North County Leader 06th September 2011

Page 1

WIN WIN WIN Wedding Show Tickets See Page 4

Skerries Celebrates Census See Page 7

Balbriggan Group’s Charitable Donation See Page 11

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6th September 2011 • Volume 18, Issue 24 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200

€340m Pension Deficit At Dublin Airport A deficit in the Aer Lingus and Dublin Airport Authority pension fund is threatening to reduce future benefits for Dublin Airport staff. The deficit is believed to be in the region of E344 million. The figures relate to the end of last March and are contained in the preliminary results of the fund’s first valuation for three years. The last valuation, in March 2008 showed a surplus of E79 million quite a contrast from these new figures. A memo sent by the pension scheme’s actuary, Mercer to the trustees, said that “the position is both critical and urgent.

By Patrick Finnegan Local deputy Clare Daly was very worried about the situation when she spoke to the County Leader. “There is a crisis in pensions all over and the main reason for this particular shortfall is that at its heart, it is due to the fall in employment at Aer Lingus, with thousands retired and not enough employees to sustain retirees,” she said. She also spoke about a change in work practices at the airport, which are contributory factors in the pension deficit. “Jobs that were undertaken by airport staff have been outsourced to lower paid workers, who don’t pay into the pension fund. The responsibility for

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People need a decent pension after years of hard work and there needs to be an urgent coming together to address this problem. Daly concluded by saying that “the figures mentioned, while high, are merely a small percentage of the sum which was this lies with the Government as the full owner of DAA pumped into the banks by and partial owner of Aer Lingus. They need to tackle the government.” Clare Daly TD this problem immediately. This is really serious and will The memo from Mercer affect families. Employers and unions need to wake up also points out “the current level of employer and to this reality,” she added. member contributions are not suffiOne of the options put forward was “Employers and unions cient to support the future service that employees would pay 20 per benefit for current active members need to wake up to cent of their salaries to redress the and proposed that additional contrithis reality” imbalance, an option that Daly butions needed are substantial - in ridiculed as ‘impossible.’ “People the region of 24 per cent of pensionare hard pressed enough without this yoke around able salaries to maintain current benefits.” This their necks. The pension levy is also affecting the Aer exceeds the amount described by deputy Daly as Lingus scheme and the removal of SRT from the ‘impossible’. scheme has contributed greatly to the problem. This whole scenario is symptomatic of a greater national problem,” she said.

Great Success For North County Towns

The St Finians GAA Club, River Valley Summer Camp which takes place every summer hosted a great prize giving for the children who had attended the camp. Camp Coordinator, James Devlin and 1st team captain, Warren Hanley gave out the trophies and medals to the enthusiastic children who cheered and clapped for their fellow players. Pictured at the ceremony is Marcella McGeogh with her grandsons, Ben McGeogh and Josh Pic: JR Murtagh and camp assistant, Stacey McEvoy.

The National Tidy Towns Awards were presented at a glittering ceremony at the Helix Theatre on Monday last. It proved to be a successful event for our lovely towns and villages. Skerries emerged as the Regional Award winner for Dublin, with a total of 303 points, up by three on last year and a mere seven behind the overall winner, Killarney. They also won a Gold Medal, as did Malahide, with a total of 291 points. In third place in the North County was Lusk with a hugely impressive 272 points, up 10 on last year’s performance. Other notable successes were the performances of Skerries which also won the overall Sustainable Award, with Donabate winning a Highly Commended Award in this category. Other results included an impressive total of 241 points for Balbriggan, 259 for Swords, 256 for Donabate, 252 for Balscadden, 225 for Rush - a great result after such a long absence from the competition.

Swords Cleans Up It’s Act By Peter Kearney Des Becton, of Swords Tidy Towns committee was over the moon with the outcome of the latest IBAL Anti-Litter League 2011 survey. Having finished in last place in 2005, Swords now sits proudly in 4th position out of 53 towns and cities in Ireland. In total Swords received 10 Grade A awards and commendations for the cleanliness of the approach roads to the town. Of course the recent success did not happen overnight. It came as a result of a lot of hard work from the Tidy Towns committee. The core group of eight volunteers are out every Thursday evening and Saturday, between March and August, as well as other times of the year when they work on special projects. Such projects, include the cleaning of the Ward River. Chief Executive of the Fingal Dublin Chamber, Tony Lambert said that “Swords position of receiving 10 Grade A awards in this survey is amazing and well deserved and a credit to the Tidy Towns and business community.” This is a good news story for Swords and its inhabitants and highlights that when faced with a crisis, as they were in 2005, that simple hard work and commitment for the common good will always succeed.

See our Special Report in next week’s edition.

EVER THINK OF VOLUNTEERING? It is a wonderful way to give something back. SVP urgently needs volunteers for home visitation work in Swords and surrounding areas. If you would like to help contact;

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Classic And Vintage Car Show In Malahide The Lions Club in Malahide and the Dublin North Rotary Club recently held a vintage and classic car show at Malahide Cricket Club. The event, which displayed a wide

By Jennifer Ryan variety of beautiful original and restored classic and vintage cars was opened by RTE personality, Blathnaid Ni Chofaigh. There were

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NUMBERS TO KNOW Swords Garda Station ................01 666 4700 Balbriggan Garda Station..........01 802 0510 Malahide Garda Station.............01 666 4600 Skerries Garda Station...............01 849 12 11 Lusk Garda Station.....................01 843 72 22 Rush Garda Station ....................01 843 72 02 MABS Money Advice ...................1890 283 438 Citizens Advice Centre ................01 840 68 77 D-Doc ..........................................1850 224 477 Crimestoppers ............................1800 250 025 Samaritans.................................1850 609090 Alcoholics Anonymous ................01 8420700 Childline .....................................1800 666 666 Aware (depression)....................1890 303 302 Dublin Rape Crisis Centre...........1800 778 888 Crisis Pregnancy- CURA ..............1850 622 626 Al-Anon Family Groups ..............01 8732699

North County Leader 6th September 2011

Quality Newspaper

Pictured at the Malahide Vintage and Classic Car show is Patrick Fox from Malahide with his 1936 Austin Pic: JR Cambridge A10, 'Royal Blue for the people.'

over 125 entrants with a wide range of makes and models on display including Lancia, Ferrari, Jaguar and Mercedes. The drivers voted for ‘Car of the Show’ which was won by Tommy Sheridan from Swords for his 1910 Talbot. Malahide market stalls displayed their goods at the show

and locals were kept well fed by caterers. Local band, The Fossils played on stage while visitors enjoyed the beautiful cars and motorbikes on display. The weather was on Malahide’s side and the sun shone for the event, creating a carnival-like atmosphere, while the children played on the inflatable slide and got their faces painted. A great day was had by all.

Irish Dance In Rush And Skerries The Coffey School of Irish Dancing holds classes in Rush Community Centre on Thursdays from from 34pm and on Saturdays from 11am until noon. Classes are also held in Skerries Community Centre on Tuesdays from 4pm. Contact Ann on 0879688394 for more information. The school promises no fake tan, no fuss and no wigs but plenty of fun and enjoyment as you learn traditional and céilí dancing. It is open to children aged four and over.

Dental Nurse Required SWORDS AREA Must be Qualified, Experienced and Computer Literate with Great Organisational and Interpersonal Skills.

Marvellous Achievement By Portmarnock Scouts

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By Jennifer McShane Five Venture Scouts (15 -17) from Portmarnock Scout Group returned from a highly demanding National Venture Scout Challenge. This is the second year of the event and is organised by the team at National Headquarters Scouting Ireland. The Venture Scouts were divided into groups of two and dropped off at least 100 kilometres from their final destination, which this year was Lahinch. Portmarnock pairs included Conor Dillon and Alanna Farrelly, Conor Nolan and Conor Grant and Shane Howley accompanied a Venture Scout from another group, Rory Sullivan. The challenge completed by the five Venture scouts can be used towards the ‘adventure’ part of their Silver Gaisce President’s award which they are

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Pictured here are the Portmarnock scouts who participated in the gruelling National Venture Scout Challenge recently. From left, John Brennan, Scouting Ireland, Shane Howley, Conor Nolan, Conor Dillon, Conor Grant and Alanna Farrelly.

also pursuing. They were left off the bus at remote location and each pair was given a map and a list of challenges to complete along the way. They had a budget of fifty Euros between them for the week which

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meant surviving on just five euro a day each over the five days. The weather was pretty poor during the trip and groups arrived back to Lahinch on the fifth day between the designated hours of

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Advertising ...............................Marian Charles Kristina Beljakova Annette Martin Jason Brennan Editorial ....................................Patrick Finnegan Jennifer McShane Printers.....................................MCP - Navan Published by ............................Seel Publishing Ltd.



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North County Leader 6th September 2011

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Former Pupil Returns As School Principal

how important you felt. It was like this place was built just for me!’ So it’s really good to see kids enjoying the new classrooms.” With all years going back to classes, it’s the start of a busy new school year. So good luck to the new principal in his new position, and here’s hoping he continues

Thirty years ago this month, a constructed teaching space at the young Chris White was starting his school, he said: “It’s what the kids first day in Junior Infants at deserve, there’s been no Balscadden National School. Since skimping. I still remember when I then, and with 14 years as a primary teacher under his belt, Mr White has begun his career - as the new principal for the school. The County Leader caught up with him on his first day in the new job, as he was greeting new pupils and parents. “I’d say today’s been more stressful for some of the parents than the kids! But it’s important to help them settle in. Both the New Balscadden National School principal, Chris White is pictured with Junior Infants, students and their Tracia, Katie and Kate. parents need to know that they can come to you for was going to school here, and we his already well-established relamoved from the old prefabs into tionship with Balscadden National anything.” Speaking about the recently the original building here, and just School.


North County Newspaper

Metro: The Only Solution

two universities along the way. He also stressed that, with the latest census figures, Swords, with a population of 48,400 is now the largest town in Ireland Iarnrod Eireann has presented a plan for a DART without a rail link, larger than Waterford City. “The extension from Dublin Airport to Clongriffin, as an Iarnród Eireann plan is lacking in detail and is a poorly presented business plan that only serves alternative to Metro North, to Transport Iarnród Eireann. There are no stops along the Minister, Leo Varadkar. This news has been way and the costings are suspect, to say the given a hostile reception by the business least, and doesn’t include the cost of the community in the North County. connection to Dublin Airport, he said. He also By Patrick Finnegan stressed that Iarnród Eireann “would be better off improving their existing rail service Fingal Dublin Chamber CEO, Tony Lambert told the County Leader that Chamber CEO Tony Lambert for passengers from Balbriggan, Skerries, Rush/Lusk, Donabate and Malahide, who are members have been ringing him constantly, expressing their shock and disgust at the latest move. poorly served by an already over stretched rail line to the city. “Metro is the only plan that will provide a He said, “Metro North is the only proposed project with an economic plan, laying out a clear road map for proper public transport system for the North County. creating thousands of jobs. It is also the only project Whilst money may be scarce at the moment, it is that connects the two Luas lines, DART and the better to wait until funding is available. This new suburban rail network. It adds 14 stops in densely proposal is a sticking plaster solution which should populated areas, as well as serving four hospitals and not be considered,” he concluded.

