WIN WIN WIN! A Wireless Intruder Alarm System See Page 27 Cheque Donation To Jack And Jill Foundation In Rush See Page 23 Enterprise Boards Award Ceremony See Page 26
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Copy deadline: Thursday 18th Nov.
16th November 2010 • Volume 17, Issue 24 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200
Applewood Village, Swords, Co. Dublin
Tuesday, 23rd November
OFF with 3 or more blinds on production of this Ad
Terminal Two Set For Take-Off A feeling of pride, excitement and optimism in the North County is evident with the opening of the much anticipated Terminal Two (T2) at Dublin Airport. The opening ceremony is set to take place on Friday next, 19th November. This vital piece of infrastructure is absolutely vital to the commercial and economic growth of the North County and its opening will be a momentous occasion for the entire local area. The distinctive building is destined to specifically meet the travelling needs of passengers and features spacious areas in check-in, baggage reclaim and a state of the art departures lounge. The new facilities will enhance the travelling experience of thousands of passengers and will allow arriving passengers to move through the centre of the terminal without having to change levels. The hugely impressive underpass created by T2 brings, not only the North County, but Ireland firmly into the 21st century. Dublin Airport has been the leading employer in the North County since its inception 70 years ago. Generations of local people have been employed there and are steeped in its history, including whole families who have plied their trades here. In many cases, generations of the same family have worked there and this new addition will hopefully continue this trend. It is the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of the North County and is set to scale even greater heights. The addition of the new terminal will catapult the airport to becoming one of Europe’s leading airports which will generate a whole new passenger experience. The vibrancy of the North County as an economic hub has been evident for some time now, particularly with the recent granting of the Railway Order allowing Metro North to proceed to the next stage of development. The linking of Metro North with T2 will combine two of the largest infrastructural projects in
the state in one place, which is bound to have a massive impact on the area. Aer Lingus will be the primary user of the new terminal, which will also be home to other transatlantic and intercontinental carriers. The facilities will include The Loop, a shopping area which is guaranteed to be a unique experience with all the top names present. Meanwhile, Tony Lambert CEO of Fingal Dublin Chamber said, “The opening of T2 will bring huge benefits to air travellers and will
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right up your street be a very impressive introduction to our country for incoming visitors. The creation of 900 direct jobs in T2 and many thousands indirectly will of course bring enormous economic benefits to the North County.” He continued, “Dublin Airport has been the mainstay of employment in this region for decades. T2 will continue and sustain the large number of jobs that are so vital, particularly so at present. The Chamber congratulates Dublin Airport Authority on delivering this magnificent engineering and architectural achievement to the airport,” he concluded.
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Musical Instruments Having a party at home this Xmas?
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North County Dublin’s
Lidl Planning Decision To Be Opposed By Residents Councillor Clare Daly (SP), has responded angrily to the decision of the County Council to grant planning permission to Lidl for a store in Swords. The site is on the Rathbeale
Road and she called it, “a shocking, but not surprising betrayal of the residents in the estates living in that part of the town. It was evident that the planners were pushing this project
R U Goin Our Way?
from the beginning in terms of their dealings with Lidl and the discussions which took place during the Development Plan meetings in the last few weeks.” “This will not be tolerated. We are planning for a public meeting to mobilise in preparation for an appeal against the decision to An Bord Pleanala. We will see a steady increase on the already busy Rathbeale Road in the coming weeks, with the run-in to Christmas.” She continued, “Imagine what it would be like with a Lidl
Launch Of Christmas Card And Calendar In Lusk
SPECIAL WEEKLY COMMUTER RATES Integrated Transport For Rural Fingal For timetables and fare details visit:
.ie • Tel: 01 807 88 55
This year marks the 30th anniversary of Lusk Tidy Towns Association. It was founded in 1980 and has gone from strength to strength in that time. The association invites you to their annual Christmas Card and Calendar launch on Friday,19th November in Murray’s Top Shop in Lusk, from 8pm till late. Guest of honour will be the County Mayor, Cllr. Ken Farrell and the launch will be performed by Michael Kennedy TD. Music and refreshments will be provided and there will also be a raffle. Everyone is welcome to attend.
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper Lidl opening in Swords, just the location. She explained, “Lidl would be a very welcome addition to Swords, the new C o u n t y Development Plan has zoned a site
which they could use in Airside, or the vacant Des Darcy site on North Street. This would be a great location, with excellent parking potential and opening up the footfall on North Street
which would have a positive impact on the other businesses there. There is no way we are going to stand back and allow that to be compounded by decisions such as this one,” she concluded.
Outstanding 5 Bedroom Detached Residence Cllr Clare Daly pictured at the proposed site for the new Lidl supermarket on the Rathbeale Road in Swords.
store opening from 8am to 9pm from Monday to Saturday and from 10.30am on Sundays. Not only will there be
13 Longwood, Dublin Road, Drogheda
traffic problems from shoppers and deliveries, but also parking issues in the nearby estates.” Daly is not against
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North County Leader 16th November 2010
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by the tenderer and is not going to cost the taxpayer as much as is the perception. The Taoiseach responded by saying, “The issue is the air at the moment and is in the development plan. We evaluate all the costs and, as I say, it’s part of the revised capital By Patrick Finnegan programme.” Mr Cowen was very An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen, paid a positive when he was reminded about visit to Swords last week, where he the very dynamic additions to the performed a number of functions. He North County in recent times, presented Grants of Approval to some including the opening of T2 at Dublin locally based companies in the offices Airport, the Drinan Enterprise Centre, of the County Enterprise Board in the the growth of the Pavilions Shopping town. After the presentation, he spoke Centre and the general vibrancy which about Metro North and other issues is regularly reported in this newspaper. affecting the North County in an inter- He said, “We need to concentrate on view with the County Leader. positives and move away from all the When asked about what outcome he negatives we hear all of the time. It’s saw for the Metro North Project in also clear that we have a flexible regard to jobs he was understandably labour market in this country. cautious, due in the main to the project Remember that 86 per cent of the still having some obstaworkforce went to work cles to overcome. this morning. In the last However, the feeling was recession, it was a one of optimism that struggle to get one Metro North will be million people working delivered. He said, “It’s a and now we have 1.86 huge project which is million people at work,” included in the National he said. He was full of Development Plan as praise for our County part of the transportation Council who won the resolution in Dublin. The Local Authority of the government has made Year Award. He said, decisions and Metro is a An Taoiseach, Brian “The local authority, Cowen huge project into which a through a well resourced lot of work has gone so far. It’s an rate plan, has been able to attract busiissue we’re going to have a look at. ness to open here. A lot of social We have got to understand with the capital has been attracted to the North public finances, is how we can roll out County area, with residential and these programmes over a period of commercial developments here. When time. That’s why we revised the you look at Swords, Malahide, capital programme in the summer and Balbriggan, Lusk, Rush, Balbriggan, Metro is still part of that.” When asked Skerries and other towns in the area, about the confusion surrounding the they are very well developed commucost of the project and the fact that, as nities where there is a very good a Public Private Partnership initiative, quality of life, which I am very well the majority of the cost will be borne aware of myself,” he concluded.
North County Newspaper
Taoiseach Praises Progress In North County
JC Savage Business Person Of The Year Award 2010 Office Limited in the UK and Malta Post. Under his leadership, the company’s flagship product, the One4all Gift Card and Gift Voucher, has grown to become the number one selling gift card in Ireland. The Gift Voucher Shop currently employs over 70 people in the locality and a further 60 plus on a part-time basis over the Christmas season. Speaking at the gala awards ceremony, Dawson said “I am absolutely delighted to be the first recipient of the JC Savage Award. It is a huge honour. JC Savage was one of our original entrepreneurs, having started out in his family’s small shop on Main Street in Swords. He spotted the emerging trend of the supermarket at an early stage and set up on the Rathbeale Road as soon as the opportunity arose. His success in the retail sector spanned over 32 years, providing great inspiration to many of us who followed in his path,” he concluded.
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Swords based entrepreneur, Michael Dawson, Group CEO at Gift Voucher Shop (GVS), received the prestigious JC Savage Business Person of the Year accolade at the Fingal Business Excellence Awards. Dawson was honoured for his innovative business aptitude, his passion for developing the best standards possible and his unique contribution to promoting the success of businesses in the region. The Awards celebrate business excellence in the region and pay tribute to the talent, drive, innovation and success of the local business community. The Awards are organised by the Fingal Dublin Chamber and recognise the efforts of local companies to promote excellence in the quality of their products, services and customer care. Since developing the concept of the Gift Voucher Shop in 2001, Dawson has led the company as CEO, establishing successful partnerships and businesses with An Post, Post
FREE Nifti office on 01 807 88 55 between the hours of 9.30am - 12.20pm Monday - Friday to pre-book your journeys.
Micheal Dawson, Group CEO, The Gift Voucher Shop Limited is presented with the JC Savage, Fingal Business Person of the Year award by An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen. Also pictured are, compere, Marty Whelan, President of Fingal Dublin Chamber, Andrew O'Neill, County Manager, David O'Connor, County Mayor, Ken Farrell and Chamber CEO, Tony Lambert.
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Integrated Transport For Rural Fingal For timetables and fare details visit:
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North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
Skerries Development A Step Closer Skerries residents are a step closer to seeing a swimming pool, hotel and gymnasium built in Skerries. This follows Labour councillor, Ciaran Byrne’s success in having his motion included in the County Development Plan recently. “The motion also includes
provision for playing pitches and a coastal walkway. The proposed hotel would be a small, high quality, boutique style one to cater for local weddings and small conferences, thus benefiting the local economy still further,” said Byrne. He continued, “The
motion specifies that these community facilities must be delivered by the developer at the same time and in conjunction with any housing development in the project.” says Byrne. There was great disappointment in Skerries when plans for a pool in the Ballast Pit collapsed two years ago. “I was, and am, determined to see that a pool for a townspeople who had made such great
efforts in the previous decade should be rewarded. That is the meaning of community led development and Holmpatrick Cove has the support of the overwhelming majority of people in the town.” Byrne, who also commended the project developers, Michael and Alison Brannigan, themselves Skerries residents for their commitment to delivering the community facilities up front. I am calling on government TDs in the North County to ensure that the government funds that have been promised for the swimming pool project in Balrothery/ Balbriggan are protected in the forthcoming Budget on December 7th.” he concluded.
Malahide Lions Host Fashion Show Pictured at the IMT sponsored Irish Health Care Awards held in the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, on 28th October 2010. Swords girls, Louise and Edel Connolly, whose work was recognised. Pictured L-R. are, Catherine Connolly, Louise Connolly; Health Minister Mary Harney, Edel Connolly and Mr. Aidan Connolly. Photo Brendan Lyon/Imagebureau.
To arrange for consultation, exam, and EMG scan Call Today Premier Chiropractic, Applewood Village Medical Centre, Applewood Village, Swords
Swords Sisters Highly Commended At Healthcare Awards The Irish Healthcare Awards took place at the Shelbourne Hotel recently. Swords sisters Edel and Louise Connolly were highly commended by judges for their project, ‘Be Allergy Aware’. Edel, who is just nine years old, is the youngest ever Irish Healthcare Awards entrant. An anaphylaxis sufferer, Edel developed a campaign aimed at raising awareness of
allergies. The suite of materials produced by the sisters included leaflets and a website, and the pair have given several talks on allergy awareness in schools. Nearly 100 entries were received for this year’s Awards, which are now in their ninth year and the gala event was addressed by Mary Harney TD, Minister for Health and Children.
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The Malahide Lions Club will be hosting a Fashion Show in aid of Mediation Northside, a charity dedicated to dispute mediation. The show will take place on Thursday, November 18th at Portmarnock Sports & Leisure Club. It has the makings of a glamourous night, with the proceeds going to a worthy cause. Doors are open at 8pm with tickets available at the venue.
North County Leader 16th November 2010
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
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North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
Local Ambulance Services On Critical List By Bob McKenzie
A major row is brewing over the Pictured at the Swords headquarters of Dublin Fire Brigade and possible loss of life saving emer- Ambulance service are L-R, Paul O'Rourke, Tom McDonnell, Fine gency services in the North County. Gael Health spokesman, James Reilly TD, John Kidd and Cllr. Tom Plans are set for Balbriggan and O'Leary (FG) Swords to lose ambulances which are essential health services in the area. Local representatives, emergency service personnel and healthcare professionals have all given the same message, “the loss of such vital local services could cost lives.” Cllr Tom O’Leary told the County Leader, ”Fire and Ambulance men are very concerned that this vital service could be axed. For local people right across the North County this is a tragic decision. We have to keep the service going, God forbid there was a major incident in the area. The ever growing population needs all the ambulances we can get.” The SIPTU union whose members operate the service have condemned the decision saying that the service has proved it’s worth over With this voucher you get the last four years. It is estimated that around 4,500 people depend on the service each year with possible cardiac patients being worst affected should the service be scrapped and other services from further afield used. SIPTU slammed the decifor TEETH WHITENING sion saying that the half a million euro needed to fund the service needed to be found and was well with Beyond™ Laser within the budget from the HSE. Fine Gael Deputy worth €200 Leader James Reilly accused the HSE of “bungling” the decision, pointing out that the Fire and / or Brigade ambulance cost just €19 per call as opposed to the cost of €90 per call for the HSE service. It would appear that this is an argument that the HSE cannot win and certainly are having for TEETH CLEANING trouble justifying as the figures just don’t add up. or any other dental treatment The HSE maintain that they can provide cover without the Fire Brigade’s ambulances, yet the HSE ambulances were unavailable to respond to KBM Medics, twenty thousand calls over the last two years. 33 Strand Street, Skerries Tel: 01 8106841, 0870990520, email:
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New Youth Club For Malahide
Foróige, together with a group of volunteers, has recently opened a youth club for teenagers in
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Malahide. The club is for all second level students in First to Third years. The club currently meets in the Grove Lawn Tennis Clubhouse on Grove Road on Thursdays from 8.00pm to 9.30pm. There are still places available in the club. Preparations are currently underway to open a youth café for older teenagers, in the same premises. The café will be designed for those in Transition year and older. A group of volunteers has been recruited and it is hoped the café will be ready to open before the end of the year. The club and café will provide young people with a much needed social outlet to meet their friends and get involved in various activities. This development is welcomed warmly and arises directly from a need identified in the community survey carried out two years ago.
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North County Leader 16th November 2010
The Biggest Circulation Of
Malahide School Holds Reunion
Nifti To Receive Major Funding By Leslie Murphy The North Fingal Rural Transport Network (Nifti), is to receive a major funding boost from the Government, according to T.D. Michael Kennedy (FF). He told the County Leader, “I’m delighted to see that the Nifti will receive funding of over €98,000. These much needed funds will assist with the cost of running this vital service in an area of North Dublin that is often times overlooked when it comes to public transport.” “I want to congratulate Ann Louth and her dedicated colleagues for the work that they have put in to this project which will continue to benefit communities in the North County.” Kennedy has been working with the Nifti transport group for several years with their efforts to secure continued Government funding. Nifti is a community based project established in 2002, following a long campaign by local residents, and addresses rural isolation by providing transport services to rural residents. “Nifti has proven very successful and this announcement demonstrates the importance of keeping community based programmes Michael Kennedy TD alive in rural areas”, concluded Kennedy. Meanwhile, an ambitious new strategy to set out a clear plan towards achieving a more sustainable model of transport in rural areas will be launched November 22nd by TD, Mary O Rourke (FF). It will present to the Government a blueprint to maximise the return on investment made in the Rural Transport Programme(RTP), as well as other mainstream budgets including health. Chairman of Nifti and Executive Committee member of RTN, Cathal Boland told the County Leader, “The opportunity is there to build a bus network providing real connectivity and integration. The State who fund the RTP can make real savings by the integration of services currently provided by a range of agencies to rural communities,” he said.
Pictured at the presentation of Children in Africa, Friends in Ireland by Portmarnock Community School in County Hall, Swords are, L-R, Ian Briody, Fran Whelan, Daniel Rea, County Mayor, Ken Farrell, Marty Whelan, Ciara McCabe, Jessica McElroy, Phakiso Ralephoma and Deputy Mayor, Cllr. Peter Coyle. Pic: Eoghan McQuinn
Swords Association’s Initiative To Boost Local Economy A unique new membership/loyalty initiative was officially launched on Monday,1st of November last in River Valley, Swords. This initiative allows members of the Residents’ Association to avail of multiple discounts from local retailers on production of their membership card. These include some of the largest retailers in the locality. Association secretary, Arthur Browne, told the County Leader, “We feel that the introduction of this card will generate business locally and will point people in the direction of good bargains, thus encouraging the all important local economy. There is something for everyone in this scheme,” he said. He is convinced that this model is set to be replicated by other associations in a bid to bolster local growth and
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By Patrick Finnegan believes this new membership initiative is one of a kind. “With employment at it’s lowest in 10 years, we believe we can, with the assistance of local retailers, encourage people to spend a little more if they are given a decent discount. This, in turn will keep locals in employment. That’s the plan anyway,”
said Arthur. The scheme includes retailers in all of the major shopping areas in Swords. River Valley Community Club was formally opened in 1991 and was a combined initiative by the Residents Association and the local GAA club, St Finian’s. Arthur continued, “We boast the biggest sporting
Secretary of River Valley and Rathingle Residents Association, Arthur Browne displays the new River Valley Community Club Card which is set to revolutionise retail opportunities for its members.
