31 minute read
11 Months 2022-2023
Above is a summary of the Revenues and Expenses and the Results of Operations for the first 11 months of the 2022-2023 fiscal year. A copy of the report in greater detail can be found on our website www.suncityorovalley.com. Log in after hovering over the Members tab and selecting Financials. At this page you will find the monthly Financial Statements as well as the Annual Budget for the current Fiscal Year and a copy of the Annual Budget for the coming year.
The Finance-Budget Committee will be on hiatus until October 2023. Meetings will resume at their normal time on Monday, October 23, 1 PM. The meeting will be held in the Activity Center/Kiva and by Zoom.
If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 520917-8060, or email me at rtrenary@suncityorovalley.com.
Randy Trenary, Controller
All About ARC Submittals
520-917-8058 a. Your first step will be to identify your project. We will email you a plot plan, directions for the submittal and a link to the correct submittal form. These will be attachments to the email. b. Once you receive the return email with plot plan, directions and correct submittal form, read the directions and click on the link to the form. Call Katy if you are having problems with this and she will help you complete the form, 520-917-8058. www.suncityorovalley.com/amenities-facilities/library
1. There is no July 25 Architectural Review Committee (ARC) meeting.
2. Please add this email to your contact list: scoroval@ ciramail.com. This is the correct email for all correspondence regarding submittals.
3. Rule of thumb: Almost any change made to the exterior of your house/property requires some sort of HOA approval. Call Katy at 520-917-8058 if you need clarification.
4. Roof lift and re-lay projects need an In-House Submittal approval prior to work being started on the roof.
5. Driveway coatings must be approved by the ARC prior to application of coating.
6. Submittal process: Go to www.suncityorovalley.com; sign in as a member (must have already created an account); go to Members > Member Services > For Your Home > What Do You Want To Do? This is a two-step process.
Online catalog: https://evolveopac.infovisionsoftware.com/suncityorovalley mmooney@suncityorovalley.com 520-917-8083
Welcome monsoon season. We are continuing to add new items to the Library each week. Summer is a great time to catch up on reading and movies. The volunteers and I are working on labeling book series that are best read in order. Look for the numbered stickers on the spines of some of our community’s favorite authors. "This Week In SCOV" will announce the date of our July summer monsoon book sale.
Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie
Beginner’s Guide to Exercise
A beginner’s exercise program should incorporate aerobic activity with some muscle strengthening exercises. In general, I recommend aiming for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity. This can be split into small increments, even if it’s just a few minutes at a time. So where do you start? You can start by simply taking a walk, going for a bike ride, swimming a lap in the pool or hopping on the elliptical. For muscle strengthening, you could start with light hand weights or body weight exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges and planks. Something is better than nothing, so start slow and low and aim to gradually work up to your goals.
Before you reap the benefits of exercise and its positive effects on your attitude, you must first change your outlook on the importance of exercise. With physical activity being proven to improve your mental and emotional state as well as your physical well-being, there is no reason to not exercise. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to get started. Just get moving.
Special Note From the Aquatic and Fitness Center (AFC)
Orientation on how to use the gym equipment is held Thursday, 1 pm. Stop in and sign-up. Classes are limited. Contact Lonnie Davis, AFC Coordinator, to discuss questions or concerns regarding the AFC. Hours of operation for the AFC and Desert Oasis are on page 2.
Tuesday, July 11, the AFC pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time.
Wednesday, July 12, the Desert Oasis pool will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time.
Tuesday, July 25, the AFC spa will be closed for cleaning until 1 pm.
Association Committees
Active Health
Chair Rita Menet 920-659-1428 rita.menet@gmail.com
Next meeting Nov. 7, 3 pm, WC1
This month Active Health Committee would like to spotlight our community Cancer Support Group. This group encourages and welcomes all SCOV members who have been affected by cancer, whether you are newly diagnosed, currently in treatment, cancer survivors or those who are caring for someone with cancer. The focus of this group is to share feelings and experiences with cancer risk, current cancer and post-cancer. We hold this safe space to be able to discuss all aspects of the disease. We meet on the third Tuesday, 4 pm, WC2. For more information contact Sandie Roberts sjrbrokeress@aol.com. Group information is listed on page 12.
Aquatic and Fitness Center Advisory
Muriel DeLaVergne-Brown 541-999-4018 muriel@phaspirations.com
First Wed., 11 am, WC1 On hiatus until Sep.
The committee will resume meeting in September.
Architectural Inspection Group
Conveyance Coordinator, Jack Mooney, 520-917-8087, scoroval@ciramail.com
As you know, the housing market has certainly changed during the past few months. There are more listings for buyers to look at, buyers are asking for more from sellers, and homes are staying on the market longer than before. To expedite matters during the sale, you might consider having a courtesy inspection completed before you list your home.
The courtesy inspection is optional, is done at your request, and looks at only the exterior of your home and grounds. The association inspector conducts the inspection and turns the findings over to you and only you see the violations found. This gives you the ability to decide what violations to correct before listing your home and before having to negotiate those with a potential buyer, which may add time and frustration during the sale and closing.
Keep in mind that you will still need to have either a listing or an escrow inspection completed before the close of escrow if you choose to do a courtesy inspection. To request any of our inspections, go to the SCOV Member web page, select Member Services, and then select the Sell Your Home icon and complete and submit the short form. Contact the Conveyance Coordinator for more information.
