DirectX What Is It? Why Do You Need It
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A Short Introduction to DirectX Technology DirectX is a technology which is helpful in creating special visual and audio effects while playing games. When you install DirectX on your PC, you can get more performance from multimedia applications like games or video softwares. If you are a hardcore gaming fan, then you definitely need to install the latest version of DirectX technology;
There are different parts of DirectX. Some of the important ones are listed below: Direct3D – It helps in making 3 dimensional animation possible. You also need to have your computer hardware up to date if you want to enjoy best possible performance in terms of 3-D objects, motion and lighting. Direct3D is also used by other software applications like CAD/CAM engineering applications for visualization and graphic related tasks. Direct3D is the most widely publicized component of DirectX.
DirectSound - It boosts the audio performance of your PC making it possible to experience many subtle audio effects along with hardware acceleration. The next question that may come up in your mind is do you need to install DirectX on your computer. The answer is yes, you need it if you want to fully enjoy gaming and video experience. It is already included with some of the gaming softwares that need it. Or else you can download the latest version 12 from here – DirectX 12 Download
Tests conducted by Intel showed that the latest version 12 of DirectX could significantly impact graphic performance while consuming less power at the same time. The studies showed that upgrading your DirectX software could cause as much as 50% less power consumption while increasing the frame rate by sixty percent more.