Enjoy a four course meal from our á la Carte Menu with a Complimentary Glass of Wine for only €40 p.p.
North County Newspaper
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DATES AVAILABLE: Sat 4th Dec, Fri 10th Dec, Sat 11th Dec, Fri 17th Dec & Sat 18th Dec
R U Goin Our Way?
Pobail Scoil Iosa in Malahide will hold a class reunion of the 1985 class to mark the 25th anniversary of leaving school. The reunion will take place in Malahide Tennis Club at 8.00pm on Saturday 20th November. Organiser, Sharon Lynch is calling on as many of the 1985 class to turn up and is looking forward to renewing old friendships and catching up on 25 years of news. The night, which promises to be fun of fun is a casual night and will include some finger food and refreshments. hall in the North County, which at times doubles up for party and function nights. “This centre is the jewel in the crown of the County Council,” said an obviously proud Arthur. Indeed the Residents Association will be hosting a Stars in Your Eyes Show on Saturday, 27th November with a Christmas theme. Intending new members should contact the Community Centre with the appropriate fee which is also discounted until the 31st of January 2011 to €15. This unique scheme is a perfect example of local communities helping each other in a spirit of togetherness which should be copied in every corner of the North County.
SPECIAL WEEKLY COMMUTER RATES Integrated Transport For Rural Fingal For timetables and fare details visit:
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W Ch e’ v N e ew ris go t W m t ra Yea as pp r’s & ed A Up ll !
€50 per person
6 Five Course Gourmet Meal 6 ‘Red Shoes Band’ and DJ Let us make your Christmas Sparkle... Call now 01-841 3333 Bridge St, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin T: (01) 841 333 F: (01) 629 5118 E: W:
North County Dublin’s
Malahide Shuttle Project Update Following many attempts by residents from Malahide to set up a bus service, the likelihood of getting a licence seems to have improved. There is hope of getting it early in the New Year when it should be possible to get the service up and running within a couple of months.
By Leslie Murphy Last August, the committee’s licence appeal had just been turned down, despite nearly 600 Malahide residents logging into the Shuttle Project website to support it. The new National Transport Authority (NTA) took over bus
licensing and the committee applied to them for a licence once they were in business. They also mentioned that they had sent out a draft set of guidelines on bus licensing which looked somewhat better than the old ones issued by the Department of Transport. There was one area in the new guidelines that gave some concern.
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North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
Skerries Tennis Club To Build Clubhouse Skerries Lawn Tennis Club is planning to develop a new clubhouse at a location near Skerries Community Centre. The development, which was approved at a recent County Council meeting, will give the
This was a section on ‘Adverse Competition’, which effectively gave them the option to refuse to license any service which might be seen as in competition with an existing subsidised service, e.g. Dublin Bus. The committee sent in a submission about this clause and several other Malahide bodies, including the Chamber, the Forum and several Residents Associations also did so. Deputy Michael Kennedy (FF), who is a member of the Joint Oireachtas Committee invited the committee to address them and following that, they asked the NTA to meet with them. Mark Hely Hutchinson, from the Malahide Shuttle Project told the County Leader, “The outcome seems to us to be most encouraging. The NTA indicated to the committee that they
By Liam Keegan Tennis Club a new independent clubhouse, as well as an extra tennis court, next to their current courts. Fine Gael Councillor Tom O’Leary, with the support of his fellow councillors, succeeded in getting the motion passed and it is now up to the Skerries Lawn Tennis Club’s to put forward a plan. “The County Manager and the planning department are in favour of building a new clubhouse”, said O’Leary, “It’s now down to the club, in conjunction with the Council, to bring forward a proposal to the planning commissions.” James Reilly TD said he was glad that O’Leary has gotten the Council to acknowledge
the need for sporting facilities in the North County. “We may have a crisis financially, but we equally have a health crisis with obesity, and the more sporting facilities we have, the more likely people are to take exercise”, he said. President of Skerries Lawn Tennis Club, David Nathan welcomed
Cllr. Tom O’Leary
the news, saying it was a step closer to a muchneeded clubhouse for the club. “It’s terrific
news, but there’s still a lot of hard work to do. We have 300 kids coming here every week and having a facility for them to keep healthy, to keep off the streets and to socially interact, is an absolute necessity.” The Tennis Club’s proposal will go forward for approval at a meeting in the New Year, and will become legal in June 2011 if approved.
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accepted our criticism of the section on Adverse Competition, and were proposing to change it. They also reiterated their undertaking to give the needs of the travelling public priority over protecting subsidised services. The NTA has stated that they will deal with licence applications much more quickly than the Department of Transport did,” he concluded.
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North County Leader 16th November 2010
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North County Newspaper
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
Advertising Feature
J. GALLAGHER SERVICES have clearly managed to find this balance and continue to supply the best gutter, fascia and soffit installation and repairs in the North County and beyond.
Best wishes from
AXA Insurance
We all dread the scourge of a leaking gutter which sends down torrents of water during particularly wet weather. This will be caused by erosion, age or poor workmanship by fly by night operators offering work at knock down prices. Balbriggan based guttering firm, John Gallagher Services is at the forefront of ensuring that customer service and value for money are their primary concern in the "I asked John area of guttering, Gallagher Services fascias and soffits and for a price for gutters and fascia. He gave a fair price for the job and did it when he said he would. I am very happy with the job."
John and Eileen Gallagher
downpipes. The company was founded by John Eamon Sheridan, Rush Gallagher and his wife Eileen. John had served his time in the business since 1990 and in 1994, he saw the opportunity to develop his own business. It has been run as a family business since then, with Eileen taking charge of office business including the accounts section. John is a Balbriggan man, born and bred and is well known throughout the area. He is passionate about all things related to his work and said, “We replace old timbers with maintenance free UPVC products. Customer service is of paramount importance to us. If you do one good job, you will get another,” he said. All rotten timber is replaced and all waste is removed. The company At your service: Eileen will also replace Gallagher pointing and fix felt on
the first row. This is normally rotten and will need replacing. The roof line is the most vulnerable part of your home as it is open to the wind, rain, sleet, frost and ice. The company only uses the best products on the market and has carefully sourced its suppliers. “I’m an authorised installer for Freefoam Plastics, which supplies fascias and soffits and rainwater systems. I’m also an authorised installer for Wavin Pipe, which is another Balbriggan company. This helps to keep business in the locality and is important to me,” said John. The idea of keeping things local is one of the keys of success for the company and John and Eileen will always use local workers when they are engaged in a large project. “A lot of our Expert fitting: John work is as a result of Gallagher repairs we carry out on poor quality work by unqualified, mercenary chancers. We insist on a combination of value for
NORTH COUNTY DUBLIN’S PREMIER INSTALLERS OF uPVC Fascia, Soffits, Gutters & Downpipes Cast Iron Gutters & Downpipes Cast Aluminium Gutters & downpipes
Do your gutters or fascia need to be replaced? If so, now is the time to avail of this special offer to enhance the appearance and value of your home. Contact us today for our special rates. All products manufactured by Freefoam - Ireland’s leading supplier of high quality gutter and fascia products
20 Year Colour Guarantee
• C2 Registered • Fully Insured
JOHN GALLAGHER SERVICES Seapoint, Balbriggan • Tel: 01-8411577 • 087-2512465 email:
money, allied to top class products, with an excellent after sales service which includes a 20 year guarantee on our products,” said John. The great advantage to having your gutters, fascia and soffits repaired or replaced is that it will instantly enhance the appearance and value of your house, as well as providing the necessary benefits of having a damp free environment. The products are also maintenance free and there will never be a need to paint them again. The company also supplies a leading range of colours and woodgrains for you to put your individual mark on your house. The company supplies cast iron and cast aluminium guttering. Seaside areas are prone to erosion of cast iron guttering and much of our business is generated replacing these. “Leaking gutters and rotting timbers are some of the most common problems we encounter. We work with about 20 local builders in the North County area, so our reputation for good professional work is well "The company known,” said John. were very profesThe company has sional and I am very pleased with the work many domestic and undertaken. John actually pointed out other work that needed to be done for which I was very grateful. He did a really great job."
in Swords, for Car, home, van or commercial insurance give us a call on:
I 8137177
Wishing Continued Success From
White Bros. Builders
commercial customers. Their thorough attenMargaret Mooney, Rush tion to detail and great service is typical of what customers can expect and it helps them to keep ahead of the competition. John wants to Rush, Co. Dublin develop the company to where they were five 086 277 3961 years ago when they had a regular workforce. The longer that people let guttering go, the more expensive the project. Regular maintenance pays dividends in the long run. Best Wishes & A passionate John paid Continued Success tribute to his many loyal customers who have supported the Freefoam - leading company over the supplier of a wide range of years. They are fully plastic building products including: C2 VAT registered and have complete insur· Gutters ance cover. Eileen said, “You always get what · Downpipes you pay for and the · Fascia cheapest price is not · Soffit always the best value in · Exterior Cladding the long run. We · Window Boards provide quality work, · Composite Decking quality products and · Interior Panelling quality service,” she · Door Kits said. To be in business · Tools/Accessories successfully for 16 years, particularly one as competitive as the guttering business, Trade Supply means that the company is doing something right and is New North Dublin Depot on the right track. Unit 27 Port Tunnel Business Park Getting a balance Clonshaugh Industrial Estate between cost and Coolock, Dublin 17 service is a very deliT: (01)871-2882 cate operation and will F: (01)871-2779 always result in value E: for money and a satisfied customer. John Gallagher Services
North County Leader 16th November 2010
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Great Community Spirit At Skerries Allotments The community of Skerries, with the guidance of Skerries Allotment Association are taking to the fields and establishing their own unique allotments within walking distance of the town. The Association is a working group of Sustainable Skerries, in partnership with the County Council. On average, 50 people have converged on the allotment site over the past five weekends to help clear pathways and mark out over 230 allotments. They have been blessed with good weather and the close assistance of the council who have supported the ground breaking allotment scheme from its beginnings in the winter of 2009. The allotments will consist of strict Organic, Transitional Organic and
Conventional plots. Applicants who wish to grow in any one of these categories will be accommodated. It is intended to mentor and encourage progressive development towards organic gardening. The Skerries Allotment Association was established as a part of Sustainable Skerries, to represent the allotment holders and will include mentoring and training of lesser skilled growers by more experienced gardeners. Skerries Allotment Association believe that this allotment scheme will be unique. An Organic and Transitional programme alongside a mentoring programme will improve skills and encourage the growth of organic food. It is intended to have a resilient water supply using wind and solar power to irrigate the scheme. The association considers this type of allotment project to be an excellent example of Local Authority and Local Community acting together to create a sustainable and resilient allotment scheme which will be held up as an example throughout the country.
North County Newspaper
Ballyboughal Pitch And Putt Competition There was great excitement at Ballyboughal Pitch and Putt club recently. The Ladies Cup was decided and very generously sponsored by Bill and Peg O’Neill from the village. A fantastic day was had by all with glorious sunshine all day. This year’s Cup winner was Marion Murray with a truly great Net 47. Marion was pushed all
Pictured are hard working members of all ages of the working group at the Skerries Allotments. These volunteers epitomise community pride and spirit at its best.
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the way by the runner up, Orla Gannon with a Net 48. This final major brings down the curtain on what was a fantastic year for the club, following a year where they held twelve major competitions for the adults and celebrated their 40th anniversary, having being established in 1970. Sunday games will continue at 11am, weather permitting. There are plans to run a Christmas turkey competition. Details will be posted on the club’s website.
North County Dublin’s
Quality Newspaper
North County Leader 16th November 2010
North County Leader 16th November 2010
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
North County Dublin’s
Having a party?...
Pictured enjoying themselves at John Feeney's 30th party in The Harp Lounge, Swords are L-R, Claire Coffey, Karen Jose, John Feeney, David Malone, Jeff Barry, Fergus Feeney, Joey O'Reilly. EMcQ
Aly Gavin celebrated her 21st birthday in the Old Schoolhouse, Swords recently. Pictured helping to celebrate the occasion are, Gretta Cullen, Aly Gavin (21) and Lorraine Gavin. JG
Let us know and we’ll send one of our photographers to capture your special night!
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Pictured at the recent Jack and Jill Foundation charity night in the Strand Bar, Rush are, L-R, Carl Brennan, Jackie Brennan, bar owner Joe Sherman, Jack and Jill liaison nurse, Caroline Thomas, champion boxer Jim Rock, Susanne Matthews and Anne Murphy. LK
Peggy Browne (centre) recently celebrated her 70th birthday with a party in The Star, Swords. She is pictured here with Noel Browne and EMcQ Linda Hughes.
A christening party was held in The Harp Lounge, Swords recently for baby Adam Callinan. Pictured at the party are, L-R, Lorraine Callinan, baby Adam, Sophie Callinan and James Callinan. EMcQ
A Superthrift, Baldoyle staff reunion was held in The Harp Lounge, Swords recently. Pictured enjoying the night are, L-R, Laura Shiels, Janice Cosgrave, Theresa Brady, Tom O'Shaughnessy, Theresa Cummins, EMcQ Marget Slattery, Paula Smullen and Martin Savage.
Pictured enjoying a night out at the Chain Gang Show at the Manor Inn in Swords recently are, L-R, Liz Keogh, Collette Stears, Caroline Wilkins, Charlotte Telston and Marie Kinahan all from Swords Ian Boylan celebrated his 30th birthday in the Old Boro, Swords recently. He is pictured here with Wayne Gaffney. JD
Rachel Rae in the red Can-Can dress celebrated her 21st birthday in the Lord Mayor's Swords recently. Pictured are, Rachel with her son, Callum Rae, Janice O'Toole, Jessie JD King, Linda Conway and Emma Masterson.
