need of continuous update

• Trainers with high experience

To be able to act when needed with the entire web of food (from agriculture until the packing and storage), the related technology, biochemical and biological process.

To be available to work in groups respecting rules and hierarchy



• Partnership with enterprises for the transfer of competences and innovation to the labour market.

• International cooperation and practice for a long period of time provided by partners

• To contribute to create a sustainable future for the planet

EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…

• To promote high quality and organic food

• To develop project, partnership and educational programs with other schools or training centers from EU countries.

• To promote informal and lifelong learnings

• •

To have critical thinking

To be able to establish realistic occupational projects and to become real actor of the own project entire web of food (from agriculture until the packing and storage), the related technology, biochemical and biological process

• • •

Food Biodiversity

To be self-confident and autonomous to make profitable and productive collaborations.

Organic growing and breeding requirements Regional and local food traditions


• Technology changes that effects the future growth and productivity

• Rising school fees • Dispersion of the potential for innovation created by the research system due to mechanism of knowledge transfer

• Depending of the production of small producer who has sometimes problems of delivery and not enough quantity and quality of products.


• To be able to create internship programs with local agribusiness companies and agricultural holdings, allows to the trainee to develop all the skills acquired during the training period.

• To be able to enhance the resources of each area.

• To be able to develop programs focused on the environmental impact of agribusiness and sustainability of food.

• To be able to promote relationship between tradition and innovation

• To be able to pay attention to market demands • To be able to give support for integrated training pathways alternating work/training for adults with low skills levels to meet the needs of companies using approaches that fosters social and occupational inclusion.

• To be able to develop new products, implementing and managing projects.

• To be communicative 15

• To be able to maintain high motivation for all people involved to be keen on entrepreneurial attitude

• Food economy and food laws, • Traceability and labelling • Production management, quality assurance and marketing

• • • •

Basic of nutrition and dietetics Environmental impact and sustainability of food Tools for new skill development Eco-design of gastronomy


Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❸*** A synthesis by type ***


TARGET : Artisans

Key success factors • • •

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

• • • • • • • •

Strategic market segmentation – brand image of the product High quality products that exceeds competitors and local identity products Preservation of cultural heritage and artisanal skills Fresh products because of short supply chains Motivation of artisans – being your own boss Creativity – designing new products and high added value products Higher responsiveness to customer demands than large agribusiness companies Increasing opportunities for product placement through catering businesses Pooling - working in partnerships with farmers and/or cooperatives Building community through food and partnerships Combination of specialist creative and technical expertise together with business and management capability


Difficulties / Constraints • • • • • • • • • •

Intense workload Shelf life of some products

• •

Cost of raw materials used for some products Complicated administration and food technology rules

Lack of technical expertise and entrepreneurial know-how

• •

Necessity of solid technical tools and equipment

Unmotivated employees

Lack of networking and collaboration High overhead Limited market penetration – smaller companies have trouble producing enough to adequately lower the production cost per volume

• • • • •

Maintaining a high level of product quality and creating a brand image of the product Good organizational skills relating to the production and distribution of the product Ability to follow and apply the HACCP procedures Ability to follow market demands Authenticity, safeguarding culinary heritage and artisanal skills Ability to overcome seasonality of some products Creativity – creating new products that are both traditional and innovative Good technical expertise and ability to follow changes in food technology Basic communication, social skills and ability to work with people with different skills, experiences and qualification Combination of specialist creative and technical expertise together with business, marketing and management capability Ability to work with local producers (farmers) and to create a local network and/or partnerships Adaptiveness and learning ability


Opportunities EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…

• Access to funding for training and innovation for SME – availability of resources from EU funds

• New generation of consumers appreciate locally grown fresh and seasonal products

• Major producer are establishing control of • Marketing – ability to follow market supply and distribution channels to corner the market

• Fluctuation in prices may occur – for the product itself and for the raw materials

• Increasing number of competitors learning and preserving traditional artisanal • High percentage of earnings go toward products and skills

• Increasing interest of young people for • Packaging – consumers appreciate a personal touch and traceability of the product

• Gastro tourism as destination branding • Policies for reinforcing social inclusion; supporting access to employment of disadvantaged groups and development of social services to improve employment opportunities



covering middlemen/retailer fees

• Increasing energy cost and constant

• • •

demands, promoting awareness of consumers towards high quality products Management - good negotiating skills, organizational skills etc. Finance - ability to understand bank policies and to find financial support Networking - good computer and internet skills, ability to communicate social value of the product

changes in food technology

• Fluctuating number of tourists and seasonal character in tourism

• Lack of capital and adequate bank support

• Participating in food fairs and festivals • Online advertising, web shops and word of mouth advertising


Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❸*** A synthesis by type ***

STRUCTURE : ETCHARRY, CEFAL, AZRRI Key success factors • Promotion of local products and local producers by specifying the origin of the products on the menus, continually educating employees about the products etc.

TARGET : Restaurateurs

• Intense workload • Shelf life of some products • Cost of raw materials used for some products

• High quality food that exceeds competitors • Ability to maintain high quality food and service as well as minimizing price • Fresh products because of short supply changes chains and constant-quality products

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

administration and food • Preservation of gastronomic heritage and • Complicated technology rules traditional recipes • Lack of specialist creative and technical • Creativity – creating new dishes

• Higher responsiveness to customer

expertise and/or business and management capability


• High overhead • High cost of labour and lack of technical expertise together with business appropriately educated and motivated

• Combination of specialist creative and and management capability

• Balancing professionalism and human warmth and creating a genuine, personal dining experience

• Pooling - working in partnerships with


Difficulties / Constraints


• Communicating and working with people with different skills, experiences and qualification

• Maintaining a high level of food and • • • • • • • •

farmers and/or cooperatives

• Building community through food and

service quality as well as ability to deal with the seasonal production cycles Ability to promote and encourage the awareness of consumers towards seasonal and high quality products Authenticity and safeguarding culinary heritage Ability to follow market (consumer) demands Creativity – creating new dishes that are both traditional and innovative Good technical expertise and ability to follow changes in food technology Basic communication, social skills and ability to work with people with different skills, experiences and qualification Combination of specialist creative and technical expertise together with business, marketing and management capability Ability to work with local producers (farmers) and to create a local network and/or partnerships Adaptiveness and learning ability



Opportunities • Access to funding for training and innovation for SME – availability of resources from EU funds

• Fluctuation in prices may occur – for the

• Increasing number of competitors • Increasing energy cost and constant locally grown fresh and seasonal products changes in food technology

• Increasing interest for traditional food and • Decreasing quality of the produce and dishes and sustainable economy based on local quality products

• Growing allergies and non-communicable diseases

• Gastro-tourism as destination branding • Diffusion of food culture • Policies for reinforcing social inclusion;

• Marketing – ability to follow market

raw materials

• New generation of consumers appreciate

EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…



small number of local producers

• Fluctuating number of tourists and


• Management - good negotiating skills, • •

organizational skills etc. Finance - ability to understand bank policies and to find financial support Networking - good computer and internet skills, ability to communicate the social value of the food and services

seasonal character in tourism

• Lack of capital and adequate bank support

supporting access to employment of disadvantaged groups and development of social services to improve employment opportunities

• Participating in food fairs and festivals • Online and word of mouth advertising


SWOT Analysis of Data

Introduction After identifying the various elements presenting the organizations surveyed, levels and forms in the training of people working in these entities, the second question was to defined success factors, constraints and ultimately the skills necessary for a successful project in the add value of local produces in short circuit, alone or collectively. The elements contained in the various return SWOT are discussed below in connection with the tables requested. After the first gaze, it seems that the SWOT elements come together irrespective of the geographical origin of answers. The differences will be felt more in external factors, notably in terms of economic contexts of countries, the degree of progress of the projects implemented and the possible assistance to support them (training, public aid groups already existing...). It should also be noted that, for those groups, success factors and key competences do not seem related to the so-called classical training, but more informal training, knowledge sharing and the ability to learn from the experiences made by other members or people outside the project. Communication, such as creativity, appear as cornerstones of success for the recovery of high quality traditional products. All key skills in all analyzed grids, are in reference to the production, management and strategies relating thereto. Will be presented in order: - Organisms called "Collective" (group of producers, cooperatives, etc.) - Entities called "restaurants" (restaurants, farm houses, inns, etc.) - Agricultural producers (farmers, gardeners, farmers, etc.) - Artisans (farmers with large production and distribution) - Schools and training centers.


