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Pres. Helen Salvay 520-990-8989 scovastronomy@gmail.com

Third Thu., 7 pm, Oct-May, Activity Center/Navajo www.scovastronomy.weebly.com

The Astronomy Club’s next meeting after the summer break is Thursday, October 19, 7-9 pm, Activity Center/ Navajo Room. All subsequent meetings will be held at 7 pm the third Thursday of the month, so mark your calendar. The fall lineup of speakers is set with topics as diverse as collecting space samples from Moon and Mars to a study of Saturn's moon, Enceladus.

Shown here is the newest James Webb Space Telescope photo capturing the rarely witnessed prelude to a star going supernova (exploding), June 4, 2023. Credit: Science–NASA, ESA, CSA.

Bible Studies

Men’s Bible Study

Jerry Anderson 520-638-6586

Oct.-May, Tue., 7:15 am, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

The Men's Bible Study group will not meet over the summer but, will resume in early October.

Women’s Bible Study

Pres. Elaine Farmer 253-318-0018 elaineruth@gmail.com

Sec. Faith Heitmann 208-750-5886 quincie51@gmail.com

Oct.-May, Wed., 8:50 am, WC3

We are looking forward to our new study in October, the gospel of Luke. Enjoy the summer off, either here or traveling about to see friends and relatives. Please keep us notified of urgent prayer requests: call and leave a message with Elaine.

Books Great Books

Pres. Barbara Gates 302-354-6615

VP Maryfaith Fox 612-414-7789 maryfaith.fox@gmail.com

Oct.-Apr., First and Third Wed., 2 pm, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

We will return to the pleasure of stimulating discussions in October. Social science research has shown that those who engage in substantial conversations report relatively high levels of satisfaction with life. We find that, even if we come to no definitive conclusions about the material we’ve read, we leave each meeting feeling that we have grown through the experience of thinking hard and sharing our ideas.

When we resume in the fall, we will be basing our discussions on selections from “Great Conversations 4.”

Not So Silent Book Club

Joan Partridge 505-920-7005 joanpartridge@gmail.com (text or email preferred)

Second Sun., 2:30-4 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

The SCOV Not So Silent Book Club is growing. We hope you will join us on the second Sunday of the month, 2:30-4 pm, Desert Oasis. We bring a book we have been reading: fiction, non-fiction, a heavy tome or bodice ripper, whatever, and maybe snacks or drinks to share. (It was popcorn and Fever-Tree ginger beer in April.) We go around the room: did we love our book, give up on keeping track of the characters, guess the murderer halfway through? You may hear about a book you really would like to read or discover a genre you never thought of trying. Sometimes we give away or loan books, too. Come celebrate your love of reading with us.

Sun City Vistoso Genealogical Society

Pres. Holly Gibson 303-548-1299 ghgibson@live.com

General meetings Oct.-May, Second Tue., 1-3 pm

Check calendar for location www.scvgs.org

Looking for a cool option to the heat of summer? Join the Genealogy Club and spend a few hours a week researching those illusive ancestors at the Genealogy Lab located in the Welcome Center. We have seven computers and lots of subscription-based websites to assist you with your research.

We are continuing our regular meeting schedule over the summer as an opportunity for us to gather together, share our questions, quandaries, quarry hunts, quick tricks, quantum leaps, quizzes and more. Our topic for the Tuesday, July 11, discussion is “Sharing Your Favorite Methods, Tips, and Resources.” Whether you’re a total novice or have been researching for years, come to get or give advice to each other while connecting with other members. If you aren’t already a member, you are welcome to come to check us out.

ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement

Pres. Mary Lee Fitzgerald fitzgerald.marylee@gmail.com www.suncityilr.com

There are ten in-person ILR courses beginning in October and three Learning on the Move opportunities. You can find course descriptions, video previews and registration forms on the ILR website beginning August 1: "Modern Arizona History;" "Assorted Highlights of 20th Century Music;" "Iconic Objects: Sites and People in Tucson;" "LBJ and Lady Bird (final three sessions);" "Black American Writing;" "The Friday Forum;" "Visit the World through Song, Music and Dance;" "Making One Secure in a Digital World;" "Putin's Russia" and "Sexual Homicide: The Case of the Green River Killer."

Wheat harvesting at Mission Garden

The three learning trips are "Guided Tucson Trolley" (October 20), "Mission Garden" (November 8) and "Roche Diagnostics" (December 7).

Natural Health and Wellness

Sherokee Ilse 520-818-3279 sherokeeilse@yahoo.com

On hiatus www.scovwellness.com

Poets Corner

Sharyn Rafieyan 520-331-1092 srafieyan@comcast.net

Mon., 10 am-noon, Zoom

Poets Corner members enjoy an in-person luncheon at The Views Restaurant after months of only Zooming. What a treat

Aging, if we’re lucky, is a wonderful stage in life, when we get to play the roles we choose and act in a way we think will make us happy. Elise Asch, long-time Poets Corner member, longer than the others can claim to remember, takes the news of a heart beating problem in her stride, or on her ride, with her usual fighting spirit and wicked wit:

Time on the Treadmill

When you look into my heart at the start you see it pumping love but along the inner chambers lurk hidden dangers from above ill winds that can latch on to my breath and if not careful may cause death but even if the air is still I think it time to write my will.

Poetry is a wonderful way to share the way we feel, examine our emotions and, maybe, solve our problems. Join us for our weekly Zoom with a poem you’d like to share and have critiqued.

SCOV Technology Club

Pres. Leo Belardinelli 520-989-9314

Technology Club help desk 520-989-9314 scovtech@gmail.com Apple help 520-329-7661 www.scovcomputer.com

Now that the monsoon season is here, many SCOV clubs pause meetings and many of the SCOV committees also go on hiatus. To some point, the SCOV Technology Club is no different. However, we will still be teaching various classes this summer, so keep an eye on our summer teaching schedule. Generally, at this time of year, our classes are not as crowded as they would be during the winter high season. That results in the possibility of almost individual, studentto-instructor attention. What a wonderful opportunity for our Technology Club summer residents. However, our instructors are asking a favor in return. If you want to attend a class, please notify the instructor if requested. If you require oneon-one help, please attend our general Apple, Windows or Android help sessions or call our help desk

Writer’s Club

Paul Mercer, 847-977-7326, pawmerc@gmail.com

First and third Fri., noon-2 pm, WC1

How much can you say on both sides of one sheet of paper, double spaced with 12-point type? Pick a topic, write it, edit it and bring it to the Writer's Club meeting. It's fun to write, share, and review what we write with our group. Email your piece earlier if you wish.

