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Necessary conditions for seagrass meadows Necessary cond development

• Seagrass meadows are globally distributed. However, most develop in tropical and subtropical regions, where the waters are warmer (between 15.5 and 25 oCor 60-77oF) http://www1.coseecoastaltrends.net/images/seagrass_regions_map_lge.png

• Most seagrass meadows are located between 30° N and 30° S (in the tropics), since this area features the ideal temperature condi ons for seagrass meadows development (water temperatures near 24°C or 75°F)

• Addi onal/op onal topics: Climates and Biomes. The instructor can teach students about the different climate zones on Earth. The teacher can define them and delve into the temperature, precipita on, fauna and flora in each zone, just to name a few factors that may be addressed.

• For example:

• There are several climate zones on Earth, including the polar, temperate and tropical regions. The polar zones are in the northern and southern extremes (from the ar c circle to 90° la tude on each hemisphere). There, temperatures are very cold and precipita on is scarce. They are divided into polar and mountain climates. These are difficult loca ons for life.

• The temperate zone is found between 30° and 60° la tudes in both hemispheres. This zone is further divided by seasonal temperature and precipita on pa erns into mediterranean, con nental, and oceanic climates. These regions are be er suited to life.

• The tropical zones (30° N and 30° S) are warm throughout the year and although there are four seasons, precipita on pa erns differen ate winter and summer. The zone is divided into desert, equatorial and tropical climates.

• Note: The teacher may con nue showing students the different habitats and organisms found in each zone.

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