Seaford Scene May 2020

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SEAFORD Scene May 2020 Issue 157

Your Community Magazine, Business Directory and What’s On Guide

75 VE Day 7 5 T H a n n i ve r s a r y 8


M ay 2 0 2 0

Distributed free each month to homes and businesses in Seaford

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to the May online issue of Seaford Scene. Who would have thought a month or so ago that we would be where we are now – in lockdown, socially distancing, self-isolating and clapping for carers? I’m still having to pinch myself – is this really happening? Each day we hear the sad news and tragic number of lives lost to the coronavirus whilst acknowledging the incredible work that the NHS are doing to save lives. Key workers are putting their lives at risk to help our communities, whilst the pouring out of kindness and generosity from our neighbours and across the nation has been extraordinary. I have myself experienced a personal bereavement during this crisis, and it’s been heartbreaking. But there are also plenty of positives too – the world has slowed down, the air is cleaner, nature is flourishing and we are bonding with our neighbours. Community spirit is high whilst we all try to adapt to the new ‘normal’. Even when restrictions begin to lift, we must continue to be kind and helpful to each other, we must support our local businesses, charities, clubs and organisations, and not lose this wonderful community spirit that we have nurtured. We’re in this together, so please continue to stay safe and well, and let’s hope this crisis will soon be over so that life and business can resume again. Sending you best wishes for a bright and safe future. Fran Tegg. Editor

Issue deadlineS:

June: 11th May July: 8th June

Seaford Scene, 4th Floor, 60 Lansdowne Place, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 1FG. Tel: 01273 710793 Email: by Lesley Har vey


Always look on the bright side

4 Seaford Virtual VE Day Commemoration 4 Friends of Tide Mills 6 Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team 8 Coronavirus Advice 14 Sussex Wildlife Trust 16 Seaford Photographic Society 18 See a GP by Video 20 Sussex Arts Collective 22 Medical Monitoring for COVID-19 26 Local Businesses Unite to Support Seaford’s Care Workers 29 Newberry Tully Estate Agents 31 Citizen’s Advice Services 34 A Farewell to Kay Turvey 36 Seaford Town Council Awards Emergency Funding to Local COVID-19 Support Groups 41 Spring Flowers 43 Clifden House 44 COVID-19 Donation to Care Home 48 Seaford Stamp & Post Card Club 50 Wise Words from a Headteacher 52 VE Day – Stay at Home Victory Party Ideas 59 Kids’ Page! 60 A Wellbeing Tool Kit for Surviving the Coronavirus Pandemic 62 Get Your Business Online Now 68 Seaford Cricket Club 69 Tai Chi/Qigong 70 Seaford Choral Society 73 The Youth Counselling Project 77 Citizens Advice – Coronavirus Help and other Advice 77 Seaford Kurlers 78 How Stress Can Make you Eat Everything... or Nothing 83 Skylark Restaurant Review 85 A View From The Potting Shed 86 Seaford Community Garden 91 Scam Awareness 96 Seaford Rotary 100 A Good Read 102 Seaford Music Society 103 The Royal Society of St George 104 St John’s School Receives Gardening Gift 107 What can I use instead of...? 110 Who’s Who in Seaford? 113 U3A News 114 Tasty Store Cupboard Soup 117 Apart but Together – Poem 119 Seaford Headteacher Awarded Fellowship Status by Chartered College of Teaching 122 Inner Wheel Club 126 Concentus Cancellations and Catch-up 134 Adults’ Page 135 Index of Businesses

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Seaford Virtual VE Day Commemoration Seaford Town Council is pleased to invite the local community to a virtual VE Day Commemoration Seaford Town Council is pleased to announce that it will continue to mark the 75th Anniversary of VE day on the 8th May by providing the local community with an innovative virtual community commemoration on Seaford Town Council’s Facebook page and website. Due to the current difficult times we are facing, local events planned for that weekend have been cancelled. Sadly this includes wreath laying at the War Memorial (in accordance with Government guidelines, and advice from the national VE Day 75 organisers and the Royal British Legion). The national event has been postponed until 15th August. A dedicated webpage has been added to the Town Council’s website which will continue to grow throughout the week with links and videos providing activities and ideas to involve the local community in this virtual commemoration. This will include a special poster for families to colour in and display

Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team working with councillors, churches and the community

01323 899054 8am - 8pm


in windows (created by local artist and shop owner, Onneke) as well craft ideas provided by SCIP (Seaford Contemporary Illustrators & Printmakers). The Town Council is looking forward to marking this momentous occasion together. To find out more about getting involved with the virtual 75th Anniversary VE Day activities, visit the Town Council’s webpage and follow the Facebook and Twitter pages for updates.

Turn to pages 52 - 58 for VE Day celebration ideas!

friends of tide mills In reasonable weather 15 of our members collected eight bags of rubbish and various other bulkier items this time around. This was our first outing since January, the February meeting being unusually for us cancelled due to the weather conditions. Hopefully from now on we will be free of such constraints. We also belatedly installed the Ringed Plover nesting signs for this coming breeding season which although a month late still indicates that spring, technically speaking at least, has now arrived! As always we do politely request that the area within the signs is reduced in disturbance to give these little birds every chance of successful breeding this year. All in all Tide Mills (with the unfortunate exception of the Port Access Road construction site) remains in good shape for the coming summer. For more information regarding future meetings, please email Jim Skinner at Thank you, Jim Skinner

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Opening Soon

with social distancing ensuring you can shop and browse safely


Short pile twist 7 year warranty £23.95 m 2

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Watch our website and facebook page to keep up-to-date. If you are keen to look at carpet samples we can deliver then to your door and do contactless measurements while social distancing.

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01323 892040

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Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team

Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team

The Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team has now set up its contact number 01323 899054 which will operate from 8am to 8pm. This is a communityrun group of volunteers working to co-ordinate and offer support to those affected by the Coronavirus in Seaford. They will try to support all of those who cannot get out for simple things like shopping, collection of medication, urgent supplies etc.

working with councillors, churches and the community

01323 899054 8am - 8pm

They know that many residents are already helping neighbours for which we are all extremely grateful. For those who are not so fortunate they encourage you to ask or pass on the details of the Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team for help – this includes anyone selfisolating for any reason. They understand that many may do this as a precaution for the good of others

and may feel it is difficult to justify asking for support, however it is really encouraged that you do! This is why they have set up this group to aid people in acting responsibly and staying at home. As they develop they hope to provide a social chat service ‘Listening Ear’ linking isolated residents with a friendly voice.


Due to Coronavirus, Seaford Community Cinema’s summer programme is of course dependent on the lifting of current restrictions. Apr - Aug 2020 JUBILEE


Starring: Adam Ant, Toyah Willcox

7.30pm Fri 24th Apr

Starring: Bill Nighy, Annette Bening

6.30 for 7.30pm start



Gala Night Pre-Release Screening Subtitled


Starring: Guillaume Canet, Guillaume Gallienne Changez d’Art Exhibition



Starring: Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson

2.30pm Sat 9th May MATINEE


Starring: Dev Patel, Ben Whishaw, Tilda Swinton

4pm Sun 17th May

THE WELKIN Starring: Maxine Peak, Ria Zmitrowicz

7pm Thu 21st May


7.30pm Fri 22nd May

HOPE GAP Fri 1st May

6.30pm Sun 3rd May

SYSTEM CRASHER Starring: Helena Zengel, Albrecht Schuch

Spring Fun



Starring: Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis


7.30pm Fri 5th Jun




Starring: Kang-ho Song, Sun-kyun Lee


Starring: Matt Damon, Christian Bale

7.30pm Fri 10th Jul

JACK ABSOLUTE FLIES AGAIN Starring: Richard Fleeshman, Caroline Quentin

7pm Thu 23rd Jul

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie


7.30pm Fri 12th Jun




Starring: Justin Fletcher, John Sparkes

4pm Sun 16th Aug



Starring: Taron Egerton, Jamie Bell

7pm Sun 16th Aug

Sponsored by

Tickets online or from Seaford Tourist Information Centre



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13/09/2019 13/09/2019 15:03 15:03



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Advice on how to combat Coronavirus (COVID-19) Supplied by the Department of Health & Social Care How to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus: l

wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds l always wash your hands when you get home or into work l use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available l cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze l put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards l do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean l avoid close contact with people who are unwell. l clean and disinfect regularly touched objects and surfaces using your regular cleaning products, to reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other people.

Stay at home for 7 days if you have coronavirus symptoms (advice at the time of going to print) l

a high temperature l a new, continuous cough

Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. You do not need to contact 111 to tell them you’re staying at home. Subject to the strictures regarding lockdown being eased, it is the intention of the organising committee that

St Andrew’s Church Fete in Bishopstone will take place on

SATURDAY 1st AUGUST 2020 Look out for details in the June and July editions of Seaford Scene Jim Taylor and Liz Riley for The Organising Committee


Tips for staying at home

It’s important to stay at home to stop coronavirus spreading. l try to keep at least 2 metres (3 steps) from other people in your home, particularly older people or those with long-term health conditions l ask friends and family and delivery services to deliver things like food shopping and medicines – but avoid contact with them l sleep alone if possible l regularly wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds l drink plenty of water and take everyday painkillers, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, to help with your symptoms l do not have visitors (ask people to leave deliveries outside) l do not leave the house, for example to go for a walk, to school or public places

Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service if: l

your condition gets worse you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home l your symptoms do not get better after 7 days l

The above information is correct at the time of going to print. For the latest advice please visit:

Department of Health & Social Care

Public Health England

World Health Organisation:

UK Government:


monday 11th May

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Victoria Travel (Sussex) Ltd

A Coach Holidays, Day Trips and Cruise Company for Seaford, Peacehaven and the Deans We are delighted to announce that we have the pleasure of teaming up with Cruise and Maritime Voyages and have the opportunity to offer you some of their exciting cruises on their magnificent ships. Below are a selection of the destinations we have planned for 2021 all with ‘Door to Door’ service.

As you gaze from the rail of MV Marco Polo you’ll be stunned by the sheer scale and magnificence of Norway’s mighty fjords. This cruise will introduce you to breath-taking views of cascading waterfalls, sheer grey cliffs and majestic mountains. In contrast, you will be able to visit pretty fjord villages set among green fields and the town of Bergen the fjord capital, with its busy harbour and historic Hanseatic buildings and spectacular views.

Cabins from £1169.00 per person Second passenger FREE! Single cabins from £1209.00

An amazing display of purple, blue, pink and green light dancing across the dark sky of night, the spectacular Aurora Borealis is one of nature's greatest wonders. On this voyage we take you to Iceland, the 'Land of Fire & Ice' where, if atmospheric conditions are right, you have the chance to witness the incredible Northern Lights. We will also spend time in Reykjavik and visit the Faroe, Shetland and Orkney Islands which are stepping stones on this spectacular voyage.

Cabins from £1899.00 per person Second passenger FREE! Single cabins from £1519.00

Register your name early to take advantage of these fantastic offers ‘Buy One Get One Free’ offer ends on 31st May 2020 For further information on all our coach day trips, short breaks and holidays and cruises, please contact us and we will be pleased to send you a copy of our exciting 2108 brochure.

Please call Ross on:- 01273 517888 or 07429 585842

Victoria Travel (Sussex) Ltd. Unit 91 Beach Close, Newhaven, East Sussex. BN9 0BY Tel:- 01273 517888 Mobile:- 07429 585842 e-mail To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email




The Society


ovid-19 may have prevented us from celebrating St George’s Day in the manner that we would normally have done so. Instead of sharing St George’s day with our friends, family and fellow Society members we found ourselves at home, doing the right thing, respecting the lockdown and watching television. However, the BBC decided that our national day would be the perfect day to mount their Big Night In appeal. We’ve never been further apart, yet somehow never closer. That’s why, for one night only, Comic Relief, BBC Children in Need and BBC One joined together for a special night of entertainment, like no other. They celebrated the people who are making a difference and helped support those affected during these extraordinary times. The Royal Society of St George stepped up to the mark and marked our special day by making a donation to this very worthy cause and branches from around the country made generous donations. The RSSG Trust was established in 1971 with the aim of using the income generated from the capital fund to support ‘worthy’ endeavours whilst promoting the name of England and the Society, spreading the funds as widely as possible through the branches of the Society. We usually try to identify causes that our funds can actually make a difference to the individual or group involved. We are delighted that the RSSG Charitable Trust was able to bring the Society’s total donation up to the magnificent sum of £13,000.

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Equity Release Specialists

We are local based Equity Release specialists who are based in Seaford. We offer face to face appointments in our Seaford office or home visits. Arranging an Equity Release can seem like a daunting process, we take care with our clients and advise and help throughout the process. We appreciate there are important decisions to made, that is why we believe in taking time over each application.

Many of our clients release a small initial amount under Equity Release, on average around £20,000, and also have additional funds in reserve, this means that if additional borrowing is required then the funds are usually a phone call away. A lifetime mortgage creates a debt against your home. It’s a big decision, and there are many factors to consider. That’s why you can only get a lifetime mortgage through a specialist regulated lifetime mortgage adviser. To find out more and discover if Equity Release is right for you, we advise an informal meeting so we can explain in detail how Equity Release works and the effect of roll up of interest, the roll up of interest can grow quickly and be significant over a long period, we can show you the effect over 10-15/20 years. mortgage is Our typical typical fee fee for for arranging arranging an Our an Equity Equity Release Release mortgage is £695. £999.

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Sussex Wildlife Trust

Peregrine Falcon

You say you want a revolution

Circling high in the blue skies above Sussex is one of the world’s deadliest predators. Peregrines are hunting above us. Scanning the avian traffic in the Sussex airspace, their incredible vision locks on to an unsuspecting bird passing below and the Peregrine instantly negotiates one of the most sophisticated aerial manoeuvres possible. They stop flying. With wings and feet tucked in tightly, peregrines drop from the sky at an unbelievable speed – hurtling earthwards at up to 200 mph – the fastest creature on our planet. Everything, even the eyelids and nostrils on this bird are built for speed. Like a bomb made out of muscle and feathers, it’ll decimate any victim in its path. We’re fortunate to still have these amazing birds here in Sussex. During WW2 their taste for pigeons (including those carrying wartime messages) saw Peregrines treated as if they were on the payroll of Mr Hitler himself. The Secretary of State for Air declared war on these falcons and issued the ‘Destruction of Peregrine Falcons Order’. The birds were slaughtered, their nests destroyed. After we gave Adolf the old heave-ho, Peregrines were left alone and numbers began to recover. But they were to face an even more deadly threat than the British Government; Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (or DDT to its friends). Farmers worldwide had started spraying a variety of wonderful new chemical insecticides all over the countryside to improve yields. These invisible poisons hit the bird at the top of the food chain the hardest. In 1958 there were 650 pairs of Peregrines in Britain. Six years later there were 68. Concerns over their decline sparked an investigation that led back to the source of the Peregrine poisoning and the world’s eyes were


opened to the reality of the damage that these chemicals could cause to our environment and to us. Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, the environmental movement was born and green was upgraded from a sort of yellowy-blue colour to an entire way of life. Today, perched on our cliffs and cathedrals, high above the organic food-filled shelves in kitchens across Sussex, the killer that kickstarted the environmental uprising stands defiantly overlooking us all like a beaked Che Guevara. A feathered testament to revolution, strength and tofu veggie burgers. Sussex Wildlife Trust is an independent charity caring for wildlife and habitats throughout Sussex. Founded in 1961, we have worked with local people for over half a century to make Sussex richer in wildlife. Michael Blencowe, Sussex Wildlife Trust Photos from top: Sussex Wildlife Trust © – Peregrine Falcon by Alan Price; Peregrine in flight by Roger Wilmshurst; Peregrine Falcon by Dave Kilbey. We rely on the support of our members to help protect our rich natural heritage. Please consider supporting our work. As a member you will be invited to join Michael Blencowe on our regular wildlife walks and also enjoy free events, discounts on wildlife courses, Wildlife magazine and our Sussex guide book, Discovering Wildlife. It’s easy to join online at

Please recycle this magazine when you have finished with it.

