Architecture Thesis

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My research began by experimenting with different fluids studying their properties and how its interactions act as a trigger for a dynamic responsive tool. Advancing my research on fluids into digital to study the complex interactions that occur within a city, such as different types of infrastructural flows, crowds as fluids masses and program navigation, I started reading fluids as vector fields to choreograph this complex systems into the urban scale.

The city’s recent evolution, particularly in the second half of the past century,

has brought about a gradual isolation of the area, that together with the popu-

Working with the intensity parameter in the vector field allowed us to translate 2d vector field into a 3d vector field that allowed me to control speed and directionality into a series of topological organizations.

lation’s settlement outside the historic center, has strongly contributed to its architectural and functional decay. Nowadays, abandoned buildings, empty lots, and inadequate uses are common. At the same time, the population’s

Our team’s exploration of vector to vector relations goes through a wide range of scales and levels of spatial, structural, material and programmatic differentiation, investigating flamenco as a catalyst for urban intensification by working with urban connectivity.

socioeconomic level is one of city’s lowest, sometimes living in overcrowded and uninhabitable places. The studies on fluids interactions allowed me a first under-

This area has turned into a marginal pocket in the very heart of the historic

standing of dynamic systems, and how by studying not one

district. Through a Special Plan it has been possible to undertake a detailed

system but a combination of this generates a relation be-

analysis of every element, so unveiling the two aspects of this site: its historic

This competition arises from the opportunity and interestin internationally

value (very disfigured today), and the measures necesssary to invert its evolu-

tween properties, forces and qualities of each system.

promoting the art of flamenco from its birthplace, through the creation of an

tion, or rather, to turn it into a center of attraction because of the quality of its

Experimenting with fluids in a systemized way allowed a

emblematicand representative space able to accommodate, in the heart of

buildings and spaces. The urban void of the Plaza de Belén as it is today,

translation or interpretation of certain logics or principles to

the city of Jerez de la Frontera, the various institutions devoted to this end.

develop in a digital and analogue media.

“Recover the public space for the enjoyment of everyone, to promote the harmonious and sustainable development of the territory and to recover the heart of the city.”

Situated between the foothills of the mountain rangeand the sea, Jerez de la

The project,an artistic and cultural manifestation, will also be a key part of the revitalization process of the historic center of Jerez.

The studies about fluid interaction with a given object, gave

Frontera - whose municipal area covers 1.187 square kilometers - enjoys a

privileged location on the fertile lands of Cádiz.Ten kilometers away from the

Atlantic Coast and with approximately 200.000 inhabitants, Jerez’s urban center is the most densely populated of the province ofCádiz.

me the opportunities and the understanding of how fluid inJacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron have been chosen to develop a project

teract with each other and with its surroundings. By taking

which the city of Jerez has received with enthusiasm, and that will give Fla-

this to a given part of the city, a time-based experiments on

menco a leading position in the promotion of the arts in Spain.

fluid into jerez gave me the first peaks of organization and of possibilities withing the jerez quarter.

“Cuidad del Flamenco”

Horses, wine, bulls, and especially flamenco are the distinctive symbols of a

Over twenty years have passed since we freed the Alcázar of Jerez from that

The design strategy has focused its design research on Vector Fields and Fluid

city that stands today as one of the economic centers of western Andalusia,

concrete mass. Today, in its place, myrtle, orange and olive trees grow; and one

dynamics as the conceptual and technical basis in the choreography of complex

and that possesses, at the same time, a vast historic and cultural heritage.

Based on the simulation of crowd interaction with the differ-

can hear the murmur of water inviting to contemplate and walk around one of

dynamic urban interactions.

ent masses of the context, the vector field pretends to be a

Andalusia’s most beautiful spots. And, very soon, amidst labyrinths, paths and

direct translation from the feedback that fluid behaviour and

plazas, the strollers entering the medieval patterns of Jerez will find another

The exploration of Vector fields as an urban tool allowed an alternative mode of

garden: one designed by Herzog & de Meuron for that city – of Flamenco – that

addressing masterplanning strategies, not as one that is fixed but as one that is

shall rise in the city.

relational to possible futures.

logic is extracting from the urban context.

Developing different parametric systems (landscape/multiple ground condition, circulation, massing, program distribution and navigation) as a series of urban

fields that correlate with one another to organizeand integrate differentiated urban space.

This project addresses urban space by studying different programs relations

A fluid is defined as a substance that continually deforms (flows) under an applied shear

through sectional field navigation. The resolution of the vector as a design tool

stress regardless of how small the applied stress. All liquids and all gases are fluids. Fluids are

explores different scales and levels of spatial, structural, material and program-

a subset of the phases of matter and include liquids, gases, plasmas and, to some extent,

matic differentiation by developing vector to vector properties from a local to a

plastic solids. The term “fluid” is often used as being synonymous with “liquid”. This can be

global field space.

erroneous and sometimes clearly inappropriate - such as when referring to a liquid which

“The design strategy does not or should not involve the gaseous state. “Brake fluid” is hydraulic oil which will not its required function if gas is present. The medical profession relies on the term “fluhas focused itsperform deids” in dietary references (“take plenty of fluids”) where the presence of gases is irrelevant or sign research on Vector even possibly dangerous. Fields and Fluid dynamLiquids form a free surface (that is, a surface not created by the container) while gases do ics as the conceptual not. The distinction between solids and fluid is not entirely obvious. The distinction is made by evaluating the and technical basis inviscosity of the substance. Silly Putty can be considered either a solid or a fluid, depending on the time period over which it is observed. the choreography of complex dynamic urban interactions.”

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