Cultural & Social SCOV Charity Works

Pres. Cathy Winje 847-636-1453 crew3310@aol.com

VP Jan Fischer 520-825-2401 fischer_janice@comcast.net

Finance Janet Nelson 914-907-4076 janetnelsondata@gmail.com

Sec./Publicity Thelma 847-641-0890 lafletj@mail.com

Donations Kathy Hrdy 520-262-5477 jkhrdy2@outlook.com

Sep.-Apr., Second Tue., 9 am, WC3

Our Fall Accessories Boutique will be held at the Activity Center Saturday, October 28, with proceeds from the sales going to Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse. Items being collected this year: gently-loved, clean ladies fashion tops, sweaters, jackets, jewelry, purses, shoes, hats and scarves. We cannot accept men’s clothing, ladies’ slacks, shorts or dresses.

We will be collecting donations all summer. Contacts accepting boutique donations are jewelry: Elaine Deeter or Vicki Gushwa; purses: Linda Wilkes or Cyndi Brooks; shoes: Lue Satterfield or Pat Norton; fashion tops: Kathy Hrdy or Joyce Shaw; hats and scarves: Chris Curtis or Sue Hernandez; fashion jackets: Debbie Francis or Kathie Fogle and for sweaters: Kathy Patterson, Mary Ann Mazza or Winnie Doerfer.

Updates regarding the boutique donations and events will be provided in the monthly Tipster Article, “This Week in SCOV” and the SCOV Facebook page throughout the summer. Our next club meeting will be Tuesday, September 12.

See Democratic Club

Co-Chair Linda Bretz scovdems@gmail.com

Co-Chair Mary Beth Livingston

Treas. Pamela Jorgensen

Meetings resume in Sep. Second Sat., 1 pm, Activity Center/Native American Rooms www.scovdems.com

Although we are on summer hiatus, Paul Mercer is leading a policy group that is formulating a political action strategy for the club. To become involved, email him at pawmerc@ gmail.com. In addition, the board is planning the annual picnic, 2024 Election Kick-Off: Better Together, Saturday, October 14, 1-4 pm, Activity Center. Governor Katie Hobbs and Representative Ruben Gallego hope to attend along with other candidates, public officials and Democrats from various local clubs. Stay informed by visiting our website and signing up for Request to Speak, Fast Democracy and Civic Engagement Beyond Voting.

Dog Club - Fido’s Friends

Pres. Mary Murck mmurck@earthlink.net

VP/Membership Kris Sigford raykris@aribo.com

Club email: scovff@gmail.com www.scovff.weebly.com

Garden Club

Co-Pres. Nancy Davenport 206-200-4415 Nldport@comcast.net

Co-Pres. Marge Gustafson 760-989-1745 margustafson@gmail.com

Co-VP Nancy Brown 520-979-2569 nancybro5@aol.com https://sites.google.com/view/scov-garden-club/home

Welcome to summer. For those of us who are traveling, it's amazing to see other landscapes to better appreciate the desert when we return to Oro Valley. For those folks staying here for the summer, we're thinking about you waiting for the monsoons and enjoying the pool to cool off. Summer is a great time to learn what nature has to teach us and appreciate the bounty around us every day. Remember to stop and smell the flowers and be grateful and curious.

Sun City Gleaners

Joan Partridge 505-920-7005 joanpartridge@gmail.com (text or email preferred)

We had a marvelous pick of citrus this spring. There were many appreciative SCOV residents who enjoyed the bounty the Sun City Gleaners shared with everyone. What is ripe now? Even if you are a seasonal resident, the Gleaners would love to harvest your figs or other edibles you may have growing in your yard. We will make sure to share what we pick with your neighbors. Please don't let your summer fruit fall on the ground and rot.


Judy Heyman: 925-699-7566 www.havurahscov.org

Havurah in Hebrew means friendship. We are a club that is inspired by Jewish traditions and culture. To that end, we hold holiday parties and dinners, brunches and a gala yearly member-only event. You don’t have to be Jewish to join, and we promise a fun time for all.

Please join us on Saturday, July 22, 6 pm, Activity Center/ Native American rooms for our Summer Movie Night. We will see the movie iMordechai, starring Judd Hirsch and Carol Kane. Snacks will be provided.

Investment Discussion Group

Linda Bold lindabold6@gmail.com

Bruce Goslovich bruce@goslovichfc.com 208-550-7943

Summer meetings first and third Fri., 10 am via Zoom

Our group discusses equity and fixed income markets, the economy, fiscal and monetary policy and what might impact our individual investing. No specific investment recommendations are made. No collective investing is done. Occasionally, outside presenters will attend and discuss topics of interest to all. During the summer, our group will meet via

Zoom on the first and third Friday at 10 am. In-person meetings will start November 3. If you would like to join our Zoom meetings this summer, email Linda. If you have other questions, email Bruce.

Mindfulness Meditation Club

Bonnie Grant Baird BJGrantB77@gmail.com

Tues., 3 pm, Catalina Vista/Art Studio or Patio

Loving-Kindness Meditation (Mindfulness) meets every Tuesday at 3 pm. Meditation connects the mind and the body. Scientific research has demonstrated that meditation may reduce stress, lower the risk of heart attack, improve concentration and memory, and increase empathy.

Our meditation supports no creed or dogma. It is not affiliated with any religious doctrine. People from all religious traditions are welcomed. We encourage anyone regardless of meditation experience to join us.

Our summer schedule consists of 10-15 minutes of introduction and/or a reading, then one 30-minute sitting meditation. If you have questions, please contact Bonnie Grant Baird.

Prepare & Share - Dining

Pres. Debbie Kotlarek dlkotlarek@gmail.com

262-899-5810 www.scovprepareandshare.weebly.com

The Prepare & Share Club provides an enjoyable evening getting to know some of your SCOV neighbors who enjoy cooking and eating interesting food. From December through March, themed dinners take place in members’ homes. Since everyone brings part of the meal, it is not a huge effort for the hosts. We’re looking forward to our 2023-2024 season beginning in November. In the meantime, watch your email inbox for events taking place this summer. Contact a club officer for more information or if you would like to join the club.

