North County Leader 29 December 2010

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Your No.1 Local Newspaper Would like to wish all of our readers a very happy and peaceful 2011 The only local newspaper with the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Certificate

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28th December 2010 • Volume 17, Issue 30 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200

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As the ‘Sale Now On’ signs go up in shops across the North County, people are encouraged to support local jobs and shop local. As we all know, economically, many people found 2010 to have been a very challenging year. Our country is going through the most trying and difficult economic times imaginable. We’ve endured budgets, bailouts and blizzards; however, Irish people are, if nothing, resilient and optimistic and by supporting each other, we can overcome these difficulties. The wintry weather we have experienced for the past month makes shopping local a must. By supporting our local shops, we are using a powerful tool in winning this battle, and with this in mind, we bring you some of the excellent bargains that are available here in the North County. In this Sales Issue of the County Leader, you will find some of the best recession busting deals available. You will be presented with an array of information on bargains, sales, services, all at the most competitive prices anywhere. The January Sales always provide a great opportunity for shoppers to find the best bargains and many of our eagle eyed readers are already planning ahead to swoop on great value items. With difficult

times that many of us find ourselves in, now more than ever, there is no better time to pick up some of the awesome bargains. The January Sales also provide an opportunity to experience the great atmosphere that always surrounds the days in January when the time of bargain shopping reaches it’s ultimate climax. This year, the best bargains will be on your doorstep in the North County. Why not avoid the queues and the mayhem of the city centre and opt for a quieter, more relaxing shopping experience in the charming towns in our locality. This Sales Issue is full of some of the leading names in retail and readers will see some of their fantastic offers on a vast range of goods. In this issue you will also find a wide range of classes and courses catering for all standards. Anyone looking to take up a new hobby or finally enrol in something you’ve always wanted to learn, this is the newspaper that has all the up to date information for you. Remember, by supporting our local businesses and shops, we are helping to keep employment in the locality, as well as availing of some super bargains. Finally, the management and staff of the County Leader would like to wish all of our readers a very happy and peaceful 2011!

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North County Leader 28th December 2009

North County Leader Sales Issue 2011


MARY MCALEESE to the readers of North County Leader I send warmest New Year greetings to the people of North County Dublin and to each member of Ireland’s family and to all our friends around the world. At this time of year, exiles return and families gather, glad to see one another. Conversation will doubtless turn to Ireland’s economic problems that are dominating the headlines everywhere and which have brought hardship and heartache into many a home. Our people face a painful economic recovery and, understandably, ask questions about what led to our current difficulties. They wonder how long it will take to get through this crisis and what must be done to prevent it from recurring. Mustering the self belief and determination that will reinvigorate our country psychologi-

cally and economically is now an imperative. Ireland and her people are worth much, much more than to be defined by this economic crisis. Our history has given us resilience in the face of adversity and President Mary McAleese maybe it’s time to remind ourselves that we do indeed have many strengths to help us on the journey ahead. Ireland enjoys a dynamic community life sustained by a modern “meitheal” of good neighbourliness, solidarity and volunteer generosity. We are a people rich in imagination, creativity, innovation and problem-solving skills. We have a strong business sector, including world class companies that choose to locate in Ireland and indigenous enter-

prises that are doing very well in export markets. We have the gift of peace that has already transformed life on our shared island and which has huge untapped potential. We have an extraordinarily loyal global Irish family whose goodwill and experience is an extensive and enduring resource. We have men and women of great ability across the arts, humanities, sciences, technologies, sports and development aid sectors, whose genius enhances Irish life and Ireland’s international reputation. Above all, we have a talented and ambitious cohort of young people who deserve the gifts of confidence in their future and pride in their country. That confidence and pride will be generated by what we choose to do today and tomorrow to make Ireland the successful, forward looking and egalitarian country it has the desire and the capacity to be. I wish each and every one of you a New Year of renewed hope and faith in Ireland’s future.


KEN FARRELL to the readers of North County Leader I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year and thank you for the courtesy extended to me in my role as Mayor during the past year The New Year is going to be a lot harder for some families in the North County, and I believe we should renew Mayor Ken Farrell our efforts to ensure that we have a more caring and tolerant society and that there should be a fairer and more equal distribution of wealth. It is my opinion that we cannot cut our way out of this recession but we can grow out of it. Lets grow out of it together.


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Fingal Dublin Chamber Business Excellence Award 2010

North County Leader 28th December 2009


North County Leader Sales Issue 2011


BRIAN COWEN TD to the readers of North County Leader I would like to take this opportunity to wish the people of North County Dublin a peaceful and prosperous New Year. There is no escaping it, 2010 has been an exceptionally difficult year for Ireland. In the past three years, like the rest of the developed world, we have had to come to terms with new economic realities. For a number of reasons, this has been a very difficult journey for Ireland. In late November, we published a National Recovery Plan covering the period from now until 2014. Shortly afterwards, we agreed a programme of action with the EU institutions and the IMF. In December, we

brought forward the Budget for 2011. Taken together, all of these measures represents a credible, if challenging, programme for moving Ireland forward. We are now seeing a stabilisation of our public finances and renewed exportdriven growth. Recovery is gaining pace due to increased competitiveness, combined with increasing international An Taoiseach, demand for our Brian Cowen goods and services – a virtuous circle. Exports increased by nearly 7 per cent in the first half of this year. We are moving towards a balance of payments surplus in

2011, meaning that the economy as a whole is paying down external debt. We have a strong and diversified economy. Good infrastructure. High quality human capital – the youngest, best educated population. A strong multi-national sector and vibrant native industrial base. We have tax policies that favour entrepreneurship, investment and work. Not least, we are a resilient and capable people. We must have faith in our own ability as a people to recover and to prosper once more. In conclusion, may I take this opportunity to say to readers of the North County Leader that I hope that the holiday season will give you and your families a chance to wind down and to reflect on the most important things in life – health, happiness and hope for the future. Nollaig Shona agus Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh.


Stephanie Devlin celebrated her 50th birthday with a weekend away in the beautiful Ashley Park House outside Nenagh, Co Tipperary. Stephanie is pictured with her partner, Denis Walsh. They both live in Swords.

DAVID O’CONNOR to the readers of North County Leader 2010 has been a challenging year for businesses and citizens of Fingal. I am proud to say that Fingal County Council has continued to play a vital role in the provision of services across the county, during a very difficult year. I would like to pay special tribute to the staff of the County Council, who, despite significantly reduced resources, have continued to do extraordinary work. This has been particularly



spending will continue in 2011. But there are positives as we enter 2011. The economy has stabilised and will grow in 2011. GDP and to the readers of North County Leader GNP are increasing for the first time since late 2007. Exports have I would like to wish everyone in increased by 13 per cent, their North County Dublin a strongest annual increase Happy New Year. We since 2001. In 2011, we have been through a will continue to rapidly tumultuous year and I regain the competitivehope everyone takes time ness that we lost during to reflect on 2010 and the boom years. This will prepare for next year. drive further reductions The Government has in the live register, which consistently sought to has fallen for the last assist those who have three consecutive months faced difficulties in the and is 42,000 lower than past number of years. Brian Lenihan TD it was at its peak in The State spends over 75 August this year. per cent of its day to day expenditure We must build on these positives in on the provision of social welfare, 2011 so we can continue to provide health and education services. the necessary public services that all Despite our present difficulties, this citizens deserve.


JOHN GORMLEY TD to the readers of North County Leader On behalf of my colleague, Trevor Sargent TD and his team, I would like to wish everyone in North County Dublin a very Happy Christmas and all good wishes for 2011. I know that Trevor has worked very hard on your behalf over the last twelve months, as he always does. It has been a very chal- John Gormley TD lenging twelve months for families and businesses across the country. We have gone through tough times and undoubtedly we have further tough times ahead. This time of year allows us all to spend precious time with our family and friends, and to reflect on the past year and the months to come. We cannot pretend that things are normal, we are in the middle of a serious economic crisis. But I believe that as a nation we will get out of this mess, through resilience and strength that Irish people have always demonstrated in times of difficulty.

County Manager, David O’Connor

noticed by the public during spells of severe weather conditions at both the beginning and end of 2010, and we are grateful for the many compliments received in this regard. I would also like to pay tribute to the Mayor, Cllr Ken Farrell and the elected members of Fingal County Council for working so diligently with me on so many issues, but particularly on the Draft County Development Plan and the Annual Budget, which I am pleased to say was approved on Tuesday 21st December. I am confident that the approved budget will enable us to continue to provide a reasonable level of service in 2011. I wish you all a safe, happy and healthy Christmas and New Year, and look forward to working with the staff and elected members of the Council on your behalf in 2011.

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North County Leader 28th December 2009

North County Leader Sales Issue 2011





This turn of events has left many people understandably angry and bewildered. However, I am convinced that Ireland can recover to the readers of North County Leader from this. We are a resilient and determined people and we will The beginning of a New Year is a never allow what has occurred in good time to reflect on the year the last few years to happen again. gone by, to learn lessons and to look My firm belief is that if we work forward to the future. together as a country, 2010 has been a chalwe can restore Ireland’s lenging and difficult rightful place as a year for Ireland. We successful and respected have seen a series of nation. We can create a economic upheavals country in which our like the deepening young people will have banking crisis, high the opportunity to live unemployment and the and work here and one re-emergence of forced in which our weaker and emigration. These prob- Enda Kenny TD vulnerable citizens are lems have culminated treated with dignity and respect. in, for the first time ever, outside In is in that spirit of optimism and help being required to finance the hope that I wish you all a peaceful running of the country. and successful 2011.