Exciting Drama In Donabate Donabate and Portrane Dramatic Society will present their forthcoming show, “The Real Inspector Hound” by Tom Stoppard, with supporting scripts by Des Peresse. It starts its run in Keelings Little Theatre, Donabate on Thursdays and Fridays, 8th, 9th, 15th and 16th September at 8:30 pm. The society is always on the lookout for new members, if you’re interested phone 086 8140683.

Swords Senior Citizens Activities The Swords Senior Citizens Club, located at Chapel Lane, is open every weekday Monday to Friday from 10am. Men and women over the age of 55 years are welcome. Come along to the club to participate in the wide range activities and classes that are on offer. Some of the activities on include: Indoor Bowls, Spanish, Keep-fit to Music, Patchwork and Crafts, Choir Practice, Bingo and Afternoon Tea, Art (Beginners and Advance Classes, Outings and much more. Please see the notice board in the club for enrolment in Classes and for information, please call Phone 8407589. The Committee, as always, love to see people coming in to enjoy themselves so drop-in, anytime.

Senior Citizens Bingo Nights In Balbriggan By Roxana Neag

Singers Wanted For Choir Have you ever wanted to join the choir? Well now you can! The Portmarnock Singers Mixed Choir meet in St Anne’s Parish Centre on Monday evenings from 7.50pm to 8.50pm beginning on the 5th September and they are looking for new members. Why not come and join in? Singing in a choir offers the opportunity to make new friends and you will get the chance to enjoy annual social trips too. All are welcome.

North County Support Group A support group is being set up by Fingal LEADER Partnership for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community in the North County. The aim is to create a safe, supportive space for people to meet new people and have an informal chat. If you would like to find out more information please contact Helen on 8020484. Discretion and complete confidentiality is guaranteed.

came here the first time five years ago. And I kept coming because I love it here. It’s nice to have some conversation with people and it’s a great way to spend your leisure.” said Helen Walsh, another member of the group. Balbriggan Senior Citizens Group weekly Bingo sessions take place on Tuesdays in the Senior Citizens Hall at 8.30pm and you do not have to be a senior citizen to attend the

They are 23 years meeting once a week in the same place for a social evening. They play bingo, have a cup of tea and enjoy their time together. The guests may be different, but the hosts are always the same: Balbriggan Senior Citizens Group. The ”Bingo sessions”, how they like to call these evenings, have started in 1988. You can hardly find a Senior Citizen in Balbriggan who has not been there at least once. “I was 56 years old when I Pictured here L-R are: Marie Mullen, Rose Russell and Helen Walsh enjoying the fun and Pic: RN started to come in games at the recent Bingo Night in Balbriggan. every week. Bingo. The Group also invite all senior citiI am 75 years old now, so I could say that I zens over the age of 60 to drop in to the have spent almost a lifetime enjoying this Senior Citizens Hall on High Street, any experience.” said Kathleen Guildea, one of weekday morning from 10am - 12 noon for a the members. chat, cup of tea, read the papers, watch teleOver 60 people come along every Tuesday vision or enjoy any of the activities taking night by 8pm in the Senior Citizens Hall. “I place in the centre.


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North County Leader 6th September 2011

Quality Newspaper

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Attire For The Big Day


The one issue when it comes to choosing the perfect wedding dress for the winter season will naturally be the cold weather. 90% of wedding dresses are strapless or sleeveless, but that’s not so practical for a bride who wants to take pictures outside, or needs to walk any distance. Look for wraps, shrugs, and capes, or dramatic coats. Evoke the season with “ice” diamond jewellery to add to winter look. And don’t forget your bridesmaids! An attractive wrap to wear on the day of your wedding and beyond makes a great bridesmaid present. The groom will have the better deal here as he’ll most likely have warmer wedding attire.

The Ideal Venue Venues that are warm and cosy are ideal for winter weddings. If last winter was anything to go by, we will surely have a snowy season ahead of us, which will create the perfect picturesque look for your big day. Also, check to make sure your venue will be adequately heated during the winter months; old churches can be especially drafty.

The North County Leader has teamed up with The Wedding Journal Show to offer lucky readers a chance to win a pair of VIP tickets and ten pairs of runners up tickets to the Wedding Journal Show, Citywest Complex, Dublin 24th & 25th September 2011. The Wedding Journal Show 2011, in association with Ireland AM, will feature over 450 exhibitors and provide brides and grooms alike with a one-stopwedding s h o p , together with all the inspiration they need to plan their big day. From venues and flowers to dresses and cars, the Wedding Journal Show has it all – and all under one roof! As always, the Wedding Journal Show is pulling out all the stops for their 2011 exhibition. Celebrating all that’s Irish, there will be an Irish Bridal Designers Area to help you find that dream gown as well as Wedding Journal’s unrivalled international catwalk show which takes place three times daily. This exclusive event provides a rare opportunity to see a selection of designer wedding gowns, bridesmaids, mothers of the bride and groomswear, some of which have never been seen in Ireland before! To add to the excitement Ireland AM presenter Alan Hughes has been unveiled as the new host of the Irish Daily Mail Style Stage at the Wedding Journal Show. Whether you are looking for the perfect dress, suit hire, an exclusive venue, flowers, stationery, entertainment, cars, photographer or a delicious cake, every aspect of your wedding planning experience will be covered. What’s more – everyone who buys a ticket to the show – either online or on the door – will enter into a prize draw to win a dress wedding work €25,000! For more information or to book your discounted tickets visit

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Come Celebrate With Us!

You can have all of your favourite food but add some winter touches like a squash dish, or warm soup. Consider serving eggnog, spiced wine, or hot chocolate as special treats. Look for an all white cake, decorated with snowflake patterns, silver embellishments, or sugar sculptures. If you want to go really festive, you could ask your caterer about using a decorative snow globe as a cake topper.

The Decor You can add that classic winter feel to your wedding decor just be adding one or two key elements to your surroundings. Buy strands of delicate white fairy lights, then string them decoratively around doorways, over tables and on archways. Bright red cranberries in a bowl surrounding floating candles make an easy and inexpensive centrepiece. Or, decorate , and centre it on a bed of greenery with candles around it.

Shelley Photography Tel: 087 6413817

Wedding Open Day Sunday 25th September 2011 2pm - 6pm Wide range of exhibitors

To be in with a chance to win simply answer the questions and return this form to North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords. Alternatively email your answer to or log onto

Our dedicated Wedding Team will be on hand to answer all your queries One Wedding Per Day Luxury at Affordable Prices Superb Photographic Location Award Winning Food

Where is the Wedding Journal show taking place? _____________________________________

Roganstown Hotel & Country Club, Swords T: (01) 8433 118 E:

Name:_________________________________ Phone:_________________________________ Home Address: ____________________________ Closing date for entries: Friday 16th September Terms and Conditions Tickets are for Saturday 24th or Sunday 25th Sept. Prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative will be given.

North County Leader 6th September 2011

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North County Dublin’s


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North County Leader 6th September 2011

Having a party?... Call Us Now On: 8•400•200 Don’t Forget To Tag Your Photo! Visit our facebook page:

Alan Martin is pictured with girlfriend, Adele Regan at the Old Boro, Swords, before they leave on a tour around Asia for one year. ER

Ger Durnan (left) enjoys a night out with her friend, Claire Duff in the Blue Bar in Skerries before she travels to Scotland. ER

Sinead Long celebrates her 18th birthday in the Harp Bar, Swords recently. Pictured enjoying themselves are L-R Laura Heffernan, Rebecca Daly, birthday girl Sinead Long, Katie ER Lewis, Megan McGuire and Sorcha Hough.

Claire Guillaumin (4th from left) has worked in Swords for the last three years. She is pictured here with her friends - all French and Swiss, at the Old Boro, Swords at a party before she leaves for Geneva. ER

Paul Boylan is pictured having a great time with girlfriend, ER Sarah Murphy at his 21st in Ollies Place in Skerries.

Emily Neacy (pink scarf) celebrates her birthday with friends (LR) Joanna Snow, Lisa MacWalker, Katie Harris, Michelle Barry ER and Therese Harford at The Coast Inn, Skerries.

Old friends, Jim Connolly and Tony Walsh catch up in the Lord Mayors. They reconnected after 30 years when they found each other on Facebook. ER

Pictured are Loreto River Valley students, Grainne Warlock, Nicole Jinks and Laura Colgan with their dates, Sean 'Wafflez' Farrell, Padraig Lillis and Jules Daniel as JR they prepare to set off for their debs last week.

Kevin O'Sullivan (right) celebrating his 50th birthday in Blue Bar, Skerries, with friends Frank Sullivan and Siabh Leonard. ER

Emma Kelly, in the middle, celebrated her 21st birthday in style with friends at the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords. She is pictured here with Rebecca Daly, Stephany Sweeny, Rachel McCabe and Sarah O'Shea. ER

Pics: Jennifer Ryan and Eoin Ronayne

North County Leader 6th September 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of


Skerries Celebrates Census 1911 In Style

Having advertised with the North County Leader it has enabled Swords Pavilions to deliver clear messages to our customers. The collaboration with Swords Pavilions and the North County Leader has proved a valuable communication tool for us. Based on our experience any client using the North County Leader are assured of a quality service.