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Seaford Photographic Society We had a new competition last year for photos taken only on mobile phones or tablets. The idea was to make this a fun, informal evening, with judging done by members. It was a great success so we did the same thing again this year. We started with a run through of the 19 images, projected onto a screen, with our Deputy Chairman Adrian Bishop CPAGB giving brief comments on them. Members then got to vote for their favourites. During the break the scores were all added up then the winners announced. Congratulations to Janice Hewitt, whose photos took both 1st and 2nd places, with husband Steve’s in 3rd. There then followed an open discussion on a selection of those with the highest scores. Each photographer told us a bit about how and why they took the photo, which was followed by a general discussion of why people liked it and what could have been done differently to improve it, or not. This turned out to be a different and interesting evening, and members particularly liked the discussion at the end, agreeing that it was both educational and sociable. The committee will be taking this on board and are planning several similar events for next season where members bring along some of their work to talk about and get a discussion going.

the evening was Bob Webzell ARPS EFIAP, who has visited the club many times previously. In the standard group two nature photos scored the maximum 20/20; ‘Male Smooth Newt’ by Simon Watkins and ‘Beauty and the Bee’ by new member David Nickalls. Jennie Edwards, in the advanced group, entered two of her superb photos of insects feeding on flowers. Many congratulations to Jennie as she scored 20/20 for both of them. Also doing well in the advanced group were Colin Mitchell with a Newhaven lighthouse sunset photo and Thelma Long’s creative monochrome composite entitled Tangled Mind. Our regular club meetings were cancelled from mid-March onwards for obvious reasons, so there won’t be any more of these newsletters for a while. In the meantime, however, we will be doing lots of work on our website Do bookmark the page and keep coming back to see what we are up to. There will be regular news updates and lots of photos to look at, as well as information for anybody interested in joining. Over the next few weeks we will be adding members’ galleries, with 10 photos by each of our members who want to show off their work. Hopefully we will be back to normal for the start of the new season in September.

Photos from top: Phone or Tablet Competition:1st place – Mr McRam of Scotland by Janice Hewitt; PDI League Round 5 – Standard Group 20/20 Score: Male Smooth Newt by Simon Watkins; Beauty and the Bee by David Nickalls, PDI League Round 5 – Advanced Group 20/20 Score: The final round of the PDI Humming-Bird Hawk-Moth Feeding by Jennie Edwards; league, for Projected Digital Images produced some After the Sunset by Colin Mitchell; Tangled Mind by excellent work, with 44 entries in total. The judge for Thelma Long. Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers 16

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Seaford Medical Practice Patient Participation Group

See a gp by video

Have you noticed how you always seem to feel unwell at the most inconvenient times? Friday evening or when you’ve just gone away somewhere. You just need some help or advice but you don’t know when you’ll get an appointment. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a doctor in your pocket? Well now you can. The LIVI app allows you to have a video consultation with a doctor, possibly within minutes, wherever you are. It won’t cover all conditions, including those for which a physical examination is required, but it covers many.

Members of the Patient Participation Group at Seaford Medical Practice have given it a go and been pleased that they did. Have you registered yet? If not, this is a great time to do it. Go and fetch your phone and your driving licence (card one with a picture on) or your passport and follow these steps. Go to the App Store (iPhone or iPad) or Google Play (Android phone) and download the LIVI app. l Start the app and click “Next”. You will be asked to enter your mobile number. Ignore the +44 that it inserts and type your whole number (including the leading zero). Keep alert for a text message to arrive, and type the number LIVI sent into the box.Your phone may help you to do this. l Enter your name and address and scroll down to the check boxes below. Accept the terms and conditions and privacy policy (both of which, of course, you have read) and click “Next”. l Find your GP practice. If you are good at maps, l






click on Seaford (or whatever town) and then on the tag that appears. Choose the right practice. If maps leave you cold, just ask it for a list and choose yours from it. LIVI should now be saying hello to you. It has identified you at your practice. Scroll down and click the box in which it asks for more info about you and enter your details. Keep going until it asks for some photo proof of your identity. This is where your driving licence or passport comes in so have it ready. Select the right document (there are two others as well) and continue. On the next screen allow the app to use the phone’s camera then take a photograph of your document (if it’s your passport it must be the page with your picture on). You will now be asked to take a selfie. The app automatically switches to the other camera on your phone and allows you to do this. Don’t worry too much about your hair. It’s just to check your ID. The next screen looks as if you are about to be connected to a GP. Don’t worry. You are not. Press the ‘Confirm’ button. If the ID check didn’t work, don’t worry. Just go back and try again.

You are now set up. The GP is in your pocket. When you wish to talk to a GP you now have the option of doing it from the comfort of your own home, at your own time. Just go to ‘Book Appointment’ and follow the instructions. You will see lists telling you which conditions are suitable, but don’t be put off too soon if you don’t see yours. LIVI isn’t about to replace your GP but it gives you one more option for your health care. The Patient Participation Group at Seaford Health Centre is looking at further ways to support all patients in making the best use of video referrals and other technologies. Please keep an eye on our notice board for further information. Seaford Medical Practice Patient Participation Group

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Sussex Arts Collective

COLLECTIONS 2020 The Cuckmere Room, Crypt Gallery, Church Street, Seaford.


Collections 2020

Who would have thought we would all have been beset by such a turn of events when I was planning this years’ exhibitions; dreadful weather during February and March and then COVID-19. Consequently, it was felt it would be wise to close the gallery immediately and shelve the subsequent exhibitions for the foreseeable future. Frustrating and upsetting as it was, it has proved to be the right decision. My utmost thanks to the Crypt Gallery as well as the exhibitors for their cooperation helping me deal with the situation so swiftly. Nevertheless, for those of us in the creative sector we must plug on and prepare for when we can resume inspiring and enthusing visitors once again. Our enforced isolation enables us to return to our studios and workshops and continue creating and making. At Sussex Arts Collective we are working on a new website with the help of Stefan Mucha of Sussex Art Prints so that you continue to follow our members and their work. Remember we are on Facebook @sussexartscollective and Instagram #sussex. arts.collective. KEEP IN CONTACT AND KEEP SAFE. Busying herself in her studio is Mo Jackson, whose highly distinctive felt work is always a highlight in our shows and is the subject of this month’s spotlight.

SPOTLIGHT: Maureen (Mo) Jackson

Mo grew up in Darlington, Co. Durham, in a very creative household. Her grandmother


and her parents taught her how to knit, crochet, sew, embroider and weave tapestry. Therefore, it was very natural for her to follow in their footsteps and do the same things. Having completed an art foundation course in Newcastle she went to Brighton Art College to study for a BA honours degree intending to specialise in textiles from which she was discouraged as ‘there was no money in it’. As a result she qualified as a designer/illustrator and worked for the NHS in the graphic design department for twenty-two years. Thirteen years ago she was made redundant and, having just inherited a large bag of felting wool fibres, set about teaching her self how to felt. With the help of books and the internet she honed her felting skills and created her own individual style. On joining the Sussex Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers she was able share her love for strong colours and unusual textures, and draw upon the expertise of other members. Her trademark skill employs a technique called ‘Nuno’ felting involving bonding wool fibres into silk fabric. This makes the end result softer and more flowing to wear as a scarf. But there is no end to what she can do with her medium, continually experimenting and trying something new, creating hats, corsages, vessels, wall art and just about anything! ‘Felting,’ she says ‘is quite a physical exercise, which involves soapy water and lots of elbow grease. It can be very tricky and unpredictable but magical too. It’s like painting with wool, that can be very thick and strong or as delicate as a cobweb.’ Now established as a leading maker she is also a busy teacher of her art, subsequently, making textiles her fulltime career. ‘I seem to have gone full circle arriving back with textiles which were always my first love’. Photos from top: Headpiece; Shawl; Flowers; Maureen (Mo) Jackson.

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SINGING FOR FUN For adults of all ages and abilities Like to sing for the sheer joy of it? ...then join us each week for a time of musical fun!

Wednesdays 11am – 12pm Thursdays 7pm – 8pm

Seaford Baptist Church – Price £5 No need to read music and words are provided!

Please contact Sally-Ann Fatkin Landline: 01323 365 495 Mobile: 07799 818 590


Caricatures By

Caricatures. Don’t know what to get as a present? How about a caricature?

£47 per person in simple frame. Contact Lesley on: 07722 236741 or email: To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


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Medical Monitoring for COVID-19

by Dr Emma Sloan, The Sloan Clinics Heart rate Breathing rate

Reduced or abnormal


Raised or abnormal

Less than 60 beats per minute

60-100 beats per minute

100 or more beats per minute

Less than 12 breaths in a minute

12 -20 per minute

20 or more

Urine No urine in 8 hours Every 2-4 hours straw coloured urine

Dark urine

What to look for when deciding to ask for help: l l l l

Are they managing to cope with their symptoms or are they becoming more unwell? l Is their heart rate normal? Can they talk in full sentences? l Are they becoming dehydrated? Is their breathing rate normal? Does their breathing sound normal? Phone 111 for help if someone is displaying any of these symptoms

Seaford Museum & Heritage Society Experience history from the stone age to the present day

6,000 sq ft of Local and Domestic History in peace and war. Now with lift and step-free access. The Martello Tower, Seaford Esplanade

Closed until further notice SEAFORD MUSEUM



1970 ~ 2020



Closed by the Virus! As you may already be aware, our programme of events for April had to be cancelled completely. In this time of uncertainty, we have also had to cancel everything we had planned for May as well.

We’ll be back!

As soon as we are allowed to reopen, we will annouce our revised list of events and offerings for the rest of 2020. Full details- Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers

Due to COVID-19, please contact advertisers for up-to-date business and trading information Registered charity number 256789

During these difficult times, we need your support more than ever. To help save your local children’s hospice, visit:

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- New and used computers - Upgrades - Fixed fee repairs - Virus Removals - Professional, Reliable service - Peripherals, cables and ink- Call Outs - Apple Mac repairs -Iphone and Ipad repair - Monthly service contracts - Established for 18 Years - Remote logins - Jargon free help- CUT OUT THIS ADD FOR 15% OFF ALL LABOUR CHARGES - 26 Sutton road, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1RU - 01323 897740 - - - -

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Call Mark Duncan

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Local Businesses Unite to Support Seaford’s Care Workers A business in Seaford has worked together with a local family run bakery to provide treats for care home staff who are working tirelessly during the COVID-19 outbreak. Jerry Lyons and Wendy Reed run marketing company The Estate Agent Content Club, and bought £200 worth of baked goods from Burt’s Bakery, which were donated on Tuesday 21st April to three care homes across the town. Burt’s topped up the donation with a further £100 and made the deliveries for free. Jerry said: ‘One of my clients did a similar thing in Kent and I thought we could do the same here. I approached Chris Burt of Burt’s Bakery because I

MAD ABOUT TAX Accountancy Services

Seaford Railway Station, Seaford, BN25 2AR We offer a full range of accounting services at very competitive prices.

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know they have been supporting the community and NHS workers since the outbreak and he was delighted to help. It was Chris who suggested we donate to care home workers and residents and I thought that was a lovely idea. ‘There’s a lot of good people doing great things during these bad times, and we wanted to do something positive for the people who are essential to our society, yet often overlooked.’ Chris Burt said: ‘It’s a lovely gesture from Jerry. We are trying to do our bit as a local business and have given free bread to any NHS staff that have shown their badges at either the shop or unit.’ The donation was made on behalf of The Karma Club, which is the charitable arm of Wendy and Jerry’s business. It helps different community projects and groups each month, locally and globally. The care homes donated to were Nova House, Freshford Cottage and Threeways. Photo l-r: Luke Jenkins of Burt’s Bakery making one of three deliveries to a local care home thanks to a donation from Seaford business The Estate Agent Content Club.

• Tax Advice

• Payroll & Vat • Corporation Tax

Pic – L to R Luke Jenkins of Burt’s Bakery making one of three deliveries to a local care home thanks to a donation from Seaford business The Estate Agent Content Club.

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rs. BN25 1RB


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CARE FEES? Speak to our dedicated team of experts.

Are you worried about moving to a care home? Are you caring for someone who has complex health needs? We have a dedicated team who are committed to meeting the needs of elderly and vulnerable clients. Talk to our specialist advisors for planning long term care, protecting the family home and managing finances under power of attorney. We can help you with: • Wills • Protecting the family home • Court of Protection Applications • Lasting Powers of Attorney • Wills, Probate and Inheritance Tax Planning


Est. 1896, a QualitySolicitors Firm

Changing the way you see lawyers. 01323 899 331 @QSBarwells 10 Sutton Park Road, Seaford, East Sussex, BN25 1RB To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


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Please call 01323 736442 Or visit

Local independent managing agents Sanders is a family run company with over 15 years’ experience and specialises in providing the highest standard of residential property management for landlords, residents associations and property developers. We currently work with a number of residential blocks and estates throughout Eastbourne and surrounding areas and understand the needs and requirements of the local residents. Should you wish to discuss our service in more detail please contact the Sanders Team.

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Zita Ginger Director

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“passionate about property” 01323 701702 • 185A Langney Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8AH 28

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Our salute to the Superheroes in Seaford If this past six weeks has taught us anything, it may well be to never take anything for granted, such as: Our health, and that of our loved ones;


Our freedom, and just how precious and precarious it is; l

And, the superheroes we are blessed with and what they do for us. l

There are genuine Supermen and Wonder Women who walk among us in Seaford and who we rely on more than we ever realised. They are giants protecting those of us who seek refuge in the reassurance and protection of their shadows. They are the NHS, the delivery drivers, the carers, the cleaners, the shop staff, the teachers, the bin men and women, the postal workers and the emergency services. They are our family, friends and neighbours, but often, they are total strangers. And that, is why what they are doing for us is so remarkable. They are the best versions of us. Before this, many of them were invisible to society. Many of them were undervalued until it became glaringly evident exactly how precious they really are.

Stephen Newberry

Andrew Tully

At Newberry Tully we’re just estate agents, but the recent life-changing lessons taught to us by these superheroes have brought home what it really means to be of service. And at 8pm every Thursday evening we have been joining family, friends, neighbours and strangers across Seaford. And until lockdown ends we will continue to stand on our doorsteps, go onto our balconies, step into our back gardens and come together as one to applaud and salute those superheroes on who our lives depend. We thank them all.

Andrew and Stephen PS: We’d also like to thank Fran from Seaford Scene for putting this online special edition out for free. It’s great to see local businesses supporting each other.

Newberry Tully Estate Agents 53 Church Street, Seaford (opposite Seaford Health Store) Tel: 01323 490001 To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


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S. J Hampton

Removals, Deliveries & Storage - Fully Insured

Removals & Storage H Local - Long distance H Full - Part loads H Full packing service available H Packing materials supplied H Piano removals H Fully insured H Free quotations

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For a personal and friendly service tel:

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Citizens Advice emergency changes to citizen’s advice services

Chat online to an advisor by visiting our website at

Lewes District Citizens Advice has announced that face-to-face advice services in all their offices have been suspended for the foreseeable future. People who have already booked appointments should not attend and should call 01273 007557




Advice on consumer issues (e.g. issues related to products or services) is available through the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133 or chat online to an advisor on our website.

To make a new claim for Universal Credit call the Universal Credit Help to Claim line on 0800 1448444. Waiting times for these services may be longer than usual as we adapt to our new patterns of working. Jackie Wilkes, Chief Officer of Lewes District Citizens Advice, said: ‘Citizens Advice is here to give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward in these difficult times. You can find frequently updated advice on a range of issues related to the Coronavirus outbreak at coronavirus. We offer advice over the telephone and via email. People looking for advice can go online to

There are a number of ways people can continue to get advice during this time. l General advice will be given via our Adviceline which people can reach by calling 03444 111 444. This is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. l

Email advice is available via

Your Local Family Law Specialist Call for a friendly informal chat: 01323 356008 or email Brigitte directly

FREE FIRST APPOINTMENT Brigitte Shakespeare Family Law Solicitor Resolution Member 01323 356008

Friendly, comprehensive and affordable Family Law advice including: • • • • • • •

Divorce Dissolution of Civil Partnerships Separation Agreements Financial Settlements Arrangements for children Pre-nuptial Agreements Cohabitation Agreements

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Newhaven CAR SERVICES LTD Car / Light Commercial Service Specialists MoTs Arranged Car / Light Commercial Local Collection & Return Available Service Specialists Courtesy Car Est. 1988

MoTs Arranged Tel. 01273 512205 Local Collection Unit 1 Willow Industrial Estate, & Return Available Avis Way, Newhaven, BN9 0DD Courtesy Car Est. 1988

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Mobile Bodywork Repairs WE COME TO YOU !

