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Continuing Education
Woodworking Pres. Gary Casner 303-880-4120 gcasner1@comcast.net VP Karen Curry 708-822-3057 kindheart77@att.net Next meeting Thu., Aug, 4, 9 AM, Wood Shop www.scovwoodworkingclub.com
Summertime is unquestionably the slow season at the Wood Shop. The shop remains open throughout the summer, but may be closed occasionally as demand slackens and monitors are not available.
Wood hat from a single piece of solid maple
This month’s featured woodworker is Don Jorgensen. Don has been around woodworking much of his life and has been turning wood over 25 years. A master craftsman, he says that the SCOV Wood Shop has everything a woodworker needs and is quick to add that club members’ care of the shop and its equipment is exceptional.
A new member orientation is held at the Wood Shop the first Wednesday of each month at 4 PM. Call Bill Norton at 480-980-5493 for further instructions. Visit the website or call an officer with questions or for more information. Club dues are $30/year.
Janine Petryk observed this dramatic sunset over the Catalina mountains
Astronomy Pres. Allan Mashburn 435-219-0042 scovastronomy@gmail.com Wed., 7 PM, Catalina Vista, Oct.-Apr. www.scovastronomy.weebly.com
The Astronomy Club’s next meeting is Wednesday, October 19, 7 - 9 PM, Catalina Vista. Our future meetings will be the third Wednesday of the month. With membership exceeding 100 individual and family members, it is wonderful to have such good attendance for our knowledgeable guest speakers. Next year’s speakers list is developing and will be posted once finalized.
Please be prepared at the first fall meeting to finalize an officers’ slate. The club Bylaws require the entire current slate to be replaced. Please consider supporting the club’s future by volunteering for one of the open positions. Contact Allan Mashburn if you wish to volunteer.
Helicopter, Ingenuity, above Perseverance on Mars. NASA illustration
In July, CBS 60 Minutes aired a segment on the Mars Perseverance Helicopter flight. It’s a great watch. This is the web address to view the segment: https://www.cbsnews. com/news/mars-life-ingenuity-helicopter-perseverance-rover-60-minutes-2022-07-03/ Bible Studies
Men’s Bible Study
Jerry Anderson 520-638-6586 Oct.-May, Tue., 7:15 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball
The Men’s Bible Study group is currently on summer vacation; weekly sessions will resume Tuesday, October 11, 7:15 AM, Catalina Vista. Over the summer, the group meets for breakfast every Tuesday at The Views Restaurant, 8 AM. If you have an interest, please join us.
Women’s Bible Study
Pres. Elaine Farmer 253-318-0018 elaineruth@gmail.com Sec. Faith Heitmann 208-750-5886 quincie51@gmail.com Oct.-May, Wed., 8:50 AM, WC3
Hello ladies of SCOV. We pray you are all doing well, whether here enjoying monsoon weather, or out traveling or snowbirding. In October we will begin a new fall session entitled “Portraits of Strength: The Women of the Judges.” The format will be the same, a workbook and a video in class. Here is a synopsis: “This study explores the unique lives of the women of the Judges: Deborah, Jael, Ruth, Naomi and