Republican Club

Pres. Marilyn Rego 520-575-4022 mmrego@centurylink.net

Mon., Jun. 12, 3 pm, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball scovrepublicanclub@gmail.com

Scandinavian Heritage Club

Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689 sigridkf@gmail.com

Singles Clubs

Active Solos Club

Leslie Fisher 520-955-4258 leslieafisher@yahoo.com www.scovsolos.com

We are an informal club, created to give unpartnered singles a chance to meet other singles and have fun together. If you are an unpartnered single, we invite you to join us the fourth Tuesday of each month at 4 pm on the terrace at The Views Restaurant for happy hour and socializing. Other events are planned also. Contact Leslie or check our website for more information.

Sun City Singles

Pres. Anthony Delprete 520-989-0120

Ticket Sales Gail Brandt 520-825-7480

Dinner meeting second Thu., 5:30 pm; happy hour last Fri., 5:30 pm

We welcome guests. First time visitors may purchase a ticket to one of our activities. On Thursday, July 13, the Olive Garden will provide dinner for us in the Activity Center/Native American rooms. Social hour is at 5:30 PM, followed by dinner at 6 pm. Bring your own favorite beverage The main course will be lasagna, served with salad, breadsticks and dessert. We will be entertained by Rob Resetar and Sheryl McKinley, pianist and vocalist.

On Friday, July 28, we celebrate happy hour in the Activity Center/Native American Rooms. Bring your own favorite beverage. Social hour is at 5:30 pm, followed a light dinner at 6 pm. Entertainment will be provided by David Prouty, pianist and vocalist. For further information contact Eleanor Mishur at 520-818-3374.

Ticket sales Fri., Jul. 7, 10-10:30 am, Desert Oasis. Dinner tickets are $25 pp and happy hour tickets are $15 pp. Checks only please, payable to Sun City Singles.

Spanish Cultural Club (SCC)

Gary/Carolyn Lerch 520-241-1215 gclerch@comcast.net

Oct., Nov., Jan.-Mar., Apr. (Cinco de Mayo Fiesta)

Fourth Mon., 7 pm, Catalina Vista

Our next meeting is Monday, October 23, 7 pm.

Sun City Variety Theatre

Pres. Nancy Gilbertson

Membership contact: Karen Alexander 909-379-8167 Oct.-Apr., Third Thu., 10:30 am, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

The lights are dark until next year, but the members of the Theatre Club are busy coming up with wonderful ideas for our March 2024 production.

The next general meeting of the club will be October 19 at Desert Oasis. If you are interested in joining us, we are always looking for new members.

Veterans Club of SCOV

Pres. Mike LaBarbera 812-431-7427 mclabarb@aol.com

No meetings until Oct. www.vbscov.weebly.com

Happy hour meet and greet, first Wed., 3:30 pm, The Views Restaurant

Club meetings are from October to May. Guest speakers cover a range of topics to inform club members of Veteran organizations, VA compensation and more. Emails are sent with club news and outreach opportunities.

Join us on Wednesday, July 5, 3:30-4:30 pm, at The Views Restaurant for a meet and greet happy hour for camaraderie and friendship.

Our current membership is over 350 veterans. Join us when our meetings start up on October 2.

If you have an unserviceable U.S. flag, for proper disposal leave it wrapped inconspicuously in a newspaper and a brown bag at 2145 E. Bighorn Mountain Dr.

Pres. Sandi Bellerive

Waist Watching

First and Third Thu., 3-4 pm, WC1

Our objective is to support each other on our weight management journey. Open discussions include tips from members as well as current information from the news, all with a focus on healthy lifestyle choices.

Women’s Action Group of Oro Valley (WAG OV)

Facilitator Anne Munoz 253-905-7747 queenanne9@yahoo.com

Communications Kris Sigford 612-747-0487 raykris@aribo.com

First Fri., 11 am, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball

WAG OV’s mission is to promote positive, progressive political change on issues affecting women and families.


Ballroom - SC Starlight

Sara Harney 717-977-1963 scovstarlightdance@gmail.com www.scstarlightdanceclub.wixsite.com/scstarlightdance

The Starlight Ballroom Dance Club welcomes everyone who is interested in dance. Whether you have taken lessons in the past or have never tried, this is the club for you. Dance is a way to keep your mind sharp and your body moving. With an accomplished instructor, the group offers classes in different kinds of dance, including waltz, swing, rumba, cha cha and many others. Some nights we get together and practice, helping each other remember the steps and enjoying the camaraderie. Taking classes this summer will ensure you’ll be ready for our next dance on September 23, when a whole new season of dance begins. The next set of lessons is on Wednesdays, July 26, August 2 and 9.

If you’re interested in dance, don’t hesitate to visit our website or contact our president, Sara Harney. Ballroom dance is a great way to exercise your body and mind and have a great time in the process.

Folk Dance

Pres. Siva Raven 505-469-7505 sivaraven@gmail.com

Fri., 10-11:30 am, AFC/Studios 1 & 2 www.scovFD.club

No membership fees, no partners, no meetings, no patterns to memorize, just dance, dance, dance. All dances are taught prior to dancing for low-stress fun. Our website also has video clips of all dances. Dancing in community lifts our hearts and souls. It’s also good for the brain and cardiovascular systems. New dancers are always welcomed and encouraged. Join us as we dance our way around the world. See you soon.

Line - Sunliners

Pres. Bev Johnston 970-744-0697 bevjj2002@yahoo.com

Membership Kim West 520-343-0662 k_da_westie@comcast.net scsunliners@gmail.com; www.scovsunliners.wixsite.com/sunliners

July dance sessions are planned as listed below. Please confirm the current schedule on the calendar on the website.

Wednesday practices (AFC Studios 1 & 2):

11:30 am -12:30 pm Transition to Intermediate

1 pm- 2 pm Transition to Beginner

Thursday practices - (Activity Center/Auditorium):

1:50 pm-2:50 pm Intermediate

2:55-3:55 pm Beginner

Saturday practices (Activity Center/Auditorium): 9-10 am Intermediate

10:15-11:15 am Beginner

Instructional classes will resume in September.

