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What’s On in Seaford in March?

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What’s On In March? Sat 22nd Feb - Thur 19th Mar Sussex A rts Collective: Collections 2020 One The Crypt Gallery, Church St 10am - 4pm (Mon-Sat, closed Weds), 12 noon - 3pm (Sun). Monthly selection of individually designed and handcrafted artworks to view and buy direct from established and emerging creators and makers. Free entry. www.thecryptgallery.com Thurs 27th Feb - Sun 1st Mar LitFest20 The Crypt Gallery, Church St Annual celebration of words and music. Thursday 5pm - 7pm. Evening reception. Free to all. Friday 11am – Poetry workshop; 2pm – Seahaven Writers with Seahaven Poets; 4.30pm – Barry Winbolt; 7.45pm – Janet Sunderland and Alex Josephy. Saturday 11am – Simon Parke; 2pm – Maeve Jenkinson with Martin Neill; 4.30pm – Richard Wright; 7pm – Nicholas Royle. Sunday 11am – Peter Martin with Joy Lewis and Derrick Hughes; 2pm – Jill Bush; 4pm – Umi Sinha and Wendy Atkinson with Ruth Figgest; 7pm – Open Mic Poetry with guest poet Susan Evans. Each event £5, 3-day pass £40. For details and tickets visit www.thecryptgallery.com and www.seahavenpoets.co.uk Throughout March The M ayor of Seaford’s M ad Fundraising M arch Seaford Get fundraising for the Mayor’s charities! Hold a sponsored event, host a quiz night, have a coffee morning, run a raffle... To register your event, email: mayors.secretary@ seafordtowncouncil.gov.uk Facebook.com/MayorOfSeaford Sunday 1st March Beach Clean Martello Tower 10am. Gloves, bags and litter pickers provided, or bring your own bucket. Supervised children welcome. Rubbish sorted for recycling. Facebook: Plastic Free Seaford N ewhaven & Seaford Sailing Club Piddinghoe Pond 10.30am. Duncan Dash 1 & 2. www.nssc.org.uk Tuesday 3rd Health Walk The Salts Recreation Ground 10am. Meet outside the café. One hour, easy going, friendly walk – Keep moving, keep well. All abilities welcome. Free. Tel: Lorna Neville on 07740 899559, email lorna. neville@tcv.org.uk Seaford Head Probus Club Seaford Golf Club, Firle Road Monthly meeting and lunch for members and guests. Tel: Dennis Cockram 01323 491332, email: dcockram1@ sky.com Seaford N atural History Society St Luke’s Church Centre, Walmer Road 2.15pm. AGM and 60th anniversary party. Tel: 01323 893526 www.seafordnaturalhistory. org.uk East Blatchington Lectures St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Rd 2.30pm. ‘Let There Be Light!’, by Rev Arwen Folkes. Tickets £7, incl. tea and cakes. Available from Newberry Tully Estate Agents, 53 Church Street. The D og Hut Official Opening 1 Claremont Road 4pm - 7pm. The Mayor of Seaford will be present for the official opening. Come and chat about grooming, behaviour, products, dental care and college courses. www.thedoghut.biz Wednesday 4th Lewes WA SPI Group (Women A gainst State Pension Injustice) St James’ Trust, 11 Blatchington Road 6.30pm. Monthly meeting. Just come along. Facebook ‘Lewes WASPI Group’. Email Local Co-ordinator Janet Blackman: leweswaspi@yahoo.com continued...

Cross Way Wednesday Group Cross Way Church, Clinton Place 7.30pm. With speaker Sally Thompson. All welcome. Visitors £1. Thursday 5th Family Roots, Eastbourne & D istrict Family History Society Ocklynge School, Victoria Drive, Eastbourne 7pm for 7.30pm. ‘The Story of Eastbourne Exhibition’, talk by Katherine Buckland. New members welcome. Members £1, visitors £2.50 incl. refreshments. Tel: Helen Warren 01323 731792 www.eastbournefhs.org.uk

Seaford Evening Flower Club St Luke’s Church, Walmer Road 7pm for 7.30pm. Monthly meeting with visits from demonstrators, club workshops, competition nights and talks. Tel: Mary Blair 01273 515468.

Seaford Bonfire Society Open Committee M eeting The White Lion Hotel, Claremont Road 7.30pm. A chance to join and meet the committee. Email: seafordbonfire@gmail.com www.seafordbonfiresociety. co.uk

Seaford Folk Songs and Tunes Circle The Office Bar, Saxon Lane 8pm. Singers, musicians and audience welcome to perform or listen. Host: Derek Seed.

Friday 6th Lent Lunch St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Rd 12 noon. First of four lunches on Fridays during March to mark Lent. Observance of the Stations of the Cross followed at 12.30pm by soup and a roll. Open to everyone. Free, donations to Homelink.

World D ay of Prayer Service St Luke’s Church, Walmer Rd 1.30pm. Everybody welcome.

136 Seahaven Hard of Hearing Club St James’ Trust, Blatchington Road 2.15pm - 4pm. Guest speakers and other activities, tea and biscuits, raffle. Transport available. New members always welcome.

Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Tel: Pauline 01323 895216 Email: white-65@talktalk.net Seaford Community Cinema The Barn Theatre, Saxon Lane 7.30pm. ‘Mrs Lowry and Son’ (PG).Tickets £6/£5/£3.50, from Seaford Tourist Information Centre, 37 Church Street, or online. www.seafordcinema.org Saturday 7th Foundation of Spiritual Healing and Guidance St James’ Trust, 11 Blatchington Road 2pm - 4pm. Free healing, Qualified approved healers in attendance. No appointment. Tea and cakes. Donations welcome. Tel: 01323 896192 www.facebook.com/Thefshg Farming in the Ouse Valley Bishopstone Parish Hall 7.30pm. Illustrated talk by Dr Sue Berry on the influence of landowners, tenants and the wider world c. 1750-1939. In aid of the Willett Trust. Admission by ticket only. £8 incl. interval refreshments with wine. Available from Angie’s Newsagents, Claremont Road. For further details, tel: 01323 899553 or 01323 894634 The Royal British Legion Club Claremont Road 8.30pm. Ignite. Tel: 01323 890154 www.britishlegionseaford.co.uk Sunday 8th Seven Sisters Lace Society WI Hall, Claremont Road 10am - 4pm. Make lace with a friendly group meeting bimonthly on the 2nd Sunday in the month. All lace makers welcome, including beginners. Tel: Jenny Gibbs 01323 483659 N ewhaven & Seaford Sailing Club Piddinghoe Pond 10.30am. Duncan Dash 3 & 4. www.nssc.org.uk Sunday Tea D ances Hillcrest Centre, BayVue Road,N’haven 2pm - 4.30pm. Ballroom, Latin, popular sequence and occasional line dances. £7, including tea and biscuits (first visit £2). Tel: Fred Weston on 01323 898813 Seaford M usic Society: M elvyn Tan and M aggie Cole St Leonard’s Church, Church Street 3pm. Four hands at one piano. Works by Mozart, Schubert and Debussy. Tickets £15/ under-26s free. Available from Newberry Tully Estate Agents, 53 Church Street; tel: 01323 491601; or on the door. www.seafordmusicsociety.com Seaford Community Cinema The Barn Theatre, Saxon Lane 4pm. ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ (U). Tickets £6/£5/£3.50, from Seaford Tourist Information Centre, 37 Church Street, or online. www.seafordcinema.org Tuesday 10th Health Walk Martello Tower 10am. Meet beside the café. One hour, easy going, friendly walk – keep moving, keep well. All abilities welcome. Free. Tel: Lorna Neville on 07740 899559, email lorna.neville@ tcv.org.uk Probus Club of Seaford Seaford Golf Club, Firle Road 12 noon for 12.45pm lunch. Monthly meeting with 2-course meal and speaker. Tel: 01323 899300 or 01323 896024 GuestHouse Storytellers Hillcrest Centre, Bay Vue Road, Newhaven 7.30pm. Stories of Love, Lust and Longing. Open evening; to book a storytelling slot of max. ten minutes, email Umi Sinha: umisinha.writing@ gmail.com. Tickets £5 on the door. Age 12+. www. guesthousestorytellers.com Wednesday 11th Seaford Women’s Institute Claremont Hall, Brooklyn Rd 2pm. Monthly meeting. www.esfwi.org.uk/wis/seaford Seaford Stamp & Postcard Club Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane 7pm for 7.30pm. AGM and competitions. All stamp and postcard collectors welcome. Tel: 01323 492433 www.seaford-sussex.co.uk/sspc Splash Point Jazz Club The View, Seaford Head Golf Club, Southdown Road 7pm. The Neal Richardson Trio with special guest Andy Williams (guitar). Tickets £10 on the door or online. www.wegottickets.com/ splashpointjazz Thursday 12th Bizzybirds The Seven Sisters, Alfriston Rd 10am - 12 noon. Monthly meeting for women looking to build their business and network with like-minded women. www.bizzybirds.co.uk Seahaven RA FA Lunch 12 noon for 12.30pm. Twocourse lunch at either the Royal British Legion or the White Lion. Book one week in advance. Tel: 01323 898907 Friday 13th Hearing A id M aintenance, N HS Batteries and Hearing Loss A dvice The Downs 60+ Club, Sutton Corner 10am - 12 noon (drop-in). Meet your local, friendly team from the East Sussex Hearing Resource Centre. Please bring your NHS brown book. Tel: 01323 722505 Email: mail@eshrc.org www.eshrc.org Lent Lunch St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Rd 12 noon. Second of four lunches on Fridays during March to mark Lent. Observance of the Stations of the Cross followed at 12.30pm by soup and a roll. Open to everyone. Free, donations to Homelink. Seaford M useum & Heritage Society Seaford Little Theatre, 4 Steyne Road 7pm. AGM. Members only. www.seafordmuseum.co.uk. The Young M ayor’s Quiz N ight The View at Seaford Head, Southdown Road 7pm. General knowledge quiz raising funds for Water Refill Stations. Advance booking advised. Max. 6 per team. To book, email: mayors.secretary@ seafordtowncouncil.gov.uk Seaford Community Cinema The Barn Theatre, Saxon Lane 7.30pm. ‘The Biggest Little Farm’ (PG).Tickets £6/£5/£3.50, from Seaford Tourist Information Centre, 37 Church Street, or online. www.seafordcinema.org

