North County Leader 09 November 2012

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9th October 2012 • Volume 19, Issue 31 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 •

Primary Care Centres At Risk Of Being Lost Forever T

During the month of October we will be collecting

he ongoing controversy surrounding the location of Primary Care Centres in Swords and Balbriggan is causing great political discomfort for Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly. However, the general consensus from people in the area is that the centres would be welcome additions to the North County and a terrible shame if they were lost. Political commentators that have By Patrick Finnegan spoken to the County Leader have expressed the view that, should the potato and would be dropped immeMinister be removed from office, diately.” Councillor Anne Devitt (NP) there would be no chance that any was scathing of the actions of Mayor subsequent Minister for Health would O’Callaghan. She told the County deliver Primary Care Centres in the Leader, “I believe that the mayor North County, as they would have represents all the people of Fingal cost the careers of two government and he should not have made that statement in his capacity as mayor. ministers. County Mayor Cian O’Callaghan (Lab) People are angry with him for making has called on his party leader, Eamon such an opportunistic and populist Gilmore, to seek for the removal of call at this time.” Reilly from office. Many residents feel Devitt has sympathy with the Health that this would have a detrimental Minister, when she said, “It’s quite clear that a town like effect on the Primary Care Swords needs a Primary Centres being delivered Care Centre, or maybe two. here, and such demands The way the debate is for his removal from going, as to whether Reilly office by local politicians went about it correctly, would be viewed harshly suggests that Swords by the electorate. doesn’t need one. The This view was endorsed public perception that by Dennis Barry, neither Swords nor President of St Finian’s Balbriggan have the popuConference of St Vincent lations that deserve a de Paul in River Valley, James Reilly TD Primary Care Centre is very Swords, who was in no doubt about far from the truth,” said Devitt. the value of a Primary Care Centre in She was confident that the Taoiseach Swords and the part played by Dr would do the right thing in relation to Reilly. Barry, who is used to dealing with the Reilly. “I think that Enda Kenny will hardship of people, told the County realise that there are outside forces trying to discredit the Minister. Leader, “In my area, the People are playing the population is getting man, not the ball, and I older, and in the medium fear that anyone taking future, a Primary Care over from Dr Reilly will Centre would be a great distance themselves from help. I’d love to see all projects associated something like this with him, including the happening, with care on Primary Care Centres for your doorstep, without Swords and Balbriggan. having to travel long This would be a retrograde distances.” He went on to step,” she concluded. defend the role played by Cllr. Anne Devitt Meanwhile, representaDr Reilly when he said, “I t i v e s i n B albriggan feel that a can’t see anything wrong with him looking after his constituency. He Primary Care Centre in the town will was elected by the people to look be of enormous benefit. President of after our concerns. All constituencies Balbriggan Chamber of Commerce, with a minister are normally well Kevin Tolan said, “As a Chamber of looked after. I’d safely say that if he C o m m e r c e , w e a l s o w e l c o m e t h e goes, then the Primary Care Centres employment that will accrue as a will definitely go, as it is a really hot result of construction of the centre.”

“It is unfortunate that Balbriggan’s name has been used as a ‘political football’ in recent weeks. It should be remembered that in 2007, Balbriggan was identified by the previous Government as being a necessary location for a Primary Care Centre. The current census figures sho w tha t the n e e d is n o w e v e n greater. Minister for Health James Reilly TD has thankfully continued to recognised the need in Balbriggan for a Primary Care Centre, and the sooner it arrives the better, for the Balbriggan area and its population.” The closest hospitals to Balbriggan are Beaumont Hospital and Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, and neither of these locations have a direct public transport link to or from Balbriggan. At present, public Healthcare is provided by the Medical Centre, which was formally a public house and is far too small to cope with the existing population,” he concluded.

President’s Award For Three North County Recipients


hree people from the North County have received Gaisce Gold Awards from President Michael D. Higgins for outstanding community work and significant personal achievements. Seventy Gaisce Gold Awards were presented to young people north and south who excelled and achieved their goals at a ceremony in Dublin Castle. Tomás Bell (20) from Portmarnock was among the winners. He’s a scout leader with Portmarnock Scouts who covered the full distance of The Kerry Way in five days. He already holds both a Bronze and Silver Gaisce Award. A member of the Reserve Defence Forces, he has just achieved his lifelong dream of securing a place in the Defence Forces. Nadine Lattimore from Baldoyle, who is visually impaired, was also an award recipient. She represented Ireland on the Shot Putt team at the recent Paralymics in London. She achieved silver and bronze Gaisce awards over the years as her eyesight began to fail. Nadine holds the Irish female shot putt record. She sings in her local gospel choir and has completed an Enable Ireland programme in Assistive Technology. The third North County recipient is Shona O’Donoghoe (21), a primary teacher from Donabate. She spent her summer helping with the St Vincent de Paul Summer camp for children in Sunshine House, Balbriggan. She set herself the challenge of learning Italian and walked part of the Camino de Santiago Pilgrim Route. Gaisce, the President's Award, is presented to modern day heroes and heroines aged between Pictured here is Tomas the ages of 15 and 25 years who achieve personal Bell, from Portmarnock Scout Club proundly goals in different types of activities including displaying his Gold community involvement, personal skills, physical Gaisce Medal. recreation and adventure.