Deirdre King Communications and Marketing Manager Swords Pavilions

Malahide Cricket Club Batting For Charity As part of the Malahide Cricket Club’s 150th Anniversary celebrations, they are hosting a “Batting for Charity” lunch extravaganza in

Cruzzo’s restaurant, Malahide Marina on Friday 30th September. This event is in aid of the Marie Keating foundation and the cricket club’s

LOOKING TO EARN EXTRA INCOME? Network Marketing Opportunity An International Wellness Company established over 25 years is currently looking to recruit people in Ireland to expand their business

youth development fund and promises to be an afternoon filled with fizz, fashion and fun, kicking off with a drinks reception at 12.30pm, followed by a sumptuous 3 course lunch with wine at 1.30pm. During lunch, fashion guru, Eddie Shanahan, will MC a fashion show championing top Irish designers and featuring models from Morgan the Agency. In addition to this high end fashion

By Peter Kearney On Saturday 27 August last, the Skerries Census 1911 event finally got underway in Skerries Mills. A highly successful two day event, that saw a variety of historical events put on free of charge, around the town. Visitors to the event were informed and entertained by Historical Walks, Photography, Silent Movies, Period Costumes, Re-enactments, 100 year old artefacts as well as a surprising fact or two about the town in the last 100 years! The opening ceremony was entertaining and informative, thanks to the facilitation skills of both Bob Laird and Catriona Crowe from the National Archives of Ireland. Catriona told us that in 1911 the population of Skerries numbered some 1,958 people, with women being in the majority and a quarter of the population living on Great Strand Street, now called Strand Street. Bob Laird, of the Skerries Historical Association, and the man behind the two day event, said that the 1911 project was aimed at “recreating aspects of the town as it was 100 years ago”. Local businesses, the Skerries Community Association and other groups also became involved in the project by dressing shop windows in artefacts of

the period and dressing in costume. Members of the Skerries Historical Society organised guided tours of the town and brought the town’s history to life with several interactive events. Young people were most involved when the school from 1911 was re-enacted with

Pictured here are Abi Leonard and Laura Geran all dressed up at the Skerries Census 1911 Pic PK festival recently.

teaching materials, classroom facilities and school uniforms of that time. Not even the poor weather could dampen the spirits of the threshing event as it went ahead full steam! Visitors came from Skerries, the North County region, all over Dublin and beyond to watch and

show, there will be a guest motivational speaker as well as a live band to entertain the crowd for the remainder of the afternoon. Tickets for this action packed afternoon are €50 per ticket and can be booked individually or as a table by calling 0861942865.

For details phone Joe today on 0872457729

PAINT DECORATE Pictured enjoying the Rush Harbour Festival are L-R, Nicole Butler, Alan Ryan (the dog), Claudia Carroll and Pic: PK Taylor Ryan.

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Skerries Man Volunteers In Tanzania Running water is something that most of us take for granted, but not Skerries native Mick O’ Connor. Mick has had first hand experience of ‘travelling miles for water’ during his stay with the Masai tribe in Northern Tanzania. He gives a lot of his time to the NGO, D e v e l o p m e n t Perspectives as a volunteer. Their work is to use informal education to educate and learn from those in developing countries. In his role as volunteer, Mick usually co-ordinates the sporting events, which is second nature to him given his background with Skerries Harps GAA and Skerries Town soccer club.

Balbriggan Policing Forum Meeting Balbriggan Community Policing Forum will be holding its third public meeting in the Town Hall in Balbriggan on Wednesday 7th September at 7.30pm. Residents of Balbriggan and Balrothery will have an opportunity to come along and bring their issues of crime, disorder and anti social behaviour to the appropriate authorities. Public meetings are attended by An Garda Siochana, and the County Council and chaired by the Balbriggan Community Policing Forum. Action will be taken on the issues that are brought up at the meetings and feedback will be given by An Garda Siochana and the County Council at the follow on meeting. Issues that have been presented by the public include such things as anti social behaviour with younger members of the community, parking, speeding, signage problems, drug dealing on estates, drug taking, vandalism to name but a few. All are welcome to attend.

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Mobile: 0864042839

be enthralled by how corn was cut and harvested the old fashioned way. In all, the Census 1911 project was an outright success and a real community event. It serves as excellent example as to how we can entertain and inform our community, even when money is not as plentiful as we once thought. Here’s to the next 100 years!

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North County Dublin’s

Classifieds For Sale AIR hockey table, perfect condition, suitable for age 6-12. Ph: 0879753169.

TEDDY Bear Moses Basket with mattress and duvet in beige and cream colour, in perfect condition, comes with a

stand. Was bought for €80 and will sell for € 25. Only used for 6 weeks, brand new. Open to offers from interested parties, ready to collect from Swords at anytime. Ph: 0877558447.

• Used & New Car Sales • Servicing • Crash Repairs • NCT Pre-test • Tyres • Diagnostics 08 Ford Fiesta Steel .................1.2 Black .........43000mls ......€7650 08 Nissan Quashqai.................1.6 Silver .........43500mls ......€13250 07 Nissan Xtrail Diesel Com ....2.0 Silver .........75640mls ......€8950 07 Nissan Micra .......................1.2 Grey...........49414mls ......€5450 07 Citroen C5 Diesel ................1.6 Grey...........32397mls ......€9450 06 Nissan Micra convertible ....1.2 Black .........52500mls ......€6750 06 Seat Toledo .........................1.6 Black .........61200mls ......€5950 06 Ford Mondeo DieselEstate..2.0 Red ............92094mls ......€6500 06 Suzuki Grand Vitara............1.6 Silver .........55903mls ......€6750 06 Merc A150 ...........................1.5 Black .........38333mls ......€7600 05 VW Beetle ............................6 Silver ...........51900mls ......€7350 05 Merc CLK200 auto ..............1.8 Silver .........7000mls ........€13000 05 Honda Accord......................2.0 Green ........16070mls ......€6975 04 Ford Fusion .........................1.4 Beige.........73000mls ......€4200 04 VW Golf ..............................1.4 Blue...........79318mls ......€4950 03 Suburu Impreza...................1.6 Silver .........90500mls ......€4450 03 Mini Cooper ........................1.6 Blue...........77180mls ......€5950 99 Ford Focus ...........................1.4 Grn ............89044mls ......€1950

NCT/Warranty with all cars USED CAR SCRAPPAGE SCHEME UP TO €1500 OFF Dublin Road, Lusk • Tel: 843 7276


North County Leader 6th September 2011

Quality Newspaper

COSATTO changing table for sale, brand new in the box, hasn’t been open as I got two as a present for my new baby. Came from mothercare online, cost €110, open to offers from interested parties, ready to collect from Swords at anytime. Ph: 0877558447, can be seen on Mothercare’s website. THREE piece leather

suit for sale, black. € 650 ono. Ph:

Property 0877714280. FAMILY home, 12 Saint Cronins View, Swords, Co. Dublin. Close to all amenities, pics and full details can be viewed on ebay,, donedeal. €180,000. Ph: 0858152261.

Motors ‘04 SUZUKI Liana, 5 door, black, electric windows, 70000 km, 1.4 petrol, minor body damage. € 2200 ono. Ph: 0851253826 after 7.

Misc. FREE to good home. 6 month old pup (female) Collie xtype, very placid, sweet dog. Can be seen any evening after 6pm, call or text 0852051153.


n the event of being involved in a car accident, it is important to know the correct procedure to follow when going about getting the repairs done. When you contact the insurance company, they will direct you, in many cases to a crash repair company that has an affiliation with the insurance company (approved repairs?) and does work for them, which is not always in your interests. This puts pressure on you to get your repairs carried out by this company, but it is not always the correct path to follow. Lusk Car Care, situated on Post Office Road in Lusk is where you should go to get your repairs done. According to Declan Magee of Lusk Car Care, you should contact them if such a situation should occur. He says that “you, the customer, have the right to choose where you want to go to repair your car

KIERANS MOTORS North Road, Drogheda Ph: 041 - 9844966 Service

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Best of wishes to Declan & Lusk Car Care from all the team here at Lusk Motor Group

LUSK MOTOR GROUP *Just 5 minutes from Dublin Airport

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Best wishes & continued success to Lusk Car Care



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North County Newspaper

- Advertising Feature -

and have the job completed to your satisfaction - not your insurance company. “We work for the customer, not for the insurance company. Anyone in this situation should call us first, before contacting the insurance company,” he said. Lusk Car Care are a fully licensed, compliant and well equipped body shop. As well as providing free estimates and free advice for all your vehicle repairs, they also provide a 24 hour towing service and have replacement cars available. Another valuable service provided by them is that they can collect

Declan Magee at work in the office

an independent company and most people are covered for minor scrapes and marks without affecting their no claims bonus. They also carry out work for main dealers in the local area. The company has been

Road in Lusk in all that time. Declan started the business with his brother, John and currently there are seven people working there, including Declan, his son Christopher, brother John and four other

the survival of the business after so many years. All staff are trained to the highest standards and are proficient in repairs to all makes and models of car. If ever the very wise expression, “you get what you pay for” was applied to a company, then Lusk Car Care would be a prime example. The company motto is,“it is not the volume of work that is important, its the quality of the work that is produced. “One customer said to me, “quality and price are separated by time,” said Declan. He views this as an accurate summing up of the company’s work ethic, which emphasises the importance of time in

of that is down to loyal customers and word of mouth referrals.” Of course, being locally based for such a long time has helped enormously in building up their reputation, which continues to stand them in good stead. Lusk and

Best Wishes to Lusk Car Care & continued success!! its environs has grown substantially in the past eight or so years and this has added to the growth of the business.

Rathmooney, Lusk, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 843 7061 Fax: +353 1 843 9492 Email:

Airside Motor Park, Swords, Co. Dublin Telephone (01) 870 8900 Fax (01) 870 8999 Website: Email:

Thanks for all your custom Declan. Best of luck for the next 30 years, From all in Airside Ford. For all your parts requirements, Phone (01) 8708910

Best wishes and continued success to Lusk Car Care

McAllister Volkswagen Airside Motor Park, Swords, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 - 870 0077

Supplying Lusk Car Care with all their car hire requirements for over 15 years

Spray painting at Lusk Car Care.

your vehicle from your work or home or the railway station at no extra cost to you. Lusk Car Care repair all makes of cars and deal with all insurance companies and in many cases, they can cover your excess. They are strictly

in the Crash Repair business for the past 40 years and has Hard at work at Lusk Car Care. built up a reputation as a company of relia- highly skilled workers. It bility and trustworthi- is essentially a family run ness. The business was business and, like all set up under Lusk Car family businesses, there Care and is in the same is always a strong work premises on Post Office ethic, which accounts for

The Village Store Main Street , Lusk. Tel: 8437387 • Lotto • Bus Tickets • Household Products • Groceries • Photo Service • Dry Cleaning • ATM Machine • Deli Counter Best wishes & continued success to Lusk Car Care….

Our Friendly Staff will Greet you with a Smile

Best wishes to Lusk Car Care & continued success completing a job to the highest standards. “A good car salesperson will immediately spot shoddy workmanship and will reduce an offer made on any trade in. Remember that a car is the second biggest investment you will make in a lifetime and you would not let just anyone do repairs to it. This work is highly labour intensive and requires time, skill and patience to complete the job satisfactorily. He conceded that business is not like it was three or four years ago, but they are still kept busy. “Luckily we did not have to let any staff go during the recession, and much

Best wishes to Declan & Lusk Car Care…. Keep up the good work ERIC LEONARD MOTORS LUSK, CO DUBLIN TEL: 01 843 7138 Eric 087 2566174 Joe 086 8974996

Bernie Weir / Ciaran Beirne

Phone: 01-816 5940 Sixt rent a car Murrays Rent A Car Ltd Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Post Office Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin Tel: 01-843 7011 Fax: 01-843 0232

Mob: 086 23 23 921 Web:

Here’s a brief account of what our company can do for you…. • We are fully licensed & compliant well equipped body shop. • We have a very friendly fully trained & qualified staff. • We carry out all types of work – for ALL Insurance Companies. • We provide FREE estimates + FREE advise for all your vehicle repairs. • We provide 24 hour towing service – 086 23 23 921. • In many cases we can cover your excess. • We can repair all makes & models • We have replacement cars available. • We can collect your vehicle from your home/work or the railway station at no extra expense to you.