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We repair & paint cars, motorhomes & vans Over 30 yrs Bodywork experience Bumper scuffs & scrapes Vandal & key scratches Free estimates Family run business VAT FREE REPAIRS!

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A Farewell to Kay Turvey

Kay takes her place in History!

After twenty four years as Chairman of Seaford Museum & Heritage Society, Kay Turvey is retiring to pastures new. Kay first became involved with the Society when it was housed in West House in Pelham Road during the early Seventies and was involved in the move to the Martello Tower in 1979. She recalled using a former WW1 army hut in the damp and windy open space beneath the promenade before the walls had been built. Over the years Kay has undertaken many tasks in the Museum, from a Saturday morning market stall, to arranging displays and even running the stewards rota – by telephone! She has been at the helm through periods of great change most recently with the installation of the iconic new bridge and lift enabling wheelchair access for the first time. After retiring as Principal of the Occupational Health & Safety Agency, Kay was recognised with an MBE in 1996. We were fortunate to benefit from her retirement as Kay was able to bring her considerable skills to the role of Chairman of the Museum. She had been a Trustee since 1981 and Vice Chairman since 1990 so had a very wide understanding of what was required to make the Museum run smoothly. As Chairman, Kay set high standards for the Museum’s Trustees and volunteers. Managed and staffed entirely by volunteers and with a clear focus on local history, it was a key aspect of Kay’s period in charge that the


monday 11th May

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Museum obtained national status of being one of the 1,700 Arts Council Registered Museums. In the words of the Arts Council ‘The Museum Accreditation Scheme is the UK Industry Standard for museums and galleries. It tells everyone that they’re doing the right things to help people to engage with collections and protect them for the future’. By maintaining its accreditation, Seaford Museum is able to stand alongside the grand national museums in the UK. Kay reflected. ‘Looking at old minutes it has been interesting to note that throughout the 50 years of the Museum there are recurring themes about fundraising, membership, keeping damp out, opening hours, caring for artefacts and archives. Other fascinating titbits include it being thought that proceeds of £1.45p was a “very good result” from a raffle and that the charge for meetings was 15p for non members, 5p for members and that refreshments cost 3p.’ Kay formally retired at the AGM of the Society in March, and Jane Keel, the new Chairman paid tribute to her, ‘Seaford Museum and Heritage Society is enormously grateful to Kay for her dedication and hard work in making the Seaford Museum into one of the best small museums in the country. I know all our members and volunteers will join with me in wishing her a long and happy retirement in York. She will be greatly missed.’ Photo: Kay Turvey with her commemorative plaque.

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Just like us! Your pet is unique and deserves the bespoke care an independent practice provides. As the only family owned veterinary clinic in Peacehaven your pet is our number one priority. For individually tailored treatment and healthcare, visit us at:


Proudly independent

116 Heathy Brow, Peacehaven BN10 7SA T: 01273 583252

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Seaford Town Council Awards Emergency Funding to Local COVID-19 Support Groups Seaford Town Council is awarding a total of £2,000 to both the Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team and Seahaven Storehouse (in supplies) amid the COVID-19 pandemic Seaford Town Council is pleased to announce that at its Finance and General Purposes (F&GP) Committee, Wednesday 15th April, it was agreed to award emergency funding to the Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team (SVET) to the total sum of £1,500. Seaford is lucky that in the early stages of the pandemic, SVET was reformed. Having first been formed four years ago, initially to support flooding coordination in the town, the Team was put together


Benwick Kennels & Cattery 01273 587809

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by town and district councillors, churches and volunteers in the community and continues to evolve. It was agreed for £500 to be granted to SVET for the purchase of essential Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and a further £1,000 to contribute to the Team’s start-up funds for providing much needed assistance to the residents of Seaford. The Committee also agreed that instead of the £1,000 start-up funds being returned to Seaford Town Council once the COVID-19 crisis is over, that the Town Council’s left-over funds be transferred as a donation to the Seahaven Storehouse (foodbank). In addition, the Committee has agreed to purchase up to £500 worth of essential food items, via The View at Seaford Head, to be gifted to the Seahaven Storehouse. These essential food items will be used to provide vital food packages to individuals and families in the Seahaven area. A spokesperson from the Town Council said, ‘The Town Council is pleased to support both organisations in providing a vital service to the town and helping those in need during this very difficult time.’ The Town Council would like to take this opportunity to thank both the Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team and Seahaven Storehouse for the invaluable contributions they are making to the community. To find out more about the Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team you can visit their Facebook page groups/1061258840553377/ To find out about Seahaven Storehouse, please see their website


monday 11th May

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Lewes, Seaford and District Branch Please contact: Jean 01323 892930

have you got room for a lonely puss who’s been living on the streets? Neutering

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Our powerful machines deep-clean at 4000 psi to instantly renovate driveways, patios, and paths. We reduce pressure to clean decking, removing dirt and dangerous slippery slime. After cleaning, we re-instate kiln-dried sand to block-paving, can re-point areas of patio as required and re-stain decking (various options available).



Our services cost less than you might think with our average price for driveway cleaning and re-sand being around £200 (we do not charge VAT). You can work-out a rough cost for yourself as we publish a pricing guide on our facebook page, or simply ring us and we will visit you and provide a free quote. Please visit our facebook page for price guide and more photos and videos – including reviews. Like and share our page to support local business.



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NOVACLEAN of Seaford Trust Novaclean to make a difference



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Spring flowers Although it was beautifully sunny, we couldn’t visit the countryside last month due to Lockdown. So if you also missed the spring flowers, here we share some native species that popped up locally in the garden and on the verge. The insect visitors (like bees and bee flies) moved too fast for Ed to photograph them too! Snake’s-head Fritillary Fritillaria meleagris (right). The unusual name refers to the chequered appearance of the petals. Native Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scriptus (left) with delicate nodding head (and creamcoloured stamens) unlike the garden or Spanish Bluebell.

Alexanders Smyrnium olusatrum (right) – so-called because once thought to be a classical introduction, with a celery-like bouquet.

White dead-nettle Lamium album (left) – dead because it doesn’t sting!

Red deadnettle Lamium purpureum (right) – smaller and more opportunistic than the white.

Biddy and Ed Jarzembowski

Cowslip Primula veris (right) often found in unimproved grazing meadows and reputed to smell of apricots. Tufted Forget-me-not Myosotis caespitosa (left) so called because it used to be a keepsake flower. Primrose Primula vulgaris (below) – traditionally the first rose of spring, liking dappled shade (as in coppiced woodland).

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Abbeyfield House North Road, Alfriston BN26 5XB Providing safe and homely supported housing for older people in Alfriston ● your own private ensuite room ● daily contact with dedicated staff ● two nutritious home-cooked meals daily ● spacious communal lounge/dining room and gardens ● downland village living ● all-inclusive rates Making time for older people

Please do get in touch for more information or to arrange a visit

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Music, Singing and iPads we’re sTaying connected and entertained Nial Joyce gives an update from inside Sussex’s leading dementia care centre, Clifden House in Seaford. We’ve had singing, music, baking, reading, too many Easter Eggs and we’ve really fallen in love with our iPads. Mostly though we have experienced remarkable kindness and the absolute best of humanity during these last weeks. The lockdown has, of course, prevented many relatives visiting their loved ones with us, but we are assuring everyone that our residents are continuing to live their daily lives – taking part in activities such as singing, painting, baking and enjoying the garden. We have been really lucky with the weather up to now. The sunshine has allowed everyone to enjoy our garden and the fabulous spring blooms. Facetime and Zoom have really come to the rescue and are incredibly useful for families and friends to chat to our residents. We know how important it is that people stay in touch with their friends and relatives at Clifden House. It also provides reassurance to relatives, who have entrusted the care of their loved ones to us. We continue to receive lots of photos via our Facebook page and by email, and we, in turn, show these to the residents. It brings lots of smiles all round so we encourage relatives to keep this up. Of course, our residents also have the companionship of each other and our care teams too. A big thank you needs to go to our staff, who have all been wonderfully cheery, motivated and doing whatever needs to be done. At Easter time we received an incredibly generous surprise delivery. Boxes of the most fabulous Easter

eggs arrived at our door with compliments from our local Morrison’s supermarket. The surprise was almost as good as the eating! Thank you for thinking of us Morrison’s. Then a couple of weekends ago, Domino’s Pizza sent us some tasty pizzas. We’d like to say how appreciated this was. It kept the care team going across both shift rotations. People say they can’t wait for it to be over, but there are many beautiful aspects to be appreciated too during this time – people have been kinder to each other, smiling at each other and really looking out for each other – I hope society can keep hold of this going forward. Clifden House Dementia Care Centre, Seaford has been delivering exceptional care in Sussex for 50 years. As a leader in specialist dementia care it aims to facilitate each person to continue to live a fulfilling and active life with privacy, dignity and security. Tel: 01323 896460

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COVID-19 Donation to care home A Seaford Nursery has sent a little Easter light to the residents of a care home with whom they have a special bond. The Blue Door Nursery, which recently celebrated 15 years of providing care to local pre-school children has since 2018 forged a special link with the local Nova House Care Home, with the children regularly going across to the home to meet, sing and play with the residents. There have been numerous studies showing the mutual benefits of toddlers and seniors spending time together. However due to the current Coronavirus restrictions, the children have been unable to visit the home, but with a little help from another local business, the Nursery came up with a way of keeping in touch and letting the care home residents know the children were thinking of them. As Nursery Owner Rebecca Swindells explains, “This is a scary and unprecedented time for us all, and it is particularly hard for young children who may not have a full understanding of why their routines have been changed and everything is a bit different. We have remained open for the children of key workers, but the reduction in numbers and social distancing measures we have had to put in place mean that the we have to work hard to keep nursery life as normal as possible.” When children started asking about the residents of the care home Rebecca had an idea. ‘I thought that

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although we were unable to allow the children to visit the residents, perhaps it would be good for them to know we are thinking of them, especially as they may also be facing a reduction in visitors, not just from us but from friends and family too.’ The team at Blue Door set about creating an Easter Hamper to send to the residents, with the children creating Easter collages and decorating cards. Local garden centre Paradise Park donated eggs and chocolate bunnies for the care home residents to enjoy. Darren Clift, Director at Paradise Park’s parent company Tates of Sussex was only too happy to help. “I am fully aware how important it is to tackle loneliness, and at this time of necessary restrictions and distancing that some might be feeling the effects more than others. Not everyone can use modern technology to keep in touch, and sometimes we need to resort to more traditional methods to show people we are thinking of them. The garden centres being currently closed, we were only too happy to donate some chocolates for the hamper so the residents had something to enjoy on the Easter weekend.” Once the hamper had been suitably quarantined to avoid the risk of passing infection into the home it was given to the grateful residents. Tony, the care home owner, was surprised and delighted that the children had remembered their elderly friends so kindly. Blue Door and Paradise Park have worked together before, the garden centre having donated plants for the children’s garden in 2019, the year Blue Door celebrated 15 years operating and Paradise Park its 30th year of trading. Photo: Mel Killick from the nursery with Apolline Clift, delivering the hamper.

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old ben homes Sheltered Housing

Have you or your family worked in the news trade, newspaper and magazine distribution, wholesale, retail and publishing, and thinking of your retirement now or for the future? Situated in a coastal town in East Sussex, Seaford sits on the south coast of England. Lying east of Newhaven and Brighton and west of Eastbourne, there are 34 one-bedroom bungalows, 6 two-bedroom bungalows and 1 two-bedroom house, all maintained to a good standard, offering sheltered accommodation with a sense of community, within a secure setting. Main Facts: Retirement Living to maintain independence with Security and Peace of Mind. Scheme Manager and Maintenance Manager, onsite 9am - 5pm Mon-Fri, 24hr Community Alarm Service. Access to well-maintained communal grounds with a fish pond and communal greenhouse. Local half hourly bus service giving access to Eastbourne, Seaford, Brighton and surrounding areas. Major rail links can be picked up from Seaford train station Frequent social activities in the communal lounge, which Include; Bingo, Coffee mornings, Fish Chip suppers and other regular events. Communal lounge is also available to hire for small family functions. Social Housing/Affordable Rents. Excellent GP Surgeries.

• • • • • • •

For further details please contact the Housing Manager on or visit our website:

01952 677257


Personalised care and support in a homely environment

Registered Nursing Home for 30 older people. Professionally, trained & experienced staff. Dignity & choice respected at all times. Warm & friendly atmosphere, dedicated social activity team. Visitors welcome any time. Quietly situated in prime residential area near seafront. Delightful gardens & courtyards. Long/short term stays, incl. respite and convalescence Please contact David Briant, Manager

Tel: 01323 892335


18 Corsica Road, Seaford, BN25 1BD


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The People’s Choice Sussex You’re in safe hands Do Your Loved Ones Need Help in Their Home?  Domestic assistance, shopping, housework, ironing.  Companionship, sitting service, trips out, appointments  Check calls, medication prompts, general support.

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Sussex Elderly Care

Community Interest Company: A not-for-profit social enterprise

Do you love living at home and want to remain independent? We at Sussex Elderly Care can help you achieve this. We are your local home support service with that special personal touch. We provide a service similar to what friends and family provide whether at home, in hospital or in a residential home. Alternatively, you may be caring for someone or simply need a helping hand, we will tailor a service to your requirements. We provide an adaptable, responsive service, so please give us a call, and we will do our best to help you. We offer a free consultation with no obligation. Phone us now at 01323 301338.