Architectural Review
Jim Cherry 612-805-5637 ARC@suncityorovalley.com
Zoom meetings Second and Fourth Tue., 2 pm
Most homeowners store their trash containers inside the garage. Over 100 homes have invested in an enclosure, however, a number of those enclosures are inadequate. A seethrough gate, a one-sided wall, or a wall that is only three feet high does not work. Development Standards
Section 2.5 is pretty clear: “All Trash Containers must be covered and stored on a lot not visible from Neighboring Property or the street.” This Standard is backed by Master Declaration Section 4.9 which means the Standard has always been in place. An Architectural Review Committee from years back may have approved your building of a structure, however, it is unlikely they audited the structure you built. There are almost 5,000 trash containers in SCOV. If we wanted them to be seen all the time, there wouldn’t be a Standard. Please be considerate of your neighbors and ensure that your enclosure is in compliance.
Code of Conduct Review Board
Chair Marlene Branz, 618-670-1063 cconduct@suncityorovalley.com
The newly established Code of Conduct Review Board is now up and running under the leadership of Marlene Branz. What is the purpose of this board? If a resident files a Code of Conduct complaint, this board will investigate and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors of how the complaint should be resolved. This could include fines or loss of some or all membership services. Page 5 of the Owner and Resident Handbook outlines in general terms how residents and visitors are expected to behave. If you feel a resident or visitor has violated those standards, you can file a complaint. The complaint form can be found in the members section of the website under member services.
Community Directory
Chair Blythe Campbell 907-717-7546 scov.community.directory@gmail.com www.scovaz.com/members/services/directory
To update your listing in the directory, the preferred method is to complete the online form. Go to the URL above, and click on Add/Change Your Directory Listing, or fill out a listing change form at the Welcome Center.
Consumer Referral - Vendor List
Susanna Moran scovconsumerservices@gmail.com
The Vendor List is on the SCOV website. After logging in, go to Members > Member Services > Consumer Referral Vendor List.
The Vendor List is currently available for viewing at the monitor’s desk at Catalina Vista. Check the Vendor List often, as changes are made frequently.
Vendors should email Susanna Moran to inquire about applying to be on the Vendor List.
Chair Dave Francis dnfcpaaz@gmail.com
Fourth Mon. of the month. No meetings Jun., Jul. or Aug.
Our next meeting will be September 25, WC3.
Chair Janet Keller
Food and Beverage
Friends of the Library
Co-Pres. Kari Dufur karidufur@gmail.com
Co-Pres. Carol Tombre mctombre@yahoo.com
Treas. and Membership Claire Wendt claire.wendt@gmail.com
It’s so hot outside. Nothing better than to sit by the pool or inside in the air-conditioning and read, right? Our SCOV Library has a wonderful selection of newly published books for you to check out. If something particularly moves you or strikes your fancy, please pick up a review form in the Library so we can share your find at the next Great Reads event for Friends of the Library members on November 9.
Perhaps you’re getting your home remodeled this summer. Major or minor remodels, reconfigurations, redecorations are what we are looking for. We would love to include your new look on our Home Tour, our biggest fund raiser for 2024. Call us to find out more information about how you can be included. It’s a fun day to show off your home and greatly assist in raising funds for the Library.
As always, please join us every month for Book Bingo. See Coming Events on page 12 for more details.
Gift Shop
Co-Chairs Melanie Stinson 971-506-8655, Maxine Yunker 970-691-7990
Gift Shop 520-917-8051
Shop Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10 am-1 pm www.suncityorovalley.com/gift-shop
Featured artists for July are Ran Nathe and Lori Nalewicki. Ran is a native of Seattle and has always loved wood, turning his first bowl from a block of mahogany in seventh grade. After retiring in 2010, Ran traveled before discovering our Wood Shop in 2016. His creations are made from American and exotic hardwoods. “My mind is always in the design stage thinking about the next creation. People ask, 'How long did it take you to make this?' I answer, 'A lifetime.'”
Lori has lived in SCOV for over 20 years and loves all types of arts and crafts. She loves working with clay. “I make wall hangings, wine holders, vases, luminaries and handmade tile pictures. Once in a while I will create a critter. I also play with watercolors, making greeting cards along with 5"x7" and 8"x10" matted prints copied from my original pieces."
Stop by the Gift Shop for Summer Madness Sale
Monday-Saturday 10-1
If you are missing the monthly Monday Madness Sales, visit the Gift Shop for our ongoing Summer Madness Sale with huge bargains on glass, jewelry, wood, pottery, cards, fabrics and much more. A great way to shop and support your local artists.
Government Affairs
Chair Earl Vittitoe scovga@gmail.com
Second Wed., 1 pm, WC1 www.suncityorovalley.com/committees/government-affairs/
Holiday Lights
Chair Linda Bretz 603-459-4219 lindaebretz1@gmail.com www.SCOVLites.com
Loan Room - Community Assistance
Chair Gay Russell
Third Thu., 3 pm, WC1 (currently not meeting)
Loan Room hours: Tue., Thu., 8-9 am www.suncityorovalley.com/members/services/loan-room/
The Loan Room will be closed on Tuesday, July 4. We are open all other Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8-9 am, throughout the month. The need for items from the Loan Room is less in the summer, so we are able to meet most of your requirements without a reservation. We have many children's items, tables, chairs and medical items. We welcome you to come see what we have available and talk with our volunteers, who can help you decide what will meet your needs. We are a short-term loan program, so please let us know if you need extra time during the summer. Thank you for your support for our aluminum can collection program which supports your Loan Room.