A few facts to note when putting a claim through insurance… • Ultimately, you the customer have the right to choose where you want to go to repair your car (not your insurance company)! • Most people are covered for scrapes & marks without affecting their no claims bonus. • At Lusk Car Care we work for the customer, not the insurance company.


North County Dublin’s


A View From The Heart ell known author, printer, book collector and reader Vincent Caprani, can often be seen deep in thought ambling around his hometown of Malahide, or waiting for a No.42 outside the Cricket Club. His recognisable physique with hat on head, bag on back and pipe in mouth are all part of the modest man with the beaming smile, who has written innumerable articles, poems, and books of fact and fiction. Vincent writes from a Dubliner’s perspective, yet deals with universal themes and transcends national boundaries as evidenced by his work selling in its thousands right across the world.


Heffernan Vincent can trace his love of words, and in particular vernacular Dublin speech, back to his teenage years when he frequently travelled from his home in Donnycarney to his father’s hairdressing salon in Moore Street. “I just loved the whole buzz around Moore Street in those days and I picked up lots of stories and yarns. I’ve always been a good ear wigger and Dublin malapropisms and colourful ways of speaking have always fascinated me.” Despite constantly writing and sketching in the notebook he carried from a young age, Vincent had no idea what direction he wanted to take in life. “When I left

school at 15, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to be apart from a boxing champion,” he laughs. He soon began an 18 month stint working as a ‘printer’s devil’ before he secured a much coveted seven year apprenticeship in 1950 with Alex Thoms, one of the largest printing houses in Dublin. Despite initial obstacles such as colour blindness, being left handed and mild dyspraxia, Vincent learnt all aspects of the printing trade. He followed in the footsteps of his grandfather, Menotti Caprani, described by James Joyce through the character of Leopold Bloom in Ulysses as ‘Cuprani too, printer. More Irish than the Irish.’ Vincent’s ties with the printing trade have not diminished since his retirement and he is a volunteer with the National Print Museum in Beggar’s Bush. “Old stagers like myself, demonstrate some of the equipment and explain it to school groups. Mary says I enjoy being a printer more in hindsight than I did at the time,” he laughs. Being a busy printer never deterred Vincent from writing and the first book he published focused on Irish boxing and was serialised in The Independent. “I loved Irish boxing and a book about it had never been done. I got confidence from seeing it in print and it was great to get paid for it,” he laughs. Vincent followed this by writing three very successful gothic suspense thrillers in the late 1960s under the pseudonym Charlotte Massey. “I was encouraged by my daughter Susan, who pleaded with me one night when she was about 13 or 14, not to turn the light out until she had finished a Jean Plaidy book she was engrossed in. The next day she said to me ‘Dad, why don’t you write a book like this?’ It got me thinking. With Mary’s help, I developed characters from cardboard figures to rounded people and the result was Pol Marran Tower which sold over a quarter of a million copies in America and Britain.”

Well known Malahide author and book connoisseur, Vincent Caprani.

Vincent then got the opportunity to become involved in a completely different book, the history of the Italian Province of an order of nuns called The Little Company of Mary as part of their centenary celebrations in 1979. “Go on, you’ve always wanted to go to Italy,” Mary urged. Vincent’s great grandfather, Giuseppe was born in 1838 in Vercana a village near Lake Como and Vincent laughs that he reminds himself of Americans arriving in Ireland attempting to trace their roots. Eventually Vincent, Mary and their three young children travelled to Rome in August 1978 staying in the convent for a month as Vincent gathered material for his book. “It was magic,” he says, “completely different to anything I’d ever done before and I was very lucky.” His family had a wonderful experience, and Vincent was totally absorbed in his work as he uncovered the history of the convent which had provided shelter to a

number of British prisoners of war in the 1940s. Serendipity has often played a part in Vincent’s life and it transpired that unbeknownst to him, the Sister Rosario he initially liaised with about the assignment in Rome, was Gretta Cullen who had grown up three doors down from him in Donnycarney. He always enjoyed writing ‘rhymes and rec-im-itations’ while working as an apprentice. None of them were intended for publication, they were just for the ‘printer’s lash in’, a celebration for a person having completed their apprenticeship. His ‘scribblings,’ as Vincent calls them, were more memorable than he realised and at a re-union of printers in the 1980s, he was urged to recite many of them including, ‘The Three Teddy Boys’ and his most infamous poem, ‘The Ballad of Gough,’ which was incorrectly attributed to Brendan Behan in recent times. Vincent explains the genesis of this poem, appearing bemused at its continuing success. “It was an instantaneous response on a Monday morning in July 1957, as I listened to the banter following the blowing up of the equestrian statue in the Phoenix Park in the early hours.”Unbeknownst to Vincent, it was printed by workmates and distributed to early morning pubs before being read out at a council meeting that night at the print worker’s union headquarters. Decades later, in the 1980s, a reading in Malahide Golf Club led to a request for copies to be distributed among Irish soldiers in the Lebanon. Vincent’s brother-in-law, Jimmy Duffy had printed 5,000 copies at the time so this was no problem! He is arguably best known around Dublin for his 1984 classic ‘A View from the Dart’ where he provides train travellers with vivid descriptions of buildings and places worth visiting within walking distance of the original Dart stations, stretching from Howth to Bray. He writes a monthly column for the Irish Printer Magazine “which allows me reminisce or waffle away, once it’s reasonably connected with printing, publishing or books. I’ve been doing it for years and it keeps me in touch with the trade.” He is a fantastic storyteller and two hours in his company with his acutely attuned ear recounting poignant and humorous anecdotes from his long interesting life is nowhere near long enough. We wish him luck with the re- launch of Rowdy Rhymes (and Rec-ImItations) on 16th September and look forward to more work in the future from this great local writer.


North County Leader 6th September 2011

Quality Newspaper

Delivering to Ballyboughal, Lusk, Donabate, Portrane, Swords, Malahide and Portmarnock ForKinsealy, Fast Delivery!!!

REBEL PIZZA, NORTH STREET, SWORDS Drop in and See Us Soon! (Opposite Swords Courthouse)

North County Leader 6th September 2011

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North County Radio Thrives In Skerries A well kept secret in Skerries is none other than the enthusiastic amateurs of the EI2 NCR – North County Radio. All 14 members meet every Tuesday night in Derek Maguire’s Clubhouse on the North Strand in Skerries. In their own way they are putting Skerries on the map through radio. They also promote Pictured here L-R are: Derek McGonagle, Pat Fitzpatrick and Michael Doyle, three of the Skerries Windmill all enthusiasts behind EI2 NCR – North County Radio who give us insights from all the happenaround the world. Each ings in Skerries and around the North County. week they talk to people have entered and won competitions such as from all over the world and, as Treasurer Derek Windmills on Air. The competition, a test as to how Maguire put it, “make great friends” and have long you could stay on air and how far around the formed lasting friendships as a result of their globe you could go, resulted in some surprises. encounters over the airwaves. They talk to other They managed to contact the only living Chinese radio enthusiasts and learn about Windmills in Gaelgoir who spoke perfectly as Gaeilge! This is other worldwide destinations also. quite simply the reason why they do it – for no other So enthusiastic are they about their hobby that they reason other than their interest in people.

Residents Urged To Track Kites

The Heineken Cup paid a visit to UnWined Off Licence in North Street, Swords last week. Pictured with the Cup are Gavin Purcell, Dave O'Reilly, Kevin Cassin and Kevin Badham.

Book Launch In Swords Local author, Gerry Cooley recently launched his first novel in the Pavilions Shopping Centre In Swords. The book, ‘Turn af the Pine Trees’ is a selection of twelve short stories about growing up in the North Dublin in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. The stories combine memoir, original illustrations which were drawn by Gerry, rare maps, song and folklore. Speaking to the County Leader about the novel, Gerry says the journey to the finished product was a

By Jennifer McShane long but interesting one: “Well, I’ve had the stories in my head since I was around 12, but the book took me around a year to put together. I just thought it was a really interesting way to do a history of the area and a great way to tell stories.” He says that feedback for the book has been very positive: “All the promotion and book launches are going great so far. The book is being very well received in the shops - we

Swords Addiction Support Group When there’s someone in the family with an addiction, whether it’s a child, partner or parent, everyone suffers. Often the addiction is so rippling that family members suffer as much as the addict from its effects. The Swords addiction group meets Every Wednesday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at 7 Forest Mews in Swords and it allows you to meet with others in a similar situation with whom you can relate. The group provide information to families and facilitate group meetings with families of substance misusers in a safe envirnment. The meetings are free of charge and all are welcome to attend.

Badminton in Skerries Millhill Ladies Badminton club are recommencing their new season. The open nights for the season are Tuesday the 6th and Tuesday the 13th of September at 8pm in Skerries Community Centre. All ladies are welcome to come and give badminton try. For more information Tel 087 7520506. Get those rackets at the ready!

were out of copies at one point, which was brilliant!” he said. The author is working on two sequels to Turn at the Pine Trees and it will be adapted into a series of radio programmes, read by the author himself, to be broadcast on Near90fm next month.

The residents in the North County have been asked to play their part in tracking the progress of the county’s newest inhabitants. As reported previously in the County Leader, 26 red kites were released at Newbridge House recently and will now be gliding over the fields and woods all across the North County. All of the 26 red kites were attached with a small radio transmitter, each with a unique frequency and wing tag which will allow the project team and the public to locate and identify each individual bird. As the kites spread their wings and take flight across the North County, locals are being urged to submit records to the project website -



North County Newspaper

Balbriggan Group Donates To Charity By Roxana Neag

supporting the charity. “Ramadan is the holiest month of all Muslims and any good deeds carried out this month are more rewarding. As a result of this, we have decided to donate some items to a charity organisation in Balbriggan as part of the gestures of Islam.” said priest Mojeed Adebisi Usamot. Annur Islamic Foundation of Balbriggan was established as a Muslim Society on 26th October 2010 with the sole aim of carrying out charitable ventures, Islamic classes for both the youths and adults and also to propagate Islamic cultures within and outside their community.