Swords Youths Receive Awards On Wednesday October 3rd last, the Community Gardai and new Superintendent of Coolock Garda Station, Ronan Galligan, came together to award certificates to all the volunteers of Swords Youth Group who were recently involved in the Alcohol Misuse & Knife Crime programme. The certificates were presented by the Superintendent. Following the presentation, the young people and the Gardai ventured into Garda headquarters in Harcourt St and Tara St. Fire Station, where they had an opportunity to have a bird's eye view of how the Communications section of the Gardai works. They also

were shown how a 999 call is processed and the follow up process of it. It was a busy, but educational day of fun, that was enjoyed by all. Earlier this year, the group came together for two evenings to partake in this programme. Its aim was to break down barriers and challenge attitudes between the young people and the Gardaí, therefore creating an opportunity to build up positive, sustainable relationships between both groups. The idea for this originally came from local community Sergeant, Kevin Toner. The programme was devised by the Gardaí due to the increase in knife crimes around the locality.

Members of Swords Youth Services were presented with certificates at a ceremony at their new building in Swords recently. The awards were presented by Garda Superintendent, Ronan Galligan. Pictured at the event are Shauna Hunt, Leanna Hunt, Garda Pamela Harte, Erinn Murtagh, Ryan Reddy, Shannon Lowndes, Superintendent Ronan Galligan, Shanika McCormack, Erin Dolan, Rebecca Hickey, Hannah Reel, Josh Reel, Sgt. Kevin Toner and Garda Dongdong Zheng.



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Chicago’s Paddy Is A True Swords Man Patrick Savage is a truly gregarious American gentleman, with huge family connections to Swords. Recently, he returned to the town to meet up with his many cousins, and while he was here, he contacted the County Leader to explain how he came about having so many cousins. His passion and love for the area is very apparent. Patrick, or Paddy as he well-known and much likes to be called, is lamented businessman from Chicago and is JC Savage. He related to the very well- explained, “My grandknown Savage and father, Henry Savage, McGrane families in who was a brother of Swords. In fact, he is a JC’s grandfather, second cousin of the Robert, left Swords to


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family tree can trace relatives down as far as 5th cousins. In fact, Paddy was the winner of this year’s

coach at DePaul University in Chicago, the largest Catholic University in USA with over 25,000 students.

Paddy Savage (right) holds the Brigid Browne Perpetual Cup for winning the Swords Voices competition. He is pictured here with Des Becton and local historian, Bernadette Marks at Swords Museum in Carnegie Library

research and dates,” said Paddy. He has a file dating back to 1820 for the Savage family and to 1840 for the McGrane family, and his

Swords Voices competition for his story and claimed the Brigid Browne Perpetual Cup in the process. He was a professional athletics

He retired fully in 2011 and one of his athletes, Matt Graham, recently won the 10km-road race in Dublin. “I’m looking to buy a place in Swords, because I have so much family here. My wife, Melissa, is from Chicago and loves coming here as much as I do. I feel a great affinity with Swords and you never know, I may decide to take up coaching again,” said Paddy.

County Mayor, Cian O'Callaghan is pictured raising the Green Flag for Transport at Rush and Lusk Educate Together National School. Also pictured is local councilor, Ken Farrell, with members of the Green school committee

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tion with both families and the Swords Heritage Centre. “Bernadette Marks was a great help to me with

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go to USA in the early years of the 20th century. He went with his best friend, John McGrane from Turnpike in Swords. Henry would eventually marry John’s sister in Chicago. “We always had cousins coming to our home from Swords nearly every year. In 1978, I paid my first visit home to Swords. JC’s dad, Joe Savage, held a party for me and I discovered so many relations that I decided to embark on building a family tree,” he said. He set about this onerous task with great gusto, and in the process, uncovered cousins all over the place. Paddy became friends with well-known local man Des Becton, who is Chairman of the Swords Tidy Towns committee, and their friendship developed through their associa-

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Contact Us: North County Leader Leader House, North Street, Swords Tel: 8 400 200

BALBRIGGAN: Castlemill S.C Millfield S.C Balbriggan Credit Union Balbriggan Town Hall

DONABATE: Daybreak Great Gas/Centra, Turvey Donabate & Portrane Community Centre

Tel: 01 8400 200

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Advertising Sales Manager ......Sue Griffiths Advertising ...............................Derek O’Mara Editorial ....................................Patrick Finnegan Jennifer McShane Printers.....................................MCP - Navan Published by ............................Seel Publishing Ltd.

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

about the benefits of sustainable travel for schools and supporting children and their families to make greener travel choices. She believes in a more positive environmental legacy, wants to use the e-car to make make her mileage greener and promote eco-awareness around the local schools. Speaking to the County Leader, she said: “I plan to really promote sustainable energy now that I’ll have the car for a year. I want to try and integrate it into the school programme more and promote Sandra Flavin from Rush is one of only 21 e-car the importance of it to local students.” ambassadors who have taken part in a major Sandra visited Rush/Lusk Educate Together initiative to promote awareness about electric school on Friday, October 5th last to explain the purpose of the car to the students. “I really owe cars across the country. Sandra works as an Environmental Education the fact that I was chosen as one of the 21 e-car Officer with An Taisce's Green-Schools ambassadors (out of over 12,000 applicants) programme, which involves raising awareness down to the students. When I was submitting my application, I included some artworks that the children designed. It was their interpretation of the ‘Cars of the Future,’ which I think won the judges over!” The school also celebrated the achievement of their fourth Green Flag for making school travel more sustainable. There was a special flag raising ceremony attended by the County Mayor, Cian O’ Callaghan. The school was awarded this flag for their green travel efforts over the last school year, which has resulted in an increase in the number of Environmental Education Officer with An Taisce's Green Schools children who walk, cycle and park ‘n programme, Sandra Flavin is pictured beside her new E- car at Rush and stride to school, rather than using the private car for the journey. Lusk Educate Together National School.

