20 minute read
Bob Beckner Receives William Davis Award
l)uring 1 lw :annu;lt Aw;m.l:-I )inn<•r n~W"hrdlion in Sa.n Amonio, TX, $1.::t\A honored Hoh A. fkcknrr. a principa.1 with l'<·tc1-ron. lkckncr lndustric.s, lnt· ., wllh th,., \rVilli.un O.wisAw~rd, d1e .:is-:ociatinn 1 s most pix:stigiou.s honor.
Tht.., \Villia.rn Davis Aw:'lrd is a,v::u·dt~d .mnu,1lly to r<'cogni7£ individuals who hav(" performed Jong term, nol~1l,lc .tnd dist.in gui:-11, .. d :-,--rvin--lo lilt-l-'-:-.<)(·ia.t ion J.11d the St<"d c·n:'clion indu:-try. Named for Davis lx:causc of hjs outstanding k·Jdt·r:-.hip in th<' ;,,dvam't'r'tlnll of'thC' stc-d c-1x-~ion in<lustry, tht JW;,lrx\ d,>,·s m>t nwn.•ly hcmcwa:-ingt.•ac'tii,•\'('nwnl, hut th(' contributions over an cnlin: <-'<lrt'Cr. Jk<.'.k.n,:r w.~s nc,mi11,11rcl hy hi:-: colll"i'lgurs for Mtaining ;:-. pilu1adc ofsu(·cc.ss wjthin the sted cre<.•ljon industry and <-ontributing to SEAA.
Reckner cxprcss.c<l his appreciation, say. ing, .. I'm proudof1hi:,,4:-..•1oci.t1iou, whid1 h,ts rcmainC'cl close to its l'Oots and its mission hy ,,ssis1iog 1wopl~.,. in the· s1<-1~I in,htstry and h<·lph,g ('v(•rybo<ly from the· srnall. family• O\\•ned erector to the industry':; l.,trg<;_.s1 ."
Ala,l St·a,·s, who heads SEAA's /\wards Comm)lti:c, cnw:i:u:nH1.·d B<.·<.:ktu.:r's maoy <..'ontrilmtions to th~ u1-g.tni;,.;;\lion: • Sf'AA Po-,•sickn,, 1999-2000 • Current boa.nl m~,n~1· • Long-time member of S.EAJ\ • Ch;.lir of tit<' Tnsur.mn• Committee, who hrouohl individuals to lht" tablt> for mcrn-"' hers "'ho w<:1-c havU'ig <lltli<.·u1ty getting inf;\.1r::i.nC'<' covc-r3g<..· • Host of the 2007 SEAA co,wcntion in
San Antonio
Dc.·-M-rihed as "quilt' a gt•ntk·mao" and a Gt"11L1t" Giaul who's .'t t·ross l><·l n'C'C'll Cri1.7ly Adams and Clint Walb·r, lk('knc·r h.1s l)('t·n willing lo <lo ,my t.,.sk .-skt.•d ol' him. Said S(.;J.fS, '"A.s bu.sy as he js \Vith the: husinc:.ss or his l.1rgl .. <·ousl rue! iou t'J"t'.t.·t iuo t wnpany, it's amazing how he's had the time to h,:lp dw bo.ntl and the organization." (L to R) Chip Pocock, Bob Beckner, Alan Sears
lfoc::kn~·r ha.s had a :..uc..x:c:,,sful an.J <li.stin
guish('cl 'Vi-)'<.'.ll' C'J.l'("('r in th<..· stru<.·turJI sh•d indu$.try~ including four ycar.s \\'it.h an 1\ustralian <"omp,my ovrrsC"c-ing projr<.·ts throughoul Au1$lr..tli;;i ,.inti Soullh•a.:,,1 Asia. Ht' n1rr(•1nly st"I'\•('::; as St"nior Vi("(' P1·(':;idC'nt or 1·\·ti.:rson lkcknc:r lndt,1slri<·s, Inc., a J lmJslon-b,tst>tl Stt'd <~onstruction com1xmy that sp<..xia.U•(.c,".') in high-ri:;c."-1), hridgt·s, airport:,,, powc-r pbnt.s, pro<.'t'SS fat.·ilitic.~~. MIW<.'ntion <.'cntc.·rsan<l sports fudHlics .1<.·ro))S th(· U.S.A . . md PU(•rlo Rico.
