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Seaford Stamp & Postcard Club
Well, as Rabbie Burns once said: ‘The best-laid plans of mice and men...’ Shortly after composing the August report last month, I caught COVID and was not able to attend the July meeting; however I gather it was well attended.
In September we are scheduled to hold another Members’ meeting on subjects S, T and U, so that should be entertaining. Hopefully someone (David, our Secretary?) will display stamps of the Ukraine. This is a topical area, unfortunately, and the stamps issued, and produced but never issued, mirror the complex history of the country. Many old collections have stamps printed by an embryonic Ukrainian state around 1919/20, after World War 1 was over, and the Bolsheviks attempted to unify Russia into the Soviet Union. Ukrainians based mainly in Paris however attempted to create a Free Ukraine and ordered postage stamps in large quantities. These often incorporated the Ukrainian symbol of the trident, still to be seen on flags and in other places in Ukraine today. These stamps however never reached the country, but some others were subsequently issued by a Communist regional government in the early 1920s before USSR issues became available.
In 1941, Nazi Germany largely occupied the whole of Ukraine and created a puppet state. Stamps displaying the head of Hitler were overprinted for use in Ukraine until it was liberated by Soviet forces in 1944/45. Subsequently Soviet issues were used until the collapse of the USSR in 1991, when for the first time issues were commonly available by the Ukraine postal authorities for sale locally. Visitors are welcome to the September meeting at Seaford Constitutional Club on Wednesday the 14th, 7.15pm for 7.30pm. The club has a bar with light refreshments.
Bob Brown Chairman Seaford and District Stamp and Postcard Club