MICHAEL KENNEDY TD to the readers of North County Leader

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May I take this opportunity to wish all residents in North County Dublin a peaceful New Year. 2010 was a very challenging one for our country and many families have suffered due to redundancies and pay cuts. However, in the last few months jobs have started to grow in North Dublin with fewer people on the live register. Overall in the last year, 1,500 new jobs were created in North Dublin via Hertz Swords, Pavilions Shopping Centre, Terminal 2 and Hangers at Dublin Airport. The Metro North Rail project, with its 6,000

Michael Kennedy TD

associated jobs, continues its planning process following An Bord Pleanala’s recent decision to insist on the first stop commencing at Fingallians Estuary Roundabout. The Government has committed €75 million in 2011 for the costs involved in rerouting water and sewer pipes along

TREVOR SARGENT TD to the readers of North County Leader

Call: 00 353 1 835 0800 or e-mail: reservations@ or visit Subject to availability - For further offers please contact the hotel

The snows of late November and early December brought out the best of human nature in the North County. Transport workers on bus and train battled bravely through the elements. Householders and shopkeepers cleared paths adjoining their businesses and homes. Schools, often against the odds, strived to stay open. Neighbours Trevor Sargent TD dropped in, especially on the elderly for company, and sometimes to bring provisions or provide transport. As a local TD in Dublin North, I say thank you to all those who helped when help was required. The snow storms seem to be a metaphor for the economic turmoil which Ireland has to face and overcome. This turmoil results from a property bubble which was inflated until it burst by money lent to Ireland without the necessary scrutiny of how borrowers would pay it back. The result is painful but at least there is now scrutiny and a plan to make our country competitive and self-reliant once again in a new more sustainable way. Local surveys show Green policies created half of the new jobs in 2009. 66% of businesses in a Vodafone Irish survey said they saved money and were more competitive after implementing Green measures. Wishing you and your family a peaceful Christmas and a hopeful New Year Le gach dea-ghuí.

with electricity and telephone cables. Hopefully by summer 2011, An Bord Pleanala will have finally approved the routing and maintenance depot, thus enabling the two construction firms to put forward their ‘final’ tender prices to the Government. You can be assured that I, as ‘champion’ of Metro North, will keep pressing for the ‘go ahead’ for this project. I am delighted that many new school buildings are currently under construction and it is expected that builders will move on to site in three other schools in the near future. Dublin North is blessed with so many wonderful

to the readers of North County Leader I am delighted to have this opportunity, on behalf of the Labour Party, to wish the staff and readers of the North County Leader a very prosperous New Year. In these severely Eamon Gilmore TD difficult economic times, times which are affecting so many so cruelly, I know that many of you will find it hard to remain optimistic about the future and yet it is more important than ever that we do. We live in a great country and I truly believe that our best days are still ahead. Yes the crisis in the banks and the public finances will be extremely difficult to overcome, but we are an innovative and enterprising people. We have a track record of global success in every field from poetry to peacekeeping. We are a young country and a technologically advanced country. What we need to do is to build on our competitive advantages and pull together and we can come through this. I hope that you enjoy the Season and that you feel able to face the New Year, 2011 with optimism. volunteer groups, such as Tidy Towns, Community and R e s i d e n t Associations, and sports clubs who are an integral part of our community. I wish them continued success, along with our school teachers and our business leaders and traders. I firmly believe that Dublin North is a great place to live, work and play, and I feel certain that when our economy returns to growth,

that because of its strategic proximity to Dublin Airport and seaports, its links to our motor infrastructure M1, M2, M3 and M50, Dublin North will once again be to the forefront. Residents can be assured that I will continue, as before, to work on their behalf in an honest and diligent fashion. Beannachtaí na Feile and a very happy New Year to all my constituents in North County Dublin.

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North County Leader 28th December 2009

North County Leader Sales Issue 2011

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North County Leader Sales Issue 2011

North County Leader 28th December 2009

Andy Nevin, Mary McGuinness, Sinead Walsh, Joan Kernan and Gina Dempsey, all enjoyed their Christmas Party at Carnegie Court Hotel recently. EMcQ It was ladies night all the way at the Harp Lounge, Swords on Friday, 12th December last, as Anne Delaney, Deborah Canty, Chris Gilgan, Jennifer Cauly, Patriia Doyle, Louise EMcQ Donnelly and Patsy McDonnell all had a great time.

Ciara Morr, Linda Kelly and Leanne Elder all enjoyed a night out at Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords on Friday, 10th December last. EMcQ

It was Christmas party night in the Carnegie Court Hotel for Juanita Boyle, Margaret Lynch and Niamh Lynch. EMcQ

The Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords was the venue for the Christmas party for Una Meighan, Caroline Lawlor, Eve McDermott, Jennifer Creighton, Barbara Reid, Vanessa Storley, Akiko O'Sullivan and Siobhan Balfe, all from Rush. EMcQ

Pictured enjoying their Christmas Party in the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords are, Joan Ahern, Linda Behan, Kathleen Rooney, Milana Venslaustiene, Nichola Leonard, Natasha Behan, Valerie Goodwin, Jennier Bruton, Martina Cox, Brenda Davis, all from Linda's Creche and Montessori, Donabate. EMcQ

Enjoying their Christmas Party Night in the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords are, Carol Lomax, Bridget Murphy, Barbara Healy, Ian O'Byrne, Ann Towie, and Attracta O'Connor. EMcQ

Mary Gerwin, Louise Dunne, Laura Ryan, Colin Crunty, Lynn Stafford, Carla Seery and Mandy Dorothy, all had a great time at their Christmas Party night at Carnegie Court Hotel recently. EMcQ

North County Leader 28th December 2009

DARRAGH O’BRIEN TD to the readers of North County Leader I want take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and safe New Year. The New Year for many people brings an opportunity to make plans and set goals for the year ahead. I have been representing the constituents of Dublin North in the Dáil for three and a half years now, and on the County Council before that. It remains a great privilege for me to serve the people of Dublin North as their TD in Darragh O’Brien TD Dáil Eireann. I believe my work in the constituency has had real benefits and we are seeing many educational and school building projects progress. I believe I’ve brought youth and a


TONY LAMBERT to the readers of North County Leader Fingal Dublin Chamber, as the leading and largest business organisation in the region, is calling on all businesses to renew their commitment to excellence and quality customer care in the coming year. The past year has been a very challenging one, but local businesses have provided much improved qualitydriven, value-for-money


North County Leader Sales Issue 2011

products and services and this has made our businesses more competitive. This determination and resilience to survive in difficult financial and trading conditions is needed now more than ever. ,The new Terminal 2 is now open at Dublin Airport with over 900 new direct jobs and more than double that number indirectly.

and 6 CHAIRS was €1195

new energy to my role as a TD and I am very positive about the future for the people of North Dublin. Like many around the constituency, I have a young family. I want what is best for them. I want what’s best for you and your family. This principle is what guides me and the work that I do in the Dáil. In Dublin North we have seen very important jobs and investment announcements in the past few months; at Terminal 2 at Dublin Airport, Stream Ireland, Hertz, Kelloggs, Tesco and others. But I know the numbers of people signing-on, despite being down significantly over the past five months, is still too high. I know from personal experience the difficulty and distress that comes with unemployment and working to tackle this problem and ensure there’s investment in education services are my top priorities. Again I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and I want to continue to do my level best for the people of Dublin North in the years ahead. Dublin Aerospace has announced hundreds of positions for their maintenance operation at the airport. Multinational companies, such as Hertz Europe Service Centre, Kellogg Europe Trading, IBM, PayPal, Ebay, Smart Box and Stream Global Services have announced over 1,000 n e w j o b s f o r highly skilled workers. The opening of the Drinan Enterprise Centre in Swords has provided a high quality location for over thirty start-up companies who are creating many new

now €595

Tony Lambert, CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber

jobs. Over 200 new positions have been created in retailing in the past 6 months with the Pavilions Shopping Centre leading the way with all units full. Projects such as Metro


JAMES REILLY TD to the readers of North County Leader For very many people, this Christmas will be a challenging one and many families are facing into the New Year with trepidation after an extremely harsh budget. People are rightly angry with the Fianna Fáil/ Green Government for their mishandling of the James Reilly TD economy and kow-towing to the banks, but I know that the character and heart of the people of the North County will see them come together to celebrate the New Year with their families and friends in a spirit of community. I also believe they can do so in a spirit of hope because a general election in the New Year will give them the chance to elect a new government focused on job creation, the protection of the lower paid and vulnerable and a future for our young people in their home country. I wish all my constituents a Healthy and Happy New Year. North which will create over 900 jobs next year and more than 5,000 jobs during construction will greatly assist economic recovery in the North County region in the coming years. I would ask all consumers to support the many local businesses who are focused on giving a high quality value-for-money service and providing many jobs for local people. In the coming year, Fingal Dublin Chamber will continue to work hard on

was €695 was €249 was €239

creating a stronger local economy, providing excellent networking opportunities for our members, promoting and lobbying on business issues and providing leadership in the business community. On behalf of Chamber President, Andrew O’Neill and the Board of Fingal Dublin Chamber, I would like to wish all the Chamber Members and indeed all the businesses in the area a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

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North County Leader 28th December 2009

North County Leader Sales Issue 2011

active involvement of the town’s people and business community, this will create a vision for the town based on its history and heritage. A greater emphasis will be placed on the social and business interaction of people, including as pedestrians and cyclists. to the readers of North County Leader All this is calculated to make Balbriggan the desirable town that citizens seek - rich in 2010 is a year which, in many respects, culture and heritage, family-friendly and chamber members are attractive to business. The Bridgestone happy to say good-bye Balbriggan Food Festival showcased the food to, both as citizens and excellence of the area and was of direct as a business commubenefit to and a morale boost for restaurannity. The drip-by-drip teurs and food producers alike. Already plans meltdown of our banks for an even bigger event are under way for and the extent of the 2011. Other 2010 Balbriggan Chamber event losses, which we will all examples included a Halloween Street party, have to endure, has the brainchild of local mums. The positive created a depressing and impacts of Millfield Shopping Centre in anxious time. attracting regional shoppers to Balbriggan In 2010, the Chamber and the positive impact of the fully serviced took the view that Stephenstown Industrial Park in attracting efforts should focus on employers, together with its proximity to the marketing Balbriggan Joe English M1 North-South economic corridor, were as one of the most desirsingled out as factors in continued growth able destinations for businesses, residents ahead. The Chamber also held its 21st and visitors alike. The Chamber joined forces Anniversary Ball. This event had a real with Balbriggan Town Council, the County sense of occasion with awards to attending Council and the Heritage Council to carry out founder members. a Public Realm Plan for Balbriggan. With the I wish all members and all North County Leader readers a healthy and prosperous New Year. Joe’s motto for 2011 is ‘Make a difference’. You can do this in your home, school, community or business. These collective positive actions will change your town and Depression, Anxiety, Quit Smoking, Panic Attacks, Phobias, county for the better, Lose Weight, Confidence. sooner than you can Call for FREE consultation at our clinic in Malahide imagine’’.