"Collective" (group of producers, cooperatives, etc.) Key factors for "Collective" (group of producers, cooperatives, etc.) The key success factors in community organizations are based on the contribution of each member of this group to create a cohesive team, whose purpose is the production and distribution of high quality products. The high quality of products seems to be the main factor mentioned most often by the organizations surveyed. The success of these structures is also linked to the creation of new forms of internal organization, supported by a solidarity between the members, where creativity plays an essential role. The success of these organizations is the result of sharing knowledge of its members towards the development of appropriate marketing strategies around the product and around the organization itself. Also shares the work to be performed, sharing production tools and permanently, sharing ideas. Success will come of its members, their motivations and also their desire to be their own boss, on collective for decision making. The external factors are related to market requirements and consumer developments in the way they buy (search of fresh, natural products research..) and their confidence in the purchase deal with local products often under local traditions. The direct purchase to the producer reflects a guarantee of quality, but above all, a sign of confidence and support for the local economy in a sustainable development framework and support to the local area, far from the industrial production chain. The formative emphasis to meet these success factors will be placed on: • Work on the quality of products, production, processing • Partnership working and teamwork • Animation groups, meeting facilitation • Work on creativity throughout the project and its management • Global marketing and product marketing, market research, positioning • Communication and communication systems (internal and external) • The internal organization and distribution of tasks.


Difficulties or constraints The internal difficulties or constraints faced by all these organizations, paradoxically, a factor of success : teamwork. If the "working together" is a key factor of success, it is also one of the most difficult factors to control. Differences of ideas, sometimes complex administrative frameworks, accession to reduced funding, staff time to invest, lack of motivation ... are some elements that may hinder the creation or development of these collective structures. It is difficult sometimes to involve members, salary costs remain high, access to funding and often difficult production land. Economic factors also hinder development in outer collective. High cost locations in local markets, increased competition, geographical distance are some of the constraints set by people maintained during investigations. The prices charged by large distribution structures are also obstacles to the start of a short circuit in projects, products presented being often higher for consumers than prices in supermarkets. Emphasis formative to reduce these constraints should be put before project: • Market research and competition • Financial planning • Teamwork • Time Management

Key competencies for "Collective" (group of producers, cooperatives, etc.) The majority of key skills is reflected on the axes of production, communication, teamwork, sharing skills and, more generally, on strategic management skills, in marketing, sales and technical entrepreneurship. To acquire key skills can be organized into seven levels : • Production : technical, regulatory knowledge, production costs, maintaining constant product quality, etc. • The project : from the idea to the project, project feasibility, project financing, entrepreneurial ability, etc. • Management : the internal organization, piloting a project team and a team, administrative frameworks and laws, financial management, etc. • Financing : sources of project financing, financial planning, etc. • Relations with funders, accounting concepts, etc. • Marketing : marketing mix, communication, team building, promotion, sales techniques, computer skills, etc. • Network and partnership : how to create a network, how to work in partnership, to live his or its partnership network, etc. 23

Restaurants or similar Key factors for restaurants or similar Important factors are generally the quality of products offered, which must supplant the quality offered by competitors. Preserving the culinary heritage must also be combined with creativity about new recipes that combine culinary tradition new gustatory expectations. The balance between professionalism of the manager and the atmosphere / motivation, that should spur towards his team, is also a business success factor. Supported by a change in behavior for the "eat right" of consumers, restaurants uncover a possible success by preparing fresh produce from local producers. The consumer, by this choice, supports sustainable local economy... informed consumer and raises awareness through participation in trade fairs or online advertising. The formative emphasis to meet these success factors will be placed on: • Products work with traditional recipes • Creativity to combine tradition and new recipes • Communication on the origin of products and their circuit production / distribution • The consumer promotion beyond the only space of the restaurant (visitor center, chamber of commerce)

Difficulties or constraints The difficulties are found in the general administration of the restaurant, the cost of labor for, often not enough qualified personnel, with a possible lack of motivation of employees, difficulties in financing from banks and intense workload. External constraints on the company will be essentially constant market changes and variations in tourist areas, the growing number of competitors in this industry, the constant changes in the energy costs and the significant investments to do to train, integrate and make autonomous of unskilled personnel. Emphasis formative to reduce these constraints should be put before the project : • Work on the business plan and especially on market research and financial projections • Relations with the different possible funders • Creativity • Work for a cooperative group purchasing 24

Key competencies for restaurants or similar Key competences are mainly related to communication skills, communication with consumers but also with the staff and funders, as well as forward planning, in terms of market requirements (purchasing behavior of consumers) that the seasonality of the products worked. Key skills required can be found on several levels: • Production : traditional recipes, new recipes, maintaining quality productions ... • Project : development of a business plan, monitoring and possible corrections of this business plan... • Marketing : market research, communication, promotional... • Management : coaching teams, internal communication, creativity... • Finance : bank negotiation, financial forecasting, taxation...


Farmers Key Factors for Farmers As for the food production, important factors fall generally the quality of products that have to supplant the quality offered by competitors, with the aim, in the context of breeding, of a particular attention to the livestock. In human terms, teamwork, multi-skills (producers, processors, sellers), motivation, communication with employees, will be key factors internal to the organization success. Geographically, the situation of the holding (tourists or near urban landscape) will facilitate the expected success, together with the opportunity to train in the areas of marketing and communication. External opportunities will come from new generations of consumers looking for fresh traditional products, directly purchased from producers and to, for these purchases, promote local economic and social development of their territory, or to tourist areas they fond. Opening the European market also seems an opportunity. The formative accent, to meet these success factors, should be on: • The traditional production and high quality products • Management: namely exercise several professions (producer / seller) • Marketing: communication, product presentation ... • Cooperative work and information sharing.