Future event: Fun Friday, July 7, 6:30-8:30 pm, Auditorium. All members and their guests are welcome.

Next board meeting: Wednesday, July 5, 1:30 pm, via Zoom. All members are welcome.

Rock ‘N Roll

Pres. Renee Steinmetz scovrandrclub@gmail.com

Membership Chair Jon Russell scovrandrclub@gmail.com www.scovrrc.org

Have you renewed your membership yet? If not, don't delay. The renewal period ends Monday, July 31, and missing the cutoff means that you would have to re-apply and go on the waiting list.

July is also the month for our RRC board elections. Watch for the email coming out mid-month with the online ballot. Election results will be announced at the end of the month. There will be no dances during the summer but we have a fun evening in store on September 30, dancing to the Rillito River Band. Visit our website for our dance schedule, renewal information and more.

Western - Kactus Kickers

Co-Pres. Sherokee Ilse Sherokeeilse@yahoo.com


Co-Pres. Madeleine Percival Knmdpercival@gmail.com

Sec. Patty Holman pah724@msn.com


Dance classes Diane Eminger deed_702@yahoo.com

Membership Marci Gutierrez marci.gutierrez57@gmail.com

Club email/Information KKscov@gmail.com may text any of the officers. Please contact them directly with any questions or send an email to the club email.

For those interested in dance lessons and joining Kactus Kickers for next season, our dances begin again in October. Our dance lessons run eight weeks from mid-January to early March. Email KKscov@gmail.com if you would like to be added to our email distribution list.

One of our favorite bands, Clear Country, is playing on Tuesday nights at the Outlaw Saloon from 6-10 pm. It's a good chance to go and practice your two-step dancing. Also, they are now booking country western bands at Whiskey Roads on Sundays, 5-8 pm.

Kactus Kickers members, continue to check your email for information about fall refresher classes and the upcoming 2023-2024 dance schedule.

SaddleBrooke Ranch dance club holds dances through the summer. Here is their schedule:

Friday, July 14, Wild Ride

Friday, August 4, Patrick Rayl and the .357 Band

Friday, September 8, Anthony Taylor Jr. Band

For more information see the SaddleBrooke Ranch dance club website https://sbrsbdc.club.


Aqua Tone

Irmel Wheeler 520-334-0957 irmel5596@gmail.com

Tue., Thu., Sat., 8 am, AFC/Pool

Aqua Tone is a toning water workout that incorporates a variety of rhythmic body movements. This aquatic exercise class enhances cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance.

There is no fee to join the club or the class. The teachers are club member volunteers. Participants should be able to do a basic swim stroke. Items used in the class are buoys, boards, noodles, balls and a fitness band. Most items are available at the pool. We assign an experienced member to a newcomer to help learn the various movements. We enjoy a great workout in a fun class.

Arthritis Water

Pres. Norma Waters normawaters1@hotmail.com

VP Paul Mercer pawmerc@gmail.com

Mon., Wed., Fri., 10 am, AFC/Pool

We meet Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 am, when the air temperature is 77 degrees or warmer, as is recommended by the Arthritis Foundation.

Our club performs gentle water exercises approved by the Arthritis Foundation to help with range of motion. Water exercise is especially helpful for arthritis, fibromyalgia, replaced joints, etc. Our members are fun, accepting and welcoming. We frequently hear, “I came for the exercises and love all of the friends I have made.”




We added a summer dance with Clear Country Band on June 24. We currently don’t have any additional dances planned until October.

We have elected new officers for the Kactus Kickers board, as listed above. All listed numbers are cell phones, so you

New members are always welcome. The yearly dues are $5, and your first class is free. Your body will thank you. See you at the pool.

SCOV Name Tags

Name tags with our logo are $12.50 each. The order form is available at scovaz.com. Log in first then >Member Services > This & That >Name Tag Order Form.

Energetic Exercise

Pres. Anne Palmer 520-289-9140 palmersaz03@gmail.com

Mon., Wed., Fri., 8-9 am, Activity Center/Auditorium

Tai Chi

Co-Chairs Alice Hutchison 520-329-8090 ahutchison87@gmail.com

Jill Frederiksen 650-274-7224 jfredx@yahoo.com

Thu., 10-11:30 am, AFC/Studio 1

Tai chi is a gentle, low-impact exercise with many health benefits for people of all ages and fitness levels. Classes are taught in 10-week sessions and are offered three times per year in the fall, winter and spring. The next course will begin in October. Practice sessions are available year-round for club members who have completed at least one 10-week course. Plan to join us in the fall to learn this meditation in motion. Beginners are always welcome. Contact Alice Hutchison for further information or questions.


Pres. Jan Wholey 520-638-7088 suncityyoga2018@gmail.com

The Yoga Club offers three different classes each week:

Exercisers try weighted body bars or light wooden sticks for upper body work.

Energetic Exercisers meet in the cool, spacious Auditorium. A monthly calendar tells the focus for the day, such as aerobics, cardio tone or interval training. Equipment such as weighted bar, kettle bell, or fitness circle adds variety and is always optional. Expert instructor Sally Martinez aims to help exercisers develop and maintain strength, balance and heart health. Everybody moves at their own pace and can always adjust to individual needs. Dress is exercise casual with sport shoes required. SCOV residents can join Energetic Exercise for only $3 per year and then purchase a 12-class punch card for $30. Newcomers can try out a first class for $2.50. If you want a cool, healthy indoor activity during this hot summer, come join us.

Fitness Swim

Contact: Dave Goodman 520-812-1056 goodman@sfu.ca

Workouts suspended May through Oct.

While most members are motivated recreational swimmers, we also include nationally-ranked master swimmers, triathletes, and former club and university swimmers. The group generally swims about 2,400 yards, though some do more and some do less.

New members are welcome. Please ensure you have medical clearance to participate in a vigorous workout. Swimmers are reminded to socialize quietly after a workout so as not to disrupt the next group of pool users.


Mary Ayers 520-638-7916 scov.pilates@gmail.com

Mon., 3 pm, Thu., 1:30 pm, AFC/Studio

Summer is here and both the Monday and Thursday classes are smaller and more personal, making it a great time to try out Pilates. First, we do stretching exercises to warm up and then perform the Pilates mat routine, modifying some of the moves for those with limitations. People ask, "Can the benefits of Pilates, which come from strengthening and stretching exercises, really develop the body's core (your abdomen and back muscles), make you stronger overall, increase spine mobility and build flexibility?" The answer is a firm yes. Additional benefits include improved balance, muscle tone, stamina and a feeling of well-being. The cost is $8/class and annual club dues are $20 pp. Please join us or just stop by and watch. Call Mary with questions.