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FRAN TOBIN to the readers of North County Leader I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Chamber Committee for all the hard work and support that they have shown to me this year, it has been fantastic to work with such as great team. This committee was reformed on the back of a very successful St Patrick’s Day Parade in 2010 and without them none of this would have been possible, well done, you make me proud to be the Chamber President. I would also like to thank the local community, local authorities, TD’s and Councillors and Loughshinny Motor Cycle Club for all of their support over the past year. The Christmas lights have been adored by Skerries residents and visitors alike for many years. I hope you all agree that this year they are a testament to this great town and we should be extremely proud. Again this year, Skerries as a town, has shown great community spirit. 2010 has also been a very successful year for many of the groups, individuals, committees and businesses in the town, congratulations to all. We

need to build on this success going forward into 2011 and avoid complacency. Complacency is the one thing that could threaten the future of our town; we all share the same ambition, which is for the local and national economy to survive. Remember, we cannot save the world, we cannot save the country, but what we can do together is save our town and this can only be achieved with support and feedback in all directions, by continuing to support the business will allow the town to stay completive and dissolve all outside conditions which could threaten our town. Going forward into 2011 as a Chamber, we would ask that all businesses join and support the Chamber, bringing new members and new ideas. With the launch of the Skerries Directory we have a whole new set of prospective members, the home busiFran Tobin ness. We want you to become strong members of the Chamber. Finally, 2011 will present many challenges and opportunities for our great town, but I have no doubt that we can work together not just to survive but to thrive. Wishing you and your family a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

A presentation was held at Donabate Golf Club last for golfing legend, Mary McKenna for over 40 years of club representation. Mary McKenna has had a glittering career with countless championships to her name and a medal for her years of success was presented to her on behalf of the club, by Minister for Sport and Tourism, Mary Hanafin. She is now Captain of the Great Britain and Ireland team that travelled to America this year for the Curtis Cup, the female equivalent of the Walker Cup. Pictured at the presentation are L-R, Donabate Vice-President, Pat McNeill, Michael Kennedy TD, Lady Captain, Anne Casey, Minister Mary Hanafin, Mary McKenna, Club President, Ciaran Kirwan, ILGU President, Anne Wallace and Ladies Vice-Captain, Pauline Browne LK

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The Holiday World Show 2011 is taking place in the RDS Dublin, from Friday, January 28th to Sunday January 30th 2011, and the North County Leader has ten family passes to give away to lucky readers. The tickets, worth €14 each, will permit a family of four (two adults, two children) free access to the event on any day. Almost 800 Exhibitors from 70 countries will showcase at the event including tour operators, travel agents, hotels, airlines and national and global tourist organisations. This year ‘Travel Clinics’ this year will provide frank, straight talking advise on everything you will need for your trip away such as visa requirements, packing hints and tips, immunisations required for various countries, best flight operators for value and good service, as well as ideas for annual trips and answering visitors questions on topics such as Far East travel, African holidays, Sports trips and holidays, Adventure Travel, Ski holidays, Caribbean holidays and weddings, the USA Deep South experience, as well as Home Holidays. Concession rates apply for OAP’s and Students. To be in with a chance to win, simply answer the following question: How many countries will be showcased at the Holiday World Show 2011? Send your answer on a postcard to: North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin Terms and Conditions Closing date for entries is Tuesday 11th January 2011. Prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative will be given. Winner must be willing to have photographed published in North County Leader

North County Leader 28th December 2009

North County Leader Sales Issue 2011



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North County Leader 28th December 2009

North County Leader Sales Issue 2011

of the products offered in the village and will continue develop these services into the future. We face diffito the readers of North County Leader cult times together, however, without Malahide is looking We are already ever diminishing the forward to 2011 with renowned for the real hardships a positive attitude. variety and quality people face, it can also be a positive time. Businesses in Malahide look forward to improving value and service in 2011, CSO Recorded Crime Statistics released recently thereby bringing revealed a staggering even more benefits increase of 26.2%



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to our customers while improving the long term strength of our businesses. In everything we do this should be a time for innovation and

to the readers of North County Leader In May 2010, the Chamber of Commerce was reformed in Rush after 18 years. The year got off to a great start with the Rush Revival scheme. Most of the businesses in the town painted their shop fronts. The Chamber, along with local sponsors, ensured any derelict buildings were painted and locals took to the streets with brooms and shovels. In just a few months the town was transformed, the sense of community spirit and pride was abundant. The Chamber held it’s first Annual Christmas dance which was a huge success raising money for some new Christmas lights and Christmas trees throughout the town. We acquired a new public area, fantastic all weather pitch and the new liaison committee with the County Council was

Michael Coffey

formed. With all this in place, we can look forward to a prosperous 2011. The Tidy Towns in Rush has now been

creativity. The Malahide Chamber of Commerce remains focused on promoting the wonderful and unique attributes of our town and will again run a Summer Festival to highlight this. We hope that 2011 will bring good things for all the readers of the North County Leader and we hope that you might even find a few of those in Malahide! revitalised and there are great plans for the Kenure Gates, our two fabulous beaches and many other areas around the town. The Chamber will also be working hard on the St. Patrick’s Day festival, along with other summer festivals over the year. We hope to bring tourism back to Rush and showcase our town and it’s many sites with a Heritage Trail and park area on our Main Street. Just some of the ideas for 2011. We would like to thank everyone for their hard work and support in 2010.

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Keeping Metro North On Track Metro North is one of the most important projects to be undertaken for a generation in Fingal. It will revolutionise the way Fingal residents travel and as such it is important that we have public representatives who understand the importance of this crucial piece of infrastructure. I have led the fight for Metro North, and have been its champion for many years. While other politicians are happy to cast doubt upon the feasibility and viability of this project, it is my passionate belief that this vital piece of infrastructure cannot and must not be derailed. It is clear that both Fine Gael and Labour simply do not understand the need for Metro North. Enda Kenny, commenting on the need for a tough budget said, “We will look at which infrastructure projects can be safely deferred or abandoned. That means that some projects, like the

metro projects in Dublin, would be put on the back-burner.” Eamon Gilmore, commenting on the Marian Finucane show on the need for a redo of the National Development Plan said, “Metro North would be shot back.” Simply put, the two main opposition parties simply do not care about the 4,000 direct jobs that this project would create, the 2,000 indirect jobs that it will create and the 37,000 jobs that this project has the potential to deliver to the Metro North Economic Corridor to say nothing of the fact that North County Dublin needs a proper transport service to the city centre. Metro North is expected to carry 34 million passengers each year. It will allow people to travel from Dublin Airport to the City Centre in less than 20 minutes and from Swords to the City Centre in 30 minutes. Metro North will serve the areas of Swords, Dublin

Airport, D.C.U., The Mater Hospital and O’Connell Street among others. The service will run every four minutes, and as the numbers using the Metro increase, it will run every two minutes. The Metro is a crucial step in creating an integrated public transport system for Dublin. It will link together all of the existing rail corridors in Dublin, by interchanging with the DART, the northern, north-western and south-eastern suburban rail lines, and the Luas Red and Green lines and bus services along the route. It is fundamentally clear that Fianna Fáil is committed to the delivery of Metro North. Despite the current crisis, we

have committed €75 million euro to the enabling works which is the first step in turning the Metro North project into a tangible reality. These works involve the diverting of electric and phone cables, sewer and water pipes in order to allow the construction to commence. As your TD, and as a member of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, I have fought consistently and passionately for this project which I believe will have a huge impact on the quality of life for all of the people of Swords and the broader North County Dublin area. I will continue to fight for this project and I ask for your support in this fight.