Rush Woman In E-Car Initiative

Alzheimer Clubs In Swords Local Chamber The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is hosting new social clubs at Rivervalley Community Centre, Swords, on Mondays from 10.30am to 12.30pm. The clubs provide an informal, flexible and fun opportunity for people with dementia and their carers to meet with other carers in a supported environment. There is no charge to attend and tea and coffee are available. For more information, contact 8022200. All are welcome to attend.


Inside the issue

Newman Blasts State Of Swords Footpath Local River Valley resident and political activist, Joe Newman has hit out at the state of the footpaths on Forest Road in Swords. He spoke to the County Leader about how their poor condition could potentially cause accidents. See story on page 5

Awards Ceremony For Swords Students The annual Awards Ceremony for the students of Loreto College, Swords, took place recently. See page 13

Klass Fashion TV presenter, pop star, classical pianist, mother, Myleene Klass introduces her stunning Winter update collection for Littlewoods Ireland. See page 13

Donabate Centre Still Closed To Community There appears to be no end in sight to the legal and insurance difficulties that have seen the state-of-the-art all-weather hockey pitch in Donabate closed to the public for a year. See story on page 5

Events of Fingal Enterprise Week 2012 Last week’s hugely successful Fingal Enterprise Week gave a much needed boost to businesses in the North See page 8 County.

Choir is Back Fingal Chamber Choir is back in action after the summer break. It meets at St George's National School in Balbriggan on Mondays at 7.30pm. The programme this season will include a TV programme for RTE

1 in December, Haydn's St. Nicholas Mass and a programme of music for Christmas. Those interested in joining the choir should be able to sight sing to a reasonable standard and have relevant choral experience. Please contact 087 2909536 if you want to be involved.

Tea And Talk In Balbriggan The Balbriggan ICA (Irish Country Woman's Association) hosted a High Tea and Talk on Saturday recently at High Street Hall in aid of Worldwide Suicide Prevention Day. There was a steady stream of traffic through the doors as members and their friends enjoyed a chat over some tea. The assortment of fresh homemade cakes on offer would make your mouth water, a testament to the great culinary skills of the group. A great way to spend a morning chatting with friends while raising funds for a cause that is in much need of funding during these challenging times.

Chess Club Seeks New Players Portmarnock Chess Club are looking to attract new players to the club with weekly meetings taking place every Thursday. Juniors are allocated the 7.30pm slot, while adults play at the later time of 8.30pm.The club is in its 40th year and now hosts up to 30 players of all levels on a regular basis. For further information contact 087-2774854. All are encouraged to attend the club night with rooms situated in the Sports and Leisure Centre in Portmarnock.

Wacky World


Police Issue Warning After Paint Mishap Police in Australia put out a public safety warning on Facebook after a driver and his passengers ended up whitewashed. The man, and his friends were driving in a Sydney car park, with a 25-litre bucket of white paint on the back seat, when they were in a minor shunt with another car. Nobody was hurt but the bucket flew open sending white paint flying over the car and its occupants. Officers posted: "Safety tip of the week. Always put the paint in the boot!”


Charity Fun Run In Malahide on the phone with another Back again for its second year, By Celine Quinn older person for support and the Third Age 5km Fun Run monies raised will help companionship. Speaking to took place recently at support the Senior Helpline. the County Leader, Third Age Malahide Castle. The Every €10 raised allows a CEO and founder, Mary Lally fundraising event was organvolunteer to spend 20 minutes said: “We had 240 particiised by the charity Third Age, a pants this year and are community organihoping to exceed the sation which promotes the value €4000 raised in 2011.” of older people and Participant Eoin Brady their contribution to won in a time of 17:17 society. and the first lady over The rain stayed the line was Irene away as many Gorman at 19:36. All supporters and local participants were given a families came out at Third Age t-shirt and a 11am to walk, jog goody bag. and run the beauTo show the importance tiful 5km circuit of interaction between route around different age groups in Malahide Castle. society, a special award Third Age has a was presented to the network of over first team with three 1,000 volunteers family generations to throughout the cross the finish line. The North County and prize went to the Flynn beyond helping the family - Granddad Hugh, older community as son Warren, wife befrienders, tutors Vanessa and daughter The Third Age Run was held recently at Malahide Castle. Pictured and advocates. All are CEO of Third Age, Mary Lally with race winner, Eoin Brady. Chloe.



North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Pat O'Brien (Pat O'Brien Safety) and Suzanne Doyle (Safety Solutions)

Siobhan Kinsella (Nifast), Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber), Anne Heraty (CEO, CPL/Nifast) and Gerry Fitzmaurice (North County Leader)

Ray Byrne (Nifast), Triona Bulfin (CPL) and Stephen O'Hanlon (CPL)

Garret Roche and Siobhan Kinsella (both from Nifast)

Sheila Byrne (Nifast) and Mary Carroll (Career Consultants)

Alan Spain (S & S Office Interiors), Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber) and Stephen Peppard (Fingal County Council)

Lisa Willmont (Nifast), Cathal McGrattan (Nifast) and John Lambert (Print Logistics)

Conor Loughran (Nifast) with Paul White (Fleet Transport Magazine)

Anne Corrigan (Customer Relations Manager, AIB), Sue Griffiths (Sales Manager, North County Leader) and Lucia O'Riordan (Branch Manager AIB, Swords)