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
The Harp Bar in Swords was the venue when Linda McGuinness celebrated her 30th birthday. She is pictured here in the black dress bottom right) with her partner, Stephen Biggins, along with Kerri Jane, Trish, Anthony, Aiden McGuinness, Audrey Byrne, Megan Blackert and Mustafa Ertas. JD
Bon Voyage party in The Harp Lounge, Swords. Pictured L-R are, Carmel Kelly, Nadia Kelly and Richard Mulvaney, both leaving for Canada and Antoinette Mulvaney. EMcQ
Sara Smyth's 21st party was held in The Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords recently. Pictured enjoying the night are, L-R, Micheal Hughes, Joann Hughes, Lynn Reynolds, Darragh Reynolds, Amy Loughrey, Claire Hughes, Sara Smyth and Colma O'Donavan EMcQ
Pics: Joey Gavin, Jason Deans, Eoghan McQuinn and Liam Keegan
North County Leader 16th November 2010
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
North County Leader Scoops Business Award orth County Leader, your No.1 local newspaper was one of the big winners at the Fingal Dublin Chamber’s Excellence in Business Awards at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Santry last week. The Human Resources Development Excellence Award was presented to the your no.1 local newspaper by Mary Carroll representing the award sponsor, FÁS. Managing Editor, Gerry Fitzmaurice was clearly delighted with the well deserved award and said, “We recognised the changing business environment and worked with staff to help them move to a more flexible environment. The market place is a lot harder now and we need to work closer to our customers,” he said. The company were quick to realise the changing economic climate and undertook several in-house training sessions, as well as external workshops in a bid to create a flexible and coherent environment in which to conduct business. The company sought the help of business mentors and business coaches to assist with team building. These facilitators helped staff to formulate ideas to enable the business to survive in difficult economic times. “It’s Pictured at the awards ceremony last were Joe Savage, Kristina Beljakova, North all about training and County Leader, Michael Savage and Colm Savage, sons of the late JC Savage. empowering staff to be flexible and to compete in this competitive market,” said a determined Gerry Fitzmaurice. The company currently employs a total of 13 staff in an atmosphere of co-operation and friendliness, where skills are developed and innovation is encouraged. There is a spirit of professional and friendly interaction between departments in the company and this clearly gives North County Leader the vital cutting edge in the crucial area of providing a value for money service. The company’s attitude to constant training of staff and providing flexibility was not lost on the judges and their decision was a clear Pictured at the awards ceremony in were Kristina endorsement of the policy being pursued Beljakova, North County Leader, Paddy Lonergan, by North County Leader newspaper. Manager Bank of Ireland, Swords and Caroline Foran, The colourful evening, which was attended Salon Services by about 300 people, turned out to be a great success and was compered by the irrepressible Marty Whelan of RTE fame. The Taoiseach spoke about the enterprise that was evident in the region and that the local authority and local businesses had combined to make this a great place to do business. County Mayor, Ken Farrell said that he was proud to be mayor at this time. “The commu-
NUMBERS TO KNOW Swords Garda Station ................01 666 4700 Balbriggan Garda Station..........01 802 0510 Malahide Garda Station.............01 666 4600 Skerries Garda Station...............01 849 12 11 Lusk Garda Station.....................01 843 72 22 Rush Garda Station ....................01 843 72 02 MABS Money Advice ...................1890 283 438 D-Doc ..........................................1850 224 477 Crimestoppers ............................1800 250 025 Samaritans.................................1850 609090 Alcoholics Anonymous ................01 8420700 Childline .....................................1800 666 666 Aware (depression)....................1890 303 302 Dublin Rape Crisis Centre...........1800 778 888 Crisis Pregnancy- CURA ..............1850 622 626 Al-Anon Family Groups ..............01 8732699
Representatives from North County Leader were on hand to pick up A Fingal Business Excellence Award on behalf of the company last Friday. Pictured are General Manager Mubashar Hafeez, Advertising Sales representative Kristina Beljakova, Mary Carroll of FAS who presented the award, Managing Director Gerry Fitzmaurice, Director Kathrina Fitzmaurice, Production & I.T. Manager Seán Fitzmaurice, Journalist Patrick Finnegan, Chamber President Andrew O'Neill and Compere Marty Whelan.
nity is working together to grow out of recession and this we can do together,” he said. The inaugural JC Savage Business Person of the Year award was won by Michael Dawson, CEO of Gift Voucher Shop. This award is in honour of the late, great JC Savage, one of the North County’s outstanding entrepreneurs and Michael Dawson was quick to pay tribute to him in his acceptance speech. “It is a huge honour. JC Savage was one of our original entrepreneurs, having started out in his family’s small shop on Main Street in Swords. His success in the retail sector spanned over 32 years, providing great inspiration to many of us who followed in his path,” he said. Fingal Dublin Chamber CEO, Tony Lambert said, “Today there is a new, more challenging, constantly changing and more competitive business environment where the customer demands higher quality, better customer care and above all, excellence from their suppliers and product providers. The Fingal Business Excellence Awards are part of a Pictured at the awards ceremony were Siobhan Kinsella, CPL Flexsource, An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen, Martina Hilliard, O2 and Fingal Dublin Chamber process, in which President, Andrew O'Neill. everyone who participates, wins. It is the taking part that is most important, making the serious commitment to promote excellence in the quality of our products, services and customer care. We celebrate this excellence. We celebrate with those businesses who claim the awards and with all the participants in the awards. We celebrate with and give recognition to each of the finalists for inspiring others. We acknowledge publicly the vital contributions made by businesses to the region. We celebrate all that is good in retailing, manufacturing, services and business generally,” he concluded.
Contact Us: North County Leader Leader House, North Street, Swords Tel: 8 400 200
Advertising .............................Marian Charles General Manager ...................Mubashar Hafeez Editorial ..................................Patrick Finnegan & Leslie Murphy Head of Production................Seán Fitzmaurice Managing Editor.....................Gerry Fitzmaurice Printers...................................MCP - Navan Published by ..........................Seel Publishing Ltd. Advertising Tel: 01 8400 200
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Reaching 160,000 Consumers Every Week! Delivered to Homes & Businesses in • Balbriggan • Balrothery • Skerries • Lusk • Rush • Loughshinny • Ballyboughal • Rolestown • Naul • Oldtown • Ballough • Garristown • Portrane • Donabate • Swords • Kinsealy • Malahide • Portmarnock • Stamullen
Balbriggan and District Chamber of Commerce Business Award 2009 recipient
Fingal Dublin Chamber Business Excellence Award 2010
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
Council Wins Local Authority Of The Year Award The local County Council were victorious at the recent
Michael KENNEDY TD working with my colleague
Cllr Darragh BUTLER
Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government
Awards. At the ceremony, which took place on 28th
Cllr. Peter
COYLE Congratulations to Fingal County Council on winning Best County/ City Council in Ireland
8, Burrow Court, Portmarnock, 846 0327 • 087 2837160
to serve you at local and national level
E-Mail: Website:
Congratulations to the award winning Fingal County Council
Congratulations to Fingal County Council from all at
If you wish to contact me please phone me on: 890 2277 mobile: 087 2432 995 email: Constituency Office: The Plaza, Swords
Cllr. Ciaran
BYRNE Congratulations to a great team in Fingal County Council - working for the people
Mob: 087 227 30 60 email:
October last, the Council was named Local Authority of the Year, in addition to picking up awards for business partnership and technological innovation. Speaking after the awards, County Manager, David O’Connor said, “Winning this prestigious award is a fitting acknowledgement of efforts and hard work by council staff in providing the best possible range of services to the citi-
zens of the North County. In particular, working with reduced resources can present diffi-
culties, and we in the Council strive to overcome such obstacles, instead seeing them as opportunities to introduce changes which benefit the council, businesses, and residents of the
Sargent TD Congratulations to Fingal County Council ‘County Council of the Year’ 2010 Excellence in Local Government Awards
Now Open on Sundays Mon – Fri: 08.30am – 5.00pm Saturday: 09.00am – 5.00pm Sunday: 10.00am – 5.00pm Unit 4, Town Centre Mall, Swords
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Looking forward to feeding you soon!
Constituency Office: 2 Glebeview House, Rivermall, Main St., Swords Tel. (01) 8900 360 (office hours) Email: Available to meet and help you: Swords Office, Saturday mornings, 10.00-10.45 Balbriggan Town Hall, Friday evenings 7.00-7.45
Cllr. Gerry
McGuire Congratulations to the Award Winning Fingal County Council Gerry McGuire can be contacted at: 1 The Strand, Donabate, Tel: 087 2381980 e-mail:
Congratulations to Fingal County Council on their recent award.
Cllr. Tom Kelleher Congratulations to Fingal County Council
Ph: 01- 895 0010
Congratulations to Fingal County Council If I can be of any assistance I can be contacted at:
087 283 7165
region.” He continued, “By constantly examining how we provide our services, and striving for improvement, the Council sets out to achieve excellence in all we do. We seek to engage with our citizens and to work in a collaborative manner with business and industry in the county, and not in isolation from those we serve.” Accepting the other awards on behalf of the Council, Gerry Duane, Head of Water Services and IT said “We are pleased to accept awards for B u s i n e s s Partnership and Technological Innovation, particularly in the face of stiff competition from many other Town/City and Council Councils. The Joint Local Authority Initiative Award was shared with Dun Laoghaire / Rathdown County Council for Online Development Plan Submissions and is evidence that common services generate much scope for working together in partnership.” Congratulating the County Council, Ian Talbot, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive said, “The Council was recognised for its innovative efforts to enhance both the quality of life for all of its residents, while also consistently working in partnership with business as a stakeholder.
North County Leader 16th November 2010 As one of the main partners in local government countrywide, the Chamber network recognises and appreciates the daily work of local authorities on behalf of us all. We acknowledge that local government faces unprecedented funding challenges, while also needing to control costs and budgets many of which are beyond their control and are driven by decisions taken centrally and from Government budgetary allocations.” As well as winning the top award, the local authority also won two other awards for Partnership in Business and Innovation in Technology, as well as a joint first place for Joint Local Authority Initiative. The County Council also thanked Chambers Ireland for promoting the work of Local Authorities through it’s Excellence in Local Government Awards, and congratulated the winners in all categories for their fine achievements. Fingal Dublin Chamber CEO, Tony Lambert was full of praise for the local authority on its achievements. “Fingal Dublin Chamber has a long established working relationship with the County Council and we were delighted to nominate them for a number of awards. They were nominated for seven awards and were clear winners in three of them, and then scooped the main award for County/City Council of the Year award. Lambert continued, “This is the first time that the County Council has won this coveted award and
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Congratulations to Fingal County Council on Winning the
Council/City Local Authority of the Year Award at The Excellence in Local Government Awards This prestigious and much sought after award clearly recognises Fingal County Council’s commitment to quality, innovation and excellence in the provision of services to the people of the Region Fingal Dublin Chamber are delighted to have nominated the Council for these awards which are organised by Chambers Ireland. Fingal County Council were the proud winners of four awards in total and shortlisted in another four sectors. Fingal County Council are also to be congratulated for winning the Best Public Service Excellence Award at the Chamber’s Fingal Business Excellence Awards 2010
Pictured at the presentation of the Award for County/City Council of the Year which was won by our local County Council are, John Gormley, Minister for the Environment, Peter Coyle, Deputy County Mayor, David O'Connor, County Manager and Ian Talbot, CEO, Chambers Ireland.
it is richly deserved. The council is widely regarded as one of the leading councils in the country. Through its management team, led by County Manager, David O’Connor, it has been to the fore in innovation and excellence in the
delivery of many of the services on which we all depend. The Chamber was very pleased to nominate the Council for these awards and is thrilled that their efforts have been recognised with these awards,” he concluded.
Congratulations from business banking Bank Of Ireland Swords
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Congratulations to Fingal County Council
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Congratulations to Fingal County Council
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North County Dublin’s
IAPA International Conference Held In India Well known local man, Gerry McInerney, Managing Partner at McInerney Saunders, a
member of IAPA International (Instuite Of Public Administration),
addressed its annual conference in Agra, India. He attended in his capacity as
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Chairman of the M e m b e r s h i p Committee that has responsibility for reviewing the quality standards of applicant firms. As independent firms, each has the responsibility to have an awareness of risk and employ risk management techniques and have appropriate internal quality control systems designed to meet these risks. IAPA is acutely aware of the distinction between international associations of independent firms and ‘Networks’ and member firms are extremely conscious that they are members of the former type organisation and are responsible for their own quality control standards. Notwithstanding that, members have voted to adopt new internal regulations for the association that deal with criteria for the admission of new members and retention of membership for existing members. They did this because when their clients are transacting business glob-
COAL, TURF, LOGS, PEAT BRIQUETTES DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR 20kg Smokeless Coal . . .€8.50 40kg Smokeless Coal . . .€15 20kg Premium Polish Coal . . . . .€7.50 40kg Premium Polish Coal . . . . .€15 Tonne loose turf . . . . . . .€300 1 ⁄2 Tonne loose turf . . . . . .€170 Tonne loose logs . . . . . . .€225 1 ⁄2 Tonne loose logs . . . . .€120 NOW AVAILABLE! Bag logs . . . . . . . . . . . . .€3 Large bag of turf . . . . . . .€4.50 Christmas Trees Small bag turf . . . . . . . . .€3 & Wreaths Bail briquettes . . . . . . . .€4 Bag kindlewood . . . . . . .€2.50 BOOK EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT!
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North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper ally, they want to be able to confidently refer their clients to other members in the belief that they will get the same high standards of service and professionalism. IAPA International offers support visits to member firms in the
management appropriate to the size of the firm and the services it offers and in that way members can draw comfort that their clients are being referred to other like minded independent member firms. At the annual conference,
Gerry McInerney, Managing Partner at McInerney Saunders, a member of IAPA International, is pictured addressing its annual conference in Agra, India in his capacity as Chairman of the Membership Committee.
form of an external review and in this way the association believes it can influence its members to adopt best practice in the areas of quality control and risk
Gerry was appointed to serve on the board of IAPA International. McInerney Saunders provides business advisory and compliance services.
Portmarnock School’s Presentation On South African Trip By Eoghan McQuinn A presentation of “Children In Africa, Friends in Ireland” - a project by Portmarnock Community School Transition Year students took place in County Hall last Monday week, 8th November. The students will be travelling to South Africa to help the local communities. The project is a partnership between the County Council, Portmarnock Community School, Country Crest and the Chamber of Commerce. This will be the sixth year that the trip has been organised. The 35 students going to South Africa will be working in construction, medical, IT, creches and will also help to promote sport and culture in the area. A feeding centre built in previous years now feeds 400 children twice a day. Former President of the Chamber of Commerce, Fran Whelan, started as a parent of one of the students going to South Africa and has become resident architect of the project and said that “society in South Africa has been devastated by HIV AIDS and education is key in helping them to develop their community.” Portmarnock’s Principal O’Riordan said that the project was a life changing experience for students and that “when you light a path for others to follow, you also find yourself.” The trip to South Africa will take place next February.
Rolestown Christmas Fair
Swords Senior Citizens' Centre held their annual craft fair last Friday and Saturday week with great success. Paintings, decopage, crochet and jewelery made by the senior citizens in their weekly art classes was sold to help raise funds for the running costs of the centre. A raffle was also held with prizes donated by other senior citizens' centres "We do this every year and this is our 3rd craft fair - all the artwork for sale is created by the senior citizens here" said Treasa Byrne, secretary of the Senior Citizens' Centre. Pictured are, L-R, Sharon Garcia, Rose Clarke, Margaret Molloy, Helen Pic: Eoghan McQuinn Charles and Maude Keogh.
Global Lettings To Open New Premises In North County Global Lettings and Management are a newly established property letting and management company. With plans to open a new premises in the North County shortly, they will bring a new range of value and choice for their customers. With over 10 years experience in the property letting and management business they are ideally located in Fairview, where they can deliver a superior customer service throughout Dublin City and County. Their new office in the North Richard Carter County is certain to add a new dimension to an already successful business. In these challenging times, companies require a different approach and these are certainly challenging times for property people. Whether you’re a buyer, a seller or a landlord, you need fresh thinking and a rental agent who is as hungry for results as you are. Global Lettings is all about results and they get them by providing a unique level of service and by simply working harder than the rest. From initial enquiries through to proactive advice, viewings, negotiations and general client contact, everything is handled by Managing Director, Richard Carter personally. You simply won’t get this level of personal service and enthusiasm anywhere else. Global are currently offering a €70 voucher to be spent at any of Dublin’s D4 hotels for any new business placed with them.
Rolestown Parish will hold its annual Christmas Fair on Sunday, 5th December from 2.00 pm until 5.00 pm. The fair, which will take place in the Parish Hall in Rolestown will include many novelty items. There will be a Wheel of Fortune with lots of prizes as well as many stalls. Cakes, bread, scones, jams and Bric-a-Brac will be some of the items on sale. Christmas decorations, candle and cards will add to the festive atmosphere. There will also be a special Santa Room, so don’t forget your camera and have your photo taken with the man himself. Admission of €1 (adults only),will include a free raffle.
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Balbriggan Office 8417633
“I’ll Fight For Metro!” Dear Resident
Tom O’Leary (my parliamentary Assistant) and I visited Holland recently on a fact finding tour of meetings regarding the Dutch Health service.
Because Metro North will put 5,000 construction workers back on the job and O’Leary deliverTom 37,000 jobs long-term, inand Fingal.I were very impressed with the health service in Holland. When Tom James Reilly recently met the visited Metro North Project Managers Ireland (RPA) here’s and saw how they slashed the waiting lists and I also Northern what he found Metro North will deliver: in an eighteen month period. 5,000 construction jobs, saving €100m year in social welfare payments. 5,000 new jobs at Dublin airport in the new international hub project. 37,000 permanent jobs in Fingal, according to international consultants Indecon. In Government Fine Gael will deliver a radically new “Health Service” rather than a And that’s not all! “Health System” willIN MEDIA. put the patient as a customer and revenue source at • Metro North will cost HALF THE FIGUREwhich BANDIED ABOUT • It willthe be paidheart for over thirty years. of this new Health service. • It’s a bargain because of the drop in build costs. “Metro North will connect North Dublin to the capital city in a new way, at a cost-effective price while delivering in Fingal.” Under ourdesperately-needed proposed jobs new Insurance based Health Service everybody will be insured METRO NORTH – ESSENTIAL FOR THE FUTURE OF FINGAL, PIVOTAL FOR JOB and have access to a Free GP(Doctor) Care and Medication package. This will CREATION!
effectively restore the benefits of the over 70s medical card to retired middle income earners, like Teachers, Gardai, Nurses and Civil Servants. Children will also have access to free doctor and medication package, removing the worry of the cost of attending a doctor and paying for medication for hard pressed families in these economically challenging times.