We have a high demand for our service and we are urgently recruiting now for more staff. Contact Mary on 01323 301338. Our aim is to help the elderly in the community. All our staff are DBS checked. Email:

Community Interest Companies

Sussex Elderly Care Ltd: 9 Sutton Road, Seaford BN25 1RU Registered in England No: 8603192 Registered office: 50 Chichester Road, Seaford, BN25 2DL

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Seaford Stamp & Post Card Club

AGM & Annual Competition

Following our AGM the Seaford Stamp and Post Card Club had its annual competitions evening. The Woods Cup, which is given for the best Post Card entry, was awarded to a display entitled ‘Alfriston – a walk through time’, which imagined a walk starting at Burnt House on the Alfriston Road, walking past Dean’s Place and ending at the Market Cross. For some scenes, such as the Star Inn, there were a large number of post cards from 1901 up to the 1970s which traced the changes to the Inn and the High Street which have occurred over the years. The Foxton Cup, awarded to the best Stamp or Stamp-related entry, was won by a display of ‘GB Express Mail’. This display concentrated

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on the Post Office labels which have been used on Express Mail since the Post Office service was started in 1891 up to the time it finished in 1980 when it became Royal Mail Special Delivery for inland mail and Swiftair for overseas mail. Prior to the coronavirus lockdown, we had arranged a members ‘J,K,L’ night on May 13th at which members display post cards, stamps or other items related to these letters, and a meeting on June10th, with David Sumpter giving a talk on 1d Penny Lilacs Parcel Post, Gibraltar etc. Please telephone 01323 492433 or email for details as the meetings may be postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak. You are welcome to come along if any of these evenings are being held and interest you. The club usually holds its meetings every second Wednesday in the month at the Constitutional Club in Crouch Lane. The meeting starts at 7pm and ends at around 9.15pm. Details can be obtained from the club secretary David Manthorpe 01323 492433, email: Photos from top: Entering Alfriston 1906; The Star Inn 1907; Express Mail 1898.


monday 11th May

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Seaford Gold Buying Centre

£ £ NEED EXTRA CASH? £ £ Sell your broken and unwanted jewellery Gold, Silver, Old Watches, Amber, Jade and Oriental items wanted. Gold up to £1,200 per troy oz. Silver up to £10.75per troy oz. Call in to 16 High Street, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1PG Tel: 01323 873090 Mobile 07818 035675 Open 9am - 5pm Monday to Saturday. Closed Wednesday afternoon. To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


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Wise words from a Headteacher by Diane Lucas “Don’t stress! I spent 3 years training to be a teacher, why should you be expected to do it, and do it well, with no training? I couldn’t become a doctor simply because I’d got a first aid kit in the cupboard! Do something unique with your child that can’t be done in the classroom or from a worksheet, and maybe you could find out some things together! When I was a headteacher, I always encouraged staff to use the home and outdoor environment as a ‘living school’. When you go for your daily ‘Lock Down Walk for Exercise’ look out for/ identify: • Street furniture - manhole covers, fire hydrants, lampposts, drains, water mains stop cocks for turning off water to whole or part of a street, gas and electricity access points (not sure what you call them), telephone/ broad band boxes. Draw them; research what they do; who uses them and why; if your house caught fire, where would the fire engine hoses hook up to? • Road signs - signs for Give Way, STOP signs, speed restrictions, school warning signs, school patrol crossing signs, elderly people crossing, beware of horses, etc. Why are some signs circular and some triangular? When you get back home, get your child/children to make a plan of where you went for a walk and draw the signs they saw, having researched the meaning of them, then draw up a key like they see on maps and, using the key, plot what they saw on the map they’ve drawn. • House essentials and safety first - where are the stop cocks in the house? What are they for? Would they know when to use one? What would happen if there was a gas leak and how would the flow of gas into the house be stopped? Where are the electricity/


gas/water meters in the house? What are they for? How do they relate to household bills? Where’s the fuse box and why do we have one? What would happen if someone in the house had a bad accident or stopped breathing and there was no other adult in the house? Knowing when/how to dial 999 could be a lifesaver! • In the kitchen - what’s for tea? Where did each of the foods come from? How do they grow? Can you plot the country they came from on a map? How did they get here? What goodness does each of the foods contain? Looking at your plate, which are the healthiest foods on there? What does the word perishable mean? How can we stop food from perishing? • Out and about - take photos of a tree to get the shape and then photograph a leaf from it; look in a book or the internet to identify it. How many different trees can you see from standing still in one spot and turning round 360 degrees? Try and identify birds by their appearance or their song (there are free apps to help you). So please, please all you parents out there, don’t stress! Don’t treat it as a holiday, but don’t treat it as punishment for yourself and your child either. If you’ve got, or can make, a scrapbook or a photographic record of what they’ve done, learned and discovered, just imagine how amazed they’d be with what they’ve achieved and enjoyed during Lock Down - and don’t forget, it can be precious learning time together!”

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St. John’s is a school and college for young people with learning disabilities, autistic spectrum conditions and behaviours that challenge.


Our employees empower our learners and help develop their aspirations; preparing them for the future. WE ARE LOOKING FOR TALENTED INDIVIDUALS TO JOIN OUR VIBRANT STAFF TEAM As a St. JohnĘźs employee you will: > Earn a competitive salary > Develop your career > Have access to numerous training opportunities > Be entitiled to a free healthcare plan, allowing you to claim back cash on visits to the dentist, optician and more. > Work in an active, challenging and dynamic environment. > Have the opportunity to utilise your own talents and interests. > Join a highly supportive staff team > Be part of a diverse and forward thinking organisation.


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VE Day - Stay at Home Victory Party Ideas

When VE Day dawns on 8th May 2020 it will be 75 years since the guns fell silent at the end of the war in Europe. Years of carnage and destruction had come to an end and millions of people took to the streets and pubs to celebrate peace, mourn their loved-ones and to hope for the future, but not forgetting those still in conflict until 15th August when it was announced that Japan had surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, effectively ending World War II. The 75th anniversary will provide our nation, and our friends around the world, with an opportunity to reflect on the enormous sacrifice, courage and determination of people from all walks of life who saw us through this dark and terrifying period. To commemorate this important time a three-day international celebration had been organised to take place from 8th May to 10th May 2020. Unfortunately, due to the terrible Coronavirus emergency and consequent Government guidance the majority of these celebrations have either had to be cancelled or postponed. It is hoped that events can be moved to the weekend of 15th – 16th August when we will be able to celebrate VE Day and VJ Day, both momentous points in our history, but this has yet to be confirmed. However, in true British spirit, the current lockdown situation does not stop us from making our own victory party celebrations at home to mark this momentous occasion. The following pages will help you put together your own celebrations to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.


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“To those who gave so much” “We thank You”

To help you prepare your day, we’ve collated a party pack and sourced resources to get you started while you #StayHomeSaveLives Venue Be sure to stay home this weekend and mark the occasion while complying with social distancing rules. Enjoy a picnic or BBQ in your garden. Decoration Decorate your house and garden in red, white and blue. Party food What’s a party without a buffet? We’ve sourced tasty 1940’s recipes to serve on the day. Party playlist A party isn’t complete without a playlist. The 1940’s was known for big band and jazz, so we have complied a playlist for you to sing along to. Friday May 8th Timetable of Events 3pm

Raise a glass (or a cuppa) with the rest of Britain to toast all those men and women who played a part in the conflict.


Join the UK-wide singalong of Dame Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll Meet Again’

Resources The following websites have downloadable packs to help you prepare your party at home, including recipes, tips for dancing, 1940’s playlists and VE Day posters and bunting to download make with the children to decorate your home. English Heritage: Official Government VE Day website:

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VE Day - Stay at Home Victory Party Ideas

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“To those who gave so much” “We thank You”

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VE Day - Stay at Home Victory Party Ideas




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“To those who gave so much” “We thank You”


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“To those who gave so much” “We thank You”




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A wellbeing tool kit for surviving the coronavirus

Simon Parke, CEO, The Mind Clinic and Seaford resident

Nine ideas to help in these challenging and dismantling times. Is there anything here for you?

1) Slow mind

This is a time for slow mind, seeking less stimulation, not more. Fast minds are anxious, slow minds are calm. We do not need to see the news more than once a day; like much of social media, it makes us anxious without reward. And Whatsapp groups set up to support us can do the exact opposite, as people share their fears, judgements and negative tales. What is gained? Negativity, whether through the news or social media, weakens us, unpicking the threads of our spirit. Slow mind sits above deep breathing and is not anxious. The anxiety monkey has no scaffolding to swing on. But you may need to relinquish some distracting habits to get there, and you could start now. Take some deep breaths... count them, perhaps ten? And return there when possible in the day. A few deep breaths takes us into our body and slows the anxious and catastrophising mind.

2) Behold rather than judge

If we listen to the news, we will all be judging others right now – ‘the latest selfish idiot’ and all that. Social media creaks with ‘shaming’ stories: ‘I cannot believe they did that!’ It’s a sign of our difficult times. Fear and jeopardy bring out the judgement in us; we reach for the moral high ground to make ourselves feel better. But we don’t have to live there; we don’t have to make judgements our home. So note when the critic arises inside you... and then let the judgement go. It really isn’t your friend. The moral high ground is a wasteland place to live; it makes us stupid, makes liars of us and takes us away from our truest selves.

3) Parent yourself

These are dismantling times, throwing up fears inside us we never knew were there. And all the while, we


may be putting on a brave face for others, pretending everything’s all right. So you will need to parent yourself and your feelings with kindness and without judgement. No thought or feeling is stupid or a crime; rather, each one needs to be heard and held without judgement. And so the question ‘How am I feeling?’ is allowed. It doesn’t matter if there is someone worse off than you; that really isn’t the point. If you can’t look after yourself, you won’t be fit to look after anyone else. So we will need to self-parent. And yes, in the end, I am not my thoughts and I am not my feelings...but the healthy among us listen as they pass through – and sometimes they pass through noisily, overturning the furniture. And that’s OK. (Rumi’s poem The Guest House is very good here.You’ll find it online.)

4) This is not about me

It is about me, obviously: as I write, my livelihood has disappeared, I am denied things I want and love. But it is not only about me, others are living it too, sometimes in extraordinarily difficult circumstances, much more challenging than mine. Perhaps I can light a candle every day for everyone, for we are in this together. Or replenish my local foodbank, which is struggling. As we physically distance ourselves, I’ve found more people saying ‘hello’ as they pass. Have we perhaps remembered, in John Donne’s words, that: ‘No man is an island, Entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.’

5) Stay close to fresh air and growth

Whatever lockdown ultimately means, open windows whenever possible, get out in the air when possible, look on things that grow – whether in pots, by the road, in the garden. Stay close to nature’s resilient energy. It’s good to be part of another story and there’s another story going on at the moment. If you are lucky enough to have a garden, wonderful; but you don’t need one. I lived in London for thirty years and knew every plant that grew through every crack in the wall. I loved their many-coloured stories of resilience and beauty.

6) Exercise

Tap into your own body energy as well as nature’s. Skip in the front room, walk, run press-ups, sit-ups, stretch, yoga... whatever you do, whatever is allowed. Do what’s possible for you...but do it for the good of your heart and the good of your soul. When you are in your body, you leave behind the mad catastrophising that can plague our heads. Gymnastic champion Max Whitlock

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Celebrating 25 Years OF Foam & Fabrics

A big thank you to all our loyal customers. Look in store for birthday discounts in April. 21- 27 Broad Street. Seaford. 01323893716

is making the best of a bad job, using his sofa at home as a pummel horse. It isn’t for everyone perhaps; and not something I’m doing myself(!). But do get into your’re not anxious there.

7) Gratitude

Don’t give up on gratitude – gratitude for things that are good, beautiful, timely, tasty, kind, wonderful, healing or funny. Gratitude brings us into the present where all is well. Our monkey-mind can take us all over the place; and most of the places make us anxious or depressed. But gratitude returns us to the present, the only place that truly exists. It re-sets us, in a way; gives us a clean slate from which to live. Perhaps this is why Meister Eckhart, a writer in the 14th century, said that ‘Thank you’ is the only prayer necessary.

8) Respond rather than react

All sorts of stuff is being thrown at us these days. Negative stories, traumatic stories invade our space, pushing at the panic in us. But you don’t have to react. We don’t live best from panic. So why not pause before speaking, judging and doing. Reach down for the light and the hope inside you; and speak, live and act from there. You don’t need to have an opinion; you don’t have to

react automatically. If there’s no hope and no light in you to find, sit quietly until it arrives...or go for a walk.You may find the answer in the sky; or in the dandelion. But look always to respond rather than react.You will make the world a kinder place.

9) Look for new possibilities

Many of our plans are in tatters – weddings, holidays, building work, operations, house move etc. It’s terrible... the shock is considerable.Yet life goes on, somehow. So we make a virtue of necessity and seek new possibilities in our situation. Perhaps we can do things we’re not normally able to do; feel our way into new shapes of being and activity. Someone said to me last week, ‘I’ve always wanted more time with my family – though perhaps I didn’t imagine it quite like this! But after my initial terror, I think I’m actually beginning to enjoy it.’ Is there anything possible for you now, which wasn’t possible before? Are there any steps to be taken in these new circumstances which will serve you well, long after this is all over? P.S. Board games can be good for family morale but for the sake of relationships, avoid ‘Monopoly’ – it will never end well. Unlike these difficult times...

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Get Your Business Online Now Small businesses are under pressure right now. If your business relies on people visiting your shop or premises you’ve probably seen a large portion of your custom disappear.Yet these customers still need your products and services, and many of them are going online. If your business can’t sell online you’re missing out. Below is a quick-start guide to get your business online fast. eBay – eBay is not just the ultimate car boot sale, it’s also a great place for companies to sell their products. It’s easy to get started. Follow eBay’s tutorials and you can have your first listings up within minutes. Don’t forget that you’ll probably have quite a bit of competition, and people will be looking for the best prices.You’ll also have to factor in postage costs and eBay’s commission charge, so make sure you cost it all out beforehand. But if you’re careful you’ll get your products in front of thousands of potential customers within a very short time frame.

G. F. Sinclair Ltd Interior Furnishers

Wishing all our clients well during lockdown

20% discount on all our stock when we reopen

16 Sutton Road, Seaford BN25 1RU 01323 890685

Amazon – Amazon Marketplace lets companies list their products on the main Amazon website.You get access to thousands of customers, but as with eBay, you’ll be listed alongside your competitors. It’s a bit trickier to get an account set up but Amazon walks you through the process to make sure you meet all their criteria.You’ll need to convince Amazon that you can deliver your products on time and to the correct quality and they will even provide you with warehousing and postage services (at a cost) if you need them. As with eBay they charge a commission per sale so make sure you factor this into your selling price. Your own website – if you want to sell direct to your customers through a website it’s fairly easy to set one up these days. There are a range of ready-made stores such as Shopify, from which you can ‘rent’ a website. You upload your products, connect up to their payment system and you’re good to go. For these systems you pay for the site rental and a payment charge per order, which is similar but a bit more than a normal credit card charge. The other option is to have a web design company (like mine!) build the site for you. Here you’ll get professional help and support setting everything up correctly, and once you’re connected to a bank or PayPal you’ll only be charged normal card fees. You will need to get people to visit your site. The best way to do this is to contact every customer whose email address you already have and send them your web address. Then use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to target people in your area. Within these platforms you can even target specific types of people to make sure your advertising spend gets maximum return.Your web designer will be happy to help you get all this sorted out. Act now. If you’re not selling online, you’re missing out. Bob Grant Web Consultant at


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Dermalogica Skin Brightening Facial £26 “Beat the holiday blues and leave the salon with skin that glows naturally”

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Sharon Plank Mobile Hairstylist Dry Ladies Cut £18 Men’s Dry Cut £15. Cut & Blow Wave £30 Shampoo & Set £18 Colour inc. finish £40-£60 Perm inc. finish £50 30 years exp. All professional products used. 07832 297488 Seaford Scene is a completely independent small business. All rights are reserved over the content and design of Seaford Scene unless agreed otherwise. The opinions expressed in editorial matter are not necessarily those of the publisher. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of entries. Seaford Scene cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions or alterations, and assumes no risk or liability for articles or adverts or the accuracy of the facts within them that are provided by contributors. Seaford Scene does not endorse companies, products, services or religious or political organisations that appear in this magazine.

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Seaford Cricket Club

Following the government’s announcement for people to avoid social contact and gatherings due to COVID-19, the Cricket season for 2020 is currently on hold until further notice. Reflecting back to 2019 season, it was fair to say, Seaford Cricket Club enjoyed a fun and successful season four X1s playing at the weekend with two teams fielding at the Salts Recreation Ground our Juniors competing in league cricket in evening and Sunday morning fixtures; a hugely successful ladies/girls soft ball cricket festival which took place in June. Members actively participated in some fantastic social events including Quiz nights, BBQs, Aussie night in celebration of our overseas player Josh and Curry nights to name but a few.

Pelvic floor Workshop Benefits of the HYPOPRESSIVE method Did you know that your pelvic floor is part of your Core 4 muscle group? This session is an intro to using the HYPOPRESSIVE method. You will learn a set of breathing and postural exercises which will strengthen your core, help you stand taller and improve your breathing.