Difficulties or constraints The difficulties are on the workload and coordination production / marketing but also, well before that, during materialization phase of the project idea. Are related to these difficulties, hygiene and processing rules, funding to be achieved, the lack of public support, the gaps on certain production techniques and the lack of experience in the areas of marketing. External factors influencing the projects are mainly from the economic point of view, in connection with the financing and the increase in production costs. Also, the aging of producers, increased hygiene requirements and regulations on the quality of processed products. Emphasis formative to reduce these constraints should be put before project: • Production : regulations, hygiene, processes, production costs, planning • Management : cooperation, administration, organization of working time • Marketing: marketing, sales 26

Key competencies for Farmers Key skills will be to work through entrepreneurial capacity, capacity that will cover the areas of organization, fundraising, production, creativity and innovation, but also collaboration with possible partners. The marketing will have an important place in communication skills. Flexibility and adaptation will be required skills, as well as those, on listening and "leadership". To acquire key skills can be classified into different levels: • Project : Creativity, from the idea to its realization, entrepreneurial capacity … • Finance : production costs, financial forecasts, relationships with funders ... • Marketing : market research, communication, promotional ... • Partnership : working with others, creating network ... • Management : organization, production, entrepreneurial motivation …


Artisans (farmers with large production and distribution)

Key factors for Artisans (farmers with large production and distribution) The factors for this is similar to the previous SWOT concerning the farmers producers, but carries a specific requirement in business conduct where the producer becomes a manager, delegating the production and processing part to its staff. The main success factor here is on the management and marketing, as well as personnel management, administration, marketing reflection to developp new products, the company representative to a wider audience true communication and prepared ... This work is reinforced by greater participation from social networks and partners a more collaborative work with banks and public institutions, and others “artisans” who, if they can be competitors, also provide leverage for local production, especially in tourist areas. The success of these entities will also be based on the ability of their leaders to share their expertise with employees in production and processing and he will be the keynote speaker for the informal training within the company. Communication will be the centerpiece of corporate success. The formative accent, to meet these success factors, should be on : • The traditional production and high quality products, research new production techniques • Management : team leadership, negotiation, partnership and network • Marketing : corporate communication • Cooperative work and information sharing.

Difficulties or constraints The difficulties are, again, similar to the previous category, with a more stringent level, more funding, more extensive market competition to a larger geographical scale. Funding sources and the cost of raw materials play an important part within the external factors that influence project success. The formative accent, to reduce these constraints, should be put before project: • Management : relationship with banks, taxation, relations with suppliers, negotiating capacity... • Marketing : market monitoring, changing consumer expectations...


Key competencies for Artisans (farmers with large production and distribution) Key skills will be to work through entrepreneurial capacity, capacity that will cover the areas of organization, fundraising, production, creativity and innovation, but also with the collaboration of potential partners. The marketing will have an important place in enterprise communication skills. Leadership takes an important place as a key skill to acquire. At this level of project we are facing any entrepreneur skills, whatever their business, should possess. Key skills required can be found on several levels: • Finance : production costs, financial forecasts, relationships with funders and providers ... • Marketing : communication, listening and creativity... • Partnership : working with others, creating network... • Managemen t: organization, production, entrepreneurial motivation, leadership...


Schools and training centers Key factors for schools and training centers The first reason for the success of a training center will be its ability to deliver multiple levels of certification in different areas inherent to project diverse learners. The level of education will then be one of the significant factors and the ability to cross / partnership with area businesses support the success of schools. The possibility of internships, training sequences in the sector sought by the student will promote the reputation of the school. The individual monitoring of students, the level of expertise of teachers, practice in relation to theory and entrepreneurial approaches training modules, will ensure the applications from prospective students for entry into the program. External success factors will be linked to the school's ability to offer exchanges, internships on local territories or in the various European countries. The partnership with local companies and international cooperation set up by the school will promote the membership of students or trainees, particularly if the proposed training can be for training throughout working life. The educational focus to meet these success factors will be placed on : • Working with public entities to obtain certifications • The expertise of teachers and trainers • The relationship between theory and field practices • Local cooperation and international cooperation, networking and partnership

Difficulties or constraints One of the first constraint is the cost of training to follow. Then come other problems such as: the length in time of duration of training, the constant evolution of production technologies that influence the constant updating of training levels, the age of learners and their real motives that enter training with a grade not high enough to follow a technical course. The educational focus to meet these success factors will be placed on : • The duration of training and the modular system • Upgrading before starting training • Motivational test before starting training 30

Key competencies for schools and training centers The skills to be acquired in the training centers will focus on the capacity and technical knowledge on production and processing (regulations, hygiene, equipment ...) raw materials, the project development with the support of a plan business, management concepts in (administrative, financial), teamwork and team, marketing (market research, sustainable development, communication, sales). The curriculum should combine over the modularization and internships in selected sectors. The educational focus to meet these success factors will be placed on: • Production techniques (with technical and regulatory specificities of each country • The project mode • Financial approaches • Networking and partnership • Management • Marketing with priority being communication.


Conclusion To acquire the skills necessary for the marketing of local products or local tradition by taking account the successes and possible difficulties of factors, basic learning for future entrepreneurs will cover five fields of expertise, whatever the type project and whatever the geographical origin of their implementation. These five common areas are: the draft mode, the financial sector, networks and partnerships, management and marketing. This basic knowledge will be adapted to suit projects and countries, external success factors and business risks are different depending on the market to invest. Production techniques should also be adapted according to the expectations of the public to join the specificity of traditional products does not allow uniformity of treatment and each country will have to take account of this element. Collective key competencies : Technical, regulatory knowledge, production costs, maintaining constant product quality. From the idea to the project, project feasibility, project financing,entrepreneurial ability. The internal organization, piloting a project team and a team. Administrative frameworks and laws, financial management. Sources of project financing, financial planning. Relations with funders, accounting concepts. Marketing mix, communication, team building, promotion, sales techniques, computer skills, etc. Network and partnership : how to create a network, how to work in partnership, to live his or its partnership network.

Restaurants or similar key competencies : Traditional recipes, new recipes, maintaining quality productions. Development of a business plan, monitoring and possible corrections of this business plan. Market research, communication, promotional. Coaching teams, internal communication, creativity . Bank negotiation, financial forecasting, taxation.

Farmers key competencies : Creativity, from the idea to its realization, entrepreneurial capacity. Production costs, financial forecasts, relationships with funders. Market research, communication, promotional. Working with others, creating network. Organization, production, entrepreneurial motivation.

Artisans (farmers with large production and distribution) key competencies : Production costs, financial forecasts, relationships with funders and providers. Communication, listening and creativity. Working with others, creating network. Organization, production, entrepreneurial motivation, leadership.

Schools and training centers key competencies : Production techniques (with technical and regulatory specificities of each country). The project mode. Financial approaches. Networking and partnership. Management .Marketing with priority being communication 32

Main training modules In response to these required skills Project • Entrepreneurial capacity • Define and assess the project • Market analysis

Marketing • Marketing fundamentals • Marketing strategies • Sales and Communication techniques

Management • Management fundamentals • Different management techniques • Communication - Conflict and Time management

Finance • The financial logic ofbusinesses • Financial forecasts • Funding sources

Network and Partnership • Backbone ofthe training module • Tools forthe implementation of partnership activities

Final business plan 33

Main modules and link training sequences

Project • Entrepreneurial capacity • Self test • Sharing data

• Define and assess the project • Knowing the fundamentals of entrepreneurship • Analyze his idea and turn it into project • Assess the possible risks of the project analyze his idea and turn it into project

• Market analysis • Technical market research • Its environment ; competitors already present; sources of market analysis • Adjust its position by performing a SWOT


Main modules and link training sequences

Marketing • Marketing fundamentals • Key marketing • Mastering the marketing image • Collaborative marketing • Marketing tools • The advertising with low budget

• Marketing strategies • Develop and implement a marketing strategy • Different marketing strategies • Launching a new product

• Sales and Communication techniques • Sales and active listening skills • Knowing arranging the point of sale at the farm • The marketing databases • Selling on farmers markets • Sell individually or collectively on the Internet • Sales to restaurants


