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Association News

make our shop one of the finest community woodworking shops in Arizona.

The SCOV Wood Shop is unique to our community, because it contains thousands of dollars of woodworking equipment free for use by SCOV residents who are Woodworking Club members. In order to make sure that each piece of equipment is used to its maximum potential consistent with the highest safety protocols, special after-hours hands-on training sessions are provided on a regular basis to the over three dozen monitors.

A new member orientation is the first Wednesday of each month at 4 PM. Call Bill Norton at 480-980-5493 for further instructions. Please visit the website. A $30 membership fee is required to take the class.

Astronomy Pres. Allan Mashburn 435-219-0042 scovastronomy@gmail.com Third Wed., 7 PM, Catalina Vista, Oct.-Apr. www.scovastronomy.weebly.com

Note the seasonal changes to the color of Saturn’s polar cap.

The Astronomy Club’s next meeting is Wednesday, January 18, 7-9 PM, Catalina Vista. Star parties will begin in January, so watch your email inbox for the specific date and time. The club’s new digital camera telescope will be operational for the parties. This year Chuck Dugan, principal of Adventure Astronomy Arizona, will be our guest host for three of the parties. Our future meetings will be the third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM, Catalina Vista.

The club’s guest speaker in January will be Dr. William Hubbard, Professor Emeritus at Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at UArizona. Dr. Hubbard’s research focuses on studies of the structure and evolution of Jupiter, Saturn and extrasolar giant planets. His presentation is titled “Fast Moving Titan and Its Role in Making Saturn’s Rings.”

Guests and new members are welcome at every meeting.

Bible Studies

Men’s Bible Study

Jerry Anderson 520-638-6586 Oct.-May, Tue., 7:15 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

Guests are welcome at our Tuesday morning meetings. Many of the group meet for breakfast and fellowship immediately following at The Views Restaurant.

Women’s Bible Study

Pres. Elaine Farmer 253-318-0018 elaineruth@gmail.com Sec. Faith Heitmann 208-750-5886 quincie51@gmail.com Oct.-May, Wed., 8:50 AM, WC3

Ladies of SCOV, here is praying for a blessed New Year 2023. We hope you were able to enjoy good times with family and friends during the holidays. We are excited to announce our new study for the winter/spring. It will be an in-depth study of Elijah and Elisha in the books of 1st and 2nd Kings, “Holding Onto Faith in Hostile Times.” This will be a 10-week 18

Genealogy Pres. Holly Gibson 303-548-1299 ghgibson@live.com General meetings Oct.-May, Third Mon., 1 PM, Catalina Vista www.scvgs.org

Margie Kersey, a holder of a Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies (PLCGS), will share her expertise and cases she has solved at the meeting Monday, January 16, 1 PM, Catalina Vista. Some interesting examples include her determining the connection between names on an old quilt, finding lost family members and finding a family’s nanny from the 1950s. Her PLCGS specialization is in American records.

Have you wondered why your ancestors immigrated to the U.S.? Did they make any stops along the way? Why did they settle where they did? To help with finding answers to such questions, Genealogy Club members can register for a beginning class in genealogical research. The six-week class will be held on Fridays from January 13 to February 17, 1-3 PM, WC Technology Lab. Contact Karen Hasselbach 520-360-0215 or candydish7@gmail.com to register. Class materials will be emailed.

Great Books Pres. Barbara Gates 302-354-6615 VP Maryfaith Fox 612-414-7789 maryfaith.fox@gmail.com Oct.-Apr., First and Third Wed., 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Members of the Great Books Club find that the twicemonthly meetings are an opportunity to widen our horizons and exercise our brains. We read a variety of essays, fiction, poetry or excerpts from longer works, from the anthologies published by the Great Books Foundation. The readings stimulate discussions about challenging ideas.

In January, we will continue reading selections from Great Conversations 3, with a play by Pirandello and Stephen Crane’s story “The Open Boat.”

Newcomers are welcome. Contact Barbara or Maryfaith for more information.

ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement Pres. Mary Lee Fitzgerald fitzgerald.marylee@gmail.com www.suncityilr.com

ILR’s winter term begins February 1 with classes in the renovated Activity Center. Course descriptions are posted on our website. Official registration ended December 31, but it is possible you can register with a $5 late fee; check the web page to see what remains open. The first Learning on the Move event, Asarco/Duval Mine, is Wednesday, January 18; check to see if space is still available.

Samplers return Thursday, February 9, 2 PM, Catalina Vista. Samplers are open to all residents For upcoming Letterboxing class of SCOV; you do not have to be an ILR member to attend. No ticket is required, just show up at 2 PM.

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