5 minute read
man of the year
and is a lifC member of the Virginia Jaycees. He is a past president of the Sp1•inght'"ld Cham her of Connnen"e and ,vas honon~d "vith tl-w I fcrh<'rl' C. I h,1nt<..·r Ciliz(•n of' tht"' Year award. In addition to serving on scvcr.tl corporate boar<l::;> George w:lS one of the founding directors of Continental Bank & Trust in Springfidd 1 VA. Jn 2005, Gcot'gc was hono1-ed with the SE.AA William
n~wis s~rvi<..."C Av,,a1-J for his OllL'ilanJi,,g lifctiln(! t.:OJ'\trihuti01"1S lo d1c ::;tcd crecUon in<lw;try. Gtorgc an<l hi~ wife, Lin<la, enjoy traveling, coordinating SEAJ\ golf outings, fishing and sharing great food and wonderful times in their waterfront home with fomi ly and friends. grpkp@aol.mm.
Roland (Ronnie) D. Ranson, P.E., - CSE, Inc., Madi~c.rn
Heights, VA - With more than 35 yt·a.rs of c:x pcJ"it•ncc.· managing largeand small-structural steel erection projects, from estim3ting, \OOr<linati ng. rnann ing and clo~(•out of projc.YL~. Mr. Ranson is Vic<' President Ste-cl Erection f<>t CSE. Inc., a steel erector, indnstrial maintcnan~x:, rigging. h<'avy hauling and crane service operating in the lvlidAtl.antk sttit<'$. I le.• iii: (I grtid1.1ah.~ of Virginia l'olyt('chnic Institute and St.ale University, with a n.s. in civil engineering and is a ,·cgistered engineer in the st:i.te of Virginia. I le has served four
krms on our ho;:in.l, ho1tling (ht,_• ofli~·l•~ of(ir$;1 and ~ec·ond vicl" pn"'sident. I IC' and his ,vlfr·, Cynthia, hav<.· a :,;on and a <l~u,ghL<:r. rdran~on@CS<"onlin<•.com.
David A. Schulz - Schulz lron Works, Inc., Raleigh, NC Rringing in ov\'I" 15 yi .. arsoft'.xpericncc in the sted C'rectlon ind1.1stry 1 Mr. Schulz joined the SEJ\A board of directors in 2007. Mr. Schulz chairs the SEAA Decking CommitLcc and
is overseeing Lhe developnh:nt and production of the SEAA's newest safoty training rnodule. Mr. Schulz hegan hi:-i career in con..strm.:tion in 1973 in tht'
erection of grain dryers and boi1cr..s before cvcntua11y forming Schulz Iron Works, Inc. with his wife in 1999. Schuh Iron \-Vorks i.s located in Halc·igh, NC, and provi<ks crc·crion !)Crvi<;c:,; primarily in Lhc Southt.·ast region ancl also in Lhc Caribb,~an. Schulz Iron Works prides itself as a team-oriented supplier of sled design, .supply, faliri<.:ation ancl tTl.'~lion. When Mr. Schulz is not working, he an<l Cin<ly <:an l,e foun<l relaxing in Aruha. dmly(q}schul'l.ironworks.cmn.
Alan Sears-NUCOR-Vulcrafl
Group, Flo:rence, SC-Vukraft has partnered with SEA/\ a:,; an indu:-.try member for many years, along with providing lca<lcrship to the SEAA board. Mr. Sears is Sales Manager at the Florence Division. He is nirrently serving his :;t·cond term on the SEJ\A board of directors. Mr. Scars chairs the SEAi\ Annual Awards Committee and ";II serve as the 2009 SEA.II convention h<>,t. which is set for March 12-14, 2009, at th<-Kingston l'lantiltion Resort in Myrtle lleach, SC. He has studied at Indiana University, P1.U·<luc U"ivcrsjty and Rivier College in Na.-,hua, NJ I. I Jc i, tbe Stall~P,u-i.,h Relations Chairman at I lighland Park United Metl"xlist Church. 1 lis interests include church music and golr. a.i;e:;1rs@vulcraft-~c:-.c·orn.
Rick Starner - Star Eroclcr$, Inc., Raleigh, NC - Mr. Stamer is Pn.:sidcnl of Star Ereclcrs, Inc., a mcm~ her or Sr.AA since 1991. Mr. Starner is serving lU.s third L<:rrn on d1t· board of directors and served as the chailmm of tht" 2006 SEAA c·onvt"ntion. I le is proud
lo lx· parL of an assoc.:iation L}1~,t is (na_k.ing an impact for th<• future of the industry that he has lx:cn in\'Ol\'ed in since 1974. Mr. Starn('r graduar.c-d fixnn Local No. 84, IIou~ton, TX, apprcnticcsrup program in th,· sun11ncr of 1978, and wrn-kt>,I in the Houston area w1til 1988, then relocated to Rakigh, NC, aJ1cl ro1..md~'<I his c-rnnpany. He and his wife, Le~lie, have d·u-ee d1ildren, Mdissa, 28; Jeii:sc, 14; ancl S..,111~mtha 1 9. I lisi1,tl.'rt~1.s inducle commerciaJ kmd development. travel, flying, walking and bdng an active dad. nckstamer@aol.com.
