Staying In Going Out - October 2011

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tunbridge wells





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hello to autumn... The season is changing... it's all hot chocolate, conkers, and the smell of autumn leaves! As you will see, there's plenty of autumn activities going on – and if there's anything that you'd like to see featured in our next issue, email me at



elcome to Staying In & Going Out magazine. In this issue, we're running a sparkling competition – a family ticket to see the gorgeous new ballet of The Snow Queen performed by Ballet Theatre UK at the Assembly Hall Theatre on October 23rd. See page 5 of Going Out for how to enter... good luck!

staying in

• Fun party games for Halloween, • •

plus a few ghost stories to whet your appetite... Our regular competitions, with a prize sudoku for the grown-ups and a puzzle for the kids Focus on Back Care Awareness Week and how you can join in a live chat session, sponsored by AXA PPP healthcare

Back Care

Awareness Week 17 to 23 Oct 2011 Giving you all the information you need to care for your back

Chat live with Jan Vickery on 17 Oct

Find out more, visit


going out

• Exclusive interview with Ballet

Theatre UK on their new ballet

• A new-look 'What's on' page for all your diary dates

• Plus, our usual arts round-up from our arts editor Zac Thraves

For Staying In ideas read on from here. For Going Out, see you on the flip side...

Lisa Miles 020 7348 9868

t tunbridge w wells • southborough • brenchley and Matfield • Pembury • rusthall




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fun and frolics... We're happy to admit it – we love Halloween! It's a lot of fun and a good excuse for a party – for both kids and grown-ups! So here are a few ideas for some great traditional Halloween party games! nuMber


aPPle bobbing

It's an obvious one to start with, but this game is well-loved in addition to being so well-known. You all know the drill – drop a whole bunch of apples into a large waterfilled bowl and see who can get one out using only their teeth. Keep towels at the ready!



aPPle on a string

This alternative to apple bobbing is just as difficult, if not so wet! Tie string around the middle of each apple and then hang them on a line, such as a washing line. Then try to bite them!



Fill a selection of plastic food bags with different foods that all feel rather strange or yucky! For instance, you could choose cold baked beans, frozen grapes, cold spaghetti, pulped fruit etc. Tell your victims to close their eyes and dip their hand in each bag to feel the 'dismembered body parts'. Then let them guess the real contents. Urg.


fortune telling

This one is for unmarried people only! Peel an apple and try to take the peel off all in one go, or just make it as long as you can. Throw the peel over your left shoulder and it should fall in the shape of the initial of the person you're going to marry... go on be creative!

"gHoulies and gHosties...



favourite things

Hand in tHe bag


a few of our...

... and long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night. Lord deliver us." This saying comes from an old Scottish prayer, and is often repeated for fun at Halloween. So why not finish off your party telling good, oldfashioned ghost stories? There's a few on the right to start you off...

the ghosts


Tunbridge Wells

tHe grey lady... lady

Halloween is the time of year when we all love a spine-tingling tale – and Tunbridge Wells appears to have plenty to tell! The Pantiles is, unsurprisingly, the location of many of our local 'hauntings', with the mysterious Grey Lady the most well known. She is said to sit unmoving looking from a first floor window of the restaurant of the same name...

...and tHe grey Man Another tale tells of a motorist in Broomhill Road, who stopped in panic, thinking he had run over a man on the road... only to find no one there. He later found out that this occurred at the site of an old cottage, supposedly haunted by man in a grey suit... If these tales thrill you, then look up the booklet Ghosts of Tunbridge Wells by renowned ghost hunter Andrew Green. It's no longer in print, but scout around a second-hand bookshop and it might eerily appear!

frigHt nigHt! A scary movie is a must on Halloween. Here's a few StayGo favourites that aren't necessarily the run of the mill.

tunbridge wells edition

Night of the Demon (1957), starring Dana Andrews. It's in the trees... it's coming! The Hole (2001), starring Kiera Knightly, trapped underground. The Village (2004), starring Joaquin Phoenix. It all happens in an isolated village, surrounded...

• •

The Grey Lady photo:

October 2011 / stayingin


Join tHe back care live cHat witH aX aXa Xa PPP HealtHcare

back care live chat!

wHy back awareness is a HealtH essential Do you ever suffer from back pain? With almost half of us experiencing it at some point, it’s quite likely that if you’re lucky enough not to, you’ll know someone who does. Which is why national charity BackCare aims to provide information and support for sufferers, as well as funding research that will hopefully ‘reduce the impact of back pain on society’.

back care awareness week The charity’s back pain awareness raising event – BackCare Awareness Week – takes place this year starting Monday 17th October, and this time round the charity’s theme is back pain in schoolchildren and their teachers. To tackle this, the charity is calling for changes in health and safety laws and training courses to help schools learn more about best practice for back health. And with 88% of primary school teachers reporting back pain, it’s definitely an area of pressing need.

take Part in a live web cHat The issue of back pain isn’t of course confined to schools. While the parents among us will be interested

4 stayingin

/ October 2011

in the charity’s view that badlydesigned chairs and heavy bags are damaging young people’s backs, there’s also the fact that back pain caused 4.9 million adult sick days in the space of a year. To coincide with BackCare Awareness Week, AXA PPP healthcare have planned a live web discussion on Monday 17th October from 10am to 12pm, and from 2pm to 4pm, with Jan Vickery, the lead physiotherapist at AXA ICAS. With many years of experience as a Registered Ergonomist and Chartered Physiotherapist, Jan is a back care specialist who can answer your questions on ways to effectively avoid or reduce back pain. And having carried out workplace assessments for some of the biggest names in business, she can offer excellent advice on managing musculoskeletal issues at work too. Back pain is something we’re all too familiar with – which is all the more reason to find out everything that we can about its causes, prevention and treatment. Sore back? Not sure of the best way to sit? Need advice on the height of your keyboard or monitor? Please go to www.axappphealthcare. to post your questions, which Jan can answer during the live health chat.

