Gotta Get Fit

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Let’s Talk SDMNEWS wants to encourage Black San Diegans to take this time to talk to each other 5 Habits of Highly Effective Communicators

Recently some new science studies have backed up their claims and I feel it makes for a very compelling case to overhaul my own communication efforts and maybe it’s some inspiration for you too!

Have you ever walked away from talking with someone that you’ve just met and thought to yourself “Wow, this was one of the best conversations I’ve ever had!”? I’ve recently had one of those and at first I quite selfishly concluded “Wow, I’m a great communicator”. But then I realized, hang on a second, I think this other person was the reason I felt so good about this talk, how did he do that?

Let’s dig in: 1. They listen first – then focus on being Active and Constructive

I started to think about a few of the things this person did, that made me feel so comfortable and open to speak with him. In usual Buffer blog manner, I thought of finding some real science to back up some of the simple habits this newly found friend had so ingrained when talking with me. So what I’ve come up with are 5 of the most effective habits famous communicators have used for hundreds of years.

The word conversation generally brings to mind talking—at least for me. However, if you’ve ever seen two people trying to talk to each other at the same time, you’ll know that listening is just as important. In fact, listening is half of a successful conversation—you take turns to talk, and everyone feels heard. This is great communication. You might have heard of active listening before. It’s something we often get confused with passive, silent listening. Active listening, in fact, means taking part in the conversation and working on the rapport between you and your partner. It’s made up of three parts: paraphrasing, inquiry and acknowledgement. Continued on pg.8


The San Diego Monitor



Why Black Excellence is a Mindset, Not Just a Hashtag

Black Panthers are prime examples). It has been believed in and practiced for as long as we have existed. It is just time to bring it to a whole new level.

The phrase Black Excellence has been around for quite some time, but what does it really mean?

Notice I didn’t use the word responsibility. I know the infuriating power the word has when used to discuss the state of black people in America and globally. I am neither foolish nor ignorant to what slavery and European colonization has done and how it continues to affect our communities. But looking within our communities to find a solution to our problems can happen while still acknowledging how our history and the system affects our present and future.

Urban Dictionary defines black excellence as: “Someone that is black and portrays great qualities and abilities that make the black community proud.” Some have argued the term is used too much to praise those that are at the top of the financial structure in the black community or those that follow only a certain lifestyle that the general society would deem excellent. If they in point of fact need to reduce the inequities at scale—addressing the employment, salary, and participation gaps in a significant means—they may be able to and will have to get started getting ready younger Black women for the way forward for work. I didn’t know exactly what black excellence meant to me when we first started I just knew that it was something that involved black people doing great things for the community. In a search of a more concrete definition, I revised everything I affiliated with the phrase. And it finally hit me. The Black Excellence Mindset Black excellence is the mindset, backed by continuous action, to look within ourselves and act in ways that progress our communities without discrediting the effect of forces outside of our communities. That’s the best way I can describe it. Of course, the self-help idea is not new to the black community (Black Wall Street and

It’s up to us We can no longer wait for “them” to fix it for us. It doesn’t matter who caused it, we are the ones who have to live with the effect. We can rebuild our own neighborhoods and keep them clean. We can redefine a notion of beauty that had us hating our faces and bodies for centuries. Let us open-up businesses. Let’s set aside flashiness and build wealth, because one lets you shine for a night and the other for decades. We can go out and vote for causes that advance our interest. If we don’t, who will do it for us? That is why we often feature people we believe are following up the hashtag black excellence with action to advance our communities by looking within to find solutions. Chance the Rapper donating money to the Chicago school system. Jay Z preaching about the importance of spending your money on things that build wealth. Akon providing electricity to communities in Africa. Black women embracing their natural beauty and hair. READ ENTIRE article

What do they Want you to KNOW? What Everyone Needs to Know About 2020 Census Questions

By law, the U.S. government is required to count the number of people living in the United States every 10 years. Getting an accurate count is important because census numbers impact daily life in the United States in many ways. For example, census data are often used to determine how much federal funding is allocated for important projects and services that benefit local communities. The census also plays a vital role in our nation’s system of government by determining how many representatives will be sent to Congress from each state. Because getting an accurate count is so important, the process is designed to be fast, easy, and safe. On average, it takes no more than 10 minutes to answer the questions on the census. How Are Census Data Collected?

During the first census in 1790, census takers visited nearly every U.S. home to gather data. In 2020, households will have the option of responding online, by mail, or by phone. The Census Bureau expects many households to complete the questionnaire online, using instructions received in the mail. These instructions will also include information about how to respond by phone. Some households will receive a printed questionnaire which they can mail, postage-free, back to the

Be Counted! SDMNEWS’S Motivation Information

Census Bureau. A small percentage of households, primarily located in remote areas of the country, will be visited by a census taker who will help collect the necessary information to complete the form. Who Receives the Census Questionnaire and How Is It Filled Out? Most housing units in the United States that receive mail at their physical location will receive a letter by mail with instructions on how to complete the census questionnaire. Housing units include houses, apartments, cabins, mobile homes—pretty much any place where people live in the United States. In areas where the majority of housing units do not have mail delivered to their physical location, census workers will leave questionnaire packages at every identified housing unit. The census process also includes special provisions to count people who are homeless and those in other types of living quarters, such as college dorms, military barracks, ships, prisons, nursing homes, and homeless shelters. The person in the housing unit who fills out the census questionnaire or talks to the census taker is known as Person 1. Typically, Person 1 is the owner/co-owner or renter/corenter of the housing unit. READ MORE


The San Diego Monitor


5 youtube channels to workout to!

BREANNA DORE - From arms to abs, these #blackgirlmagic fitness gurus have exercises that will cover all of your bases. If you’re looking for a bit of motivation to jumpstart your health regime, make sure to tap that subscriber button to feel better, stronger and healthier this fall.