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email fran@seafordscene.co.uk 137 Saturday 14th The Royal British Legion Club Claremont Road 8.30pm. Race Night. Tel: 01323 890154 www.britishlegionseaford.co.uk Saturday 14th - Sunday 15th N ewhaven & Seaford Sailing Club Seaford/Newhaven 4S course. Members only. www.nssc.org.uk Last M inute A rtists: Still Life Challenge The Crypt Gallery, Church St 10am - 4.30pm (Sat), 11am - 4.30pm (Sun). The imaginative results of the group’s challenge to create a still life in any medium, out of the comfort zone of their usual materials and methods. www.thecryptgallery.com Sunday 15th Friends of Tide M ills meeting Tide Mills 10am - 12 noon. Meet at beach end of old village road. Help us care for this special place. Email: brianjimskinner@gmail.com N ewhaven, Peacehaven & Seaford Lions Book Sale Paradise Park Garden Centre, Avis Road, Newhaven 10am - 4pm. Book sale in aid of local charities. www.npslions.co.uk N ewhaven & Seaford Sailing Club Piddinghoe Pond 10.30am. Duncan Dash 5 & 6. www.nssc.org.uk The Joyce Campbell Lunch Club St Peter’s Church Hall, Belgrave Road 1pm. Sunday roast and gettogether for senior citizens in Seaford. Transport can be arranged. £6. To book call June 01323 890175. Monday 16th Plauschgruppe The White Lion, Claremont Rd 7pm - 9.30pm. Seaford’s German language group. Friendly, unstructured conversation. All standards welcome. Free. Tel: Peter 07943 407372 Tuesday 17th Health Walk The Salts Recreation Ground 10am. Meet outside the café. One hour, easy going, friendly walk – keep moving, keep well. All abilities welcome. Free. Tel: Lorna Neville on 01424 444675 or 07740 899559, email lorna.neville@tcv.org.uk Seaford N atural History Society St Luke’s Church Centre, Walmer Road 2.15pm. ‘The Orange Tip Butterfly’, talk by Marion Trew. Tel: 01323 893526 www.seafordnaturalhistory.org.uk N ewhaven & Seaford Sailing Club Seaford Clubhouse 7pm. NSSC Board Meeting (members only). Plastic Free Seaford The Seven Sisters, Alfriston Rd 7pm. Community meeting. Share ideas and learn how to live without plastic. Email: plasticfreeseaford@gmail.com www.plasticfreeseaford.com Wednesday 18th U3A Coffee M orning Constitutional Club, Crouch Ln 10am - 12 noon. £2 for coffee and nibbles. Open to members and non-members. No need to book, just come along and meet the members. N ational Trust Seaford A ssociation (N TSA ) Kings Church, Steyne Road 2.30pm. Talk by Philip Lane with accordion and keyboard accompaniment. New members (including non-NT members) are most welcome. www.seaford-sussex.co.uk/nt Vocal Repertoire presents VRX Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road 7pm - 8.45pm. New adult singing and performance club. No auditions, taster session free. Register interest by text: 07395 129320 or online. www.facebook.com/vocalrepertoire Thursday 19th Seaford A fternoon Flower Club Seaford Baptist Church Hall, Belgrave Road 2pm. AGM followed by imposed workshop, ‘An Easter Basket’. Competition ‘A Spring Garden’. Annual fee £29, visitors £5 on the door, including refreshments. Tel: Mary Morris 01323 893899 or Sue Ward 01323 894848. Sussex Wildlife Trust Seaford & Eastbourne A rea Group Victoria Baptist Church, Eldon Road, Eastbourne 7.30pm. ‘Pevensey & Eastbourne Levels: A Natural History’, illustrated talk by Evan Jones. £3 SWT members/£4 visitors. Tel: 01424 777291 or 07946 753135. www.sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk Friday 20th Hearing A id M aintenance, N HS Batteries and Hearing Loss A dvice St James’ Trust, 11 Blatchington Road 10am - 12 noon (drop-in). Meet your local, friendly team from the East Sussex Hearing Resource Centre. Please bring your NHS brown book. Tel: 01323 722505 Email: mail@ eshrc.org www.eshrc.org Lent Lunch St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Rd 12 noon. Third of four lunches on Fridays during March to mark Lent. Observance of the Stations of the Cross followed at 12.30pm by soup and a roll. Open to everyone. Free, donations to Homelink. Comedy Seaford The View, Seaford Head Golf Club, Southdown Road 7.45pm (doors 7pm). Hosted by Julie Jepson, Gary Tro headlines. Tickets £10 on the door or online. www.wegottickets.com Saturday 21st Lunchtime Concert St Leonard’s Church, Church St 1pm. Fiona Hosford, harp. Free event self-supported by donations. www.seafordparish. org.uk Bishopstone Spring Show for Horticultural and Home Produce Bishopstone Parish Hall, Bishopstone Village 2pm. In aid of St Andrew’s Church, Bishopstone. Exhibits of flowers, plants, flower arranging, vegetables, cookery, preserves, wine, beer, squash, eggs, handicrafts, photographs and art, open to all ages. Raffle, coffee, teas and homemade cakes. Competition schedules available from St Andrew’s Church, St Peter’s Church or Angies Newsagent, Claremont Road; entries must be received by Wednesday 18th March. For info, tel: 01323 492246 or 01323 872098 Email: lindawallraven@gmail. com Seaford Choral Society Spring Concert Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road 7.30pm. The choir is joined by a chamber orchestra and four soloists to perform Purcell ‘Come, Ye Sons of Art, Away’ and Mozart Solemn Vespers. Tickets £10, children free. Available from members; Newberry Tully Estate Agents, 53 Church Street; on the door; or online. www.seaford-choral-society. com The Royal British Legion Club Claremont Road 8.30pm. Gemma Albrow. Tel: 01323 890154 www.britishlegionseaford.co.uk Saturday 21st - Sunday 22nd N ewhaven & Seaford Sailing Club Seaford/Newhaven 4S course. Members only. www.nssc.org.uk Sunday 22nd N ewhaven & Seaford Sailing Club Piddinghoe Pond 10.30am. Duncan Dash 7, with prizegiving. www.nssc.org.uk Seaford Community Cinema The Barn Theatre, Saxon Lane 4pm. ‘The Lion King’ (2019, PG).Tickets £6/£5/£3.50, from Seaford Tourist Information Centre, 37 Church Street, or online. www.seafordcinema.org Tuesday 24th Health Walk Martello Tower 10am. Meet beside the café. One hour, easy going, friendly walk – keep moving, keep well. All abilities welcome. Free. Tel: Lorna Neville on 01424 444675 or 07740 899559, email lorna.neville@tcv.org.uk Seaford Ladies Probus Club Seaford Golf Club, Firle Road 12 noon for 12.30pm. Monthly meeting with guest speaker and lunch. Tel: Liz Merritt on 01323 895553. continued...

Wednesday 25th Seaford Women’s Circle The Yurt, Florence House (enter through the yurt gate) 7pm. Talk/mini workshop bringing together women from the community to learn and share with each other. All ages welcome. Donations only. www.facebook.com/groups/ seafordwomenscircle Thursday 26th Seaford Horticultural Society St Leonard’s Church Hall, Church Lane 7pm. Members’ social evening. ‘Favourite Gardens in France and Spain’, talk by Aideen and Denis Jones of Cupani Garden. Competition ‘3 Daffodils in a Vase’. www.seafordhorti.com

The Group Lewes 8pm. A club for unattached men and women aged 50+. Walks, lunches and dinners, golf, theatre, quizzes, holidays. www.thegroup.org.uk Thursday 26th - Sat 28th M eeching A mateur D ramatics: Haggard Meeching Hall, Fort Road, Newhaven 7.45pm. Fast-paced Regency set comedy. Tickets £9, available from Seaford Tourist Information Centre, 37 Church Street, tel: 01323 897426, or online. www.ticketsource.co.uk/ meeching-amateur-dramatics

Friday 27th Lent Lunch St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Rd 12 noon. Last of four lunches on Fridays during March to mark Lent. Observance of the Stations of the Cross followed at 12.30pm by soup and a roll. Open to everyone. Free, donations to Homelink.

Seaford Community Cinema The Barn Theatre, Saxon Lane 7.30pm. ‘Sorry We Missed You’ (15).Tickets £6/£5/£3.50, from Seaford Tourist Information Centre, 37 Church Street, or online. www.seafordcinema.org

N ewhaven & Seaford Sailing Club Seaford Clubhouse Commissioning Supper. www.nssc.org.uk Saturday 28th N ewhaven & Seaford Sailing Club Newhaven Marina,Yacht Harbour, Newhaven Existing 4S Skippers’ Refresher course. www.nssc.org.uk Open Church Café St Leonard’s Church, Church Street 10am - 12.30pm. Free refreshments, craft for kids. All welcome! www.seafordparish.org.uk

Seaford M useum & Heritage Society Martello Tower, The Esplanade 10am - 12 noon. Calling all (new) volunteers! Meeting for anyone who would like to join the museum’s band of volunteers, who act as stewards and perform many other jobs around the museum. www.seafordmuseum.co.uk The Royal British Legion Club Claremont Road 8.30pm. Rob ‘Elvis’ Willis. Tel: 01323 890154 www.britishlegionseaford.co.uk

Sunday 29th N ewhaven & Seaford Sailing Club Seaford 10.30am. Commodore’s Cup. www.nssc.org.uk M essy Church St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Road 2pm - 5pm. A chance for children to make a mess creating a special garden telling the story of Easter. Followed by a short service tailored to youngsters and refreshments in the Parish Rooms. Free, everyone welcome. Corelli Ensemble Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road 4pm. Recorder virtuoso Piers Adams performs Sammartini and a specially-composed piece by Lewes composer Crispin Ward. Works by Telemann and Elgar follow. Refreshments in aid of Homelink and a chance to meet the performers. Tickets £14 on the door/£12 in advance from Seaford Tourist Information Centre, 37 Church Street, or online. Children free. Also at 4pm, Sunday 15th March, St Pancras Church, Ireland’s Lane, Lewes. www.corelliensemble.co.uk

Tuesday 31st Health Walk The Salts Recreation Ground 10am. Meet outside the café. One hour, easy going, friendly walk – keep moving, keep well. All abilities welcome. Free. Tel: Lorna Neville on 01424 444675 or 07740 899559, email lorna.neville@tcv.org.uk

Seaford Scene makes every effort to ensure the What’s On? listings are as up to date as possible, however, if details have changed, or a club/event is no longer running, please contact Seaford Scene by email to: fran@seafordscene.co.uk or by phone to 01273 710793. Thank you.