Annur Islamic Foundation of Balbriggan offered their support to the Friends of the Autism Charity Shop in Balbriggan. The clothes, the shoes and the portable heater they have donated will help the shop to raise some money for their worthwhile charity. “We are in the month of Ramadan and we feel to do something for children. We chose this charity organisation as they are so close to special children and they will benefit from our gesture.” said Rufai Pictured here are L-R: Rufai Raheem, Theresa Sherry, Simon Cook who volunteer in the Raheem, who was charity shop and Sherifat Ologunro. Pic: RN

Fancy aa bigger bigger Fancy slice of of the thepie? pie? slice Breakdown of door to door Distribution & Sales figures of Local newspapers in North County Dublin OVERALL FIGURES

40,000 door to door delivery



door to door delivery

paid for

Third Age Malahide Fun Run Calling all runners, walkers and joggers! You don’t have to wait for January 1st to make a change for the better. Get into training for the Third Age 5K Malahide Fun run which takes place on Saturday 24th September at Malahide Castle. You will be doing something healthy for your body, mind and spirit, and it costs only €20 to register. Third Age is a community organisation that promotes the value of older people. Third Age has over 1,000 volunteers helping their community as advocates, tutors, listeners, befrienders, nutritionists and more. Every single euro you raise in sponsorship will contribute to one of Third Age’s national programmes, Senior Help Line. Senior Help Line is a confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older volunteers. Some describe Senior Help Line their life line. So you will be helping to make many lives a little less lonely.

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North County Leader 6th September 2011

Quality Newspaper

St. Mary’s Secondary School For Girls, Baldoyle. Invites Primary School Girls and their Parents to our

OPEN NIGHT On Tuesday 13th September, 7.00p.m to 9.00 p.m

Educating For Life


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Designated Green School • “Greenest School in Ireland” – Green Awards, December 2008. • FIVE An Taisce Green Flags – Only such School in all Dublin • First Prize, Fingal Cleaner Community Awards, every year, 2001-2007. • Fingal Environmental Community Group of the Year Award, 2006

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Getting to St. Mary’s • Easily accessible by Dart • Buses – 31, 32, 32A and 102 (from Swords)

Pastoral Care • Full range of support available to help our students, throughout their time in St. Mary’s, to cope with any problems that may arise or in their adjustment to their new school. • Includes an Orientation Programme, Big Sister Programme, Student Council, “Cool Schools” Programme, Counsellor, Chaplain, Learning Support, Form Teachers, Year Heads and Care Teams.

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Stoves Starting from €375 All flue piping and stove accessories stocked. We can arrange site visit & installations. Over 30 years experience in plumbing and heating.

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Tel: 041-9827626 Mob: 0872612048

While keeping warm in winter is a very desirable way to be, it is also a life and death scenario for many people. This very realistic situation is all too prevalent during the long winter months ahead of us. Heating our homes is an expensive undertaking and many people, particularly the elderly, are forced to cut back on potentially life saving heat because of high costs. Fortunately here in the North County, we have a range of top quality options to choose from, in our efforts to stay warn and healthy. Nobody likes to hear that winter is well on its way, but making the transition to the big chill is much more bearable when your home is a cosy haven. We look at the different ways

oil column heaters are filled with oil, which slowly heats (by electricity) heating a room by radiated heat. For those with young children, oil column heaters offer a safe option as the surface does not get hot enough to pose a threat and they can be left unattended or to heat a room overnight. The furnaces vary in type and style. Of course you can also adapt them to work with wood, coal or even oil. to heat your home throughout the winter months.

Oil Column Heaters As their name suggests,


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a downside in as much as it can be not very cost effective, as much of the heat disappears up the chimney.

Windows and Doors While it is important that the door looks good, it is more important that it is suitable to keep you safe and warm during the winter months when snow, sleet and gales batter it.

The draughts we spoke about earlier are more likely to be noticed around windows and doors: however modern doors and windows, whether uPVC or traditional wood, will eliminate this problem and add to your comfort. Luckily there are a number of top quality suppliers of windows and doors in the North County.

Servicing Your Boiler A crucial step in keeping warm this winter is to make sure that your heating system is working properly. If it is not, then valuable heat is being lost, with the consequent loss of money. If you need to have your gas boiler serviced or make your central heating more efficient, contact an approved service agent. From a safety point of view, it is very important to use a recommended service agent, as they will have completed a safety training programme which conforms to Irish standards, and will have insurance.

Solid Fuel Heaters EcoPeat Limited, Unit 3 Collinstown Cross, Cloghran, Co. Dublin

People will automatically gravitate to it for both warmth and security. You will often hear people say that you will never be alone, as long as you have an open fire in the house. People will sit down and stare into a fire for hours, bewildered by the constant jumping of the flames and watching the fire devour itself. It has an almost hypnotic effect on people. However, an open fire has

There is arguably nothing more homely than an open fire for atmosphere in the winter months.

Order now & ask about our easy monthly payment plan Click on

for guaranteed best prices in home heating

North County Leader 6th September 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of



North County Newspaper

PART-TIME COURSES 2011/12 Business


Certificate / Diploma / Degree in Business Studies (Fee Concession Available) Master in Business Administration (Fee Concession NOT Available) Higher Diploma in Business in Small Enterprise Support (Fee Concession Available) Accounting Technician (Fee Concession Available) Certificate in Sales and Marketing (Fee Concession Available) Certificate in First Line Management (Fee Concession Available) Workplace Coaching for Team Leaders & First Line Managers (Fee Concession Available) Financial Accounting (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Human Resource Management (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Training and Development (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Employment Law (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Business Law (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Corporate Governance/Company Law (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Public Relations Planning (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Operations Management via e-learning mode (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Social Media and Online Marketing (Fee Concession Available) Certified Payroll Technician (Fee Concession NOT Available) Certified VAT Technician (Fee Concession NOT Available)

1-4 Years 2 Years 1 Year 2 Years 1 Year 1 Year 1 Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 10 Weeks 1 Year 1 Year

€340 per module €6,500 per annum €2,750.00 €300 per module €500 €1,100 €490 €395 €395 €395 €395 €395 €395 €395 €395 (Starts Jan 2012) €150 €1,140 €1,140

1 Semester 2 Years 2 Years 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 1 Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 1 Semester 1 Semester 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 1 Year 1 Year 1 Semester 1 Year

€295 €300 per module €340 per module €150 €850 €395 €395 €395 €395 €75 €150 €150 €150 €150 €150 €150 €150 €230 €230 €150 €150 €150 €1,950 €650 €650 €1,300

10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 9 Weeks 9 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 3-Day Workshop 7 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks

€200 €200 €150 €200 €150 €150 €150 €150 €150 €200 €200 €200 €400 €250 €250 €500 €500 €500 €150

10 Weeks 6 Weeks 25 Weeks 5 Weeks 5 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 10 Weeks 5 Weeks

€150 **FREE** €595 €200 €200 €200 €200 €200 €200 €100

1 Semester


Humanities, Languages and Sport

Lifelong Learning Centre Information Night Tuesday 13th September, 7.00pm - 8.30pm Talk to Us An extensive range of programmes is offered by the Lifelong Learning Centre geared to those wishing to update, or add to, their skills or qualifications. Course information & application forms are available from: Lifelong Learning Centre, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Co. Louth.

Tel: 042 - 9370290 / 0292 / 0294 Fax: 042 - 9370291 Email: Websites:


Study and Learning Skills (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Higher Certificate in Community Studies (Fee Concession Available) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Community Development (Fee Concession Available) Introduction to “Mind the Child” (Fee Concession Available) Foundation Course in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Fee Concession NOT Available) Issues in Social Care (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Social Care and Disability (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) The Modern State (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Politics in Ireland (Single Subject Certificate) (Fee Concession Available) Global Development - Issues and Challenges (Fee Concession Available) French for Beginners (Fee Concession Available) French for Improvers (Fee Concession Available) French Conversation and Civilisation (Fee Concession Available) Spanish for Beginners (Fee Concession Available) Spanish for Improvers (Fee Concession Available) Chinese for Beginners (Fee Concession Available) English for Speakers of Other Languages (Fee Concession Available) Cambridge University First Cert in English (FCE) Exam Preparation (Fee Concession Available) Cambridge University Cert in Advanced English (CAE) Exam Preparation (Fee Concession Available) Digital Photography (Fee Concession Available) Interior Design for Beginners (Fee Concession Available) Interior Design for Improvers (Fee Concession Available) Diploma in Interior Design & Decoration (with Limperts Academy) (Fee Concession NOT Available) Active IQ Level 2 - Cert in Fitness Instructing (Gym) (Fee Concession NOT Available) Active IQ Level 2 - Cert in Fitness Instructing (Exercise to Music) (Fee Concession NOT Available) Active IQ Level 3 - Certificate in Personal Training (Fee Concession NOT Available)

Engineering, Safety and Health Programmable Logic Controllers - Level One (Fee Concession Available) Programmable Logic Controllers - Level Two (Fee Concession Available) Building and Facilities Management (Fee Concession Available) Welding for Beginners (Fee Concession Available) Computer Aided Design - Level One (Fee Concession Available) Computer Aided Design - Level Two (Fee Concession Available) Introduction to AutoCAD for Carpentry and Joinery & Plumbing Tradespersons (Fee Concession Available) Phase 4 Electrical Apprentices - Science Revision Course (Fee Concession Available) Phase 6 Electrical Apprentices - Science Revision Course (Fee Concession Available) Introduction to Practical Carpentry and Joinery (Fee Concession Available) Advanced Practical Carpentry and Joinery for Tradespersons (Fee Concession Available) Furniture Restoration (Fee Concession Available) Vehicle Diagnostics & Air Conditioning Systems (Qualified Tradespersons only) (Fee Concession Available) Renewable Energy Technologies (Fee Concession Available) Introduction to a Large Scale Wind Turbine (Fee Concession Available) Biomass Heating Systems (For Qualified Tradespersons only) (Fee Concession Available) Heat Pump Systems (For Qualified Tradespersons only) (Fee Concession Available) Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems (For Qualified Tradespersons only) (Fee Concession Available) Certificate in Safety and Health at Work (with NISO) (Fee Concession Available)

• All courses run subject to adequate demand.


• Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 16th September 2011.

Computers for Beginners (Fee Concession Available) Computers for Older Persons (With Age Action Ireland) European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) (Fee Concession Available) ECDL Advanced Word Processing (Fee Concession Available) ECDL Advanced Spreadsheets (Fee Concession Available) Photoshop (Fee Concession Available) PC Maintenance (Fee Concession Available) Web Page Design (Level 1 - Introduction) (Fee Concession Available) Web Page Design (Level 2 - Advanced) (Fee Concession Available) Project Management with Microsoft Project (Fee Concession Available)

• Fees listed relate to Academic Year 2011/2012 only. • Additional fees are payable to professional bodies (i.e. IPA, IATI and Limperts Academy).