@fitnessdore/Instagram This Atlanta-based fitness activist has, in our humble opinion, some of the best booty and core exercises on YouTube and she has the body to prove it. On her channel you will find plenty of "Beast Mode" videos that are sure to get you in the mood for a killer workout.

@keairalashae/Instagram With more than 500,000 subscribers, Lashae has made her mark as a popular fitness guru with her signature Hip Hop dance workouts. Lashae also founded MOVE Fitness, a health platform dedicated to the "whole body approach" to fitness with quality fitness and nutrition videos, along with monthly challenges. JEANETTE JENKINS



Cont. on page 8


The San Diego Monitor

SDMNEWS Must Read 2020 CA Census Guide Table of Contents Section 1: General Information (PDF) •

Initiative and Referendum Qualification Requirements

Candidate Qualifications and Information

Section 2: Nomination Requirements (PDF) •

Presidential Candidates

United States Representative in Congress, and Member of the State Legislature Candidates

Nomination Documents – Nomination Papers and Declaration of Candidacy

Signatures In Lieu of Filing Fee

Signatures In Lieu of Filing Fee and/or Nomination Papers

Ballot Designations

In General

Campaign Filings and Responsibilities

Candidate Intention Statement

Campaign Contribution Account


Additional Filing Information

Section 3: Candidate Filing Information (PDF) •

Required Filing Fees, Nomination Signatures

Write-In Candidates for the Office of President

Write-In Candidates for Voter-Nominated Offices



Section 4: Candidate Checklist (PDF) •

President of the United States

United States Representative in Congress

For download please go to



With more than 18,000 subscribers, Jenkins is best known for her 30-day summer body bootcamp series. The Hollywood trainer's channel includes nutritional tips, workout motivation and lots of fun exercises that can be done either at work or at home. LITA LEWIS @followthelita/Instagram Lewis’s page is filled with beginner exercises all the way to advanced at-home workout videos, along with some motivational talks and healthy meal suggestions. There is sure to be something for everyone on her channel.

The San Diego Monitor FRANCHESKA A.K.A "HEY FRAN HEY" . @heyfranhey/Instagram Hey Fran Hey, a popular YouTuber, is known not only for her fitness inspiration videos on YouTube but her overall advocacy for a healthy lifestyle. On her channel you can also find DIY projects, like nail art and homemade face masks, healthy recipes and natural hair inspiration.

GET FIT 35 AND OVER? WORK IT OUT! As you get older, the way you approach life Weight Selection Most of the movements are now combined into antagonist changes. You have more wisdom than you did when you were a young man from all your years of experience—but in some settings, like the gym, you'll need to adjust your behavior to keep up with the changes that happen to your body when you age. That's why men over 40 should take a slightly different approach to fitness than their younger peers, with an emphasis on careful, calculated programming. The Men's Health Muscle After 40 book gives you that smart, measured plan you need for your workout as an older man. The 12-week fitness guide doesn't give you handicapped workouts with instructions to play it safe—the plan is designed to bring out the best in you while allowing you to rest and recover within your body's capacity. Muscle After 40 is split into 3 distinct phases, each of which consist of 3 weeks where you'll train 3 times.

Overview You’ll train four times per week for four weeks, working the upper body on Day 1 and Day 3, and the lower body on Day 2 and Day 4. It’s set up for a Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday workout schedule, but if you find that back-to-back workouts leave you too sore or fatigued to get the most out of both workouts, it’s fine to add a day of rest. It’s always better to listen to your body, even if you need an extra week to finish the phase. Some exercises will be unfamiliar. Embrace the novelty, and don’t put any pressure on yourself to hit any particular performance standard. Some of the exercises require lightweights, while on others you’ll want to master the form before you get aggressive with the load.

pairings—two exercises that work opposing muscles—biceps and triceps, for example, or chest and back. You’ll do the exercises in each pairing as alternating sets—a set of A1, rest, a set of A2, rest, etc., until you finish all the prescribed sets for that particular pair. Then you’ll move on to B1 and B2 and complete the sets in that pair, and so on. You’ll only use the sets across method for the A1 exercise in each workout. Remember the difference: With sets across, you use the same weight for every set, and only increase it when you reach max reps in every set, with reps left in the tank on most sets. On the other exercises, increase the weight when you can exceed the rep range for 2 or 3 reps., Read full article

Rest With the antagonist pairings, you can start the second exercise whenever you’re ready, but it shouldn’t be immediately after you put down the weights from your first exercise. You should do the first one with enough effort that you need at least a few seconds to catch your breath.

The Workout/Week 1, Day 1

A1. Dumbbell Standing One-Arm Shoulder Press with Neutral Grip

B1. Dumbbell Bench Press with Neutral Grip getting heavily curtailed.

A2. Lat Pulldown

B1. Dumbbell Split Squat


The San Diego Monitor

State Findings: California, 2019 Strengths: Low prevalence of smoking Low premature death rate Low infant mortality rate

Challenges: Low percentage of high school graduation High levels of air pollution Large difference in health status by high school education Highlights In the past year, excessive drinking decreased 8% from 19.2% to 17.6% of adults In the past year, disparity in health status decreased 14% from 37.1% to 31.8% Since 2012, physical inactivity increased 10% from 19.1% to 21.0% of adults Despite decreasing since 2012, air pollution increased 12% over the past three years from 11.4 to 12.8 micrograms of fine particles per cubic meter In the past 10 years, chlamydia increased 43% from 388.3 to 553.4 cases per 100,000 population Since 1990, cardiovascular deaths decreased 37% from 377.0 to 236.7 deaths per 100,000 population


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