Reduces waist size & Diastasis Recti Prevents and treats incontinence, prolapse and hernias Improves sexual function, posture and metabolism Treats lower back pain

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For the up and coming season, Seaford Cricket Club is launching a ladies team. Many of the ladies and girls that participated in the softball tournament were so inspired and eager to continue playing, from then on the club supported weekly training sessions and are entering the ladies league for the first time this year. We have a fabulous youth pathway into cricket for girls and boys. From 5 - 8 years old we have ‘All Stars’, 9 – 13 years old ‘Dynamos’, both of which are sponsored by the ECB (England and Wales Cricket Board) plus teams for U9’s, U12’s, U14’s and U16’s Secondary School Development. We have also introduced opportunities for our juniors to umpire and score for games at the weekend. Every year, Seaford Cricket Club enters the summer youth cricket festivals during August. It’s an exciting time for our young players and where families join together to watch their children participate in the game and enjoy probably the best match teas in Sussex and of course siblings are able to have fun at the Salts Recreation facilities. Mental Health and Wellbeing is important to us at Seaford Cricket Club. There is the opportunity to learn a new hobby or skill, exercise, meet new people and gain friendships, something to look forward to at the weekend or purely get involved in a voluntary capacity. We welcome all who wish to learn how to play or just support the game and share our club’s enthusiasm. You can find more about us on our extensive website for all activities and news. Finally, on behalf of Seaford Cricket Club, we would like to say a huge thank you to all NHS workers and Key workers who risk their lives to save lives during the COVID-19 crisis and for this we are eternally grateful! Photo: The Ladies’ Festival.


monday 11th May

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Tai Chi/Qigong

The Trouble and The Fascination Tai chi and qigong (pronounced chee gong) can be regarded as health practices that have a spiritual bearing, and there seems to be a consistent trickle of people that are interested enough to come and see what it’s all about. Naturally, some people click with it straight away and never look back, while others know it’s not for them and never come back. So for anyone else that’s interested, I’d like to shed some light on it, and offer classes here in Seaford for anyone that remains interested after knowing a little more. Originating in China, qigong is the art/science of cultivating chi (life-force energy), which stems back over 3,000 years. Then, about 300 - 400 years ago, aspects of this were infused into a martial art and tai chi chuan emerged. Martial artists required good fighting skills, body and mind in optimum condition, and the ability to heal well. With monastic-like practice, tai chi brought the deep conditioning they sought. Over the centuries however, it’s been practised far more commonly just as a gentle exercise that develops and maintains good structure and function of the body. There are many different styles and it’s not hugely important which one you do, that’ll be guided more by what’s available around you. Taught correctly, all genuine styles provide a method for shedding tension and feeling more alive. But the trouble with tai chi and qigong is they’re not as easy as they look. Difficulties include finding the time and inclination to practise most days (a prerequisite for accessing the benefits), wondering if you’re practising correctly, and finding out your body and mind might be more restricted than you’d hoped. Also it can be difficult to see how standing still, moving only slowly and not getting the heart racing, can do anything significant. Basically, the obstructions are in the body and the mind, and for anyone prepared to offer some perseverance, tai chi and qigong provide an effective method to unify and enliven both. If your initial ember of interest isn’t extinguished by coming away from your first class with only one basic thing learnt, then you’re over the first hurdle. Then if you can knuckle down and come out the other side

of a couple of months of reasonable practice (20-30 minutes a day, 4 days out of 7), you could realistically expect to notice some positive, deep setting change in how you feel and/or move. The most common early benefits accessed are better balance, improved agility and sense of general vitality. For many people that’s enough, and due to the gentle nature of these practices, this can be taken well into old age, mitigating aches and pains along the way. It also becomes progressively clearer how relaxed, connected movement can bring an unexpected sense of relaxed power and health. Then there’s the spectrum of dedication and subsequent access to increasing benefits, right up to high-end masters who practise many hours a day for years on end to achieve what these arts have to offer at that level of dedication – profoundly deep awareness, health and fascination. Tai chi and qigong are suitable for all ages and body types and requires nothing except a bit of space to practise and a willingness to do so. By Chad Roberts For information on classes and introductory workshops search “Movements Towards Health” on facebook, or email

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Seaford Choral Society For the last few years we have been saying ‘We must make a plan for our concerts for the next five years’. It’s good to know what we will be singing and it helps to coordinate with other choirs in the area. It’s funny how once you manage to get a plan together something comes along to throw a spanner into it. A viral pandemic is a bigger spanner than usual. We should be practising Alexander L’Estrange’s Zimbe now, a collection of music from all over Africa set in a jazz style. Not our first jazz venture. In 2017 we conquered Chilcott’s Little Jazz Mass (along with Haydn’s Nelson Mass). In 2018 we remembered the sacrifices of the First World War with a multimedia memorial called Only Remembered. That’s one more venture outside

our comfort zone but, whilst we continue to do our thing with the great masses and oratorios, these are becoming more frequent. We have recently tackled The King’s Singers and a whole Disney extravaganza. Purcell’s Come Ye Sons of Art should have come and gone, trumpet fanfares and all. It doesn’t take long for the idea of people standing on the gallery blowing at everyone through brass tubes to feel a little alien. If you have a ticket for our wonderful Spring concert (and why wouldn’t you?), don’t worry. Hang on to it. Spring may be a little late this year, but it will happen. We are missing our communal singing but members seem to be keeping busy. I can’t open my garden for charity this year but it’s never looked so good. I’ve even got around to fitting garden lighting and replacing the cables chewed by a friendly fox. Others (some really unlikely ones amongst them) are getting stuck into some neglected DIY projects. Our accompanist had no time for his cello, too busy tiling the bathroom. Many have been enjoying joining in with Gareth Malone who has been putting together a virtual choir. I look forward to seeing some of our members in there. One of our members has taken the opportunity to record how Seaford nature has been enjoying the tranquillity. You can read it here We usually have a quiz night as one of our social events, so this year we have a virtual quiz night. It’s actually a round a week so members can settle down on a Monday evening with a mandatory glass of wine and await the email with the latest questions. It’s part of what being in a choir is all about. We look forward to welcoming you to our next concert, whenever it might be. Seaford Scene is a completely independent small business. All rights are reserved over the content and design of Seaford Scene unless agreed otherwise. The opinions expressed in editorial matter are not necessarily those of the publisher. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of entries. Seaford Scene cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions or alterations, and assumes no risk or liability for articles or adverts or the accuracy of the facts within them that are provided by contributors. Seaford Scene does not endorse companies, products, services or religious or political organisations that appear in this magazine.


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Rosie Waters, Senior Vajrasati Teacher



Gentle traditional yoga suitable for all

The Archway, Seaford

Saturdays 9.30am & Wednesdays 7pm

The Anahata Health Clinic, Brighton Wednesdays 10.45am

Shimmy your way to fitness Tues & Thurs 10-11am Mercread Youth Club, Seaford

The Practice Space, Newhaven

Thurs 10.30 (Beginners Community Yoga)

The Rendezvous, Peacehaven Low cost yoga, working with SCDA Fridays 1.30pm

for those who prefer a slower paced class Tues & Thurs 2-3pm Mercread Youth Club, Seaford

Sorry, no classes till the virus goes away. Looking forward to seeing you in better times. Stay safe.

Weds 10-11am and 11-12 noon: 2 classes... pick which time you prefer. RC Church Hall, Horsham Ave, Peacehaven

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Book your

Book your Personal Personal Development Development Sessions Sessions £10 £10

Online & Telephone Fleur Newton-Edwards PTSTA [Psychotherapy], Dip.Counselling, Dip. Supervision,Dip.Hypnotherapy, Dip.Management, UKCP)

Clarify I want to understand moreClarify about my relationship with others. I’m not sure how to cope with my grief and loss. I want to understand aboutand myI’m relationship with others. I feel anxiousmore and scared not sure why. I’m not sure I’m hownot tosure cope with grief and loss. how to my relax.

Hi, I’m Fleur and I run our little team at Seahaven Therapy which consists of myself, three fully qualified counsellors and one trainee counsellor. With the current situation of Covid19, I wanted to take the opportunity to let you know we are able to offer some online or telephone counselling during this period of time. We also may be able to offer some sessions at a lower cost if you are struggling financially with everything going on.

I feel anxious and scared and I’m not sure why. Growth I’m notand sure development how to relax.

I want to improve my level of confidence and self esteem. and I wantGrowth to personally gaindevelopment a greater self awareness. I want to improve communication with my manager andesteem. my team. I want to improve my level of confidence and self I want to move on to something else.

I want to personally gain a greater self awareness. I want to improve communication with my manager and my team. Explore I want to move on to something else.

We work with people who have a wide range of concerns; those feeling anxious (especially in the current situation or depressed, people who have been bereaved or are facing some kind of loss, people struggling with disordered eating or those with self esteem or relationship issues amongst many other things.

There’s something I want to explore and make sense of. I’m feeling really down, Explore low and depressed and I feel stuck. To me the world just looks like a fog. I’d like to have some support and somebody to listen. There’s something I want to explore and make sense of. I feellow overwhelmed. I’m feeling really down, and depressed and I feel stuck.

To me the world justchange looks like a fog. Behaviour I’d like to have some support and somebody to listen. II want to stop smoking feel overwhelmed.

For all of us our main way of working is based on the Transactional Analysis model and we all integrate other techniques and our experience.

I want to feel less anxious. I want to stop harming myself. Behaviour change I want to stop the phobia I have I want to stop smoking .

Please feel free to contact us at the following:

7D Chapel Street, Newhaven East Sussex BN9 9PN Phone: 07708 897308 Email: Website:


I want to feel less anxious.

today for £10 per person want to harmingBook myself. WHAT’S YOUR IROLE INstop LIFE? Maximum size of 6 people

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Book today for £10 per person

Maximum size of 6 people Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers Join one of my friendly and informal 10�� September 7-9pm

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The Youth Counselling Project – the voluntary organisation set up to provide therapy for Seaford school students – is ensuring that counselling is still taking place during the Covid-19 lockdown.

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The Project’s counsellors, who are all appropriately trained for working with young people, are hosting sessions on Skype, thus providing continuity for those already receiving therapy and an opportunity for others who would also benefit to be included too. 09:42 Several fund raising events planned for spring and early summer have had to be cancelled or postponed, with other events later in the year put on hold. However, the need for funding so that this important work can be continued is always there, and those who would like to contribute may visit to see how they can help during the coronavirus lockdown. The website also suggests various ways in which you could donate money including via JustGiving and amazonsmile. JUNE ISSUE DEADLINE:

monday 11th May

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SUSSEX PODIATRISTS Clive Jones - HCPC Registered


01323 890110 2, Sutton Parade, Alfriston Road, Seaford, BN25 3PX


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Ouse Valley Footcare

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On a first visit we carry out a full assessment, followed by any treatment that may be required. We provide professional treatment for diabetes and wound care for patients suffering from ulcers and other types of wounds. Nail trimming and burring, reduction of thick nails Callus reduction & removal of corns l Treatment of fungal nail conditions and athletes foot l Ingrown nails and verrucae l Diabetic assessments l Biomechanical assessments for any foot and heel problems l l

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Traditional Chinese Acupuncture & Naturopathy Neuromuscular taping for sports injuries 8 Talland Parade, Saxon Lane, Seaford BN25 1QL To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


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Citizens Advice CoronaVirus help and Other advice My income has dropped due to coronavirus and I’m struggling to keep up with all of my bills. I rent my house from a private landlord and pay all the usual bills – electricity, water, and Council Tax. How best can I juggle them, and is there any help I can get from the government? If your income is reduced because of coronavirus, you should check whether you’re entitled to sick pay or to claim benefits. You can check your eligibility for both sick pay and benefits on the Citizens Advice website., If you’re already on existing benefits, these might also increase. If you’re struggling to pay rent, talk to your landlord straight away. You should explain the situation and could ask for more time to pay, a temporary reduction in rent, or ask to catch up any missed payments by instalments. If you contact your nearest Citizens Advice an adviser can help you explain things to your landlord. If you can’t come to an agreement with your landlord, it’s a good idea to pay what you can afford and keep a record of what you offered. The government passed an emergency law which means landlords have to give you three months notice to end certain tenancy types from 26th March. The court service has suspended all possession action for 90 days from 27th March. This means that even if you have been served a notice for eviction it’s unlikely it can be enforced during this time. You can find out more about what to do if you’re being evicted for rent arrears on the Citizens Advice website. If you already claim Housing Benefit, you should tell the council your income has reduced. If you don’t claim it already, you might be entitled to help with housing costs from the government.

When it comes to your utilities, you should contact the provider as soon as possible. Depending on the type of bill, they may be able to arrange a payment plan, or have schemes in place for people in financial hardship. You should also talk to your local council, as your income has changed you might be entitled to a council tax reduction. If you’re struggling to pay multiple bills, it’s important to sort out what’s known as ‘priority bills’ like energy bills or council tax over credit card bills. This is because the immediate consequences of not paying these things are much more serious. Citizens Advice website can help you with this. For the Corona Virus or any unrelated topic tel: 01273 007557. They will call you back within 24 hours.

SEAFORD KURLERS Hello readers of Seaford Scene. Well instead of the ususual British pasttime of talking about our ever changeable weather, we seem to be talking about the state of the world’s health! From east to west and north and south we are all experiencing it now – we’re all living through the coronavirus pandemic. I’m sure we are all a little fed up with hearing the word. Nearly all venues and clubs and sporting facilities have been told to close down and some sadly may not have the resources to recover. Seaford kurlers has closed until the ban is lifted or when Wave Leisure in Seaford re-opens for business. Financially, we are confident that we can cope and start up again when the social distancing rules are relaxed. When rules allow, we will meet as usual every Tuesday from 2pm to 4pm. Our annual membership is £5 and the weekly fee is £2.50. Contact June Wood, secretary, tel: 01323 895376, email: sally1989@tiscali. Until then, stay well and see you soon!

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How Stress Can Make You Eat Everything… or Nothing We’re currently living in a time of collective anxiety. The COVID-19 virus, empty shelves at the supermarkets, concerns about job security, all while trying to homeeducate our kids. We’re all dealing with elevated stress levels right now and we’re all affected in different ways. One obvious way many of us differ is in our approach to food. There is a definite connection between stress and our appetite, and it isn’t the same for everyone. For some of us (myself included), stress causes us to ignore our hunger cues and we often don’t eat for long stretches. For others, like my friend Jess, stress turns them into emotional eaters, who mindlessly munch their way through mountains of snacks. Those of us in the ‘stop

Jess says, ‘Whenever I’m anxious, which is all the time at the moment, I turn to crisps and chocolate. I know I’m not doing myself any favours and I’m pretty sure that half the time I don’t even taste the food. It’s as if putting food in my mouth distracts my body from all the unpleasant sensations of stress.’ Bizarrely the fight-or-flight response which causes Jess to binge, is the same one that causes me to stop eating altogether. In more primitive times anxiety was the result of a response to situations, such as being chased by a predator, or a rival human. Some people’s response to a predator would be to run, some might freeze, hide, or play dead, others might tackle the threat head on. In evolutionary terms I am a runner; so consumed by the source of my stress or anxiety that I can’t do anything else, including necessary tasks like eating. But the physical sensations of stress, such as nausea, tenseness and a knot in the stomach, can also suppress appetite, making it difficult to tune into hunger cues. Feeling nauseated tends to override sensations of hunger.

eating’ group are so focused on our stress that we either ignore, or fail to tune into, our hunger cues. Those in the ‘can’t stop eating’ group are generally attempting to distract themselves with food. Human beings have a highly developed ‘fight-or-flight’ response system that helps us deal with perceived threats in our environment. The ‘fight-or-flight’ response is a system of cues our brains send to our bodies when we’re under stress. As part of this response our bodies send out cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone. Cortisol can make us crave sugary, salty and fatty foods, because our brain thinks it needs fuel to leap into action against whatever threat is causing the stress.


And the cortisol which sends Jess in search of chocolate also increases acid production in the stomach. This was originally meant to help the body digest food quickly in preparation for fight-or-flight can produce the side effect of suppressing the appetite. If experienced over a long period, this increased acid can lead to an ulcer.

So, what can Jess and I do about our individual stress responses? Identify our stressors – probably fairly easy right now. It’s hard not to worry about the virus, money, elderly relatives etc. Focusing on anything positive you can do may make you feel more in control: ring the bank

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Sussex Eyecare Independent Opticians Stylish Eyewear Professional Eyecare Large range of quality frames and lenses Complete glasses from only £49 Prescription Sunglasses from only £60 Free glasses for those on a low income (and receiving benefits) Large range for children and half price frames for teenagers SUSSEX EYECARE LTD. QUALIFIED OPTICIANS. 9 BROAD STREET. SEAFORD. 01323 892211

or the mortgage company; set up regular phone calls with relatives; make sure everyone, the house follows stringent hygiene procedures. When we feel more in control there tends to be a decrease in the physical symptoms of stress. Be aware of physical sensations – if you can trace your nausea or ‘hunger’ to stress it’s likely you’ll be better placed to realise that you need to eat in spite of it feeling uncomfortable, or conversely that you don’t need to eat the plate of junk food to make you feel better. Consider eating on a schedule – hunger and fullness cues only regulate when a person eats consistently, so whether you are eating too little or too much right now, it might be useful to eat at prescribed times by setting a timer for meals and snacks. It’s useful to prepare healthy snacks which will nourish your body, because a well-nourished body is in a better position to combat stress. Be kind to yourself – if you do eat the whole packet of hobnobs or skip two meals in a day, take a deep breath and simply resolve to be more aware next time. This is

an unprecedented global situation, but it is a temporary one. It will pass and when it does there will be time for healthy eating. For now just take it one day at a time. Try to get enough sleep – sufficient restful sleep is crucial for combating stress. But ironically being stressed about not getting enough sleep can make us even more stressed and less likely to be able to get the quality sleep we need. Try taking a warm bath before bed. The drop in temperature after a bath prepares the body for rest. Also, even though normal timetables are disrupted right now it helps to try to stick to a regular wake and sleep cycle, so your body knows what to expect and when. Gentle exercise – if you can get out for a walk it has both physical and mental health benefits. There are also lots of YouTube exercise videos catering for all levels. Yoga can help you to stay focused and centred. In addition to the physical and mental health benefits exercise will also help to improve your sleep, which will help bring stress levels down to more manageable levels. Stay safe.

