The Price of Colonization

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The San Diego Monitor

Black Religious Groups, Non-Profits Can Apply for Security Grants as Gov Prioritizes Hate Crimes With $15M Emergency Fund Tanu Henry | California Black Media African-American churches, mosques and other religious organizations are among vulnerable non-profits in California eligible to apply for security grants after Gov. Gavin Newsom approved $15 million in emergency funds this week to help religious and community-based groups protect themselves against hate crimes. The governor made the announcement two days after a violent mass shooting at a synagogue just north of San Diego shocked Californians and people around the world. On Saturday, John Earnest, 19, a White supremacist allegedly entered the Chabad of Poway Synagogue carrying an assault-style rifle and opened fire. Police said he killed one woman, Lori Kaye, 60, and injured three others, including a Rabbi and an 8-year-old girl. Authorities are investigating the case as a hate crime and possibly a federal civil rights violation. “We all must call out hate – against any and all communities – and act to defend those targeted for their religious beliefs, who they love or how they identify,” said Governor Newsom.

“An attack against any community is an attack against our entire state – who we are and what we stand for.” Earnest, the accused gunman and a nursing student at California State University San Marcos, has been arrested and charged with one count of murder and three counts of attempted murder. “Just weeks ago, African-American churches were burned in the South and these were confirmed as hate crimes,” said Shane Harris, an African-American pastor and President of the People’s Alliance of Justice, a national civil rights organization based in San Diego. “I have worked CONTINUED ON PAGE 5

The San Diego Monitor

Reasons for REPARATIONS: Executing immigration policies without mitigating the negative impact that those polices might have on Native Black Americans is illegal, unconstitutional and immoral. The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, enacted at the end of the 1860s Civil War, mandated that Black people be treated in all manners similar to Whites. Since then, six succeeding generations of immigrants have been fast tracked into full American Dream membership and


Throughout this nation’s history, there have been successive waves of immigrants that blocked the access of Native Blacks to, or pushed them off of the upward mobility ladder of success. After slavery over 100 million Europeans immigrants displaced Blacks in every labor and professional occupation. Since slavery, Black displacement continues unabated in areas such as:

have received socio-economic benefits over Black Americans, the nation’s official underclass and the most vulnerable citizens in the nation. Black Americans remain an obsolete and abandoned labor class because the original mandates of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution have been ignored, violated and corrupted. The 14th Amendment stipulated and mandated that all levels of government exercise all necessary means to lift the legacies and burdens off of the shoulders of Black

SPACE: Although immigrants today move into rural communities and suburbs, most tend to migrate into and gentrify majority urban Black communities in which they compete with Native Blacks. Once they establish a footprint, they mark and close their living space by using their language, culture, and enclaves as an empowerment enabler. Poverty that immigrants bring to America is the result of policies from their countries of origin, not America. The direct private and governmental assistance they receive when they arrive in America, however, aids them to push Blacks out and gentrify old Black neighborhoods turning them into China Towns, Mexican Towns, or Arab towns.

Americans. These constitutional amendments were the collective base for the 1866 Civil Rights Laws designed to correct the 1857 Dredd Scott decision that held a Black man had no rights a White man was bound to respect. These laws were intended, not for all people, but to specifically correct the systemic injustice imposed upon Black people.

ECONOMICS: Black Americans are not economically progressing. In comparative and proportional terms, they remain where they were following the Civil War, fixed at the bottom with the least wealth and income. The economic restraining impact that immigration has on Black Americans is quantifiable. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5


The San Diego Monitor

Black Folks need a Plan Says Dr. Anderson

During a conversation with Dr. Boyce Watkins, Dr. Anderson shared with him that the Trump administration has at least sat down with him and listened to what he had to say while the Obama administration quickly dismissed him. Why do anything to advance us if they don’t have to? Our settlement for reparations was blocked by the Obama administration, let that sink in. He’s not saying the Trump administration is a wonderful party but when the administration knows they don’t have your loyalty and support they are more open to listening.

