2 minute read

The Churches of St Thomas More and The Immaculate Conception of Or Lady

THe CHuRCHeS oF ST THoMAS MoRe And THe iMMACulATe ConCePTion oF ouR lAdy

As we all start to emerge from Lockdown, I am looking forward to welcoming everybody back to our churches in Seaford and Peacehaven, as social distancing and restrictions on gatherings are eased. This has been a very challenging time for us all, particularly for those parishioners who live alone, are housebound or struggling to cope with the demands of living under a pandemic. Many people have felt lonely or anxious, or are missing family and friends. Thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, the churches have been open whenever possible, with limited access, throughout the pandemic. Unfortunately it was necessary to close the churches as precautionary measures earlier this year, although the introduction of a live streaming service from




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St Thomas More has allowed people to access Mass online by visiting the church’s website (details below). Although this large parish has tried hard throughout the past year to contact those who may be in need of support or just someone to talk to, I would like to develop a more established contact network throughout the parish. To do this, it is necessary to update the contact details (telephone numbers, email and home addresses) of our parishioners who normally attend the Seaford and Peacehaven churches. This would allow the Parish Pastoral team, my deacon Colin, and myself to more easily stay in touch with families and individuals, and also to offer support and help. If you are a parishioner or are interested in learning more about our churches, please contact Mary in the Seaford office or Lyndsey in the Peacehaven office. I look forward to seeing a full Church again soon at both our sites.

Father Ian Byrnes

Church of St Thomas More: 54 Sutton Avenue, Seaford, BN25 1SG Mary Purchase: seaford@abdiocese.org.uk; 01323 892427. Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception: 34 Horsham Avenue, Peacehaven, BN10 8HX. Lyndsey Gravenor: peacehaven@abdiocese.org.uk; 01273 583046. Visit www.seapeace.org.uk for more information on the parish, including details on accessing live streaming of Masses.

june ISSue DeADLIne: ThurSDAy 6th mAy

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