SEAA Connector 2008

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and is a lifCmember of the Virginia Jaycees. He is a past president of the Sp1•inght'"ld Cham her of Connnen"e and ,vas honon~d "vith tl-w I fcrh<'rl' C. I h,1nt<..·r Ciliz(•n of' tht"'Year award. In addition

Alan Sears-NUCOR-Vulcrafl Group, Flo:rence, SC-Vukraft has

to serving on corporate boar<l::;> George w:lS one of the founding directors of Continental Bank & Trust in Springfidd 1 VA. Jn 2005, Gcot'gc was hono1-ed with the SE.AA William

member for many years, along with

n~wis s~rvi<..."CAv,,a1-J for his OllL'ilanJi,,g



lo d1c ::;tcd crecUon in<lw;try.Gtorgc an<lhi~ wife, Lin<la,enjoy traveling, coordinating SEAJ\ golf outings, fishing and sharing great food and wonderful times in their waterfront home with fomily and friends.

Roland (Ronnie) D. Ranson, P.E., - CSE, Inc., Madi~c.rn Heights, VA- With more than 35 yt· of c:xpcJ"it•ncc.· managing largeand small-structural steel erection projects, from estim3ting, \OOr<linati ng. rnann ing and clo~(•outof projc.YL~. Mr. Ranson is Vic<' President Ste-cl

Erection f<>t CSE. Inc., a steel erector, indnstrial maintcnan~x:, rigging. h<'avyhauling and crane service operating in the lvlidAtl.antk sttit<'$.I le.•iii:(I grtid1.1ah.~ of Virginia l'olyt('chnic Institute and St.ale University, with a civil engineering and is a ,·cgistered engineer in the st:i.te of Virginia. I le has served four krms on our ho;:in.l, ho1tling (ht,_•ofli~·l•~ of(ir$;1and ~ec·ondvicl"

pn"'sident. I IC'and his ,vlfr·, Cynthia, hav<.·a :,;onand a <l~u,ghL<:r. rdran~on@CS<"onlin<•.com.

David A. Schulz



lron Works, Inc., Raleigh, NC Rringing in ov\'I" 15 yi .. arsoft'.xpericncc in the sted C'rectlon ind1.1stry1 Mr. Schulz joined the SEJ\A board of directors in 2007. Mr. Schulz chairs the SEAA Decking CommitLcc and is overseeing Lhe developnh:nt and production of the SEAA's newest safoty training rnodule. Mr. Schulz hegan hi:-icareer in con..strm.:tion in 1973 in tht' of grain dryers and boi1cr..sbefore cvcntua11y forming Schulz Iron Works, Inc. with his wife in 1999. Schuh Iron \-Vorks i.s located in Halc·igh, NC, and provi<ks crc·crion


!)Crvi<;c:,; primarily

in Lhc Southt.·ast region ancl also in Lhc Caribb,~an.Schulz Iron Works prides itself as a team-oriented

supplier of sled design, .supply, faliri<.:ation ancl tTl.'~lion. When Mr. Schulz is not working, he an<l Cin<ly<:anl,e foun<l relaxing in Aruha. dmly(q}schul'l.ironworks.cmn. 22


partnered with SEA/\ a:,;an indu:-.try providing lca<lcrship to the SEAA board. Mr. Sears is Sales Manager at the Florence Division. He is nirrently serving his :;t·cond term on the SEJ\A board of directors. Mr. Scars chairs the SEAi\ Annual Awards Committee and ";II serve as the 2009 SEA.IIconvention h<>,t.which is set for March 12-14,2009, at th<-Kingston l'lantiltion Resort in Myrtle lleach, SC.He has studied at Indiana University, P1.U·<luc U"ivcrsjty and Rivier College in Na.-,hua, NJ I. I Jc i, tbe Stall~P,u-i.,hRelations Chairman at I lighland Park United Metl"xlist Church. 1lis interests include church music and golr. a.i;e:;1rs@vulcraft-~c:-.c·orn.

Rick Starner -

Star Eroclcr$, Mr. Stamer is Pn.:sidcnl of Star Ereclcrs, Inc., a mcm~ her or Sr.AA since 1991.Mr. Starner is serving lU.sthird L<:rrnon d1t· board of directors and served as the chailmm of tht" 2006 SEAAc·onvt"ntion.I le is proud

Inc., Raleigh, NC -


lx·parL of an assoc.:iationL}1~,tis (

an impact for th<•future of the industry that he has lx:cn in\'Ol\'edin since 1974. Mr. Starn('r graduar.c-dfixnn Local No. 84, IIou~ton, TX, apprcnticcsrupprogram in th,· sun11ncr of 1978,and wrn-kt>,I in the Houston area w1til 1988,then relocated to Rakigh, NC, aJ1cl'<I his c-rnnpany.He and his wife, Le~lie,have d·u-eed1ildren, Mdissa, 28; Jeii:sc,14; anclS..,111~mtha 9. I lisi1,tl.'rt~1.s inducle, flying,walkingand bdng an active dad. 1

Rid>ru-dTuckcr-SouthCarolina Steel Corporation, Grcc,willc, SC St·rving for nine yNrs on the SE/\ A bo.1.r<l of director:;, Mr. TIJ(.,k.1,.•rc-urr{•ntly SPl-VP:- on the•Burlg<'t \•York Group. \•Vilh

40+ yea,s in the steel industry, his c.'X(>l'fi(·nn•:,;·availahJc.· to the a.c;tiodatkm, fortlwring lhe spirit or lcamwork bcLween the fabrk-awran<lcrc..."t:LOr. He is the !vlanag.:.·rurMarkding for South Carolina Stee], one of the region's most ~u,x.x."Ssful fubricawr,;. SC Ste~I '"'"_the fahric-atorof the 2003 SEAA Project of the Yc.•ar.I lis family irK·1uclts his wif<•,Kmhy,Lwo <laughtersand thl'N"' gramlchikln.·n. ridmnl.tut-kl'r(

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