Under Bed~m.·r's dirt-ct.ion in <.·onslruclion projt•ct m:mag.c.·nwnl, hi:. ti rm Ii.is t'l"t'<""h"cl the steel and/or pr<.X'J.St nmcn·tt· structure's ltn· Ct'u1uryTd Ct<1)1<'r - Hos.,;ifr C-ity, LA; LM.ituck One - Miami, H.; Ahbott Lihs Pl1<·rto Ric~,; .anti Aw;tin Bt'rgstrom Airport Terminal Austin. TX. A ft·w or Bol)s <'ompany pmjt"t1.-. in the l):.lla.s arl"a indudc the Nokia Thcalre, Lnfomart D,lllas and 1lw C:iykml T<·xan R<•S<fft and Co1W("ntion Center located at Lake Grapt·\·lm:. 'f'hroughoul his <'."tft"t'r, Hc-dmrr has demonstrat<:d superior knowlc·clgr .anti prnf<'s:.;:ion.-•il <·xpertist", St"rdng a$ a din·c tor on several prof<.·:;sional I-morels including thmw of th<· Amt·ri<':tn ln:-:lilult- 1)1' Ste-t'I Construction an<l the Sled En:t·lors A$soci:ition of Anwrica.
B<"ckncr hrraduatc<l from the Uni\'t·rsi1y ,.r 'JC'x.:i,._ ,1t Arlington, w1wr<.· lw pl:tyt·tl li-,otlx1JI and \\'as known as "iron man" Beckner, for his !':\m1m.-r imnworking .:inti his lineman':-: ski I 1:-. I k· and hi::: \\'ilt' joy ha.,·c two ~nild1x:n ,md Ii\•< .. in ti)(' D.111;:is Jl'<'.:t,
SEAA Prc-~id<•nt Chip Poc.:oL·k comnlc.'nk<l, "\Vc-congr.1tol.:ttc-Bob for his 04,llstam.ling nmtrihution to the-stc-c-1 cr('ction industry.» •
Adams & Smith, Inc. has been providing u njque engineering construction scrv icc.·s for the con$truction industry since 1965. We work side by side with architects, engineering firrn:s and

contract<">rs 10 meet their steel fabrication and e1·ection needs.
General Steel Contracting
Commercial Steel Erection
Bridge F.rcctioo Industrial Sleel trcclion
Seismic Vpgr~1des
~d~\11,:i,3ndsmilh . ..:<Hll 1380 V1lcs1 Cc:11ter Slreel tinJ~,n, Urnh S40-42 S<u.78~.'°'900 Pa:< 801.7~5.6400
Basden Steel
In 1873, the Fir,, Prcsbytcr;an Church of fort Worth consisted of five to 10 memhcrs who gad1('rcd in a room ovct Knight's Livery Stable al Third and Calhoun. The church huilt a dedicated .'itrm:turc on Jone::,; Slrt:t'l iJ.1 1877 and moved to Fifth and Taylor Street in 1916. In 1956, the Hrst f>rcsbytcrian Church rdocatc:d lO 1000 Pc·nn Street, • site ato1> the Tl'inity River l>lurfa.
In 2006, in its 133rd year, the Fina Presbyterian Church of Fort Worth was becoming inc.·r,i:.a:,;ingly challenged to accomn-'lodatc a steadily growing t'.Ongrcgation and n1on.· div(.·rsc n<.·t..·ds. A:-. p,U'l of the master plan for tho Futun:, tlw c.:hun.;h optt.--d to c.:reate an addition that \.vould <.·xp3nd lht': ca1npu~1 capacity to ~(·rvc its c.:ongr('galion.
Tlahni,:ld l lofr,•r St,,nfonl of fort Worth designed a 60,000 ~(1ua1·e-foot addition that v,ras to Lu: ~n1bcdtk•<I bet W('<'1) hvo cxisling portions or the fo<.:ility. Constructing the addition involvt·d ~on'l<:' de-molition of the (·xisting structure and extensive- surv<•ying to obtain ae<:ur,\k dim<..·nsion:-., sil''l<·e the

original dnnvinos w<'r<· ,,ot <> :wailablt"'.
The site, b ... ·c-aos<:' of' th(• stc-eply sloping terrain and n:irl'ow corridor between th<' twc'\ <'Xisting sections, pr('s<nt<"d a number of logistical chal.lcngcs. Nature provided an additional, uncxp<'ctcd hurdle: J(>r Basden Lo ovcn.:ornc. According to Andn .. • Choink·n.·, proj~~<·t manager for Basden St<:el, aEighty-onc da)'S of unu:-ually wt.::L weather <luring d1t project frequently !loo,lc<I th,· j<>h sit~ and trnnsfol'mccl the hillsi,k into a quagmire of slipptry, km·,, dcq> mud. It "'"' challenging to maintain momentum on the proj~:<·t heC'.)U~t" of the interruptions <·aus<·d by tl1e wet conditions.n
H was nol possiblP for material to be stored on sit<,_· during c-om:truction, so multiple trips were mad<' to bring th" mat<>• rial to die fid<l a:; j\ wa:; 1l('t"'<k•d. Production and ship111<.·nl lra.ddng W(l~ :i critical asp<·ct of th<.· project.