wHat causes back Pain? The most common causes of back pain are strained muscles or ligaments, bad posture and stress. Although it can be

painful, in most cases back pain isn’t serious. Back pain is more common in tasks that involve: Lifting heavy or bulky loads Carrying loads awkwardly, possibly one handed Repetitive tasks, packing of products Driving long distances or over rough ground, particularly if the seat is not properly adjusted Stooping, bending or crouching, including working at a computer Pushing, pulling or dragging heavy loads Working beyond normal abilities and limits Working when physically tired Stretching, twisting and reaching Prolonged periods in one position

• • • • • • • • • •

tiPs for coMPuter users… Many of us find ourselves working at the computer for much of the day. To help yourself take care of your back, here are some important tips:

your mouse with the arm in a comfortable position, adjacent to the keyboard without unnecessary stretching. Ideally the wrist should be kept as straight as possible and the forearm rested on the desk when using the mouse. Make sure the screen is stable, clean and the contrast and brightness have been adjusted to complement the ambient lighting conditions. Text that is being copied onto screen from paperwork on the desk should be as close to the display screen as possible. Ideally use a document holder adjacent or in front of the screen in order that you don’t have to look at papers from too low a position on the desk, which can cause neck and shoulder ache. Try to take regular breaks, get up and stretch. Take a screen break for a few minutes in every hour to rest eyes and muscles in the body.

Sit with your bottom well back on the seat, your thighs horizontal to the floor and your back. When the chair is at the correct height your lower arms should be just above the height of the desk. Your feet should rest firmly on the floor, if not use a foot rest. Your wrists should form an angle of 180˚ between the forearm and hand when placed on the keys. An imaginary line drawn down the forearm onto the back of the hand should be straight. Position the screen directly in front of you in a ‘straight on’ position, and in the best way to reduce reflections and glare. This is to avoid constantly turning the head or twisting the body to view the screen. The screen should be a comfortable distance from the eyes, usually arms length, and the top to middle of the screen in line with the eyes. Position the keyboard close to the edge of the desk to avoid stretching, yet allowing enough space for adequate wrist support and correct posture. Use

tiPs for lifting and carrying… Almost everyone at some time lifts or carries weights at home or at work, whether it’s carrying a pile of magazines, shifting a computer or moving

equipment in an office. So how can you do it safely? Think about the job. Does it need carrying, or can a trolley or other equipment be used instead? Think about what you are going to do before you do it. Where is the load going? Does it need more than one person to lift it safely? Is there enough room? How can you avoid having to twist when lifting or putting the load down? Think about you. Are you dressed for the job? Tight clothing can restrict movement and high heels aren’t sensible for lifting! Do you have a health problem that might make you vulnerable to injury? Remove any obstructions or tripping hazards from the route. Work out where and how to take a rest if moving a heavy load over a long distance. If the load is too bulky, look at ways in which to break it down.

• •

Health and wellbein g advic e broug to you b ht y AXA

Health PPP c www.a are

healthc xappp a askthe expert

Join the AXA PPP healthcare live chat If you have questions about back pain, take part in the AXA PPP healthcare live chat during Back Care Awareness Week. On Monday 17th October, from 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm, Jan Vickery, Registered Ergonomist and Chartered Physiotherapist, will be there to chat with you online at If you can’t join the live chat, you can still post questions ahead of the time at the same address, and Jan will respond to them on the day. Answers to your questions will be emailed back to you after the live discussion has closed.

tunbridge wells edition

October 2011 / stayingin




cHeck your sPeed


cut tHe air con

Air conditioning is a great modern convenience, but it does use up the fuel, especially at low speeds. So on a warm day, if you're driving around town, perhaps open the window instead. Make sure you do use the air con regularly, though, to keep it working well.

Sticking to speed limits is not only an important safety rule, it will also help you save on fuel because the engine works less hard at slower speeds. Your car manufacturer's handbook will tell you at which speeds your car runs most efficiently, both in and out of town.

n local independent motoring centre n saab and Honda specialists n All makes and models catered for n mots, repairs and servicing



learn to eco-drive

The way you drive the car can also have a big impact on fuel consumption. There are techniques you can employ to drive more efficiently, such as changing up a gear as soon as possible, but without making the car labour. Other tips include accelerating and decelerating smoothly, and keeping the car moving rather than stopping and starting. Combining journeys, instead of doing two or three short trips, is also a good idea. This is because cold engines use more fuel than ones that are already warmed up. So include a trip to the recycling centre on your way to do the Saturday shopping, rather than going out twice!




hese days, everyone is keeping an eye on how much they're spending on fuel, as well as making an effort to live a greener lifestyle. Sure, you can cut down on mileage where you can, but how else can you get more fuel economy out of your car?