Jock Jordan (One4All) and Siobhan Kinsella (Nifast)

Kevin McDermott (Nifast), James Cameron (IAM) and Derek Donohoe (Nifast)

Kelly Nolan (CPL), Laura Rea (CPL) and Catherine Brady (DCU)

Eileen Timmons (Crowne Plaza, Northwood), Andrea Fitzgerald (Fingal Home Care) and Aoife Slevin (Independent Healthcare Trading)

Franco Tamani (Grand Hotel, Malahide) with Garret Roche (CPL)

Cormac Sarsfield (C&G Logistics), Ciaran Corcoran (WCA Architects) and Stephen Lam (WCA Architects)

Brendan Hanratty (Peninsula) and Willie Dillon (WDS Security)

Declan Beatty and Ann Ryan (both from Dublin Bus)

Paul Kent and Pauline Bohan (both from Nifast)

Rebecca Walls and Audrey Prior (both from Nifast)

Jim Walker, Siobhan Kinsella and Cathal McGrattan (all from Nifast)


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Rush ATM Service Essential Local TD Alan Farrell (FG) has assured residents that AIB is hopeful that its 24 hour ATM facility in Rush will be retained. He told the County Leader: “I know Rush residents are concerned about the future of the 24 hour ATM service on Rush Main Street following the planned closure of their Branch. I would now like to inform them that following numerous talks with the management and several representations to my office, I remain very hopeful that the town will retain its ATM. " Regional Director of AIB Dublin North and West, Fergus Hopper, has also stated: “It would be a shame for Rush to lose the only ATM that is available to the public 24 hours a day, and also for neighbouring Lusk which relies on this as its closest on-street automated cash facility. I believe a 24 hour access ATM machine is essential for the town and I will continue to represent Rush to both the management of AIB and any related agencies that are involved in this process,” he concluded.

Donabate Centre Still Closed To Community There appears to be no end in sight to the legal and insurance difficulties that have seen the state-of-the-art allweather hockey pitch in Donabate closed to the public for a year. The all-weather pitch, which had been installed as part of the Donabate Portrane Community Centre complex, was seriously damaged due to heavy flooding last October. According to the County Council, the pitch at that time was still in the ownership of County Dublin VEC, whose insurers are still in negotiation regarding its replacement. The Council is in regular contact with the VEC concerning progress with the matter, but says it has been “disappointed” that the facility remains closed. The council said, as well as the community being deprived of the facility, its closure is having a knock-on effect on the funding of the Donabate Portrane Community Centre. The local authority explained: “Aside from being a delayed amenity to the schools, various clubs and entire community of Donabate and Portrane, the pitch is intended as a revenue generator for the community

Newman Blasts State Of Swords Footpath Local River Valley resident and political activist Joe Newman has hit out at the state of the footpaths on Forest Road in Swords. He spoke to the County Leader about how their poor condition could potentially cause accidents. “The narrowness and poor surface of the footpath on the Forest Road, from the traffic lights at the entrance to River Valley up as far as Boroimhe, is appalling,” he said. “It poses a great safety hazard to women and children in prams in particular. This is a very busy road and is used by vans, trucks, as well as cars accessing the nearby shopping centre. The footpath on the western side of the road is nice

centre, which still, unfortunately, requires substantial annual subvention from the council in order to stay in operation.” This has caused great disappointment to the locals as they sorely miss the use of the sports facilities. The €1.1m all-weather pitch is located beside Donabate Community College building, and was a joint venture between the council and County Dublin VEC. The scheme included the construction of a new water-based synthetic hockey pitch, with flood lighting, spectator barriers, ball stop netting, and other associated works. The facility was aimed at providing a boost to Portrane Hockey Club as well as providing local primary and secondary schools with use of the pitch during school times. There has been no indication given as to when the centre will be fit to re-open.

Interested In Volunteering? Are you interested in giving something back to the community? If so, then Fingal Volunteer Centre Outreach Programme may suit you. Every month, the Fingal Volunteer Centre Outreach Programme visits Balbriggan Library to provide information and opportunities about volunteering in the North County.

Swords Lions Club were recently presented with a cheque by Father Ted himself. They were the happy recipients of a cheque for €300 which was raised at a recent fun night in the Carnegie Court Hotel. The Club President, Mr. Maurice Kealy, said that he was very grateful to all who contributed on the night. Pictured at the cheque presentation are, Erin Geraghty (Mrs Doyle), Mark Rentzke (Swords and District Lions), Andrew Fettes (Father Dougal), Michael Wilson-Green (Father Ted) and Dan Carey (Father Jack)

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and wide, but it disappears as you head down the road. You have no option, but to cross to the narrow path, without a pedestrian crossing. You certainly need your wits about you,” said Newman. The County Leader spoke to a path user, who had no doubt about the hazardous condition of the footpath. River Valley resident, Naoimh Booth Kirwan, said, ”I regularly use this path and at times it’s quite overgrown and I have to walk on the road where the path is very narrow. I’d never walk here at night - it’s far too dangerous. It is impossible for people with buggies and if two come together, then one has to step on to the busy road. It’s impossible. I always cross over to the wider section, when I’m coming up the road and am conscious of the dangers this brings,” she said.


Joe Newman is pictured with River Valley resident, Naoimh Booth, who feels that the narrow pathway on the Forest Road is a safety hazard



North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


Cancer Walk In River Valley 13th. The ‘Valley Walk’ starts at Peacock’s Pub in Rivervalley.