Da(adrafl S1 ruclural D1.•tailing, a det:-iiling supplie•r loc-ate-d in ~•1onti·cal, Cana<la1 was sdcde<l to produce shop and erection drawings. D;:tt;:i.draft Stn.1<-tur.11 Od;:.iling d(•mont-lrat('d tlw·ir ahilit.y to suc:cC'ssfully handle the-most cornplcx details. ·nw d<.•tJikr us<'<f a l-1) mod(·kr to produn .. pr<.·<:is(• drawings for fabrication of railings for th<' addition's two grand '
st.iircases. The load capacity of the design ,vas reviewed by an l'ngin..::cr for saf<:ty. Th<.: stain.:asc:s, made of heavy ¾-inch plate,

f(•atun .. • r.Jdius1.:d orn.;mu,•nl41 r;;iiling,s ,1c,_·n·ntt·d vvidt dc..·•torativt .. crossC's at 4-foot intC"rvals. Th<" radius pcwtion is 15 inch chan rwl, which only a h::inclful nflnc.:-3tions in Nonh Anwrica h:;ivc..• the capability 1:0 -roll, so this unique c0tnponcnt \Vas s<:-nt t.o Albina Pipe Bending in Oregon for forming.
Th<· :-an<:tuary portion of th<.· addilion is topp<.:d by six archih•dur.'.llly cxpo.st•d pipe-truss<.~s that give the project its tmi<]U<"ness. Tlw tn1:-s<'s ,v<'r<' <'r<'Ct<'d in tandnn, using thn·<.: ~<"pa.rat<' lifts to <"n·ct th<' truss pairs. These truss<.·:-arc ~up1>0rtcd b)· two 01)<..'n-wc:b uinlc:n:; 0 '' a valut· <..'twint·t·rino ilcn"I 0 0 proposed to replace the plate girders that w,•rt originally specified. The new open ,veb girders were supplied by Canam St<·d Corpor~tion, where Choiniere o,,ce worked as a st-ructural steel detailer and project 1nanager. Two cran<.·s wen· n:quin·d to asS<·mbl<· the high roof; one to l>r,t<.:c the Ul'll:il~bk side ,mrl one to erect the tn1:1.st>s. The high-roof structure was creeled in a single clay. ''Hahnfl·ld Holl<•r Stanf<>rd provid(~d invaluable gui<lann.· through a rcpn.· scutativc with expertise ill strncrnral engineering, so we were ahle to get any <-1u<:stions answered a~ soon as they arost·,'1 notes Choinjcrc. rounded in 198S, Bnsd<"n StPel was t·stablil:ihc<l to provide l(>r the structural steel needs of the con;<-;tn1ction industry. Basden Steel offers custon1ers t·ompll·tc and !)l'amlcs.s service hy ha\'ing fabrication and erection. operations within the same company. Hasdcn Steel's turnkey solution mean::; gr<.:atcr cflit:icncy an<l less ha::;sh.: lOr lhc t.:onslruct ion managt"r. Both fahriC"at.ion and erf'<•tion divi$ions are hous<.~<l under ll1c same roof, diminaling prol>kn1s and dis::,igr("'t"'l'l1f'ttts bet w<"t"n st"pal'att" suhcontraC"tors that the rustom<·r normally has lo medial<.~ and resolve. This ckmcnt i.s a t1·;,1C:lition r<..·sp<.-ctcd and highly v;,,lucd hy any Basden Steel custorncr. "Although the First Presbyterian Church addition was no( the larg<'St project in the Basden Steel portfolio, it prcscotccl a numhc-r of interesting and rewarding challenges f'Or everyone on tlw t<·am." notes Choiniere. "The result is rcprc::;cu.tativc of th<.' pride that Ha:;<l<.-1, Sl<'·d tak('.,; in f•vf•ry joh, reg.uxl les:1of its sizP ."