Carry fewer things around in your boot! It may seem silly, but many of us needlessly carry around junk in the car. It all makes for a heavier load, and therefore uses up more fuel. The same applies to roofbars and top boxes. If you're not using them, take them off as they will slow the car down and make the engine work harder, ultimately putting a bigger hole in your pocket.


witH doM esPosito

lessen tHe load


driving the price down... 2

look after your car

And one of the best things you can do to keep your car running with maximum efficiency is to get it serviced regularly. This will not only help with your fuel economy, but it will help retain your car's value, too! For more fuel-saving tips and for courses on learning how to eco-drive, visit &

tr ai SA ne A d B st af emAil: f phone: 01892 824646 Woodsgate Corner, Pembury, tunbridge unbridge Wells,

n Friendly service at affordable prices Kent tn2 4ng

6 stayingin

/ October 2011

tunbridge wells edition

PuZZled ZZled led kids?!


word list


£10 toys r us voucHer

Find the school words in the grid. You can look up, down, across, backwards AND diagonally. Get an adult to help you cut out your answer and send it to the address below with your name, address and age. The first correct entry pulled out of the bag after the closing date wins a £10 Toys R Us voucher!

Broomstick Cat Halloween Pumpkin Spider Treat Trick Wizard

StayGo Kids Stuff, 2nd Floor, Lee House, 109 Hammersmith Road, London, W14 0QH. Closing date 31st October 2011. The first correct entry out of the bag wins! You must be 12 or under to enter. See website for full terms and conditions

Halloween Party…



















Postcode: eMail:



How many pumpkins and witches' hats can you see on this page? Write the answers here... Witches' hats Pumpkins

it’s a scary Joke... Q: What did the vampire say when he opened his birthday present? A: Fangs a lot! Q: How do you make a witch itch? A: Take away the ‘w’! Q: What’s a ghost’s favourite Ghouldilocks and the Three Scares!

How Many words… … can you make out of the letters in the word:


Check the website for competition winners and answers!

If you get 15 or more give yourself a big pat on the back!

October 2011 / stayingin


Closing date: 31th October2011. See website for answers.

not too taxing...

9 2 4 7 1 2

1 6 4 7 2 4 9 2 1 9 3 4 2 6 3 2 8 6 4 2 6 8

6 3

Why do witches use brooms to fly on? Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy... What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? A sand-witch... What is a mummy's favourite type of music? Wrap!

tunbridge & wells are disgusted!

8 3

8 stayingin

/ October 2011

9 6


4 7 8

1 9 2 4 8


5 6 brain buster!

. ................................................................................................................................







Postcode: Email:

. ......................................................................................................................

. ...............................................................................................................................


£10 M&S voucher Complete our sudokus, cut them out and send them in... StayGo Competition, 2nd Floor, Lee House, 109 Hammersmith Road, London W14 0QH First correct entry out of the bag wins! See website for details.

quoteunquote “You only live once but if you work it right, once is enough.” Joe E. Lewis “Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world.” William Shakespeare

spooky facts... Halloween is one of the oldest celebrations in the world, dating back over 2,000 years to the time of the Celts. About 99% of pumpkins sold are used as Jack o' lanterns at Halloween. Send in your facts & jokes to

Join in the exploits of our curmudgeonly residents to find out what they’re up to this month!

by mark smith

Now pay up or we'll turn your bins over!!

Wells, I'm bally fed up with Halloween!...

...Indeed my dear Tunbridge, imported American rubbish!!!

8 2

9 1 name:

Check the website for competition winners and answers!

What do you call someone who puts poison in a person's cornflakes? A cereal killer...

9 2 5


1 5

Place the numbers 1 to 9 in each empty cell, so that each row, column and each 3 x 3 block contains all the numbers to solve the puzzle. Good luck and send them in!

halloween gags...



sudoku MASTER?

5 3

Puzzles by


...Later at the Smith household

tunbridge wells edition

directory arts, Music & tHeatre

Hair & fasHion



Theatre and entertainment, including music and dance, for all the family address: Crescent Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2LU telephone: 01892 530613 website:

TRInITY THEATRE Theatre and arts centre with a wide range of events and great café address: Church Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1JP telephone: 01892 678678 website:

cafÉs and eating out AR ARTE bIAncA

Café and Italian deli, with a wide range of authentic produce address: 1 Chapel Place, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1YQ telephone: 01892 510554 website:

THE bEAcOn Pub and restaurant with stunning views in a quiet backwater of Tunbridge Wells address: Tea Garden Lane, Tunbridge Wells, TN3 9JH telephone: 01892 524252 website:


Coffee house, lunches and home-made cakes, complete with friendly service address: 120 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2QZ telephone: 01892 541638 website:


Music lounge with Mediterranean style menu for lunch and dinner address: 70-72, The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 5TW telephone: 01892 544700 website:


Stylish restuarant and cocktail bar address: 84 High Street, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 IYB telephone: 01892 522963 website: www.therestaurantbarandgrill.

Long established hair studio in the High Street address: 52a High Street, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1XF telephone: 01892 543484


Men's barbers for all haircutting and styling address: 10 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2PT telephone: 01892 533336 website:


Friendly hairdressing salon and beauty room address: 26 London Road, Southborough, Kent TN4 0QB telephone: 01892 530195


Footwear for mums and kids with a range of on-trend styles for all occasions address: 48 St Johns Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 9NY telephone: 01892 511651

HealtH & fitness AXA ppp HEALTHcARE For great deals on health insurance website:


Complementary therapist and reflexologist telephone: 07940 533103 email:

Motoring A TO bAv Au AvARIA Av vARIA Fully trained technicians are ready to solve any motoring problems for all major brands address: 1 North Farm Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 3DH telephone: 01892 522242 website: www.

pEMbuRY RY A AuTO cEnTRE Repairs and servicing for all makes and models, with professional and friendly service address: Woodgate Corner, Pembury, Kent, TN2 4NG telephone: 01892 824646 website: www.

