key factor in making sure I’m keeping muscle strength. It’s important to try to keep your energy level up. I’m not a person to take part in a fad diet and I’m a firm believer in staying balanced by eating healthy. This includes getting a good dinner and eating nuts and fruit. As we age we lose muscle mass so it’s important to up the protein. Q: Would you say Nopalea has been part of a balanced lifestyle? Drinking it every day and making sure I start off with it is very important for my balanced nutrition. It’s given me a better quality of life because I’m not hurting so much. Q: When recommending Nopalea to your friends, what do you tell them? I recommend it all the time and I’ve sent the video to most of my friends. Everyone I know talks about some kind of joint pain or aches because we all have inflammation. It doesn’t matter who you are. Movement helps keep your blood flowing, and even if you’re not active, you’re going to get joint aches and pains. Back issues are a real concern as well. Nopalea is a natural product and it’s nice taking a natural product as a remedy. How we live and
Drinking it every day and making
sure I start off with it is very important for my balanced nutrition. It’s given me a better quality of life because I’m not hurting so much.” how we take care of our bodies today will affect us tomorrow. Being proactive with products has taught me what works for me. Products really need to be tried and tested by individuals. I trained so hard for so long. Back in the day, we didn’t know what we’re talking about today, it was about training hard and pushing the body harder. I started looking at other resources after I had my ablation on my heart, which is how I found Nopalea. I was looking for things to do to get going again. So many people have their own inflammation story to tell. To be able to get that under control will give us a better quality of life. I want to encourage and inspire people. It’s not about crossing the finish line, it’s about being able to move. Movement is my Rx if you will, and Nopalea is instrumental in helping me continue a lifetime of movement. You don’t have to be doing triathlons or running marathons. We can make the most of every day, and every day is a gift. Nopalea, it can help you feel better every day.
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