30% Fee Concessions Available on many courses for Social Welfare Recipients and Persons Aged 60+ Prospectus available on request.

Health and Science Certificate in Food Supply Chain Management (Fee Concession NOT Available)

View courses and enrol online @


Tuition Fees


North County Dublin’s


North County Leader 6th September 2011

Quality Newspaper

Eoin McGee from Malahide Community School. Pic: TO’K

Graham Cahill and Greg Cullen from Fingal Pic: KD Community College in Swords.

Lindsay Pulsford and Jessica Reilly from Loreto Pic: RN College in Balbriggan. Pictured are some of the Skerries Community College students who achieved over 500 points in their Leaving Certificate. Back row: Harry McHugh, Neil Hyland, David Berry and Fergus Grant. Middle Row: Kathy Gilmore, Emily Daly, Sarah Branagan, Mr. O Riordan (Principal), Orlaith Durkan, Ella Cullen, Emilie O Leary and Jessica Walls. Front Row: Lisa Moran, James O Callaghan, Eoghan McGinley, Joe O Neill, Josh Downing and Sarah Montcalm. Students from Loreto College in Balbriggan, Pic: RN Ciara Long and Amy Nacken.

Skerries Community College students, Caoimhe Pic: PK Halpin, Katie Scully and Aoife Dennis.

Philip Hughes, Matthew Sherry, and Paulina Chrzanovska Pic: KD at Fingal Community College in Swords.

Pictured here are Kelli-Marie Carvin, Emma Casey, Kelly and Jordan Hamilton from Loreto College in Pic: RN Balbriggan.

Nicole Kirby, Shonagh Burke, Connel McGovern and Roisin Kiernan from Pic: TO'K Malahide Community School.

Pictured here from are Ben Dover and Aaron Rogers from Balbriggan Pic: RN Community College.

Pictured are Melissa Boylan and Megan Russell from Balbriggan Pic: RN Community College.

Pictured here are from Robert Hamilton and Michael Donohoe at Balbriggan Community College. Pic: RN

Tara Guerin, Ryan Kelly, and Bobby Whelan Pic: KD from Fingal Community College.

St Joseph's School, Rush students in happy mood after receiving their Leaving Cert results. From left, teacher Yvonne Kiely, Cezary Grzeszczuk, Natali Szydlowska, Icona Rokicka and Paulina Kuzmicz.

Jack Jordan from Skerries Community College is Pic: PK delighted with his Leaving Cert results.

North County Leader 6th September 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of

and Aisling as they are both caught up in a maelstrom of forbidden love and their community into a cauldron of hate. Gaelforce Dance opens with a celebration of marriage, the wedding of Lorcan’s older brother, Cuan and his lifelong sweetheart, Aisling. Cuan had always felt content with life on his farmland and was well respected by all who


North County Newspaper

knew him. His marriage to his childhood sweetheart made his life complete. Aisling always knew she would end up marrying Cuan, in fact everyone expected that she would. Aisling appeared happy with life in her rural community, but deep in her soul she harboured dreams of unspoken desires. She had often imagined herself with Lorcan. As the story begins, a chance meeting sparks the ill-fated affair tear two brothers apart. Only after the ultimate tragedy are the brothers once more united.

TLT’s Gaelforce Dance The Story of Two Brothers One Love, Passion, Jealousy, Tragedy, and Triumph, depicted in a musical and visual spectacular through the medium of contemporary Irish Dance - this is Gaelforce Dance. The dance spectacular takes place from September 23rd, nightly at 8pm. Gaelforce Dance is the story of two lovers, Lorcan


The heyday of Irish dance may be long gone, but certain step shows are still doing consistence business around the world, and Gaelforce Dance is one of them. With over a million fans entertained worldwide, the tale of two brothers love for the same woman, looks set to continue connecting with audiences from Belgium to Beijing and beyond. Tickets are available from the TLT Box office on 041 9878560 or on line:

- Advertising Feature -



IPA Business Studies at Dundalk IT What passed for the next few weeks summer this year is will see many people just about over, and around the North County consider how best to spend the autumn and winter evenings that lie ahead. To return to education should be a popular choice starting in September. Obtaining new qualifications and skills is not only personally enriching but is a proven means of career success and progression. The Institute of Public Administration (IPA) is one of Ireland’s most eminent academic institutions provides undergraduate programmes in Business Studies at Dundalk IT that recognise this fact. These Pictured is young Emily part-time programmes Martin as she begins her are delivered through first day at school at St evening lectures and Peter and Paul’s National some weekend semiSchool in Balbriggan

nars and are specifically designed for students who want to obtain a nationally recognised qualification while keeping their various professional and personal commitments. Dundalk students will receive interim awards as they progress from Certificate-level qualifications right through to a Bachelor of Business Studies (Hons) degree. They can also choose from a range of subject streams, including Accounting, HRM, and Marketing. For further information, please come along to the Information Evening at Dundalk Institute of Technology on Tuesday, September 13th between 7.00 and 8.30pm.

Job Opportunity With Balbriggan Enterprise Development Balbriggan Enterprise Development Group Limited, a community based enterprise and training organisation, has been approved by FAS to recruit a marketing or business graduate intern. Balbriggan Enterprise Development Group Limited (BEDG) was established in 1994 to encourage the creation of an enterprise culture in the area by supporting new and existing busi-

nesses. The business is located in the Balbriggan Enterprise and Training Centre. BEDG is primarily involved in the provision of training on behalf of FÁS, Pobal, Community Employment schemes, corporate and voluntary groups. The intern will gain practical experience in assisting the development and implementation of a marketing plan. They will provide support in organising and marketing

087 6532 955

Local Study for a National Qualification

Business Studies at Dundalk IT

Pictured at their first day at school at St Francis School, Belmayne are Ellarose Lee and Leon Cogan, both aged four.

Dundalk IT − in association with the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) − is now enrolling for part-time accredited certificates, diplomas and degrees in Business Studies. Programmes are delivered through a blend of evening lectures and distance education and are specifically designed for adult learners who want to obtain a high-level qualification while working full-time or attending to other aspects of their lives. Students attend scheduled evening lectures in Dundalk and some weekend seminars at the IPA in Dublin. Programmes include a Bachelor of Business Studies (Hons). Programmes are accredited by UCD and sit between levels 6 and 8 on the 10-point National Framework of Qualifications. Students can specialise in subject streams, including accounting, HRM and marketing.

Balbriggan Training Centre We are now enrolling for courses for September/October 2011 • FETAC Level 5 Communications • FETAC Level 5 Manual & Computerised Payroll • FETAC Level 3 Foundation in Computers • ECDL Special discounted price for ECDL • FETAC Level 5 Manual & Computerised Accounts

For further information you can call 01-8020417/419, Unit 9, BEAT Centre, Stephenstown Ind Est ., Balbriggan, Co. Dublin


IPA Programmes at Dundalk IT

Unit 9, BEAT Centre, Stephenstown Ind Est., Balbriggan, Co. Dublin

We are also a walk in centre for ECDL & MOS exams if you have completed ECDL or MOS on line or studying at home we can arrange for you to sit your exams at a time that is convenient to you.

promotional events and in assessing requirements of clients. This position would suit a graduate with a Business or Marketing Degree. To apply: contact Seán Corrigan at or 086 0626819.

N Improve efficiency N Study Skills and Results N Experienced/ Certified Tutors N All Ages, All Subjects N Primary, Secondary, Third Level N Special Needs

Want to find out more?

HOLISTIC THERAPIES • Reflexology • Indian Head Massage • Ayurvedic KV Massage • Hopi Ear Candling Please visit our website Or call 0872135083

Yoga Classes for all Levels of Fitness

SWORDS AREA Please visit our website Or call 0872135083

Information Evening on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 between 7.00 and 8.30pm at Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth Institute of Public Administration (01) 240 3600


North County Dublin’s


North County Leader 6th September 2011

Quality Newspaper

- Advertising Feature -

Plenty Of Opportunities At Dundalk IT

Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education has places available in programmes in the following areas... Post Leaving Certificate Courses Gateway to Education and Training VTOS Courses Part-Time Further Education Courses Contact the College for further information: (01) 848 1400

Barryscourt Road, Coolock, Dublin 17. Tel: (01) 848 1400.

Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan 2007-2013

Malahide Community School Adult Education Programme - September 2011 • Art • Salsa Dancing • Computers for Beginners • Photoshop • Golf • Design Your own Garden • Public Speaking • Floral Art (Flower Arranging) • Bridge • Spanish for Beginners • Spanish for Improvers • Italian • Guitar • Irish Legal System • Health and Safety FETAC Level 5 • Bellydancing • Computers ECDL • Yoga • Carpentry and Building DIY • First Aid

• Woodcarving • Creative Writing • Adult Literacy • Make-Up Artistry • Interior Design • Life Coaching • Meditation • NUI Certificate in Psychology • HETAC Certificate/Level 6 in First Line Management • French for Beginners • German for Beginners • German for Improvers • Ballroom Dancing • Salsa Dancing • Jewellery Making • Digital Camera • Art History • Astronomy • Plants for Your Garden

• Philosophy • Photography • French • Invest in Yourself • Food Safety FETAC Level 4 • PC Maintenance • Shiatzu • Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle • Pottery • Website Design • A Night at the Opera • Holocaust Studies • Irish Genealogy • Childcare FETAC Level 4 • HR Management FETAC Level 5 • Start Your Own Business • Typing and Keyboard Skills • Sales Representative and Customer Care

Further details are available in our new brochure which can be obtained, free of charge, in Malahide, Raheny and Swords libraries and from local supermarkets and newsagents from 24-8-11. The September Brochure can also be viewed in the adult education section of the school website:

The provision of continuing education courses at Dundalk Institute of Technology’s Lifelong Learning Centre has been a feature of their educational mission since its establishment in 1970. It has enjoyed significant growth in recent times and new business courses on offer this year include the Certificate in First Line Management and the Certificate in Workplace Coaching. September 2011 also sees the Institute offering a range Single Semester Accredited Certificates in Employment Law, Social Care, Company Law and Operations Management (which is run online) among others. For those into the more technical side of things, they offer a range of art design, computing and

North County Schools Play For ‘Active School Flag’ The Camogie Association is inviting schools from all around the North County to come and play for an ‘Active School Flag’ by introducing or further developing camogie on their school curriculum. The Camogie Association will provide support for schools (primary & postprimary) in a number of ways including assistance with new initiatives such as the ‘Come Hurl with Me’ for mothers and daughters as well as ‘Come & Try It Days’ and non competitive blitzes. In addition, school specific camogie programmes for transition year students and senior cycle students are also available including the

‘Green Card Refereeing’ course and Foundation Coaching Award in conjunction with Gaisce. Furthermore, valuable coaching resources and information will be provided through Camogie Association Regional Development. Launched by the Department of Education in 2009, the ‘Active School Flag’ programme is a non-competitive initiative which seeks to recognise schools that provide quality PE, cocurricular physical activity and sports programmes for their students. Schools must meet a number of key goals in order to receive their ‘Active School Flag.’