Kennedy urges the Council and the HSE to Save the Swords Ambulance I have been making continuous representations to Fingal County Council, Dublin City Council and the Minister for Health and Children, Mary Harney T.D. in order to highlight the need for the retention of the Swords Ambulance Service and I am glad that the City Manager has confirmed to me that he has agreed to deffer to removal of this service until the 31st January 2011, which allows another month for the parties involved to try and find the money to save the Swords Ambulance Service. I have also raised this matter in the Dáil. It is my belief that disputes between service providers over funding should not endanger the

lives of the people of North County Dublin. I believe that a directly elected mayor could also have a hands-on involvement with the fire service. In that event we would not have the unseemly row in Swords where a dispute between the HSE and the fire brigade will effectively remove a very badly needed ambulance from the fire service in Swords. This valuable service currently responds to an average of 4,800 to 5,000 calls per year and any cuts to this service will have serious consequences for the Fingal region. I have called upon the Dublin City Council Manager, John Tierney and the Fingal County Council Manager,

Michael Kennedy TD joins local residents iu a protest against the disbanding of the Swords ambulance service

David O’Connor to ensure that continued funding is provided for this essential service in their 2011 budget. The Dublin Fire Brigade have being operating this full time station in Swords since January 2007, when the Dublin City Manager decided to directly fund the provision of an extra emergency

ambulance to be based at Swords Fire Station. I am committed to ensuring that Swords is not left out in the cold. We need to have our Ambulance Service and it is simply not good enough to say that funding is an issue when it comes to matters of public safety. The €750,000 required to keep this

service in operation can and must be found. I hope that in the month ahead the funding can be found to save this crucial service. I will do all in my power to ensure that Fingal County Council and Dublin City Council step up to the mark along with the HSE and provide Swords with the services they deserve.

KENNEDY - Delivering for the people of Dublin North

1,500 New Jobs For Dublin North

Cllr Darragh Butler, Michael Kennedy T.D., Treasurer Mary McLoughlin and Senior Citizen of the year Flo Forman are pictured at the Donabate / Portrane Senior citizens social club Christmas dinner in the Waterside House Hotel.

Kennedy Secures Over €17,000 under Seniors Alert Scheme I am pleased to be able to confirm that I have secured funding of over €17,000 for two North Dublin groups under the Seniors Alert Scheme. The funding is being given to Fingal Home Care Ltd and the Malahide Active Retirement Association which have been granted €14,068.50 and €3,303.50 respectively. This funding has been approved under the Seniors Alert Scheme by Pat Carey, Minister for Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs. The equipment funded under the scheme will enable older people to continue to live securely in their homes with confidence, independence and peace of mind. The funds go towards the purchase of safety and security equipment, including personal monitored alert systems. Grant support is provided through community, voluntary and not-for-profit organisations

registered with the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs. Grant support is available to persons who are aged 65 years or older, of limited means and living alone or with other eligible persons. It is also worth noting that the Donabate - Portrane Senior Citizens Committee have received funding under the Seniors Alert scheme in the past and were awarded a €6,000 Lottery grant by the Minister for Health and Children this Autumn following representations I had made. This funding is extremely important to ensure older people have peace of mind and are able to live independently. I am proud of the Government’s record in supporting these efforts and I want to thank all local organisations for their ongoing work in promoting and fostering community activity at a local level.

€100,000 funding Balbriggan for youth cafés Dublin North T.D. Michael Kennedy has welcomed a commitment of over €100,000 for youth cafés in North Dublin. The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Barry Andrews T.D. has confirmed that Balbriggan Youth Service at Millstreet, Balbriggan is to

receive €93,000 from the Dormant Accounts Fund while Pines Youth Café, Balbriggan is to receive €10,000. The areas covered by this funding have a very high population of young people and it is important that services are provided for them in the community.

RUSH’S NEW LIBRARY I would like to welcome the opening of Rush Library at the restored St. Maurs Church. It is a fantastic facility for the community and the church has been magnificently restored. I was very supportive of a campaign by local residents to ensure the church was not demolished and was kept for the community. I want to congratulate them today on their vision for the building’s

while €60,000 will be used to provide training and mentoring to the small business sector. I’m delighted to see that this funding is going to be paid out before the In the past year, over 1,500 jobs provided to Fingal County end of this year and will have an have been created in the Dublin Enterprise Board to support small immediate positive impact for the North, with 500 workers being business projects. This measure businesses concerned. There is a network of 35 CEBs recruited for the running of the will create 21 jobs locally. new Terminal 2 at Dublin Airport, Almost €90,000 of this funding supporting micro-enterprises 400 jobs in the retail units at will be used to support viable employing 10 or fewer workers in Terminal 2 and 71 new jobs being business projects with capital the start-up and expansion phases. As a founding announced by Eirtech director of Fingal County Aviation. Stream Ireland Enterprise Board and a Ltd. announced the board member for 10 years creation of 425 new jobs before my election to the in their newly established Dáil, I know how important dedicated solution the work of county entercentre which was set up prise boards is in nurturing arising from a deal with a entrepreneurs who are leading manufacturer of willing to take risks and try video game consoles. to get their business idea off Hertz also announced the ground. 100 jobs earlier in the The Government is year. committed to taking action In relation to supporting on jobs – it’s the number small businesses and one priority and this is entrepreneurs, I would another example of the like to welcome the announcement that Michael Kennedy TD with Suzanne Carroll and Stuart Holmes of frontline effort being underat Home Franchise Ltd. who won the overall winner award taken to encourage growth €150,000 in additional Tone at the Fingal County Enterprise Awards 2010 and business expansion. grant aid is being

School Buildings News I am delighted to be able to confirm that over the past year there has been a major investment in the education system here in the North County area. In the Summer Works Scheme, 20 schools in the area received the benefit of funding to complete structural and other works. These works benefitted schools in Swords, Malahide, Balbriggan, Donabate, Kinsealy and Oldtown. Also during the year, several other school building projects have been

progressed. Loreto Secondary School in Balbriggan has received the final go ahead to proceed with a major extension and refurbishment project, which includes the development of a new PE hall. It is a major project which will provide educational benefits not only for students in Balbriggan, but will also benefit Skerries, Lusk and Rush students who attend the school. Two new schools have received the go ahead in Swords, with the construction of two

future in Rush, they must be very proud to have this amenity open today. There are a number of services available in the library including: CDs, DVDs, Wii, PC and Xbox games, language courses, books on cassette & CD, Magazines & Newspapers and a children’s library. There will also be free internet available. I’m delighted to see this facility open to the public and I look forward to an extension of the opening hours to ensure as many people as possible, young and old, are able to benefit from it.

Pictured at Balbriggan and District Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Conference are Alison Comyn, Michael Kennedy TD and Seán Corrigan of BEDG

16 Classroom school buildings for Swords Educate Together National School and Gaelscoil Bhriain Boroimhe now under way. D o n a b a t e Community School is also under construction currently and represents a significant investment in education on the p e n i n s u l a .

Construction is due to commence shortly on two other school projects – A 16 room school for the Donabate Educate Together National School and an eight classroom extension for Ardgillan C o m m u n i t y College. Hedgestown National School in Lusk received permission to

appoint a design team to work on the design of a new school. Given that Fingal has one of the youngest age profiles of all areas in the country, it is especially important that education provision is put front and centre. I will continue to do my utmost to develop education facilities in North County Dublin.

KENNEDY HONEST - HARD WORKING - RELIABLE A Chara, government strategy had to constantly adapt been surreal with the issues changing by the day. As a result, 2010 was a strange year in many ways and in fact it has almost to the changes taking place within our economy. decision as wrong, without either outlining this context, with opposition parties constantly lambasting every All political conversations have taken place during the year in solution, it is populism. a not is g everythin to “No” voting Simply decision. about the how they would deal with the situation, or what they would change the economy by previous governments. I accept that mistakes have been made in the management of I acknowledge that many people are angry with Fianna Fáil, and and the bitter anger that exists on the With the public’s confidence in political figures at an all time low, I have been reflecting in recent times on the purpose of politics? politics” ground towards politics, I have to ask, “what has gone wrong with House and they do not represent from the real world; that they live in the cozy security of Leinster I believe there is a perception that politicians have become detached the people who elect them. ated by those at the top of any those at the highest levels. As with most things, the views communic I feel this gulf exists due to poor communications strategy from of the organisation. members other of views the of s regardles group r particula the group, seems to attach itself by association to all members of with differing views. It is why political be done. Political parties are a broad church and contain people Within all groups, there is debate as to the way things should their opinions on various issues and try and seek express can views differing with party the within those parties have internal Parliamentary Party meetings, where consensus. cuts in early 2009. It is important to Party to stop the exemption of Senior Civil Servants from pay This is why I proposed motions at the Fianna Fáil Parliamentary lose. you others win, you s argument respect the democratic vote of the party and some is an important point to make in the on, to try and change the party perspective on them. I feel this the I will always lobby for change from within on issues I feel strongly make as to the future direction of the party, in the context of to decision a have Fáil Fianna of rs supporte term long are context of the next election, that people who t. represen T.D.’s they return to Dáil Éireann and what they in Dáil Éireann. In my time in Dáil sixteen years on Fingal County Council and three and a half years and my I have been involved in politics for nearly twenty years, spending country and my priorities have always been to help my country the of interest best the in been all have made, have I Éireann, I firmly believe that the decisions constituency. groups who otherwise may not get support, g to the communities in which we live. It allows me to support try and Politics gives each of us an opportunity to contribute somethin many others. It is a great privilege for me to be in a position to among groups Citizens Senior and Clubs, Sports ions, Associat such as Tidy Towns and Community ies a better place to live. communit our making in goals ambitious their achieve to help each of these groups in striving an e-mail or phone call away, and should I be I do within my constituency. As your T.D., I am as always only I passionately believe that I make a difference in the work that or send an e-mail, I will always do my phone the up pick do you if that to get in touch. You have my promise able to provide you with any assistance please do not be afraid utmost to help. Beannachtai agus Siochain san Ath Bhliain Wishing you peace and every blessing for the New Year

web: facebook: twitter:

________________________________ Michael Kennedy T.D.

CAN I HELP YOU? One thing I attempt is to keep residents up to date with local issues that affect them. As I cannot be out knocking doors or delivering leaflets all of the time, email is the best solution for this. If you send me your email address and estate name / area, I will add you to my email lists and send you important news updates to do with your area whenever possible. Examples may include notice of road closures, new facilities in your area or issues that have been raised with me for your area that I am attempting to get resolved. So please send me your email address and location and I will promise to keep you updated on local news and issues.

