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Bike - Vistoso Cyclists Pres. Scott Schlapkohl 970-846-1951 schlapkohl@msn.com VP Lisa Lawless 401-239-6758 lisa.lawless@gmail.com www.vistosocyclists.wildapricot.org
Vistoso Cyclists membership is only $15/year, which is hard to believe, given we are one of the best cycling clubs for seniors in the nation. Aside from the rides, our members enjoy our very useful website, including a searchable member directory, club classifieds, online ride schedule, cycling resources and more.
We offer several hundred scheduled rides year-round, among four different ride subgroups, from 20 to 60-plus miles, to cafe destinations within Tucson and nearby towns, utilizing both pathways and roadways. Occasional away rides are offered as well. Our cafe stops offer coffee and conversation, which are greatly enjoyed by our members.
The club has e-bike, mountain biking and Women on Wheels subgroups. There’s also our monthly club newsletter email.
All schedules can be found within the excellent member area of our website. We also host social events and support both the Interfaith Community Services Food Bank and Wheels for Kids. For more information or to join, visit our website.
Miles, smiles and tailwinds.
Billiards Pres. Robert Dufur 503-312-0809 robertdufur@outlook.com Mon.-Fri., Noon-4 PM, Catalina Vista/Billiards
New members are always welcome. The club dues are only $5 pp.
Our weekly activities include two round-robin tournaments Mondays, 2-4 PM, and Thursdays, 10 AM-Noon. All members at all levels are welcome. These round robins are for fun only (not for money). Based on the number of players that show up, we will have a rotation set up, so everyone plays every round. Wednesdays from 10 AM-Noon are reserved for the women’s division. The Billiards Room is reserved for members only, Monday-Friday, Noon-4 PM.
We have a traveling team that plays six other communities on the second Saturday of each month.
A new weekly 1-15 eight-ball round robin activity has started on Tuesdays. Just show up before 1:30 PM. Birders Group Peggy Smith 520-344-0991 pdsaz@aol.com Fri., Jan 27, 4 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio www.scovbirding.wix.com/birdersgroup
Normally, we only show SCOV birds here, but we were gifted this November by a rare visitor from Mexico and Central America. Just up the road in Catalina Regional Park, the Fan-tailed Warbler was seen by many of our members as well as loads of visitors Nancy Bern photo from other states. It was a happening. Dozens of birders took photos and just enjoyed the comradery.
We are a 100-plus member, activity-oriented group and all SCOV residents are invited to join us on our field trips. We carpool and learn more about the birds in Arizona. Below is a list of upcoming field trips. If you are interested in going on any of these, be sure to contact the trip coordinator for details at least three days in advance and ask Peggy (above) to be added to our mailing list. Tue, Jan. 3 Whitewater Draw Barbara Gates, bgates@udel.edu Tue, Jan. 10 Catalina State Park Nancy Bern, lanbern@hotmail.com Thu., Jan. 19 Tubac/Anza/Canoa Max Haegele, 43avocet@gmail.com Thu., Jan. 26 Willcox/Benson Ponds Peggy Smith, pdsaz@aol.com
Bocce Pres. Gail Parson gailscov@comcast.net VP Jim Steinmetz vintner731@gmail.com www.scovbocce.weebly.com Mon., Wed., Fri., 2-4 PM and 4-6 PM, Bocce Courts
Bocce is a fun, easy-to-learn activity. No experience is required, but you do need to be able to pick up the ball and roll it. Annual dues are just $5, and a membership form is on the club website under Club Info. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the starting time, and pick up a wooden stick from the starter. Space limits each session to the first 32 players, with members given priority.
Courts are open to Bocce Club league play only Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2-6 PM. To see what times are open for general play and reserve a court, please check the court reservation system on SCOV’s website at www.suncityorovalley.com/book-court-lap-lane/. Gun Club Bill Snead 425-246-8100 wgsnead@gmail.com
Our Gun Club is dedicated to safety and proficiency in handling firearms. Next meeting is Friday, January 13, 9-11 AM, WC3.
Hiking Pres. Georgene Porter gvporter@live.com Scheduled hikes are posted on the website www.scovhiking.org
Photo by Susan Sedlacek
This is the perfect time of year weather-wise in Tucson, to enjoy hiking in our beautiful area. Nature can improve your mental health. Studies show that within just the first five minutes of being outside, people experience a better mood. Spending twenty minutes in nature doing an activity, like hiking, or walking, helps reduce stress. A quick walk outside is a great way to soak in extra Vitamin D from the sun, which improves your sleep at night. As an extra bonus, by joining the Hiking Club you develop friendships, enjoy the company of fellow hikers from many walks of life, and you get to take in breathtaking scenery. There are many hikes scheduled at all levels of difficulty. Renew or join now.