Dog Training & Kennelling Residential training in obedience and behaviour problems ie pulling on lead, housetraining, aggression, recall, chewing, jumping up etc also personal protection training. Over 20 years experience,having trained in the UK,USA and Germany. Quailfied master dog SECUTRAINED RITY DOGS trainer, veterinarian + dog shelter recommended. FOR SALE

References available. Watch our dogs in action at or phone 087 0514467

engineering courses such as Interior Design, Digital Photography, ECDL, Programmable Logic Controllers, Carpentry & Joinery, Computer Aided Design, Welding and much more. Have you ever wanted to learn a new language but didn’t know where to go? Dundalk IT offer an array of language course for you to choose from. The old reliables of French and Spanish remain on offer and are supplemented this year by English for Speaker of other Languages and Chinese for Beginners. To reflect the financial pressures many people are facing they are offering 30 per cent off the fees on many of our courses. To qualify, you must be in receipt of a social welfare payment or be aged 60 years or over. Full details of all part-time courses are available by calling 0429370290 or email

Swords On School Building List Swords has been named as one of the seven areas in Dublin where the Government plans to build more schools over the next six years. The Department of Education recently announced that the school going population is forecasted to increase by more than 45,000 primary pupils and 25,000 secondary school students by September 2017. Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn is confident of the announcement of the school programme: “This is great news for the Swords area and its residents. This is good news for builders and construction workers too,” he said. “The project will not end up on a ghost estate either.” Further details of the project are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.

SAVE A LIFE! FETAC - Occupational First Aid Course Three-day Course: 15th / 22nd / 29th September with FETAC Level 5 certification Course Fee: €295.00 Venue: Balbriggan. (Reduction of €10.00 with this advertisement) Professional Paediatric First Aid Course for Childminders Two-day Course: Saturday 17th / 24th September (9.00am to 4.30pm each day). Course Fee: €125.00 Venue: Balbriggan (Reduction of €5.00 with this advertisement)

Contact: Pat at Berrick, Balbriggan 01-8417860; 087-2399314

Professional & Quality Training

Have Your Kids Discovered Parks Tennis? Girls and boys from 6 – 17 years can discover hidden talents, make new friends and have lots of active fun. Affordable subsidized tennis coaching takes place at local public courts in Fingal this Autumn. Beginners and improvers. All equipment supplied. Fee for 8 weeks €20

Class Times 6-8 yrs: First hour • 9-11yrs: Second hour • 12yrs plus: last hour

There are 3 ways to enrol for classes: 1. At enrolment night on 20-9-11 in the school from 7.30 to 9.00p.m. 2. By post with the postal form which is on the inside cover of the brochure 3. Online enrolment at

Baldoyle, Seagrange Park, ......................Wed. 21st Sept. at 3.30pm Swords Tennis Club (rear the Castle) .....Wed. 21st Sept. at 3.30pm Baltray Park,Howth .................................Wed. 21st Sept. at 3pm Balrothery Tennis Courts ........................Thurs 22nd Sept. at 3.30pm Lusk, Orlynn Park,..................................Friday 23rd Sept. at 3.30pm Malahide Castle Courts...........................Sat. 24th Sept. at l0am

For enquiries please phone: 8460949 or E-mail: Director of Adult Education: Robbie Harrold

• Enquiries 8338711 • •

North County Leader 6th September 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of



North County Newspaper

- Advertising Feature -

Beauty Academy Creative Learning At Scallywags Playschool Childhood is about exploration and discovery, it’s all about fun and with activities like painting, dancing, building, drama and imaginative play, not forgetting group activities and outdoor exploration. Scallywags

playschool is located just outside the town of Lusk. Here children have the opportunity, time and space to explore and interact with their environment in a safe and comfortable setting. At Scallywags, a child’s

Scallywags Playschool prepares them for the next little steps on their educational journey. There are ECCE and Part Time Places available. For more information contact Catherine on 0872324316.

individuality and creativity are catered for, gently accounting for their strengths and needs, and enabling them to see themselves as valued and unique individuals. Introducing pre-writing skills is hugely beneficial for a pre-school child. These skills are about developing your hand eye co-ordination, whether threading buttons or cards or splashing the paint – the fun stuff.

Visit us at our Brand New Custom Built Premises for our upcoming

on Sunday 11th Sept , 12-4pm Chat with our Friendly Teachers and see for yourself what we have to offer new students.

Courses Commence October 2011 • Beauty Therapy • Make Up Artistry • Nail Technology • Holistic Massage • Reflexology • Teacher Training & More Places Limited so call today!

This long-running programme, which brings tennis to children in their local Park or public venue, has recently completed another summer season. Parks Tennis is a hugely successful project, catering for over thirteen hundred children from all parts of the North County, ranging from Skerries, Balrothery, Malahide and surrounding areas. The abiding aim of this County Council sponsored scheme is to introduce children to tennis Emma Mullen from Balrothery Tennis Club irrespective of whether or not receives her trophy at dublin Parks Tennis they have any previous experi- league ence in the sport. Implemented by Tennis Ireland certified coaches, these programmes have been bringing low-cost tennis to all children without exception for the past thirty-four years. At the Finals’ Day recently, the North County was heavily represented, with a number of top class displays from children representing a wide range of areas.

041- 9804799 Beauty Academy , 10 Wellington Quay, Drogheda.

Fantastic Facebook Competition Find us on Facebook and enter our competition to win €1,000 off a course

County Dublin Vocational Education Committee



for students beginning First Year in September 2012 will be held on the following dates:

FRENCH: Beginners & Improvers IRISH: Brush Up Your Irish SPANISH: Beginners & Improvers ITALIAN: Beginners & Improvers

Tuesday, 13th September: Surname A- L

Computer, Hobby, Leisure Courses

Wednesday, 14th September: Surname M – Z


Parks Tennis Summer Programme


We Have

Computers for beginners and improvers, Motorbike Maintenance (beginners & advanced), First Aid (Foundation), Archery, Cookery, Dressmaking, Interior design, Beauty and Make Up, Hairdressing, Creative Writing, Aerobics, Boot Camp Circuits, Bridge.


At 7.30 p.m. in the School Hall


An Application pack will be distributed at these meetings


The School will be open from 6-7 p.m. for a tour of the facilities.

New: Online Enrolment Log on to: and follow the link in nightclasses For a brochure call 01 8490011


North County Dublin’s


North County Leader 6th September 2011

Quality Newspaper

County Club bers Is

Now Online @ www.north countylead with Michael McInerney

Keli Grant, Cinta Delaney

htime we it was hig ns in Skerries. d n e k e e a This w Shenanig ck in on a b d e p p mes and dro rm welco a w h it w e met bbers. of cours m all clu oasts We were iendly faces fro ies, this venue b sphere! r fr of Sker ible par ty atmo ntral hub ed As the ce nes and an incr h great tu g in issed, wit m electrify e b to t yone. otspot no county h d craic for ever k soon! th r o n a n c It's banter a itching to get ba e r a s r e Clubb

Gareth Wynne, Sean Dempsey, Brian Dwyer

Leona Savage, Simon Murray

Nicola Kerslake, Tracey Savage, Les Savage

Danny Byrne, Dania Squires, Leona Savage, Andy Mckelvey, Neil Groome, Robert Jones, David McGee

Maria Peters, Suzanne Keegan

Ash Buckley, Kelly Fallon, Rachel Sherman Rob Leonard, Sarah Payne

Christina Buy, Mark Devine

Siofra Mcnamara, Neil Groome

David Garr, Sarah Murphy Craig Natana, Sam Sheeran Emily Sweeney, Niall Collins and Yvonne Dunne

Cinta Delaney, Keli Grant, John Derham, Emma Dunne, Craig Devine, Simon Watson

Craig Devine, Rachel Bissett

Leanna McGee, Dania Squires

North County Leader 6th September 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of


Jazz Feast For Balbriggan

Rivervalley Centre Celebrates 20th Anniversary Rivervalley Community Centre is celebrating 20 years serving the community in Swords and is marking the anniversary with a schedule of events. The Centre has has become an essential piece of social infrastructure in the area. Clubs such as St Finian's GAA, Rivervalley Rangers and one of Ireland’s most successful Taekwon Do Clubs have all made the community centre their home since the building opened in 1991. Speaking after the announcement, Chairman of the centre, Liam Cullen said, “We are all proud to be celebrating the 20th anniversary of Rivervalley Community Centre and I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff and volunteers for their tireless work over the years.” Club Secretary, Arthur Browne said, “What we have endeavoured to do over the years is build the organisation whereby the needs of both young and old are addressed in Rivervalley. I would encourage everyone to attend our events to celebrate our anniversary together.” The list of planned events commences on Monday September 12th and will include ‘music, cocktails and craic’ in the Club Bar, as well as Bingo, Darts and cards. The week of events will finish with a members reward evening on Sunday 18th of September with music from the 60s, 70s & 80s. For more information drop in to the centre and pick up a list of events.


North County Newspaper

Fingal Volunteer Expo At The Pavilions Pictured at the launch of the Fingal Volunteer Expo at the Pavilions Shopping Centre on Thursday last are Deirdre King, Advertising and Promotions Manager, Pavilions, with RTE Weather Presenter, Nuala Carey, who launched the Expo.

For anyone who loves jazz, a great feast of the genre awaits you in Balbriggan. A day of live Jazz gigs will take place in Balbriggan town centre on 11th September. Performances will be held in two venues, Molly’s Coffee Gallery and the Laveer Restaurant in The Bracken Court Hotel. It all kicks off at 12 midday with Gypsy Jazz duo, Patrick Collins and Drazen Derek in Molly’s Coffee Gallery. Then at 1.30 pm, the action moves to Laveer Restaurant in the Bracken

Court Hotel, with Molly’s regulars, 3dB. Local quartet, The Humbuckers will play in Molloy’s Coffee Gallery at 4 pm. These three gigs are free of charge. The headline act on the day will be The Tommy Halferty Trio in Laveer Restaurant, Bracken Court Hotel. Doors will open at 7.00pm with the performance beginning at 8.30. Tickets for this gig are €7 and are available from Goldsmith Jewellers, Molly’s Coffee Gallery and Bracken Court Hotel. This act is expected to generate much interest and ticket sales are expected to be brisk, so hurry and don’t be disappointed. All in all, it promises to be a fun filled day.