In Ireland we are spending as much money as Holland on health and they are getting better value for money and a better service. To the naysayers who say we cannot afford it, remember the UK introduced their National Health Service after 6 years of a World War when they were on their knees economically. They did it - We can do it - Yes we will! James Reilly TD, Cllr Tom that no health risks will occur They are entitled to the same future. not Safety risks will consideration and thousands of in the as Ratoath - a The Irish People are already paying for a O’Leary Health Service but getting it under Rush residents marched on arise as the cable route new route away from the built this incompetent Fianna Fail Green Government Sunday 12th September involves digging up the Main up area of Rush. Minister Ryan
Reilly Supports Rush
Re-Route 500 megawatt Cable !!!
opposing the current Eirgrid route for a 500 megawatt cable
Street and areas near a national school with 700 chil-
of the Department of Energy Communications and Natural
I look forward to the challenge of delivering this radical dren new Health Service and adjacent to residenthrough Rush. Resources,with is driving this There are many reasons to tial properties. project and has given Eirgrid a your support.. change the 500 megawatt RUSH VS RATOATH 2012 deadline. Holland has it - Ireland deserves it - cable I, route James and protestations Fine Gael deliver EconomicReilly, Local - Following Re-routing this line through of the will many local businesses will lose people in Ratoath, the Eirgrid open fields, away from resiit. Finally can I urge 2009 in the Local
revenue from traffic disruption 500 megawatt cable was dential areas will 100% guaras Main Street Rush is dug up rerouted outside Ratoath. antee no health and safety by Eirgrid putting to local jobs at Minister Eamonn Ryan and you to deliver a clear message this Government onrisks. June 5th Eirgrid, surely you heard the “As a resident of Rush, I am and European Elections. risk. HEALTH AND SAFETY protests of the thousands of totally opposed to the No expert will guarantee 100% Rush residents marching. planned Eirgrid route.”
More access to a world class health care A stimulus package for 100,000 jobs Real help for small and medium businesses Ending emigration with jobs for the “text generation” A total overhaul of politics in Ireland
Dr James Reilly TD Fine Gael Health Spokesperson range of treatments in the community Fine Gael will fundamentally reorganise the
Fair care: Free GP care for you
entire Irish health system based on three fundamental principles: • Treat all patients equally: ending the distinction between public and private patients • Reward well run hospitals by paying hospitals for the number of patients they treat and the quality of care they provide • Allow patients choose their own health insurer who will compete to deliver a uniform package of benefits. Following the Dutch model, everyone will have the same basic insurance package giving them: • Regular health checks • Free access to GP care and an extended
• Free hospital care and guaranteed waiting times This new model is based on the Dutch Health system which is ranked number 1 in Europe for Quality and number 2 for Value for Money. By contrast, Ireland was ranked number 15 for Quality and number 24 for Value for Money. It will strip away the big bureaucratic bulge created by the HSE. It will take five years to deliver. Fine Gael will start by setting performance targets for hospitals, hunting down waste, and linking a hospital’s budget to the number of patients it treats and targets met.
James Reilly News
FINGAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The Fingal Development Plan 20112017 is currently under review and the latest draft will go out on public display in December 2010. I welcome the positive motions put into the plan by Cllr Tom O'Leary
SKERRIES Masterplan for a Marina to drive tourism in Skerries and facilitate expansion of sailing and watersports activities. Masterplan for a Swimming Pool, Hotel and playing fields Rush Road Skerries Sheltered Housing facility for elderly residents of Skerries in the area of the Town Park close to local amenities and Skerries Town. New Pavillion and tennis court for Skerries Lawn Tennis club. Motion supporting Skerries Harps pitch redevelopment plans. New entrance to Ardgillan Park at Barnageeragh Bridge(bottom of Blackhills)
Outrageous €2m ‘Fingal Tax’ on agenda to pay for FF/Greens Mayor Plan - Reilly Gormley’s Mayor Plan to Cost €5M - €8M James Reilly T.D. has said that it is outrageous that the cost of the FF/Green Party plan for the Dublin Mayor will run to at least €5 million a year and that Dublin tax hikes will be necessary to pay for the Government’s botched plan. This week, the ‘Local Government (Mayor and Regional Authority of Dublin) Bill 2010’ will be debated in the Dáil despite the fact that John Gormley has consistently refused to confirm the final cost of the Office, state what the wages will be or the
amount of staff that will be needed. Deputy James Reilly said: “It is outrageous that a ‘Fingal Tax’ of up to €2m on rate payers could very well be on the way to pay for Fianna Fáil and the Greens botched plans. “John Gormley has made the farcical claim that the Dublin Mayor legislation is ready to go, that an election can be held but that he does not know the sort of the office, the wages on offer, nor the amount of extra staff that will be needed. “He is either deluded or is not being honest. The Minister’s Green Party colleague, Paul Gogarty, has said that
Reilly calls for Garda Station in Donabate
RUSH Supported a motion for a Marina adjacent to Rush Sailing club. Motion for new farm shop at Skerries Road, Rush. Supported motion allowing local Rush residents to build homes at South Shore area in Rush.
LUSK Proposed motion for new nursing home. Supported motion for new retail facilities. Supported motion "Rush/Lusk railway station: ‘Facilitate a café/newsagent within the railway station grounds to serve the needs of commuters using the station’."
BALBRIGGAN Motion to provide meeting rooms for Community use at Bells Cottage at entrance to Bremore Castle Balbriggan Motion for a designated retail centre similar to Avoca/Blarney woolen mills Supported motion below for new Balbriggan Hotel. Local objective on lands at Stephenstown, as follows: ‘Allow for Education, Hotel and Conference Centre uses’.
BALROTHERY Supported a motion providing new school site at Balrothery and playing pitches.
OLDTOWN Motion for new nursing home to serve the rural community
PORTRANE Supported motion below to ‘Undertake a feasibility study of St Ita’s, in conjunction with the Health Service Executive, to determine the optimal future sustainable use of this complex in line with Portrane’s position in Fingal’s Settlement Strategy.
Fine Gael leader, Enda Kenny paid a visit to Donabate/Portrane Educate Together National School Friday, 1st October. Pictured are L-R, Paul Rowe, CEO Educate Together Schools, James Reilly TD, Maeve Corish, principal, Enda Kenny TD, Cllr Tom O'Leary, Bob Dowling and Fergus O'Dowd TD, Fine Gael spokesman on Education.
Deputy James Reilly called on the current government to make plans for a new Garda station in Donabate. Donabate currently needs a Garda station to serve the existing population and to serve the future planned growth of this strategic town in North County Dublin. The HSE and the Government are currently drawing up plans to move the Central Mental Hospital to the grounds of St Ita's and any such move should include extra community facilities and services for this growing town and I am calling on the Government to make provision for a Garda station in Donabate, said Deputy James Reilly. “If I am privileged enough to be elected by the people of Dublin North and if I am called on to serve as a Minister in the next Government, I will be making this one of my top priorities at the cabinet table” said Deputy Reilly
Reilly Welcomes Fingal County Council’s Commitment To New Secondary School Site In Lusk Deputy James Reilly welcomes the committment conveyed to him by local Cllr Tom O’Leary that Fingal County Council are at end stage in their deal to purchase a new site for Lusk Secondary School. I also welocme the positive commitment of the department of education to fund this priority project. School children are travelling to nearby towns of Rush, Skerries and Swords. The community school in Skerries I am informed by Cllr Tom O’Leary is full with a waiting list of approximately 300. Cllr
Tom O'Leary also informs me that St Josephs secondary school in Rush is also full. So Lusk needs the building of a new secondary school to go ahead as soon as possible to deal with the demand for school places in this growing town. Furthermore, Rush needs a new school site in order to relocate the existing St Josephs secondary school which is also full and has no room to extend at the existing location. I will lobby to make this happen in the near future” said Deputy Reilly.
DUBLIN AIRPORT Supported Motion to rezone 22 acres for a Hi Tech Hub with metro stop and 5000 new jobs
MALAHIDE I congratulate Cllr Alan Farrell and the Fine Gael councillors who voted though a proposal for 1 hour free parking at the Bridgfield Car Park in Malahide. This will free up car spaces at this location while maintaining a reasonable free parking time for local shopping in the village and access to Malahide Desmesne.
John Gormley’s Office puts the cost at €5 million a year. Fingal County Council went even further, pricing the Office at €8 million but then the Minister thrashed that claim without stating how much it will cost. “Every man and his dog in Dublin know the strains local councils are under trying to meet budgets. “As Fingal County Council intimated, the only way to meet the cost of the office is to hike taxes on Fingal businesses and householders. Fianna Fáil and the Greens are about to hammer every man, woman and child in the country in the Budget and, thanks to the botched Mayor plans, this will be followed by a ‘Dublin Tax’. “With the economy creaking, it is outrageous for the Minister to force further tax increases on homeowners and small businesses to pay for his plan. His Bill looks flawed and in light of this the Minister must defer any election for the Mayor till 2014.”
Local councillor, Tom O'Leary and Dr. James Reilly TD is pictured at the 5 acre site of the proposed new secondary school in Lusk behind the existing Educate Together National School.
Cllr Tom O'Leary and James Reilly TD, pictured at the proposed site for the Sheltered Housing for elderly citizens in Skerries behind SuperValu.
Reilly Calls On An Post To Resume Postal Collection Service I have received complaints from An Post customers in the Fingal towns that they are now required to travel to an isolated An Post sorting office in an Industrial Estate in Balbriggan to collect mail and parcels that were not successfully delivered to their homes because the resident was out shopping or at work. Prior to this very inconvenient new arrangement which discommodes An Post customers, the householder had the option of collecting undelivered mail for 3 days in their local Post Office in the town they lived in. After 3 days if it was not collected then it was returned to the sorting office in Balbriggan. Now it goes back immediately to Balbriggan. Pensioners from Lusk, Rush, Skerries have to get taxis and trains and buses to Balbriggan and then walk a mile or 2 to the sorting office or pay for another taxi in order to collect important mail(registered mail) or parcels. Pensioners who don't have access to their own transport cannot afford this expensive trek to Balbriggan said Dr Reilly. This is not a service by An Post, it’s the imposition of unreasonable conditions on a vulnerable part of our society by a monopoly state company who appear to be losing their "service to the customer ethos". They will continue to lose more business if they insist on this course of action said Deputy Reilly. I call on An Post to resume normal service to Fingal residents, said Deputy Reilly.
James Reilly News
Reilly Says Loss Of Swords Fire Brigade Ambulance Will Cost Lives Deputy James Reilly opposes the termination of the very busy ambulance service provided by the paramedics in Dublin Fire Brigade located in Swords Fire Station. This ambulance was called out on 4500 emergency 999 calls last year. These were emergency situations that the HSE could not respond to with their existing service in Swords and Dublin. The HSE claim they can respond to the calls that the Dublin Fire Brigade service in Swords currently provides. This is patently not in accord with the facts. 4500 people used the Swords Dublin Fire Brigade service in North Dublin. I will be fighting for the retention of this service for Malahide, Swords and all the towns north of Swords, Balbriggan, Skerries, Rush, Lusk, Donabate, Portrane and the rural villages.
Pictured at the Swords headquarters of Dublin Fire Brigade and Ambulance service are L-R, Paul O'Rourke, Tom McDonnell, Fine Gael Health spokesman, James Reilly TD, John Kidd and Cllr. Tom O'Leary
Fingal has no full time ambulance north of Swords. The HSE cannot to continue to cut critical services like this. One would be forgiven for thinking that this is a sinister move by the HSE to cut down on trolley numbers in Beaumont hospital by axing an ambulance service to Fingal . If this service is axed, ambulances will have to travel
from Finglas Fire Station through congested Dublin traffic to reach Fingal residents. This is just not acceptable, said Deputy Reilly. I call on the other deputies in North Dublin to make sure that this government do not axe the very efficient and professional ambulance service provided by the excellent paramedics in Swords Fire Brigade.
€40M Dublin Pyrite Judgement Welcome But Claims Outstanding Elsewhere Including Rush James Reilly calls for all interested parties to be called before Dáil Environment Committee James Reilly has welcomed the €40 million judgement in the pyrite case for Dublin homeowners but said that issues still remain for those outside the capital. “This judgement is welcome and overdue. “A €40 million trust fund is to be set up by the developers Menolly Homes and the Lagan Group to repair cracks in more than 700 homes in county Dublin -Drynam Hall in Kinsealy; Beaupark in Clongriffin; and Myrtle, The Coast in Baldoyle. Those whose properties suffered serious structural damage will have their homes repaired and receive compensation. “I welcome an end to this saga as all of the affected homeowners have been left in limbo and continuously
ignored by the Minister for the Environment over the last three years. However, there are many more housing estates affected by pyrite nationwide and funds need to be also established for these homeowners.” “It is crucial now that all people affected by defects and structural damage within their houses are treated the same way. I am calling on the Government to take responsibility and ensure that those people affected in other estates - whether they are owned by builders, NAMA or banks – that a similar fund is set up to deal with this issue. “I also call on Homebond to disclose the names of the estates that they have on their books that are affected by this problem.” James Reilly has called for all interested parties to be called before the Dáil Environment Committee without delay.
Cllr. Alan Farrell, guest speaker Gavin Duffy from Dragon’s Den, Dr. James Reilly TD and Brian Hayes TD at a recent Fine Gael Dublin North fundraiser in the Grand Hotel, Malahide
Pictured at a FG press conference “Reinventing Government” were Michael Noonan TD, Fergus O’Dowd TD, Enda Kenny TD, Richard Bruton TD and Dr. James Reilly TD
Reilly To Abolish Prescription Charges For Medical Card Holders The HSE are using poorest families as a short term credit facility. Fine Gael Health Spokesperson, Dr James Reilly TD, condemned the introduction of the new prescription charge which will hit the poorest and sickest in society. Dr Reilly said, “We realise these are tough economic times but the Government should not be targeting the poorest and sickest in society. In the UK such charges do not apply to the lowest one third of the population in terms of income, the very people who qualify for a medical card here. In Northern Ireland prescription charges are being abolished. “Furthermore, it appears that the HSE is using the poorest families as a short term credit facility. According to Department of Health and Children statement issued recently the HSE will put in place a new “refund system in order to refund families who exceed the €10 monthly ceiling”. “With more than a million medical card
holders, the cost of administering the refund could far exceed revenue raised from this new charge. This begs the question what will the charge be raised to in the future? “This new legislation imposes a charge of 50 cent on each prescription item dispensed by a community pharmacist, with a monthly cap of €10, costing some medical card holders as much as €120 per annum. “Rather the hitting the most vulnerable, Minister Harney should focus her efforts on achieving savings through the implementation of Drug Reference Pricing which will save 10 times as much. She should also concentrate on bringing down the cost of generic drugs here which in some cases are 10 times as much as their equivalent in Northern Ireland. “This penal measure further underscores the Minister’s line that she makes tough decisions. But why is it always the sickest and most vulnerable who are at the receiving end?