A cancer walk will take place in Rivervalley on Saturday, October Monday Bettystown

Tuesday Drogheda

Jo Jingles Music JoMonday Jingles Music Classes Classes 3 Mths 5 Yrs Tuesday toWednesday Wednesday Monday Tuesday

- 3 Mths

3F r iMths to 5rRush Yrs AT WOGANS WE CAN DELIVERY 90% OF OUR RANGES THE NEXT Bettystown Drogheda Monday T u e s d aDAY! y Wednes dMonday ay d ay S aWednesday t uRush day Tuesday Bettystown Drogheda Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday STILL yn W eR du ns eh s d a yFRIDAY Fe r ird Sra dd aa y B eM t to yn sd t oaw DT ru oe gs hd ea dy a Sk ra i eys D otguhre Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Bettystown Drogheda R u s Bettystown h S k e rDrogheda ries D r o gRush heda ENROLLING Bettystown Drogheda Rush Skerries Drogheda SKERRIES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Friday Bettystown Drogheda Rush Skerries Drogheda Bettystown




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ment will take place after the walk in Peacock’s function Participants are asked room. Sponsorship to meet at 1.30pm with cards are available or the walk starting at you can make a donaWednesday Friday 2.30pm. The walk is tion on the day. For Skerries suitable Rush for all fitness further information, levels. Refreshments, contact Margaret raffle and entertain- Harris on 087-2213605. Friday Saturday

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Friday Skerries Friday Skerries Skerries

Saturday Drogheda Saturday Drogheda Drogheda

Ballyboughal Pitch And Putt Winners The Sunday winner was Mary Terry with a net 48 and the runner-up was Vince Walker, with a net 49. The McDonnell Cup 3rd round was held in Laytown and the winner was Frank Hughes, with a net 54, with the runner-up Martin Cullen on net 57. The scramble winners were Ronnie Delaney, Sue Browne, Jim Gallagher and Mary Terry on gross 47. The Sunday 36 hole scramble winners were James Browne, Frank Hughes, Tommy McCann and Mary Terry, Gross 66. The McDonnell Cup fourth game away to Ring Commons will take place on Saturday, 13th October at 3pm. Meet at the club at 2.15pm for lifts.

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Craft Fair In Swords Swords Senior Citizens will be holding a Craft Fair at the Senior Citizens’ Centre on Chapel Lane, Swords on Friday, 19th October at 11am. All are welcome to attend.

Snippet Designer Day In Malahide Vincent’s in Malahide will have an upcoming Designer Day featuring brand-new and designer clothes, gifts and much more on October 20th from 12 noon. All are welcome.

Lusk Scouts Want You The Tuesday Night Cub Section of the Lusk Scout group are looking for new leaders. If you think you can spare the time and you want to help and have some good fun too, come to the meetings on Tuesdays at 7:30pm to have a look and maybe get involved.

Wacky World


Avalanche Survivor Marries Rescuer An avalanche survivor has married the mountain rescue guide who saved her life – on the mountain where she was nearly swept to death. Soldier Nenad Podova unearthed Tatjana Rasevic after she was buried under tons of snow on the peak of a mountain in Serbia. Now the pair have tied the knot – 6000ft up the same mountain where fate first brought them together.



North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Ballyboughal Choir Members Needed

Crystal Reid and Graham Perry held their wedding reception at the Clarion Hotel Dublin Airport on Friday last, 5th October. Crystal also held a party at the hotel later in the night to celebrate her 30th birthday. Crystal and Graham are pictured here with Graham's parents, Noel and Frances Perry and Crystal's father, Eugene Reid.

Fingal Probus Club Seeks Members The Probus Club is a club specifically designed for retired professional and business people. They are always keen to have new members join and all you have to do is come along to the meetings on the first or third Wednesday of the month to the Harp Lounge in the Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords at

Ballyboughal Church Choir will resume rehearsals this Wednesday,10th October at 7.30pm in the Church of the A s s u m p t i o n , Ballyboughal. New members are required to ensure the group can continue to serve the parish. For more information, contact Ronnie on 085-1743748

11am. The club is very actively involved in charity work for St Francis Hospice in Raheny and other charities. A typical year’s programme involves talks on specialised subjects or matters of current interests and also visits to places of scenic and/or historic interest. The club provides the ideal platform for those who would appreciate and value increased social contacts in their retirement and the opportunity of meeting others in similar circumstances.




Snippet Malahide Youth Club The Foróige Youth Club is back after the Summer break. The youth club is for open to people in Secondary school and is a club that is organised by the youth themselves. Come along on Thursday nights from 8.00pm-9.30pm upstairs in Malahide Lawn Tennis Club.



Gospel Choir In Swords Do you love to sing? Come and join the local Gospel Choir. It meets every Tuesday 8-10pm at Applewood Community Centre in Swords. Come along to be part of the newly formed choir. They would love to have you! Those interested should contact Dave at fingalgospelchoir@hot

Wacky World




World’s Youngest Gran – at 23 Rifca Stanescu, a Romanian woman, was 12 when she had her first child Maria. Rifca had married a jewellery seller when she was 11 and he was 13. They eloped because she feared her father wanted her to marry another village lad. She urged her daughter not to follow her example – but Maria gave birth to son Ion while only 11. Rifca said: “I am happy to be a grandmother but wished more for Maria.”




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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Pictured at the Dublin Food Chain event at Keelings, St Margarets are, Paul Horan (Bank of Ireland) and Caroline Keeling (MD of the Keeling Group).

