Seaford Scene June 2021

Page 96

East Sussex Charity Boost for the Homeless

With the horror that the first lockdown brought, a small group was born. I was approached by two lovely local people, to be one of three administrators belonging to a group of 10 members, who were aiming to sew masks and scrubs for the NHS. Within three months the number of members had grown to 1,000. As the need for masks and scrubs diminished, and with winter fast approaching, I felt the time for me to leave was imminent. I had a sense of urgency to help another cause – the homeless of ‘Surviving the Streets’, being the aim. I left the group, and with a few like-minded members, formed a brand new one – East Sussex Charity Boost for the Homeless. The group focused on what we can do to turn a negative situation into a positive one. Although a small group, each member has contributed, either by knitting hats and scarves, sewing Christmas gifts for the homeless or buying items. It makes my heart almost burst with pride to be friends with these people. They have been so selfless in buying items and holding raffles. One of our younger members and her mum obtained thermals, waterproof coats, waterproof boots, etc for the less fortunate – the number of items is now in the hundreds. In recent months everyone has rallied together, including a young lady who is undertaking her Duke of Edinburgh award, to fill 43 hampers of relaxing items and snack bars for staff in the COVID-19 wards, staff at the mortuary and at Eastbourne District Hospital, and also the paramedics.

We also sent out over 100 vet beds and carrier bags full of treats to four local animal charities. The ages of these amazing ladies and one chap range from eleven up to retired, and to show how selfless they are, the saying I have heard several times by members is: ‘this group helps us, as much as it does others’. Carole Pink Fitt Minimed in a day al disr uption ry

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Seaford Scene June 2021 by Fran Tegg - Issuu