Steel Corporation, Grcc,willc, SC
St·rving for nine yNrs on the SE/\ A bo.1.r<l of director:;, Mr. TIJ(.,k.1,.•rc-urr{•ntly
SPl-VP:- on the• Burlg<'t \•York Group. \•Vilh 40+ yea,s in the steel industry, his
c.'X(>l'fi(·nn•:,; a.re.· availahJc.· to the a.c;tiodatkm, fortlwring lhe spirit or lcamwork bcL ween the fabrk-awr an<l crc..."t:LOr. He is the !vlanag.:.·rurMarkding for South Carolina Stee], one of the region's most ~u,x.x."Ssful fubricawr,;. SC Ste~I '"'"_the fahric-ator of the 2003 SEAA Project of the Yc.•ar. I lis family irK·1uclts his wif<•, Kmhy, Lwo <laughters and thl'N"' gramlchikln.·n. ridmnl.tut-kl'r(~c.:mcsg.com.
Sherrie Wilkinson - L.R. Willson & Son,, Inc., Gambri 11s, 1'11 D SC'n·ing hl"'l' fir.st lt'rm on the SEAA board, Ms. Wilkinson, rt:pn·s<.·nl:--L..R. \Villson & Sons, Inc:., an AISC-C'ertified a<l\'aocc:d cr<·ctor and l'CI Qualifk<l Prc<:ast Erector. Working for the familyowned busin(•ss thar has more th,in 50 yt>:;1r.c; in th<' .stc..·cl industry. M.s. Wilkinson serve~ a~ L.R. Willson & Sons, fnc.'s Hu1Uan Rcsouru•:,; Administrator. She ;:-ind h~r hm:h,rnd, Oem1is. have six chilclr('n and two grandchildr(•n. Oulsidc· of her inn>h-<•n1C'nt in hf'r fan'l ily\; c.:ompany, she t.·njoys riding rnotorcycle$. :md hor~<'~. ~,vilklnson(q)Jrwil]sonand~on5:.<'0n'\.
Mr. Eddie Williams - Buckner Companies, Inc., Graham, NC- ()n..-would he hard pressed tu fiml ,rny lndividu.;tl tha( has <lcvot<'d mrn·c-timt" 1 t'e~ourte-~~ or <:0Ort working for bCL(ertn(.'ll.t of tlw stt"l·I (·on:-;truc.:tion industry. F1·om hi:beginn.ing :1s ,, n:h~ff lal.>0rcr in 1952, to CEO of one of the c·o\1ntry's most respected sk-'-'1 l•n·<·ton., i\,{r. Williams has mad<.· hi:--way to tl-w top hy working ::it mQ.'\t c,·cry trade and managcm<·nt position within his comp.my, as well as holding leadership positions in drlUa1ly ('vc-ry
major 11-.1d'-" org~ni'l'.Jl iou in thl' stcd C'Oll~l rt.l(.'l ion industry. Through his l<'nacity, Mr. Vv"illi,1,ns Sl'<'On .. ·d SEAA a voi<x-on th~ SENRAC Committee, prm•icling tlw organization the opportunity to influt""nC'f" 1hf' writincr o of OSt-JA Ww d1.i.t would govc1·n ho\"~ the enti•T nmstruction industry \Voulcl c:onclud business for the f<>1-c-sc.·cahl<' future. I le IMs hl'•ld tlu-pn::;idc.:nt's position of SEA A thn•<· timts, induding th(• l<>tmding president in 1972. Ml'. Williams wJs awardccl th<.· <·m·ctcd \,Villi,un Oavi.s St..'l'Vi<.:c Awar<l hy SEAA for hh~ numerous c·ontrihulions to the association. 1n 2005 1 ht..· \\ 1(1::; awarded AISC's Lil~·timc A<'hi<•,·cn'lf'nt Award. ( k· amJ his fam.ily baxc dcdicatt."d th('l.-lives to th<· Buckm·r CmnpaniC"s .1nd tht· ir1dust ry as J whole..·. Following in hi:,; fath<--r's cxamplt>, Doug VVilliam.s has prO\·lde<l leadt~1~hip as a board m<:mbcr for the SC& RA and,., the rep,•~s,.•nt.itivc on OSI !A's CDJ\C Comm ii\('('. rddiC"w@huckn(-r~:ornpanit·s.com. e
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