Project name: Fir::;t Prt·.sbytcri~m Chun.:h Additit>n tocalioo: Dmvntown Fol't \•Vorrh. TX
Ar,;hitet:t: l Iahnfeld I loller Stanford, f'ort Worth, TX
Engineer: M~tm Structur:il Consultants, fort Wm·th, TX
Detailer: l)ataclraft ~tructural Detailing, Montreal, Canada
Fabricator: Bas,kn Stcd Corporation, Burleson, TX
Erector: BnsdPn St<'el Corporntion, Burleson, TX
General contractor: Steele & Freeman, Fort Worth, TX
Tonnage: 155 tons of strurn1ral steel
Square footage: 60,000 square ft-cl•
Chip Pocock - Buckner Co1npa:o.ies, G:raham, NC -
J\ m<·mbcr of the Stc·d Erc<'tor:Associatioo of America (SEAA) siocc 1983, Mr. Pocock was inducted as President in Mard1 2007. Mr. Pocock was instrurncntal in aiding th<" ilSsociMion with thr cleveloprnent of dght bilingual .:4('(•1 ('r(-ction progr.-t111s th;H aid «.'mpJoycrs with OSI lA's m<1.nd,Hory Suhparl R com pl i;,nc.·t l raining. Mr. Popo:x:k was on<.· of' 23 jndustry ('XfKTl1' in 200~ lo hC' appoint<'d hy OSI IA 10 scrrc on the Crant· & l)crri,·k Advisory Commiuc·c (C-DAC). The ,Ollllllillcc was c·hartcrcd to fwiction as a 1>art of OSHA's rule-making process to n:viSt' l11t-~xisling stan<lan.Js for cranes :ind derric,k.s in construction. I It> is also a nwmber of iJu. 1 A(;C lo N;ilion;iJ Safety and 1-fpalth CommittN' ::md ~<'n'<'S on th<' Er('('tOr ('('rtifl(·.:i(i<)n T1:--k Group for the J\mcric-.1n T n:--titut<' for Stc-c-1 Con~trnction. Mr. Pocock is the Saft"f)· an<l R i~k i\·1an:clgt•r or Huckrwr Con,1xn,ics fidd operations. Buc..:kner Comp,mll':; <.:urn:ndy r,u1ks at No. 245 on the: 2007 ENR's Top List of'Spt•ciahy Conlr,l('lOrs, h:i.s (':clnwcl the c..·atcgory or A<h',mn'(I Sh-t•J En .. ·<.·lor, a:; wdl J.!), bc:ingrankcdasonc of th(" top crane rental companies in the International Cranes & Spe<·i.,li:t.t"d Tr.rnspor1 IYl,\gazi1w. I lis f:unily indud<·s his wife•, P;)mt·fo, ::md two -s<ms. l lis int<.·n·sts induc:lc-s golf, hunting and ofTuhor<" sport fishing. chipp@huC'kn('l'C'ompaniC"s.C'om.

Duff Zinuncrman, P.E. Cooper Steel fabricators, Inc., Shdbyvillc, TN Ml·. Zinu11t-rni.u1 is serving his second term as a Vircctor ofSJ:;\A, is thr-n1rr(·nt Prc-sidr-nt-Ekct and is t~d itor of' 'flic Sl:i1tl Conncc10r m.lgazirw. I le i.s al.so a mcrnbc·r of 1 lw MSC Safety Task. Group. Ht' holds a B.S. from Unin'J':'iily ofTcmw.ss..·<.· in civil 1.-·ngin,x-rfr1g. At Cooper Slt'.'d f.tbric.ttor.s, Jnc: .• d full-~r\'ic:c .sled fabrication .tn<l cn:ction <·ompany. h<' is th<' Mr1n.1gc•-r of ( )j"Wrntions. I le and his wift> of26 years, Meg, have three children, ,111 currently in rolk'gc, Matth<·w, 21, and r\\'ins, l.aurt'n and Dadd, 19. I lis intert'SIS indud,, run nin,g, flying .and mounlaincering. duff(¢,coopcr~tecl.com.
Jim L.'lrson- Phoenix Steel Erectors, Inc., Manassas,
VA A member of SEA A for 20 yffirs, Mr. Larson has served on th<' ho.1rd for thc-pa~t f S y<'ar~. :u: wc-11 a.c: a p.1.c:r prt--~idr-nt and Chairman of th<' I .ong~Rang<' Pl::i.nning ConHr'litk<'. Mr. l.::u-:c.on was involved in the SEN RAC Subpart R OSHA Steel Erection Standard, NCCER Swel El°<'rtion Training Manual rewrite, AWS DI.I Wdding Code Committt·c and Lh<' AISC Roundtahk 10 promot(' th<. ... u.'t(' of stc..'<'I. He currently is.,,, the AJSC Code· ofSt,mdar<l Practice Committee, as ,veil as the Stet"'! Joist Institute"' RC"',·ie-w Committf'l'. Mr. 1;.r..<Jn, .along with his hu~iness partn{·l', P(•te-\.Yalkt ... r, hoth vvorkc<I for larg<· East Co.1st stC'd cr<-cl01~ bcl(>r<' l(u-ming Phoenix StPd Er<"<'tion. They were instrumt'ntal in s\aningSEAA-MAC, the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of du: Steel Erectors t\.ssodalion of Am<.:rica. J\fr. Lar:--on was the first recipientoft11e \Villiam Da,·isScrvicc A\\•a1xl, pr1.'st·nH;d hy SEA A f0r outsc.-.ncli ng ·"t.,.vkc to (he..· ;:1.ssod,llio1J ,mcl lhc..· slt.'t.'I incluslry. psc2(4}vcri;,..on.nct.