© 2011 The Exclusive Edge Ltd. All rights reserved. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the publisher. The publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions relating to advertising or editorial. The publisher reserves the right to change prizes offered. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, phtocopying or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. See website for Competition Entry Terms and Conditions. CREDITS:

tunbridge wells edition

g tHinkin inside ! tHe boX

e’s find us! Her anding It’s easy to ever-exp r ou of w just a fe ated cations situ list of box lo nbridge Wells area: Tu around the re y Hall Theat The Assembl atre he T ity The Trin é Divinity Caf & Chips sh Fi an ce O orse The Black H Sports Bar ey hl nc re The B st Office Brenchley Po ers ch ut B A. Fuller Arte Bianca dy The Grey La The Beacon st Office Brenchley Po chocolate parties r pe m Temper Te oes Stampede Sh Tiffin Café at copy holder tre Plus a 1,000 Sports Cen ls el W e dg Tunbri !!! otney Castle and now Sc

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

e for Mor : it info vis

.stay www uk o go.c .

contact us... EDITOR: Lisa Miles ARTs EDITOR: Zac Thraves HEALTH EDITOR: Victoria Conway DEsIgn & pRODucTIOn: Lee Smith & Dan Annett sALEs & pRODucTIOn MAnAgER: Lee Smith pubLIsHER: Exclusive Edge Ltd 2nd Floor, 109 Hammersmith Road, London, W14 0QH Phone: 020 7348 9868

October 2011 / stayingin


see you on the flipside Wooosh! That is the sound you flipping over. If it wasn’t a digital version, of course.

tunbridge wells


goingout october


the snow queen comes to tunbridge wells


allet Theatre UK is billed as one of Britain’s newest and most entertaining dance companies. It’s currently touring with its brand-new production of The Snow Queen, coming to The Assembly Hall Theatre on 23rd October. We spoke to Christopher Moore, Artistic Director, about the company, the show, and why everyone should go and see it!

STAYGO: Can you tell us a little bit about Ballet Theatre UK and how you came to found it?

CHRIS: I’ve taken traditional ballets, which to some people have become museum pieces, and brought them up-to-date for the modern audience, engaging our audiences with a passion and energy that I hope is inspiring. The dancers bring much to the company and I am able create choreography that best shows their techniques. STAYGO: What inspires you when you are creating a new ballet or choosing a new repertoire? CHRIS: I’ve taken inspiration from an eclectic mix of classical dance, theatre, popular culture and literature to create new interpretations of popular classical ballets, and I

CHRIS: Ballet Theatre UK is a mid-scale, quality, classical dance company performing to regional venues with a bold and unique approach to creating new theatre productions and a wish to raise the awareness of dance. I danced professionally for over a decade subsequently becoming more involved with choreography, so it was a natural progression for me to establish Ballet Theatre UK to showcase my own interpretations of popular classical ballets. STAYGO: Ballet Theatre

go ay st k yGo @ .uSta on fo .cothe luti y! in join revotoda

UK has been described as ‘innovative’. Why is that exactly?


Continued on page 5…


St Johns

Tunbridge Wells

tHe PAul dunton

gig guide

PA PAul sAYs… October is jam packed with an array of superb live music events for all tastes, at all your favourite local venues. For a great evening, don't miss the Local & Live Sessions on 1st October at The Trinity Theatre, featuring the brilliant Goldie Reed and Origami Dinosaur.

trinitY Y tHeAtre A Atre Saturday 1st October Local & Live Sessions £10 Sunday 9th October In Love With Dance £18 Thursday 27th October Britten-Pears Ensemble £18/£15 con £12 Part of the Tunbridge Wells International Music Festival

tHe AssemblY ssemblY HAll ssembl Wednesday 5th October The Hollies £25.50 Saturday 8th October Rick Wakeman £26.50 Monday 10th October Soweto Gospel Choir £26.50/£24.50 Wednesday 12th October Aled Jones £22.50 Thursday 13th October ‘Over The Rainbow’ – The Eva tunbridge wells edition

Cassidy Story £19.50 Saturday 15th October Elkie Brooks £22.50 Sunday 16th October Marc Almond Acoustic £22.50 Friday 21st October The Illegal Eagles £21/£19 Thursday 27th October Kate Rusby £21/£15 Saturday 29th October ‘Sixties Gold’ £26.50/£24.50

PA PAul dunton & guests At A tHe greY lAdY d music lounge dY Local music by candlelight Doors 7.15pm, entry £5 Music from 8pm Sunday 2nd October Geoff Easeman, Luke Bacon, James Kirby, Alfie Noakes and Sevenscore Wednesday 5th October No Track Record, Kyla Stroud, Mike Orson, Logan Wilson Sunday 9th October Poppy Alice, The Worry Dolls, Lindsay Oliver, Dan Sumner Wednesday 12th October Pimlico Road, Monica and The Explosion, Joanne Louise Parker, The Varlies Sunday 16th October Corey Fox, Tarnishes, Tom Alexander, Arcelia Wednesday 19th October Holly Wellington, Tom Mchugh, Sorrel Nation, Son of Kirk Sunday 23rd October Drew Worthley, Will Sid Smith, Lauren Bransby, Ant & Fie Wednesday 26th October Darren Smallman, Kirsty McCcleod, Mark Chase, Jemima Price Band

For gre at local bands and tou ring ac ts visit T

he Foru

m on the C ommon forum.c Sunday 30th October Louis Nevison, Josie Lee, Richard Navarro, The Violet Jive