Long Range Planning
Chair Joy Huxtable jhuxtablescov@gmail.com
Second and Fourth Wed., 10 am, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon Room and Zoom
The next meeting of the LRPC is scheduled for October 11. Any resident with input for the committee is welcome to attend the meetings.
Neighborhood Pride
Co-Chair Sharon Masterjohn sharonmasterjohn@yahoo.com
Co-Chair Bertha Medina 70.bmedina@gmail.com
First Wed., 9 am, Catalina Vista www.suncityorovalley.com/members/committees/neighborhood-pride
During our summer monsoons, wind and rain can cause damage. After it rains, it is extremely important to drain any stagnant water where mosquitoes can breed. Check other items, buckets, empty flowerpots, and other containers to make sure they are not holding water.
Wind may cause damage to a neighbor's home that they can't see. Look for roof tiles that have shifted or blown off. Tree limbs or branches may be down in the yards. Try to contact the owner, but if they are away, call the Administration office at 520-825-3711, as they may be able to contact the owner. Let's look out for each other. Thank you for helping keep SCOV beautiful.
Chair Linda Simōn 520-789-7169 posse@5LP.com
First Tue., 3 pm, Desert Oasis
No meetings in Jun., Jul., Aug., Sep., Oct. www.scovaz.com/members/committees/posse
For years, the flashing lights operated by the switch at our front doors allowed us to indicate we needed help. The Posse would contact the police if the lights were flashing and help would be sent. Things change, and we no longer respond to these lights. There are two main reasons. The first is infrequent usage and the number of false alarms reported. The second is the use of technology such as cell phones and life alert devices. Technology is a more accurate way to request assistance and is widely used. Homeowners can and are encouraged to disable the flashing feature.
Interested in volunteering or want information on the Posse? Call Linda Simōn at 520-789-2769.
Chair Jack Evert jackevert439@gmail.com
Third Thu., 9 am, WC1 and via Zoom
Summer is here and residents find it advantageous to park in the shade provided by the solar panels in the parking lots at the Mountain Vista complex. During the past year, the Properties Committee submitted a proposal to the Board of Directors to furnish solar generated power to the AFC. This project would include additional covered/shaded parking near the AFC. Of course, the primary benefits of the project are reduced utility costs resulting in long term savings to the community and a reduction in the community’s carbon footprint. The Board asked the Long Range Planning Committee to add the AFC solar project to the updated Development Plan Sequence.
The Properties Committee works on a variety of tasks like this during the year. The Committee is not meeting during the summer and will resume our meetings in September. Please see the calendar on the SCOV website for scheduled meeting dates and times.
On The Cover
View of the Catalina Mountains through a Mexican bird of paradise shrub
Photo by Deborah Kotlarek
Tipster Editorial
Co-Chair Karla Erdahl 480-205-1931 karrd.9@gmail.com
Co-Chair Sandra Hallenbeck 520-240-7624 smhallenbeck@gmail.com half of our members participated in the survey and provided great insights and suggestions. We are evaluating the results and may be adjusting some of the scheduled formats in the future.
We love the enthusiasm expressed by our Tipster article submitters, however, our Article Standards do not allow for the use of exclamation points. We spend a good bit of time each month removing them. It's not that we don't share your enthusiasm for your subject matter, but exclamation point overuse tends to take away from the occasional time when a topic has major significance and warrants special emphasis.
Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Club
Pres. Tod Milton 520-256-0962 theodore.r.milton@gmail.com
Play Thu. morning
Director of Golf - Rick Price rprice@theviewsgolfclub.com 520-917-8086
Director of Golf Maintenance - Michael Kropf scvgolf@suncityorovalley.com
July is the traditional beginning of the monsoon season in Southern Arizona. In regard to Golf Course maintenance, the start of monsoons is bittersweet. The good news is the golf course will start to green up after the harsh dry weather of June due to the increased humidity combined with hot temperatures. However, the monsoons also bring the chance of heavy rain with the potential to cause serious damage to holes located near washes.
Several years ago, a thunderstorm generated a large amount of water north of Sun City, but no rain actually fell on the community. The golf course was crowded with many golfers who were unaware of the water running down the washes. Several groups were playing holes number 4 and 5 when the wash began to fill. Two golf carts then tried to cross the wash and got stuck. Luckily, nobody was hurt, but it took a couple of hours for the water to recede and get the carts off the golf course safely.
Please remember, when these washes are running, they are as powerful as raging rivers. Don’t drive around the course and attempt to cross these washes when the cart path is covered with either water or sand. At the minimum, the golf cart will be stranded until the staff is able to rescue the cart. Be aware that during the monsoons, washes can flow whether it is raining nearby or in the distance, since we are at the bottom of the hill.