Please send your contact details to or Michael Kennedy Constituency Office, The Plaza, Swords, Co. Dublin or by Fax: 01 8902296 / Tel: 8902277 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Tel: (h)_________________ (m)_________________ Email:___________________


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KENNEDY - Delivering for the people of Dublin North

EirGrid – Diverting Thank the Cable You! Over the past few years, I have been working consistently with the community in Rush to find a fair and comprehensive solution to the installation of this HDVC cable. It has been my consistent view that there is a need to divert the cable and bring it through the estuary, as opposed to through the streets of Rush. I have been present at many of the meetings that have been held on this issue and I have been vocal in my opposition to the project being brought through the town of Rush. The EirGrid East-West Interconnector is a vital project that will connect the Irish power system to the electricity grid in Britain through undersea and underground cables. This infrastructure is vital to the development of Ireland's economy. I agree with the many residents of

Deputy Michael Kennedy addresses concerned residents in Rush

Rush that the cable should have continued up throughout the Estuary, thereby bypassing the town of Rush. I believe it would have been possible to complete this with little environmental impact and several million could have also been saved by taking this option. I will continue to work with the local committee to get a better deal for Rush.

Magdalene Laundries As you will be aware, I have been working on the issue of redress for the survivors of the Magdalene Laundries for quite some time. Earlier this year, I met with the Justice for Magdalenes group as part of their ongoing campaign to ensure that the survivors of the Magdalene Laundries would not be forgotten. I am a member of an ad-hoc Oireachtas Committee which is working to ensure that the Magdalenes are included in a redress scheme. It is also vital that we ensure that the State provides the fullest possible information and access to state records to give the Magdalenes the best possible chance to track down family members. Last month, the Irish Human Rights Commission (IHRC) recommended that the government initiate a statutory inquiry into the human rights violations arising from the treatment of women and young girls in Magdalene Laundries.

At this time of year it is always worth remembering that there are many people who, throughout the year give of their time freely and voluntarily to help out within our community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who has contributed in this fashion, be it through volunteering with Tidy Towns Committees, Senior Citizens groups, Sports Clubs, charitable organisations or those who contribute to their community in any other way. These people deserve our gratitude for helping to make our communities a better place to live and work in. I would like to take this opportunity to specifically mention those involved in the Tidy

The following day, I spoke in the Dáil and called upon the government to issue a State apology – to say the simplest of words, “Sorry” to the Magdalenes. I believe the State owes an apology to these women for refusing them their freedom, for not protecting their constitutional rights and for not giving them a proper education. The State has to be culpable for referring these ladies to laundries directly from our courts. When one considers how particular we are today about rules and regulations in working institutions, these ladies had no working wage, no maximum hours of work and no holiday time, and there were no inspections, regulations or safe working conditions in any of these institutions. That was the responsibility of the State, and for not discharging that responsibility we must apologise. I will continue to fight hard for the Magdalenes, to ensure that their voice is heard now, that they are not further neglected by the State which should have protected them.

Kennedy Announces Funding for North Fingal Rural Transport I’m delighted to be able to confirm that the North Fingal Rural Transport Programme will receive funding of over €98,000 These much needed funds will assist with the cost of running this vital service in an area of North Dublin that is often times overlooked when it comes to public transport. I want to congratulate Ann Louth and her dedicated colleagues for the work that they have put into this project which will continue to benefit communities in North County Dublin. The Rural Transport Programme has proven very successful and this announcement demonstrates the importance of keeping community based programmes alive in rural areas. I have been working with the North Fingal Rural Transport group for several years with their efforts to secure continued Government funding. North Fingal Rural Transport is a community based project established

in 2002 following a long campaign by local residents, and addresses rural isolation by providing transport services to rural residents. For those who wish to access their services, their timetables are available online at, or alternatively feel free to contact my office and I can post you a copy of their timetable.

Pictured at the unveiling of the new stone at The Bird roundabout in Lusk were John Flynn, Nina Flynn, Peter Moore, Michael Kennedy TD and Pat Kelly, Lusk Tidy Towns Committee

Towns Committees across North Dublin, in Skerries, Malahide, Lusk, Balscadden, Donabate, Balbriggan and Swords. The Skerries Tidy Towns Committee achieved significant success once again this year. They received three awards this year, receiving a Gold Medal, a Dublin Regional Prize winner and the Fingal County Winner prize. Malahide came second in the Fingal region and retained their Gold

Medal status while Lusk came third in the Fingal region, and were highly commended for their promotional work and use of educational DVD’s. I would like to wish all groups and individuals who volunteer their time on various projects all the very best in the year ahead, and to reassure them that should they be in need of any assistance in the forthcoming year – I will do my utmost, as always to oblige them.

Pictured are Deputy Michael Kennedy with members of Skerries Tidy Towns Committee at Dáil Éireann recently.

Management Company Legislation Following widespread concerns about the practices of management companies, I am pleased to be able to say that new legislation to regulate the practices of management companies has been brought into effect. The Multi Unit Developments Bill 2009 empowers apartment owners in both new and existing multi-developments by refocusing legal protections towards them. Some of the key provisions of the new legislation include: • The developer must establish a property management company and transfer the common areas of the development to it before any apartment in the development is sold. • The owner of each apartment will have one vote. • When an apartment is sold, membership of the company will in future transfer automatically to the new owner. • Management companies will be obliged to prepare an annual report and provide each apartment owner with a copy of the annual report. • The owners’ management company must establish and maintain a scheme of annual service charges; the annual charge must be approved by a general meeting of the

company’s members. • The annual charge must be calculated on a transparent basis and be fairly apportioned between the apartment owners. • The service charge may not be used to defray expenses on matters which are the responsibility of the developer or builder. • Service charges in respect of any unsold units must be paid by the developer. • The owners’ management company must establish and maintain a ‘sinking fund’ for non-recurring maintenance and repairs. • In new multi-unit developments, the fund must be set up within three years of the sale of the first unit; in existing developments, it must be set up within 18 months of enactment of the Bill. • The annual contribution to the sinking fund is a matter for the apartment owners but a minimum annual charge of €200 per unit will apply. • The owners’ management company may make House Rules for the multi-unit development with the objective of enhancing the quiet and peaceful occupation of the apartments. • These Rules must be approved by a meeting of the apartment owners.

North County Leader 28th December 2009


DES BECTON to the readers of North County Leader I would like to thank the Tidy Town Committee and all the volunteers for the hard work they carried out this year. I would also like to thank the County Council staff and particularly, the Parks Department personnel for all their assistance throughout the year. Unfortunately, we did not attain the achievements we gained in previous years. Swords dropped from 6th to


North County Leader Sales Issue 2011

Des Becton

32nd position in the IBAL Litter League, two heavily littered sites out of ten surveyed brought down our overall ranking. However,

Exciting Workshops At Emmaus The Emmaus Retreat Centre, Swords, will see a wide variety of courses and programmes taking place at the centre during the year. In January, Emmaus will host two one day workshops, beginning on 15th January with a workshop facilitated by Fr Jim Cogley entitled, ‘Wood You Believe’. This one day seminar will explore aspects of personal and ancestral past with a view to finding healing and integration. The seminar will be conducted by Fr Jim Cogley, a psychotherapist, and wood turner with nearly 30 years experience. His particular interest is that of healing, both personal and intergenerational. As an artist with wood, he presents his message using symbols. He is the author of

we increased our marks in the national Tidy Towns competition. I would like to congratulate all those who won awards in the Fingal C l e a n e r Communities Competition. As the scope of the National Tidy Towns competition has changed with more emphasis on nature, biodiversity, heritage and sustainable development awards, so we have to draw up a new three to five year strategic plan. The main objective of our plan is to work with the council to open up a new entrance to the Ward Valley at Church Road. We

would like to thank Councillor Tom Kelleher for all the hard work he is putting into bringing this about. Our main emphasis for the start of the New Year will be to fundraise and recruit new members. We hope to encourage the people and all organisations in Swords to take more pride in our town by coming forward and volunteering to help. Finally I would like to wish the readers of the North County Leader and the people of Swords, good health and a very Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.

several books and inspirational cards in the ‘Wood You Believe’ series. Emmaus are offering a reduced price if you book and pay in full for this workshop by 7th January, instead of paying €65, you can avail of the reduced rate of €55 which includes lunch. On the 22nd January Emmaus will have a one day workshop on Tai Chi for beginners. This helps with balancing and harmonising your energy improves aspects of health and helps mental relaxation. The workshop will be facilitated by Mary Hayes. In February, Tai Chi Wednesday morning classes commence on 2nd February and running for 8 weeks each Wednesday morning from 10.30am 12.00 noon. On 5th February there are two, one day workshops; the first an Art Therapy workshop and the second a workshop dealing with Colour, Style and Confidence for Women. See Emmaus website .