Helen Smalley

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Yorwarth’s Fresh Fish & Smoke House

Fish direct from our boats, based in Newhaven We smoke our own fish on site in Seaford. Help support your local fishermen. 6 Dane Road, Seaford, BN25 1LL Tel: 01323 899484 Email: 80

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Please visit Ollivers website for our monthly menu, vouchers and special offers and also for any upcoming news and events:

Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team





working with councillors, churches and the community



11 Clinton Place Seaford East Sussex BN25 1NL. Telephone: 01323 872111


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monday 11th May

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APRIL the current lockdown, 4thDue to JULIE The Royal Legion is 11th FOGGYBritish SOUL NIGHT • Low Price Meals & Drinks closed and will 18th currently SHANNON • Snooker and Pool Tables following 25th re-open TWO HEP CATS the Acts subject to change please check with club via • Meat Raffle Every Sunday Government’s advice. website or facebook to avoid disappointment


GRUBS UP (Keith Tookey)

Closed Monday & Tuesday Wednesday 12-2pm & 5.30-7.30

• Family Celebrations Catered For

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Thursday - Saturday 12-2pm and 6-8pm Sunday 12-2.00pm for roasts & desserts

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Skylark, Grove Road, Eastbourne A column in a Saturday newspaper sends a couple to a restaurant on a blind date. Afterwards they are each asked about the good, or otherwise, manners of the other. Well, soon-to-be-appalled dear reader, mine were reasonable through the delicately flavoured parsnip soup served with a generously thick slice of delicious sour dough bread from Poppyseed Bakery. Then polite composure slipped at the sight of my fish pie. I couldn’t wait. Fran, brandishing her camera, requested, very courteously, that I wait while she took a shot. My manners only worsened, however, as I tucked in so heartily to probably the best fish pie I have ever eaten – and I’ve sampled quite a few – quite forgetting to offer her a tasty mouthful of the crispy topped, fish-crammed delight. Shamefully, this omission came after I had happily sampled her own first course of crab cakes and agreed with her that they were tastily crabby beside their pretty salad of mixed leaves, pea shoots, micro herbs and red amarynth.

Erina Howard-Graham, who coowns the restaurant with partner and chef Craig Fletcher, told us that she tries to source her food locally, products including meat, fish, bread, cheeses, teas and coffees, beers and wines. Erina told me: ‘Everything about Skylark is supporting local businesses and promoting our local area. It’s something we are very passionate about.’ The sweet-toothed among you will be wanting to know about pudding. Well, that is generally something that I’m happy to forgo, preferring to concentrate on the first two courses. And on this occasion bear in mind too that, in your interests, Fran and I had forced ourselves to try a sandwich for £6.50, containing smoked garlic hummus, roasted red pepper and baby spinach. Served between naughty slices of white bread, it was fab.

To follow, Fran enjoyed her burger containing beef of very good quality, served with a pile of salad and French fries that were such fingers of salty sin that greedy me simply had to share them with her. We were eating off the lunchtime menu so a glass of white wine seemed appropriate. My Sossego Alentejo Branco from Portugal was mellow and went well with the fish pie. Fran described her Cachapoal Ardes Sauvignon Blanc from Chile as crisp, fruity and light, happily complimenting her menu choices. The reassuringly compact menu, which changes seasonally, comprises four or five choices of big and small plates from £5.50 for soup of the day to £14 for venison sausages from Dean’s Butchers with mash, steamed greens, red wine gravy and onion jam.

So dessert? Sorry, we couldn’t manage it… but after an indecently short interval found room to tuck into a medley of unctuous creamy and chocolaty delights that Erina had boxed up for us. I shall be responding to the sound of Skylark again. A sharing board of antipasti for £12 is calling me for a return visit to sample the Spring menu. Fancy it Fran? Andrea Hargreaves Skylark, 52 Grove Road, Eastbourne BN21 4UD Tel: 01323 417000

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A view from the Potting Shed

A message from our Chair Sara Williams Dear Members. During this very unprecedented time, the committee and I all hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and well. I’m sure it will not come as a shock to you that all of our events up to and including the social at the end of June have been cancelled, and refunds for outings are on their way to you. I do hope you are making the most of the lovely weather to work in your gardens and get your show entries well on their way. I look forward to welcoming you back once we are allowed to start socialising. Best wishes, Sara

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Bleeding HearT

Bleeding Heart Lamprocapnos spectabilis, formerly Dicentra spectabilis If you’ve got a spot in light shade, make space for this beautiful cottage garden classic. Lamprocapnos is a woodland plant ideally suited to cool, shady spots, but it can take sun if the soil is reliably moist. In spring it bursts out of nowhere, with fern like foliage and pink-and-white flowers that dangle from its long, gracefully arching stems. This plant is a herbaceous perennial dying back later in the summer, so put it with late summer flowering perennials like Japanese anemone or Michaelmas daisies, that will spread to cover the bare patch. There are some nice varieties available; ‘Alba’ is the white while ‘Valentine’ has dark red tinted stems and bright cherry-red-and-white flowers.


to d o

May is an abundant month, bringing us an exuberance of flowers from the many trees and shrubs that burst into colour; the longer days and mild weather put winter firmly behind us and thoughts turn to summer, and new growth. The arrival of May has long been celebrated, and customs continue in many countries to mark this festival of the changing season. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans made offerings to their gods to ensure crop fertility; later developments included the Celtic festival of Beltane. In medieval Europe young men and women celebrated by dancing around a maypole made from a tree trunk. A May Queen was chosen, and in the UK and Ireland sometimes a May King to accompany her, dressed in green to symbolise springtime and fertility. May Day remains a national holiday in many European countries.

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I’m writing this on April Fool’s Day, and my sunny garden view, bright with orange tulips, is fooling me into thinking that everything is ok. The world is of course in a very difficult place, so thank goodness for the occupation and solace provided by our gardens, especially in the busy month of May.


3 Water shrubs, trees etc. that were

planted out in autumn or spring during this important growth season. 3 Harden off tender plants raised under glass. Shelter the plants overnight for two weeks before planting out. 3 Plant up pots and hanging baskets now, but watch out for late frosts. Give pots good drainage and always use fresh compost for best results. 3 Plant out runner beans, French beans and courgettes in rich, fertile soil. Beans can now be sown into the ground.

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With our gates currently shut, Mother Nature may be having a little more of her way than usual. As Allison, the chair, explains: ‘As I’m sure our regular visitors are aware, unfortunately in line with government guidelines and in the elevated company of places like Kew and all RHS gardens, we have had to close the community garden for the foreseeable future. ‘As any gardener will know, it’s not just a case of closing the gates and leaving everything to its own devices so two volunteers are going in a couple of times a week to carry out essential maintenance. Would you believe that after all of the wet weather this winter we are having to keep our potted plants watered at this crucial time in the growing season and of course the weeds are taking advantage and roaming all over the flower beds. ‘We have decided to put on hold the sowing of vegetable seeds as they need such a lot of care, but we sincerely hope that when we are allowed to open up again we can welcome everyone back and quickly return to normal.’ For many of our volunteers, lucky enough to have gardens of their own, there is work to be done. Allison continues: ‘On a personal level, my own garden has never looked so primped and preened; it’s just a shame my husband and I are the only ones that can see the results. Like everyone else, having so much time at home I have spent even more hours than usual in the garden; the sun only has to threaten to appear and I am donning my gardening clothes and heading out, usually saying to myself that there is nothing particular to do and hours later I’m still pottering about. Even the darkest most neglected corner of my garden has had a makeover. I have weeded, pruned, deadheaded, divided, sown seeds and taken cuttings. All I have to do now is wait for warmer weather so I can actually sit and enjoy the fruits of my labours.’ It’s a similar story from Katie: ‘Hey ho! What to do in the garden today? I am one of the very lucky ones who has a large garden in which to escape at the moment so Andrea, who usually writes this column on


behalf of the team, asked what in particular I was going to be doing in these weeks when we can’t go to SCG. Well, other than the fact that my garden will be immaculate and completely weed-free, I have also decided to make it my mission this summer to rid the beds of the garlic chives. Several years ago, I thought the flowers of the aforementioned fiend were quite charming; those globes of pure white petals nodding above bright green leaves, swaying in the breeze without a care in the world. So taken was I by their allure that I even transplanted them into several beds. Let this be a lesson to one and all – before distributing any plant throughout your plot, find out as much as possible about its habits. I have a nasty suspicion that however long this lock-down lasts, at the end of it I will still be down on my hands and knees, pulling out what currently looks like fine grass strands emerging amongst countless perennials and bulbs, but which I know will soon be transformed into yet more of those once so attractive papery seed heads spreading their progeny throughout the garden while my back is turned.’ However, not everyone who volunteers at the garden has one themselves. As James says: ‘I haven’t got a garden but I do have an allotment and after months of cold and rain, I’ve finally had a chance to get it weeded, dug and tidied up. I’ve been mulching with homemade compost, pruning some of the fruit trees and sowing beetroot, chard and spinach, and planting onion sets.’ Meanwhile Katie has checked on our garden at The Crouch and taken the photos shown here to reassure you that in early April at least it was doing just fine with only minimal care. The Garden Team Photos from top: Tulips in a raised bed ; The shed roof is a mass of botanical life.

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Friendly and professional service. Fully insured. Registered waste carrier. ified, reliable, years of experience and a passion for gardening.

h quality service in soft landscaping, planning, clearance,

Hedge cutting and repairs your garden lookingFencing its best all year round. Fully insured. Landscaping For a free visit & estimate call Cat: clearance 01323 89 06Garden 09 or 07511 29 83 18 Rubbish removal or email

ation and regular maintenance. Expert advice and guidance to

RHS qualified, reliable, years of experience and a passion for gardening. High quality service in soft landscaping, planning, clearance,

propagation and regular maintenance. Expert advice and guidance to RHS qualified, reliable, years of keep your garden looking its best all year round. Fully insured. experience and For a apassion forcallgardening. free visit & estimate Cat:

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Leanne and Tim provide friendly and professional lawn and garden care for all types of gardens in the Seaford area.

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Qualified and experienced gardener availabl

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Scam Awareness Are you being scammed!

Remind yourself – My money?– My info? – I don’t think so!



This is the latest of a year-long series of scam articles promoted by Rotary in Seaford and taken from recent Government publications to increase awareness of scams and how to prevent becoming a scam victim. Don’t remain silent if you have been the recent victim of a scam, report it so that others can be alerted, especially the elderly and the vulnerable. Tell your family and friends. Someone comes to your door or you have received mail, email, a phone call or text from someone you don’t know?

STOP – Take five seconds to think! a

Is it

Criminals are experts at impersonating people, organisations and the police. They spend hours researching you before their scams, hoping you’ll let your guard down for just a moment. Stop and think. It could protect you and your money. Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.


Could it be fake? It’s ok to reject or ignore requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.


Contact the bank immediately if you think you have fallen for a scam and report it to police.

Scam Alert! Beware!

Criminals will often use the publicity around events such as the Flybe going into administration or even exploiting the current Coronavirus crisis to trick you into revealing personal or financial information. Such events provide an opportunity for the criminal to pose as a genuine organisation, including banks, police officers, retailers and travel companies. Often the criminal will pretend to be a representative of the company effected or claim they are dealing with an issue resulting from the collapse of a company. Please recycle this magazine when you have finished with it.

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Please get in contact if you would like a quote for any of these services.

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R W Green Limited

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Since 1982 R W Green Limited has consistently delivered a high quality, affordable and professional services to a wide range of clients.

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Felling Shaping Pruning Crown reduction and lifting Stump removal Public liability cover

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Youth Competitions By Isla Sitwell

Seaford Rotary’s ninth annual Young Musician Competition was held on Saturday 7th March at Seaford Baptist Church. The ages of the competitors ranged from 11 to 17. The driving force behind the Competition is to encourage young people to show off their musical talent and to become comfortable performing in front of an audience. The programme, hosted by Damon Willer, featured 20 acts of which fourteen were soloists and six were ensembles. The soloists were subdivided into vocal and instrumental sections. The music ranged from classical to present day pop, and the instruments played included keyboard, violin, cello, drum kit, electric guitar and saxophone. The Baptist Church is an excellent venue for the Competition, and we were made most welcome. Their Sound Technician, Vaughan Reynolds, had his work cut out doing preparatory sound checks and then sorting out minor technical hitches for the performers and, for one performer, he came down and played the keyboard accompaniment. The performances were assessed by three judges, Pat White, Sue Richardson and Stephen Grace. It is always a difficult task to compare the different instruments, songs and styles of music. Pat, our chief judge has been a tower of strength during the preparatory period of the event. Her expertise is invaluable. The Mayor of Seaford, the Young Mayor and Deputy Young Mayor handed out Certificates and Prizes and Seaford Rotary President Keith Ross presented the overall winner with the Colin Seymour Shield.


The prize winners were: Overall winner and winner of the Instrumental Section: Richart van Zyl Winner of the Vocal Section: Lizzie Lawton

Winner of the Ensemble Section: The Pachelbel Ensemble Runner-up in the Instrumental Section: Eve-Jolie Kerswell Prize for potential: Oliver Rivett Congratulations to all the Competitors and thank you for entertaining us.

Young Artists 2020 By Paul Vaesen The theme for 2020 was Nature in Autumn’ Students from local schools and those with pupils associated with Seaford were invited to submit artwork. Entries were received from 22 pupils in six schools, which was a record number. The judges (Richard K.Potter and Rotarian Alan Wagstaffe) had a difficult task selecting the winners as the standard was very high, and they decided that each entrant deserved to be awarded a Certificate of Commendation. President Keith Ross with Youth Committee chair Paul Vaesen and competition organiser Tony Lees attended all six schools to present the certificates and prizes at their Photos from top: Young Musicians award; Artwork depicting Autumn by Young Artist Competitors

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assemblies. They were Roedean Moira House, Seaford Head School, Annecy Catholic Primary School, Chyngton Primary School, Cradle Hill Primary School and Seaford Primary School.

The prize winners were:

The prize winners were:

14-17 Age Group 1st Place: Ling Vixathep 2nd Place: Amelia Baldock 3rd Place: Beau Hagan

Under 7 Age Group 1st Place: Connie Hadley-Jones 2nd Place: Isla Robinson 3rd Place: Olive Hadley-Jones 7-10 Age Group 1st Place: Bronwen Williames: 2nd Place: Ewan Hamilton: 3rd Place: Nancy Hamilton: 11-13 Age group 1st Place: Freya Mason 2nd Place: Meadow Veasey 3rd Place: Lucy Ran

7-10 Age Group 1st Place: Isla Robinson 2nd Place: Evie Planet 11-13 Age group 1st Place: Hannah Day-Smith 2nd Place: Amy Huebe-Nelson 3rd Place: Ruby Laker

Congratulations to all 15 youngsters who took part, they presented an excellent selection of photographs. Our thanks go to Barry Trigwell and Fotobox for their continued excellent support for our Young Photographer of the Year competition. Photos from top: Artwork depicting Autumn by Young Artist Competitor; Photographic submissions by Young Photographers.