Golf Advisory
Chair Yvette Schulz
Sep.-May, first Wed., 2 pm, WC3
The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club
Pres. John Olson
206-550-5557 jwo1949@gmail.com
Membership Cliff Rogge 720-323-5911 drcliffrogge@aol.com
Play Wed. am
According to the National Hole-in-One Registry, the odds of an average golfer making a hole-in-one are 12,500 to 1. Our 18-Hole Men’s Club members must be better than average, because we’ve celebrated four holes-in-one during Men’s Club events in the last couple of months. Tom Blume and Darrell Martin both recorded aces in league play, and Dean Silverlock had two in a month. Congratulations to these three members. And for the rest of us, there is always hope.
In May, the Men’s Club sent out a survey to get feedback and better understand our members’ preferences. More than
We are in the heart of the summer with the regular league games played on the first Thursday of the month followed by a skins game bitlfor the remaining three Thursdays of the month. The league game is a shotgun start and the skins games are set up as tee times. The skins games are arranged in flights which has allowed all our players a better chance to win. If you have just moved to the area and are looking to meet a fun group of guys and have a good time, come join us. It is easy to join and can be done online at The Views website.
The professionals
Congratulations to Ken Schroeder, Les Palmer, Mike Pidone and Gary Gibson for finishing at the top for the Top Dog Out game on June 1. And remember, “Half the time, twice the fun.”
The Views 18-Hole Women’s Golf Club
Pres. Pattie Horning
VP Claudia Svarstad
League play Tue. morning
League members at the Hummingbird Tournament in Sierra Vista
Summer has arrived, so what does that mean for the league? Summer means maintenance crews are very active aerating and sanding the course, yet golf activities continue. Members may sign up for casual Tuesday golf.
Opportunities are also offered to play other courses. Members may enjoy planned play days at Gold Canyon, Sierra Vista or We-Ko-Pa, to name a few possibilities. Our league president, Pattie Shock, organizes these outings.
Summer also means travel. Our members are returning to Michigan, Wisconsin, California, Colorado, Alaska, Washington and Idaho. Road trips and boat trips abound. Kauai beaches and courses will be found. Some were even Denmark bound while others will be going to South Africa.
Summer is also the time for surgeries… new hips, knees, and backs. Here’s to a full recovery for all and back to golf in the fall. We will have a lot to talk about when we gather for opening league day, November 7.
The Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club
Pres. Marilyn Tyreman thunderlaw70@yahoo.com
Membership Carol Johnson johncjj@frontier.com
Play Thu. morning
The Lady Niner’s play on Thursday mornings all summer and have a celebratory social once a month after golf. We have golfers of all ages and abilities and everyone is supported and encouraged. We’re serious about golf as well as the social aspect of our club. Talk to our membership chair, Carol Johnson, about golfing with us. A full range of activities starts in November.
Community Foundation
Pres. Carol Johnson 425-343-7138 FoundationSCOV@gmail.com
Fourth Thu., 1 pm, Desert Oasis www.foundationscov.org offering an enjoyable experience in food, drinks and entertainment.
Imagine dozens of people queuing up for a brief look through a telescope. Until recently, the Astronomy Club relied on members bringing their own telescopes to the club’s quarterly stargazing parties. This limited viewing access for both members and guests who did not have their own scopes.
Food & Beverage Management Team
Janet Blackwell, Restaurant Manager jblackwell@suncityorovalley.com
Skeeter Reynolds, Kitchen Manager sreynolds@suncityorovalley.com
Happy Fourth of July. To all who are visiting The Views Restaurant, please do not feed the birds if you are dining on the patio or terrace. When wildlife become dependent on this, it causes issues for them as well as us.
Janet Blackwell
We will be serving our normal menu as well as a dinner special from 11 am-7 pm on July 4. Details will be forthcoming. No reservations: first come, first served. As always, we appreciate your patronage and look forward to serving you.
If you are looking to stay cool on a hot day, check out our Italian sodas and frappés at The Bistro Coffee & Wine Bar.
Coming Events
Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either sponsored by the Association or be an annual club event of interest to the entire community. Check the website and “This Week in SCOV” for current information.
Every Day, 3-6 pm
The Views Restaurant Happy Hour
Join us for happy hour food and drink specials.
Every Wednesday, 8 am-noon
Open Air Market
Astronomy Club member Eric Wiley demonstrates the new telescope and other equipment at the March stargazing party
To improve the viewing experience, the Astronomy Club requested and received a Foundation grant to purchase their own telescope, plus key accessories. The club’s new telescope is controlled by software easily accessed from an iPad. When programmed, the scope can automatically locate a desired constellation, planet or star and project the image on a TV monitor. This enables many to see the same image at the same time, and for as long as they want. Since the club’s new equipment debuted, stargazing parties truly have been heavenly.
Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: window 6 am, 6:30 am-8 pm Sat: window 8 am, 8:30 am-8 pm Sun: window 8:30 am, 9 am-6 pm
Don’t forget to drop by the market behind the Welcome Center between 8 am and noon. There may be new vendors each week. Shop in the convenience of our own community. Let’s keep this market going with your purchases.
Tuesday, July 4, 10 am
Golf Cart Parade through SCOV
If you aren't driving a golf cart or convertible car in the parade, come out to watch and celebrate the USA on designated SCOV streets. Parade route can be found at https:// bit.ly/July4route.