Food For Thought. Keogh's Crisps from Oldtown were the winners of the Fingal Enterprise Award. Pictured at the awards ceremony are, Deirdre Roche (Bank of Ireland), Tom Keogh (Keoghs Crisps) and Oisin Geoghegan (CEO Fingal County Enterprise Board) Pictured at the Enterprise Week 'Bridging the Gap - The Skills Needs of Industry' seminar, hosted by Fingal Dublin Chamber at the Grand Hotel, Malahide on Tuesday 2nd October last are, Peter Cosgrove (Director of CPL), Professor Brian Norton (DIT), Siobhan Moore (President Fingal Dublin Chamber), Joe Harford (Fingal Enterprise Board), Oisin Geoghegan (Fingal County Enterprise Board) and Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber).

The County and City Enterprise Boards organised Ireland's first ever 'National 50+ Enterprise Day' today under the theme 'Succeeding in Your Start Up', to encourage more Over 50s to set up their own companies. Pictured at the event are, Oisin Geoghegan (CEO Fingal Enterprise Board), Eoin Conroy (Innovo Training and Development), Minister for Small Business, John Perry, Jill Aston (Bagsitt), speaker Lar Burke, entrepreneur John Shortt (Life-Cycle) and Joe Harford, (Fingal Enterprise Board).

Pictured at the Fingal Women in Business Speed Networking event at Roganstown House Hotel are, Ciara Conlon (Productivity Coach), Eve Bulman (Fingal County Enterprise Board) and Tara Shortall (Home Instead Senior Care)

Pictured at the final event of Enterprise Week entitled, 'My Biggest Challenges' at the Marine Hotel in Sutton are Oisin Geoghegan (CEO, Fingal County Enterprise Board), Michael Dawson (Founder of the Gift Voucher Shop), Sarah Carey (Presenter, Newstalk), Mark Beirne (Bank of Ireland), Tom Keogh, (Keogh’s Crisps) and Paul Brady (President, Howth Sutton Baldoyle Chamber of Commerce).

Pictured at the Fingal Women in Business Speed Networking event at Roganstown House Hotel are, Fiona Taylor (Butterfly Gifts), Lisa Wallace (Childcare Providers), Shereen Allin (Nead Óg Design) and Geraldine Gleeson (Village Interiors Garristown)

Events of Fingal Enterprise Week 2012

Pictured at the final event of Enterprise Week entitled, 'My Biggest Challenges' at the Marine Hotel in Sutton are, Nicola Byrne (Founder of 11890) and Enterprise winner, Tom Keogh (Keogh’s Crisps).

The hugely successful Fingal Enterprise Week gave a much needed boost to businesses around the North County. The programme of events throughout the week perfectly catered for those looking to start their businesses as well as those already in existence. One of the event highlights of the week was the ‘Fingal Enterprise Awards,’ which saw Keogh’s Crisps, based in Oldtown, emerge as the winner of the award. Speaking about the winners, Oisin Geoghegan, CEO of Fingal County Enterprise Board said: “We are delighted to welcome the emergence of innovative companies like Keoghs Crisps, this year’s winner of the Fingal Enterprise Award. This company is one to watch in the future.” The importance of the North County as a major and growing hub for the food sector was highlighted at one of the most important gatherings of Enterprise Week for businesses involved in Ireland’s food sector. The Dublin Food Forum was hosted by Keelings and FoodCentral in St. Margaret’s, close to Dublin Airport. The theme of the event ‘Growth, Innovation and Collaboration in the Food Industry’ was stressed by the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton TD, who spoke of the importance of export growth and maintaining and creating employment in the food sector. Other highlights included: ‘Bridging the Gap’ in the Grand Hotel in Malahide. This was a Continental Breakfast with Fingal Dublin Chamber and the National Recruitment Federation. Special guest speakers examined the area of skills shortages in industry. Following this, the eagerly anticipated ‘Business Start Up Bootcamp,’ took place. This was is a full day bootcamp designed for start ups and aspiring entrepreneurs and was a great success. Then, on the final day, the ‘My Biggest Challenges’ workshop took place with three successful entrepreneurs at the Marine Hotel at Sutton Cross. Nicola Byrne from 11890, Michael Dawson from the Gift Voucher Shop and Tom Keogh from Keogh’s Crisps all revealed how they overcame their biggest challenges. This annual business event had its most successful week so far, with record numbers attending each event.

Pictured at the Dublin Food Forum event, which was hosted by FoodCentral and Keelings at St Margarets are, Caroline Keeling (MD of the Keeling Group), David Keeling (MD of Keelings Retail, Ireland), Joe Harford (Chairperson Fingal County Enterprise Board), Oisin Geoghegan (CEO, Fingal County Enterprise Board), Joe Keeling (CEO and founder of Keelings) and William Keeling (Managing Director of FoodCentral).

Pictured at the Fingal Women in Business Speed Networking event at Roganstown House Hotel are, Eve Bulman (Fingal County Enterprise Board) and Deirdre Roche (Bank of Ireland)


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Welcome Them Home For Christmas

Get your home prepared for the festive season with some of our great offers shown below!




North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Welcome Them Home For Christmas

Get your home prepared for the festive season with some of our great offers shown below!

With the family flying home and everyone coming together for Christmas, you’ll want to have the house looking picture perfect for those long awaited get togethers. As Christmas approaches it means its time to start thinking about fun and different ways to decorate your home for the festive season. This shouldn’t be an costly and time consuming job - it should really perk up your Christmas spirit. It should be easy and affordable. Here are some tips and ideas to create the perfect Christmas rooms.



