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Wood Creatives – Bird Box Perfection
‘Nature is not a place to visit, it’s a home.’
Following the great success of the recent family-friendly Bird Box Making Workshop we are planning to hold future community based events at our creative studio. The day was split into three sessions which saw adults and children assemble and carry home their spectacular new bird boxes. All materials and expert help were provided and the sturdy boxes will make loving homes for the local birdlife for many years. Participants could choose to make Blue Tit, Robin or Sparrow boxes, and were safely assisted in how to make a simple construction taken from the RSPB website.
Wood Creatives are based in Newhaven and were formerly known as The Hillcrest Woodcarving Club. We are steadily gathering in numbers from Seaford, Newhaven and the whole East Sussex area. We continue to improve our equipment and facilities at workshop within The Hillcrest Centre, Bay Vue Road, Newhaven.We hope to develop more woodturning and general woodworking skills, and in future it is our intention to have tuition for these activities and perhaps dedicate one day a week or evenings to these specialist classes – watch this space for future developments.
Currently we open on Mondays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 3.30pm. As our numbers have increased we have the options to open on other week days, and as autumn approaches we are considering opening in the evenings, and even weekends if demand is high enough. The current fees are £25 per month, with half price for the unwaged (tea & biscuits are free). For beginners, the club provides a good selection of carving chisels as well as hand and electric tools, for use in the club. We also provide a friendly and helpful environment with advice and support from experienced members.
The current management team (Ted Gordon – treasurer, Jeremy Adams – secretary, Joe Boylan – publicity) are always keen to welcome new members to our club. If you are interested, please pop by on a Monday or a Thursday to look us over and have a guided tour.Wood Creatives are at The Hillcrest Centre, Bay Vue Road, Newhaven, BN9 9LH. For further information contact Joe on 07768 331038. See also our website at: www.woodcreatives.co.uk and our Facebook page at: Wood Creatives Newhaven. Photo: Makers of every age can create a bird box.
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