Plus... PAul PA Aul dunton & guests Thursday 6th October The Music Room at PizzaExpress, Maidstone Paul Dunton Ensemble, Lucy Baxter, Bella McKendree, The Soundcasters Advanced Booking only 0845 6027017

new launches! The Sirens EP Launch by The Paul Dunton Orchestra Friday 14th October, Holy Trinity Christ Church, High Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1UT Tickets £10, live music from The Ackerleys, The Breretons and The Paul Dunton Orchestra Free copy of EP on arrival! Doors open 7pm, music from 7.45pm Tickets on door or in advance from 07786547265 or Fred Clark Album Launch Wednesday 12th October, Hazlitt Theatre, Earl Street, Maidstone, ME14 1PL Tickets £5, details at Support from Kirsty Macleod, Paul Dunton Ensemble, Charlotte Ellis Box Office 01622 758611

Fred Clark

October 2011 / going out


The TW Reward Card entitles you to fantastic offers EVERY TIME you spend with OVER 70 local, independent businesses in Tunbridge Wells, including... 50% off your food bill at Dame Tartine 2 for 1 child's entry at Our Space 30% off your food bill at Saint John's Yard Up to 25% off your total bill at Cochin Marine

Free entry to the music lounge at The Grey Lady

Free bottle of wine when you dine at The Gallery or Montrose restaurant

20% off food and 10% off

accomodation at The Royal Wells Hotel more great offers joining every month! all offers are correct as of September 2011 but are subject to change and are all subject to restrictions.

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For a real taste of Italy... visit... Italian wines, meats & cheeses... and the most amazing coffee! 1 Chapel Place, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1YQ Tel: 01892 510554


A fA fAmilY milY ticket to tHe snow queen

To enter this great competition, just answer this simple question:

Hans Christian Andersen wrote the fairytale, The Snow Queen. Was he: a) Danish b) German c) Swedish Email your answer to The first correct entry out of the bag after the closing date of Sunday 16th October wins! To book, visit www. or call the box office on 01892 530613.

... continued from cover

cHris: The costumes and stage sets are brand-new, commissioned for this production.

hope to continue to develop new and original productions. For instance, I’m interested in haute couture fashion, so I set our previous production of Cinderella in the fashion houses of Paris, designing the set and costumes around this theme.

The costumes are in true fairytale design and, as in every little girl’s dream, complete with sparkling tutus.

st go: Can you tell us about the stAY music for The Snow Queen?

st go: For how long do the stAY dancers train for a new work?

cHris: Rehearsals are generally four weeks, but it never stops once on tour. Work continues on the nuances of the production, honing and perfecting the delivery of the show.

st go: Who works behind the stAY scenes on a production?

cHris: We have a Ballet Mistress, who is responsible for the daily class the dancers undertake and the wellbeing of the dancers; a Technical Manager who ensures the show is installed in each theatre and is ready to roll out on time every night; a Tour Manager who organizes, amongst other things, cast accommodation and their transportation to each venue; a Wardrobe Mistress and Admin staff. As Artistic Director I have overall responsibility for the company and its productions. st go: The Snow Queen is one of stAY Hans Christian Anderson’s fairytales. Why is it a good ballet?

cHris: The story has many characters that the dancers can portray, but in simple terms it’s good versus evil. Audiences appreciate a good story well-told, with elements of ‘peril’ and a happy-ever-after ending. tunbridge wells edition

st go: Who will be dancing the stAY lead roles during the tour? cHris: We have a company ethos of dancer development and care for their wellbeing. We operate a rotational system allowing each member of the cast to share in taking on the lead roles. This allows for a freshness to be brought to each show. st go: On tour, you have to stAY adapt to different theatres. How long do you get to prepare at a new venue? cHris: We generally know what to expect at each theatre – the stage size, space in the wings etc. The technical team arrives around 9am and the dancers follow. Before each show, the dancers take a warm-up class, then do a show run-through after the technical installation is complete. Depending on travel distances, it can be only a few hours to install the show and be ready to perform.

st go: The Snow Queen has stAY been described as having glittering stage sets. Can you give us more detail, without giving it away?!

cHris: The music is from Tchaikovsky, the Russian composer of ballet scores such as Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty, and Glazunov, another leading Russian composer. st go: For those who have stAY never watched ballet, how would you persuade them to come along?

cHris: I had a retired gentleman approach me after one of our shows who had never been to a ballet before and was so pleased he had now done so, having enjoyed it immensely. I think it should be considered as one of life’s experiences; you’ll never know till you try it. A live show with a high visual content and rousing music will always set the heart beating faster!

st go: Lastly, what’s your own stAY favourite classical ballet and why?

cHris: The Nutcracker to the music of Tchaikovsky. I enjoy being taken off into an imaginary world for the escapism of it all. st go: Thanks Chris, and we stAY couldn’t agree more!

October 2011 / going out


art for

arts art 's sake... bY ZAc tHrAves


o we find ourselves in October already, scarves wrapped around our necks, thick socks lining our boots and looking ahead to (whisper it) Christmas. Before all that though, there’s two terms of school to contend with (and as I write, they’ve only just gone back!), so we’re kicking off with a couple of things to keep the kids amused over the autumn, in the lead up to the main event..

summer tHeAtre fun for tHe kids... From the writer of TV favourites The Sooty Show and The Basil Brush Show comes the UK’s funniest children’s character, Theo the Mouse. Also featuring his special friends, the fabulous Wendy Abrahams and, from Sooty, Wink Taylor. Join Theo for a fun show, packed with magic, laughter and music for all the family, from age 6+. Sunday 30th October, tickets £7.50. Trinity box office: 01892 678678.

