2 minute read
Calling All Local Charities
by Fran Tegg
Are you looking for a unique way to raise funds and awareness during 2021?
Seaford Town Council is looking to utilise the Martello Field (west) as additional car parking space temporarily during the busy summertime weekends in 2021, while also providing local charities/community groups with the opportunity to promote their work and raise funds while doing so. preferred travel methods, but at the same time the Town Council feels certain that Seaford will see an influx in tourists travelling by car to the seaside and must therefore plan accordingly where it can to ease the burden of this on neighbouring streets and residents.
The Martello Field (West) will be available to local charity/community groups to hire from May through to September, where this space can be marshalled for much-needed extra car parking. The local charity/community groups will be able to encourage donations towards their cause from users of the site, in return for offering the off-road and convenient car parking for the day. To avoid any financial risks for the charities taking part in the scheme, and to maximise the money they can make, the Town Council will collect a hire fee of 25% of any donations made during the day, capping the rate at £42.45 (the daily hire fee), with all remaining proceeds going to the charity/ group. In order to raise awareness of this new provision, temporary banners (supplied by Seaford Town Council) will be installed on the field fence. Charities/groups will also be encouraged to promote this parking option through their communication channels too. The decision to offer this parking solution was made following residents’ feedback regarding the extremely busy promenade and lack of car parking during the summer months of 2020. Another key factor is the highly anticipated ‘2021 staycation boom’, which is forecasting even higher than usual visitor numbers to coastal destinations.
The Town Council would like to stress that this measure is not being introduced to encourage greater car use, with public transport, cycling or walking still being the The Martello Field (East) will remain open as usual for use by the public and also, when restrictions allow, for hire for events and other community activities. If your charity or community group would be interested in this opportunity, please do contact Town Council officers by email at admin@ seafordtowncouncil.gov.uk for further details.
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