14-17 Age Group 1st Place: Hollie Cooper 2nd Place: Tia-Lana Chinapyel Congratulations to all who took part in what was a most successful competition.

Young Photographer Competition 2020 By Paul Vaesen This year 15 entries across the age ranges were received for the Young Photographer of the Year 2020, and so on 20th February Paul Vaesen and Samatha Thomsett from Seaford Rotary Youth Services Team met with Barry Trigwell of Fotobox to carry out the difficult job of judging the entries. Each entrant had to submit three photos on this year’s subject of Through My Eyes. We normally like to present the certificates and prizes at school assemblies but, with the coronavirus restrictions, we were unable to do that, so handed them to the schools to present themselves.

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As professionally qualified carpenters and joiners we have a broad range of experience with both commercial and domestic clients. Here are just some of the services that we offer: • • • •

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CONTACT PETE WATTS 01323 897394 07710 938943 To advertise in Seaford Scene please call 01273 710793 or email


A Good Read

Hopscotch and Handbags By Lucy Mangan

Subtitled ‘The truth about being a girl’, this book is essential reading for grown up girls of all ages. In it, Lucy Mangan explores the subtleties of female life from school onwards – or, as the title has it, from hopscotch to handbags.

Mangan’s style is chatty, confidential and inclusive – you instinctively feel like you are part of a gossipy group – and her points hit home. Even when you do find yourself matching 90% of the criteria that make you a grown up, you’ll still be safe in the knowledge that it is still ‘so much better than being a boy’!

As the cover and the chapter headings suggest, the tone is always light-hearted. This is no self help book – instead it’s a mixture of reminiscences, cautionary tales and laugh-out-loud moments. Packed with lists, diary entries, jokes and quizzes that are pure 1970s Jackie magazine, the beauty of the book is how quickly you can place yourself within it. What girl doesn’t remember the intricate rules of teenage friendship, or the range of helpful excuses to get out of the dreaded PE lesson

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twice a week? And while lists may be something you would expect in a boy’s book, here they serve as a checklist and a reminder. I guarantee that you will measure your teenage self against the ‘cool and uncool’ list, and the Top Ten Beloved Books will send you back to your old childhood favourites (Malory Towers, anyone?).


The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle By Stuart Turton

Murder mystery stories have been popular for centuries. However, I would say that you have probably never come across a murder mystery story quite like this. Debut author, Stuart Turton, admits to being inspired by the novels of Agatha Christie, but this is far from the likes of Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot. Set in a large country house in the early 20th century our protagonist wakes up in the middle of a wood. He is not wearing his own clothes and he soon realises that he is not in his own body. Confused by what is going on he hears a gun shot and stumbles his way through the wood to Blackheath House. He is greeted by a man who calls him Sebastian Bell, but this name means nothing to him. Eventually he is visited by a mysterious man in a plague doctor’s mask. Our protagonist is called Aidan Bishop and he has until the end of the day to solve a murder. If he fails then the day will start all over again, but this time Aidan will not be Sebastian Bell. He will live the same day over in eight different ‘hosts’ and so he has eight days to solve the murder of Evelyn Hardcastle. Evelyn has been murdered hundreds of times. Part Agatha Christie, part Quantum Leap, this novel will keep you guessing with plot twists appearing throughout. Oh, and expect to feel confused: Turton has done a stunning job of weaving the eight different days together. Just go with it and enjoy the journey!

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Amethyst Plumbing & Heating Services A Quality Job - On Time Every Time

24 Hour Emergency (no call out charge) Approved plumber, work guaranteed & fully insured Fixed agreed price to your budget Bathrooms, Kitchens, basins, sinks, & radiators Leaks, blockages & overflows. All those jobs you mean to get done Wall and floor tiling carried out Part P electrical work carried out & certified Approved Sure Stop water switch installer.

For prompt reliable service please call: 08000 842781 or 07789583782 Keep me safe, you never know…




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Seaford Music Society Along with all other organisations Seaford Music Society has had to cancel its final two concerts of the 2019/2020 season which is disappointing. This of course is necessary due to the unfortunate situation that the country is in at this present time. During this current season there have been some wonderful concerts arranged by the society with very good audiences attending. The first two concerts in October and November 2019 were performances given by the Divertimento Ensemble and the Capriccio Ensemble. London Mozart Players followed in February 2020. Many people appreciated and enjoyed the musical talents of the musicians with the selection of music by several composers played at these concerts.

together as they are ceasing to perform at the end of June 2020. Members who had tickets for the Endellion concert can either obtain a refund from the treasurer or alternatively an easier way to manage this has been agreed by the committee. Members are requested please to retain their 2019/2020 membership card and to present it when purchasing their new membership for 2020/2021 to be eligible for the £12 refund. The date of the Annual General Meeting of the Society is booked for 28th June 2020 but this will now probably need to be changed and members will be informed in due course. The 2020/2021 programme has been arranged and it is hoped that by the autumn the first concert will be able to take place. Further information will be given at a later date and via the website:

The 4th concert given by Melvyn Tan and Maggie Cole was four hands playing on one piano – who can forget this wonderful performance by such gifted musicians, their four hands literally ‘dancing’ over the keyboard but never clashing! The family concert that had been arranged for April 2020 will now be held in April 2021.The concert planned for 10th May 2020 to be given by the Endellion Quartet has now been cancelled. Unfortunately this concert cannot be postponed as this was to be one of Endellion’s last concerts playing

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monday 11th May

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The Royal Society of St George It has been a frustrating month for the 100 members of the Seahaven Branch of The Royal Society of St George because they were not able to celebrate England’s National Day, 23rd April in the usual way. Normally there is an ecumenical church service at St Andrew’s Church in Alfriston, followed by a Banquet in Deans Place Hotel. This year, because of the effects and very necessary restrictions, everything had to be cancelled. Many members flew the flag at their own homes and raised a glass to England and St George. That evening all branches of the Royal Society were asked to consider supporting the BBC’s evening fundraising show which the Seahaven Branch did to the tune of £500, a figure that will be enhanced by the Charitable Trust of the Royal Society. All in all some £13,000 was raised by members nationwide. The branch also presented £100 to the Seahaven Food Bank enabling them to buy more food items for those local

Kitchens & Bathrooms Plumbing Wall & Floor Tiling Decorating Plastering Property Maintenance

families who need it. Members are all looking forward to a return to normal activity when restrictions are lifted. The only disturbing thing has been that facebook has deleted some pictures of the flag as being racist or

insulting. There is nothing racist about the flag of England and it is part of the Union Flag. If St George’s Flag is racist then logic dictates that the flags of St Andrews (Saltire), St Patrick and the Welsh Dragon are likewise racist. All the flags of the UK need respect for what they stand for. Photos fom top: Branch chairman, Major Bob Peedle MBE flew his flag in Seaford,. Branch member Sheila Thomas wearing her uniform as a volunteer with the Newhaven Station of the National Coastwatch Institute raises St George’s Flag in her home in Seaford.

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St John’s School receive’s Gardening Gift A special needs school in Seaford now has all the compost, flower pots and gardening tools it needs to repair their dilapidated vegetable beds, thanks to the generosity of a Sussex charity. St John’s, in Firle Road, is finding the current lockdown a struggle as most of its standard income streams have dried up. When The Budding Foundation heard of their plight, founder Clive Gravett stepped in to help. The school’s appeal resonated with the fund who generously donated over £400 worth of much-needed horticultural equipment donated by Paradise Park garden centre in nearby Newhaven.


‘It was a pleasure to meet Charlene, one of the teachers overseeing the school’s vital outdoor activities’, explains Clive. ‘Their appeal for continued support of young people in need matches our remit perfectly.’ Photo: St John’s teacher, Charlene, receiving the donation from Paradise Park.


monday 11th May

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What can I use instead of…?

Empty supermarket shelves require some kitchen creativity

It’s frustrating when you want to bake but don’t have some of the ingredients.You don’t want to make an unnecessary trip out to the supermarket at the moment, and you’re not sure they’ll have what you need when you get there anyway! Or maybe you’re in the supermarket and they don’t have exactly what’s on your shopping list. Here are some substitutions you might be able to make.

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Buttermilk – You can substitute plain yoghurt. If you only have thick yoghurt you can thicken it with a little milk, or water. If you don’t have yoghurt you can use 240mls (one cup) of milk mixed well with a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar. Butter – If your cake calls for butter and there is none,

use coconut oil or vegetable oil instead.

Dark brown sugar – Use ¼ cup of treacle to one cup of granulated sugar, or 1 tablespoon of treacle to one cup of light brown sugar.

Double Cream – Evaporated milk can be substituted 1:1, or use 120mls milk + 80mls melted butter. Caster sugar – If you have granulated sugar, blend it in a mini-blender, but it’s best reserved for muffins and coarser textured cakes rather than fine sponges.

Eggs – amazingly you can get away without eggs in

some cakes. Try substituting ¼ cup of mashed banana or ¼ cup vegetable oil. If substituting two eggs I would mix the banana option with the vegetable oil option.You can also use 1 tablespoon of ground or milled linseed /flax seed to three tablespoons of water to replace one egg. Mix together and leave to stand for a few minutes. This is a well-known vegan substitute for eggs which can come in useful if you keep a pack of ground linseed on standby.

Baking powder – mix ¼ teaspoon baking soda

with ½ teaspoon cream of tartar to make 1 teaspoon of baking powder.

Vinegar – replace the vinegar with the same amount of lemon or lime juice, or double the amount of white wine. Yoghurt – sour cream and buttermilk are interchangeable when baking.

Geering Electrical

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Dave Geering 07971 072115

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monday 11th May

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Who’s Who In Seaford?

Rodney Reed, President of Martello Rotary Club Rodney has lived in Seaford for three years, arriving from Birmingham via Bangladesh. He was educated at Redruth County Grammar School, Westhill College, Birmingham and at the University of Birmingham. Now retired, Rodney previously worked

in Local Government and Social Care, and for 10 years led a ‘Cleaner Production’ and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) consultancy firm in Bangladesh, working to reduce pollution from textile mills and tanneries. Rodney is a Seaford Town Councillor, where he is a member of the Community Services Committee and chairs the Appeals Committee. He also represents the Town Council on ‘Trees for Seaford’ and ‘Plastic Free Seaford’. Rodney is also a member of Seaford Baptist Church, the National Trust and Sussex Wildlife Trust. He has been married to Ann for 48 years, and their daughter, her husband and their twin 10-year-old grandchildren live in Kigali, Rwanda. What does your role involve? I Chair the Club Meetings and the Club’s Council. Together with the women and men who are our Members we raise funds, and support projects and charities in the town and further afield. What do you most enjoy about your role? I enjoy being part of a team of like-minded people motivated by the Rotary motto ‘Service above Self ’, our philosophy of unselfish volunteer service. What do you like best about Seaford? Friendly and open people making a wandering Cornish couple very welcome. This, coupled with the lovely situation of the town between The Downs and the sea, makes Seaford a wonderful place to live. What is your favourite piece of music? ‘Trelawney’ – the Cornish national anthem. What is your favourite film? ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’. What has been your most embarrassing moment? Pointing out loudly to hotel staff in Thailand there was a snake in the swimming pool, which when labouriously caught and pulled out proved to be a dead leaf.


Where is your favourite place to go in and around Seaford? Walking up to ‘High and Over’ and then looking down over the Cuckmere Estuary – a beautiul vista. What book are you reading at the moment? The question that never goes away by Philip Yancey. What is your idea of perfect happiness? Quality time with my grandchildren. Which living person do you most admire? Jacinda Ardern – Prime Minister of New Zealand. What makes you sad? Chidren forced to beg – and I’ve seen it too often during my work in Asia. How do you relax? Walking on the Downs and along the coast – born and brought up in Cornwall we don’t like to be too far from the sea. What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Better to try and fail than to never try for fear of failing. What is the first line of your favourite poem? It was many and many a year ago in a kingdom by the Edgar Allan Poe. What is your favourite journey? Colombo up to Kandy by train – a spectacular rail journey in Sri Lanka. How would you spend a million pounds? Donate it to the Rotary International polio eradication initiative ‘Polio+’. What is your most memorable learning experience? My first and only parachute jump – learning that some of the things friends encourage you to do for charity are more demanding than they first appear! What keeps you awake at night? Thoughts of injustice in the world, my second wakefulness would be ‘a problem from the day not yet worked out’. What is your greatest extravagance? International travel. What is your greatest fear? Not to have spent my life significantly or purposefully. What is your favourite smell? I would have said ‘cigar smoke’ but in these PC days my choice is ‘coffee roasting’. What is the best advice you have ever been given? It’s the ‘Rotary 4-Way Test’ of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the Truth? 2. Is it Fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? 4. Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? What would your motto be? The Rotary motto of ‘Service Above Self ’. Which person in history would you most like to meet? Revd Martin Luther King Jr. What or who is the greatest love in your life? I’ve been married for 48 years so of course it’s my wife Ann. Christian Faith has however shaped who I am, so love of and love from God is the greatest love anyone can know.

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Cottage and Contemporary Decorators

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Tape the carpet edges with 40mm masking tape, overlapping the skirting board by about 10mm. Using a flexible plastic edge – old membership cards are great for this – tuck the tape between the carpet edge and skirting board and you can now paint safely. Remove the tape after a day or so but before the paint has had time to fully harden or you will tear the paint as you do so

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U3A News

We have had some glorious weather in Seaford, although the winds have not exactly been summery. For a few brief days in March, before the majority of its population followed the Government’s sensible and urgent advice to help beat the Covid-19 pandemic, people enjoyed the sunshine walking on Seaford seafront en masse. At the time of writing the crowds have thinned out somewhat but people are still out exercising though practising social distancing. This is inevitably hitting the U3A hard as the organisation exists specially to cater for the older age groups who are most at risk in this instance. All U3A events are closed until further notice, but this is perhaps a good time to look back at some of the events which have been put on by U3A. Since May 2019 U3A members have run over forty groups, many in members’ houses, on a huge range of subjects. There have been language groups in French, German, Italian and Spanish catering for different levels of competence. Art has been popular, with two painting groups, one watercolour and one acrylic, together with three art appreciation groups. Two current affairs groups kept members in touch with reality, and two book groups and a poetry group provided members with opportunities to expand their reading material. We have explored Climate Change. Music has been performed by the orchestra, recorder and ukuele groups and listened to by the music and opera appreciation groups. The more energetic or competitive members have played table tennis, Mah Jong, Bridge, Canasta and Scrabble. Meditation has soothed our members’ nerves, psychology has analysed their feelings, Shakespeare and Alec Guiness provided some light relief. History has been catered for with the 20th-century Soviet Union and sixteenth-century Tudors. Asia and Japan have been discussed, and last but not least, ‘Treasured Possessions’ and ‘Knit and Natter’ have catered for members wanting gentle sociable courses which were not too taxing. Apologies to group leaders of any groups I have inadvertently omitted! There was a 30th birthday party in June where the Mayor of Seaford, Councillor Nazish Adil, joined members to celebrate the founding and expansion

of Seaford U3A from twenty-five members in the beginning to 480 now. There was a celebration cake, wine and a lovely buffet. Thirteen coffee mornings have been held, including one for new members. The regular monthly coffee mornings have been an entry point for many of this years’ eighty plus new members. Twelve pub lunches have been held, sociable occasions where food (and drink?) loosens tongues and comments, laughter and sometimes serious conversation ripples down the tables. There were four outings to places as diverse as Emmaus, a charity in Portslade, and the Royal Courts of Justice. Through Tea Parties and Downs talks we have heard speakers both amateur and professional talking (and in one case acting) about a miscellany of subjects in which they are interested, sometimes quite passionately so. Sometimes at first glance subjects might not appeal but turn out to be very interesting and informative. It is to be hoped that the U3A can go full steam ahead in September, when details of the new courses, Tea Parties, coffee mornings, outings and pub lunches can be shared. For more information about Seaford U3A and also about its linked organisations, Sussex U3A Network (SUN) and SE U3A Region see the website www. You can also follow us on Facebook at ‘Seafordu3a’. To find out about membership email sending your postal address for a welcome pack.