Charlie Johnson - Steel PcdOrlnancc Inc., Grccnshoro, NC Sc.•1-,.'lng a$ Trcasur-er and Chairtnan of the Finam:1.· Comn,ilt<:<.:, 1w has lx:1.:n a SE/\/\ nwmlx•r:--int'l' 1995. Mr. Johnson, l he Vin: Prt.·sidcnt and Gt.·nc..•ral MJ1)J1•t.'r l;> ' and his brother. Butch, ;.1rc co~ownct-s of Steel Perf0rrnance, Inc., an AISCC'f'rtifie-d Advanct'd En'-Mor::;J)t'-C·fa)izing io fo~t-tr-.Kk e-rt'-<1ion or lru-gc conul"h:tdal and in.dnsrrial jobs, as ,,•('U "s er<·ction of prl'cast and lill-up panel:--. I k :-<.·rvt·d 21 Yl'ars in dw Navy~ wh<·n' h(' w.is sc·ll·t'lnl fi,r 1h,· N,wy Enlish•<I Sd,·nlifit· Eclut·atit>n Progmm. a1 lcu<liug North Carolina State..· llniV(.T:sity. Aft<.-r gr,uludtion ,n)d being commissioned an officer, he was an assistant profCssor at thP Citadt"l. I le also has ma~terts dt'grffs from M 1·1· in mechanin'll 1.·ngi ,,(•(•ring and naval arthitN't un\ and mar in(• e-nginc:-ering. Ht· and hi:--wil;·, )l·nny, li.t,·<· two .son:--. Mr. Johnson c·njoys goH~ ha::;kc:tba11 and skiing. charlic(qJst:0<:lpcrformanc:t.('om.
Johnny S. Quinlan-Quinlan
Enterprises, Claxton, (;A [\,fr. Quinlan is S('rviug ;.1s .',('(.T('l,1ry or the Sl'AA. As a llircctor, Johnny was ret·,·ntly ,1ppointecl hy the hoard lO fulfill tlw n'maining term for bis fathn. John H. Quinlan. Johnny, a lhi1·d-g~·,wratitu) stt'\'I ,·1'\'<tt1r. ~c....-kd hi!;<.·an .. •t•r in 1984 whik-dHt'1uling G1.:orgiaSoutlwn1 U11iV(.·r.sity. I k is cu •Tt'ntly the Jvlanagcr of Field Operations for Quinlan
Enccrprls:cs, a 1wcmi('T s.trm:-t.ural sH-<•1 ('h·ctor lot·at('<I io south
e~\St GrorQ'i.\, JWirn.,ril)' :,;,:rvid,w the Soul ~w:i.st. ,vu ioll strdc:hirw f'rmn South CJrnlin;:i to rloricb. T k-and his wif,,, Sw•an, h.:iY<.' two son~. I Ii::: int("l'('Sts indud(' hunting and t,-aditional blacks1nithing. joh,, f)J(Jl.' in Ian {?gl>el 1$1.'.>uth. "el.
Bruce Basden - Basden Skcl and Erc<;tion, In<;., Burleson, TX A nwmbcr of SEAA since 1997, Mr. Basden has served on the hoard for 10 years, and is immediate past prc.si<lcnt of lhc association. He S<..TVC"S as Mf'dia Committ<"<' Chain-nan an<l was the lil'st editor of The SEtlA Co1111ettor. Awa,xlc<l SEA A's 2005 Man or llw Year, h,· and his wife', Lynn, .served on the 2005 convention chairper~ons. 1Vtr. Rasdf'n is m::ijority ownc-r of Basden Stcd and trcetioH, Inc., an l:NR Top 600 company that is dually certified by the AISC as both an Advann .. <1 St Pel EreC'tor and Fabricator. I le also own!; Hig B Crane and Rigging, cr:in(' S('l"vi<X' w·ith op<'r~tions in th<' north T<'xa:-r<'gion. In addition to the Basdcn Group of
Comp:H'lil'S, lw Sl'l'\fl'S a..'i CEO vf Stcd Plus Network, LLC. Mr. lb:id<·n ~u'ld l.y1H'1 h.:av-..· fivt· c:hi.l<ln.·n. He i:; ,\ graduate of 'Texas A&M and hi:; interests indude water :;port.sand traveling throughout Alaska. brucc@basdcnstc>el.cmn.
