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Community Bank Help Point Launched in Newhaven
Wave Community Bank has launched a new Help Point within Havens Community Hub at 2a Thompson Road, Denton, BN9 0RS in an effort to help local residents access financial services and help with managing their money. The drop-in help point is open every Wednesday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
The rising cost of living is predicted to create even more users of the services of the Hub projects and one concern for the management team of the Hub was the thought of people turning to ‘loan sharks’ or disreputable lenders to cope with higher outgoings.
Wave Community Bank was formerly known as the East Sussex Credit Union. A credit union is a financial co-operative which provides savings, loans and a range of services to its members. It is owned and controlled by the members.
‘I think Wave Community Bank approaching us at this time to have a session at the Hub offers so
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many positive opportunities to prevent people from being forced to take highinterest loans or loan shark payments to make ends meet at this very difficult time for us all,’ said Paula Woolven, founder of the Hub. ‘Community Banking from a Community Hub just makes sense. Wave Community Bank’s ethical, sustainable, successful savings and loan schemes match the ethos of the Hub – providing joint solutions for community members.’
Havens Community Hub helps meet unmet community needs and during the height of the pandemic launched three new projects. Havens Community Cars, a volunteer car driver scheme to help people unable to use public transport, Havens Food Cooperative, a waste reduction, and priority redistribution food pantry, and Havens Happy Clubs, activity and social clubs for older people with complex needs. The Hub also offers support and guidance to other local charities and causes to help them remain sustainable and active.
Photo: Paula Woolven at Havens Community Hub.