Sunrisers Exercise

Joyce Wisbey 520-825-5425 bwisbey90@msn.com

Shirley Dubansky 520-975-4100

Mon., Wed., Fri., 7-8 am, AFC/Studios 1 & 2

Are you an early riser and want to improve your stamina and strength? Join us for an hour of aerobic and weight exercise, all while standing. There is no fee to join the club or the class. Bring your weights and drinking water. We hope to see you there.

Tuesdays, 10:45 am, AFC Studios 1 & 2 (Torrey). All levels of yoga.

Wednesdays, 8:30 am, AFC Studios 1 & 2 (Katie). This is a slower-paced class, and if you've been away from yoga for a while, it is a great way to return. You'll benefit from connecting to your breath, slowly stretching muscles and joints to feel younger, and just relaxing. There are plenty of options offered for each pose, connecting the mind and body with positive mental thoughts.

Thursdays, 10:45 am, Desert Oasis, Chair Yoga (Torrey) Each class is 1.25 hours. The cost is $10. Bring your mat for Tuesday and Wednesday classes.

Games Bridge

Duplicate Bridge

Pres. Dave Hablewitz 520-989-0486 hkrisdave@opusnet.com

Mon., 6 pm; Fri., 12:30 pm, Activity Center/Hohokam and Hopi Rooms

We have returned to our usual days and times in the Activity Center. Please arrive 15 minutes early. We can help you get a partner if needed.

Ladies Monday Social Bridge

Dee Erlandson 520-638-5725 deeerlandson@gmail.com

Mon., 12:30-3 pm, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

Come for a friendly game of bridge. Renew those old friendships and meet new friends.

Mixed Social Bridge

Pres. Don Wheeler 520-334-7578 don8359@gmail.com

Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30 am, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

The Mixed Social Bridge Club plays contract bridge in an informal, relaxed and fun environment. We want everyone who comes to sit at a table and play bridge. If needed, we will make a table of three or have a player float from table to table. Play starts at 8:30 am. Come a few minutes early to socialize and find a partner. We have coffee, and members often bring goodies. Online games are available, using Trickstercards.com. New players are welcome to join us.

Partners Tuesday Night Bridge

Pres. Larry Parks, VP Janelle Parks

Sec. Louise Fraser 520-825-9592

Tue., 5:45 pm, Activity Center/Navajo Rooms

Join us for a cool Tuesday evening of bridge; we play all summer. Our group is also very cool, pleasant and helpful. Bring a partner and $1 each to put into the pot. There are winners every time we play. Arrive before 5:45 pm, and we promise you an enjoyable evening. We finish at 8:30 pm. Call Louise if you have any questions.

Practice Bridge

Pres. Clara (Carol) Murray 360-448-1612 clara.murray@comcast.net

VP Pat Orchard 520-825-0352 patoen922@gmail.com

Mon. and Wed., 1-3 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

We play for fun, to refresh old skills and develop new ones. Sometimes we even keep score. We learn from each other.

Fern Strandskov 520-825-8127


Fourth Tue., 1-4 pm, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Please join us. There is a $2 entrance fee, which is divided among the winners. We promise you a fun afternoon. Mark your calendar and give it a try. Hope to see you there.


Pres. John Bechard bechard.john@gmail.com

Sec. (membership info) Bob Fouch 310-968-6445 rfouch3@gmail.com

Mon., 4:30 pm, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon

The Chess Club will continue to meet weekly throughout the summer months. Join us for a friendly and challenging game or two. Chess lessons are available for new players.


Pres. Salvador Hernandez 281-883-2986

First and Third Thu., 6 pm, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge On hiatus until Sep. 7

We look forward to seeing you when we return on September 7. New members are welcome. Come join the fun.


Mah Jongg

Casual Mah Jongg

Judee Wickersham, 520-989-3254

1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Tue., 1-4 pm, Desert Oasis

Come and play on Tuesdays for a casual, fun game.

Thursday Mah Jongg

Cathy Morrow 360-739-0376

Thu., 1-4 pm, Desert Oasis

Summer heat slows everything down a little. I tend to hibernate in the house on those long lazy afternoons. Sometimes I get to thinking about this year’s Maj card. There are some unique uses of the Dragons. How many hands require stand-alone Dragons? How many hands have at least one set of four Dragons? And how about those Dragons that come in threes?

I guess that’s enough thinking for one afternoon. Tomorrow I may focus on the use of Flowers. Fortunately, Thursday is just around the corner. Join our group for a stimulating Maj afternoon. New players are always welcome.

Women’s Pan (Panguingue)

Claudia Case 206-579-6500

Mon., Fri., 12:30-4 pm, Wed., 9 am-12:30 pm, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

If you enjoy a challenge, come and observe our game of Pan (Panguingue). It’s a fun and interesting game. We would love to have you join us.


Chris Auclair 585-309-9065

Mon., 5:30 pm, Desert Oasis

If you would enjoy playing this friendly card game, bring $1 to Desert Oasis on Mondays at 5:30 PM.

Five Crowns

Pat Hansen or Fern Strandskov ferndean@aol.com

Sat., 4:30 and 5:30 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo www.scov5crowns.weebly.com

Five Crowns is a fun and easy game to play. See our website for a short video. Players usually play one, two or three games, depending on what time they arrive. Players are randomly assigned to tables, and each game normally takes one hour. For each game you play, you need to bring 12 dimes and one quarter. So if you plan to play three games, bring 36 dimes and three quarters. New players are always welcome.

Gin Rummy

Bob Segebrecht or Sue Lilja 802-236-0150

Sat., 9 am, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Call Sue if you have any questions or suggestions.

Dave Flatness 425-443-3708

Wed., 5:30-8:30 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

We play single deck and rotate partners every four hands. Bring $1 for your tally. If your skills are a little rusty, we can get you up to speed quickly. Annual dues $5 pp.