ARTS & CRAFTS Art Workshop Be Creative, 13 Sutton Park Road Thurs: 10am - 12 noon. With Lesley Harvey. All media used. Refreshments provided. £15. Tel: Terri on 01323 490912 Art Workshop Paradise Park Café,Avis Road, Newhaven Last Sat of the month: 9.30am - 11.30am. With Lesley Harvey. All materials provided. £12. Tel: 07722 236741 to reserve a place. Email: lesleyharvey17 hotmail.com Chinese Painting Group Hellingly Village Hall off A22 Weds: 1 - 4pm. Professional Chinese tutor. Materials available. Beginners and new members welcome. For more details contact: 01273 515452 East Sussex Moviemakers St Luke’s Parish Rooms, Stone Cross, Pevensey 1st & 3rd Weds: 7.30 - 9.30pm. Members show videos, advice available, speakers on video-related topics. Contact Valerie McManus: 07950 904778, valmcmanusuk@yahoo.com www.eastsussexmoviemakers. com Jewellery Classes Seaford Mon: 6 - 9pm, Wed: 10am - 2pm, Fri: 10am - 2pm. Tel 07952 195341, email: info@ leprevost.co.uk, www.leprevost. co.uk Knit & Craft Chyngton Methodist Church Hall, Millberg Road, Seaford Thurs: 2pm - 4pm. All welcome, come and learn new skills making articles for charities. Tel: Viola on 01323 890271 Knit & Natter Seaford Little Theatre, Steyne Road Weds: 10am - 12 noon. Knit, natter and crochet. All made welcome. Tel: Eileen on 01273 510491 or Lyn 01323 893412 Newhaven Art Club Peacehaven Evangelical Church Mon: 2pm. Members meet to paint and draw together with discussions, demonstrations, life drawing and sketching outdoors. Annual subs. £25. Why not come along and see how you get on? www.newhavenartclub.org.uk Newhaven Knit ’n’ Natter Group Hillcrest Centre BayVue Road, Newhaven Mon: 2pm-4pm. Room 4. Friendly support for knitting and needlework enthusiasts. All ages and abilities welcome. No fees or subscription. Bring along your knitting and enjoy refreshments in the café. Free parking and access for the disabled. Further details, tel: 07540 199616 or 01323 890205 Ouse Valley Artists Denton & Mount Pleasant Social Centre Weds: 9am - 12.30pm. Friendly group of enthusiastic artists, all abilities welcome. For more info call 01323 670025 or email diane. yvonne.king@gmail.com or call Pat on 01273 516183. Seaford Art Club Downs Leisure Centre Fri: 2-4pm. A friendly, active group of enthusiastic, competent artists. Weekly practical sessions, and some demos. Gallery visits and other trips during the year. A selection of paintings are displayed at What ’s On Weekly?

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email fran@seafordscene.co.uk 139 The View, Seaford Golf Club. Tel Shirley 01323 899433 Email: seafordartclub.@outlook.com Seaford Machine Knitting Club Baptist Church, Belgrave Rd 2nd Fri of month: 2 - 4pm. Tel: Helen Doran on 01323 872218 or email: hdoran@ talktalk.net Seaford Photographic Society The Martello Room, Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane Fri: 7.45pm (doors 7pm). September to May. www.seafordps.org CLUBS & ORGANISATIONS Age Concern Seaford 6 Church Street Mon - Fri: 10am - 2pm. Office. Mon - Sat: 10am - 2pm. Shop. We offer the following services for older people: information and support, medical transport, visiting and befriending, contact time. Volunteers required. Tel: 01323 899434 www. ageconcernseaford.btck.co.uk Bank/HSBC Retirees Group Lansdowne Hotel, Eastbourne Last Thurs of month: 10.30am - 12 noon. Calling all retired members. Coffee, tea and biscuits with friendly people.Tel Mrs Doreen Woodward-Davies 01323 898907. Budget Bites (SCDA) Denton Island Community Centre, Newhaven Weds: 6-week course starting 26th February, supporting people in how to cook nutritious food on a budget. For information and booking, Tel: 01273 517250 Email: DICCreception@ sussexcommunity.org.uk www.sussexcommunity.org.uk Canasta Afternoon Seaford & Blatchington Lawn Tennis Club, 47 Belgrave Road 1st & 3rd Weds of month: 2pm. £2.50 per session incl. tea/coffee and biscuits. For info, tel: June 01323 896456. Civil Service Pensioners Alliance The View, Seaford Head Golf Club, Southdown Rd 1st Tues of month: 10am. Friendly chat inc. group business and info on pensions/ benefits/ socials & days out. Refreshments. Cuckmere Valley Transition Group George Inn, Alfriston 1st Thurs of month: 7pm Energy Group meeting. Tel: 01323 870409 email: cuckmeretransition@gmail.com www. cuckmerevalleytransition. org.uk Dog Training The Scout Hut, The Salts Recreation Ground Mon & Tues evenings: Seaford & District Dog Training Club. Dog training classes in accordance with the Kennel Club Good Citizens Scheme. Class levels are puppy, bronze, silver and graduate. Tel: 07516 934927 www.seaforddogclub.co.uk Downs 60+ Club Sutton Corner, Seaford (Old Flint Building, grounds of Downs Leisure Centre) 10am-12 noon and 2-4pm. Mon am: Art, snooker. pm: Snooker, table tennis, board games. Tues am: Snooker, art, keep fit (10.30-11.30) pm: Board games, table tennis. Weds am: Art, snooker, choir (10.30-11.45), lunch club 12.30pm pm: Snooker, craft & chat. Thurs am: Art, board games, snooker, exercise & line dancing pm: Art, snooker. Fri am: Art, snooker pm: Table tennis Sat am: Table tennis, snooker. Occasional discussion group, card games and minibus trips. Visit twice then pay £55 for the year; no more to pay for unlimited visits (excl. lunch). Come along or call 01323 896422 on Weds 10am - 12 noon. East Blatchington Pond Conservation Society East Blatchington Pond Sat: 10am - 12 noon. Weekly working party. More volunteers would be welcome. Enjoy the wildlife and help your community. www.seaford-sussex.co.uk/ pond East Dean & Friston Gardening Club East Dean Village Hall, Gilberts Drive 2nd Fri of month: 2.15pm - 4pm. Variety of guest speakers. Membership £7 per year, visitors welcome. Tel: Fran 01323 423529 East Sussex Family & Carers’ Team Various locations incl. Newhaven & Eastbourne Cranstoun’s East Sussex FACT supports people who are being affected by someone else’s substance misuse and mental health issues (dual diagnosis). Emotional and practical help, support groups, activities and social events. Tel: 07920 786352 or 07795 953951 Email: esfact@cranstoun.org.uk Family Activities Denton Island Community Centre, Newhaven Mon: 10am - 12 noon. Numbers & Play (24th February - 30th March). Language and Play (20th April - 18th May). Family courses for parents, carers and grandparents to learn new skills and ideas to better support their child’s learning and development through play. For under 5s, free crèche available. Tel: 01273 517250 Email: families@ sussexcommunity.org.uk www.sussexcommunity.org.uk French in the Cuckmere Valley Near Litlington French conversation groups led by French teacher. One-toone’s, preparation for exams, Skype lessons, proofreading, translation, French film and literary groups. For more information tel: 01323 871204/ 07903 610880 or email babkun@gmail.com Friendship The Base (next to the Salts Café), Marine Parade Thurs: 10.30am - 12 noon. We chat, enjoy music, play games and buy a drink in the café next door. £2 each week (carers free). Tel: Sam 01323 897320 The Havens Day Clubs for Over 65s Kempton House, Peacehaven: Tues: 10am-3pm, or half day. Newhaven Age Concern Club:Weds: 10am3pm, or half days. Care, support, friendship and respite care. Run by Age UK East Sussex. Tel Nicola on 07850 987131, Lewes office 01273 476704 www.ageukeastsussex.org.uk Heartsease Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road 1st Fri of month (except August): 2.30pm. Monthly group welcoming anyone who finds themselves alone and would enjoy some social interaction. Speakers, activities, companionship and tea. Tel: John and Jill Hughes 01323 898678 HIVEYouth Club Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Fri: 7.15 - 8.45pm. (School year 7 – sixth form). Games, activities, workshops, pool, table football, table tennis, Xbox, instruments, social events, trips out, advice, encouragement & guidance. Annual membership £5 (excl. social events and trips). Term time only. Tel: 01323 896009 www. seafordbaptistchurch.org.uk Joyce Campbell Sunday Lunch Club St Peter’s Church Hall, Belgrave Road 3rd Sunday of the month (unless otherwise stated): 1pm. A get together for lunch for senior citizens in Seaford. £6. No August lunch club, resumes 15th September. To book call June on 01323 890175. Kids Aloud Kingswell, 115-117 Vale Road (Community Church Hall) Fri: 3.45pm - 5.30pm. Free after-school activities for children aged 4-12. All welcome for games, art and stories. Tel: Tina 01323 492833. www.kings-well.org.uk/kids_ aloud.htm Know Dementia Memory Moments Café Meridian Centre, Meridian Way, P’haven Fri: 9.30am - 12.30pm. Informal café for people with dementia and their family supporter/carer. Includes tea, coffee and cake, and a little fun and laughter with games, talk, music, dance etc. Tel: 01273 494300 Email: info@ knowdementia.co.uk Lipreading Classes St James’ Trust, Blatchington Rd Tues:10am - 11.45am. Newcomers welcome, first session free. Great confidence builder. Six week terms. Fee includes membership of Seahaven Hard of Hearing Club. Tel: Wendy 01323 490833 L: IVEYouth Club Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Fri: 6 - 7pm. (School year 3 - 6). Games and activities inc. pool, table football, table tennis, games consoles, craft zones, and a tuck shop. Admission continued...

