Seaford Photographic Society We were very sad to hear in January that the club’s Hon President, pioneering photographer and Seaford resident Grace Robertson OBE had died, age 90. We first met Grace when she visited one of our annual exhibitions and we were delighted when she agreed to become our President in 2016. Despite her age and increasing frailty Grace made sure she took the time to attend our AGMs and present the trophies, as well as continuing to visit our exhibitions. She was always encouraging to our members, regardless of their photographic experience, and she was a charming lady. It was a privilege to have known her. Our first meeting of 2021 was an excellent talk by Alison Taylor ARPS on Coastal Photography. The twenty five attendees included new members Stephen and Liz, who were given a warm welcome by the club. The subject of the talk was particularly relevant to us for obvious reasons and it included lots of useful information about different techniques, including when to use fast or slow shutter speeds to achieve different effects. You can see some of Alison’s superb photographs here: www. We were pleased to welcome our friends from Seven Sisters Camera club to the annual Marrutt Trophy inter-club competition and this year’s result was quite close. Seaford were ahead at the half time break but Seven Sisters came back and scored more than us in the second half. When the final scores were added up, however, we just managed to retain the trophy with 350 points, to Seven Sisters’ 337. Congratulations to Jennie Edwards who won the prize for the best image of the evening. The first two club competitions of the year, on the subjects of “It’s a Small World” and “People Portraits”, were judged by Brighton’s Wayne Grundy ARPS. There were some superb images on display and lots of
useful and constructive comments from Wayne. In the Small World category the first and second place photos featured similar subjects but with slightly different approaches. Chris Dawson’s “Honey Bee on Ivy Flower” (photo above) was the winner, with second place going to Anna-Marie Armstrong’s “Bee on Oxeye Daisy” (photo right). Simon Rigby’s colourful butterfly image took third place (photo left). As usual, the annual People Portraits competition had some very strong entries and the top three photos were all monochrome and all taken by female club members. Well done to AnnaMarie Armstrong (1st) (photo right), Janice Hewitt (2nd) (photo below) and Thelma Long (3rd) (photo bottom). To end the month we had a fascinating talk by Dave McKay ARPS DPAGB BPE4*about his travels in China. We learned a lot about the Miao and Dong ethnic groups and some of the remote villages where they can be found. As expected, Dave’s photos to accompany the talk were superb, with some particularly fine people portraits. Do keep an eye on our website www.seafordps. org, where you will find lots of details about what we do, plus larger versions of all the competition winning photos, members’ galleries, programme of events, latest news, and contact details.
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