Main modules and link training sequences

Management • Management fundamentals • Management fundamentals • Manage a team • Delegate and empower • Leading meeting

• Different management techniques • Recognize and differentiate the different management styles • Knowing adapting the style of management to the situation • Build and maintain employee motivation • Creativity within the company

• Communication - Conflict and Time management • Develop interpersonal skills • Managing conflict • Manage working time • Build a team, animate and strengthen


Main modules and link training sequences Finance • The financial logic of businesses   

Read and understand the balance sheet and income statement Introduction to financial Management Margins and cost

• Financial forecasts  

Establish its forecasts and build its cash budget Cash management

• Funding sources 

Financial engineering The financial negotiation

Network and Partnership • Backbone of the training module 

Working in partnership and network

• Tools forthe implementation of partnership activities   

Methodology and project management. Assessment tools Methodologies and teamwork tools Ethics and methodology of partnership network management

Final business plan



Data collection's grid of succes factors and key-competences by country  BELGIUM  CROATIA  FRANCE  ITALIA  POLAND  ROMANIA

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY : Belgium

STRUCTURE : Entreprise de formation par le travail Perron de l’Ilon et Futur Simple TARGET (category of practise):Training center Key success factors

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…


Difficulties / Constraints

1. Upgrade of basics skills (mathematics and French) for the trainees and development of their transversal skills (work in team, respect of time, rules and hierarchy..) 2. Trainees learn and are trained on a real work basis. 7. The training from 6 to 18 months could be a constraint for some 3. The training is collective and trainees who need rapidly a wage individual allows everyone to to support the family needs. develop required skills in use of organic food in the catering sector 8. The target public persons of over and transversal skills common to 18 years is less and less qualified any type of employment and have administrative, behavior, health, sociability problems. 4. An individual professional follow-up for each trainee is organized by the training center 5. Passage for each trainee to several practical function is required to check all aspects of the job 6. Staff is coming entirely from the Catering sector and has a deep experience of the sector

1. Motivation (working the evening and during the weekend) 2. Working in team

3. 4. 5. 6.

Be in time Taking initiatives Respect rules and hierarchy To propose update training allowing to low-skilled to acquire skills, professional attitudes and technical experience responding to the labour market needs 7. To provide individual and tailored made accompaniment 8. To establish realistic occupational project and that they become real actor of their project 9. Provide ongoing psychosocial support


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context‌



1. Internship with companies allows the trainee to develop all the skills acquired during training and to demonstrate the employer all their qualities. 2. Good and large partnerships with public and private training 3. The grant of the wallon Region is 1. Collaboration with external providers in order for the trainees vital to maintain the viability of the companies for the internships of to facilitate access to validation of training center each trainee and development of skills 4. Depending of the production of new activities and markets small producer who has sometime 3. Promote informal and non formal 2. More customers want to eat bio learning of basic skills centred on problem of delivery and not food produces locally which offer an learner’s needs enough quantity and quality of expending market for these training 4. Support for integrated products center. Training pathways alternating work/training for adults with low skills levels to meet the needs of companies using an approach that fosters social and occupational inclusion

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY : Belgium STRUCTURE : Agrico Vert cooperative/Den Diepen Boomgard/Ferme Nos Pillifs TARGET(categoryofpractise): Collective Key success factors INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

For the beneficiaries: 1. Informal learning by practicing a job and learn the gestures, the technical vocabulary, work in team in order to be self-sustaining 2. Beneficiaries are motivated because they see the results of their production and they get a wage. 4.Upgrade their level of education by targeting the specific vocabulary of the sector (organic products); 5.Solidarity between all the staff working in the social cooperative (beneficiaries, trainers, director) 6. Are trained by professionals who have a good experience of the sector of bio-food sector For the Organization : 1. Polyvalent and qualified staff

Difficulties / Constraints For the beneficiairies: 1. Difficult to have a long term contract (in general max 2 years) 2. Respect the conditions of an entreprise (on-time performance, teamwork, hierarchy, respect of rules …) 3. For the less qualified, they will probably need a specific framework and referent which can help them in the management of their difficulties (not imaginable in a classic company) 4. For the organisation: 1. Still a fragile public with various private, administrative, social problems to be solve 2. To cope with the

KEY COMPETENCES TO SUCCEED For the beneficiaries: 1. Motivation

2. Working in team 3. Self-confidence and begin to be autonomous 4. Taking initiatives 5. Sociability: Relation/contacts with the public 6. Knowledge of the several organic foods items the beneficiaries are producing and selling

For the organization 1. Good guidance, be listening and patient with the beneficiairies 2. Be innovative by proposing several activities (Pedagogical days for schools children to sensibilize future generation on the sustainable

2. Diversity of activities (production, store for the customers, Bio Baskets..) 3. Develops the production of bio food sector for which there is an increasing market in Belgium

absenteeism of the workers 3. These cooperatives have been set-up by one person with strong personality and a lot of involvement. The potential successors are not often so involved in the management and the developement of the structure. 4. To get the appropriate materials to be efficient 5. These social cooperatives must meet their productivity objectives with a public who has social and physical or mental problems



EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…

1. Partnerships with other producers and cooperatives in order to provide enough products to the customers ; 2. Increase of demand for organic products; 4. Good partnerships with the local and regional public authorities 5. Partnerships with external public/private trainings providers for persons who wish to obtain a diploma.



For the organization: 3.Depending of public funds for the viability of the activity 1. Propose socioeconomic pathways responding to the labour market 2. Offer depending of the demand needs of the customers. 3. Depending of the production of 2. To develop partnerships with public authorities, companies, social their external productors cooperatives, farmers… 3. Alaways be innovative and looking For the beneficiairies: In general for new partners and potential they don’t get any official specific market certification of the learning skills. Difficult to prove their skills to new employers

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by Istrian region (AZRRI LTD PAZIN) *** COUNTRY : ISTRIAN REGION (CROATIA)


Key success factors INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

1. Certification of education


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…

1. Learning by doing – experiential learning 2. Promoting informal and lifelong learning 3. Increasing number of young people show interest in agricultural education – both formal and informal 4. Creating internship programs with local agribusiness companies and agricultural holdings

TARGET 5 : Schools and training centres

Difficulties / Constraints


1. Lack of practical work 2. Inertion of the educational system and the lack of motivation of the school staff 3. Lack of multi-disciplinary approach

1. Learning through practice 2. Team work – respect for rules and hierarchy 3. Taking initiative 4. Modifying the curriculum to the needs in the labour market


1. Constant technology changes in agribusiness sector


1. Creating internship programs with local agribusiness companies and agricultural holdings 2. Developing programs and curriculum that covers environmental impact of agribusiness and sustainability of food 3. High level of motivation for all involved

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by Istrian region (AZRRI LTD PAZIN) *** COUNTRY : ISTRIAN REGION (CROATIA)


Key success factors

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

1. Promotion of local products 2. High quality food 3. Fresh products because of short supply chains 4. Preservation of gastronomic heritage 5. Creativity – new dishes 6. Higher responsiveness to customer demands

TARGET 4 : Restaurateurs

Difficulties / Constraints


1. Intense workload 2. Shelf life of some products 3. Cost of raw materials used for some products 4. Complicated administration 5. Lack of capital and adequate bank support 6. Lack of technical expertise 7. High overhead 8. High cost of labour and lack of appropriately educated workforce 9. Fiscalization requirements