The annual membership is $10, due at the end of January.
Horseshoes Ron Knudson 520-825-9307, cell 520-250-4183 for info Tue., Thu., Oct.-Apr., 2 PM; May-Sep, 8 AM The Pits at Catalina Vista
How about a fun time in the great outdoors? Join us Tuesdays and Thursdays at the horseshoe pits. Horseshoes are available or bring your own. No fees or membership required. Just come and have fun. Everyone is welcome, first timers or old timers.
Mini Golf Cindy Silverlock 707-537-5911 scovminigolf@gmail.com Tue., 3:30 PM, Oct.-Apr. (except 2nd Tue., Jan.-Apr.) www.scovminigolfclub.com
Objective: To promote the use and enjoyment of the minigolf course for socialization, with an emphasis on providing an outdoor activity for those unable to play more active sports.
Game days: We meet on Tuesday, October-April, 3:30-5 PM. (We do not meet the second Tuesday of the month, January-April.)
Annual dues: Your $5 dues pay for an end-of-season party and prize for the most holes-in-one.
Tournaments/Competition: We are a club that promotes fun and socialization. We do not keep score, but we do offer a prize for the most holes-in-one at the end of the season. Pickleball Pres. Tony Masterjohn tmasterjohn15@gmail.com VP Training Doug Brown wizisland@comcast.net Sun.-Sat., 8 AM-9 PM www.scovpb.org
Dinking Buddies team
It’s perfect pickleball weather and we welcome all players. Check out the schedule posted at the courts or online.
Recently, a group of the women players registered a team with the Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL). This is a first at SCOV. The team’s name is Dinking Buddies and will compete at level 3 starting in January. The group is practicing two-to-three times each week. APPL is a non-profit which started in 2019. Instead of tournaments, APPL’s team concept provides another enjoyable way to experience the social, mental, and physical benefits of pickleball.
Any female can register with APPL. Players may register their own team (of at least 6 players) or individuals may register and be assigned to a team. Typically, there are 8-12 matches per season. Zero Zero Play. POP Tennis Pres. Brian Goff 518-577-2022 bwgoff@outlook.com VP Warren Burda 520-308-1118 wpburda@gmail.com Treas. Jim Steinmetz 440-552-6173 vintner731@gmail.com Tue., Thu., Sat., 8:30-10:30 AM, Desert Oasis
End of a hard-fought game
An Arizona winter is upon us, requiring extra clothes to keep us insulated in the early mornings until we warm up. The game of POP Tennis is loaded with exercise and strategy, guaranteed to get your pulse rate up and burn those excess calories. If you play, you won’t need those extra clothes for long. Stop over Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to check it out and get the benefit of fun, relaxed, outdoor exercise. You’ll be glad you did. Racquetball Pres. Jerry Moss 360-772-0780 Mon.-Fri., 8-11 AM, AFC/Racquetball Court
Welcome back, returning players. There are two social events happening soon: Thursday, January 26, is our cookout, and our general meeting is March 23. As always, we look forward to socializing. Holiday lunch
Table Tennis Co-Pres. Dorothy Filip dotfilip520@gmail.com and John Smith john@buteos.net Tue., women 1:30 PM; men, 3 PM Thu., all play 5:30 PM; Sat., all play 9 AM
Resolve to put more fun in your life with table tennis (aka ping pong). Table tennis is a gentle sport that yields a surprisingly vigorous workout. As you play, you may even boost your eye-hand coordination, speed and concentration. All interested players are welcome, ranging from never-everplayed to super-skilled. Anyone who shows up can use a club paddle and give it a try. Note that because of room scheduling complications, there will be no table tennis on Tuesday, January 3, and Saturday, January 21. Join us on all the other scheduled days.
Holiday Hours
Sunday, January 1
AFC/Pool open 8 AM-5 PM Restaurant open 7 AM-8 PM Pro Shop open 6 AM-2 PM All other facilities closed
Monday, January 2
Staff observed holiday The Welcome Center and Library will be closed Normal hours for other facilities
Monday, January 16
The Welcome Center and Library will be closed Normal hours for other facilities