140 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers £1 inc 50p worth of tuck. First week free. Term time only. Tel: 01323 896009 www. seafordbaptistchurch.org.uk Martello Rotary Seaford Golf Club, Firle Road Mon: 7.15pm for 7.45pm. Tel: 07984 581784 or email: contactseafordmartellorotary@ gmail.com. Mercread Youth Centre Mercread Road, Seaford Mon: 6pm - 7pm. Seaford Youth Forum. Tues: 3.30pm - 5.30pm. Juniors Youth Club (Year 8 & 9), £1. Weds: 3.30 - 6pm. After School Club (Year 6 & 7), £1. Thurs: 3.30pm - 5.30pm. Mercread Youth Centre Mercread Road, Seaford T.O.A.S.T. Girls Only Group, £1. 6.30pm - 8.30pm. Seniors Youth Club (Year 9+), £1. For more details contact Roger Daw on 01323 892531 National Trust Seaford Association (NTSA) The Kings Church, Steyne Road 3rd Weds of month: 2.30pm. Illustrated talks on subjects from Oct to March. Outings from spring to autumn plus other social and fundraising events. New members welcome. Visitors £2.50. www.seaford-sussex.co.uk/nt Newhaven & District Model Railway Club Norton Road, Newhaven Weds: 7.30pm - 10pm. Tel: 07715 993675 Email: newhavendmrc@gmail.com Newhaven & Seaford Sea Cadets The Old Church, Chapel Street, Newhaven Mon & Fri: 7pm - 9pm (seniors) Fri: 7pm - 9pm (juniors) Newhaven, Peacehaven & Seaford Lions Club White Lion Hotel, Claremont Rd 4th Thurs of month: 8pm meeting. www.npslions.co.uk Newhaven Youth Club Lewes Road Hut,Robinson Road, NewhavenWeds: 6.30-8.30pm. For young people aged 11+. Info 01273 517250 or youth@ sussexcommunity.org.uk Probus Club of Seaford Seaford Golf Club, Firle Rd 2nd Tues of month: 12 noon for 12.45pm lunch. Monthly meeting with 2-course meal and speaker. Tel: 01323 899300 or 01323 896024. Royal Antidiluvian Order of Buffaloes RAF Club,Wish Road, Eastbourne Sun: 4pm. Weekly meetings. Contact Lawrence Steer. Tel: 01323 351147 or 07548 730967 or email: lawrence1860@gmail.com The Royal Society of St George Monthly events. England’s leading patriotic society. Contact Chairman 01323 899985 or email: 514928@ talktalk.net. Seaford Afternoon Flower Club Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road 3rd Thurs of month:1.30pm for a 2pm start. No meeting in January. Talks, demos, outings, etc. Past and new members welcome. Membership £29 per year. Visitors £5 including refreshments per meeting. Tel: Mary Morris 01323 893899 or Sue Ward 01323 894848. Seaford Bonfire Society White Lion Hotel, Claremont Rd First Thurs of month: 7.30pm. Membership and open committee meeting. Email: seafordbonfire@gmail.com www.seafordbonfiresociety. co.uk Seaford Bridge Club Downs Leisure Centre, Sutton Road Tues:1.15 for 1.30pm - 5pm (in Sutton Hall). Weds & Fri: 6.15 for 6.30pm - 9.45pm (in 60+ Club). Friendly duplicate bridge sessions. Tel: 01323 893626 Email: gillespiejohn6@gmail. com www.bridgewebs.com/seaford Seaford Constitutional Club Crouch Lane Mon: Cribbage & Line Dancing. Tues: 9.30am Slimming World. 3rd Weds: Klondyke Whist. Thurs: Tea Dance/Dance Classes. Fri & Sun: 8.15pm Bingo. Tel: 01323 890087 Seaford Evening Flower Club St Luke’s Church, Walmer Rd 1st Thurs of month: 7pm for 7.30pm demo (not in January). Affil. to NAFAS. New members welcome. Visitors £4.50 including refreshments. Tel Marian on 01273 515544 Seaford Head Probus Club Seaford Golf Club, Firle Road 1st Tues of month: Monthly lunch for members and guests. Tel: 01323 896373 Seaford Museum & Heritage Society Martello Tower Wednesday: 2pm-4pm Saturday, Sunday & bank hols: 11am-4pm. Groups by appointment. Archives open every 1st Sun of each month. Tel: 01323 898222 www.seafordmuseum.co.uk Seaford Quakers Seaford Little Theatre, Steyne Rd Sun: 10.30 - 11.30am. Meeting for worship followed by refreshments. All welcome. Tel Margaret Brandram on 01323 381282 Seaford Rotary Seaford Golf Club, Firle Rd Weds: 12.45 for 1pm. Weekly meeting. Seaford Social Club for Blind & Partially Sighted People St Peter’s Hall, Belgrave Road 1st Thurs of month: 2-4pm. Entertainment and tea. Tel: ESAB 01323 832252 Seafordspirit: Seaford Independent Spiritualist Church 3 Warwick Road Tues: 7.30pm - 8.30pm Healing. Thurs: 7.30pm Divine Service. Friday: 10.30pm - 12 noon Healing. Alternate Saturdays: Clairvoyant Evenings 7.30pm. Demos/ workshops see website. All welcome. Tel 01323 737407 Email: enquiries@seafordspirit. co.uk www.seafordspirit.co.uk Seaford Stamp & Postcard Club Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane 2nd Weds of month: 7.15pm. Monthly speaker. All stamp and postcard collectors welcome. Tel: 01323 492433 www.seaford-sussex.co.uk/sspc Seaford Stroke & Caring Club St James’ Trust, Blatchington Rd Mon: 2 - 4pm. Slides, music, quizzes, bingo, tea and homemade cakes. Some transport available. Tel: Joyce Woodgate: 01323 894547 Seaford Tea Club Clinton Centre, Clinton Place Mon: 2pm - 3.45pm. Social club for all. The aim is to combat loneliness and isolation. Tea, cakes, games, raffle and companionship. Good access. All welcome. Enquiries to: seafordteaclub@ outlook.com Seahaven (Afternoon) Trefoil Guild Afternoon Meeting St Leonard’s Church Hall, Church Lane, off Church St. 1st Tues of month: 2.30 - 4.30pm. Tel: 01323 897959 Seahaven (Evening) Trefoil Guild Evening Meeting Downs Leisure Centre Over 60s Club 3rd Thurs of month: 7.30pm. Tel: 01323 893250 Seahaven Hard of Hearing Club St James’ Trust, Blatchington Rd 1st Friday of month: 2.15 - 4pm. Guest speakers and other activities, tea and biscuits, raffle. Local transport may be available at a small cost. Contact Pauline 01323 895216 The Submariners Association (Sussex Branch) Royal British Legion Club, Claremont Road 1st Fri of month: 7.45pm. For all ex and serving submariners. Tel: Harry Summerton 01323 734132 Sussex Army Cadet Force No. 2 Platoon (Seaford) Mercread Youth Centre, Mercread Road Mon & Weds: 7.30 - 9.30pm. For ages 12 (school year 8) to 18 yrs. For further information email kevin.falconer@serfca.org or tel: 01273 552222 Sussex Wildlife Trust Various locations in and around Seaford 1st Thurs of month:10am - 3pm, Sept to May. For details tel: 07824 151935. Email: sarahquantrill@sussexwt.org.uk www.sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk Sussex Wildlife Trust Youth Rangers Various locations in and around Seaford Tues:Term time only. Volunteer group for 16-25 year olds. Carry out practical conservation tasks and learn about wildlife whilst gaining valuable work experience. Email: nikkihills@sussexwt. org.uk www.sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk The Union Club, Seaford 1 Stafford Road A non-political social club for residents. Lounge bar, dart board, snooker table, TV screens, and events. Applications for membership all welcome. Tel 01323 890015 email: membership@ theunionclub.plus.com

Wellbeing Group for Young People Denton Island Community Centre, Newhaven, BN9 9BA Tues: 4.30pm - 5.30pm starting 27th August. A 6-week group workshop focussing on self esteem, confidence, resilience, goal setting, and mental health. For young people between 12-16 years. Tel: 01273 517250. Email: youth@ sussexcommunity.org.uk

Who Let the Dads Out? Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road 2nd Sat of month: 9.30am - 11.30am. For children 0 to 11 yrs with their dads, granddads and male carers. Tel: 01323 896009

co mmu nity Clinton Centre Café Cross Way Church, Clinton Pl. Tues: 10am - 11.30am. Coffee/ tea and biscuit or toast and butter, £1. Tel: 01323 873262 Coffee Morning & Bring & Buy St Luke’s Church Hall, Walmer Rd Weds: 10am - 12 noon Coffee Pot Chyngton Methodist Church Hall Thurs: 10 - 11.30am. Assorted items on sale. Disabled access. Friendly atmosphere. Tel: 01323 891534 East Dean Farmers’ Market East Dean Village Hall, Village Green Lane off Gilberts Drive Weds: 10am - 12.30pm. 01323 423481 Family Learning Activities For information tel: 01273 517250, email: families@ sussexcommunity.org.uk www.sussexcommunity.org.uk International Coffee Morning St Leonard’s Church Hall, Church Lane 2nd & 4th Weds of month: 10.30am - 12.30pm. FebruaryDecember, term time only. Love Heart Community Café Clinton Centre, Clinton Place Thurs: 10.30am - 12.30pm. Supporting people with learning difficulties through work experience. All welcome. Fundraisers: raise funds and enhance your profile for free, any Thursday with booked slot. Tel: 01273 812976 Mitchell House Monday Tea Club 43 Lexden Drive Mon: 3 - 4.30pm. Tea, chat and a game or two. 50p and extra charge to play games (for prize funding). Tel: 01323 891804 Monday Coffee Mornings Seaford Little Theatre 4 Steyne Road Mon: 10am - 11.30am. All welcome to come and enjoy a coffee/tea with biscuits. Newhaven Country Market Hillcrest Centre, Bay Vue Road, Newhaven, BN9 9LH Thursdays: 9.45am - 1pm (2pm Easter and Christmas markets). Homemade produce, free-range eggs, fresh fish, plants, crafts, café. Free parking, access for the disabled. Contact Jackie Gordon on 01323 872263. Newhaven Street Markets Newhaven High Street Thurs & Sat: 9am - 2pm. Fresh produce, bread, pastries, fish & seafood, street food, clothes, arts & crafts, household goods, fishing tackle, handmade jewellery. For stall hire tel 01273 517544 or email:new havenmarket@outlook.com One You East Sussex Various locations Free healthy lifestyle service. Supporting East Sussex residents to eat well, move more, drink less, be smoke free and lose weight through internal programmes and 1-2-1 support. Plus free NHS health checks. To self-refer or refer a friend go online or tel: 01323 404600 www.oneyoueastsussex.org.uk Plastic Free Seaford The Seven Sisters (function room) Alfriston Road 3rd Tues: 7pm. Monthly Community Meeting for the Plastic Free Seaford campaign. All welcome. Facebook: Plastic Free Seaford Seaford Community Garden Crouch Gardens next to the Peace Garden Weds: 9.30am - 12.30pm. Sat: 10am - 12 noon (July to September only). Garden open, plants and produce for sale. All welcome. www.seaford-sussex.co.uk/scg

Seaford Old Town Hall Community Tea Room Church Street, Seaford Mon - Fri: 10am - 1pm. Sat: 10am - 12 noon. Come and enjoy a comfortable rest, hot drink, friendly chat. Seaford Police Neighbourhood Policing Team Meet & Greet Downs Leisure Centre Thurs: 3.30pm. Meet your local Police Community Support Officers. www.sussex.police.uk Seaford Street Markets Sutton Road 2nd & 4th Friday of the month: 9am - 1pm. www. seafordtowncouncil.gov.uk/ Street-Markets.aspx