REILLY Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
Dáil Office 6183749
Balbriggan Office 8417633
Abolish Insane Travel Tax Now
“Irish tourism continues to teeter on the brink as visitors continue to stay away in droves and Fianna Fáil and the Greens pursue policies that are ruinous to the industry. Our biggest market, the UK, is a disaster area for the industry with 456,100 fewer visitors coming here, representing a drop of 18%; Over 330,000 fewer Tom O’Leary (my parliamentary Assistant) and Itherevisited Holland recently on a fact visitors came from the rest of Europe. The fact that are finding tour of meetings regarding the Dutch Health 100,000 fewer visitors to Ireland every month can only be service. described as a crisis but, instead of aiding the industry, Fianna Fáil is pursuing ruinous policies. “Mary Hanafin’s own advisors, Tom O’Leary and I were The very impressed service in Holland. Tourism Renewal Group, pointedwith out that the the Departurehealth Tax is a disaster and Ireland should be axed. Yet the Minister defends it to Tom and I also visited Northern and saw how they slashed the waiting lists Meltdown: almost 900,000 fewer tourists in 9 months - Reilly the bitter end. Unviable ‘NAMA-hotels’ continue to be propped intourism anindustry eighteen month period. The Irish is still in meltdown as tourism figures up while viable, family-run hotels are under considerable presreleased last week show that a staggering 860,000 fewer visitors sure to survive. Instead of being decisive, the Minister seems came toIn IrelandGovernment in the first nine months of theFine year compared to up advisory groups and then conveniently ignore “Health Service” rather than a Gael content willto set deliver a radically new the same period last year, according to Fine Gael Deputy their recommendations. “Fine Gael in Government will be System” which put the patient as a customer and herrevenue source at Joan Fitzgerald celebrated 80th birthay in Balbriggan recently, she is pictured Leader,“Health James Reilly TD. The CSO overseas travel figures show will different. We will pursue tourist friendly policies such as axing the here with Dr. James Reilly TD and Nora Owen that visitors decreased 15.7% fromnew January to theto Ireland heart ofby this Health service. travel tax, focusing on making credit available for businesses and September 2010 compared to the same period in 2009 and that upgrading our business infrastructure, especially broadband to the total number of visitors coming here for the third quarter this grab a hold of the international business tourism market.” said Under our proposed new Insurance based Health Service everybody will be insured year is down over 8%. Deputy James Reilly
Dear Resident
Support Dublin Airport and Local Tourism
Slash Medication Costs Says Reilly
and have access to a Free GP(Doctor) Care and Medication package. This will 2,200% rise in price of single medicine change in manufacturer, the cost price has effectively restore the benefits of the over 70s medical card to retired middle yet Government still dragging feet on been hiked to €22 for 30 tablets. This income earners, like Teachers, Gardai, Nurses and Civil Servants. drug costs – Reilly means the cost to the patient has sky-rockChildren will also have access to free doctor and medication package, removing Fine Gael Health Spokesperson, Dr James eted from €5 to €30. the Reillymedication TD, (Wednesday 10th November) “I would likepressed to know if there was a tender worry of the cost of attending a doctor and paying for for hard said the wholesale price of hydrocortisone for this licence and, if not, why not. Who families in these economically challenging times. has sky-rocketed 2,200% from 96c to awarded the licence and what has the €22, leaving patients with an enormous
Competition Authority got to say about
unacceptable hike in their medical patients being ripped off by this huge price In Ireland we are spending as much money as Holland and on health and they are getting bills, after the manufacturer of the medi- hike in a monopoly situation? better value for money and a better service. cine changed. Dr Reilly raised the matter “Furthermore, why is the Minister sitting with the Taoiseach duringUK the Dáil introduced Order on her hands whentheir patients are being To the naysayers who say we cannot afford it, remember the of Business and called for the legislation fleeced? I called again for the longNational Health Service after 6 years of a World War when they were on their knees for drugs reference pricing to be brought promised drugs reference pricing legislaeconomically. forward. tion to be brought forward so that greater Terminal 2 due to officially open at 10.00am on Friday 19th November “This issue was highlighted by a patient access to cheaper generic drugs can be They did it - We can do it - Yes we will! on the Pat Kenny radio show recently. permitted. In the long run, this is going to The Irish People are already paying for a Health Service but not getting it under I understand from my enquiries that the lead to savings for the patient and the this incompetent Fianna Fail Green Government cost price of 30 hydrocortisone tablets was State, so it is inexplicable that the
96c before the summer when a different
Government has demonstrated a complete
manufacturer had the licence. Since the lack of urgency to make it happen.” I look forward to the challenge of delivering this radical new Health Service with your support.. Holland has it - Ireland deserves it I, James Reilly, and Fine Gael will deliver it.
Finally can I urge you to deliver a clear message to this Government on June 5th 3 Years OnLocal AndandOnly 4%Elections. 2009 in the European Dr James Reilly TD Of Promised Red Tape Fine Gael Health Spokesperson Reduction Delivered Protect The Vulnerable In Our Society Three years ago, the Government promised to reduce the unnecessary cost of business compliance by €500 million. In today’s fiercely competitive
business environment that is €500 million that business can’t afford to part with. To date, past the halfway stage, only €20 million in savings
Only 6% of jobs delivered under Government PRSI rebate scheme Last December, the Government announced a refund of employer’s PRSI to companies that hired people who had been 6 months on the dole. The target was 10,000 new jobs. Only 629 jobs have so far been supported under the scheme. Fine Gael believes that all businesses need a PRSI relief and not just those expanding. Our plan proposed to cut all wage bills by on average 3%. This plan would have helped make 1.7 million jobs more secure and make it cheaper to hire new employees.
have been achieved. Cutting out unnecessary red tape must be a key part of a new Government’s agenda to make the Irish business environment competitive again. Why does the Government make such an important promise and only deliver on 4% of it? They cannot blame the recession for this failure. It is part of what was recently branded “a Chronic Implementation Deficit Disorder,” from which the Government suffers.
Fine Gael Will Rationalise State Business Inspections As part of its upcoming policy on overhauling the public sector, Fine Gael will propose a One Stop Shop for business inspections by State bodies. Irish businesses face inspections from a growing range of Government bodies, such as the National Employment Rights Authority, the Health and Safety Authority, the Food Safety Authority, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the local authorities. These inspections are often uncoordinated and repetitious. Huge efficiency gains for the State, and far lower compliance costs for business can be secured if they are consolidated under one roof.
Dr. James Reilly TD talks to the parent of a special needs child outside Dáil Éireann
DR. JAMES REILLY TD Dublin North Constituency Deputy Leader & Spokesperson on Health & Children Dáil Éireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 6183749 Fax: 01 6184615 Email: Search: Dr James Reilly TD @drjamesreilly
J Reilly Comp Jul10.indd 1
J Reilly Comp Jul10.indd 1
05/07/2010 15:20:14
05/07/2010 15:20:14
The Biggest Circulation Of
Cheque Donation To Jack And Jill Foundation In Rush Little Annie Matthews from Rush, is a very special girl who was born with a rare condition called Bi-Latiral
By Liam Keegan
Pictured at the presentation of the cheque to the Jack and Jill Foundation in the Strand Bar, Rush are from left, Caroline Thomas (Jack and Jill), Joe Sherman (Strand Bar), baby Annie Matthews, Alison Cashel (Jack and Jill Nurse), Carl Brennan and Suzanne Matthews.
schizencephaly which is clefts or holes in the brain. Annie has two of them and she is visually impaired and cannot sit up unaided. She also suffers from epilepsy and needs a lot of medication and looking after. A social worker at Temple Street Hospital set Annie’s parents Carl and Suzanne up with the Jack and Jill Foundation. The foundation provides respite care for parents of children with severe disabilities. They send nurses to families in order for the
parents to get some everyday chores done or spend time with other children they may have. Annie’s father Carl told the County leader, “Annie is a 24/7 job and very tiresome but worth it. The Government will tell you that the Jack and Jill foundation is not a life saving organisation but they have saved our lives by helping us over the last year.” Suzanne and Carl recently ran a charity night in the Strand Bar in Rush and raised €4,500 for the foundation. “I would like to take this opportunity to all the lads who had their bodies waxed a big thank you to the Strand bar in Rush and Jim Rock as well as the people Suzanne told you about. But most of all Alison, Annie’s Nurse from the foundation who is now apart of our family”, concluded Carl.
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Skerries Tidy Towns Awards Ceremony Skerries Tidy Towns had the opportunity last week to reflect on another extremely successful year for the seaside town. The annual awards ceremony was well
By Rob O’Hanrahan attended by committee members, volunteers and local politicians including Mayor Ken Farrell, Senator Brendan Ryan, Cllr. Dave O’Connor and Cllr. Ciarán Byrne. Addressing those present was chairperson Anne Doyle, who remarked how “to win the Dublin County and Regional Award, a Gold Award and additionally to be commended in the Sustainable Energy Awards is a huge achievement.” Skerries finished a mere seven points off
the overall winner, Tallanstown this year, an outstanding achievement which has become commonplace for the extremely hardworking committee. Indeed, SCA representative Jane Landy spoke of the “virus that infects Skerries as a town to work so hard to achieve again and again in this competition”. Among the winners on the night were Olive Delicatessen for Best Floral Display on a Business, Mill Hill for the Best Estate and “Storm in a Teacup” for Best Presented Business. Anne Doyle also especially commended the novel “Adopt-a-Beach” project, which involved community members taking responsibility for individual patches of Skerries’ famous beaches and ensuring they are kept litter free. Anne finished her address by noting how “the local prizewinners here are perfect examples of the way to go.”
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Senator Brendan Ryan has paid tribute to former Balbriggan Town Commissioner, Dessie Morgan whose death has taken place recently. Ryan said, “Dessie Morgan gave a lifetime of service to the Labour Party both through his time as a public representative and party activist. A Man O’War native, he regarded his election as a town commissioner, serving from 1974 until 1979, as a great honour. Dessie was an admired and respected figure within the Labour Party and in North County Dublin, and he maintained his interest in Labour right up to the end of his long life. On behalf of the Labour Party, I want to extend my deepest sympathy to Dessie’s family and friends,” he concluded.
Breakdown of distribution and sales figures of Local newspapers in North County Dublin
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Tribute To Former Balbriggan Town Commissioner
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North County Leader 16th November 2010
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768 * 7,600
Malahide / Portmarnock Area
By Bob McKenzie It’s been a vintage year for North County motorsports with champions being produced across the board. If you laid the chequered flags end to end, you would have a decent length course. Rally driving is not the safest of pursuits, but like many motor- Pictured are the winners Damien sports, it’s the adrenalin rush from speed Connolly and Robert Barrable and a driver’s dexterity in manoeuvering round a course that holds the attraction. Swords man, Robert Barrable has joined Skerries man David Yeomans on the North County podium after he and navigator, Damien Connolly captured this year’s Citroen Racing title with a near flawless season. The two finished second in the season opener and from then on it was chequered flags all the way as they also captured the Irish title . “We started off with a plan to learn with a new car, didn’t get off to the best of starts, but then we started winning races. You always want to do well, but with a new car it takes time. It’s proved to be a very reliable car,“ Barrable told the County Leader. “The mechanics and the team around us deserve great credit”.
768 * 1,000 7,300
768 * 1,000 3,600
768 * 3,600 7,000 8,000
* Estimation based on total ABC audited sales figures (3,839) diveded evenly across 5 distribution areas
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper Advertising Feature
Swords Lions Club Dinner Swords Lions Club will hold a dinner in the very popular Indie Spice restaurant, Swords, on 15th November at 7.30pm to raise funds for the Club’s many charity causes. The event is being sponsored by Indie Spice. Rosie Kennedy, President of Swords Lions Club, appealed for support for this important fundraiser and said “The Club has many deserving calls on its limited funds and events like this dinner are essential to the Club’s charity work. The night promises to be highly enjoyable with great food, great live entertainment and a great raffle included in the cost of the ticket. And remember it is also in a great cause,” he concluded.
North County Motorists Benefit From Scrappage Scheme Deputy Michael Kennedy (FF) is supporting the call for an extension to ‘The Car Scrappage
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house& home
With the festive season approaching faster than a juggernaut with no brakes some people’s thoughts will turn to freshening up the decor of their living quarters. Whether you live in a house or an apartment, every so often everyone needs a change. Twenty years ago it was all about carpets and linothese days it’s more likely to be laminate and
carpets which is easy to keep clean. Now is the perfect time to get the flooring fitted with great offers available for just getting one room or the whole house or apartment done. Laminate flooring has several advantages it can be swept and mopped to be kept pristine so no need for the hoover if the noise frightens your pets! It’s also very user
friendly and should you have any little accidents with wine for instance you can usually clean the mess away and no one is any the wiser. Now you have decided on on either laminate flooring or a top quality carpet maybe with the money you saved on the great deal from a North County tradesman you might want
Michael Kennedy TD
Scheme which was introduced in January. The scheme has provided a major boost to the motor industry. According to the Central Statistics Office a 52 per cent increase in new car sales with scrappage is expected to be recorded for the full year of 2010. The improvement in sales is having a very positive impact on employment in the motor industry. Kennedy told the County Leader, “ We are calling for a continuation of the scrappage scheme for a limited period to cover the peak buying period in the first half of 2011. I believe this is reasonable and a responsible course of action that should be taken on board in the context of the budget. There is clear evidence that the scrappage scheme introduced for this year has been successful. The scheme was the right initiative at the right time for the motor industry, but now is not the time to bring it to an end. I believe it should be extended.” If the deal were extended local North County dealerships would be happy enough as the scheme has kept the car market far more bouyant than it would have been without such a discount for the purchasers.
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North County Leader 16th November 2010
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper Advertising Feature
house& home to complete your modern living space makeover by investing in some blinds for your windows and doors. Again. this isn’t as costly as you might think and there’s a tremendous choice in these recessionary times if you shop around. Always get several quotes instead of just going with the first offer you see. it’s our experience that haggling on price can benefit you. The choice of blinds these days is dizzying, from wooden to plastic to cloth in thousands of designs there should be something that you like which will go with your shiny new floors. You could be bold and go for a bright colour which contrasts the wood finish or you could even decide to blend the two with darker roll blinds or even go for something completely funky to jazz up the minimalist look of the flooring. Some people just go with blinds while others will also match the blinds with curtains which can bring an extra warmth to the look of a room. So now you’re sat there with your lovely laminate
or carpet wood flooring and the blinds blocking out the rest of the world and you need a spot of entertainment. Several local North County businesses are doing great deals on satelitte receiver systems for your television. Both freeview and Sky deals are available at reasonable prices as Christmas approaches with retailers eager to give great value
Coastal Carpets Carpet your stairs, landing & 3 bedrooms
Carpet your stairs and landing for only
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for money. So just think this festive season you might not know yourself or your surroundings as you stroll around your new flooring admiring your blinds as you pour a glass of wine and settle down for a Christmas movie on the telly , smiling at how much money you have saved transforming and modernising your living space.
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North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper Advertising Feature
An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen T.D., was a visitor the North County on Friday, 5th November last. His visit was to the offices of Fingal County Enterprise Board in Mainscourt, Swords and it gave a welcome boost to small businesses in the region. He presented grant approval status to the first ten businesses to benefit from the new €3.3 million allocation in funding announced for the County and City Enterprise Boards in October. The Taoiseach met the first ten grant-aided companies and new business start-ups, who are aiming to create up to 47 full-time and five parttime jobs in this region over the next 12 months. Presenting approval for funding of €133,000 through the Fingal County Enterprise Board, the Taoiseach was joined by the Chairman of the Board, Joe Harford. He outlined the types of companies that will benefit from the financial assistance and said, “These ten businesses have demonstrated that they have the ability to create employment immediately and in the coming year. Each of them are very exciting and innovative business ideas that have strong prospects to become very successful enterprises in Ireland and internationally.” He continued, “It is imperative that our small businesses and those with entrepreneurial flair are provided with as much encouragement and support as
Rush Badminton Club Seeks New Members
Phillip Carr from IPC Gulf in Swords is presented with his Grant of Approval from An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen in the presence of Fingal County Enterprise President, Joe Harford
Lambay Badminton Club in Rush are looking for new members. If you want to get in shape for the festive season and beyond, this is the ideal opportunity to do so, as well as making new friends. The club meets on Mondays, between 10am and 12 midday in St.Maurs GAA club, Rush, so make sure to come along on any Monday and join up for what sounds like great fun.
SECURITY Most people like to deal with just one company, preferably locally based, when organising something as intricate as their security requirements. Well, Swords company, Crime Prevention Security fits the bill perfectly in this regard. The company, which specialises in security installation and electrical contracting, is at the cutting edge of advanced security technology, providing security and
peace of mind for customers. It is located at Unit 5, Feltrim Business Park in Swords and has been providing complete security solutions to the commercial and domestic markets in Leinster for almost 20 years. The company was founded in 1991 by brothers, Karl and Garvin Harte and they supply intruder alarms, CCTV systems, fire alarms, emergency lighting and generators, as well as
Whist Drive In Oldtown
David Carty from Ideal Technology, Drinan Enterprise Centre in Swords is pictured receiving his award from An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen in the presence of Fingal County Enterprise President, Joe Harford.
possible. That is where the Enterprise Board plays a major role, through the provision of practical supports and initiatives targeted at our new and aspiring entrepreneurs." The Taoiseach also met three award-winning entrepreneurs, who have all
Pictured at the Grant of Approval awards ceremony in Swords are, Richard Lindsay, Salt Therapy Ireland Ltd, from Malahide, receiving his award from An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen in the presence of Fingal County Enterprise President, Joe Harford.
Pictured at the Grant of Approval awards ceremony in Swords are, Eric Daly from Evolve Mobile, Skerries, receiving his award from An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen. Also in the picture is Fingal County Enterprise President, Joe Harford.
successfully grown their companies in recent years, despite difficult trading conditions. These businesses are the three last winners of the Fingal County Enterprise Board”s awards and continue to expand and create new employment. Suzanne Carroll from Tone At Home in Swords, a fitness equipment hire company with franchises all over Ireland, won the Fingal Enterprise Award in September; Ann McGee Consulting in Baldoyle provides regulatory compliance services to the world-wide pharmaceutical sector and was the 2009 winner and Sé Pardy from Simtech Aviation, which operates Ireland’s only centre for aviation excellence near Dublin Airport, won the award in 2008, going on to secure the overall National Enterprise Award in the same year. Welcoming the announcement, Oisin Geoghegan, CEO at the Fingal County Enterprise Board said: “Now that the businesses have been approved for funding, the Fingal County Enterprise Board will work closely with each of them, to help them maximise the return on this investment. Our goal with all microenterprises and new business start-ups, is to help them identify and create as many new business opportunities as possible and to enable them to grow,” he concluded.