Tuesday, July 4, 2 pm
Free Concert by Sun City Singers
Enjoy patriotic music in the cool Auditorium presented by our own Sun City Singers. Following the concert, cold ice cream treats will be provided by SCOV on the Kiva patio.
Wednesday, July 12, 6 pm
Classic Winds Band Concert
Enjoy a wide range of music from classical, swing, Broadway show tunes to traditional favorites in the Auditorium. Sit back and enjoy. Tickets, $20 pp, are available on the website under Member Services > Tickets.
Wednesday, July 19, 3 pm
Book Bingo
Join the Friends of The Library (FOL) in WC3 for our monthly Book B-I-N-G-O. This is regular bingo with books as prizes and is open to the whole community. No literary knowledge needed. Your cash donation of $5 pp at the door supports the SCOV Library. Bring a beverage and snacks. Use SignUpGenius on the FOL or Library page to reserve your spot or call Sherry Small 520-308-5735.
Monday, July 31, 9:15 am
Tipster Collation
Join the fun and get a little bit of exercise at the Activity Center/Kiva while collating the inserts that go in the Tipster To sign up, email carolynlerchtipster@gmail.com.
Workshops and Classes
Association-Sponsored Fitness
Online advance registration is required for all classes at www. suncityorovalley.com/amenities-facilities. Check www. suncityorovalley.com for current information.
There is a $2 fee per class. Currently, punch passes must be purchased online: $20 for 10 classes or an annual pass for $300. You can register for classes and purchase passes at www.suncityorovalley.com/amenities-facilities/fitness.
Class descriptions may be found at www.suncityorovalley. com/amenities-facilities. Questions, call Lonnie 520-917-8073.
Aqua Zumba®: Tue., 1-2 pm, AFC Pool
Balance Class: Mon.,10:30-11:30 am, AFC
Chair Balance Class: Returns in Oct.
Cardio Chair Aerobics: Tue., Thu., 10:30-11:30 am, Sat. 9-10 am, CV
Cardio Core Fusion: Returns in Nov.
Core Conditioning: Returns in Oct.
Slow Flow Yoga: Returns in Nov.
Sweat Stretch: Tue., Thu., 7:30-9 am, AFC
Water Aerobics: Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10 am, AFC Pool
Zumba® : Tue., 9:15-10:10 am, Thu., 4-5 pm, AFC
Personal trainer one-on-one training. Call Ray Jerkins 520-907-2338 for an appointment.
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Classes
No class in July. For information, contact Lonnie Davis 520-917-8073 or ldavis@suncityorovalley.com.
Parkinson’s Exercise Club
Classes are Mondays and Thursdays, 4-5:30 pm. Call Ray Jerkins 520-907-2338 to make an appointment. Classes are held in the Welcome Center, WC3.
For Your Information
Costume Closet
The Costume Closet, operated by the SCOV Variety Theatre Club, is available to all residents. Our hours are reduced for the summer. This month we are open on Wednesday, July 12, from 9-10 am, This is a free service, but donations are welcome to help with repair and cleaning. Enter the Cos- tume Closet by going through the Loan Room. For questions, call or text Kate Cusumano 520-437-2074.
Community Support Groups
Active Health-Sponsored Support Groups
The groups listed here are sponsored by the SCOV Active Health Committee. Contact Rita Menet 920-659-1428 rita.menet@gmail.com with questions.
Brain Health Action Group
Joan Partridge 505-920-7005 joanpartridge@gmail.com (text or email preferred)
Second Tue., 4 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
Fourth Tue., 4 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
The members of the Brain Health Action Group meet to discuss the diet and lifestyle changes needed to reduce the potential for developing Alzheimer's. We focus on the recommendations in Dr. Dale Bredesen's book The End of Alzheimer's, The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline. Changing habits can be difficult. Our meetings offer a place to find the information, help and encouragement you need to make the changes you want to improve your health and cognition. You can join at any time. Call Joan for more information 505-920-7005,
Cancer Support
Contact: Sandie Roberts 847-525-9239 sjrbrokeress@aol.com
Third Tue., 4 pm, WC2
Our Cancer Support Group encourages and welcomes all SCOV members who have been affected by cancer. This group includes everyone from those newly diagnosed, currently in treatment, cancer survivors or those who are caring for someone with cancer. Our meetings include a valuable exchange of information and discussion with those who have had cancer and undergone chemotherapy, surgery or radiation treatment. We learn from each other. Sandie Roberts, SCOV resident who has a family member dealing with cancer, facilitates the group. The focus of this group is to share feelings and experiences with cancer risk, current cancer and post-cancer. You may be an individual with cancer or a loved one of a person with cancer. We hold this safe space to be able to discuss all aspects of the disease.
Cognitive Loss & Memory Support Group
Cecelia Ortiz 661-972-2639
First and Third Wed., 4:15 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Room
Whether you are a caregiver, a person with subjective or mild cognitive loss or at risk for Alzheimer’s disease, our mission is to support one another by sharing new ideas through the advancement of research and personal experience. We will discuss the many challenges associated with cognitive loss with open hearts and open dialogue. This support group will provide a safe and confidential space to share ideas and personal experiences.