Dealer’s Choice Poker

Steve Dirks 520-429-3303 stevenkdirks@gmail.com

Tue., 6 pm, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Our game is open to all SCOV residents. Games: Texas hold’em, crazy pineapple, Omaha, seven-card stud, criss cross, slide-rule and a couple of five-card draw variations. The dealer antes 25¢. All games are high-low except for Texas hold’em and crazy pineapple, which are high only. Stakes are 25¢ for the early round of bets and 50¢ for the last two rounds.

Contact Steve Dirks for a Word document with the full club rules and a detailed description of the games.

Men’s Friday Poker

David Dellinger 480-620-5519 davidjdeljan@aol.com

Fri., 5:45-8:45 pm, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Friday Poker plays every Friday evening at Desert Oasis. We play easygoing poker with low stakes. Games are high only, five-card draw, five-card stud, seven-card stud, Texas holdʼem, Omaha and criss cross. No dues. Bring your own refreshments. Cards are provided. Dealer antes 5¢ per player and chooses the game. Absolute requirements are to leave politics and religion at the door and enjoy three hours of no-hassle, understandable poker. We welcome new players. Bring nickels, dimes and quarters.

Call David if you would like to review rules of play before your first game. Show up at 5:30 pm so we can start playing by 5:45 pm.


Jan Fischer 520-825-2401 fischer_janice@comcast.net

Fri., 1-3 pm, Desert Oasis

People seem to think that the game of Scrabble is difficult or hard since it deals with spelling. Maybe this article will give you a new perspective to a game that millions of people around the world play every day. An example of words that can be made from tiles that comprise the game of Scrabble, is the word "coffee." Does anyone ever think how many letters are in words we write or speak each day? A Scrabble game has two Cs, nine Os, and 12 Es, so there are plenty of chances to spell the word "coffee." Thousands of people around the world do crossword puzzles every day and many of them also play Scrabble.

The SCOV Scrabble Club has been around since the early days of our community, and so far has survived a pandemic and many long, hot summers. We are a small group trying to get more of our residents to drop in and give Scrabble a try. We welcome anyone and everyone to visit.

Sheepshead - Schafkopf

Jeff Rusch 920-202-0007 jffrusch@yahoo.com

Tue., 10 am-noon, Desert Oasis

Schafkopf, better known as Sheepshead, is a card game most commonly played in Wisconsin and surrounding midwest states. If you are interested in joining us, contact Jeff.


Barbershop VLQ (Very Large Quartet) Kactus Krooners

Mike Moyer 520-308-8881 mmoyerpp@gmail.com

Mon., 10 am-noon, Desert Oasis/Saguaro

Love those barbershop harmonies? Got a song in your heart? Want to hear and feel and learn what it’s like to blend your voice with others, barbershop style? Come join this fun mixed (men and women) a cappella chorus in song for just two hours every Monday morning. It's a great way to start each week. Music is provided and visitors are welcome. There is strength in numbers, the more the merrier. Come join in song. Whoever is here, we'll start up on Monday, July 10, Desert Oasis.

Different Drummers Women’s Circle

Zona Boss 520-638-6644, Colleen Hoffman 520-825-8393

Wed., 2-3:30 pm, 2338 E. Montrose Canyon Dr. On hiatus

Drumming sessions are on hiatus until fall. Check the August Tipster for our startup date. Have a fun, safe summer. Our sessions start with some hands-on individual instruction, a virtual program and drum along. There will be some drums available for newcomers' use.

The Different Drummers Women’s Circle provides a community drum circle for anyone wanting to connect with others through hand drumming using African Djembe drums, handheld Native American frame drums and other small percussion. Drums and instruments are provided for guests.

Join us to drum, laugh and meet new friends. For centuries, people worldwide have used group drumming to energize minds and bodies, strengthen community bonds, release stress and celebrate life.

Early Music Recorder Ensemble

Joyce Minks 520-825-0642 minksjoy42@comcast.net

Mon., 3:30 pm, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo

Do you have a recorder (the musical instrument)? Want to learn or improve your skills? Would you like to play in a fun group? Soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorders welcome. Enjoy the harmonies of an ensemble. Music is provided and instruments are available. We meet one hour every Monday, starting July 10. Learners and visitors welcome. Let’s make beautiful music together.

Sun City Singers

Director Don Hess ddhess@yahoo.com

Pres. Bob Westendorf rewestendorf@live.com

Tue., 6:30-8:30 pm, Activity Center/Kiva

The Sun City Singers will present a concert on the Fourth of July at 2 pm, Auditorium. Admission is free, and complimentary ice cream will be provided. Then the singers will be off for the summer. On September 12, we will resume rehearsals on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm, Activity Center/ Kiva. We are a community chorus with no audition required. Do you love to sing? Come join us. New members are always welcome. For more information, contact our director, Don Hess.

Ukulele - Sun City Strummers

Pres. John Sand 520-308-5883 jocher_sand@hotmail.com

Musical Director Don Bong

Tue., 10-11:30 am, Desert Oasis/Saguaro www.scovaz.com/clubs/ukulele

Guitar players: come play and join in the fun. We have a good time playing oldies but goodies. The baritone ukulele is easy for guitar players. We have loaner ukuleles. Come join us every Tuesday at Desert Oasis.


Bike - Vistoso Cyclists

Treas. Roger Paluska 970-368-0124 rcpalu@gmail.com

Sec.-Sherri Rutman 763-443-9379 srutman100@aol.com www.vistosocyclists.org

Cycling renews us. Getting outside in the clean air, taking in the incredible mountain views and biking with friends are some of the reasons we choose to live here. Oro Valley is one of the greatest biking destinations in the country. Wide streets, gorgeous bike paths, clean air and desert beauty draw cyclists from all over the country.

Cycling here is a dream come true for members of the Sun City Vistoso Cycling Club (VCC). With over 250 members and organized group rides four days per week, there’s a ride for everyone.

We support three local charitable organizations: Wheels for Kids, El Grupo and the Interfaith Community Food Bank. VCC volunteers build or repair and deliver over 400 bikes to kids in the Tucson area every year through the Wheels for Kids (WFK) program. WFK’s 40 volunteers have delivered over 4,600 bikes to charities such as Boys and Girls Club, Casa de los Niños and More Than a Bed. New volunteers are welcome.

For more information or to join, please visit our website. Ride. Have fun. Be safe.