A Whist Drive will take place in the Community Hall in Oldtown on Wednesday, November 17th at 8.00pm. Admission will be €5 and will include refreshments. For those who are not proficient at Whist, don’t panic, as there will be a learner’s class between 7.30 and 8.00pm. All are welcome to attend and parking is available in the Church car park
Upcoming Fingallians GAA Events The Fingallians GAA Academy is back running every Saturday morning with big numbers in attendance with hurling & football from age 4 upwards. There are still spaces available for new members and if interested please see Padraig Durkan at 10am any Saturday morning. The club will be hosting a reception for the Dublin Ladies Footballers on Friday 19th November.
Best wishes to CP Electrical from
Brenson Lawlor House, Argyle Square, Moorehampton Road, Dublin 4 Ph: 01 - 6689760
Unit 3, Turvey Business Park, Turvey Avenue, Donabate (Behind McGowans Furniture) Tel: 895 0014 Fax: 840 4825
Best Wishes to CP Electrical from Barry Dunne and Staff at Kellihers
Players Needed In Rush Rush Athletic FC is looking for new players at all age levels, particularly needed are Under 8’s, 10’s, 13’s, 14’s, 15’s, 16’s and 18’s. So if you think you are the next superstar footballer, why not call Shay on 0863495442 between 6pm and 7pm for details.
providing electrical services to both the commercial and domestic markets. Managing director, Karl said, “We have expanded our business over the last number of years and moved into our custom built premises in 1996, where we have a dedicated CCTV and Security showroom. We also have large, well stocked stores area, sales, design and accounts offices which means that all our services are controlled from one location, ensuring a professional, quick and reliable response to all of our clients’ needs. Our staff are all locally based, which means that we can respond very rapidly to any problem which may arise,” said Karl. Crime Prevention Security is a recognised market leader in customising and maintaining top quality CCTV and Intruder Alarm systems for any size of home or premises. Karl explained the company’s mission. “Our aim is to give the customer genuine peace of mind while at their home or their business at a fair price. This means that we are very good value for money and certainly more competitive than many of the bigger companies, who we believe treat customers like they’re just a number.” You can get a wireless alarm for as little as €699,
Cold Watcher No More Burst Pipes this Winter. Just pop it in the attic
2 KW Oil Filled Radiators from €49 2 KW Fan Heaters from €16 2 KW Convector Heaters from €28 Dimplex Underblanket from €25 Dehumidifier from €160
North County Leader 16th November 2010
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Advertising Feature
DON’T BECOME ONE OF THE STATISTICS FOR 2010 Dublin continues to top Irel and’s Burglary table with a stagge ring
SECURITY or a domestic CCTV system including two external infra red cameras, which can be viewed on line from a PC anywhere from as little as €1200 installed. CCTV on line is now a huge part of the business, where you can check the history of a particular event. It is also possible to download an app to your iPhone or any smart phone where you can access your CCTV at any time. This represents excellent value for money,” he said. The staff at Crime Prevention Security are trained to the highest level. “Our apprentices go through a four year FÁS training course, while other companies only provide training for six months in many cases. We also undertake in-house training and our skills are constantly being updated and all staff go on regular training courses.” Karl explained, “We can deliver the very best in Intruder alarm systems to protect your home or business from robbery and
potential hold-ups. With our vast experience we have learned how to prevent and detect criminals from taking your
shopping centres, housing estates, apartment blocks, primary and secondary schools, office blocks, leisure centres The HSE
Pictured in the impressive CPS Showroom are Director and Contracts Manager, Garvin Harte, on left and Managing Director, Karl Harte.
personal belongings you have worked so hard to build up.” Crime Prevention Security are certified and operate under the National Standards Authority of Ireland for the Installation Of Intruder alarm Systems to I.S. E.N. 50131 Standards. Their customer base includes, complete
and County Councils. Karl is very passionate about security and does not tolerate short cuts. “At Crime Prevention Security, we have always worked hard to achieve the highest in standards and we also undertake all aspects of the electrical and technical sectors of the project, so as the client is dealing face to
face with only one contractor, which helps us achieve a high standard and within budget,” said Karl. Crime increases during times of recession, with the Central Statistics Office stating that there has been an increase of 30 per cent in burglaries in the last year. There is a wide range of security systems now available from Crime Prevention Security which are now more affordable than ever before. The quality of Intruder alarm systems and equipment has improved and the costs reduced considerably. There is a lot of interest in gold in particular and the number of outlets offering to exchange gold for cash. Car keys from the home are another target for thieves which can cause particular hardship. If security is an issue for you, either in your home or business premises, make an appointment to see Karl or his team at their very impressive showroom in Feltrim. It may well be the most important and rewarding visit you will make all year.
increase of 30% in burglaries This year
Dublin remains the worst hit county in Ireland with 39% of all burglaries nationwide.
Over €700 million has been stolen from Irish homes over the past 10 years
Wireless Intruder Alarms Intruder Alarms CCTV - Wireless Intruder Alarms from €699 installed
Win… Win… Win…
WIRELESS INTRUDER ALARM SYSTEM Crime Prevention Security, in association with North County Leader, are offering one lucky reader a chance to win a state of the art wireless intruder alarm system.
- Domestic CCTV Systems inluding a 500Gb DVR and 2 External Infra Red Cameras view your cameras from a PC anywhere
from €1,200 installed
Why not visit our CCTV showroom (please make appointment) to view the latest in DVR Recorders, Dome Cameras, External Cameras, IP Cameras and DIY Kits
To be in with a chance to win, all you have to do is read Crime Prevention Security’s advert, answer 3 simple questions and return the form below. We are also giving away a runner up prize of a
DIY CCTV SYSTEM which includes 1 mini wireless camera, Model no. 208, and 1 wireless receiver, Model no. RC420, (self install) To be in with a chance to win simply answer the questions and return this form to North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Alternatively email your answer to or log onto 1. What anniversary will Crime Preventions Security be celebrating in 2011?______ 2. Which is the worst hit county in Ireland for burglaries
SECURITY 3. What is the website address of Crime Prevention Security____________________________
Unit 5, Feltrim Business Park, Feltrim Road, Swords
Telephone: 01 890 1002/3 Name:_______________________________________ Phone:_______________________________ Home Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Winners must be willing to have their photograph published in North County Leader Winners will be picked in January 2011. Terms and Conditions apply
PSA Licence
Fax: 01 890 1004 Mobile: 086 258 3307 / 6
No. 449
Established 1991
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
Advertising Feature
Harbour Road, Howth, Co. Dublin
Bike to Work!!! Christmas Vouchers *Experts in road mountain and triathlon bikes *Workshop offering a complete in-store repairs service *Pick-up and delivery service available *Bicycle rentals (seasonal) *Free parking
Every Christmas its always the same, scrambling around trying to get money together to get the latest fad for the kids and every year it gets more expensive as the children get older and bolder in their letters to Santa. In such a recession, it’s even harder for the under pressure parent to make ends meet, but the solution could be surprisingly simple. As the financial crisis has unfolded over the past two years, many businesses and shops have revived an old concept for modern times, namely the Christmas Club. Years ago families would make a weekly contribution towards their children’s presents so that the cost could be spread evenly over the year, rather than having to come up with the full amount on Christmas Eve. These days it’s not just Christmas clubs, as there are also schemes run by friends, families and neighbours which cover things as diverse as holidays and coal. This year, as the financial markets continue to plummet, there are many advantages to making weekly or monthly contributions to buy your boy a bike, buying your girl a bit of bling or just treating yourselves to a holiday in the sun next year. Most big stores now run something akin to a Savings Club.
Open Tuesday to Saturday: 9:30am to 6pm Sunday: 11am – 6pm Harbour Rd, Howth, Co. Dublin • 01 839 7888
Students and staff of Skerries Community College performed the well known musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ last weekend. The show was produced by Eamonn O'Sullivan. Pictured from the left are, Karen McMahon (Aunt Em), Shane Browne (The Scarecrow), Kerill Kelly (The Lion), Avril Marrey (The Tin Man), Sarah Montcalm (Dorothy).
Interest Rate Hike To Hit Affordable Housing Councillor Clare Daly (SP), has slammed as the HFA(Housing Finance Agency) the state bank which funds local authority housing loans for its decision to increase its lending rate by 0.25 per cent. This decision was passed on to the Council last Friday November 12th and they have been informing mortgage holders of the shock decision. Daly, the Chairperson of the County Council’s Housing SPC told the County Leader, “Increasing the mortgage rate on affordable housing is a scandalous attack on those least able to bear the cost. On the eve of the budget it is a further blow for householders bracing themselves for further cuts and tax increases. Many of these individuals will already be struggling to cover the cost their mortgage, and in many instances pay management fees and now out of the blue this increase is foisted on them aswell. Where is the justification for this? The cost of borrowing has not increased. ECB levels remain low, so why have the HFA upped the rates? The government must intervene and direct the cancellation of this outrageous decision.”
Trevor Kenna Bespoke Jeweller
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Grace O`Connor (middle) is pictured presenting Fiona O`Byrne and Michael Fox of St. Patrick`s National School with donations from O’Connors Pharmacy for the school and upcoming school Christmas raffles.
Unit 6, Delvin Centre, Stamullen - Tel: 01- 8 418 018 Monday- Friday 9:00am – 7:00pm • Saturday: 9:00am- 6:00pm
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North County Leader 16th November 2010
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The Award Winning Signal Restaurant Donabate, on the beach, Co.Dublin Tel: 01 843 6153 Fax: 01 843 6111 Email:
• Mulled Wine Reception • 4 – Course Meal • Great Entertainment • Party Novelties • Bar Extension
Christmas Buffet Night
3rd December - €16.95pp & DJ provided on night
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Luxurious 4 course Christmas meal Available throughout December Served with our homemade Mulled Wine on arrival and a complimentary glass of house wine only ¤28.95pp THE
Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin Ph: 018957445
per person
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Featuring some of Ireland’s top musicians who have played €55 alongside The Commitments , The Corrs, Van Morrison and more per person
Starring Stephen & Tony Carter, Cormac McAllister €55 per person (Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. Etc…)
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Only €28pp 21st Nov - 30th Dec LIVE ENTERTAINMENT
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1st Floor DROGHEDA Leisure Park, Rathmullen Rd
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Gala Christmas Party Nights €59pp pp* * Christmas Party Buffet Package €43pp pp* * Christmas Party Delights €30pp pp* * * Special Booker Rewards / Special Accommodation Rates Terms & Conditions apply
Christmas Day Royal Buffet €135pp Royal Christmas Stay €275pp 2 Nights Bed & Breakfast Christmas Eve Dinner & Christmas Day Royal Buffet
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
County C www.nortluhbbers Is Now Online @ cou tylead www.face and book.comn/n orthcounty leader with Declan Doyle
Peter Geraghty, Eoin Griffin, Lukas Garaiola, Alejandro Pepper.
Julie McQuaid, Stephen Scully.
Aoife Gaynor, Karen Rogers.
Andrea Plunkett, Kim Hickey, Mia Smith.
Michelle McCarthy, Rachel Corkery. Ger O’Neill, James Finnegan, Craig Sherlock, Ian Bone, Jade Coady. Sorcha Herlihy, Rocco Mulvey.
Lyndsey McClean, Robyn Staunton.
David Leek, Jessica Maher, Amy Maher, Philip Ward.
Mark Cassidy, Alan Shiels, Sean Grace. James Horan, Emma Roche, Kaley Keegan, Pearce O’Connor.
Lynn Hosey, Edel Donovan.
Ciaran O’Reilly, Mario Morelli, Stefan Jennings, Cian Brannigan.
Deirdre Hendrick, Yvonne Hennessy.
Mark McMahon, Stephen Nolan, Barry Carroll.
Daniel Soady, Neil O’Briain, Mary Lu Kavanagh, Alan Clarke, Thomas Rickard.
Simon Homan, Stephen Nolan, Niall Kennedy.
North County Leader 16th November 2010
The Biggest Circulation Of
North County Newspaper
Julie Shanahan of Baldoyle and Nuala Fitzgerald of Malahide were both the lucky winners of €100 vouchers in the, 10,000 reasons to shop at Clarehall competition, which took place on November 6th.
Donabate Hosts The Lambay Singers The Lambay Singers are busy rehearsing for another packed Christmas schedule of concerts. They will perform their Christmas concert entitled “Yuletide Carols and Antique Airs” in St. Patrick’s Parish Hall in Donabate on Sunday December 12th at 8pm. The choir then bring this concert to the Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre in Naul on Friday December 17th at 8pm. Saturday December 18th will see the choir perform at the Lusk Community Council Christmas Gala Concert in the St. Macullin’s Cultural Centre in Lusk. Once again this year the choir kick-start the festive season by singing at the switching-on of the Christmas lights in Donabate village on Saturday December 4th at 7.15pm. There will be celebrity guests, Santa Claus himself has promised to drop in and there will be seasonal refreshments for adults and kids. All residents of Donabate and Portrane are invited to attend, so come along and help get the festive season in Donabate off to a flying start! The Lambay Singers made history when they became the first choir since the 14th century to sing in the newly renovated Medieval Chapel at Swords Castle. They number about 24 members and the group are always seeking to recruit new singers to swell their ranks. Potential members do not need to be able to read music, all you need is a love of singing good music and a willing-
ness to work hard at rehearsal to produce that perfect harmony! The group meet for rehearsal on Thursday nights in the Waterside Hotel. While the singers work hard at rehearsal in search of that perfect sound, there is always time for a sociable drink and a chat in the bar afterwards.
Carlsberg 24pk cans . . . . . . . .€19.99 McGuigan wine . . . . . . . . . . . .€5.55 Bud 24pk 500ml cans . . . . . . .€26.99 Blossom Hill wine . . . . . . . . . .€3.99
Miller 24pk btls . . . . . . . . . . . .€23.99 Smirnoff 1ltr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€18.90 Bud 15pk btls . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€11.99 Powers 1ltr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€24.99 €9.50
Buy any 12 btls of spirits get 5% discount
€165 From 17 years *Subject to status
Tel : 840 4012 email: Unit B5 Airside Enterprise Centre, Swords, Co Dublin Regulated by the Financial Regulator
A Warm Christmas Welcome Awaits you at the.....
Our Legendary Christmas Party Nights for 2010 include:...
t t t t t t
e portion of Spend €15 + and receive Fre Prawn Crackers and receive Free Prawn Crackers and + 0 €2 nd Spe nk Dri t Sof Can e Prawn Crackers & Spend €30 + and receive Fre Chicken Free portion of Salt and Chilli
Champagne Reception on Arrival, Sumptuous Four Course Gala Dinner Festively Decorated Dinner Tables with Party Novelties. Superb After Dinner Raffle Dance the night away with DECO5 where as always they are on hand to ensure a memorable night Late Bar until 1.30am and DJ until 2am
DECEMBER ENTERTAINMENT: SATURDAY 4TH The Enemies FRIDAY 10TH Tom Maguire with his band Dec’O5
SATURDAY 11TH Tom Maguire with his band Dec’O5 FRIDAY 17TH Tom Maguire with his band Dec’O5 SATURDAY 18TH Tom Maguire with his band Dec’O5
Up-Coming Events at DECEMBER 12TH X Factor... The Final Party at Barroco
NOVEMBER 14TH Irish Band Rapscallion play Barroco Bar
DECEMBER 19TH Irish Band Rapscallion play Barroco Bar
NOVEMBER 15TH All Star Country & Western Dance
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Looking for a more casual Christmas night out with work colleagues & Friends, Barroco Bar is the only place to be. With resident DJ’s every Friday & Saturday night.
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Comedian and Hypnotist Show Starts 9:30pm Sharp the night €5 Admission at the door on
WATCH THE SHO SURROUND SOUND WITH FLATSCREEN TVS HT LIVE FINAL NIG H 12T SUNDAY DEC on posted Full Details will be Barroco and, book Pages Westcourt Face
Every ay Saturd pm at 8.00p
The Cock Tavern, Gormanston • Ph: 841 3530 Function Room Also Available for Parties
Westcourt Hotel, West Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth, Phone: 041 98 30965 Email:
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
We cater for all occasions
Fundraiser In Balbriggan HAIR SALON
UNISEX HAIR SALON Free Consultation on all aspects of Hair –Care 12 week Blow Dry €80 Tint + Cut €60 Blow Dry €15 Full Head Meche + Cut €80 Extensions €300
Tel: 807 58 68 River Mall, Swords, Co. Dublin Opening Hours Mon – Wed: 9.00- 5.30pm Thur/ Fri: 9.00- 7.30pm Sat: 9.00- 5.30pm
Balbriggan FC are holding a fundraising event upstairs in the Milestone Inn on Friday 19th November at 8.30 pm, starring the hilarious hypnotist Gary Grant and featuring a U2 Tribute Band. All profits from the evening will go towards the building of the club's new all weather facility, next year. Tickets are €12 each which will include a light supper. The cost is €20 for two and are available from any committee member. It sounds like the makings of a great night.
