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Neighbourhood Watch Roundup

Special Edition Number 3: How Safe is Seaford Really? All The Statistics for Seaford North

We are now wallowing in statistics, lovely Neighbours, and the good news is that crime in Seaford is definitely on a downward trend. There is tangible evidence that the named PCSOs actively involved in our community are having a real impact on ASB and petty crimes, and as a result, Seaford becomes less attractive by the day to would-be miscreants. Following on from last month’s statistics, this month we have a close look at what’s what in Seaford North. If you missed the data for Seaford Central and East, you can see it here https:// issuu.com/seafordscene). You can also get a more in- depth view (street to street) directly from the Sussex Police website. Sussex Police has divided Seaford & Bishopstone into 5 areas, so to have a thorough look at what’s what in yours, head on over to https:// www.sussex.police.uk/area/your-area and enter your postcode.


To save you a whole lot of time to get the overall picture, here’s our summary of all the data for Seaford North over the last 36 months. we all know what an R2 number is (sort of), and that anything under 1 is a good thing.

Seaford North scores 0.4773, which indicates that crime is dropping and is less than half of what it used to be two years ago. Of course, the caveat is that these statistics reflect reported crimes and once again this exercise underlines the importance of reporting every crime.

Our police resources are allocated based on need and so if no crime is reported, no resource is allocated. Any crime in progress, anything that looks decidedly off, anything where you can see or think someone is in danger, is always a 999 call. Report all other incidents by calling 101 (and expect a long wait) or report online at https://www.sussex.police.uk/reportcrime.

Much like the previous data, Seaford North is dominated by crimes where people behave badly toward one another – ASB, Criminal Damage, and Violence topping the list. This warrants looking at these categories a little more closely, because there is ample evidence that following the general trend for Seaford, crime rates are falling significantly. We can’t stress enough the critically important role we have as Seaford Great Neighbours because nobody knows the neighbourhood better than we who live here. Keeping an eye out for things that look iffy, reporting crime, caring about our neighbours who are more vulnerable or need a little help, all adds up to safe and happy neighbourhoods. A town where our children can play free-range, where

Much the same as Seaford East, crime in Seaford North is generally low and in homage to Chris Whitty, et al, this time we include the crime R2 number and a trend line which is super encouraging – firstly because

our elders are respected and valued, where our youth are encouraged and praised. It sounds utopian but it is honestly so simple, even if all we give is a friendly smile.

A visible and relevant Neighbourhood Watch also helps to keep crime at bay and we need do no more than display a roundel on our front doors to achieve this.

While every resident of Seaford and Bishopstone is automatically under the umbrella of what we do, our Association relies on membership to keep doing what we do. It costs £3 per household per year to be Association members, and £2 per household per year for retirees. Joining is so simple too – just head over to www.sandbnhw.org/join, choose the subscription that suits you and then follow the onscreen prompts. New members will get a member pack in the post, and if you need fresh roundels, you can order these online in our little shop where everything is free except the postage.

That’s it from us for this September edition. Remember your SMARTS as the days start drawing in to keep us a savvy Seaford filled with Great Neighbours. Be generous with your smiles and your kindness.

Warmest regards from all of us, Mark, Graham, Nicky & Philippa !

MEMBERSHIP FORM: To Join or Renew, please complete this form and return to The Treasurer, S&BNHW, 37 Church Street, Seaford, BN25 1HG. Or drop it into the NHW Mailbox in the Police Station lobby. We cannot accept cash or cheques.

Banking Details: Sort Code: 40-40-25 Account #: 41440152 Reference: 22 -Surname or SubID

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