Think fire-hued tones of gold, orange, terra-cotta, and red to give an instantly cosy feel to a room or home. Not sure you want colours this intense? Even the softer tones of yellow, gold, brick, and rust will have a similar warming effect. Are you stuck with white walls? Go for warm tones in furniture, rugs, and accessories.

Set cosy warm throws near chairs and sofas. These not only offer lovely colour or pattern, but they will be close at hand to snuggle around chilly knees and feet. Festive throws are also a wonderful addition to bedrooms. There’s nothing like all sitting under a warm throw watching your favourite Christmas movie.



Whether you light a fire in the fireplace or just set candles on the coffee table, this flickering light reflects intimacy, warmth and a truly cosy, Christmas atmosphere that is perfect for those long chats over the Christmas period. Though lighting a fire requires basic safety precautions, you and your family will appreciate the glow and ambience a fire provides.

Dig out your family photo albums or play Monopoly by the fire. Roast marshmallows, pop popcorn or decorate your Christmas tree! All these activities are Christmas memory makers that the entire family can cosy up to. The cheerful atmosphere will definitely uplift your festive cheer this Christmas.

FREE QUOTE in the comfort of your own home

big baskets of birch logs, pine cones, or cosy fleece pillows. The choice is yours when it comes to Christmas decorations; mini Santa’s, snow globes - even these small touches will make a room feel season festive.


THE SCENT OF CINNAMON Fill your home with the warm scents of winter – apple, cinnamon or pine. Candles, food, and scented sprays are a few of the many alternatives for adding soothing scents to your space and they will give your home a cosy Christmas feeling too.



Why not make a day out to one of the parks in the North County area? Get the whole family together and spend a

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day collecting Pine Cones and gathering Holly. Once you have collected a suitable amount bring it home and place it around the house on window sills, coffee tables and on the mantlepiece. If you have some left over you could place them in a small basket and create your own festive pot pouri. This is also a great reason to get all the family out in that crisp air together.

Banish the silk floral arrangements of tulips and daffodils. Instead, put out

Place candles around the room. If you do not plan on lighting a fire put them inside your fireplace. Candles will instantly create a cosy Christmas atmosphere. Scented candles are a good investment because not only will the flicker create an warm glowing atmosphere, the scent will enhance the Winter mood. If you plan on purchasing scented candles make sure they have a spicy or citrus smell. Scents such as Cinnamon or Pine are the best for Winter time.

RE-ARRANGE THE FURNITURE The sofas and seating arrangements should be based around the source of light or heat in the room. Arrange the sofas facing the fireplace. Even if you’re not planning on using the fire-

place for fires, candles will still create a warm atmosphere, always associated with Christmas time. You will definitely want to make sure you have enough for everyone, especially if your extended family are coming home for Christmas too!

CHANGE THE CUSHION COVERS Cotton, linen and silk are great materials to use as cushion covers during the summer but as soon as Winter arrives Velvet, Satin and other materials with a “fuzzy feel” are your best bet. Their texture and feel is associated with Christmas.

COVER THE FLOORS Bare hardwood or tile floors may be great for summer, but they can feel downright uninviting in winter. Switch to area rugs to give toes a warmer feel underfoot. Though patterned area rugs can be purchased, regular carpeting can also be cut into custom size and the edges bound to make inexpensive area rugs in any size you desire. You can also match throws and cover colours together.

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Welcome Them Home For Christmas

Get your home prepared for the festive season with some of our great offers shown below!

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Welcome Them Home For Christmas

Get your home prepared for the festive season with some of our great offers shown below!

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


Awards Ceremony For Swords Students The annual Awards Ceremony for the students of Loreto College, Swords, took place recently. This event was held to acknowledge the great achievements of students in their summer examinations and also to the 3rd and 6th year students who performed so well in their recent Junior and Leaving Certificate exams. The awards presentation marks the secondary school’s traditional start to the school year. It has been a tremendous year for the local students. This year, a remarkable 14 Leaving Certificate students gained more than 500 points in their Leaving Certificate and 14 students also got five A’s and over in their Junior Certificate. The ceremony also saw the presentation of

Wacky World


Monster Shocks New York

Klass Fashion TV presenter, pop star, classical pianist, mother – with an already impressive list of credentials at the age of 34, Myleene Klass has now also established herself as a talented fashion designer, as she introduces her stunning Winter update collection for Littlewoods Ireland. Myleene’s new collection will allow you to give your wardrobe a stylish and affordable update, with everything from stunning party wear to seasonal staples. She is pictured here wearing a stunning Bustier Maxi Dress. “From sizes 8 to 20, women should feel confident that the clothes flatter and fit their shape as well as make them stand out. I hope women of all shapes, sizes and ages feel confident and beautiful in these creations,” she says. It was fun to step the glamour and glitz up a notch for the party season as well as consider different shapes for the colder months and all the dresses have been designed with a woman’s shape in mind.”

Lusk Foróige Club Lusk Foróige Club has reopened for the new term and new members are welcome to join the club. The club is for all young

people aged 12 and over from the area. They meet on Wednesdays from 7.30 - 9.00pm in Lusk National School Hall and provide a

social space for young people to meet with their peers and get involved in a variety of activities. Anyone interested in volunteering to help run the club are also encour-

The body of a mystery animal, which was washed up on a New York beach, has sparked a wave of conspiracy . Online debates speculate whether the ‘monster’ is a pig, a dog, a giant rat or some kind of mutant. The New York Parks Department insists the animal is a pig bloated by being in the river – but it appears to have toes rather than hooves. aged to come along. Volunteering is a great way to get involved in your local community and to help young people in the area to develop their skills and talents. For further information please contact Bryan Gavin, Foróige Regional Youth Officer on 0868519630.