Over at the Assembly Hall, there’s a production of Mr Stink, based on the book by David Walliams, and billed as the smelliest book of all time! This world première tour is breaking new ground with a 'scratch 'n' sniff ' musical show bringing Mr Stink Pongingly to life. Every audience member will be given a free booklet with an encapsulated smell on each page alongside one of Quentin Blake's illustrations. There are six 'scratch 'n' sniff' moments during the show when the audience members will be encouraged by Mr Stink's dog

...And some serious tHeAtre A Atre ‘If thou wert my fool, nuncle, I’d have thee beaten for being old before thy time…Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst been wise.’ With madness approaching, King Lear loses his grip on the world he once knew. As his beliefs are stripped away, we are forced to examine the consequences of power, pride and love. Fools speak wisdom, the blind see and the rejected remain

to scratch the appropriate page and sample the delights of Raj's sweetshop or the horrors of Mr Stink's flatulence. Not to be missed! This family show is recommended ages from 7+. Friday 7th and Saturday 8th October, tickets £12 child/£16 adult with family discounts available. Assembly Hall box office: 01892 530613

loyal. King Lear by William Shakespeare at Trinity promises to be a fantastic presentation. The leading role is a true test for any actor and everyone who has played King Lear has gone into it with a true sense of awe. From Tuesday 18th October to Sunday 23rd October, tickets £12.50. Trinity box office: 01892 678678. Meanwhile, The Oast Theatre in Hildenborough is performing Look Back In Anger by John Osborne. “There aren’t any good, brave causes left…,” sighs Jimmy Porter as he struggles to find a reason to live in a country coming to terms with the end of the Second World War. Jimmy is part of a generation of youths who could not find a cause and this play started a revolution of playwriting that is still being felt today. From 22nd to 29th October, tickets £10. The Oast Theatre box office: 01732 363849.

King Lear

6 going out /

October 2011

tunbridge wells edition

say hi…

When he's not acting, Zac keeps busy with arts events, so if you have an event coming up and would like a mention in the magazine, contact arts@staygo on Twitter @Hary828

about Zac

Zac Thraves has worked in theatre, television and make sure you catch him in Look Back In Anger!

congrAtulAtions All round...

“ and large I am very pleased. “By We put on a lot of great events for I have received wonderful feedback all different tastes and persuasions. from those of you who went to see I’ve already heard back from several Brian Bissell's show at The Assembly groups to say they have had a lot of Hall. It was wonderfully attended and interest from new members who found I know that he was very excited about them through the festival, while others it. Brian kept everyone entertained have been asked to work on projects and split his act up with others, by people who saw their events. It goes including magicians and comedians. without saying there is a lot I would I would also like to congratulate do differently next time, but that is Electric Lantern Festival for their arts only to be expected. Let’s just say it’s week in Tunbridge Wells. The final not put me off doing it all again next day saw two films shown at Trinity year as I’ve already as part of what is started work on the hopeful to become an Electric Lantern anthology of films set Festival 2012 2012.” in our town. Again, To contact Sam I have received good about next year's feedback from those festival, email that attended and was him at sam@ pleased that one of the electriclantern films was taken from my own script. And for both Last week, I those events, bumped into Sam why, you ask, did our Marlow, who arts correspondent not organised the attend? Simples, I was Electric Lantern in Menorca sitting on Festival, and I the beach. asked him how Oh well! Brian Bis it went. He said, Signing off. Zac sell, on to p form!

October 2011 / going out


what's on this month october...


elcome to our new-look listings page! We bring you events for October, listed in date order, so that if you're stuck for something to do, just grab StayGo from behind the toaster (or wherever you stash it) and flick to relevant date. Easy! And if you have any dates that you'd like to see listed, then email them to

now until 29tH Ring Species, an exhibition currently running at Tunbridge Wells Museum & Art Gallery, offers a look into the work of contemporary, Kent-based artist Dawn Badland as she examines the natural world through the eyes of collectors and travellers. Dawn says that her work explores the visual culture of nature and creates an opportunity to transform our perceptions and understanding of the natural world. This particular exhibition is inspired by her research on Victorian naturalists and her own expedition to the Brazilian rainforest.

now until 31st

Wild Child 'Acorns and Conkers' at Scotney Castle. £2. Check website for dates and times. 01892 893820 (infoline) w-scotneycastlegarden

sAturd A Aturd AY 1st

• Pantiles Farmers' Market,

10am-4pm pantiles-events/index.html

sAturd A Aturd AY 1st & 8tH And sundAY 2nd & 9tH

Day Out with Thomas at Spa Valley Railway. £10/£13. 01892 537715 SpaThomasEvent.htm

wednesdAY 19tH A team of girls from Tunbridge Wells Girls Grammar are visiting Ghana for three weeks next year to help teach subjects such as English, music, maths and sport to local schoolchildren. To raise money for the school in Ghana, they are organising a concert by renowned electric string quartet, Stringfever. Tickets from £10.

Farmers' Market, Civic Way, 9am-2pm

sundAY AY 9tH

• Wedding Fayre at Hotel du Vin,

10am-3pm. Free admission. 01892 3654438

sundAY AY 16tH

Deer Rut Walk at Knole. £2.50. Booking essential. 01732 462100

AXA PPP Healthcare Live Chat to coincide with Back Care Awareness Week. Ask all the questions you want to ask to AXA PPP’s online back care expert. See pages 4-5 of Staying In for more details...