Pres. Robert Dufur 503-312-0809 robertdufur@outlook.com

Mon.-Fri., noon-4 pm, Catalina Vista/Billiards

New members are always welcome. The club dues are $5.

Our weekly activities are round robins on Mondays (straight 8-ball) 2-4 pm, Tuesdays (“One-Fifteen” 8-ball) 1:15-4 pm, and Thursdays (straight 8-ball) 10 am-noon. All members at all levels are welcome. These round robins are for fun only (not for money). Based on the number of players that show up, we will have a rotation set up, so everyone plays every round. Wednesdays from 10 am-noon are reserved for the women’s division. The Billiards Room is reserved for members only, Monday-Friday, noon-4 pm. Stop by and play a game or two.

Birders Group

Peggy Smith 520-344-0991 pdsaz@aol.com www.scovbirding.wix.com/birdersgroup bocce play on Wednesdays around 9 pm. BYOB.

To see what times are open for general play and to reserve a court, please check the Court Reservation system on Sun City’s website at https://suncityorovalley.com/book-court-la.

Gun Club

Pres. Joe Noll 229-894-0412 janoll41@aol.com

Second Wed., Oct.-Apr., 2-4 pm, Activity Center/Hopi

The Gun Club stresses safety and education in the enjoyment, handling and collecting of firearms and all the shooting sports. All are welcome.


Pres. Jacob O’Neill jakemponeill@gmail.com

Scheduled hikes are posted on the website www.scovhiking.org

Hikes continue through the summer, just not as frequently as in the cooler months of the year. Check our website to see what hikes are scheduled. Hikes start early to escape some of the heat. Remember to bring more water or electrolyte drinks than you think you will need, salty carbohydrate snacks and maybe a cooling neck towel. Don’t forget to apply plenty of sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat.


Ron Knudson 520-825-9307, cell 520-250-4183 for info

Tue., Thu., Oct.-Apr., 2 pm; May-Sep, 8 am

The Pits at Catalina Vista

How about a fun time in the great outdoors? Join us Tuesdays and Thursdays at the horseshoe pits. Horseshoes are available or bring your own. No fees or membership required. Just come and have fun. Everyone is welcome, firsttimers or old-timers.


Pres. Michael Voellinger eer26003@gmail.com

VP-Orientation Linda Dolsberry Ldolsberry@gmail.com

Registration can be found on the website: www.scovpb.org

Male barn swallow

Barn swallows are said to be found in more places on earth than any other bird species. While there are six species of swallows that call Arizona home, the colorful barn swallow is the most common here in SCOV. They particularly like to build their mud nests under structures during May and June. The restrooms by the pickleball courts are a favored spot. Want to learn more?

We are a 110-plus member, activity-oriented group and all SCOV residents are invited to join us on our field trips to learn more about the birds here in Arizona (we carpool). If you are interested in joining us, ask Peggy Smith to add you to our mailing list so we can keep you up-to-date on the trips, which tend to be ad hoc as the monsoons approach and we enter our summer hiatus.


Pres. Gail Parson gailscov@comcast.net

VP Ginny Howes, kandghowes@comcast.net www.scovbocce.weebly.com

Mon., Wed., Fri., 7-9 pm, Bocce Courts

Bocce is a fun activity that people of all ages and abilities enjoy. You just need to be able to pick up the ball and roll it. Annual dues are $5. A membership form is on the club website under Club Info. Please arrive 15 minutes before the starting time and pick up a wooden stick from the starter. Space limits each session to the first 32 players, with members given priority. Courts are open to only Bocce Club League play Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 7-9 pm. We’ve started having a social hour on the Kiva Patio after

This past spring, a group of women in the Pickleball Club formed a team, named the Dinking Buddies, and registered to compete in the Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL). Weekly competitions were held against teams from around the Southern Arizona region, and the Dinking Buddies made it to the regional play-offs. Quite an accomplishment for their first year. It was enjoyable, exciting and successful. They continue to practice and plan to embark upon a second season of APPL play next spring.

You must be a member of the Pickleball Club to participate in club activities. Club registration is on the SCOVPB website. Zero zero two.

POP Tennis

Pres. Brian Goff 518-719-6224 bwgoff@outlook.com

VP Warren Burda 520-308-1118 wpburda@gmail.com

Treas. Jim Steinmetz 440-552-6173 vintner731@gmail.com

Tue., Thu., Sat., 7-9 am, Desert Oasis

It’s a well-known fact that you should never bet on the weather, but in Arizona you can bet that July will be a hot month. With a little luck, the temperature will be moderated by some cooling monsoon rains. Between those rainstorms be sure to get out on the courts to play some POP Tennis, share some laughs and burn some calories. It’s a great way to start your day. We’ll see you out on the courts.


Pres. Jim Benshoof 612-799-5918

Open Group Tennis, Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30-10:30 am

Chris Gerber 763-360-8393 Jan Dunbar 815-766-0819

Open Group Tennis, Tue., Thu., Sat., 8-10 am Mark Lankes 315-450-1676

Open Group Tennis, Tue., Thu., Sat., 10 am-noon Jen Garvin 520-400-4368


Pres. Rich Hoskins 520-222-5339 Richscotthoskins@gmail.com

VP Tom Cooksey 503-753-5737 tdcooksey@msn.com

Treas. Janell Raty 530-401-2477 janello66@yahoo.com

Game days, Tue., Fri., setup 12:45 pm, play 1-3 pm, AFC/Racquetball Ct.

Wallyball is volleyball played on a racquetball court with three to five players on each side. It is fast, fun, and a great workout that tones muscles and improves coordination. Players use the walls to create angles on shots but cannot use the ceiling or back wall of the opposing team.


Pres. Mike Middleton 508-954-4581

Mon.-Fri., 8-11 am, AFC/Racquetball Court

Welcome club member Gary to our group. Our coffee gatherings at The Bistro are still ongoing after we play. We wish Larry and Mike speedy recoveries and look forward to their return to the court. We shall find out whether the cane or the walker will win the race in the fall.

