1 minute read

Necessary conditions for or Necessary conditions fo seagrass meadows development

Seagrasses need clear water that allows sunlight to reach the seafloor and enable photosynthesis.

Just like any other plant, seagrasses need nutrients and minerals to thrive.

The areas that are slightly exposed to wave and surf conditions are ideal for seagrass meadows development.

• To undertake photosynthesis, seagrasses require sunlight; therefore, they thrive in rela vely clear and shallow waters where sunlight reaches the bo om. Sunlight penetra on into the water column dictates the maximum depth at which seagrasses can grow. For instance, in waters with sediment or nutrient discharge, turbidity impedes sunlight availability to the bo om. This results in a more sparse distribu on of the seagrasses than with clear waters.

• Besides sunlight, water transparency, nutrient, and mineral availability, seagrass distribu on in a given loca on is determined by environmental factors that include currents and waves. Although seagrasses have strong roots that anchor them to the bo om, seagrasses thrive in coastal areas protected from strong wave and current ac on, such as bays, lagoons and estuaries.

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