1. Maintaining a high level of food and service quality 2. Good organizational skills 3. Ability to create and enforce a good business plan 4. Ability to promote and encourage the awareness of consumers towards seasonal and high quality products 5. Ability to follow market demands 6. Creativity – creating new dishes that are both traditional and innovative 7. Good technical expertise and ability to follow changes in food technology 8. Basic social skills and ability to work with different people profiles

EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…




1. Access to funding for training and innovation for SME – availability of resources from EU funds 2. New generation of consumers appreciate locally grown fresh and seasonal products 3. Increasing interest for traditional food and dishes 4. Participating in food fairs and festivals 5. Online advertising

1. Fluctuation in prices may occur – for the raw materials 2. Increasing number of competitors 3. Increasing energy cost and constant changes in food technology 4. Seasonal character in tourism

1. Basic marketing skills – ability to follow market demands 2. Good negotiating skills 3. Ability to understand bank policies and to find financial support 4. Good computer and internet skills

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by Istrian region (AZRRI LTD PAZIN) *** COUNTRY : ISTRIAN REGION (CROATIA)


Key success factors

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

1. High quality products 2. Local identity products 3. Fresh products because of short supply chains 4. Motivation of producers – being your own boss 5. Higher responsiveness to customer demands than large agribusiness companies 6. Presence of a large seasonal demand for fresh produce in the touristic sector

Difficulties / Constraints 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Intense workload Shelf life of some products Complicated administration Lack of capital and access to agricultural land Low level of agricultural education Average age of the producers is increasing Lack of networking and collaboration Lack of creativity and reliance on government support

TARGET 1 : Producers

KEY COMPETENCES TO SUCCEED 1. Maintaining a high level of product quality 2. Good organizational skills relating to the production and distribution of the product 3. Basic marketing skills – ability to follow market demands 4. Ability to follow and apply the HACCP procedures 5. Appropriate agricultural education 6. Basic social skills and ability to work with different people profiles

EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…




1. Access to funding for training and innovation for SME – availability of resources from EU funds 2. The existance of educational institutions in the field of agriculture 3. New generation of consumers appreciate locally grown fresh and seasonal products 4. Increasing awareness about ecological and integrated production 5. Increasing interest of young people for starting and managing an agricultural holding 6. Presence of a large seasonal demand for fresh produce in the touristic sector 7. Easier access to EU market 8. Participating in food fairs and festivals 9. Online advertising and web shops

1. Major producers are establishing control of supply and distribution channels to corner the market 2. Fluctuations in prices may occur 3. Weather & pests – there are inefficient mitigation and compensation measures in place

1. Basic marketing skills – ability to follow market demands 2. Good negotiating skills 3. Ability to understand bank policies and to find financial support 4. Good computer and internet skills

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by Istrian region (AZRRI LTD PAZIN) *** COUNTRY : ISTRIAN REGION (CROATIA)

STRUCTURE : AZRRI LTD Difficulties / Constraints


Intense workload Shelf life of some products Complicated administration Lack of capital and access to agricultural land 5. Low level of agricultural education 6. High cost of labour and lack of appropriately educated workforce 7. Average age of the producers is increasing

1. Maintaining a high level of product quality 2. Good organizational skills relating to the production and distribution of the product 3. Ability to follow and apply the HACCP procedures 4. Appropriate agricultural education 5. Good team work and ability to maintain good group/collective cohesion 6. Basic social skills and ability to work with different people profiles 7. Ability to transfer knowledge and competences

Key success factors

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

1. High quality products 2. Local identity products 3. Fresh products because of short supply chains 4. Motivation of producers – being your own boss 5. Increased social cohesion, teamwork and solidarity between members 6. Creativity – new products/crops 7. Higher responsiveness to customer demands than large agribusiness companies 8. Higher level of resiliency compared to the individual producer 9. Joint marketing plan 10. Sharing of labour and mechanization 11. Sharing of knowlede and good practice examples

TARGET 3 : Collective

1. 2. 3. 4.

EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…




1. Increasing number of agricultural holdings 2. Access to funding for training and innovation for SME – availability of resources from EU funds 3. The existance of educational institutions in the field of agriculture 4. New generation of consumers appreciate locally grown fresh and seasonal products 5. Increasing awareness about ecological and integrated production 6. Increasing interest of young people for starting and managing an agricultural holding 7. Presence of a large seasonal demand for fresh produce in the touristic sector 8. Easier access to EU market 9. Online advertising and web shops

1. Major producers are establishing control of supply and distribution channels to corner the market 2. Fluctuations in prices may occur 3. Weather & pests – there are inefficient mitigation and compensation measures in place 4. Increasing number of competitors 5. Increasing energy cost

1. Basic marketing skills – ability to follow market demands 2. Good negotiating skills 3. Ability to understand bank policies and to find financial support 4. Good computer and internet skills

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by Istrian region (AZRRI LTD PAZIN) *** COUNTRY : ISTRIAN REGION (CROATIA)

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…


TARGET 2 : Artisans

Key success factors

Difficulties / Constraints


1. High quality products 2. Local identity products 3. Preservation of cultural heritage and artisanal skills 4. Fresh products because of short supply chains 5. Motivation of artisans – being your own boss 6. Creativity – designing new products 7. Higher responsiveness to customer demands than large agribusiness companies

1. Intense workload 2. Shelf life of some products 3. Cost of raw materials used for some products 4. Complicated administration 5. Lack of capital and adequate bank support 6. Lack of technical expertise 7. Lack of networking and collaboration 8. High overhead 9. Fiscalization requirements

1. Maintaining a high level of product quality 2. Good organizational skills relating to the production and distribution of the product 3. Ability to follow and apply the HACCP procedures 4. Ability to follow market demands 5. Creativity – creating new products that are both traditional and innovative 6. Good technical expertise and ability to follow changes in food technology 7. Basic social skills and ability to work with different people profiles

EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…




1. Access to funding for training and innovation for SME – availability of resources from EU funds 2. New generation of consumers appreciate locally grown fresh and seasonal products 3. Increasing interest of young people for learning and preserving traditional artisanal products and skills 4. Packaging – consumers appreciate a personal touch and traceability of the product 5. Participating in food fairs and festivals 6. Online advertising and web shops

1. Major producer are establishing control of supply and distribution channels to corner the market 2. Fluctuation in prices may occur – for the product itself and for the raw materials 3. Increasing number of competitors 4. High percentage of earnings go toward covering middlemen/retailer fees 5. Increasing energy cost and constant changes in food technology

1. Basic marketing skills – ability to follow market demands 2. Good negotiating skills 3. Ability to understand bank policies and to find financial support 4. Good computer and internet skills

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY : FR



Key success factors

1. 2. 3. 4.