Diabetes Support Circle
Contact: Bill Bable wcbcfp33@gmail.com 520-639-8845
First Mon., 3:30 pm, Catalina Vista Jul. 3 focus on Type 1 diabetes
Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2, including prediabetes, are two distinct diseases. The Diabetes Circle is dividing into two areas of focus. We will discuss Type 1 diabetes in January, March, May, July, September and November. We will discuss
Type 2 and prediabetes in February, April, June, August, October and December. Our circle will discuss all things concerning our conditions: terminologies, health concerns, diet and lifestyle strategies. Attendees range from those who are newly diagnosed to those who have had diabetes 50-plus years. We welcome partners who are also impacted and engaged in your health and well-being. Join us Monday, July 3, when we will discuss Type 1 diabetes.
Grief Support
Jane Krabbeler 520-500-3352, jkrabbeler@gmail.com
Fouth Fri., 2 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
Grief comes from many sources. It may be the loss of a loved one, a pet or a career. You do not have to deal with your loss alone; a support group of your peers can be the key to recovery and resolution. Please contact Jane Krabbeler for information.
Support Group for the Visually Impaired
Judi Peterson 815-222-4754
Raven 505-469-7505, sivaraven@gmail.com
Fourth Thu., 3:30-5 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Studio On hiatus until Sep.
The Support Group for the Visually Impaired is in recess for the summer months, reconvening in September. We look forward to welcoming you in the fall. If you have questions, concerns, or need support during the summer, please do not hesitate to call Judi Peterson at 815-222-4754.
In Memoriam
Pres., Bob Arms 907-290-0287 www.scovclayclub.com
Arts, Crafts & Hobbies
Art League
Pres. Lee Sopwith 208-447-8282 leesoppy@gmail.com
The Summer Art Sale is in progress in the main hall of the Activity Center and the Navajo Room. SCOV artists have discounted their photos, paintings, sculptures and quilts. The Summer Art Sale will continue until the end of September. As an art piece sells, something new will be added. Visit often so you don't miss seeing the new items.
Bark Carving
John Johnston 520-274-9888 Johnjohnston@xplornet.com
Tue., 1-4 pm, Thu., 9 am-noon Artisan Center/Lapidary
Many people who join Clay Club express their long-held desire to learn throwing on the wheel. Currently the club has five wheels for members to use. Bill Snead, an eight year Clay Club member, is always willing and happy to teach members who would like to learn this craft. He has been creating beautiful thrown bowls for 14 years.
Having first studied the wheel in Virginia, Bill also took lessons while living in Redmond, Washington and Colorado. Big bowls and platters are his favorite. Bill says, “Throwing is extremely therapeutic. Centering the clay is a part of meditation.” Bill is pictured throwing a seven pound bowl with speckled buff clay. This bowl, as with so many of Bill’s bowls, will be a special gift.
General club meetings are paused for the summer. Next meeting will be Thursday, September 7, 1 pm, Clay Studio.
Colored Pencil Plus
Bette McGrath 815-347-4282, Cathy Harrison 303-968-5545
Fri., 9 am-1 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
During summer months, we SCOV artists spend a little more time inside working on our art. If you’re looking for a place not only to create, but meet other artists, and perhaps get some coaching in colored pencil or scratchboard, please join us. Come visit any Friday morning and check us out.
Gourd Art
Susan Potter 253-722-4295
Mon., 1-4 pm, Fri., 9 am-noon, Lapidary Room
Summer is here, and what could be more fun than a trip to Wuertz Gourd Farm in Casa Grande? A couple of our members did just that. Patti U., Gin and Andrea met with Wuertz Gourd Farm owner Waylon Wuertz and presented him with two whimsical gourd birds and a pendant to show our appreciation of his gourd farming business.
Japanese Flower Arranging
Donald Marier 612-757-8373 dolmar21@gmail.com
Jan.-May, Second and Fourth Mon., 2-4 pm, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge
Japanese flower arranging, ikebana, is the art of arranging flowers, branch materials, grasses and leaves. At its core is the beauty resulting from a combination of color, shapes and graceful lines. More than simple floral decoration, it is a form of sculpture with plant materials. Learn from certified instructors at your own pace and make creative arrangements for your home.
Knit and Crochet
Jane Fairchild 520-909-5069 janemail11@yahoo.com Mon., 2:30-4:30 pm, Activity Center/Hohokam
If you have a knit or crochet project, or would like to learn, come join us. An ongoing group project is making crocheted mats out of plastic shopping bags. You can participate in this project by cutting the bags into strips, stringing the strips into plastic yarn (plarn) and/or crocheting them into mats.
If you wish to donate bags, flatten clean Fry’s, Safeway or Walmart bags and stack them by color. You can then fold all the stacks over into one; no need to fasten them together. This effort on your part greatly streamlines the cutting and crochet process. Do not include newspaper bags as they do not work for this project. Bags can be dropped into a basket on Jane Fairchild’s front porch any time at 1750 E. Crown Ridge Way. ode
Pres. Fred Faust 520-907-3469 fjfaust1030@gmail.com
Second Fri., 9 am, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge www.scovaz.com/clubs/modelers
Pictured is the Titanic and a simulated iceberg, the latest additions to the Modeler’s Room windows. The Titanic model was assembled by club member Ron Sanford using a kit of plywood, lime wood, mahogany, dye cast metal, brass, and 80 pages of instructions. It’s three feet in length and took six months to assemble, starting with the keel and working up. The iceberg was 3D-printed by member Greg Longerich. The iceberg was simulated in CAD to the size and scale of the original fatal iceberg using photographs and data collected by another ship. The CAD simulation was then sent to a printer and took approximately five hours to print. Come by and see these beautiful models. The club is meeting through the summer, and we welcome you to attend.