Seahaven Storehouse Seaford Community Church, 115-117 Vale Road Thurs: 10am - 1pm. Providing basic food items to those in need. Tel/text: 07921 844930 Email: seahavenstorehouse@ gmail.com www.kings-well.org. uk/storehouse.php Trees for Seaford Various locations 1st Saturday & 3rd Tuesday: 10am - 12 noon (spring and summer). Tree care sessions. No experience necessary, tools provided. A sociable morning with like-minded people. For details visit the Facebook page @treesforseaford or www. treesforseaford.wordpress.com Tutoring Tutor’s home in Seaford Tutoring services for primary/ secondary ages – help with building confidence, English, Maths, skills for learning, English/History to GCSE, 11+/ SATS preparation. Contact Liz Hunter (DBS checked) on 07918 127763 or 01323 893933. Email: lizthetutor@ btinternet.com

Ladies ’ clubs Bizzybirds The View, Seaford Head Golf Club, Southdown Road Monthly meetings An opportunity for business women to meet over coffee to share hints, tips and advice with occasional guest speakers and training sessions. For upcoming dates and more info visit www.bizzybirds.co.uk Blatchington Hill Townswomen’s Guild The Chapel Room, St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Road, Seaford 2nd Tues of month: 7.30pm. Members only. Membership enquiries: the.kavanaghs@ btinternet.com InnerWheel Club of Seaford Seaford Golf Club, Firle Road 2nd Tues of month: 7.30pm. Members only. Seaford Ladies Probus Club Seaford Golf Club, Firle Road 4th Tues of month: 12 noon for 12.30pm. Monthly lunch club for retired or semi-retired professional businesswomen. Silver service meal and local speakers. Tel: Liz Merritt 01323 895553 Seaford Martello WI St Leonard’s Church Hall, Church Lane, off Church St 2nd Thurs of month: 7.30pm. New members welcome. Tel: 01273 583484, email: angeaston@sky.com Seaford NWR (National Women’s Register) Members’ homes and out and about Various days: For women who are interested in everything and talk about anything. More details visit www.nwr.org.uk or contact us directly by email: nwrseaford@gmail.com Seaford Sweethearts WI Claremont Hall, Brooklyn Rd 4th Tues of month: 8pm - 10pm. For further info about attending, please email: hello@ seafordsweetheartswi.com

Seaford Women’s Circle The Yurt at Florence House Last Weds of month: 7pm. Each month a different woman from the community will hold the circle or offer a talk/mini workshop. It’s a space to share and learn. All ages welcome. www.facebook.com/groups/ seafordwomenscircle Seaford Women’s Institute Claremont Hall, Brooklyn Rd 2nd Weds of month: 2pm. Monthly meeting. Other activities include: Mon: Art (weekly); Play Reading (fortnightly). Weds: Gentle yoga (not on 2nd Weds); Craft & Chat (1st & 3rd Weds only). Plus seasonal walking group. www.esfwi.org.uk/wis/seaford continued...

142 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers music & dra ma Archway Gospelish Choir Blatchington Rd Mon: 8pm - 9.30pm. Gospel & soul-inspired music. £8.50 a session. Archway Contemporary Choir Chyngton School, Millberg Rd Weds: 12.30pm - 2pm at Archway, 8pm - 9.30pm Everything from Ellington to Supertramp. £8.50 per session. Tel 01323 897590 www.thearchwaygroup.com Chyngton Youth Academy of Arts and Drama St James’ Trust, Blatchington Road Thurs: 4pm. Ages 5-12 Fri: 5.30pm. Ages 12-18. For drama classes contact Ellen on 07791 081935 Concentus Choir JPK Centre, 39-41 Church Street, Eastbourne Mon: 7.30pm - 9.45pm. No need to read music to join this friendly choir, which regularly sings in Seaford. Tel: Claire 07920 430162 or Sue 07789 343514. www. concentus-sings.com The Downs Singers Downs 60+ Club, Sutton Crn. Weds: 10.30am - 11.30am. Friendly. No need to read music. Tel: 01323 896422 on Tues 10am -12 noon or come on the day. Haven Harmonies Hillcrest Centre, Bay Vue Road, Newhaven BN9 9LH Mon: 7 - 9pm. Contemporary repertoire accompanied on guitar. No need to read music. £6 per session. Tel 01273 611068 or email: marianstanley43@gmail.com for more information. Michael Piraner’s Recorder Workshops The Chapel Room, St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Road 2nd Sat every month: 2pm - 4.30pm. For adults over 18 years of age. For more information, email: val. underhill@googlemail.com Play Readings at the Seaford Little Theatre 4 Steyne Road 1st Tues every month (except November): 7.30pm. Everyone welcome to join in or just listen; play readings are held in the coffee lounge. Tel: Mary 01323 351882 or email gmaryyoung@ gmail.com SBC Singers Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Weds: 7pm. New members always welcome. Tel: Peter 01273 586687 Seaford Choral Society Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Mon: 7.15 - 9.15pm New singers always welcome, no experience necessary, no audition. Tel: 01323 301683, email: info@seaford-choralsociety.com www.seafordchoral-society.com Seaford Drum Group Mercread Youth Centre, Mercread Road Tues: 7pm - 9pm. Group drumming. No experience necessary, everyone welcome. Tel: Jamie 07863 159742 Seaford Folk Songs and Tunes Circle The Office Bar, Saxon Lane 1st Thurs of month: 8pm All welcome. Come along, sing, play or listen. Free entry. Seaford Handbell Ringers St James’ Trust, Blatchington Rd Weds: 10am - 12.30pm. For more information, tel: Margaret Hopkins 01323 325305. 1pm - 3pm, tel: Jo Tigg 01323 893878. New members very welcome. Seaford Little Theatre Steyne Road Mon: 10am - 11.30am. Coffee morning for members and new members. Tel: Mary 01323 351882. Last Mon of month: £1 Tea and toast Charity Breakfast. Tel: Debbie 07596 709044. Weds: 7.30 - 10pm (except during productions). Workshop and Social Evening. Set building, prop, wardrobe and chat over a coffee.Tel: Ray 07984 280067 Seaford Musical Theatre The Barn Theatre, Saxon Lane Tues & Thurs: 7.30pm. Rehearsals - new members welcome. Tel: 01323 492240 Seaford Musical Theatre Juniors The Barn Theatre, Saxon Lane Weds: 6 - 8pm. Performance based learning for young people. Tel: 07468 916302 or email: Donna7of9@gmail.com Seaford Silver Band Seaford Head School, Steyne Road Weds: 8 - 10pm. Rehearsals. New members welcome. Tel: 01323 892424 or 07740 646386 visit www. seafordsilverband.co.uk Seaford Sings Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Thurs: 7.30 - 9pm. Community choir raising funds for Cancer Research UK. No experience necessary, no booking required. Suggested £5 donation per session. Tel: Martin Neill 07925 548217. Email: Martinneill139@ gmail.com Seaford Youth Drama Group Kings Church, Steyne Rd Mon: groups from 5pm. Very reasonable prices. New members welcome. Contact Chris on 01323 892023 Singing for Fun Seaford Baptist Church Weds: 11am - 12 noon. Thurs: 7 - 8pm. For adults of all ages and abilities – join us for an hour of musical fun. No need to read music. £5. Phone 01323 365495, 07799 818590 email: sallyann@ crystalclearaudio.co.uk Sound Baths The Yurt, Florence House, Southdown Road 1st and 3rd Tues of the month: Bathe in these lovely soothing sounds. Tel 07515 961327 South Downs Society of Recorder Players St James’ Trust, Blatchington Road 4th Sat of the month: 2 - 5pm. Contact the secretary, email: sdowns@srp.org.uk U3A Orchestra Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Fri: 10am - 12 noon (SeptMay). All instruments and abilities welcome. Friendly people playing a variety of fun music. Tel: Pat 07949 557117 U3A Recorder Group St James’ Trust, Blatchington Rd Weds: 2 - 4pm. Tel: Val Underhill on 01323 895230 Email: val.underhill@googlemail. com Vocal Repertoire St James’ Trust, Blatchington Road Fri: 5pm for 8 - 12 year olds, 7pm for 13 to 20 year olds. Join our wonderful, talented and friendly bunch for group and solo singing sessions For more details visit: facebook.com/vocalrepertoire Baby & Pre -School Ante- & Postnatal Excercise Class Downs Leisure Centre, Tues: 10.45 - 11.30am. Specialist exercise class for mums to be and new mums. Crèche on site or baby welcome in class. Tel: 07901 683577 or 01323 490011 or email c.s.cornish@ hotmail.com Artsmart Pre-school Messy Play Clinton Centre, Clinton Place Mon: 11am - 12 noon. Drop in £4.50, siblings £3. Artsmart holiday workshops contact Ann on 07834 629133 or via Facebook. Baby and Toddler Experience Seaford, Lewes and Newhaven Classes for babies & toddlers to develop, learn, and have fun. Tel: 07834 231971 www.the babyandtoddlerexperience. co.uk Piglets Toddler Group St Thomas More Church Wednesdays: 9.30 - 11.30am. Facebook: Piglets Seaford Scallywags Play Group Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Fridays (term-time): 9.30 - 11am. Toys, songs, refreshments, for adults with pre-school children.£1 per adult. Tel: 01323 896009 (mornings) Email: office@seafordbaptistchurch. org.uk Who Let the Dads Out? Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road 2nd Sat of month: 9.30am - 11.30am. Parents and toddlers group for fathers, grandfathers or male carers and their preschool children. Tel: 01323 896009 sport & da nce Alfriston Badminton Club Pleasant Rise, Alfriston Weds: 8 - 10pm. Small friendly group looking to expand its membership. All standards welcome. Tel: 01323 645210 Ballet, Tap and Modern Bond School of Dance, St Peter’s Church Hall, Belgrave Rd Weds, Fri & Sat: from 3 years. Free trial class. Tel: 01323 492795 or 07703 485348 www.nikki-b-danceschool.co.uk Ballet,Tap, Modern & Jazz Seahaven Dance, Seaford and Newhaven Mon - Sat Contact Mechele on 07738 831616, email:

To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email fran@seafordscene.co.uk 143 info@seahavendance.co.uk www.seahavendance.co.uk Ballroom Dance Classes with Studio Tempo Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane. Thurs: 5.45pm. Beginners Sequence. 7.30pm. Beginners Ballroom. 8.30pm. Followon class. Classes also held in Newhaven. Tel: 01273 476565 Barefoot Boogaloo Hillcrest Centre, Newhaven 4th Tues of the month: 7.30 - 9.30pm. £7/£5 concs. Visit Facebook page for info. Basketball with Seahaven Force Seahaven Academy, Southdown Road, Newhaven Thurs: 7pm - 9.30pm. Adults - open scrimmage (mixed). Sat: 10am - 12 noon. Open squad session 11-17 years. Downs Leisure Centre, Sutton Road, Seaford Sun: 11am - 1pm. Mini Ballers 6-11 years.Tel: 07900 817868 www.seahavenforce.com BodyVibes Windover Fitness, nr Alfriston Tues: 10am. Thurs: 6.30pm and 7.30pm. Tel: 01323 871554/07930 738034 Body Works Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Fri: 2pm: All age circuits, 2.45 - 4pm: Older adult stretch & tone. £5 pp. Tel: 01323 871554/07930 738034 Boxercise ® Wave Leisure, Shakespeare Hall, Newhaven Mon: 7pm. Circuits and Bootcamp. Tues: 7.30pm. Cardio Padwork and Aerobox. Classes suitable for beginners. Tel: 01273 510784 or book at: www.waveleisure.co.uk Boxercise ® Constitutional Club, Seaford Sun: 10am. Mercread Youth Club, Seaford Weds: 10am Thurs: 7.30pm Thurs: 6.30pm. Indoor Boot Camp. Tel: 07904 818746 Facebook: Fitness & Personal Training Breakfast Bootcamp The Salts Recreation Ground, Seaford Thurs: 6.30 - 7.15am. An all over body workout this class is aimed at getting you stronger, leaner and will help you burn more calories! Tel: 07989 714542 Email: steve@ whittfittraining.co.uk www.whittfittraining.co.uk Facebook: Whittfit Training, Brighton – Steve Whittemore Crouch Bowling Club Crouch Gardens, East Street April-Sept: Outdoor bowling club. All age groups welcome. Free coaching by qualified coaches. Oct-April: We have an indoor season of short mat and skittles, plus an active social calendar throughout the year. Tel: 01323 654788 www. crouchbowlingclubseaford.co.uk Cycle Seahaven Various locations Organised rides for MTB and road riders of all levels of fitness and experience. £7 per year. All rides are listed on www.cycleseahaven.org.uk Denton Indoor Bowls Club Denton Island, Newhaven Mon - Sun: 9am - 7pm. New members welcome. Tel 01273 514664 Extend Activities to music, suitable for older people. Have fun while you improve your balance and mobility, with seated options. For classes and times in the area tel Sandria: 01273 514152 Flexercise Seaford Head Lower School Dance Studio, Steyne Road Tues: 6.15pm - 7.15pm. Part exercise, part dance, all fun. Tel: Margaret 07592 026814 www.fl-exercise.com Football Mercread Youth Centre, Mercread Road Tues: Lunchtime. Indoor kickabout for Seaford Head Year 7 & 8 students only. Steyne Site sports hall. 5pm - 6pm. Free kickabout for Year 7+, Downs Leisure Centre. Fri: 9 - 10pm. Football Street League session with Brighton & Hove Albion in the Community. Downs Leisure Centre, £1. Tel: 01323 892531 Forces Fit The Salts Recreation Ground Mon & Weds: 7pm Sun: 10am Free tasters available. Book online at www.forcesfit.co.uk Golf Seaford Golf Club, 111 Firle Road Learn how to play at our new academy. £50 adult/£25 under-16s for six months’ use of practice facilities, two free lessons with our PGA pro and a discount card in the clubhouse. Tel: 01323 892442 GOSH in the Havens – Walks (SCDA) Various locations Every Weds morning: Green and open spaces for health walking groups. All walks 90 minutes. Fresh air, friendly people, gentle exercise, nature and a cuppa. Contact our Health Champion Volunteer Leader Dawn Paul on 07966 842232 or email dawn. paul99@btopenworld.com Health Walks Martello Tower/The Salts Café 10am - 11am. Health walks, Tuesdays First, third and fifth Tuesday of the month from Salts Café and second and fourth from Martello Tower. All ages and abilities welcome. Free. Tel: Lorna Neville on 01424 444675 or 07740 899559, email lorna.neville@ tcv.org.uk Holistic Core Restore St Peter’s Church Hall, Belgrave Road Unique six-week pelvic floor and core restore exercise programme for every woman at every life stage. For info and booking, tel: Denise 07725 358811. Email: denise@ bodywisemusclecare.co.uk www.eastbourne holisticcorerestore.com Kettlercise and CoreAbility Wave Leisure, Shakespeare Hall, Newhaven Mon: 6pm. Kettlercise. All over body toning and fat burning. Tues: 6.30pm. Core-focused kettlebell and bodyweight workout. All classes suitable for beginners. Tel: 01273 510784 or book online: www. waveleisure.co.uk Line Dancing Daytime classes for mixed abilities. Tel Val on 01323 325993 Line Dancing Mercread Youth Centre, Mercread Road Tues: 5.30 - 6.30pm Beginners, 6.30 - 7.30pm Improvers, 7.30 - 9pm Intermediates Fri: 5.30 - 6.30pm Beginners, 6.30 - 7.30pm Improvers, 7.30 - 9pm Intermediates. Tel: Gina on 01273 470456 or 07443 425621 Line Dancing with Southern Stomp Church Hall, Bramber Avenue, Peacehaven Mon: 10am - 12 noon. Morning Medley. A mix of dances for everyone.12.30pm - 2pm. Good Beginner. Weds: 10am - 12.30pm. Improver/Easy Intermediate. Telscombe Hall,Tyedean Road, Telscombe Cliffs Tues: 7.15pm - 8.45pm. Improver. St Nicholas Church Hall, Saltdean Vale, Saltdean Thurs: 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Good Intermediate. Tel: 01273 587714 Email: southernstomp@ hotmail.co.uk www.southernstomp.com Line Dancing with Studio In Line Seaford Constitutional Club Crouch Lane Mon 7.30pm - 10pm. All levels Downs Leisure Centre Thurs 9.30 - 10.30am. Absolute beginners, 10.30am - 12 noon. All levels. Tel: 07931 930770 Meditation & Relaxation St James’ Trust, Blatchington Rd Sat: 10 - 11am. The Archway, Blatchington Rd Tues: 11am -12 noon. Fri: 6 - 7pm. Tel: 01323 365802 or 07557 539507. Email: pia1807@hotmail.co.uk Meditation Group Seaford Osteopathic Clinic, Paignton House, Warwick Rd Tues: 7.30pm-8.30pm. £6. Please contact Jacqueline for details. Tel: 07963 014560 Meditation Groups Seaford Tues: 10am-12 noon & 7pm9pm. Meetings held in Ann’s home. 1 to 1 sessions, massage and life coaching also available. For further details, tel: Ann 07989 294445. Mums’ Fitness Mercread Centre, Mercread Road Mon: 9.30am. Burn & Tone Weds: 9.30am. Burn & Tone Fri: 9.30am. Total Toning Seaford: Tues: 9.30am. Tots and Tums Thurs: 9.30am. Tots & Tums Children welcome. £25 for 5. New members first 3 classes £10. www.facebook. com/MumsFitnessUK Tel Alex 07540 551054 Newhaven Bowling Club Fort Road, Newhaven Sat: 10am - 11.30am. Junior Bowls Club. 11.45am - lunch. #Letsplaybowls adult try-it-out sessions. Qualified coach and members to help all learn and improve. Tel: 07401663519 www.newhavenbowling club.weebly.com continued...

Nordic Walking Various locations Sat: Morning walks in Sussex. Afternoon taster/introductory sessions on the seafront. Weds: 7pm. Evening taster/ introductory sessions at Downs Leisure Centre, Sutton Rd. Tel: Kathryn 01323 891492, email: kathrynmcdonald2@ googlemail.com Obstacle Course Training The Salts Recreation Ground 8.45am - 9.30am. Running, jumping, crawling, pulling, pushing, carrying and other movements to help you get stronger and fitter for your first obstacle course race. Tel: 07989 714542 Email: steve@whittfittraining.co.uk www.whittfittraining.co.uk Facebook: Whittfit Training, Brighton – Steve Whittemore Outdoor Yoga Yin in the Havens 10.30am. Feel grounded and relaxed in a natural setting whilst working on your wellbeing. Free sessions. Donations welcome. Contact jacqui.johnston@hotmail.co.uk or 07816 154644 to book. Outdoor Walks & Activities Seaford, Newhaven, Peacehaven, Eastbourne Free, informal, friendly group walks and gardening outdoor activities. Tel: 01273 519149, email: healthylifestyles@ sussexcommunity.org.uk www.sussexcommunity.org.uk Peacehaven Plodders (SCDA) Various locations on the South Downs Every other Thurs evening: spring and summer. Free, sociable and accessible walk on and around the South Downs, alternating between easy and short and off-road and longer. For details, contact Health Champion Volunteer Leader Dawn Paul on 07966 842232, email: dawn.paul99@ btopenworld.com Pilates – Alfriston Pilates Lower Ground Floor Studio, 1-3 Dane Road Daily except Sunday. Pilates, Yoga, Kettlebells and Tai Chi. Tel: Shona 07903 671962 Email: alfristonpilates@ btinternet.com www.alfristonpilates.com Pilates – Fitness Pilates Claremont Hall, Claremont Rd Tues: 12.30 - 1.30pm. £7.50 pay as you go or £49 for 8 sessions. Have fun! Suitable for all. Contact Karen on 01273 305827 email: karen.funandfit@ gmail.com

Pilates – to raise money for the Youth Counselling Project Seaford Osteopathic Clinic Fri: 6-7pm. Run by Yoga Teacher Karen Hall. Contact 07944 785520. karenmoves@ gmail.com