Christmas Day Lunch 1.30pm Guests arrive to a champagne reception 2.00pm 4 course lunch in the Great Hall Light entertainment during lunch from our pianist Santa will arrive with a small gift for the children at dessert stage of the meal.
The event is priced at: for adults & for children
€120 €60
For more details call 01 853 4327 |
Skerries One Act Festival The 25th Skerries One Act Drama Festival will take place from 18th to 20th of November (Thursday to Saturday) in the Little Theatre, Skerries. This is a nominating festival to the All Ireland One Acts to be held later this year. The Skerries Theatre Group, which was formerly known as The Marian Musical & Dramatic Society was founded
in 1945, is the host Drama Group. The Adjudicator is Geoffrey O’Keeffe who returns for a 2nd
year to judge the competition. Tickets are available from Skerries Bookshop beside St Partrick's Church on Strand Street.
Weddings, Birthdays, Debs, Communions , Christenings, Baby Showers etc. Contact us today at: Tel: 085 2106169
Only 4th and r 17th Decembe Available
oid Book Now to Av t! en tm in Dissapo
Song And Dance In Malahide Malahide Musical and Dramatic are proud to present their winter show ‘Show me the Music’. The show promises to be a wonderful evening of entertainment with a mixture of song and dance numbers. The show will take place in the Grand Hotel, Malahide on Sunday 21st November at 8pm. Tickets cost €15 and can be reserved in advanced by contacting Marissa (0866035320). Proceeds will again go towards staging there upcoming February musical ‘The Pirates of Penzance’.
THE BEST DEAL! `44 per person Special room rate of `77 inc. breakfast Gourmet Menu - best choice available!
Venue: The Star, Main St., Swords When: 26th of Nov Time: 8.30pm till 12.30am Tickets: €20 (Limited Availability) Phone James: 086 3383849
DJ from 12.30 till 2.30 am SPOT PRIZES ON THE NIGHT! signed Celtic jersey and other prizes Proceeds from the raffle go to Temple St Hospital
44 erson
per p
CALL: 041 9829185 TO BOOK TODAY!
GOURMET MENU Seafood Tian with Marie Rose Sauce Homemade Chicken Liver Paté Smoked Bacon Caesar Salad Homemade Vegetable Soup
Traditional Turkey and Honey Glazed Ham Baked Fillet of Salmon on a Baby Leek Cream Pan Fried 10oz Sirloin Steak with Peppercorn Sauce Roast Half Duckling served with a Rustic Wild Berry Compote Supreme of Chicken wrapped in Smoked Bacon Chablis Cream Sauce Roast Vegetable, Red Onion and Goats Cheese Tart served with a Rocket Salad
Traditional Plum Pudding with a Light Brandy Sauce Cream Filled Profiteroles with Belgian Chocolate Sauce Apple Pie with Custard
Dublin Road, Drogheda Co Meath T: 041 982 9185 F: 041 982 9049 E:
North County Leader 16th November 2010
The Biggest Circulation Of
Exciting Airside Motor Preview Show Airside Motor Park will launch a very special preview of the 2011 models across eight dealers, showcasing 13 different motor manufacturers. From November 18th to 21st, some of the North County’s biggest dealers are offering a sneak peek at the future with seven Irish Car Of The Year award nominees among the great models at great prices in showrooms spread across Ireland’s biggest Motor Park.
There are literally thousands of cars to choose from. There will be viewings of models not seen before, and you can test drive any car, including those nominated for the big award. The weekend is a guaranteed time and money saving experience, with no other location even coming close to offering the breadth of choice for the discerning buyer. The event, supported by Fingal Dublin Chamber Of Commerce, will see
Land Rover Freelander 2WD
some of the marquee motoring names unveil their newest and sleekest models
for viewing, giving you a chance to check out as many different makes and models as
North County Newspaper
you can handle. Airside is unique in this country as it has more car dealerships than any other facility, giving you the chance to enjoy the best that the motor industry has to offer and all within walking distance of each other and there will be hundreds of cars to choose from. Preview weekend promises to be a great way to get into the spirit of the festive season. Speaking about the Airside Motor Park 2010 Preview Show, CEO of Fingal Dublin
Chamber, Tony Lambert said, “The Chamber is delighted to be supporting Airside Motor Park in launching their 2011 Preview Show. This motoring centre of excellence creates great vibrancy in the area and its great to see more than 13 new models which have not been seen before on display at the
Renault Fluence
show. I recommend all interested motorists to see for themselves the
wonderful and exciting selection of cars on display,” he said.
Come view the all new Kia Sportage this week from the 18th-21st November at Michael Barrable Motors
New Ford Grand C-Max
Motorbike Meetings Must Adapt To Survive By Bob McKenzie Following two deaths at local meetings in Skerries and Killalane the future of Motorbike Road racing in the North County is looking grim. The tragic demises of Miles Byrne and Victor Gilmore have prompted a rethink about how the races should be run and there are controversial plans to even scrap some of the more powerful classes. Under plans being considered by the organisers of the two races the Loughshinny Motorcycle Club Superbike and Supersport 600 road races could be scrapped completely. The clubs are proposing that bikes be restricted to 650 twins as the upper limit with classic bikes excluded, claiming that none of the courses in the North County are suitable for more powerful machines. Were these proposals to be adopted, it could be the death knell for a sport which has always been incredibly popular in the North County. The sport also brings in much needed revenue for local businesses due to the volume of spectators who attend the races, particularly in Skerries. The view being expressed in certain quarters is that the sport needs to adapt to survive with wider and longer courses being sought as well as reducing the number of categories and the number of championship races.
The World’s ONLY Compressed Air Safety Manual FREE! Download your free copy from: Airside Motor Park Swords Co.Dublin • 8833300 •
Malahide Motors Gas Yard Lane, Malahide • Car Servicing • Pre NCT Preparation • Headlight Alignment • All Mechanical Works • Brakes • Clutches Ph: 01 845 2554 Mob: 086 1911 465
Call: 041-98 36923
North County Dublin’s
North County Leader’s Weekly Helpful Guide For Jobseekers
Your Personal Brand Writes Siobhán Kinsella Your personal brand is regularly referred to in the media but what is it? Your personal brand is everything a prospective employer can see about you. Your presentation for interview, the manner in which you present information about yourself such as your email address and any social media you use such as facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. When considering your application to an employer something as simple as an inappropriate email address can lead to your application being discarded. Make sure your email address is first name surname and the domain name. In the event that you have to create a new one, do so but remember
to check it. Most companies communicate via email; also please remember to check the junk mail and spam folders. The reason I say this is that most companies use logos on their email signatures, this can lead them to land in your junk mail. Facebook is a wonderful tool, however it has lead to people not getting roles they thought they were perfect for, it has lead to disciplinary action for people in work and it has lead to dismissal for others. We can argue whether it is appropriate for employers or prospective employers to view your facebook page or not. The fact is if the information is available on the internet it is available to all. If I google your name as a prospective employer would you be proud of what I would see, word to the wise – ensure your facebook page is set to private! LinkedIn is a very powerful networking and professional social media tool. It is one of the fastest growing social media tools and is used by millions of professionals the world over. Most companies now post vacancies through LinkedIn and also have details about their company
on LinkedIn. I would strongly recommend you investigate this tool, you will find it beneficial for research and for finding direct contacts. Your personal brand relates strongly to your employer’s, peer’s and potential customer’s perception of you, so make sure you present the best of yourself. Best of Luck Siobhan Kinsella is Manager of CPL and Flexsource Solutions with responsibility for the Fingal area. She is a Director of Fingal Dublin Chamber of Commerce & Drinan Enterprise centre. Siobhan is also an active member of the Rotary Club of Dublin Fingal
20th – 21st November. And continues daily from 10am until December 23rd. Mulled Wine and Mince Pies, On the opening weekend While stocks last
Visit Santa
In a Christmas Wonderland Daily from 10am - 4pm on the 4th,5th,11th & 12th Dec.
North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
Swords Mum Gets Back To Work Mums all over the North County are looking for ways to fill their time when the little ones have gone to school and the mornings may seem a bit long. In a time when money is tight and learning seems to be the new trend, what better time to get back in work or education? Having a dream and carrying it through is not an impossibility and one such Swords lady who has proven this is Joanne Mooney. Joanne has had a passion for art and painting since she was a child and studied art in America. She got back into painting seven years ago while she was pregnant and started
Public Meeting Of Policing Forum In Balbriggan The Balbriggan Community Policing Forum will hold the first public meeting for all residents living in the southern half of Balbriggan and Balrothery on the 18th November 2010. This meeting will commence at 7.30pm in the Order of Malta House, Hampton Street, Balbriggan. The attendance will include representatives from An Garda Siochana and the County Council. Balbriggan Community Policing Forum is set up as part of the provisions contained in the Garda Siochana Act 2005. It is an independent body who aims to build community capacity, develop links and further enhance communication between the residents of Balbriggan, state agencies, local authority and An Garda Siochana. One of the most important elements of our work is the facilitation of public meetings. The success of these meetings will depend on community involvement. Anti- social behaviour is something that affects us all. Each contribution is important and all views will be welcome. Public meetings are an opportunity for members of the community to bring to light any issues that they may have within the community regarding community safety. This can range from drug and alcohol related issues, to anti-social behaviour within local estates. Members of Balbriggan Gardaí and the County Council will attend these meetings to listen to the community, and agreements can be reached regarding future action to be taken. The aim is that once issues are raised at these meetings, appropriate action will be taken to tackle the issues of concern to you the residents of Balbriggan. Feedback will be given at the next meeting.
By Leslie Murphy painting personalised canvas to decorate the nursery for the arrival of her new baby. Joanne told the County Leader, “ I started to paint for friends and family and gave them the work as gifts. Everybody loved the presents and suggested I try sell a few.” She started off small and that’s when she saw the opportunity to turn her creative hobby into a small business. Now in the last few months it has turned into a business attracting huge interest. Joanne runs her business,
Tinythings from her home is Swords. Joanne taught herself to design her own website. “There I was, no business plan in place and an unexpected but exciting demand for my work. I
would encourage all mums to pursue their ideas because I never thought this would happen to me. It’s not impossible to run a small business and look after children. I get to do my dream job, be creative and spend time with my two daughters.
Full Time Qualified Experienced Montessori Teacher Required contact andrea on 8431222 or send CV to
Gormanston, Co Meath
RECRUITMENT OPEN EVENING THURSDAY 18TH NOVEMBER 2010 Due to the continuing growth of this contemporary 4 star hotel we are looking to add the following members to our team:
• Assistant Manager (Duty Management) • Bar Floor Manager • Kitchen Administrator • Chef de Partie • Receptionists • Kitchen Porter • Food & Beverage Assistants We can offer you: • Flexible working hours • Meals provided when on duty • Family Accommodation Rate, Discounted Beauty Treatments, Discounts on Food & Beverage Facilities, Complimentary use of Fitness Suite etc. Why not call in and meet us on Thursday 18th November 2010 from 5pm – 8.30pm If you can’t make Thursday you can call Sarah Dunne on 01 690 6623 for more details or send your CV to
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Christian voluntary organisation committed to offering support and friendship, promoting self-sufficiency and working for social justice. The Dublin Region wish to recruit for the following full time, permanent position:
CARETAKER – SUNSHINE HOUSE To be based in Sunshine House, Balbriggan, Co Dublin, the Caretaker will have a central role in the efficient running of the holiday centre both on and off season and candidates must posses the following: • At least 3-4 years experience in a similar role • Demonstrable skills in carpentry, electrics or plumbing • Experience of grounds-keeping • The ability to work on his/her own initiative • Flexibility and enthusiasm and an understanding of community development and social inclusion issues The successful candidate will be a team player with an ability to prioritise tasks and to work well under pressure. He/She will also enjoy being part of a progressive and energetic team. Applicants should forward a current CV and cover letter to; on or before Friday 19th November 2010. All appointments are subject to satisfactory references, medical and Garda Vetting. St. Vincent de Paul is an Equal Opportunities Employer website:
North County Leader 16th November 2010
The Biggest Circulation Of
Free Business Course In Balbriggan Balbriggan jobseekers can boost their prospects with a FREE business course from the National College of Ireland. Unemployed professionals have been offered a fantastic opportunity to
FOR THE Fri 19th November, Unit 9,UNEMPLOYED Beat Centre, Balbriggan, 2-5pm Unemployed? NCI is now able to offer a very limited number of fee free places on selected courses. Places on our FETAC Certificate in Business, HETAC Certificate in Web Technologies and our Certificate in Entrepreneurship* are available free of charge to eligible candidates on a first come first served basis.
Investing in your future
For out For more more check check out or call call 01 01 802 802 0400 0417 or Balbriggan Enterprise Development Group Ltd, Training Division, Unit 9, BEAT Centre, Stephenstown Ind Est, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. * Subject to HETAC approval
apply for a free college place. All places will be offered on a first come, first served basis, and the courses are running locally in the Balbriggan Enterprise Development Group Ltd training facili-
Malahide Man Great Help To Silver Surfers Older people who surf the world wide web have become known as Silver Surfers and now a new website will help them to access information about activities and events for retired people across the North County. The people of Malahide owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Dick Brennan. For the past two and a half years he has helped familiarise Silver Surfers with computer skills. He has provided PC classes three times a week, teaching over 1000 pupils the basic skills of computing. He fully deseves the recognition for his efforts by receiving this award. He was nominated by: Susan Lovatt, the libarian at Malahide Library. The new site will also provide details of Active Retirement Associations countrywide while also keeping them in touch with ongoing events and activities. The website is the brainchild of Active Retirement Ireland who have found through studies that internet use is on the increase with older people with a surge between in those between 50 and 64 where it is estimated that around a third of people in that age bracket are surfing the net regularly. Usage is lower among those over 65 but ACI estimate that numbers are growing as resources improve. Research shows that older people are finding the internet a useful tool for booking tickets, holidays or even just checking their entitlements. The ease of being able to keep in touch with family and friends via email and Skype is also increasing usage by the North County’s older citizens.
22008/2009 008/2009 Extension To Rush EXAMFOCUS 2010
ties located in the BEAT Centre, Balbriggan. An Open Day will take place on Friday, 19th November from 2pm until 5pm at the centre. The free places are available to all those who have been unemployed for three months or more. Students in Balbriggan will be offered free places on the
FETAC Certificate in Business. This accredited programme is aimed at those who have not previously attended third level but want a good grounding in business. The programme includes a three week work placement and is a 12 week full time course, including a three week work placement.
086 2226524 ●
087 2098959 ●
H O LY FA M I LY N AT I O N A L S C H O O L , R I V E R VA L L E Y, S W O R D S U N I T 7 , T H E S T A B L E S , S T R A N D R D ., P O R T M A R N O C K
Naul Allotments Wins Award
Professional Cleaning
Contact: 086 874 6721
Book Now 1st Class Free €25 Per 11⁄2Hr Class Tutorial Dedicated Teachers Small Classes Traditional Rates 1
Free Introductory Class From 2010 all students who enrol will traditionally receive the first class free, this is to ensure that both pupils and parents are 100% satisfied that our teachers and classes are of the highest quality.
National School Welcomed
Deputy Darragh O’Brien (FF) has welcomed the progress being made on the extension for Rush National School. He said, “I have been informed by Rush National School that progress is being made on plans for an extension to the school building. I know from my involvement with the school and principal, Margaret Dobinson that this project will be hugely important to them.” “The Building Unit of the Department of Education is working with the school and I expect further progress to be made in the coming weeks. The Department has now given the go-ahead to proceed to the next stage, which is to send out the decision of the Board of Management in relation to their selected consultancy service. I visited the school again recently and I know the staff and management are continuing to provide an excellent education to the children in the community.” “This project is a priority for me and I will continue to do everything I can to assist in seeing the necessary extension and refurbishment take place as soon as possible. I intend to shortly meet again with the Minister for Education in relation to Rush National School,” he concluded.
Residential training in obedience and behaviour problems ie pulling on lead, housetraining, aggression, recall, chewing, jumping up etc also personal protection training.Over 20 years experience,having trained in the UK,USA and Germany. Quailfied master dog trainer, veterinarian + dog shelter recommended.
