9 John Paul Jones, the Ranger, and the Value of the Continental Navy by Dennis Conrad, PhD •
15 A Centennial of American Destroyers, by David F. Winkler, PhD •
19 ''We Were There to Prove Ourselves": Veteran Destroyerman Lorenzo DuFau Celebrates His Ship and Her People, by Peter Stanford •
22 MARINE ART: "Le Grand Voyage": Treasures of the National Maritime Museum, Paris
28 Casting a Glance Astern: A Selection from Sea Historys Past
28 Sign On With Me, Said John Paul Jones, by Admiral Arleigh Burke • (Sea History 12, Autumn 1978)
29 In Clio's Cause: Pete Seeger, Bill Buckley and Others Respond {Sea History 7 & 8, Spring & Summer 1977)
31 OpSail '92 by Way of Cape Horn, by Ian Hutchinson • (Sea History 62, Summer 1992)
34 The Sea People of Exeter, by Peter Stanford and Passage to Exeter, by Mark Myers • (Sea History 33, Autumn 1984)
39 Oxford's Nautical Archaeology Team: The First Ten Years of MARE, by Timothy G. Dingemans • (Sea History 57, Spring 1991)