Pilates Mat & Barre Dance Studio. Seaford Head School, Steyne Road Thurs: 6.15pm - 7.15pm. With Karen Hall. Tel: 07944 785520 Email: karenmoves@gmail.com Pilates – Movement for Life Pilates Studio, Seaford Osteopathic Clinic, Warwick Rd Mon-Sat: daily and evening classes. Back care, Gentle and Dynamic Pilates, Reformer and Wunda Chair, Pelvic Floor Restore, Men’s Group, Yoga, Meditation, Seniors Chairbased Exercise – something for every and any body! Tel: 07944 785520 Email: karenmoves@gmail.com Premier United Girls The Salts Recreation Ground Sat: 11.30am. Fun, free football training for girls in years 3, 4 and 5, and years 6, 7 and 8. Rural Rambles Seaford Third Thurs of the month: Free guided walks starting and finishing in Seaford. 2-3 hours. Walks also running in Newhaven and Peacehaven. Full schedule online: www. waveleisure.co.uk Scottish Country Dancing Alfriston War Memorial Hall, 4 The Tye, Alfriston Tues: 3.30pm - 5pm. Fun and laughter guaranteed. All ages and abilities welcome. No previous experience needed. Bring water and comfortable shoes. £3 per person. Email: sue_fulham@hotmail.com Seaford & Blatchington Tennis Club Belgrave Road, Seaford The club is open 7 days a week, providing a wide variety of tennis activities. Contact membership secretary Dee Kellaway on 01323 891372. Seaford & District Folk Dance Group Sutton Hall, Downs Leisure Centre, Sutton Road Mon: 7.45pm. New members welcome, first visit free. Tel: Judy 01323 890759 or Sylvia 01323 895653 Seaford Bowling Club Chichester Road, BN25 2DT October until April: Winter Season. Outdoor bowls now finished until April. Short mat bowls in the clubhouse. Weekly whist session. Many themed events. Please enquire about our friendly club. New members welcome. Tel: 01323 892831. Email: honsec@ seafordbowlingclub.co.uk www.seafordbowlingclub.co.uk Seaford Cricket Club Salts Recreation Ground, Park Rd All Stars 8-week cricket programme for boys and girls, 5-8 years. Junior outdoor training. Fri: 6pm-7pm. Under 10s to under 13s. 7pm-8pm. Under 14s to under 16s. Email: seanwootten@rocketmail.com Senior outdoor training Tues & Thurs: 6.30pm-8pm. Senior home matches in the Sussex League. Also Sunday and mid-week friendlies. Email: smithjps@hotmail.com. New players and beginners welcome. Seaford Kurlers Downs Leisure Centre, Sutton Road, Seaford Tues: 2 - 4pm. All welcome. First visit free. Contact June Wood on 01323 895376 or sally1989@tiscali.co.uk Seaford Netball Club Cradle Hill Community Primary School, Lexden Rd Mon: 4.15pm-4.45pm: Shooting Stars U8s (£2.50). Seaford Head Sports Hall Mon: 5pm-5.30pm: Starlets U10s (£2.50). 5.30pm-6.30pm: Shadows, U12s (£3.50). 6.30pm-7.30pm: Sonics U14s, (£3.50).7.30pm-9pm: Senior team training (£5). Weds: 7.30pm-9pm: Development U16s and adults for senior entry (£5). New members welcome. Tel: Clare Flack: 07724 956649 Seaford Rambling Club Various locations A varied programme of walks for active people. For details tel 01323 894370 or www. seaford-rambling-club.org.uk

Seaford Rugby Football Club Salts Recreation Ground, Marine Parade Tues & Thurs: 7 - 9pm. Recruiting new players for two teams in the Sussex leagues. Come along or contact Paul Burns on 07732 202208 Seaford Rugby Football Club JuniorTraining Salts Recreation, Marine Parade Sun: 10.30am -12 noon. Ages ranging from 6 to 16, a friendly but ambitious squad. Come along or tel 07818 438378 Seaford Striders Running Club From Downs Leisure Centre, Sutton Road Mon & Weds (main night): 7pm. All ages and abilities welcome. www.seafordstriders.org.uk Seaford Traditional Folk Dance Group St Peter’s Church Hall, Belgrave Road Wed: 10.15am-12.15pm. Our repertoire spans over 400 years of pleasurable dancing, with a focus on the 17th century. We welcome anyone interested in joining/visiting us. £4 pw. Tel: 01323 897315 SUP & Fitness Seven Sisters car park, BN25 4AD Sat: 10am. Fitness (on land), £5.11am. SUP Training, £5. 12 noon. SUP social, free. Join for 1, 2 or all 3 sessions. Tel: Sasha 07568 107963 Tai Chi Alfriston Pilates, Lower Grd Floor Studio, 1-3 Dane Rd Thurs: 12 noon - 1pm. £8 per class. Soft, slow and gentle movement suitable for all. Tel: 07971 296698 Email: audramarshall@icloud.com Walking Netball Downs Leisure Centre, Sutton Road, Seaford Mon: 1.45pm - 3pm. Netball but at a walking pace. Anyone can play regardless of age, ability or fitness levels. Join us for a wiggle and a giggle. Trainers recommended. Call Fran for more info on 07593 019649. Facebook: Seaford Walking Netball. Check out an introduction video on Youtube at: https://youtu.be/ qzQfnv7sFPg.

Walking Rugby Seaford RFC, The Salts Recreation Ground, Richmond Road Sun: 10am. Fun team game accessible to people of all genders, ages and abilities. Spectators welcome. Tel: Andrew Cambridge 07724 240279 Email: seafordwalkingrugby@outlook. com www.seafordrfc.club Wave Leisure Health Walks From Downs Leisure Centre, Sutton Road Thurs: 10am. Tel: 01323 490011 Wutan Kung Fu & Tai Chi Mercread Youth Centre, Mercread Road Tues: 6-7pm: Family Kung Fu, adults £6, children £4. 7-8pm: Tai Chi, £7 per class or £10 both classes. Tel: 07971 296698 Email: audramarshall@icloud. com Yoga Newhaven Tues: 10am. 60+ yoga 7pm. Pranayama and meditation. Weds: 10am. Pregnancy yoga 2pm. Gentle yoga for those living with cancer, ME and heart ailments. 7pm. Classical therapeutic yoga. Thurs: 10am. Mixed abilities. New yoga studio with all equipment provided. 5-week courses for small groups with highly qualified teacher. Tel: 01273 512306

Yoga – Chair Based Yoga Seaford Osteopathic Clinic, Paignton House, Warwick Rd Tues: 1.30pm - 2.30pm. Block of 6 classes £48. Drop in £10, space permitting. Max class size 7. For those who find floor work less suitable. Gentle class for posture, increased flexibility and relaxation. Tel: Christine 07764 188615. Email: savvachristine@gmail.com

Yoga Classes for the Less Able St Peter’s Church, Belgrave Rd Thurs: 11am - 12 noon. Seaford Group of Eastbourne & South Wealden Multiple Sclerosis Society. Exercises on floor and chair with trained yoga teacher. £5 a lesson. Tel. 01323 500932

Yoga – Himalayan Hatha Yoga Dance Studio, Seaford Head School, Steyne Road Mon: 7pm - 8.30pm. With Karen Hall. Dynamic yoga to invigorate and restore. Tel: 07944 785520 Email: karenmoves@gmail.com Yoga – In Balance Hatha Yoga WI Hall, Claremont Road Tues: 10am - 11.15am and 6pm - 7.15pm. Weds: 7pm8.15pm. Fri: 9-10.15am. Small group Hatha Yoga sessions for all abilities.1-2-1 yoga sessions can be arranged. Relaxing body and therapeutic sports massages also available. Tel: Sophie 07444 549859, email: inbalancesussex@gmail. com www.in-balance.org.uk

Yoga Meditation Pilates Studio, Seaford Osteopathic Clinic, Warwick Road Fri: 6pm - 7pm. Unwind and look after your body and mind. Donation. Tel: 07944 785520 Email: karenmoves@gmail.com Yoga – Purrfect Yoga St James’ Clubhouse Blatchington Rd, Seaford Mon: 9.30am mixed ability yoga, 11am parent and baby yoga Tues: 6.30pm pregnancy yoga, 7.30pm mixed ability yoga The Yurt at Florence House, Southdown Road Weds: 12.50pm baby massage. 1.50pm mixed ability yoga. Thurs: 8.15am mixed ability yoga, Cradle Hill School, Lexden Rd Weds: 3.15pm children’s yoga, 4.15pm family yoga. St Thomas More Church Hall, Sutton Road Thurs: 6.20pm mixed ability yoga. Tel: Catherine 07901 683577. www.facebook. com/purrfectyoga or email c.s.cornish@hotmail.com

Yoga – Samtosha Yoga Samtosha Studio, 80 Court Farm Road, Newhaven Weds: 7.30pm, Progressing in Yoga (school-term only) Thurs: 10am - 11.30am. Yoga for mixed abilities. Small group class with British Wheel of Yoga Senior Teacher Trainer Janet Bond. All equipment provided. Monthly sound bath therapy sessions on Weds at 7.30pm & Sun at 2.30pm (max 10 people), £12 per person or £30 for 3 dates. Book in advance. Tel: 01273 512306 Email: samtosha4u@btinternet. com www.samtosha4u.com

Yoga – Satyam Yoga Claremont Hall, Brooklyn Rd Thurs: 10am -11.30am. All levels of ability, beginners welcome. £40 for 5 class pass, valid for 8 weeks or £10 per class drop-in. Tel: 07774 862499. www.satyamyoga.co.uk Yoga – Seahaven Yoga The Archway, 1 Blatchington Rd Sat: 9.30am. Weds: 7pm. The Anahata Health Clinic 119/120 Edward St, Brighton Weds: 10.45am. The Rendezvous, 168 South Coast Road, Peacehaven Fri: 1.30pm. Gentle traditional yoga suitable for all. Tel: 07983 622840/01323 892638 Email: seahavenyoga@btinternet.com www.seahavenyoga.co.uk

Yoga – Transformation Hatha Yoga St James’ Trust, Blatchington Road Tues: 10am -11.30am. Bishopstone Village Hall Tues: 6.30pm -8pm. A gentle form of yoga suitable for all ages, from beginners to experienced practitioners. Tel: Susannah 07862 263869 www.breathing-spaces.com Yoga with Therese Claremont Hall, Brooklyn Rd Mon: 6.30pm - 8pm Weds: 10am - 11.30am Bishopstone Village Hall Thurs: 10.30am - 12 noon St James’ Trust, Blatchington Road Thurs: 7.30pm - 8.45pm All ages welcome. Also regular sound baths and workshops. Tel Therese on 07515 961327 or email: theresesaunders7@ aol.com Yoga –Yin Yoga with Jacqui St James’Trust, Blatchington Rd Thurs: 9.30am - 10.45am. The Practice Space, Unit 9, Newhaven Market Square Fri: 6pm. A slow and quiet floor-based practice, increasing strength and flexibility while reducing stiffness. Connecting mind and body, helping reduce stress and anxiety. Suitable for all levels. To book or find out more, tel: Jacqui 07816 154644 Email: jacqui.johnston@hotmail. co.uk, or contact The Practice Space on Facebook or at www.thepracticespace.co.uk

Zumba with Louise Zumba Fitness: Mercread Youth Club, Seaford Tues & Thurs: 10am-11am. Shimmy your way to fitness. Zumba Gold: Mercread Youth Club, Seaford Tues & Thurs: 2pm-3pm. Peacehaven RC Church Hall, Horsham Ave Weds: 10am-11am & 11am-12 noon. Two classes – pick which time you prefer. For those who prefer a slower-paced class. All classes £5 or £20 for 5. Contact Louise 07786 425758, johnlouisecave@gmail.com. www.louisecavefitness.co.uk

Wei ght loss & Beauty Overeaters Anonymous A self-help group for people who wish to change their behaviour around food and eating. www.oagb.org.uk Slimming World Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane Tues: 9.30am, 11.30am. 5.30pm & 7.30pm. With Tina Simpson, tel: 07534 901591 Chyngton Methodist Church, Millberg Road Thurs: 5.30pm & 7.30pm. Emma, tel: 07790 214806