Barryscourt Road, Coolock, Dublin 17 Tel: 01 848 1400 Fax: 01 848 1544 Email:

Information Evening 2011 for Potential Students, Parents/Guardians, Adults & Employers Interested in Education – Thursday 27th January – 8pm

Open Day 2011 Friday 28th January – 10.30am - 2.30pm Courses available in the following areas: • Business • Art • Design • Media • Performing Arts • Science • Technology • Languages • Leisure • Tourism • Social Care • Enterprise Development • VTOS Courses (Full Time) • BTEI • Part-time Adult (Day & Evening) • Work-based Learning

City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee

All courses are funded by the Department of Education and Science through the National Development Plan

Malahide Community School

Ardgillan Castle, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Telephone: 849 2212. Fax: 849 2786

Adult Education Programme - January 2011 • Computers for Beginners • Golf • Ballroom Dancing Beginners • Floral Art (Flower Arranging) • Bridge • Spanish for Beginners • Spanish for Improvers • Spanish for Advanced • Italian for Beginners • Italian for Improvers • Film Appreciation • Bellydancing • Computers ECDL • Yoga • Salsa Dancing Beginners • German for Beginners

• First Aid • Adult Literacy • Digital Camera • Indian Head Massage • French for Beginners • Script Writing • Pottery • Continuing Art History • Jewellery Making • An Introduction to Astronomy • Meditation • Creative Writing • Art • An Introduction to Photoshop • Make Up Artistry for Beginners • Typing and Keyboard Skills

• Creative Photography • Invest in Yourself • Design Your Own Garden • Guitar for Beginners and Improvers • Public Speaking • Human Resource Management • Philosophy • Interior Design • Carpentry and Building DIY • Food Safety • Website Design • An Introduction to the Legal System • French for Improvers • Woodcarving • Health and Safety in the Workplace • Introduction to PC Maintenance

Further details are available in our new brochure which can be obtained, free of charge, in Malahide, Raheny and Swords libraries and from local supermarkets and newsagents from 21-12-10. The January Brochure can also be viewed in the adult education section of the school website: There are 3 ways to enrol for classes: 1. At enrolment night on 25-1-11 in the school from 7.30 to 9.00p.m. 2. By post with the postal form which is on the inside cover of the brochure 3. Online Procedure Jan 2011 - Detailed Online Enrolment Procedure 1. Go to 2. On the left hand column click Register Here 3. In the Panel on the right click New User 4. Look for Malahide Community School in the drop down list under Organisation Name 5. Select Malahide Community School 6. Enter Registration Details 7. Click Register 8. Click ‘To go to a secure site’

For enquiries please phone: 8460949 or E-mail: Director of Adult Education: Robbie Harrold Also Spring brochure and adult education information available on adult education section of school website at

SPRING 2011 PROGRAMME OF MORNING COURSES & CLASSES Languages- French (Basis knowledge required)

With Justine McGrath Tuesday 18th January 2011 From 10.30 –12.30 For 8 weeks Fee €80.00

Tailoring & Sewing

With Maura O’Rourke Tuesday 18th Jan ‘11 Time 10.30 -12.30 Machines and equip supplied for use , 8 weeks Fee €160

Beginners Knitting & Crochet Bridge Game Spanish

With Carmel B Tuesday 18th January ‘11 10 weeks 10.30a.m -12.30 pm Fee € 100.00 Every Wednesday 10.15a.m. -12.30 Beginning 12th Jan ‘11. You don’t need a partner. Everyone Welcome


With Justine McGrath starting Wednesday 22nd September ‘10 Time 10.30 am – 12.30 For 10 weeks – fee €100.00

Art Workshops With Maura O’Rourke

With Maura O’Rourke 3 Classes Thursday starting 20th Jan’11 From 10am-12 noon 12.15 and 2.15 p.m. Sunday Morning. January 16th From 11am-1pm. 8 weeks – Fee €115.00

Flower Arranging Spanish (For Intermediate Level)

With Christopher White. Starting 17th February’11 Time10.30-12.30 For 6 Weeks Fee €90.00 With Justine McGrath starting Thursday 20th January 2011 Time 10.30 am – 12.30 For 8 weeks – Fee €80.00

An Introduction to Digital Photography

With Terry Collins: Weekends Jan 29-30th & May 1st-2nd May ‘11 Sat.10am-4pm and Sun 10am – 1pm Fee per weekend €120.00


2 Classes With Nadia Y.T.T.C Friday 21st January 2011 From 10.30 to 11.50 a.m. and 12.00 – 13.20 pm 6 weeks Fee €80.00

Balbriggan Photographic Group Balbriggan Writers Group

Meet every fortnight in afternoon 3-5pm. Saturday There is no charge to join this group. Meet every Saturday morning 10.30-12.30 There is no charge to join this group.

Enrolment for these classes Telephone: Ardgillan Castle- 8492212


North County Leader 28th December 2009

North County Leader Sales Issue 2011


GERRY RAFFERTY to the readers of North County Leader On behalf of the Malahide Tidy Towns Group, I would like to thank all people of Malahide who supported us so well in the 2010 Tidy Towns National Competition where Malahide had the honour of being awarded our 7th successive Gold medal. I would also like to thank the County Council, Malahide

Gerry Rafferty

Community Forum, Malahide Chamber of Commerce and SuperValu for their

HOLY FAMILY J.N.S. River Valley, Swords, Co, Dublin

New Junior Infants Enrolments for September 2011 will take place

Tuesday 18th, Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th January 2011 between 9.30am and 1.00pm.

Telephone enquiries: 8404394/8404446

St. Sylvester’s Infant School Yellow Walls Road, Malahide Co. Dublin. Enrolling for Junior Infants September 2011 On Monday 18th January 2011 Please call into the office to collect an application form. Application forms must be returned on or before 30th January 2011

magnificent support and also all the Malahide Clubs, Organisations, Schools, Churches and Residents Associations who gave us such great support in 2010. This year, a widely based Committee of 12 was formed and implemented the First Year part of a 5 Year Programme towards again winning the Overall Award of Ireland’s Tidiest Town, which Malahide first won in 1990. I would like to thank the Fas Workers who again joined our Tidy Towns Group and considerably assisted us in again achieving Gold Medal Status. The motto of Malahide Tidy Towns Group is “Working together to Serve our Community “ Among the many highlights of 2010 were our 1st Big Malahide Quiz Night, The Malahide Bee Garden at Malahide Library, St. Andrew’s School, Love

Malahide Poster and the many beautiful gardens created by residents, organisations and businesses. Unfortunately, graffiti continues to cause serious problems on many buildings in Malahide. Malahide Gardai have confirmed that graffiti is, in fact criminal damage and this is the proper title to describe damaging property. Malahide Tidy Towns Group will continue to work with Malahide Gardai to try and eliminate this problem. Our Tidy Towns Committee will be implementing the Second Year part of our 5 Year Programme during 2011 and we look forward to again receiving the co- operation of the whole Malahide Community. I wish all North County Leader readers a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

St. Colmcilles B.N.S Chapel Lane, Swords, Co.Dublin

Is now taking applications for JUNIOR INFANTS and other standards for SEPTEMBER 2011 Application forms are available for the Secretary at 01 8405132 Completed application forms to be returned by Friday 28th January, 2011 Email: Website:


ANNE DOYLE to the readers of North County Leader 2010 was another great year for Skerries Tidy Towns. We want to thank all our helpers and all the other voluntary groups whose support helped us with our success Also we thank the business people and residents who presented their premises to such high standards. We are planning and working towards 2011 now and hope we will maintain our success in the national competition.We would of course like to move forward and win the


JOE TROY to the readers of North County Leader Balbriggan Tidy Towns Committee are very pleased with progress made in 2010 and are

looking forward to an even better year in 2011. After a two year gap Balbriggan again entered the


PAT KELLY to the readers of North County Leader Most of the plans for the Lusk Tidy Towns group for 2010 were carried out satisfactorily. Taking third place in the National Tidy Towns competition for the Fingal region was a great boost to our organisation, as we celebrated 30 years of Tidy Towns. Our Tidy Towns group Pat Kelly will have to down size plans for future years, as the task of raising funds to cover the various costs will become more difficult, The work of the many voluntary groups will be important in lifting the morale of the people from here on in. Thank you to the North County Leader newspaper and staff for their continued support in our efforts down through the years and we wish everyone a Happy and Peaceful New Year.

Best large town category currently held by Killarney. Our most ambitious plan for next year is to have a three faced clock installed on Carneigy Library. This is to celebrate the centenary of the library in 2011. A Anne Doyle clock was in the design of the library but due to lack of finance had to be omitted. we hope our efforts for the town will have a positive effect for business and help keep Skerries the beautiful place it is to live in and to visit. Finally, we wish everyone a happy and a Happy New Year. national Tidy Towns competition and obtained a very credible 231 points. More importantly the adjudicator’s comments were very encouraging and will guide us to an even better result next year. The Tidy Towns committee wish to thank all those who contributed to its activities in 2010, especially those workers who came out with the Monday and Saturday work parties, and wishes them all a very happy and a prosperous New Year. Without their hard work and guidance much less would

have been achieved. We intend that 2011 will be an even busier year with many more activities now under consideration. All

Joe Troy

offers of time and assistance in helping to make Balbriggan a better place to live and do business will be greatly appreciated.