Bob Beckner - Peterson Ile<.;kncr Tndu~trics, lnc., Richardson, TX - A member of
SEAA since 1991, Mr. 11,,ckncr .m·vc,I as Sl:AA presicknt r.-.,m 1999-2000 ,tncl as a hoard director for 13 yc..·ar:;. 1 lc currently is Chairman of the Jnsuranc<· Committee and rnf>mhe-r-~t-h1rge on thr Exccutjvc, .. Commilt<·C'. Ik i:- S<.'nior Vic<' Prc·sidnH and An·.t. Manager c>f Peh'rS<m Hcckn<·r ln<lu~tri<·s> Inc., a national stf"f'I er<-<.:tion <·ontr,:wtor spc..'<.·iali:r.ing ir, the erection of complex slruclurcs requiring unique: construction and engineering skills in th(' commercial, indu~trial and in~ti<utional st<.:lur:s. He i:s a gr::iduat<' of th(• Univ<•rsily or·1c:xa::. :,1( Arlington. I le and his wifr·, Joy, havt.· {\.VO d,ildren. 1 lis int<-·rcsts include golf, f<>Otb.111 and travel. hl->C'ckn<'r@phi~<'el.com.
....... 6

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Scott B,·ooks - Mid Cities En,<.:lors, for( Worth, TX Fou1)dcr and CEO of Mid Cities
En·ctors, Mr. Brooks is si•rving his first ten,, on the ho.\n.1 of directors. He has been in the st<.·d crc<.:tion industry for more than 20 years. His co1np<'Hl)' started ·with dght employees in 2000 and has grown to almost 100 full-time ..:mployet:s erecting projects l\;)tionwide. He also rnanages a fleet of cranes ranging from 50 to 250 tons. His cxpcrjence in tilt-wall and prec-ast as wclJ as stc<"I erection is a orcat "' and his a<ldition to the c.:urrcnl board of directors. ,vifc, Lt.TAnrrn, have ,hn:c children, two Scott <laughters an<I ;i son. When ht is not running a steel crc<.:l ion bu:,in.:.ss, ScuH loves to fish aod js an avid bow bu1ltc,-. scott@middticscrcc:tors.c:0111.
Gerald Burk - Pioneer Steel, Inc., New Castle, CO Mr. IJurk, Pr('sid('nt, CF.() ;:mcl founcfe-r of Pionet-r Ster!, has gainNl specialized trchninil kno,vledgf' and rnanagc•mc•nt experience during his 24-ycar career in the stcd industry. Panicular an~as or his tt•<+i.nic.~al <'Xpc-rtisc include

briclgl.." 1..·n:ction, sk<:p ;)lpint.'·l:>tylt• :-.tc·c·I n·snr( t•n·ction, constructability e,·aluation and implementation of safety adv:mn·s for hridgt• t·rt'.dion. ( lis 1l"'lanagen1ent skills span all ;:isplTts of' g\'n<.·r;)I m~mo.lgcmt.•n( from cfoy-lo-<foy operations of the-ofhc<", n<'gotfatlng contracts. CPi\i{ scheduling LO llu.: ('r(•c-tion of th<' most cmnplkat<'d stc•cl structur<.~~-Mr. Burk is .marr.i<:d to Rl·vcr.1)', hi:; wil{· of26 year~, :)nd has 1,wo :..ons. His interesls outside of work includes snowmobiling, c.:njoy-
ing tinH: .:it d-H.·ir mou1H,lin C..'o:ll,in and l,t•:,.l of all, Hying his airplane. gcr.ild(l9psicranc .coin.
