2 minute read

S e a g r a s s Seagrass m e a d o w s meadows


© 2021


Delmis del C. Alicea Segarra, EdD, Jorge I. Casillas Maldonado, MS, Ivonne Bejarano Rodríguez, PhD


Diana M. Beltrán Rodríguez, MS

Science edi ng

Yasmín Detrés Cardona, PhD, Ariel E. Lugo, PhD, Lesbia L. Montero Acevedo, BS

Edi ng

Ruperto Chaparro Serrano, MA, Delmis del C. Alicea Segarra, EdD, Cris na D. Olán Mar nez, MA


Álida Or z Sotomayor, PhD


Carmen Zayas San ago, MS

Graphic design and layout

Delmis del C. Alicea Segarra, EdD

Informa on specialist

Theme guide and graphic design for the geological eras and period stamps

Alessandra Otero Ramos, MIS


Héctor Ruiz Torres, PhD, Luis Rodríguez Matos, BS, Raúl Omar Or z Arroyo, MA, Duane J. Sanabria Ponce de León, BS, Oliver Bencosme Palmer, BA, Ruperto Chaparro Serrano, MA, Brenda Soler Figueroa, MS, Edwin Más González, MS, NRCS-USDA

Authorized photographs

Stonebird (Jonathan), Ming-I Weng, Ryan Somma, Tina Negus, Shizhao

Authorized images

US Geological Survey, Steve Lew, Alejandro149

Authorized maps

Ron Blakey

Authorized illustra ons

Ghedoghedo, Karen Carr, Dennis C. Murphy

Yerbas marinas video

Efraín Figueroa Ramírez, BS

Buceada virtual video(footage and edi ng)

Rául Omar Or z Arroyo, MAG

Plena song about seagrasses

Lyrics: David R. González Barreto, Music and voice: Leró Mar nez Roldán

Prin ng

Rául Omar Or z Arroyo, MAG and Delmis del C. Alicea Segarra, EdD

Publica on number: UPRSG-E-313

ISBN: 978-1-881719-95-3

Introduc on

As part of the Sea Grant Program of the University of Puerto Rico’s goal to promote the conserva on and sustainable use of our marine and coastal resources, we present this educa onal guide to highlight this resource’s importance and foster their preserva on for the enjoyment and benefit of future genera ons. As part of our educa onal work, Sea Grant has designed a series of Educa onal Guides for Teachers about different coastal and marine ecosystems found in Puerto Rico, all of which are highly relevant for our archipelago’s ecologic equilibrium.

Here, we present you the Seagrass Meadows guide. It includes a scien fic overview of the seagrass ecosystem, a presenta on with notes for the teacher, lesson plans, including ac vi es, laboratory projects, and a topic guide that are aligned to the Puerto Rico Department of Educa on’s standards, and a pre and post test for verifying students’ learning gains. Furthermore, the guide includes a DVD-ROM with all the documents previously men oned, with their corresponding answer keys so that the teacher can edit and adapt the resources to the class level, their students’ context, and the resources available in the classroom.

The lesson plans can be adapted to the educa onal needs in different scholas c levels, from fourth grade through high school. The lessons are clear, concise and structured. They promote ac ve learning in which the student becomes directly involved in the learning process in order to acquire hands-on knowledge of the subject. Likewise, several technological alterna ves are offered so as to mo vate student learning with the tools they enjoy using. We know this manual will be of great use to the children and youth in the Puerto Rican educa onal system, and we hope the students will learn to value this ecosystem and promote its preserva on.

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