Dog Training & Kennelling Residential training in obedience and behaviour problems ie pulling on lead, housetraining, aggression, recall, chewing, jumping up etc also personal protection training. Over 20 years experience,having trained in the UK,USA and Germany. Quailfied master dog SECUTRAINED RITY DOGS trainer, veterinarian + dog shelter recommended. FOR SALE

References available. Watch our dogs in action at or phone 087 0514467

Dorset College (01) 8309677

Emmaus Retreat and Conference Centre, Lissenhall, Swords, Co. Dublin Telephone: (01) 8700050 Fax: (01) 8408248 Email: • Web:

Programmes & Courses at Emmaus for January & February 2011 15th January – WOOD YOU BELIEVE Facilitator: Fr Jim Cogley Cost: €65.00 Including Lunch (Book and Pay by 7th Jan and only pay €55.00)

22nd January – TAI CHI One Day Workshop Facilitator: Mary Hayes Cost: €38.00 Light Lunch Included

2nd February – TAI CHI – 8 Wednesday Morning Sessions Facilitator: Mary Hayes Cost: €80.00 (In Total) (Book and pay by 17th Jan and only pay €70.00)

Career Focused Courses - excellent progression opportunities Computers & Information Technology • Office Technology & Business Administration • ECDL European Computer Driving Licence • MOS – Microsoft Office Specialist (EXCEL) • JEB / EDI Teachers’ Diploma ICTS • CompTIA A+ • CISCO CCNA Computer Network Associate • Internet Marketing & eBusiness Accounting • FETAC Manual & Computerised Accounts • FETAC Manual & Computerised Payroll Forensic Psychology • Diploma in Crime & Forensic Psychology • Diploma in Hi-Tech Crime • Corporate Governance Certificate

5th February – ART THERAPY – One Day Workshop Facilitator: Veronica O Rourke Cost €70.00 All Materials and Lunch Included

5th February – COLOUR STYLE & CONFIDENCE For WOMEN – One Day Workshop Facilitator: Maria Lynch Cost: €65.00 (Light Lunch Included)

Please call us on: 01 8700050 Further information or log onto

Montessori & Special Needs FETAC Level 5 & 6 • Montessori Method of Education • Special Needs Assisting • Childcare Studies • Advanced Certificate Supervision in Childcare • Interior Design Course - Transform your Home Wide range of Courses available in: Computers & IT, Accounting, Business, Management & HR Tel: (01) 8309677 •

Fresh Start Swords • Are you recovering from a medical or a mental health setback? • Is your confidence low? • Do you need help managing your stress? • Are you looking to make changes in your life or career path? • Would you like to make a fresh start? If you answered yes to any of the above the Fresh Start programme, starting January, may be for you. Modules include: • Career Exploration • Personal Development • Stress Management • Job Seeking Skills • Work Experience • Introduction to Computers • Healthy Lifestyles Also Included: • Recognised Certification (FETAC) • Personalised support through an Individual Action Plan. • A Fás Training Allowance will be paid to those who qualify • No Fees Apply For further Information, Please contact Anne, David or Tania. National Learning Network, Balheary Ind. Est., Swords, Co Dublin. Phone: 01 840 4120 E-mail: Investing in your Future

North County Leader 28th December 2009

award. We have been working closely with the County C o u n c i l ’ s Biodiversity officer, Hans Visser on the plans for Biodiversity in the Donabate area. With their assistance we are developing plans

Paul Daly

to have community gardens in every estate in the Donabate area. The

Unit 9, BEAT Centre, Stephenstown Ind Est., Balbriggan, Co. Dublin

Balbriggan Training Centre Now enrolling for classes starting in Jan & Feb 2011

Certified Courses • ECDL • FETAC Level 5 Manual & Computerised Payroll B20138 • FETAC Level 5 Manual & Computerised Accounts B20001 • FETAC Level 3 Foundation in Computers BF0133 • FETAC Level 5 Customer Service D20151 • Digital Cre8or – Awarded and Certified from Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Dun Laoghaire A 10% discount will apply to courses booked and paid for in the month of January 2011 For further information you can call 01-8020417/419,,

As a compliment to our training courses BEDG can offer the Jobs Club course which offers free help and advice on CV preparation, Interview Skills and general information concerning job seeking. For further information regarding the Jobs Club you can call Karon or Paula on 01-8020422/423.

Swords Area







Door to door Delivery

to the readers of North County Leader

North County Dublin

Breakdown of distribution and sales figures of Local newspapers in North County Dublin

Paid For

Collection Points Only


idea is to give people the opportunity to get together and grow their own fruit and veg close to their homes where they can reduce their carbon foot print and enjoy home grown fresh veg etc.. To assist us in this venture the Tidy Towns Team applied to Dublin Bus and received a grant from their Community I n v e s t m e n t Programme. We are in the planning stages at the moment and hope to have our first Community garden in Turvey in the new year. 2010 has also been quite good on the volunteers front with large numbers coming out to help with our spring clean up. We do need more people to assist with our planning side so if anybody would like to get involved please contact Paul Daly 086 6035200 All that remains to say is that the Donabate Tidy Towns Committee wishes all the residents of Donabate a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Door to Door Delivery


2010 has been a great year for the Donabate Tidy Towns Group. We increased our points tally to 251 in this year’s competition, an increase of 6 on last year and narrowly missed out on an endeavour


North County Leader Sales Issue 2011




768 * 5,000

7,000 13,500

Balbriggan Area


Why spend your scarce advertising resources with papers that have only a fraction of our distribution? We are the only local newspaper to have the certificate of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System

Rush, Lusk & Donabate Area




Skerries Area

* 1,000 7,300


768 * 1,000 3,600




* 7,600

Malahide / Portmarnock Area

768 * 3,600

7,000 8,000

Estimation based on total ABC audited sales figures (3,839) diveded evenly across 5 distribution areas

North County Leader, the No. 1 local newspaper in the region, seeks to recruit

Freelance Reporters / Photographers County Dublin Vocational Education Committee


EVENING CLASSES Spring 2011 LANGUAGES: FRENCH: Beginners & Improvers

IRISH: Brush Up Your Irish SPANISH: Beginners & Improvers ITALIAN: Beginners & Improvers Computer, Hobby, Leisure Courses Computers for beginners and improvers, Introduction To Counselling, Motorbike Maintenance (beginners & advanced), First Aid (Foundation), Art, ESOL “English Speaking Other Languages”, Archery, Cookery, Dressmaking, Interior design, Beauty and Make Up, Hairdressing, Sociology and Political Science, Pilates, Fun Dance Aerobics Dance, Boot Camp Circuits, Bridge.


AT SKERRIES COMMUNITY COLLEGE 7.00p.m – 9.00 pm. CLASSES START 31st January and 2nd February New: Online Enrolment Log on to: and follow the link in nightclasses

PLAN YOUR CAREER FOR 2011 Make sure you are on the winning team… Join the North County Leader Team North County Leader - North County Dublin’s biggest and best read newspaper, is preparing for growth during 2011. We are seeking to appoint a number of new, motivated and self driven people to our Advertising Sales Department. Ideally we are seeking candidates with previous experience of advertising sales. Candidates should be hard working, conscientious and have the ability to work well in a team environment.

For the last 16 years North County Leader Newspaper has proven itself to be the leading newspaper in the region. With the continued growth of our region your No. 1 local newspaper has responded by increasing its circulation from 18,000 papers to an impressive 40,000 newspapers and achieving a readership in excess of 160,000 residents in our area. This success is driven by the quality and commitment of our team. We are now in a position to appoint freelance reporters & photographers to our news team. The ideal candidates should have their own transport and be willing to work outside of normal business hours. If you feel that this opportunity was made for you please send a detailed CV to: Patrick Finnegan, North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords Tel: 8•400•200 or email: or log onto

An attractive salary, together with a rewarding commission structure, and where relevant, a car allowance is on offer.

If you think you measure up, send your CV, for the attention of Gerry Fitzmaurice, North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin or email: We deliver deliver! No. 1 because we An Equal Opportunities Employer

North County Leader is an Equal Opportunities Employer


North County Leader 28th December 2009

North County Leader Sales Issue 2011



can do, and so much that is beyond our control. The Christian message does not provide easy answers or quick solutions. Instead it points to God’s way

as shown in the life death and rising of Jesus Christ. This is a way of peace and of forgiveness and of love. In Jesus Christ we see the power to transform

the New Year into something to be faced with joy and without fear - an opportunity to hope once again. This is the hope for which to pray.

Get a grip...

to the readers of North County Leader The New Year can be an opportunity to hope. Yet in the economic and political uncertainties of Ireland, many find it very hard to hope. Indeed the New Year reminds us too that the way ahead is full of uncertainties. This is why we pray each New Year for God’s help and for the courage to work for peace, integrity and justice in our own land and throughout the world. Without prayer, there can be no hope. Genuine prayer includes facing the real responsibility that we have for

IS YOUR CAR READY FOR THE BIG FREEZE? Drop in for your free 5 point winter check

Most Reverend Dr. John RW Neill

one another, however great our own personal hardship appears to be, or actually is. So both hopes and uncertainties abound at the beginning of 2011. There is so much we

With our current wintery conditions there’s something about Subaru every driver should know. Subaru All Wheel Drive. Subaru’s All Wheel Drive, combined with the World’s Leading Boxer Diesel Engine gives you confidence other drivers will envy. Weather forecasters are telling us to prepare for more bad weather and a long winter, so now is the time to buy your new Subaru and get the confidence of All Wheel Drive. Subaru, confidence in motion . . . in all conditions.

Extension To Car Scrappage Scheme Welcomed the work that the SIEM is currently engaged in with FÁS. Efforts are well underway to recruit 150 new apprentices by early next year, creating employment opportunities for young people across the motor industry,” he concluded.

Lusk Motor Group Station Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin. Tel: 01 843 7085.