References available, watch our dogs in action at or phone 087 0514467
Students will receive a FETAC level 5 major award in business. The course will commence in November and students will need a letter from Social Welfare stating how long they have been unemployed. To reserve a free place, contact 01 8020417
The winner of the 2010 Allotment allotment holders and back-gardeners to Provider Award is Fingal Allotments, run contact their local farmers’ market if they by the McDonald family from Naul. Mr. have a surplus of produce so that we can Gearóid McDonald was presented with the continue to encourage a greater awareness top prize at the recent Allotment Awards. of what grows locally in the North County The allotments had other reasons to cele- and support local producers - both large brate also, given that two of the allotment and small. holders also won awards in their own right in individual categories. Helen Kessie from Balbriggan won second place in the Novice category and John Warren of Malahide also won second place in the Experienced Gardener category.Local TD and former Horticulture Minister, Trevor Sargent -House Cleaning (€30 per house) opened the Allotments a number of months ago and expressed his delight -Carpet Cleaning (€18 per room) on hearing the good news for the local -Office Cleaning area generally. Sargent said ‘Fingal -Window Cleaning Allotments have captured the public mood in developing such a popular -Garden Tidy facility in the Naul. The profusion of allotments provided privately and by the County Council, as well as a number of community and school gardens and a growing network of Grow It Yourself groups all help to focus attention on the genuine wealth creating ability of the area to grow food,” he said In congratulating Helena Kessie, John Warren and Gearóid McDonald, I also wish to encourage
North County Newspaper
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Electric Showers Suppliedand & Fitted Supplied fitted
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PRIMERA 01D, 70,000, NCT till 9/2011, power steering, electric windows also sunroof, silver, six-disc player, €1,900. together or separate, for Phone 086-8170369. For Sale LARGE Novum Chest all €450. Phone 087- BMW 1.8 3 Series, black in colour, NCT Freezer with 2 internal 2913235. baskets plus divider EXCELLENT condi- March/2011, electric area, €200 o.n.o. Tel tion Mamas and Papas windows, 120k miles, Gliding Crib, from very good condition. 087-2302330. SINGLE bed and newborn to approx 7 Phone 085-1433414. mattress in good condi- mths. Price €120 o.n.o. CHEVROLET Matiz, 2005, 800cc, 29000mls, tion, €35.00, phone Phone 087-2913235. MOSES basket (purple 5 door, NCT 07/11, 086-3746168. SERIES of framed hood with animals) metallic gold, Taxed till Disney prints, suitable stand, mattress, four 12/10, road tax €172, Price €3,000 o.n.o. for girl’s room, €4 each sheets and cover, €60 Phone 086-3470399. or 6 prints for €20, phone 087-9753169. NISSAN v . g . c . Phone 087- 4 ways to place your FREE private Classified Nx100, just 1. Email your advertisement to us at n e e d s 2817775. clutch, 94, PUNJAB €300.00, p r i s o n 2. Fax your advertisement to us at (01) 8400 550 3. Just pop into our office on North Street, Swords Balbriggan, match, still with your advertisement. Ph: 085 in box, 20 4. Log onto 8454844. wrestlers, 2 WWE belts, WWE Misc. helmet, and ideal for BEAUTICIAN magnixmas, €70. Phone 085- fying lamp and portable FINGAL SPCA seeks massage bed, €150, good homes for lovely 2419862. kittens and also availMAHOGANY style will sell separate. able are young cats, TV stand with shelving Phone 087-3100454. spayed/neutered. and press, very good Property Ph: 8436477/087condition, €50.00 o.n.o. HOUSE for sale or 7842321. Call (01) 8411084 CAPEZIO Dancing swap – detached 5 bed Shoes, tan colour, size 4 bath showhouse in 7, never worn, tap JR Co. Leitrim will swap footlight 550, €35 or for nice house in Dublin, work reasons. nearest offer. Phone 087-9698599. Phone 087-7829864. CONTENTS of kitchen B A L B R I G G A N , - which include oak Moylaragh Crescent, kitchen, washing spacious 3-bedroom machine, dish washer, property to let, newly cooker, fridge, every- furnished, close to all thing in working order amenities, f.f., €895 and reasonably priced, pm. Contact 086for more information 1694217. RUSH 4 bed semi-d, please call John on Contact : ensuite, and f.f., newly 087-2338061. 087 6932694 decorated, off Main DREAMBOX DM500s brand new in box, ideal Street, €1,100pm. for fta satellite or card- Phone 086-3470399 sharing, €75. Phone 086-3041720. WHITE Satin A&T Lotus Orient Will run a Stress Management Corporation wedding Workshop in Emmaus Conference dress for sale, size 1012 in perfect condition, Centre Swords can email photos at Sat November 27th 10.30am – 12.30pm anytime. Price can Cost €10 negotiate, open to offers Early booking advisable and want to sell quickly, living in Swords and ready for collection. Please contact me on 087-7558447 Mobile spraytan in the comfort and privacy of your own home. PHILIPS 32” Tantruth spraytan, no streaks, gorgeous golden tan instantly. Television with remote Normaly €30, special offer €15. Further discount given to groups for sale, perfect condiof 3 or more. Look sensational for the party season. tion, €95, Tel 0874160880. Call 087-6338414 DIGITAL camera for sale, unwanted gift, perfect condition, would make ideal Christmas Gift, €100.00 and contact 087-1649712. EXCELLENT condition – recliner Italian leather armchair (2), price range €500. Phone 087-2913235. MAXI cosy baby **Affordable Counselling** carrier/car seat with isofix base and compat- Working With Depression, Bereavement, Panic Attacks,Anxiety, Relationship Difficulties, ible 3 way Mothercare Trauma, Abuse.(I.A.C.P) My choice pram with Contact: Irene Mob: 086 9680069 all accessories. Sell
Wanted Spanish & Bulgarian Property
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North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
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Fine Counselling
North County Leader 16th November 2010
The Biggest Circulation Of
Last Weeks published deaths from the North County Morgan – Desmond (Dessie) Curran Park, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Desmond (Dessie) husband of the late Maura, deeply regretted by his loving brother Gerry and sisters Kay and Carmel. Bissett (Nee Daly) Elizabeth Malahide, Co. Dublin Hutchinson – Vincent Swords, Co. Dublin Beloved husband of Helen, deeply regretted by his loving wife, brothers, sisters. Gannon (Nee Sheridan) Anne Marie Malahide Road, Dublin. Beloved wife of Laurence, sadly missed by her loving husband Laurence, parents Joe and Sadie and her brothers Paul and Alan. Murray – John (B.Dent. Sc.) Malahide, Co. Dublin John, beloved husband to Norma and loving father to Lisa, Daniel and Sean, much loved son of Dan and Josephine and brother of Elaine, Denise, Ciara and Lisa. Scott (nee Kent) – Joan Malahide, Co. Dublin.
Scott (nee Doherty) Eileen Hollywood, Naul, Co. Dublin. Eileen (late of Oldtown National School), deeply regretted by her loving husband Cecil, children Damian, Yvonne, Donal, Helen and Graham, brothers Donal and Jimmy, sisters Mary and Noreen. Poole – (nee Martin) Rebecca Swords and formerly of Howth Deeply regretted by her loving husband Damian, children Sorcha, Caoimhe and Anrai, parents Hubert and Kathleen, sister Yvonne and brother Keith. Rooney (Nee Durnan) Vera Naul, Co. Dublin Devoted wife of the late Padraig, surrounded by her loving family, sons John, Peter and Patrick, daughters Annette and Louise, brother, sister, neighbours and friends. O’Connor – Michael (O’Conchuir) Balheary, Swords, Co. Dublin and late of Seanchnoc, Ballyferriter, Co. Kerry Michael, beloved husband of Mary and father of the late Declan, deeply regretted by his loving wife, daughters Claire and Mary and son Pat.
Miracle Prayer Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where you father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never know to fail. Also thanks to St. Francis Saviour and the Sacred Heart. AR
Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. MC
New Headstone Showrooms Prices From
€999 Pierce Monuments Northern Cross (Beside Hilton Hotel)
Tel: 840 70 90
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Bonass (nee Devitt) – Catherine Susan Sylvia Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin O’Flynn (nee Farrell) - Margaret (Peggy) Portmarnock and formerly of Marino. Margaret (Peggy), wife of Sean, sadly missed by her daughters Barbara, Clare and Laura and sister Marie. Gaffney (nee Goold) – Sheila Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. Sheila, beloved wife of the late John and sister of the late Nuala and Ned, cherished and much loved mother of Gillian (O’Brien, Carlow), Brian (Dublin) and Jane (New York), sisters Mary, Sr. Florrie and Ann, brothers Paddy and John. Maguire – Patrick 12 Elmwood Park, Swords, Co. Dublin and formerly of Dowra, Co. Leitrim Lovingly remembered by his sister Annie McGowan. Nolan – Patrick J. Malahide, Nolan’s Supermarket, Clontarf and Ferns, Co. Wexford Deeply regretted by his wife Una, children Richard, Paul and Lisa. Murray – Michael Birmingham and formerly of Garristown, Co. Dublin. Sadly missed by all his brothers and sisters.
Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. A.D
Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. B.C
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Fingal County Council Retention Planning permission sought by David O’Rourke at Milverton, Skerries, Co. Dublin for an additional floor area of barn structure. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application.
Fingal County Council Planning permission sought by Charlie & Paula Bracken at 82 Seatown Villas, Swords, Co. Dublin to construct a second storey extension over existing single storey structure to side of dwelling, 2 storey extension to the rear and relocate side entrance. The planning application
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North County Leader 16th November 2010
Quality Newspaper
may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is requested for a) New Spectator Stand to Southern side of existing playing pitch (Area 167 sq/m – Height 5.5m) b) New Turnstile, Boundary Wall & Railings along Northern Boundary (Height 3m) and all associated siteworks. . At :- Market Green, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Signed :- Glebe North AFC Committee. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9.30am – 15.30pm Monday-Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by Fingal County Council. Fingal County Council I Jane Walsh T/A Red Velvet Hairdressing Salon am seeking planning permission at, Unit 4, The Grange, Main Street, Ballyboughal, Co.Dublin. The development will consist of the enclosing of two existinh balconies at first floor level to create two sunrooms. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application Fingal County Council We D & M Lowney intend to apply for Planning Permission for (1) Single storey Sunroom (10.54sq.m.)to rear, (2) Single storey porch (3.52sq.m.) to side and (3) the removal of the timber cladding to front gable and replacment with painted sand and cement render at 103 Ard na Mara, Malahide, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and that a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council: Planning Permission is sought for (a) construction of two-storey extension, to include rooflights, to the rear and window to the side at ground floor level of the existing detached dwelling and (b) retention permission for widening of existing vehicular entrance for Jacinta McDevitt and Brian Mullen at 2 The Cove, Malahide. Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application Fingal County Council Planning permission is requested for the Use of part of existing Retail Unit (16sq/m) for sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises. (master permission granted under ref no. F08A/0391 ) At:- Retail Unit, Ground floor, Building 1, Dublin Airport Buisness Park, Turnapin Great, Cloghran, Swords Road,
PLANNING APPLICATIONS Santry, Dublin 8. Signed:- David Orange. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9.30am – 15.30pm Monday-Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by Fingal County Council. Fingal County Council Planning permission sought for dormer dwelling and garage to rear of existing dwelling to include vehiclular access from existing lane at Ballyhavil Lane, Rush Road, Skerries, Co. Dublin for Eimear McNally. This planning applicaiton may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by the planning authority. Signed: Thomas J. Finn Fingal County Council Permission sought to build new single storey extension to side & rear of existing dwelling, with re-location of hall door and new porch to front of proposed. Application to include internal alterations at ‘Autum Leaves’, Rogerstown Lane, Lusk, Co. Dublin for Laura Kelly. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. During it’s opening hours, Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought for access road from R122 & associated road siteworks to serve a rural cluster of 5 sites and outline planning permission for 5 dwellings with on-site waste-water treatment systems (1 per site) at Kilsallaghan, Co. Dublin, for Audrey & Carl
O’Flaherty & Michael Connolly. The application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its' public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Permission is sought by Joseph & Catriona Byrne to 1) construct a new 0.56HA glasshouse along with associated rainwater reservoir tanks and site works south-west of the existing glasshouses, 2) construct new storage sheds (126Sqm) along the south-west gable of the existing glasshouses, 3) construct a new entrance to replace the existing entrance in the north west corner, and 4) partially demolish an existing disused shed (100Sqm) east of the existing entrance to allow for better visibility from the new entrance, of the site all at Blooming Baskets, Grace Dieu, Ballyboghal, Co Dublin The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council (Swords) during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Derek & Linda McCarthy intend to apply for planning permission to convert their existing garage building to a family flat at 13a Rathbeale Cresent, Swords, Co Dublin. The proposal shall consist of the construction of a new porch to the eastern elevation of the building measuring 3m2. The converted garage shall contain a 25m2 living area, 11m2 Bedroom and adjoining bathroom within the existing 50m2 ground floor. The site shall be accessed through the existing entrance from Rathbeale Cresent. The existing attic area of 28m2 shall be retained as storage space only with the staircase relocated to the front of the building. The application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its' public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on
Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders
Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are
North County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas: Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny, Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy, Malahide and Portmarnock Adverts must be supplied by email to or by visiting: you can also post your advert on a disk to
North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin
North County Leader 16th November 2010
The Biggest Circulation Of
PLANNING APPLICATIONS payment of the prescribed fee (20 Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Signed: Maceo Design and Management Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought by D. Kennedy for dwelling with attached garage and for waste water treatment system at Damastown, Naul, Co. Dublin. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee 20 euro within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Permission is sought for dormer type dwelling house with biocycle waste water treatment unit together with all site ancillary works at Magillstown, Swords, Co. Dublin for J. Dwyer. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20 Euros) within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Permission is sought for dormer type dwelling house with biocycle waste water treatment unit together with all site ancillary works at O’Briens Lane, Oldtown, Co. Dublin for G. Millar. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20 Euros) within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council I Mr. Philip Stimpson intend to apply for Planning Permission At No. 1 Talbot Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin For to construct single storey extension for storage purposes attached to side of house and extend existing pitch roof over storage area with sky lights in roof. This application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main St. Swords Co. Dublin during the public opening hours 9-30am 1530pm Monday to Friday and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the planning authority in writing on payment of a fee of €20.00 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought by Maree & Jack Baker for alterations and extension to their existing two storey detached house at Dooneen, Station Road, Skerries, Co. Dublin. The extension to the ground floor will accommodate a
family flat with living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. The extension to the main house will accommodate a dining area and utility on the ground floor and two additional bedrooms on the first floor. Alterations to the existing house include new fenestration to the side & rear elevations with a velux roof light over the landing area. Associated site works & landscaping included. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours of 9.30 – 15.30 Monday - Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the application. Fingal County Council I, Sandra Richardson, intend to apply for permission for development at, 31 Clonard Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of (1) the demolition of an existing porch to the rear of the existing dwelling and (2) the construction of a new single-storey 20m_ extension to the rear of the existing dwelling, to include increased kitchen area and new sunroom and (3) drainage and associated siteworks. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours of 9.30 – 15.30 Monday – Friday at Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of a fee of €20, within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council Permission sought for a sessional preschool at The Cottage, Tyrellstown, Lusk between the hours of 09.15 -12.15 Monday to Friday, using existing waste water treatment system and upgrade of percolation area by Aidan & Amanda Corcoran. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at Fingal County Council offices during the public opening hours of 09.30 -15.30 Monday to Friday at Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to Fingal County Council in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the application. Fingal County Council We, Coleman Quinn & Associates Ltd. Intend to apply for planning permission for development at this site address: palmerstown, oldtown, co. Dublin. The development consists of 4no. Two storey detached houses With garages, an individual effluent treatment unit for each dwelling, a new vehicular entrance from the r130 and associated site works. The subject site is situated within the palmerstown rural cluster lands. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning
authority during the public opening hours of 9.30 - 15.30 Monday to Friday at Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, swords, fingal, co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of a fee of €20, within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought for the construction of a new 4 bedroom, 2 storey detached house to side, new vehicular entrance to front and associated site works at no. 2 Forest View, Rathingle, Swords, Co. Dublin for Uri & Deeba Nazarali. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours (9.30am – 15.30pm Monday – Friday) A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee of 20 euros within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council (A) Permission for (i) alterations including demolition of existing rear single-storey extensions (incl. former meeting hall and kitchen areas), front porch and attached side garage and for (ii) new replacement part 2 storey part single storey rear extension, new front porch and new detached single garage on west side and (B) Retention Permission for recent alterations to re-instate original nineteenth century ground floor window openings at existing 2 storey dwelling known as “The Rectoryâ”, at junction of Holmpatrick & Millers Lane, Skerries. Signed B. Ryan. This application can be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Mon.-Fri. between 9.30-15.30 (Through Lunch) and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission sought for the erection of a dormer extension to the rear of existing dormer bungalow together with the provision of a new window opening to the ground floor western elevation at No. 1 Riverside, Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin signed Hugh and Joanna Fitzsimons. The application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application.
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North County Leader 16th November 2010
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