Working with local producers Work traditional recipes Use constant-quality products

1. Educate employees to know about the 2. products

INTERNAL 3. Related to the person, 5. Working in partnership with farmer 4. organization, 6. Being creative in the menus 5. structure… 7. Specify the origin of the products on 6. menus

8. Doing the promotion of local producers 9. Always seek new products

TARGET : Restaurant Difficulties / Constraints


Know how: 1. To be able to maintain high quality dishes 2. To be able to sale and speak about the products and its origin 3. To be able to work with local producers 4. To be able to mix tradition and new Intense workload recipes, crativity Motivation off the employers 5. To be able to give a high image off the products Always reassure consumers 6. Good notions in marketing Maintain a quality report / constant prices 7. To be in capacity of cost control Support from the bank production Food technology rules 8. To be able to define a business strategy 9. To be able to listening and share collective reflections Lyfe skills 10. To be an entrepreneur (management) 11. Local network and partnership 12. To be true (authenticity) 13. “Play the game”




1. Good relationship with banks 2. Image off the country and the food EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context‌

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

product Tourism in the Basque country Employers who want to work in the country Good image of the local products The seniority of the restaurant Free advertising by visitors in some magazines

1. Banks Knowledge 2. Fluctuation off the number off tourists 1. Marketing visiting Basque country 2. Finance 3. Decrease in the quality of a product 3. Management 4. The stop of local production 4. Network

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY : FR



Key success factors

1. - Product Quality 1. 2. Work on the image of the product, market 2. listening and responsiveness 3. 3. Good organization (production and

INTERNAL Related to the person, marketing) 4. organization, 4. Pooling structure… 5. 5. Working from beginning to end of the 6. chain

6. Good relationship with banks

TARGET : Producers Difficulties / Constraints


Know how: 1. To be able to maintain high quality product 2. To be able to sale 3. To be able to work with others producers 4. To be able to mix tradition and innovation 5. To be able to give a high image off the Intense workload products Motivation off the family 6. To be able to coordinate the production At the begining « how to do » with the and distribution of products idea 7. To be able to know the processing Support from the bank technics and perform in several job 8. Good notions in marketing Food technology rules 9. To be in capacity of cost control Necessity of solid technical tools production 10. Life skills 11. To be in capacity too follow the evolution off the market 12. To be an entrepreneur 13. Local network 14. Playing transparency


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context‌

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Good relationship with banks Image off the country Tourism in the Basque country People who want to work in the country Good image of the local products Social cohesion



Knowledge Production Marketing Finance Management Netwook

1. Banks 1. 2. Fluctuation off the number off tourists 2. visiting Basque country 3. 3. Weather 4. 4. Fluctuation off the cost 5.

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences â?ś

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY : FR



Key success factors

1. 2. 3. 4. INTERNAL 5. Related to the person, 6. organization, structure‌

TARGET : Collectif Difficulties / Constraints

Well get to know Work together as a team Being able to talk, to listen to

1. 2. Marketing 3. Offer quality both in the products than in 4. the following off adherent 5. Have a goal and a common project

7. Being creative 8. Whether to share the same vision of business

Working together as a team Organize and host meetings The Organization The time required to be everywhere Involve members

KEY COMPETENCES TO SUCCEED Know how: 1. To be able to maintain the cohesion 2. To be able to sale and speak about the products and its origin 3. To be able to work together 4. To be able to give a high image off the collectif 5. Good notions in marketing 6. To be able to define a business strategy 7. To be able to listening and share collective reflections Lyfe skills 8. To be an entrepreneur (management) 9. Local network and partnership 10. To be able to talk, to listen





EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context‌

1. Decrease in the number of farmer 1. Good image of the local products 1. Marketing 2. The local farmers who want to develop 2. The cost of the seats on local farmers 2. Finance markets their business 3. Management 3. The shortness of the members and their 3. Free advertising by visitors 4. Network investment in the long term 4. The local tradition 5. Project notions 5. The specificity off the country 6. Meeting organization

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY : FR



Key success factors

Difficulties / Constraints

1. - Product Quality 2. Work on the image of the product, market listening and responsiveness

3. Good

organization marketing)



and 2.

3. INTERNAL Related to the person, 4. Pooling 5. Working from beginning to end of the 4. organization, chain structure… 5. 6. Good relationship with banks 6. 7. Good presentation in the store 8. Packaging off the products


Know how: 1. To be able to maintain high quality product 2. To be able to sale and show the products 3. To be able to work with others producers 4. To be able to mix tradition and process innovation 5. To be able to give a high image off the products Intense workload 6. To be able to speak about all the products Motivation off the employers and the chain production At the begining « how to do ?» with the 7. To be able to coordinate the production idea and distribution of products Support from the bank 8. To be able to know the process technics and perform in several job Food technology rules 9. Good notions in marketing Necessity of solid technical tools 10. To be in capacity of cost control production 11. To be able to define a business strategy Life skills 12. To be in capacity too follow the evolution off the market 13. To be an entrepreneur (management) 14. Local network and partnership 15. Playing transparency 16. To be true


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context‌

1. Good relationship with banks 2. Image off the country and the food 1. 2. product 3. Tourism in the Basque country 4. Employers who want to work in the 3. 4. country 5. Good image of the local products 6. Social cohesion


Banks Fluctuation off the number off tourists visiting Basque country Weather Fluctuation off the cost (packaging for example)


Knowledge 1. Production 2. Marketing 3. Finance 4. Management 5. Network

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY : IT

STRUCTURE : Key success factors

INTERNAL 1 Related to the person, organization, 2 structure…

CEFAL Difficulties / Constraints

Connection between teaching and 1 practical activities 2 Direct observation of companies activities 3 Cooperation between different fields 4 Multi-disciplinarity 3 5 Development and transmission of innovative competences 6 Different courses for different skills 7 Teaching skills for business development 8 Teaching communication (storytelling…) skills 9 Quality training offer at different levels: from vocational secondary education to Higher education levels (EQF 3-8) 10 Creation of new professional figures and new qualifications 11 Contribution in the creation of culture and competences for biodiversity protection 12 Certification of education

TARGET : School and Training Centers:


Need of continuos update Know hows 1. To be able to deep understand the entire web of food Entry Prices (very high for production, from agriculture to processing to distribution private Universities, 2. to be able to Compare different point of view and University of Gastronomy experiences Sciences, in particular; 3. to be able to control the product along the whole supply medium high for Carpigiani chain process Ice-cream University) 4. to be able to process food (according to the different Management of different products to be realised) entry competences of 5. to be able control the quality of the process and to beneficiaries evaluate the quality of the product 6. to be able to follow production specifications and law and hygiene requirements, including labelling and traceability obligations 7. to be able to prepare a business plan evaluating the investments , risks and gains 8. to be able to perform regular maintenance and testing of equipment used 9. to be able to perform a management control and cost analysis 10. to be able to organise logistics Life skills 11. To have a Holistic view 12. To be highly motivated 13. To be available to work in groups, 14. To be open to learn, to discuss, to work positively with colleagues to achieve the goal of the work

Referring to the following practises: Agriculture secondary vocational school "Lazzaro Spallanzani", University of Gastronomy Sciences of Pollenzo, AIAC, CEFAP

15. To be self-confident and autonomous to make profitable and productive collaborations; Knowledge: 16. Regional food traditions 17. Food through Art, history, anthropology 18. Aesthetics 19. Food Biodiversity 20. Organic growing and breeding requirement

qualifications (or declarations of attendance, competences, depending on the specific cases)


1. 2. EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context‌

3. 4.