Stephen C. Burkhol<lcr - S&R Enterprises, .LLC, Harrisburg, PA Serving hi.s .se(;ond term on the: hoard of dirccton;, j\J\t. Burkholcle-r is a("tive- in the oroanizat "' Sponsorship ion, as Commit he lt'l', chairs tht a.:,; wc:I) as serves on the Jnsur<1nce Commith.·c..·. Staying busy is not a problem fo,· Mr. llurkl10l<lcr, for when he is not .issisting SEAA, he is m.1nagfr1g his own comp.iuy, a steel and prccast erector sc..·rving tht..· Mid-Atlanl ic r<"gion. His con1pan)' is committc<l to being an in<lustry lc,.nJcr, l>y providing profCssional, safr services to the.· stccl/prc.·c.ast industl'y by operating with integrity and accountability. By joining the boin·d, he contirn.les to associate hirr1~elf with tht· indu:--try•~ cHtc pcrformt·rs, a:--he.: 1nainlain:- hi:-own company'~ n~putation while (;()ntrihuting lo tht..· f'uturc strength of in<lus\ry. S&R Enterprises is prou<l \o be the recipient of' the 2007 Erection Class II Project of the Year aw:'lrd. S&R l'f'cogni':.-·.es thC" import:-inc-<" of'rf"lationships in the steel construction industry an<l .strives to maimain high levels of integrity in such a competitive markc.:t. H<· is 3. graduat<- of P('nnsylvania Stare Univer~ity and ;'l.n avid golfc-r. I liti c:ommitmenl lO hifi wife-, Lisa. two daughters, Alexis ancl Maur<1h, and son, Zachary is evident in all a:--pc<:ts of bis Hie. sl>urk boldcr@srcmcrpriscs.com.
Selena Dean - Dean Steel Erectors, Harrisonburg, VA i\·1rs. Dean is currently serving on the SEAA board of directors. She has heen the f'icld Operations Manager for th,· last 10 y<'ars i<>r tlw AISC-ccrtificd lkan Stcd. founcl,·,1 in 1969, Dc.·,m St(·t.·J's prim,.u-y ICxus i:; c.·rc<:ling structural steel throughout the Unite<l States, but al.so c.·rc.-ds insubh'•d 11'1(>-tal panels> prewengineercd n1ctal buildings, tiltup pands, pn."c;).Xt, hollow-corr plank~ :-ind hridge~. A 1992 accounting g1·aduat(· of Bridg<.',vat<.:r College in. Bri<lgcwatct, VA, htr <:-xp<;ricnc, in tit.I<· law and as a certified litl<.: insurer hdps her serve on the SEAA FiJ>anee Committ<:c. She and her hu:--band, Robert, enjoy traveling, shooting dnd b,1llroon"l dao<.:i,,g. s(·lt·nadean t J(i'Yhotrnail.com.
Robbie Edwards - United Rentals, Garner, NC - St·rvir1g his second term on th~ SEA A board of <lir<.:t:tors. Mr. Ec..lward.s is .Bral\th Manager for United Rentals, one of SEAA\; most loy:'11 and gf"nerou~ sponsors. tlis 26 cxpt-rk·n<.·c.· yt•ars in the construction cquipnwnt industry m3k('~ him a valuable and strong voic(• on thl' hoard and on the-saf<·ty and tradc."show work groups. He ancl his wilC..-, Lynne-·, havc-lwo child1Tn. Hjs jnlcresls an: rcad;og hi.slory and most sports. rc<lwarcls@ur.com.

Nol Pictured
John M. Gerst - Big Boy's Steel Erection, Inc., Hazelwood, MO Mr. (;erst ,vas appoinLcd to lhc SEAA board of directors ;n 2007. Mr. Gcrsl is Ch•inmm of the SEIIA £news, a bimonthly publication 1-c-<:c·n1:1y dcvdopc<l to keep member companic~ infonl1cd on "hot topic~n in the steel erect ion industry. He is Vice Pn:sidcnt of Big Boy'$ Steel Erection. Hi~ influence and experience in lhc 5h:d <'1T('l ion indusl ry conws from a long history wh('n hi~ father startrd th<" company in 1963. Mr. Gerst enjoys woodturning aml gardc:ning. johnm@bbstt:d.c.:om.
Tom McAleese - lndusco Group, Baltimore, MD - Mr. Mci\leese has hccn an rmploy<'<' of IND USC() Wir~ Rope & Rigging for mon· than 26 years. llis easy-going, yet din·ct, lo lhc-poi11l dc1ncanor bas allowcc I Mr. M,·A lt'\':.;c.• to forg<· unic1uc: customer relation:; with many ofthc.:ir valued cuslorner~. Over the years, he has ac9uin:d val\lahk· knowkdo<..• almul V the· riooina (bl'·lo,v the hook), and ,vire rope and saf<"ty/full p1·otc:ction fidcls. As Vk:c Pn .. '!:liclt·nt and S(1lc:s !v\anager for tht'" Baltimor<" region, h<.· is an involved mcmbcr of scvc.:ral lJ:ad..._· associations. including f\SS()(.iation of Equipment Management Prok:;:;ional, lh<.' Bu.ikling Congress an.d Excha1)gc and A~:--odak<l Building Contractors. J\s a board mt·mhcr for SEAA, h4: ,1.lso S1.'rvc:s d:-3 Chairman vf the $EAA TrJdc $ho,v. On the personal side, he and his lovdy wifo. Chc.:rvl. have , share<l 29 wonderful )Tars of m,1niagc, and have· three young adults they are proud of: son, Michael (26), and daughm", Mdissa (24) and Melanie (20). Th,'y n'sid,, in Hamwcr, MD. lom(~indusc-ogroup.com.