October 2011

'Putting the Garden to Bed' workshop at Penshurst Place, in association with Hadlow College. £55 including lunch 01892 870307

sAturd A Aturd AY 8tH

mondAY AY 17tH

8 going out /

wednesdAY AY 19tH

sAturd A Aturd AY 22nd

RNLI Speldhurst Coffee Morning, Village Hall, St. Mary's Lane, Speldhurst. 10.30am to noon. Gifts, souvenirs, Christmas cards, homemade cakes and jam and raffle. Farmers' Market, Civic Way, 9am-2pm Rock Around My Frock, at Salomons Centre. Charity disco in aid of Pickering Cancer Drop In Centre. £20 01892 515152

• •

tunbridge wells edition

sAt A 22nd & sun 23rd At

CAMRA Real Ale Festival at the Spa Valley Railway. 01892 537715

sAturd A Aturd AY 22nd to 30t

• The Electric Forest at Bedgebury

National Pinetum, with an illuminated trail through the trees. From £10, family ticket £41. 01665 833751 Electric_forest/Bedgebury.html

from mondAY 24tH to november 6tH

RNLI stall in Victoria Place, selling gifts and souvenirs.

wednesdAY 27tH

• Bucks Fizz and Canapés Charity

Ball, in aid of Japanese tsunami orphans at the Beluga Bar & Nightclub. £15

HAlloween fun for kids! This year, the school break coincides with Halloween – a fun time for kids (and big kids) everywhere. There are lots of tricks and treats in store...

scArY r scotneY! rY Hunt for secret clues around the castle grounds on the spooky trail at Scotney Castle. Then if you're brave enough head up to the Discovery Room, you can dabble in some crafty crafts. 26th to 31st October from 11am to 4pm. Normal admission charges apply, plus £3. For information, call 01892 893 860

Halloween Ghost Tour at Hever Castle. 6.30-8.30pm, advance booking required. £15. 01732 865224

sAturd A Aturd AY 30tH And sundAY AY 31st

Exhibition and sale of artwork by Leigh Art & Craft Group, Leigh Village Hall. 10am-4pm. Free entry. 01732 832428

tunbridge wells edition

Spooky tales in the forest, make your own pumpkin lantern and mask to take home. From 22nd to 30th October. For more information please call 01892 861444

Venture into the deep dark woods and collect materials to make bats, spiders and dreamcatchers. 26th October from 10.30am to 12pm. Please book in advance on 01825 830509

fridAY 29tH

sAturd A Aturd AY 30tH

HAlloween fun At A groombridge PlAce

sPookY ook ookY wilderness wood

• Pantiles Games Day at the Corn

Exchange. Free games event for all ages and abilities with Imagination Gaming. 01892 618191

for all the family. Then at nighttime, the Shocktober Fest begins – enter if you dare... Open from 22nd to 31st, call 01342 718472 or visit

tulleYs fArm HAlloween festivA estiv l estivA Check out the number one Halloween event in the UK, as voted for at the Screamie Awards for UK scare attractions! Are you scared yet? Well, you should be! However, the festival is an event of two halves, to make sure all ages get to have fun. There’s daytime fun at Spooktacular, with six ‘haunted’ attractions and a pumpkin carving competition

ride tHe gHost trAin! Take a spooky steam train ride on the Kent & East Sussex Railway. From 24th to 29th October, there’s plenty of Halloween fun going on, with special Fright Night trains on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th.

October 2011 / going out


one of britAin's finest Historic Houses



short drive from Tunbridge Wells to Sevenoaks brings you to Knole – one of Britain's most renowned country houses and the Engraving of Knole childhood home of the and its deer park, 1809 celebrated author, poet a house that symbolises the calendar and gardener, Vita Sackville-West. Knole is certainly one of England's in terms of the number of architectural largest houses and is surrounded by a features it contains. In Knole's case, 1,000 acre deer park, which is in itself this is believed to be 365 rooms, 52 worth a visit, simply for the pleasure of staircases, 12 entrances and seven a long country walk. courtyards. But whatever the truth of this theory, Knole's treasures are indeed cAlendAr House numerous, including a wonderful art But don't stop there. You simply collection, tapestries and textiles, and a must go inside this incredible house. collection of royal Stuart furniture. Originally built in the mid-15th Knole has also been the setting of century, it eventually came into the several works of literature and film. possession of Thomas Sackville, a Vita Sackville-West's own book Knole cousin of Queen Elizabeth I, in 1604. and the Sackvilles, published in 1922, It is now known for the way in which is itself regarded as a classic, and Vita's its early 17th century appearance friend and lover Virginia Woolf set her has been preserved, while inside 13 influential novel Orlando against the show rooms remain much as they did backdrop of Knole and the Sackville in the 18th century, when they were family. Knole was also the setting of the created to display the wealth of the Beatles' video that accompanied Penny Sackville family. Lane and Strawberry Fields Forever Forever, Knole is reputed to be a rare plus it featured in the 2008 film, The example of a 'calendar house': that is, Other Boleyn Girl Girl.

events At knole Although the Sackville family still live at Knole, the house is now in the care of the National Trust. Large areas of the house, garden and park are open for visitors, so there's a huge variety of exciting things to see and do there. Coming up soon, taking place on both Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd November, is a magical tour of Knole by candlelight. For hundreds of years, Knole was only seen by candlelight, so this is a chance to experience this great house as it was in the past. You can see both the formal state rooms and some areas not normally open to visitors on this exclusive guided tour. Mulled wine will be served in the Great Hall on your arrival. And on Wednesdays in November and December, there's a chance to see what goes on behind the scenes. You can take a tour of the house by head torch, discovering the conservation work that happens in the house when it's closed to visitors. But you don't have wait for special events to experience the beauty of Knole. The park, tearoom, shop and Orangery are open throughout the autumn and winter, and the house itself is still open until the end of October, so go and enjoy!

For visiting times and more information go to or call the info line on 01732 450608

10going out /

October 2011

tunbridge wells edition

cAfÉ culture

stop for coffee... and more

Our town is blessed with some marvellous coffee stops, wherever you happen to be around town. And many of them offer much more than just a space to sit for a quick coffee break...