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monday 11th May

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tasty Store Cupboard Soup

Serves 4 Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: Approximately 60 minutes


2 onions (red or white, whatever is available), 2 carrots (could substitute sweet potato or parsnips or a mixture), 3 sticks celery, 2 cloves garlic, 6 rashers of smoked streaky bacon (any bacon can be used; you could even use thick ham or smoked tofu), Olive oil, ½ a dried chilli, pinch of chilli flakes or ¼ tsp chilli powder ½ teaspoon dried thyme, 200g dried lentils, (you can use any lentils, even a mixture), 1 stock cube (vegetable or chicken) – Don’t worry if you don’t have one there’s still plenty of flavour in the other ingredients, 1 x 410g tin of any plain beans (cannellini / haricot / kidney / mixed etc. I added a tin of peas when I couldn’t get beans!)

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Peel and finely chop the onions and carrots (or substitutes). Trim and finely chop the celery, and peel and finely chop the garlic. Dice the bacon, ham or smoked tofu. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a large pan over a medium heat, add the bacon, ham or tofu and fry slowly until crispy, then crumble in the dried chilli or add the chilli flakes or powder, and add the dried thyme, onion, carrot, celery and garlic. Cook gently with the lid on for about 15 minutes, or until all the vegetables are soft, then add the lentils and 1 litre water or vegetable stock. Bring to the boil and simmer until the lentils are soft. If you’re using mixed lentils, choose the longest cooking time listed on the packets (so if mixing green and red that would be the cooking time of the green lentils). Drain the beans or peas and add them to the soup. Thin the soup with water if required. Bring the soup back to the boil and simmer for another 10 minutes. Taste and season as required. Ladle into bowls and serve with bread.

Seaford Volunteer Emergency Team

Kerrie Sturgeon Mobile:


working with councillors, churches and the community

01323 899054 8am - 8pm

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Call Paul gardner on 07563 665768 8 Kingsway, Seaford

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Handy Team Local Handyman Service • Handyman:

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Prompt ,reliable service and quick turnaround, very reasonable fixed prices, free quotes given. We can also estimate the cost of your works and give a breakdown of labour/ materials. For your free initial consultation Contact Robert 07341060867 Email:

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Seaford based Roofing Contractors with 15 years hands on experience. We offer a professional, friendly and reliable service at competitive rates. Approved contractors of Liquid Roofing Systems. GRP Fibreglass specialists. We are fully insured.

Call us today on 07772 641854

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• Mr Paul Gallagher awarded Fellowship of the Chartered College of Teaching FCCT) • Fellowship recognises significant contribution of teachers and leaders to the profession • Most prestigious membership offered by the professional body for teaching The Chartered College of Teaching, the professional body for the teaching profession, is pleased to announce it has conferred the status of Fellow on Mr Paul Gallagher (Headteacher of Annecy Catholic Primary School). Fellowship is the highest and most prestigious membership of the Chartered College and recognises the achievements, skills and expertise of teachers and leaders. To become a Fellow, an individual requires at least 10 years’ teaching experience and should have shown a significant and sustained contribution to the teaching


monday 11th May

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profession. Fellows of the Chartered College, who receive the post-nominals FCCT, play an important role in shaping the future of the profession and supporting future generations of teachers to deliver the best education for young people. Mr Gallaghers’ is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Educators and received the Freedom of the City of London in 2019. His career has seen him work in a number of different geographical locations from Uganda to Brunei, Manchester to Italy, London to Brighton and now Seaford, where he has led Annecy Catholic Primary School, since joining in January 2018. Mr Gallagher and his team have been behind something of a transformation at the Seaford school, seeing attainment and progress improve dramatically during that time. However, he puts academic attainment into perspective: ‘We strive for academic excellence, but not to the detriment of other areas of the curriculum. We believe in providing a holistic approach that ensures ALL can succeed, not just some or many. We want our children to leave us more curious than when they joined us, with the skills they need to be effective global citizens and leaders of the future. To be recognised in this manner is a real honour.’ Professor Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching, said: ‘On behalf of the Chartered College of Teaching, congratulations on becoming a Fellow. This richly deserved recognition is given to highly experienced colleagues working across the profession. Our Fellows have an important role to play in raising the status of teaching and supporting teachers to be the best that they can be. I look forward to our work together.’ Mr Gallagher joins 800 other Fellows across the country.

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• Block Paving • Tarmac • Tar Chip • Pea Beach • Slabs • Ground Work • Footings • Vehicle Crossovers


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INNER WHEEL CLUB Members of Inner Wheel, as well as the rest of the world, have experienced constant change since the last edition of Seaford Scene. As an Inner Wheel Club we met for our usual monthly evening meeting on Tuesday 10th March at Seaford Golf Club. A coffee morning was hosted by Janis Livingstone in her home on Thursday 12th March, where we enjoyed a delicious range of biscuits and coffee. Covid-19 then took its hold and the Inner Wheel District Meeting was cancelled, along with the National Conference due to be held at the end of April in Belfast. Following the Government’s advice, all Inner Wheel activities involving face to face contact have been stopped. With a membership of 42 women, Seaford Inner Wheel strives to promote the Objects of the organisation, including the promotion of true friendship and to work together to give humanitarian aid nationally and internationally. On Wednesday 25th March as a consequence of the face to face meetings not taking place a kind hearted soul, Member (A) decided to phone a member – Member (B) who she knew lived on her own to enquire how she was getting on by self isolating and whether she needed any shopping. On receiving the phone call in her garden, Member (B) fell down while trying to answer


the phone, badly hurting her head (she now looks as though she has been in a boxing ring with Mike Tyson) and damaging her right hand. The next morning Member (B) phoned Member (A) who said she thought she had broken her arm and a neighbour was taking her to hospital. Member (B) received excellent care at the hospital and was discharged in the evening arriving at her home at 8pm, unaware of the NHS Thank You Hand clapping event– she thought all the neighbours had come out to welcome her home and was delighted at such a large reception!! She also found on her doorstop, unbeknown to her, flowers, two scones and orange juice left by another Inner Wheel Member (C), but not because of her accident but because she had been thinking of her and was concerned that she lived alone and wanted her to know that she was being thought of. So all in all – a surprising few days for three members of Inner Wheel extending the hand of friendship in a variety of ways! P.S. Member (B) is in good spirits and is making a very good recovery, but she still looks as though she has been in a boxing ring! Apologies there are no photographic records for this chain of events.

10 Lindfield Ave, Seaford BN25 4DY

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It is with much regret that Concentus’ Musical Director, Adrian White, in consolation with his committee, has taken the decision to cancel the choir’s ‘Concentus Sings Summer’ concerts because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Rehearsals stopped some time ago and there is no likely timetable for them to resume in time for the concerts. Adrian has high hopes of starting rehearsals again in September to prepare for the Christmas Concerts, and has promised that most of the interesting programme planned for this summer will be there for your enjoyment in June ’21. Other planned activities have also been cancelled. Concentus had organised an evening at a restaurant for the choir with retired members and other friends of the choir to allow thanks to be given to the many people who work behind the scenes to help Concentus be the excellent, well-ordered and friendly choir that it is. In May they had been invited to sing with Paul Potts at a St Wilfred’s charity concert at the Hippodrome, and also in May some choir members were due to go to Germany to sing with their friends from their twinned German choir. Hopefully these activities will be re-organised when the pandemic is over. Luckily, the virus did not disrupt Concentus’ Christmas activities, and the choir had a busy lead-up to the performances of the Christmas concerts. They sang

at The Beacon, at Seaford Magic and at Eastbourne’s Christmas Cracker event as well as enjoying their traditional carol singing around Eastbourne’s Old Town. The icing on the cake was provided by being invited to sing under the Christmas Tree in Trafalgar Square where they were delighted that many people stopped to listen and to join in. Over £300 was raised there for Help for Heroes. The two Christmas concerts were very well received by enthusiastic audiences, often being judged ‘the best yet’. Concentus’ concerts and local singing raised over £1,000 for their chosen charity the JPK Project. In March the choir sang at the Hastings International Music Festival coming a strong, praised second, missing first place by just one point. The Festival is always enjoyed by Concentus for the opportunity to showcase their own expertise and to hear other excellent choirs. March also saw the choir’s ‘Sport Relief ’ rehearsal evening where members made tempting cakes to sell at ‘half-time’, raising £115 for that charity. Concentus is well known as a friendly, caring choir, and supportive, entertaining contact between members during this crisis is being maintained in several ways: a telephone ‘cascade’ is in place and operating well; various members are sending and receiving group emails – some very funny and all helping to keep people’s spirits up. Adrian has initiated a newsletter which he has titled ‘Chorusing Weakly’ to connect, inform and entertain – he includes his trade-mark jokes which have been sorely missed during the choir’s ‘shutdown’! He is putting together a choir contact list so more members can keep in touch with each other and a ‘platform’ for online socialising is being investigated, as well as videos to help people connect to such a service. There might even be the chance of an online rehearsal space. Hopefully this will all help to ensure that the choir is in good shape to resume singing as soon as the present situation allows. Watch out for news of Concentus’ return to singing in the autumn.


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A family business established in 1994 in Peacehaven, East Sussex. Since our inception we have been suppliers to the trade and public alike. Our aim is to provide our customers with unrivalled quality, value and service from initial enquiry, and at every stage through to delivery / installation. We believe in our products and are passionate about them.

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SEAHAVEN BLINDS Tel 01323 899011 Seahaven Blinds is a family run business, located in Seaford. We sell all types blinds at competitive prices. Free home visit. Personal service. Made to measure. Price includes measure, supply and fitting.

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Seaford Second Hand Furnishings Modern and Old Furniture

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Big or small Mockfords make them all!

Mockford’s the Mockford’s theBlindmakers are a small family business Blindmakers are a small who have been trading in family business who have Seaford for over 30 years. been trading in Seaford Find us at: The Industrial Estate, andGreen Eastbourne for over 30 Street, Eastbourne years. BN21 1ON Find us at: The Industrial Estate, 417518 Green Street, Telephone: 01323 Eastbourne BN21 1QN


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clip on pleated venetian blinds do not require REDUCING SOLARideal HEAT drilling or screws, for AN EXTERIOR glass doors AWNING SHADING


patio doors & windows is far more effective WHATS than NEW?interior blinds allows you to CLIP ONand PLEATED VENETIAN see outDO NOT REQUIRE BLINDS



although we supply all types of blinds, we are FLAGSHIP renowned for hand ALTHOUGH WE SUPPLY ALL made rollers & vertical, TYPES OF BLINDS, WE ARE using german engineered RENOWNED FOR HAND MADE components, 2000 colours ROLLERS & VERTICAL, USING & patterns with a 20 year GERMAN ENGINEERED guarantee


Wednesday and Saturday between 9.30am and 1pm. If you wish to visit at other times, please telephone to ensure we are open We visit you with pattern books and samples to provide you with a free estimate and advice. To arrange a visit or for after sales service, please telephone

With over 2000 colours and fabrics to choose from, this is just a small selection of our available plain colours.

01323 417518

anytime, any day.



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shade at the touch of a button with mockfords’ awnings

SUMMER ROOM COOLERCOOLER SUMMER ROOM ASUMMER Mockfords’ awning is far more effective than internal blinds to keep a room and house cooler. It ROOM COOLER A Mockfords’ awning is far more effective than internal blinds to keep a room cooler – protects carpets and furnishings fading, you can see out into the garden course, perfect A Mockfords’ awning is far morefrom effective than internal blinds to keep a roomand andof house cooler. It it protects carpets and furnishings from fading, you can see out into the garden of course, for sitting in the shade. protects carpets and furnishings from fading, you can see out into the garden and of course, perfect andsitting perfect for shade. sitting in the shade. for in the FREE WIND SENSOR WITH ELECTRIC AWNINGS To encourage more customers to orderAWNINGS before the summer during rush, this device withdraws the awning FREE Wind Sensor Pre-Season offer april FREE WIND SENSOR WITH ELECTRIC during high winds and gales and will be fitted free, saving £144, for a pre-season limited period. To encourage more customers to order before the summer rush, this device withdraws the awning With Electrically operated models, this device retracts the awning cassette during gales. during high winds and gales and will be fitted free, saving £144, for a pre-season limited period. and high winds. ESTIMATES As we do not have any salesmen, a fitter who has been installing Mockfords’ awnings for over three ESTIMATES ESTIMATES decades pleased to visit you answer show fabrics and provide an estimate. As we dowill notbe have any salesmen, a to fitter who questions, has been installing Mockfords’ awnings for over three Mockford’s do not have any salespeople, consequently Harvey Mockford, who physically Alternatively, visit us to operate a manual or electric model. Our address is on the opposite page. decades will be pleased to visit you to answer questions, show fabrics and provide an estimate. Alternatively, visit us to operate manual model. Our address is on the opposite installed awnings in his youngera days, willorbeelectric pleased to visit you to answer queries and page. PLEASE NOTE provide estimates. We are and intend to remain, a small family firm. To stunt our business growth, we do not supply PLEASE NOTE awnings to be toremain, commercial premises or forTo D.I.Y. We are and a small family stunt our business growth, we do not supply To arrange intend a fitted visit, to please telephone 01323 firm. 417518 or email: awnings to be fitted to commercial premises or for D.I.Y.

Manual and electric models on display at our workshop




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135 SEAFORD OFFICE 01323 490680

ToWn CenTRe SOUGHT AFTER LOCATION £770,000 £725,000 4 bed period det house, light & spacious accommodation. Kitchen/ breakfast rm, family/dining rm, living An immaculately presented rm, utility rm, entrance hall, downstairs detached three/four bedroom chalet cloakrm, sizeable landing, 2 en-suites, house within the highly desirable St family bathrm and loft rm/study. Peters Road. Attractive gardens, gravel drive leading to garage with a garden room behind. No Onward Chain, gfch, uPVC soffits/ fascias and dg windows.


soUGhT AFTeR CRoWn hIll REAR GARDEN AReA £350,000 £610,000 Larger than average bed detached A spacious and well5 presented three house (1724 sqbathroom ft - 160.2 sq m)level bedroom two split situated in a sought after residential bungalow with secluded westerly close on the outskirts of Seaford aspecta rear garden.n. within few hundred yards of delightful Downland walks and golf course. Open plan kitchen diner, 3 reception rooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, landscaped gardens.

sTUnnInG VIeWsPRESENTED beTWeen ToWn & seAFRonT BEAUTIFULLY BALCONY WITH SEAVIEWS £699,950 £650,000 COTTAGE £450,000 Extended and unique 3 double bed Det 4 double bed with stunning views. A well presented and spacious detached house located just off three Dual aspect dining area, living area £625,000 Seaford Esplanade, beenwith much with access onto a patiothree terrace , bedroom detachedhaving bungalow An elevated detached improved incorporating a contemporary 16’ kitchen/breakfast rm, double delightful sea views further boasting bedroom cottage style house, built style, enjoying direct sea views & garage, 23’ master bedrm with ensuite balcony, double garage and pleasant circa&1929 withfamily commanding view, bath balcony, shower/WC. further benefi ting from attractive garden garden. close to Seaford town centre. with a heated sunken swimming pool. Landscaped rear garden with terrace The property also benefits from off road & lawn with countryside views. parking and double garage. Driveway to front for several vehicles


Close To RAIlWAY sTATIon £325,000 £575,000 A beautifully presented Large det house situated inmodern Berwicktwo bedroom detached bungalowdining with village. Living rm, conservatory, rm, study, breakfast rm, utility ample offkitchen road parking. rm and cloaks/WC. Galleried landing, 4 dble bedrms, master with en-suite, shower rm and further bath/WC. Ample off road parking leading to dble garage. Rear is secluded and mainly laid to lawn. Balcony and distant downland views.


CoUnTRYsIDe VIeWs SEAVIEWS £560,000 £199,950det house. Improved Extended to a high standard, the internal A first floor two bedroom seafront accommodation briefl y comprises: retirement flat with direct sea views entrance hall, kitchen/diner, living and close to the town centre. No rm, shower rm and five bedrms, onwardwith chain. master en-suite & dressing rm. The front has ample off road parking leading to garage. Landscaped Rear garden Beautiful uninterrupted countryside views and far sea views.

01323 490680

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