Go to to watch Dr. Claud Anderson address Congress on Reparations


The San Diego Monitor

Reasons for REPARATIONS For every 10 percent increase in the number of immigrants entering this nation, the annual income of Black Americans is reduced by three-tenths of one percent. As an example, in the 1950s, Blacks had an earnings ratio of 56 cents to every $1 earned by Whites. As result of the 1960 Black civil rights movement, Black earnings ratio went up to 66 cent compared to the White dollar. However, between 1970 and 1990, there was a 300 percent increase in the number of Hispanic, Asian, and Arab immigrants. The ratio of Black earnings to Whites dropped from 66 cents back to 57 cents. The nine-point economic gains of the Black civil rights movement was wiped out by a 300 percent increase of immigrant that occurred between 1970 and 1990. EMPLOYMENT: Whether the jobs categories are unskilled or require a high skill-set, this nation has a long history of using immigrants to displace Black labor in the workplace. As examples: the U.S. Depart. Of Commerce reported that when the Civil War ended, of the 120,000 skilled craftsmen and artisans, over 100,000 of them were Black Americans. By the mid-1890s, new immigration policies bought in 26 million immigrants who blocked Black opportunities and totally displaced them in skilled crafts, farming and businesses. The effects of never corrected economic exclusion are cumulative and passed down generation to generation. Today, nearly 50 percent of the workers who fill highly technical jobs are immigrants recruited and hired under the H-1B visa program for both government and private corporations. Since 2007, when Blacks had a national structural unemployment rate of 35 percent, and Hispanic unemployment was 4.5 percent, yet approximately 48 percent of all new hires were Hispanics immigrants. Government and private businesses have yet to target Blacks for employment opportunities as they do for immigrants. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND PUBLIC POLICIES: Affirmative action programs were, or originally intended, to be corrective actions for handicapping conditions and injustices imposed on 22 generations of Black Americans. Public policies that ignore the exceptional history of Native Black Americans, and equate them to newly arriving immigrants compounds historical racial injustices and are illegal. There is no mandate to benefit immigrants over Native Blacks. To date, the nation has not complied with either the 13th or 14th Amendments to the Constitution or the 1866 civil rights laws. To develop immigration policies that will follow the READ THE REST ON WWW.SDMONITORNEWS.COM

Hate Crimes CONTUNED FROM PAGE 2: closely with the Jewish community for many years on interfaith efforts to take on social justice issues surrounding hate in our country against any faith. It hurts my heart to hear that one person has been killed in this shooting and our prayers go out to the others who have been injured.� For the AfricanAmerican religious community in California, the synagogue shooting brings with it echoes of a painful past familiar with centuries of fire bombings, arson, shootings and other acts of domestic terrorism perpetrated against predominantly Black church congregations and places of worship. This year, in a 10-day span between late March and early April, arsonists burned down three historic AfricanAmerican churches in Louisiana. And between 1995 and 1996 alone, more than 30 African-American churches were burned in the United. States, spurring Congress to pass the Church Arson Prevention Act. Since the 1950s, there have been close to 100 hate crimes committed at AfricanAmerican places of worship. The most heinous attack in recent history against a Black church was a hate-fueled mass murder that happened on June 17, 2015 in Charleston, South Carolina. READ MORE WWW.SDMONITORNEWS.COM


The San Diego Monitor


Editor-In-Chief Cheryl Morrow wants you to share in this discussion on Black Exceptionalism & Immigration. Please comment, sharing your thoughts and this video. Thus, broadening this important conversation. To hear the full SDMN values the discourse and contributions of insightful Black thinkers. Embodying our motto "it's not about the

news, it's about information" or as one engaged reader put it "if you're not informed, news doesn't matter" this audio series intends to provoke progressive thought on cooperative economics, political will & power rooted in logical analysis from an Afro ethos.


The San Diego Monitor

Culture Report: Slow Fashion at Barrio Logan’s Sew Loka Julia Dixon Evans/VOSD

With more attention on the social and environmental costs of “fast fashion” culture — the demand for cheap, readily available clothing with frequent seasonal turnover — there’s a shift toward DIY fashion. Sewing, mending and handmade clothes are on the rise (the Instagram hashtag #slowfashion has 3.7 million entries). And notable newcomers are the young people whose parents did not sew or teach them to sew. READ MORE SDMONITORNEWS.COM

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