Open Studio Artists
Pres. Carol Nagel 520-825-3097 carolm93@comcast.net
Tues., Wed., Thu. and Sat. 9 am-1 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
The Art Studio is very quiet over the summer months. While you are away enjoying the sights, take photos, make sketches with colored pencils or try watercolor or acrylic. Summer can be a good time to spread your wings and try something new.
Vistoso Photo
Wayne Widener 520-730-7037 Club information www.vistosophotoclub.weebly.com
You don’t need paint and artist brushes, clay to mold, or stone to sculpt. With the power of your camera, you are still able to create. Capture more compelling images. Capture photos closer to your vision. No expensive camera is required, many of our best photos come from cell phone cameras. Consider joining us this fall to learn how to take better photos.
Dale Foster 520-825-0707 fosterdale1248@gmail.com
Mon., 9 am-5 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Studio
The Sculpture Club meets on Mondays in Catalina Vista/ Art Studio. If you are interested in becoming a member or learning more about our club, stop in or contact Dale Foster. Our sculpture pieces are in the glass case and window inside Catalina Vista, a showcase outside of the Library and inside the Library.
The picture is a project that was recently completed by Janet Szumlas. Her troll is a good example of using other objects to enhance and finish a sculpture piece. Janet has her troll sitting on a rock with a piece of wood for his walking stick. She also found some black fuzzy material which she used for his mop on top. It is not unusual for sculpture members to enhance pieces with materials other than polymer clay. Currently, Gayle Franklin is finishing a sculpture where she uses seed beads as an embellishment.
Seniors for Kids
Co-Pres. Pat Norton 480-993-8762 panpan9803@yahoo.com
Sewing/Crafting, Mon., 1-3 pm and Wed., 9 am-noon, Artisan Center/Sewing Wooden toy making, various times, Artisan Center/Wood Shop
Business meeting, first Thu., 8-9 am, Catalina Vista; no meetings May-Sep. SFK is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization
Seniors for Kids is continuing to store away our items scheduled for holiday gifting and the closet is filling. We made a delivery to Three Points for the summer and the items were well-received; the ladies were excited about the many items we delivered. We will make our monetary donations to the TriCommunity Food Bank and Tu Nidito next month.
If anyone is interested in working with the Sewing Room groups, we meet Monday afternoons from 1-3 pm, and Wednesday mornings from 9 am-noon. There are always items to be sewn, knitted, crocheted, stuffed, cut and designed, and there is plenty of material to work with. Just walk in the door and we will find you something to do.
There are also ideas in the Wood Shop. Stop by the shop and speak with Karen Curry or Bill Norton to see if you can help in making cars, trains, cradles, boxes or whatever you think might light up the eyes of a child. Wooden toys are in great demand for holiday gifting.
Have a wonderful summer and remember that fall is just around the corner.
Pres. Sue Karstad 503-531-0622 Karstad@gmail.com
Monitor Trainer Chris Ludwig 719-239-4089
Room Orientation and Pfaff Training Lesley Monroe 509-947-5669
It is quieter now in the Sewing Room as some clubs take a break and return in the fall. It might be time to consider getting trained to be a monitor. Contact Chris Ludwig.
It is also a good time to be reminded that everyone using the room during this time:
• Must be an HOA resident or have renter status and be current on dues: $5/year.
• Must have a monitor present when using the room. You can check ahead at www.signup.com.
• Must have had room orientation and training on the machine you wish to use. If either is needed, please call Leslie Monroe 509-947-5669 for Pfaff machines or see Sue Lane for serger machine training.
The requirements are in place to keep everyone safe and protect our SCOV club status. Enjoy the season and have a wonderful summer.
Casa Amigas
Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689
Sewing machine orientation, Lesley Monroe 509-947-5669
Mon. and Thu., 9 am-noon, Artisan Center/Sewing Room
Those of us who are in the Sewing Room during the summer months are few but mighty. The needs of the community do not stop. We work in the cool, air-conditioned comfort of our room in the Artisan Center. If you would like to donate, we still need used sheets in reasonable condition that haven't been used to cover cacti. The need for remade crib sheets and twin fitted sheets from used sheets remains high. Thank you to those who have donated fabric and sheets to our many causes.
Cheer Bears
Pat Norton 480-993-8762 panpan9803@yahoo.com Wed., 1-3 pm, Artisan Center/Sewing
The troops are rolling along this summer, meeting weekly from 1-3 pm in the Sewing Room and continuing to keep our bears marching out the door. There are fewer of us than in the winter, but we still enjoy the friendship and talk that fills our bears with the love and kindness to be spread to the many who receive them.
We, as always, welcome any donations of Poly-fil stuffing and flannel that you may have in your stash for making our bears. Please feel free to stop by the Sewing Room and join us on Wednesday afternoons. Many hands make the work an easy and enjoyable task. Hope to see you soon.
