Blood Memory follows the journey of Sandy White Hawk, a Sicangu Lakota adoptee from the Rosebud Reservation, including the first gathering for Adopted and Fostered Relatives of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. Featuring Jerry Dearly’s (Oglala Lakota) “Song for Adoptees,” as well as Lynn Castaway Eagle Feather, Marlies White Hat, Conrad Eagle Feather, Archie Little, (Sicangu Lakota), and Senator James Abourezk, who passed several laws boosting tribal sovereignty.
In the rugged canyon lands of Northern Arizona, Navajo and Hopi cross-country runners from two rival high schools put it all on the line for tribal pride, triumph over personal adversity, and state championship glory. Win or lose, what they learn during their seasons will have a dramatic effect on the rest of their lives. Focusing on five teens living on the Navajo and Hopi reservations, Racing the Rez unfolds over two years of careful, patient observation, and offers a rare view into the surprising complexity and diversity of contemporary reservation life. SDPB2: Saturday, November 27, 6pm (5 MT)
SDPB2: Tuesday, November 9, 7 & 11pm (6 & 10 MT) & Sunday, November 14, 4pm (3 MT)
Unspoken: America’s Native American Boarding Schools takes a moving and insightful look into the history, operation, and legacy of the federal Indian Boarding School system, whose goal was total assimilation of Native Americans at the cost of stripping away Native culture, tradition, and language.
SDPB2: Tuesday, November 9, 8pm & Midnight (7 & 11 MT)
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Learn. Learn.Dream. Dream.Grow. Grow.