Bob Beckner Receives William Davis Award l)uring 1lw :annu;lt Aw;m.l:-I )inn<•r n~W"hrd-
lion in Sa.nAmonio, TX, $1.::t\Ahonored Hoh A. fkcknrr. a principa.1with l'<·tc1-ron.lkckncr lndustric.s, lnt· ., wllh th,.,\rVilli.un O.wisAw~rd, d1e .:is-:ociatinn1s most pix:stigiou.shonor. Tht.., \Villia.rn Davis Aw:'lrd is a,v::u·dt~d .mnu,1lly to r<'cogni7£ individuals who hav(" performed Jong term, nol~1l,lc .tnd gui:-11, ..d :-,--rvin--lo lilt- l-'-:-.<)(·ia.tion J.11dthe St<"d
c·n:'clionindu:-try. Named for Davis lx:causc of hjs outstanding k·Jdt·r:-.hip in th<' ;,,dvam't'r'tlnll of'thC' stc-d c-1x-~ion in<lustry, tht JW;,lrx\ d,>,·s m>tnwn.•ly hcmcwa:-ingt.•ac'tii,•\'('nwnl, hut th('
contributions over an cnlin: <-'<lrt'Cr.Jk<.'.k.n,:r w.~snc,mi11,11rclhy hi:-:colll"i'lgurs for Mtaining ;:-. pilu1adc ofsu(· wjthin the sted cre<.•ljon
industry and <-ontributing
Reckner cxprcss.c<l his appreciation,
O\\•ned erector to the industry':; l.,trg<;_.s1 ."
Ala,l St·a,·s, who heads SEAA's /\wards Comm)lti:c, cnw:i:u:nH1.·dB<.·<.:ktu.:r's maoy <..'ontrilmtions to th~ u1-g.tni;,.;;\lion: • Sf'AA Po-,•sickn,, 1999-2000 • Current m~,n~1·
• Long-time member of S.EAJ\ • Ch;.lir of tit<'• Committee,
hrouohl individuals to lht" tablt> for mcrn-
hers "'ho w<:1-chavU'ig <lltli<.·u1ty getting inf;\.1r::i.nC'<' covc-r3g<..· • Host of the 2007 SEAA co,wcntion
(L to R) Chip Pocock, Bob Beckner, Alan Sears
San Antonio
lfoc::kn~·rha.s had a :..uc..x:c:,,sful an.J <li.stin guish('cl 'Vi-)'<.'.ll' C'J.l'("('r in th<..·stru<.·turJI
Dc.·-M-rihedas "quilt' a gt•ntk·mao" and a Gt"11L1t" Giaul who's .'t t·ross l><·ln'C'C'll Cri1.7ly
sh•d indu$.try~ including four ycar.s \\'it.h an 1\ustralian <"omp,my ovrrsC"c-ing projr<.·ts
Adams and Clint Walb·r, lk('knc·r h.1s l)('t·n willing lo <lo ,my t.,.sk .-skt.•d ol' him. Said
or 1·\·ti.:rson lkcknc:r
ing, ..I'm proudof1hi:,,4:-..•1oci.t1iou, whid1 h,ts
S(.;J.fS,'" as he js \Vith the:
rcmainC'cl close to its l'Oots and its mission
or his l.1rgl..<·ousl rue! iou t'J"t'.t.·tiuo t wnpany,
hy ,,ssis1iog 1wopl~.,.in the· s1<-1~I in,htstry and
it's amazing how he's had the time to h,:lp
h<·lph,g ('v(•rybo<ly from the· srnall. family•
dw bo.ntl and the organization."
Ht' n1rr(•1nly
Au1$lr..tli;;i,.inti Soullh•a.:,,1 Asia. st"I'\•('::; as St"nior Vi("(' P1·(':;idC'nt
lndt,1slri<·s, Inc., a J lmJslon-b,tst>tl Stt'd <~onstruction com1xmy
hridgt·s, airport:,,, that sp<..xia.U•(.c,".') in high-ri:;c."-1), MIW<.'ntion powc-r pbnt.s, pro<.'t'SSfat.·ilitic.~~.
<.'cntc.·rsan<l sports fudHlics .1<.·ro))S th(· U.S.A . .md PU(•rlo Rico.
Under Bed~m.·r's dirt-ct.ion in <.·onslruclion projt•ct m:mag.c.·nwnl, hi:. ti rm t'l"t'<""h"cl the steel and/or pr<.X'J.Stnmcn·tt· structure's ltn· Ct'u1uryTd Ct<1)1<'r- Hos.,;ifr C-ity, LA;
LM.ituck One - Miami, H.; Ahbott Lihs Pl1<·rto Ric~,; .anti Aw;tin Bt'rgstrom Airport Terminal
TX. A ft·w
<'ompany pmjt"t1.-. in the l):.lla.s arl"a indudc the Nokia Thcalre, Lnfomart D,lllas and 1lw C:iykml T<·xan R<•S<fft and Co1W("ntion Center
located at Lake Grapt·\·lm:. 'f'hroughoul his <'."tft"t'r, Hc-dmrr has demonstrat<:d superior knowlc·clgr .anti prnf<'s:.;:ion.-•il <·xpertist", St"rdng a$ a din·c
tor on several prof<.·:;sional I-morelsincluding thmw of th<· Amt·ri<':tn ln:-:lilult- 1)1' Ste-t'I an<l the Sled En:t·lors Construction A$soci:ition of Anwrica. B<"ckncrhrraduatc<l from the Uni\'t·rsi1y ,.r 'JC'x.:i,._ ,1t Arlington, w1wr<.·lw pl:tyt·tl li-,otlx1JI and \\'as known as "iron man" Beckner, for his !':\m1m.-rimnworking .:intihis lineman':-: ski I1:-. I k· and hi:::\\'ilt' joy ha.,·ctwo ~nild1x:n,md Ii\•<.. in
D.111;:is Jl'<'.:t,
SEAA Prc-~id<•nt Chip Poc.:oL·k comnlc.'nk<l, "\Vc-congr.1tol.:ttc-Bob for his 04,llstam.lingnmtrihution to the-stc-c-1cr('ction industry.» • 12 I THESEAA CONNECTOR 2008 EOITJON