Malahide Motors

Kellys Business Park, Balrothery, Balbriggan, County Dublin. T. (01) 968 0880

Gas Yard Lane, Malahide

MONGEY PLUNKETT MOTORS • €11,350 • 90 mm longer GREAT SCRAPPAGE DEALS • 50 mm wider (terms & conditions apply) • 7, yes 7, airbags • 5-star NCAP safety • 1.2 litre petrol • 116g C02 / km • €104 road tax p.a. • 64 miles per gallon • Electronic Stability Program


UNBEATABLE NEW ALTO . . . . . . . . . .€8,600 SPLASH . . . . . . .€11,400 SX4 DIESEL . . . .€15,750 EXCLUSIVE TO:



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Deputy Michael Kennedy (FF), a member of the Joint Committee on Transport, has welcomed the extension of the car scrappage scheme which will create much needed jobs in the sector. He said, “The Minister for Finance has announced that the car scrappage scheme is being extended up to the end of June 2011. This is an extremely important measure and I have personally raised this issue with Minister Lenihan in recent months. Just last month, the Society of the Irish Motor Industry said that if 10,000 scrappage scheme cars were sold next year, €50m would be generated for the exchequer and has the potential to create hundreds of jobs across the industry.” “Minister Lenihan has also announced that VERO relief of up to €1,250 will be provided where a car of 10 years or older is scrapped in accordance with certain criteria and a new car of emissions bands A or B (i.e. with CO2 emissions of 140g/kg or less) is purchased.” He continued, “The Government has focused this important budget on stability, growth and recovery. The improvement in car sales has already had a very positive impact on jobs in the motor industry. The SIEM says 3,200 jobs were created in the industry in the first six months of this year, representing a saving of € 7 4 m t o t h e e x c h equer.” “I also want to applaud

...with Subaru.


Exit 5 M50, North Road • Tel: 01 864 2400 OPENING HOURS: Mon & Fri: 9am - 6pm • Sat 10am - 4pm Late opening: Tues, Wed & Thurs til 7pm

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Car Servicing Pre NCT Preparation Headlight Alignment All Mechanical Works Brakes • Clutches

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North County Leader 28th December 2009

North County Leader Sales Issue 2011

Presented By

The Rolestown Theatre Group It’s that time of the year again and the Rolestown Theatre Group have come up with another superb pantomime. This is their 26th year of producing panto and it is the best and most entertaining panto in Fingal. This year’s Panto is a tale as old as time. It’s the classic story of Beauty & The Beast and once again the group have acquired the services of the best professional people for their music, sound, lights, costumes, production etc., This year’s show is directed by Nikki Lynch who has directed 4 pantos for the group and who has produced her own show for many years with her Swords Area Theatre Company which incorporates her classes from Rivervalley, Base in Brackenstown and Rolestown Hall. The Panto guarantees a great show for every age group from young to old with plenty of great songs, superb dancing and of course lots and lots of laughter. Booking is advisable to ensure the best seats and you can book by telephone at: 086 8780890 between 9am and 5pm each day or you can email Tickets can then be collected at the Golf Shop, Roganstown Golf and Country Club. Booked tickets must be collected within 2 days of booking or the booking will be cancelled. Ticket holders will then be admitted without the hassle of waiting at the door. Tickets Prices are: Adults €12.00 and Children/OAPs €10.00. Rolestown Hall is situated on the Swords/Ashbourne Road and will be well signposted and of course there is plenty of parking. Don’t miss this spectacular show – Book today.


MEMBERSHIP OPEN Joining Fee €100 Annual Sub €300

Nollaig na mBan Women’s Little Christmas Good Luck to Rolestown Theatre Group

New FREE Courses Starting in March 2011

Calling all Mothers, Sisters, Aunties, Grandmothers and Best Friends!! Special Overnight Room Rate of only €50 Bed & Breakfast per room! Date: Thursday January 6th 2011 Time: 8pm Price: €25 (to include 4 Course Dinner & Mulled Wine Reception) Roganstown Hotel & Country Club, Naul Rd, Swords, Co Dublin Tel. 01-8433118 email:

To join our garden club and for more details on the free course's please visit our website or call 01-8405780



North County Leader 28th December 2009

North County Leader Sales Issue 2011

County C www.nortluhbbers Is Now Online @ cou tylead www.face and book.comn/n orthcounty leader with Declan Doyle

Louise Geraty, Matthew Dockrell, Sarah-Ann D’llrhy. Jennifer Lynch, Donal Breathnach, Georgia Rogers, John Ryan.

Danielle Haig, Karen Rogers. Sean Reilly, Jan Molloy, Ciaran Beglan.

Grace Buckley, Hannah McCabe.

Ciaran Jennings, Barry Kennedy, Conor O’Kane.

Klara Heron, Claire Lacey, Fiona Ennis.

Orla Kelly, Cathy Critchley, FionaMcGinn.

John Grace, Billy Minto, Conor Kelly, Lydia Daly.

Timmy O’Sullivan, Jamie Walsh, Mark O’Brien, Eoin O’Rourke.

Richie Jones, Simon Fallon, Jeff Caulfield.

Kiera O’Farrell, Aisling O’Sullivan

Eoin Fitzgibbon, Joyce O’Donovan.

Lisa O’Connor, Catriona McNeela, Aisling Ni Chonaire.

Niamh McCabe, Aisling O’Kelly, Seona Grant, Cian Molloy.

Cathy Condell, Simon Horan.

Rachel Roche, Sean Halligan, Lauren Bray.

Laura Kavanagh, David Revins, Neil Brady, Daniel Soady.

North County Leader 28th December 2009

Malahide Girl Is Delighted To Meet Santa Lucky Malahide girl, Mia Keane was one of the lucky children who was a part of a group of children form Our Lady’s Children Hospital to visit Santa. Organisers made dreams come true for some of the patients from the hospital to take part in the Santa flight courtesy of Aer Arann and visit Santa at the ‘North Pole Grotto’ in Co. Sligo. The children, along with their parents and staff from the hospital arrived at Dublin Airport to be greeted by a crew of Santa’s helpers who looked after the guests throughout the trip. On the flight the children were treated to plenty of entertainment by Santa’s helpers, including some enthusiastic carol singing. Once the plane touched down, the children were shown into Santa’s grotto for some festive treats where they eagerly waited to meet the man in red! Shortly afterwards, Santa Claus himself arrived in style by touching down in an impressive red Coast Guard helicopter, much to the amazement of the children present. It was fun and games for all, as each child had a chance to meet with Santa and tell him what they wanted for


North County Leader Sales Issue 2011

Christmas and to have their photographs taken. After several hours of Christmas fun including face-painting and more,

the children boarded their Aer Arann flight back to Dublin, along with Santa, who accompanied them on the flight home. Each child returned with a gift from Santa. This was the ninth annual Christmas flight arranged by Aer

Arann for the Children of our Lady’s Hospital, Crumlin with this year proving extremely successful thanks to the commitment of Aer Arann volunteers, hospital staff and the staff at Sligo Airport.

Why not make a night of it and book a room? Special Discounted Rates apply. **Our Courtesy Bus is also available to and from local area**

Waterside House Hotel, Donabate, On the beach, Co.Dublin P: 01 8436153 F: 01 8436111 E: W:

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detail of you Let us look after every

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need not be! but Your Expectations The prices may be low


North County Leader 28th December 2009

North County Leader Sales Issue 2011




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Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask for a special one (mention here). Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in these merciful eyes, it will become your favourite, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and prayer and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. Thanks given for favour received. D.D

To have a prayer published in North County Leader simply: (1) Go to our website: and click the Prayer Publication link or (2) Call into our offices at: Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin and we will be happy to assist you or (3) Phone us on: 01-8400200

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O most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendour of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me this my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart, to succour me in this necessity; there are none that can withstand your power. O, show me herein you are my Mother, O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times) Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands. (3 times) N.H

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Miracle New Headstone Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus Showrooms in the past I have


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asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. N.H

North County Leader 28th December 2009 King-size bed with drawers & mattress, good condition. Phone 087-2817775. BATHROOM trolley in chrome framework with 2817775. three glass shelves, For Sale MIELE Dishwasher C O M P U T E R v.g.c., (h) 78cm (w) perfect working order, free DESK, very good 34cm (d) 21cm and price €10. standing, Malahide area condition, €50 o.n.o. Phone 086-2324869. Phone 087-2817775. €150 FREE to take away – Ph: 01-8452536 WHITE SATIN A&T 4 ways to place your Lotus Orient Corporation wedding dress for sale, FREE private Classified size 10-12. Perfect condition, can email photos 1. Email your advertisement to us at anytime Selling at bargain price. 2. Fax your advertisement tous at (01) 8400 550 Swords Area ready for 3. Just pop into our office on North Street, Swords collection. with your advertisement. Ph: 087 7558447 2 CANDELABRAS 4. Log onto ceiling fitting in antique decorative brass, 3 lights with frosted shades, v.g.c., and €12 each. Phone 087- Secure your future with a second income

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PLANNING APPLICATIONS Fingal County Council Permission for the erection of a new 6m high x 20m long concrete hurling/ball wall with double-sided access , new sports surfaces on each side and associated fencing and floodlighting to be located to north of existing clubhouse at Aras Naomh Maur, Kenure Park, Rush, Co. Dublin. Signed: R. Bollard, Chairman, St. Maurs GAA Club. Fingal County Council Permission sought for single storey extension to front , side and rear of existing dwelling to include front porch and relocation and modifications to existing windows on south / east gable elevation in addition to internal and external modifications to existing dwelling and part demolition of existing garage at rear as well as raised patio to front of house all at 126a, Hampton Cove, Balbriggan, County Dublin for Mary Rose and John Flannery The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20 euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the planning authority of this application Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought for a 2 no. detached 2 storey houses on infill site located to rear of existing dwelling “Greengates”, Sea Road,

Malahide and for permission for a vehicular access from The Cove, Malahide, Co. Dublin. Applicants Anne & Fiona Maguire. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council, Notice is hereby given that Worldwide Flight Services (Irl) intend to apply for planning permission for development at Cargo Terminal 3, Corballis Park, Cloghran, Dublin Airport, Dublin. The development will consist of the construction of a 162 sqm extension to the existing facility. Extension to be for warehousing use. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and that a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginningon the date of receipt by the authority of the application.

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