Machine Embroidery
Co-Leader Mary Jo Miller 701-641-3141, Co-Leader Sue Devaney 847-997-3989
Training Coordinator Karin Frohlich 520-612-7379
4D Computer Training Debra Dirks 520-825-2248 www.facebook.com/groups/SCOVMachineEmb/
Third Tue., 1:30 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
We resume meeting in October. Hope to see you then. We welcome new members.
Pet Beds
Jan Bohe 520-825-9725
Tue., 1-3 pm, Artisan Center/Sewing
Can you snip fabric into tiny pieces? Our little furry friends down at the Humane Society need an extra touch of kindness while waiting for adoption, so we create soft, comfy beds from fabric sewing scraps. I was told that they will accept towels and washrags also, so clean out your linen closet. We invite you to join us for a laid back afternoon (only two hours). If you are interested, come join us at 1 pm, Tuesday afternoons. Call Jan if you have questions.
Carol Guibert 520-404-1462
Second and Fourth Tue., 1 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
Our regular meetings are over until September, but we will continue to meet informally at our usual time and place. There will be quilted craft projects along with our regular hand sewing projects. Hope to see you all there.
Tapestry Hooking and Fiber Arts
Coni Arseneau 217-398-1416 coniarseneau@gmail.com
Carrie Wiley 360-734-5952 ecwiley@gmail.com
Tue., 9-11 am, Artisan Center/Sewing www.scovhookers.weebly.com member training is held monthly on the second Tuesday and Wednesday.
The Tapestry Hooking and Fiber Arts group meets on Tuesday mornings in the Sewing Room. If you are interested in our group, stop by between 9-11 am. The group provides materials and instruction for persons interested in learning hooking. Those involved in other arts using fiber are invited and encouraged to join our group.
Stained/Fused Glass
Daniel Stasi 815-762-3636 scovglassclub@gmail.com
Studio Manager Byron Wolffing 520-284-7889 wolffing5@gmail.com
Open to members 8 am-9 pm www.scovglassclub.weebly.com
Last month’s article featured dry felted pieces by Carol Sallmann. The pictures above are of Andrea Lombardo’s recently completed project where she used the technique of wet felting. Andrea is using soap and water to make felt out of wool fibers. The combination of hot water and soap changes the pH of the wool, which allows the wool fibers to open. As the fibers are agitated with the friction of her hands, the fibers lock together with a result of felt material. This bowl is just one of many projects that can be made with wet felting.
Show ‘n Share
Leader Deb Wehrung 267-377-6760 debwehrung@gmail.com
Every Fri., 9 am-noon, Catalina Vista
Show ‘n Share is a crafters group whose members work on portable crafts. We have crafters who create cards, tapestry and jewelry, and who knit, crochet, embroider, scrapbook and more. Show and Share is designed to encourage creativity. Come show us what you love to do and share your interests, ideas and techniques. Join us with your craft or come to learn something new. We are happy to provide encouragement or to help you acquire a new hobby. We meet year-round and always welcome new members.
Silversmith and Lapidary
Pres. Rich Rozehnal 520-638-6368 rozehnal@comcast.net
Summer shop hours: Mon.-Fri., 9 am-noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary Room
Bolo ties are widely associated with western wear. Arizona declared the bolo tie as the official state neckwear in 1971. New Mexico followed suit 34 years later, and soon after, Texas named the bolo as their official tie. Bolos have been part of Hopi, Navajo and Zuni Pueblo silversmithing for many years. Many of our SCOV residents have enjoyed adding a bolo tie as an accessory to their wardrobe. After refining their skills in creating pendants, rings, earrings and bracelets, several of our club members have fabricated bolo ties in the tradition of the Native American artisans. Some are on display in the windows at the Artisan Center. SCOV residents interested in joining our club should visit the shop and speak to the monitor about training. New
Bolo tie
If you have attended one of Ed Caine’s stained glass classes, consider yourself fortunate. After working with stained glass for over 40 years, he possesses extensive knowledge. Ed compares working with stained glass to engineering, precisely fitting pieces of glass together. He loves teaching techniques involved in the process. As you enter his residence, you can’t help but admire the many gorgeous pieces he has created. Besides being a first-class glass artist, Ed spends lots of time cooking, particularly smoking barbecue. He also has a passion for photography and is the current president of the Vistoso Photo Club. He enjoys retirement, his favorite activity being traveling with his wife, Joan. Please visit us; you may discover the creativity you have been looking for.
Living in South Carolina and working with sea turtles were the inspiration behind Ed Caine’s amazing creation
Wood Carving
Mike Engle, 317-979-1434, scottengcanyon@comcast.net
Sat., 9:30 am-noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary SCOVCarvers@gmail.com
Want a relaxing hobby? Then check out the woodcarvers meeting at the Lapidary Room located in the Artisan Center the next time they meet. Come join the group. Visitors are always welcome to watch, learn or participate.
Pres. Gary Casner 303-880-4120 gcasner1@comcast.net
VP Karen Curry 708-822-3057 kindheart77@att.net www.scovwoodworkingclub.com
New member orientation is the first Wednesday of each month at 4 pm. Call Bill Norton 480-980-5493 for additional information or visit our website. A $30 membership fee is required to take the class.
Spurge Reminder
Please remove spurge from your yards. Spurge is a creeping, lowgrowing weed that is often found in the cracks of driveways and the gaps between the sidewalk and street. It also grows abundantly in river rock.