Know hows: 1. To be able to Enhance the resources of each area 2. to be able to communicate traditions and quality 3. to be able to promote relationship between tradition and innovation International cooperation 1. Dispersion of the potential 4. to be able to exploit the connection between art, history, for innovation created by anthropology and aesthetics To contribute to create a sustainable the research system due to 5. to be able to pay attention to the market demand future for the planet mechanisms of knowledge Life skills: To promote high quality food transfer 6. To be communicative Partnerships with enterprises for the 2. Problems encountered in 7. To be keen on entrepreneurial attitude Transfer of competences and the context of development Knowledge: innovations to the labour market service 8. tools for new skill developments involvement/support from different 3. Technology changes that 9. Basic General and Territorial Sociology (Sociology of associations representing agro -food effects the future growth consumes) sector and productivity 10. Traceability and labelling obligations 11. Eco-design of Gastronomy 12. Basic Nutrition and Dietetics 13. Food Economics and Food Law 14. Environmental impact and sustainability of food 15. Quality marketing

Referring to the following practises: Agriculture secondary vocational school "Lazzaro Spallanzani", University of Gastronomy Sciences of Pollenzo, AIAC, CEFAP

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences â?ś

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY : IT



Key success factors

1 2 3 4 INTERNAL Related to the person, 5 organization, 6 structure‌ 7 8

Promotion of local products Goods produced within the cooperative High-quality food offerings that exceed competitors Combination of technical expertise with entrepreneurship Preservation of gastronomic heritage Balance between professionality and Human warmth of the people working in the restaurant Social value of the experience Employment opportunities also for low qualified and weak public

TARGET Restaurants

Difficulties / Constraints

1 2 3 4 5


1. To be able to safeguard the gastronomic heritage 2. To be able to promote the awareness of consumers towards high quality products 3. To be able to deal with the seasonal Intense workload production cycles keeping high the attractiveness of the menu lack of motivation 4. To be able to meet the increasing Location of the restaurant demands from consumers To have more technical skills than 5. To be able to highlight the excellence of business ones the Italian tradition Communication between people with 6. To be able to Improve the attitude of different abilities people 7. To be able to meet the diversity 8. To be able to mix tradition and innovation Lifeskills: 9. To be able to learn 10. To be communicative 11. To be


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context‌

1. Diffusion of food culture 2. Public interest about sustainable economy based on local quality products 3. Public (institutional and popular) attention to social inclusion 1. New needs in the sector for the growing allergies and non communicable diseases 4. Politics for the support of social actions and inclusion of disadvantaged people 5. Social investments


1. 2. 3. 4.

Economic market Market demand Increase of the number of competitors High overheads compared to the restaurant dimension 5. Funds availability for investments and training and integration of low skilled and low autonomous people

Referring to the practises: San Patrignano, La Lanterna di Diogene, Istituto Lazzaro Spallanzani, Univesity of Pollenzo


1. To be able to find financial supporting 2. To be able to communicate the social value of the food and services Knowledge 3. market behaviour 4. consumer demands

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY :



Key success factors 1. Motivation of producers 2. Team working 3. Improving skills a) for business development and management; b) for technical - vocational competences c) personal skills 4. training based on specific need analysis of companies 5. individualized / personalised training projects 6. access to funding for training and innovation for INTERNAL micro and SME Related to the person, 7. Production focused on high quality products: organization, DOP, IGP, high quality milk, etc.... structure… 8. Valorisation of quality, local, certified and biological products 9. Presence of a territoriality identity 10. Presence of a consolidated food chain 11. Short circuit and self-sufficiency: from production of the animals food, to the sale of raw milk and dairy products directly to consumers (dairy sector) 12. To pay attention to animals health and welfare (dairy sector)

Referring to the practises CEFAP, “il buon latte” and GRAMAS


TARGET Producers

Difficulties / Constraints


1. Shelf life of some products (e.g. diary) 2. Coordination of production and business activities 3. Costs of raw materials used for some (dairy) products. 4. Necessity of External support 5. Age of producers 6. Need for Continuous upgrade of the skills 7. Need for training made to measure because of Different level of experiences, knowledge and background of beneficiaries 8. need to balance and integrate technical skills and business ones

Know hows: 1. To be able to optimize own work comparing it with more productive realities 2. To be able to promote products 3. To be able to make profitable and productive collaborations 4. To be able to establish relationships with consumers 5. To be able to apply the H.A.C.C.P. procedures 6. To be able to maintain high standard of good manufacturing process (GMP) and standard operating procedures (SOP) Life skills 7. To be a team-worker 8. To be disposed to assume responsibilities 9. To be goal oriented 10. To be an Entrepreneur (and to have an entrepreneurial attitude)


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


1. Economic market 2. Difficulties in obtaining Financial Community work support Socio-economic development of the territory 3. Competitors Economic diversification in key sectors 4. Seasonal fluctuation in production Support to the agro-food sector 5. Increasing of the consumption of Participation of different associations enriched food (e.g. milk with representing agro -food sector additives, such as vitamins, Diffusion of Health&Food awareness of people minerals, etc....) 6. Rising of energy costs

Referring to the practises CEFAP, “il buon latte” and GRAMAS


Know hows: 1. To be able to identify and analyse the local market 2. To be able to find financial supports Life skills 3. To be aware of the local resources

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences â?ś

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY : IT



Key success factors

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure‌

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

To Improve the attitude of people To discover each single potential Social cohesion Community focus Social investments Presence of professional trainers Creation of a new form of organization, a social work 8. Creation of effective employment opportunities 9. Improving the seasonal products

Referring to the practise : Streccapogn

Difficulties / Constraints

1. 2. 3. 4.

Low productivity and availability The labour market Low number of job positions Quite high prices for the consumers compared to large production and distribution systems


KEY COMPETENCES TO SUCCEED Competences : 1. To be able to learn new skills 2. To be able to transfer competences between persons and generations 3. To be able to integrate skills in different contexts 4. To be able to organise the work in small groups 5. To be able to produce sustainable and equally distributed work 6. To be able to promote self-production at village scale (or rural district area scale) Lifeskills : 7. To be highly motivated 8. To be resilient 9. To be more sensitive to relations between persons and land than relations with consumer goods Knowledges: 10.


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context‌

1. Benefits for the whole society 2. Public attention to the themes of economic and environment sustainability

Referring to the practise : Streccapogn

Threats/Risks 1. Economical context 2. Social barriers 3. Competition by large production and retail chains 4. Instability of volunteer support 5. Geographical marginalisation

KEY COMPETENCES TO SUCCEED Competences : 1. To be able to profit from the support to innovation brought by external factors 2. To be able to participate as active citizen in society 3. To be able to mix professional work with volunteer and social work Lifeskills 4. To be aware of the production ethic Knowledge: 5. Ethic implications of Production styles

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences â?ś

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY : IT



Key success factors

1. Strategic market segmentation 2. Preservation of artisans foods heritage 3. Production of goods with high added value. 4. Skills in handicraft sectors continuously increased through training on the job 5. High-quality food offerings that exceed competitors 6. High motivation of artisans and producers 7. Combination of technical expertise with INTERNAL entrepreneurial ones Related to the person, 8. Creation of new opportunity for retired organization, people with experience (interstructure‌ generational transfer of competences) 9. Increasing sales opportunities in take out business 10. Diversification and improving of service or product for the consumer 11. Creation of effective employment opportunities 12. Valorisation of the local products 13. Contribution to the Social cohesion 14. Community focus

TARGET Artisans Difficulties / Constraints

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Know how: 1. To be able to differentiate Products 2. To be able to Highlight the excellence of the Italian tradition 3. To be able to safeguard the technical heritage 4. To be able to mix tradition and innovation 5. To be able to overcome seasonality of some products (e.g. ice-creams) 6. To be able to valorise local products Intense workload 7. To be able to coordinate the production and distribution of products lack of motivation 8. To be able to cooperate with different Limited market penetration due to a people single location 9. To be able to Create a strong distribution Necessity of solid technical tools network High overheads 10. To be able to work with volunteers Necessity to balance and integrate 11. To be able to mix professional work with social work technical skills with business ones 12. To be able to discover each single potential 13. To be able to give human support to people Life skills 14. To be open to accept suggestions from people with more experience 15. To be an entrepreneur (and have spirit of initiative and entrepreneurial attitude) 16. To be sensitive and determined