Table Tennis

Co-Pres. Dorothy Filip dotfilip520@gmail.com

Co-Pres. John Smith jdsaz@aol.com

Tue., women 1:30 pm; all play 3-5 pm

Thu., all play 4:30-8 pm; Sat., all play 9 am-noon

Sun., all play 1-3 pm. All play is at Catalina Vista

Think about having fun on a July afternoon, away from the outdoor heat. Come to Table Tennis (aka ping pong) and in the cool comfort of Catalina Vista, you can find easy activity or vigorous competition. You can exercise eye-hand coordination, motor speed and concentration in an atmosphere of fun and friendship. All are welcome, whether you have never played or have super skills. Club paddles and balls are waiting for you; just remember to wear good sport shoes. You will usually find friendly club members playing in the first hours of each session. If you are inviting a gaggle of family and friends, you may like the later hours.

We welcome new members, both men and women. Come see if the game is for you.

Water Volleyball

Pres. Pete Coy Petecoy@gmail.com 360-739-4100

VP Karen Alexander Karenandbrian2001@yahoo.com

VP Barb Satterly 520-825-8965 Craftylady838@aol.com

Treas. John Lesko 248-231-0546 azjl1946@gmail.com

Recreational play Thu., Sun., 1-3 pm, Desert Oasis pool

Advanced play Mon. 1-3 pm, Wed. 10 am-noon, Desert Oasis pool

It is all about the fun and laughter. Players keep coming back because they have fun, laugh at their own shots and the shots of others, and cheer when someone makes a great one. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or looking for a way to become more active, this game may be for you. Come by and watch, but bring your suit because you may feel like you want to join in the fun. We welcome new folks who are just checking to see if this game might interest them.

Travel Day Trippers

Chair Laura Suchocki 520-612-7226

Membership Nancy and Lou Phillippi 520-638-6957

Second Fri., 9 am, Activity Center/Native American Rooms

Tue., Aug. 1: Free casino trip to Desert Diamond Casino on Valencia. Limit of 40 people. Casino-provided shuttle buses leave SCOV at 10:30 am. and depart casino for return trip at 3 pm. New players receive $20 in free play, plus everyone receives $5 for food. Deadline to register: July 20. Monitor: Nancy O’Hara 847-207-7115

Thu., Aug. 17: Tucson Museum of Art. Lunch at the Café a la C’Art. Cost: $68 pp, includes entry, lunch, bus, tax and tip. Cutoff date is August 7. Monitor: Laura Suchocki, 520-612-7226

Fri., Sep. 1–Sun., Sep. 3: Cottonwood/Sedona. Wine tastings in Old Town; Verde Canyon evening wine train; dinner and show at Blazin’ M Ranch; Copper Museum; Montezuma Castle National Monument; buffet at Cliff Casino. Cost: $1,232/dbl. ($616 pp), $758/sgl. $100 pp deposit, final payment Aug. 11. Monitor: Pam Divis, 630-339-6864 Future plans:

Nov.: Cosanti Bells site, Paradise Valley, AZ

Dec. 17: Christmas luncheon

RV Club - Sundowners

Pres. Eric Wiley 360-510-1641 w.eric.wiley@gmail.com

VP Bob Whipple 608-469-7690 rjwhip@yahoo.com

Website: https://sundownersrvclub.wildapricot.org

Meetings second Mon., 9 am, Catalina Vista

Our next meeting will be Monday, October 9, 9 am, Catalina Vista. If you are a newcomer to SCOV and have an RV, please join us as a guest.

During the October meeting, plans will be finalized for the Route 66 trip slated for October 30 through November 3. Space is still available for this trip. Please sign up online during the summer.

Survivors of a Loved One Who Died by Suicide

Ester Leutenberg ester36@gmail.com 520-444-8529

Individual encounters offered

There is nothing as helpful as talking to another person who has lost a close loved one who died by suicide. If you wish to share the experience and feelings of your loss, please contact Ester Leutenberg, who lost her son to suicide when he was 30 years old.

Vistoso Helpful Hands

For assistance call 520-447-0077

Chair Barb McNeill bjmac68@gmail.com

If some of your activities are fewer during the summer, we can always use more volunteers, even for just the summer. Stop by the Welcome Center for an application. We will contact you.

Vistoso Helpful Hands is an all-volunteer organization assisting SCOV residents who need help in a temporary crisis/ needy situation. We assist with caregiver relief/shut-in visiting, transportation, animal care, handyman services, light housekeeping/yard care, paperwork organization, errands and picking up take-out meals from The Views Restaurant. We also have a resource file with referrals for paid and other volunteer services.

For help call 520-447-0077. If we are not available, leave a message with your name/phone number. We will call you back.

Wheels for Kids

Tom Terfehr 520-789-7243 www.azwfk.org

Club member, Warren Ellis, was the winner of the Taco & Tequila Beer Bottle Cap Bingo contest by filling his card before all other players. The event coordinator is presenting a coveted New Mexico Tech t-shirt

In May 2023, seven club RVs toured New Mexico, visiting the Very Large Array Radio Telescope Observatory, Chaco Canyon National Historic Park and the Petrified Forest in Arizona. The 1,000-mile trip included a stop in Socorro, NM, home to New Mexico Tech University. The University was hosting Cinco de Mayo Taco & Tequila Night, which the club members attended and greatly enjoyed.

Partnered Organizations

The items contained under this heading are provided as a service to residents by other organizations. SCOV does not sponsor, support, assume responsibility or liability for the information.

Kevin D. 708-732-2943 kjd728@aol.com, Tue., 7 pm, Desert Oasis

This group has resumed regular meetings.

Payton Davies

Parkinson’s Support

520-401-7275 bpwdavies@gmail.com

Third Wed., 10:30 am-noon, Resurrection Lutheran Church, Katie’s Korner 11575 N. 1st Ave., Oro Valley

People with Parkinson’s Disease as well as caregivers and/or family are welcome.

Do you remember your first bike? Wheels for Kids is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing rehabbed bicycles to children and families in need in the Tucson area. To date, we have donated 4,600 bikes to local nonprofits, who then distribute the bikes to their clients. Some of our partner organizations include Refugee Focus, Boys and Girls Club of Tucson, Children’s Advocacy Center, Casa de los Niños, Ronald McDonald House and Youth On Their Own. Wheels for Kids is an all-volunteer effort, and we are always happy to welcome new people to our team. If you are interested in learning more, please visit our website or call Tom Terfehr. Help kids experience the same joy you had when you got your first bike.

Extended Community


Al-Anon helps friends and families of problem drinkers. www.so-az-alanon.org 520-323-2229.

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