Camden Perk

If you're shopping in the Camden Road end of town, check out the delightfully titled Camden Perk. This establishment is fairly new in town and is an ideal place to grab a coffee or a sandwich for lunch. Alongside the standard sandwich fillings, there's a few unusual alternatives, including pastrami, with English mustard, Gouda, mayo & dill cucumber. Or if you fancy a taste of the Orient, a delicious Chai latte is served – a spicy mix of eastern promise! And you can follow up with a choice of homemade cakes, including banoffee pie for one or double choc fudge... If it's too early for lunch, or if you're extra hungry, you can also order breakfast. Speldhurst sausages are on the menu, so need we say any more? Camden Perk, 120 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2QZ 01892 541638

Warm & friendly

A taste of Italy at

Arte Bianca

Arte Bianca

If you're shopping down the High Street, Arte Bianca is the perfect place for a stimulating coffee to help you on your way. And while you're there, you should definitely take the opportunity to stock up on some wonderful Italian food and drink. On the deli counter, you'll find cooked and cured meats, including wonderful salamis; amazing cheeses, not forgetting buffalo mozarella; plus a range of mouthwatering antipastas. Meanwhile on the shelves behind you, choose from a range of olive oils, balsamic vinegars, pasta and Italian wines and spirits. And for the sweettoothed, don't forget the nougat and Italian chocolates. Bellissimo! Arte Bianca, 1 Chapel Place, The High Street, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1YQ 01892 510554

service? Always!

tunbridge wells edition

October 2011 / going out







OCTOBER 2011 sPookY... We admit it – we love Halloween! So hang up the creepy decorations and pour out the bats blood cocktail (that would be the blackcurrant squash)...

HAlloween sPookY fun! 31st october






sAturd A Aturd AY




locAl & live sessions

at the trinity theatre, 1st october




or bremner orY rorY

tunbridge wells fAsHion week

from mon 3rd oct until sat 8th oct the old school House




britain's top satirical impressionist rory bremner, returns to the live stage thursday 6th october




Join tHe AXA PPP HeAltHcAre live cHAt

monday 17th october see you online at www.axapp




at Auto bavaria


25% off HAir strAigHteninng! ask in store for details call 01892 543 484



£10 off mots tHrougHout 2011!

Happy 42nd Birthday Hugh Jackman!




HAlloween Horrid HAlf term Histories at scotney castle, 26th-31st october

21 Happy 30th Birthday Kim Kardashian!




tHe snow queen

ballet production on 23rd october at the Assembly Hall












sAturd A Aturd AY




fireworks! knole bY cAndleligHt tour

Happy 57th Birthday Adam Ant





dunorlan Park, tunbridge wells 5th november


BOnfire niGHT




tHe troggs, sPencer dAvies, tHe AnimAls & friends

11th november at the Assembly Hall




trinity Youth theatre company workshops 8 of 10 monday 14th november







beAuJolAis nouveAu breAkfAst

A e Atre YoutH tHeAtr



at the black Horse, thurs 17th nov





NOv 2011

Happy 71st Birthday Terry Gilliam



wHiZZ bAng! It’s baked potatoes and bangers for Guy Fawkes night. Wrap up warm and gather round the bonfire!

weD 14 Dec - sun 1 Jan

trinity theatre | church roaD | tunbriDge wells box office: 01892 678 678 |

DirecteD by Michael elliott coMposeD by steven Markwick written by Diana Morgan

s ...Mume h t on run ky ...a Choeue night t

...Ladie s lunch

to ...Bascinkess bu

Shoes for kids, mums and school

48 St. Johns Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 9NY


01892 511651

mums know best... wHen it comes to sHoes As the season is now changing, many of us are looking to wrap up warm for the autumn and winter weather, which often involves a new pair of boots! We recommend a visit to Stampede for Mums in St John's Road, both for great style and good service! We spoke to owner Andrea Afrifa about her business.

AndreA sAYs...

Over a year ago, I rebranded from Heavenly Soles (RIP!) to Stampede for Mums! With this, my focus shifted from 6-inch killer heels and quirky Lady GaGaesque stage shoes to something ‘mums on the run’ found more accessible for work, school runs, lunch dates and the odd night out.

get in ste steP tHis seAson! seA

"Stampede for The shoe range Mums is going this season starts from strength to at around £50, strength and has with an average lots to offer this pair of winter autumn! We boots costing are constantly around £130. building on I'm delighted our capsule with the initial collections of reaction and looking ladies' footwear. forward to being able I toyed with to develop the ranges the idea of on offer. Mums still closing down want to be seen as the shop Pop in an d say hi to Andrea fashionable, yet need altogether to comfort to cope with make more their hectic lives and space for the ever successful, that’s just what we now provide. original kids shop, Stampede. Heavenly Soles was probably a However the news came with strong bit too edgy for most clientele, resistance from local mums and on which is a shame, but who knows, reflection, I quickly realised there if business continues to be on the was still a huge gap in the market for up I can continue bring something directional, fashionable shoes for the unique to the well-heeled ladies of time-poor mums of the masses of Tunbridge Wells." little Stampede customers. Stampede! shoes 48 & 48a St Johns Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN49NY Tel: 01892 511651

tunbridge wells edition

ThE gO STaym TEa d NEEu! yO A sAles Ad A Ales suPerstA erstAr erstA Ar wAnted wA Anted! ARE... IF YOUat ad sales

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• ad sales position a covering CV and • Sleentterd yotouprroduction @staygo.c for an informal e e L ll a c Or 9868 20 7348 chat on 0

tay s . w w w go. October 2011 / going out


contact us... or call 01892 509 273

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