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context‌


1. Economical context 2. Market demand 3. Increase the number of competitors and 1. Development and knowledge of the food quality culture 4. Fluctuation in prices from suppliers (raw 2. Benefits for the whole society materials ‌) 3. Social investment 5. Rising of energy costs 6. Changing in the food technology 7. Support from external funds

Referring to the practises: CARPIGIANI, Vecchia Orsa, San Patrignano, La Lanterna di Diogene

KEY COMPETENCES TO SUCCEED 1. To be able to promote the awareness of the demands of consumers oriented to high quality products 2. To be able to meet the increasing demands from consumers 3. To be able to find financial supporting 4. To be able to communicate the social value of the products (brewery) Knowledge 5. market behaviour 6. consumer demands

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by DOT (Dolnośląska Organizacja Turystyczna Poland) *** COUNTRY : Dolny Śląsk Poland

STRUCTURE : DOT Key success factors

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

Difficulties / Constraints

1. Certification

1. Lack of practical work

2. The interest of young people 3. The popularity of local products

2. Difficult labor market 3. Lack of interest of young people work


1. Access to EU funding

EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…

TARGET 5 : Schools and training centres

2. Good image of the local products 3. Well develop tourism sector 4. Promoting informal and lifelong




1.Difficult labor market 2. lack of leaders 3. Average age of the producers is increasing 2. Complicated administration 3. Lack of interest of young people work

KEY COMPETENCES TO SUCCEED 1. Learning through practice

2. The interest of young people 3. Customer service


1. Marketing knowledge 2. Digital literacy 3. Sales

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by DOT (Dolnośląska Organizacja Turystyczna Poland) *** COUNTRY :Poland

STRUCTURE : DOT Key success factors

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

1. Good Organizations 2. Local identity products 3. Good marketing 4. Fresh products 5. Good identification of the target group 6. Clean environment 7. Tourist Potential

TARGET 1 : Producers Difficulties / Constraints 1. Complicated administration 2. Competition from non regional products 3. Inadequate system of product promotion and distribution 4. lack of qualifications and experience 5. lack of leaders 6. Lack of knowledge of marketing processes 7. increasing domestic competition 8. Average age of the producers is increasing 9. Lack of networking and collaboration


1. Experience 2. Customer Service 3. sale 4. Presentation 2. Good organizational 3. Basic marketing skills 4. Agricultural education 5. Basic digital skills


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context‌



1. The decrease in profitability in agriculture. 1. Raising funds for environmental protection. 2. The lack of highly qualified staff 2. Environmental education society. 3. Complicated administration 3. Organic farming . 4. Competition from non regional products 4. Easier access to EU market 5. Poor integration 5. Participating in food fairs and festivals 6. Weather 6. E-commerce 7. The ecological requirements

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Marketing knowledge Digital literacy Sales Bussiness Presentation Teaching skills

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY: HUNGARY

STRUCTURE: Civitas Foundation for Civil Society – Cluj-Napoca Branch TARGET: School and Training Centers

Key success factors

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

1. Connections with the private sector – in order to know what sort of knowledges the market need 2. Multi-disciplinarity of the curricula 3. Several laboratories, for the specific degree levels and professional qualifications 4. Diverse educational offer and promoting them through multiple 5. 6. 7.

Difficulties / Constraints

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.




EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


6. 7. 8. 9.



Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY: RUMANIA

STRUCTURE: Civitas Foundation for Civil Society – Cluj-Napoca Branch KEY SUCCESS FACTORS

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…


1. Multi-disciplinarity of the curricula 2. Laboratories for practice with professional equipment 1. Focusing on providing information in detail 3. Connection with local companies (the without application in daily practice employers) 2. Lack of finance 4. Experience of professors 5. Expertise 6. Increased interest for ensuring the quality education 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

TARGET: School and Training Centers KEY COMPETENCES TO SUCCEED 1.General information on the particularities of the vegetables and fruits processing industry 2.The vegetal cell 3.Biochemical and biological processes 4. Vegetables and fruits change. 5. Keeping the Vegetables in fresh state 6. Rules and methods for curing vegetables and fruits. 7. Auxiliary methods used in vegetables in fruits processing. 8. Package materials used in fruits and vegetables processing 9. Package technology in fruits and vegetables industry. 10. The reception and storage of vegetables and fruits. 1.To be motivated 2.Focus and Self-Control 3.To have an overview how things are done 3. Work in team 4.Critical thinking 5. Making connections 6. Good communicator 7. Longlife learning 8. To be innovative


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context‌

1. Practice for a long period of time provided by partners (European funds) 2. Exchange experiences between Schools or Training Centers (at national/international level) 3. Partnerships with the private sector 4. Private sources of finance 5. Developing partnerships, projects and educational programs realized thought experience exchange and good practices with other schools or training centres from EU countries


6. Rising school fees 7. 8. 9.


1. Managing the general engineering process. 2. Surveillance, leading, analysing and developing technologies from the raw material phase to the final product. 3. Developing new alimentary products, implementing and managing projects. Production management, quality assurance and marketing of the final products.

Data collection's grid of success factors and key-competences ❶

*** A grid by country and type *** COUNTRY: RUMANIA

INTERNAL Related to the person, organization, structure…

STRUCTURE: Civitas Foundation for Civil Society – Cluj-Napoca Branch



1. The location where is situated the structure, if it has some particularities from other locations 2. The aspect and the quality of the products 3. Particularities of products 4. Using tradition /local products/ecological products/ 5. Multidisciplinary knowledge of manager 6. Exchange experiences for all employees 7. Team work 8. The manager behavior towards employees 9. Professional equipment 10. Motivation of the entire team 11. Multi-skilled employees

1. Lack of finance 2. Lack of knowledge 3. Unprepared (formal education) local human resource 4. Lack of support from local institutions 5. Kiraly Guesthouse – small capacity, doesn’t collaborate with tourism companies 6. Employers are looking for a multitasking person 7. Need for practical experience

TARGET: Producers

KEY COMPETENCES TO SUCCEED KNOWLEDGES 1. Culinary skills 3. Marketing 4. Clients demands 5. To be able to innovate 6. Highlight the importance of Rumanian tradition and of the local products 1. To be able to work in team 2. To be disposed to assume responsibilities 3. Communication skills 4. Entrepreneurial skills 5. To be goal oriented 6. Flexibility and adaptability 7. To be proactive 8. Time management and priorities skills 9. Appliance of the working strategies those are most favourable to create a productive environment 10. Team work and team communication 11. Openness to Continuous training


EXTERNAL Related to the environment, context…

1. External funds 2. Change in the governmental approach regarding producers 3. Fiscal facilities for producers – on some criteria 4. Extension 5. Kiraly Guesthouse – local tourism promotion activities to attract customers



6. Concurrence 7. Decreased interest for the product/service 8. The increase of quality standards for products/ services 9. Changes in the customers preferences (as regards the location or the quality of services) 10.

1. Identify and analyse the local market 2. To be able to find other sources of finance in order to develop the services and to be sustainable 3. To know with which name producers wants to be associated

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