John Qack) Metcalfe-National J nstitutc of Steel Detailing,
Oakland, CA- Mr. Metcalfe serves on the SEAi\ I >ctailing Committee and has hcc-n the NISD l.iaison to Si:AA f;,r mor(• thandglu years. Hcan<I his wife', Pam, arc.: familiar faces at SEAA fun<.:tions. Hr is a past president of' NISD, currently serves on their hoar<l of' dir0nors> is Chair of the Quality Procedures Cc.~rulic:ition Connnitt<?-(•, is a professional member of A ISC and a lilctim,· mi'mhrr ol' A WS. Mr. ilJktcall<''s firm, John Metcalfe Company, is locakd in Piusburgh, PA, where they have been involved in stcd detailing and <.."Onstruction sincx: 1951.Ilis ln.tcrc:-;ts indudc hi:,; grancld)ildren, doing c.:onstl'uction and children's mi:;sion work in Haili ~tnd Sudan, am.l <lisastcr relicf ;., \he U.S. metcalfe51@aol.com.
Steve Miller - Miller Safety
Consult.ing, lnc., Denver, CO
-Mr. Millcrhasovcr 30ycarsofrx-peri<·nc:t: jn c:onslruclion, crane and rigging ma.n~"<'Jncntan<lsafoty managc-mcnt. l le ha:; L>e.,'t.TI an iodqx·ru k•1)t s3fc•t y con~ultant for Con.strnction Safety and I lcalth si 11(X' 1990, ~p<"<fali:zing in ~neral sa.fi!ty policy and program development, stc·cl crc<-·tion, rigging and safety progr,uns and fall protection s.p<x·ialization. 1Vtr. M illcr ha:-dc"dopc<l and pat,'rllcd two lronworkcrs and Riggers fall protection safhy devices gaining wide u:-a.gc in Lhc U.S.A. Mr. Miller ha:; wrilt<.:n extensively on the suhjc<.1 of<..:<>nstructi<m an<I cra1\t' safety indud ingParmeringinU>nstrvction, ~kCr•w Hill (Hank-ov<'r). Mr. l\lWler has participated on several saf€:ty standards writing comm illt't..~-; indvding dw ACCSH 1nnhile crane standard review comn\irtcc and V SEN RAC. I le is a NCC CO c,·rtilicd c,·anc operator and practical (•x;)miner. Steve is the achninistrator of the SEAA'~ sistt·r orga.n.i;,...alion, the Slcel Erectors Safety A~wciatfon of Cokn-ack, (SESAC) d)at nm:-i:-t" of .50 stcd <.:rectors. I le has lx."Cn happily 1..narric...<tl to Par for 12 )'l~aJ); and has one son who chos<.' ph.unbing for a <..·art:>er! stcv..._•rr1i lltr@rn ii lt"rs;)fet y.com.
George R. Pocock-ConstJ"uction lnsuraoce Agency,
Int.:., 1\i\anassas, VA - Cl·org<· i~ srrving in bis second tctm on th,· SEA .'I lx,ard of <lin.:ctor::;, aud at·tivc: n)c..•1nlwr and l)ir<'Ctor on the SE.'\AMid-i\tlaHti,· Ch,pttT \,uard. (,rorg~ has O\'er 40+ years' cxpt'rit.·ru.x.· :-iJX"da lizing in irn:urance coverage an<I risk l'nanagc-rnc·nt .,;e,r,;ce~ for the constru<:tlon industry. Ceorgc has signific.1nt knowlcdg<.· and <~x1xricncc of all commerda11.in<.·s iosuran<·c, largt cquipnu·nt ~d-H·dulcs, primarily hl ·avy cranes, daiins, bon<ls, in:,;tira0<x: ccrti fic-..atc-s, hold harmless agrccrncnL~, audits, additional U1sun·d, wa.ivcrof s1.1hroga1 ion :ind oth<.'r rdatcd 1inc-s. e.•~pedally alternative funding of ,vorkcn.' compensation. G<.'orgc..· was a pasr 1)<):)rd men1her) ofliccr and director of the Northern • Vir-vinia ln<.l<-p<.·mkrll lnwrance "' Agents
As..~ciation. He h;iss<·rv<.;d a:--th<' adminislrativt' national <lin:ctor
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