Volunteers Needed Lusk Community Unit would be delighted to receive help from those interested in becoming volunteers for the senior citizens in Lusk. There are three areas where volunteers are required; occasional outings approximately three times a year, regular visit once a week or once a month or as an advocate for residents through age action. Contact Celine Daly on: 8071255.


Holland and Barrett opened a new shop at Millfield Shopping Centre, Balbriggan last week. Pictured at the opening of the new shop are Centre Manager, Peter Carey and Holland and Barrett manager, Saoirse Guare.

Innovative Fundraisers For Malahide Musical Society Malahide Music and Dramatic Society have announced that their show for 2012 is “Sweeney Todd”. This will take place during the February Mid Term Break in Scoil Iosa, Malahide. Rehearsals are now underway with the next chorus rehearsal scheduled for 21st September at

8pm in St. Sylvester’s Parish Hall, Malahide. All new members are welcome. The show is expensive to stage and, as a result, they are holding two fundraisers. The first is a table quiz which will be held on Thursday 29th September at 8:30pm in Malahide Rugby Club, costing €10 per person The next generation of computer developers and engineers from Skerries were afforded the opportunity to experience the professional world and take a glimpse at what life is like at one of the world's leading technology companies, as AOL held a family day for the sons and daughters of its employees. Over 100 children enjoyed a wide range of entertaining family-orientated activities throughout the fun-packed day including face painting, balloon modeling and magic shows. Pictured enjoying the festivities are Jack (age 3), Clare, Alan and Joe Tanner (age 5) from Skerries.

and teams of four are suggested. The second one is a ‘Malahide’ Got Talent’ competition. They are looking for any act over the age of 8 to participate. So whether its singing or dancing, baton twirling or juggling, they want to hear from you. This competition will comprise of three initial heats in Malahide Rugby Club on 10th, 11th and 12th November with the top six acts from each night qualifying for the Grand Final, which will take place on November 13th In The Grand Hotel, Malahide. The first heat will be for under 13 years, the second for 13-18 years and the grand final for adults of any age. There will be a judging panel on the night and winners will be selected from a combination of 50 per cent audience votes and 50 per cent judges votes. As well as being crowned the winner of “Malahide’s Got Talent” there are fantastic cash prizes up for grabs- First prize €500, second prize €200 and third prize €100.

STARTS 23RD OF SEPTEMBER, NIGHTLY SHOWS AT 8PM Tickets €25, ends 25th of September Matinee on Sunday 25th at 3pm, tickets €18 for matinee only.

Book online at or call the box office on 041 9878560 A €1 booking fee applies to all tickets. An additional €2 administration fee may be applied at TLT ticket outlets.

Ticket outlets include: The Sound Shop Drogheda 041 9831078, CD World Drogheda 041 9833879, The d Hotel Drogheda 041 9877700, Scotch Hall Shopping Centre information booth, CD World Dundalk 042 935 2529, Finlays Ardee 041 6856505, e2 Music Navan 046 9023254

22 Family Notices

HALLIGAN Nicole Late of 35 Minister’s Park, Lusk, Co. Dublin. Third anniversary away from home. Another day, another year, it’s been so long since I held you near, my daughter, my princess and my best friend Nicole. You’re not gone, you’re in my heart, it is there we can never part. I miss and love you so very much. In my arms you will be again, but until then my Angel, dance in heaven while you wait for me. Your broken hearted mother Lisa It’s been three years since you left me, my sister and best friend. I think about you always and miss you with all my heart. Until we meet again, dance and sing and smile and just wait for me on the other side at heaven’s door. Miss and love always, your sister. Hope. xx Three years have passed since that sad day, you closed your eyes and slipped away. You left so quietly without a fuss and broke the hearts of all of us. It feels like only yesterday, the wounds are still sore. For every hour of every day, we miss you even more. For as long as we have you as one of our angels we will never walk alone. Love and miss you always. Nanny and uncle Bart. xxxx

North County Dublin’s

Last Weeks published deaths from the North County KEOGH (Skerries) Margaret; beloved wife and best friend of Barry, dearly loved mother of Barry, Susan, Joanne and Jennifer, mother-in-law to Lisa, Leo, Paul and Ronan, loving grandmother to Aisling, Emma, Leo Jnr., Nathan and Jamie, sister of Eileen and Tom; deeply regretted SMITH by her sisters-in-law, (Rivermeade) brothers-in-law, Angela; beloved wife nieces, nephews, relaof Hughie and darling tives and friends. mother of Maria and Ivan and grandmother TOBIN of Leah and Sarah, (Portmarnock) deeply regretted by Frances; beloved wife her loving husband, and best friend of Pat children, brother and dearly loved Richard, sister Monica, mother of Shane, son-in-law Stephen, Leisha (Tapley) and d a u g h t e r - n - l a w Cillian, sister of Ann, Gemma, nieces, Rosina and Michael, nephews, extended she will be sadly family and a large missed by her loving circle of friends. husband, daughter, sons, brother and sisters, daughter-inGRIFFIN law Martina, son-in(Balbriggan) Norman (Golly); law Brian, Antonia, deeply regretted by grandchildren, sistershis wife, brothers, in-law, brothers-insister, nieces, law, nieces, nephews, nephews, relatives relatives and friends. and friends. CASEY (Malahide) Anne; beloved wife of Michael and dear mother of Shane, Andrea and Ian, deeply regretted by her loving husband, children, brothers Peter and Niall, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.

Miracle Prayer

Love and miss you every day. Love always. Annmarie, Alan and family.

Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. L.K.

Another year has passed, time goes so very fast. It’s been so long since we’ve seen you, but won’t be long till we see you again, too. Nicole our angel in heaven above, each day we send you up our love. The day our seperation comes to an end, is when our hearts finally mend. Love and missed always. Rachel, Sachin and family.

Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. N.M.G

It’s been three years since you closed your eyes and went to heaven with a smile. You were an angel here on earth and taught us all how to love, share and care. Everyday we think of you and know that your love will see us through. Loved and missed always. Valerie, Iron and Faith. xxxx The day you left, you took a piece of me with you, because the love I have for you will always stay true. I loved the way you laughed and the way you smiled. It always made me happy at least for a while. I will never forget you. Love always. Shauna and John. xxxx Nicole my beautiful princess, sadly missed, but in our hearts forever. Karl, Suzanne and family.

Miracle Prayer

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Please submit your planning notices to: before 5.30pm every Thursday, in order for the application to appear in the following issue of North County Leader. A receipt will be issued when your planning notice is received. Please retain this receipt as proof of submission.

Fingal County Council We, Peter and Glenda Murray seek planning permission for an attic conversion with a dormer window to the rear and new window to the side at 79 Drynam Drive, Swords, Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council I, James Reilly,intend to apply for full planning permission for 'change of use' from Bookmaker's shop to Pizzeria, at No. 56 North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin.This Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority, during the public opening hours of 9.30 - 15.30 Monday to Friday at: Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority, on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council, of the Application Fingal County Council John Baker is applying for Permission for a traditional two storey house and single storey sun room to the side using the existing agricultural entrance from the public road; a new proprietary waste water treatment unit and soil polishing filter; and associated site works, at Mallahow, Naul, Co. Dublin. The application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Mr. Kevin Barry intend to apply for

Planning Permission at No. 1 Portmarnock Walk, Portmarnock Co. Dublin. To construct porch attached to western side of proposed house with pitched roof finish additional to that applied for under Registered Reference F06A/1525 and granted by Registered Reference PL.06F.221380 This application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main St. Swords Co. Dublin during the public opening hours 9-30am 15-30pm Monday to Friday and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the planning authority in writing on payment of a fee of €20.00 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought for the partial demolition, reconstruction and change of use of existing two storey building from dwelling house to retail premises, the works to include a two storey extension to rear , new shop front at premises at No. 11 New Street, Malahide, Co. Dublin. Applicant: T. Wright . This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought for revisions to approved bungalow to include first floor dormer accommodation on approved site (Planning Ref: 07A/0283 & PL06F.223723) located to rear of No.1 Feltrim Road, Streamstown, Co. Dublin. Applicant: L. Donnelly. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period

Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders

Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are


North County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas: Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny, Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy, Malahide and Portmarnock Adverts must be supplied by email to or by visiting: you can also post your advert on a disk to

North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin


of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council G & J.Mc Kenna seek planning permisiion in the architectural conservation area of Skerries for . 1/ Convert existing two storey house into two ,two bed apartments with new rear annexe at 25 Thomas hand st,Skerries,co.Dublin 2/new single storey shop extension to side of existing shop located to side of shop at nr 24 Thomas Hand st, and to the rear of nr 25 Thomas Hand St, Skerries, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the planning authority Fingal county council, Fingal county hall, Main st,Swords Co. Dublin during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made in writing on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the planning authority of this application. Fingal County Council Justin McMahon seeks planning permission for a dormer dwelling with on site waste water treatment unit and percolation area and access to public road from existing site entrance serving mobile home ,on site to rear of mobile home at Bettyville, Ballyboughal, Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the planning authority Fingal county council Fingal county hall, Main st, Swords, Co Dublin during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made in writing on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the planning authority of this application . Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought by T. & C. Kelly for the construction of a two storey dwelling of 587m2 floor area on a site of 3.9 hectares bounded to the north west by the R122 at Grallagh, Garristown, Co. Dublin. The proposed development will also include: 1. Detached two storey Garage consisting of Office, Gym, Games Room & Plant Room with total floor area of 177m2. 2. Farm yard complex consisting of Stables 220m2; Farm Office 68.7m2; Machinery Store 264m2; Cattle Shed 499m2. 3. Proprietary waste water treatment plant and percolation area. 4. Attenuation pond. 5. Walled garden, paddocks and general landscaping. 6. upgrade existing farm access to vehicular access and access road. 7. All associated site development works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20 Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application.


North County Newspaper private lands for approximately 1.2km. The pressure main will ,also cross under a local access road at Ballykea. The development will also include a proposed connection and gravity sewer along Featherbed Lane for future connection to the Loughshinny Harbour future upgraded sewer network as conditioned by the grant of permission Reg. Ref. F09A/0551 and PL06F.236126. The proposed development will ,also include associated onsite site development works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours (9.30am – 15.30pm Monday – Friday). A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application.

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Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought by F. Price to replace a previously granted on-site waste water treatment system and raised polishing filter bed at a site at The Cross, Featherbed Lane (L1315), Blackland, Loughshinny, Skerries, granted under Reg. Ref. F09A/0551 and An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL06F.236126 for a nursing home development, with a new ,alternative private onsite underground foul water pumping station and underground foul sewerage pressure main to connect the nursing home to the existing Skerries foul sewer network in the Skerries Road (R128) adjacent the junction with Drumlattery Road. The pressure main will cross under Featherbed Lane, adjacent the subject site, and travel north underground within

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North County Leader 6th September 2011

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