The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan Daytime and evenings: to suit you. Scientifically proven, healthy, nutritious plan with my support and lifetime of experience. For a free consultation, call Linda Walker (Dip Hyp Dist) on 07773 000282. Weight Loss Challenge &Wellness Club WellnessWorks, Seaford Fri: 11am. £35 for 12 weeks. Free private consultation by appointment. Tel 01323 897671 Weight Watchers 60+ Club, Downs Leisure Ctr Sutton Road Mon: 9.45am. Join us and relax with a cup of coffee or tea. Hillcrest Centre, Bay Vue Road, Newhaven Tues: 6.15pm. Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road Weds: 5.45pm. Come along and learn about Smart Points. Contact 07758 653851, email: sallyevans@ weight-watchers.co.uk


146 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Accountants & Bookkeeping Dennis Childs Accountant 110 Shoreline Accountants 111 Swindells Chartered Accountants 10 Tasker Osman & Co 109 Antiques & Auction Rooms Eastbourne Auctions 59 Arborist/Tree Surgeon Greenhaven Gardens 21 Hollywood Tree Surgery Ltd 27 R W Green Ltd 24 Sussex Treefella Ltd 26 Tree Wizard 25 Architects Challinor Hall Ltd 102 Plans in Seaford 102 Artists & Exhibitions Last Minute Artists 32 Sussex Arts Collective 32 Bathroom/Bedroom/ Supplies/Fitting A S Home Refurbishments 78 Bathe in Safety 4 Claremont Interiors 82 HPS Newhaven 80 Jai Scudder Ltd 95 Maiden Maintenance 98 Sussex Tile & Stone 81 Beauty, Massage & Tanning Absolute Beauty 45/53 Beauty by Rachel 53 Serenity Cabin 52 Blinds Blind Design 7 Mockford’s the Blindmakers 64 Seahaven Blinds & Shutters 68 Sunrise Blinds 68 Building Services/Supplies A S Home Refurbishments 78 Builders Club 147 Constructs 103 Howdens 83 Inside Out 101 M Kneller Roofing 105 NF Construction & Driveways 103 S R Davis & Sons 85 Stewart Brickwork 102 Still Diggin’ 103 Your Construction Shop 74/75 Care Homes & Sheltered Housing Abbeyfield South Downs 121 Clifden House 120 Nova House 121 Old Ben Homes 122 Rivendale Lodge 121 Seaford Care Ltd 118 Westerleigh Nursing Home 119 Carpentry/Joinery A S Home Refurbishments 78 PWS Carpentry Services 77 SJL Ltd 77 Car Dealerships Seaford MG 116 Car Repairs/Services Solo ABC 117 Charities & Events Association of Carers 123 Survivors of Bereavement by 53 Suicide Cleaning Services Chores & More 125 Dolly Char Domestic Cleaning 128 Excel Carpet Care 131 Novaclean 127 Osprey 20 129 Oven Gleamers 129 Seahaven Jet Wash 126 Seahaven Services 97 Clock Restoration R Edwards Clock Restoration 61 Clothes Shops/Fashion The Secret Wardrobe 51 Clubs & Organisations Neighbourhood Watch 100/101 The Royal British Legion Club 57 Seaford Rotary 62/63 Singing for Fun 39 Vocal Repertoire VRX 13 Computer Supplies/Services Oscar Computers 107 SBG Computers 107 Seaford Computers 107 Conservatories Sussex Trade Windows 69 Sussex Windows and Doors 70 Courses and Tuition Lesley Harvey Art Workshops 32 Curtains & Soft Furnishings G F Sinclair Ltd 53 Door Supplies and Storage Burnage Garage Doors 76 Claremont Interiors 82 G&N Garage Doors 77 The Home Improvement Co 9 South East Garage Doors 76 Sussex Windows and Doors 70 Electricians & Suppliers Allcott-Wells Electrical Ltd 89 Brian Chessell Electrical & 86 Property Services Ltd Geering Electrical 88 The Handy Team 97 J K Pope & Sons Ltd 87 J Kirby Electrical Ltd 86 M Hughes Electrical 89 PES Power Electric Services 87 Westview Electrical 88 Estate/Letting Agents Ginger & Sanders 112 Newberry Tully 115 Rowland Gorringe 148 Fairs & Markets St James’ Easter Fair 39 Fencing Fullers Fencing 29 K P Landscapes 17 R W Green Ltd 24 Suttons Groundcare 19 Wynnes & Seaford Fencing 28 Financial/Property Advice Premier Financial Advice 14/15 Fireplaces/Fires/Stoves Craftstone of Sussex 8 Fishmongers Yorwarth’s Fresh Fish & Smokehouse2 Flooring/Fitting A S Home Refurbishments 78 Ideal Flooring Sussex 73 James Lawrence Flooring 72 V R Flowers & Son 5 Furniture Seaford Second Hand Furnishings 67 V R Flowers & Son 5 Gardening/Landscaping Aviemore Landscapes 19/31 Briar Rose Garden Services 19 Greenhaven Gardens 21 Hollywood Tree Surgery Ltd 27 Horizon Landscapes 23/31 Inside Out 101 K P Landscapes 17 L T Gardens 21 Lime Landscapes Ltd 18 Mays Terracotta & Gardenalia 21 NF Construction & Driveways 103 R W Green Ltd 24 Seahaven Services 97 Sussex Treefella Ltd 26 Suttons Groundcare 19 Timber Requirements 29 Tree Wizard 25 Gas/Heating/Plumbing A J R Plumbing 96 Aaron Merryweather 95 Amethyst Plumbing & Heating 92 Chris Dowling Heating/Plumbing 92 D Egan Gas Services 96 George Ward Plumbing/Heating 93 The Handy Team 97 Jai Scudder Ltd 95 N M Plumbing & Heating Ltd 92 Perameter Plumbing 95 PES Power Electric Services 87 Willis Heating Ltd 94 Glazing/Windows Constructs 103 Just Like New 70 Nulook Windows 71 SRC Double Glazing & Repairs 65 Sussex Trade Windows 69 Sussex Windows and Doors 70 Hairdressers D’vyna 51 High on Hair 50 Short Cuts 50 Handyman Services 1st Rate Handyman Services 91 Aaron Merryweather 95 Handy Manda 97 The Handy Team 97 Inside Out 101 Maiden Maintenance 98 The Maintenance Man 99 Paul the Handyman 99 Peter Vulovic Handy Man 98 S B Property Maintenance 100 Seahaven Services 97 Hardware Shops Wynnes & Seaford Fencing 28 Health & Wellbeing Acorn Chiropody & Podiatry 48 Acupuncture Naturally 49 Alexander Technique 45 Chiropodist/Podiatrist - Rita 47 Chiropody & Podiatry - Judith 47 Claremont Dental Practice 46 Ouse Valley Footcare 49 Reiki Energy Healing 47 Seaford Podiatry & Chiropody 49 Sound Feelings 44 Survivors of Bereavement by 53 Suicide Sussex Eyecare 45 Sussex Podiatrists 48 Home Help/Care Andrew White 124 The People’s Choice Sussex 125 Sussex Elderly Care 124 House Clearance Seaford Second Hand Furnishings 67 Ink Supplies Badger Inks 106 Ironing Service Chores & More 125 Dolly Char Domestic Cleaning 128 The People’s Choice Sussex 125 Jewellers Marks 58 Job/Business Vacancies Association of Carers 123 Sussex Elderly Care 124 Wagging Tails 133 Kitchen Design/Supply/ Installation A S Home Refurbishments 78 Claremont Interiors 82 Constructs 103 Howdens 83 Sussex Tile & Stone 81 Locksmiths & Supplies Andy Anderson & Son 65/71 Lee’s Locks 63 Museums/Galleries Seaford Museum 35 Music/Theatres/Productions Eastbourne Theatres 35 Seaford Choral Society 34 Newspaper Delivery Newspaper Club 37 Opticians Sussex Eyecare 45 Painters/Decorating Aaron Merryweather 95 AWK Decorating Services 81 Brush Strokes Ltd. 85 The Cottage Decorators 84 Handy Manda 97 The Handy Team 97 Kevin Fuller 81 Maiden Maintenance 98 Neil Bradford 84 Paint Perfect 85 Peter Vulovic Handy Man 98 S R Davis & Sons 85 Paving/Pointing/Stone Work Horizon Landscapes 23/31 K P Landscapes 17 NF Construction & Driveways 103 Paul the Handyman 99 Stewart Brickwork 102 Pest Control R S Aerials of Seaford 90/105 Pets, Supplies & Services Benwick Kennels & Cattery 133 Cats Protection 133 Nathalie’s Dog Walking/ 131 Grooming New Priory Vets 132 Pet Au Pair 131 Wagging Tails 133 Piano Tuning Clive Benson 36 Plastering Jai Scudder Ltd 95 Plumbing Services see Gas Probate Services Mayo Wynne Baxter 113 Property Maintenance Aaron Merryweather 95 Brian Chessell Electrical & 86 Property Services Ltd Inside Out 101 Maiden Maintenance 98 The Maintenance Man 99 S B Property Maintenance 100 Property Management Sanders Property Management 112 Records/Vinyl Records Wanted 40 Recycling/Waste Removal Aviemore Landscapes 19/31 Greenacre Recycling 30 Horizon Landscapes 23/31 Suttons Groundcare 19 Removals & Storage Britannia Beckwith 114 R Ranger Removals & Storage 114 S J Hampton 114 Restaurants/Café/Public Houses†/Take-Aways* The Old Boot Inn† 57 Ollivers Restaurant 56 The Royal British Legion Club 57 The View 55 Roofing Services M Kneller Roofing 105 Technique Roofing 104 Solicitors Barwells 108 Cognitive Law 109 Mayo Wynne Baxter 113 Sport, Dance & Exercise Gingerfit 42 Seahaven Yoga Rosie Waters 40 Southern Stomp Line Dance Club 41 Tattoo Removal Agents Absolute Beauty 45/53 Taxis/Chauffeur Services Just Travel Sussex 134 Kingfisher Luxury Travel 135 Martello Taxis 135 Tiles & Tiling Services Aaron Merryweather 95 Inside Out 101 Jai Scudder Ltd 95 Maiden Maintenance 98 Paul the Handyman 99 Peter Vulovic Handy Man 98 STC 79 Sussex Tile & Stone 81 Travel Agents Experience It Now Travel 54 TV/Satellite Services 1st Rate Aerials & Satellites 91 LTV 91 R S Aerials of Seaford 90/105 Seaford Television 90 Teleview 91 Will Writing Services Eco Wills 119 Penrose Wills 11

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