Restaurant Quality Thai Food For Delivery Or Collection ONLINE OFFER FOR THIS WEEK Order online at and get any

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badges to the class representatives and 6th year Leadership Committee. The 6th year Committee assists the teaching staff in organising various school events. To mark the end of the successful day, the annual opening school Mass was held in St Finian’s Church, River Valley.

Pictured at the annual Loreto School, Swords awards day are the 6th Year Committee, with Vice-Principal, Michael Behan and Principal, Veronica McDermott.

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

YOURVIEW With reporters Celine Quinn and Pierre Vandevelde

T his week it has been reported that TDs and Senators claimed a total of €750,000 in allowances and expenses for the month of August, when the Oireachtas was in recess. The County Leader took to the streets to speak to locals to ask their opinion on the matter. Here is what they had to say:

Tanya Farrell, Swords “It doesn't really shock me. I think stories like these are the norm now, it's what people expect from politicians and it’s upsetting. I think the framework for these expenses and allowances should be changed.”

Sid Baldwin, Lusk

Shauna White, Swords

“This should not be allowed there are definitely things that need to be changed. It's more of the same with this government, with their mandate for change in their election campaign I had really expected something different.

“I think it is disgraceful. We're paying so much in taxes and they're claiming allowances while on their summer break. They should be making some cuts also. They are talking about taking away our student grants if the Household Charge hasn’t been paid! I think the money being claimed by TDs in expenses could be better spent in other areas.

Ruth Grafton, Balbriggan

Declan McKenna, Swords

“It is disgraceful. The government should pay expenses only for the days that the TDs and Senators are actually working, like every other individual in employment around the country. If any company ran their organisation like our government, they would not be in business for long!

“If I don't work I don't get paid. These allowances and expenses are an ongoing problem. It’s no different to the previous government, they're all the same. It's very discouraging, with the current economic state, especially for the younger generations.”

John Carroll, Swords

Rachel Donohue, Swords

Liz Higgins, Swords

“They shouldn't be able to claim expenses while the Dail is closed. I think people want to see this changed.”

“I get annoyed when I hear things like this. The money can be spent better elsewhere. It makes me angry but I suppose I can't or don't do anything to change it. It is disheartening for people, we feel powerless to change it.

“I think the money could be used in hospitals, for care of elderly people, in schools and help for the disabled. I'm very disappointed in this government, particularly as I voted for Labour.”

David Toolin, Swords

Liz Darcy, Swords

“Nobody should be able to claim expenses or allowances when they are not working, I am not impressed”

“I think they should be all thrown out. They're lining their own pockets. At least the Fianna Fail government used money to look after old age pensioners."

Tomas McCann, Ballyboughal "They are getting too much money. They should use their own wages for travel expenses and accommodation. If they're bringing in more cuts for us, they should be doing the same."

Regina McCann, Artane

David Malone, Howth

Anna McGowan, Swords

"They are preaching to us that we need to tighten our belt and are imposing new charges and taxes on us. It's shocking that they are claiming so much when the Dail isn't even in session. It's going to be another tough budget in December as well.

"I don't agree with it. It's unbelievable. But I still think this government is definitely an improvement on FF government."

"They shouldn't be able to claim expenses while on the summer break. I can't claim expenses when I'm not working"

Vincent Peters, Skerries "Why not? It goes with the job, it's there for them to collect. They have a very hard job. I dont know if it's right, it might be unfair to claim expenses for travel and accommodation if they aren't working, but I believe they are at work in August in their own constituencies. I think they do more work outside of the Dail."

Lorraine O'Rourke, Swords "It is disgraceful. Look at everyone in the country working hard and getting cuts to their wages. It wouldn't make any difference who is in office, politicians are all the same."

Brian Kinseally, Dalkey “It is an abomination, I am disgusted by these claims. A revolution is needed in this country. I'm a very proud Irishman, I find it unbelievable that a country like Ireland has found itself in this situation.

Catriona Farrell, Swords

Patrick Lally, Raheny

"They get far too much. I am not surprised at all, I didn't expect it to be any different this time round, all politicians are the same"

"I'm absolutely disgusted. Claiming expenses when they are on holidays it's just not on. They're not living in the real world. A lot of people are struggling out there to pay bills and get kids back to school. These politicians think they are untouchable, there's no justice. "

Miriam Carvin, Swords

Helena Cole , Swords

"It's awful. I'm not fussed myself about it because I'm not surprised anymore. I do think this government is an improvement but there needs to be less of these allowances."

"They shouldn't be getting paid these expenses while they are on holidays. We're in a mess because of these politicians. There are too many allowances and expenses for TDs, and now there is talk of reducing child benefit. "

Andy Whelan, Swords

Glen Matthews, Swords

“They shouldn’t be claiming such expenses. We voted them in, it’s our own fault. We should have the power to make changes to their entitlements to allowances during the summer break.”

“My personal view is TDs and all politicians should be paid alot more, so we can get the right quality of people to govern the land. But I think this coalition government is the same as previous governments on this issue, I didn't expect it to be any different. I can’t claim allowances and expenses on my holidays!

Ann Duffy, Swords

Jacinta Maniar, Glasnevin

Lucielle Dore, Skerries

“I'm not surprised. They get all their expenses the year round, why should they get them in August when the Dail is not in session? They're in it for the themselves. This government is no different to Fianna Fail government. I’m not impressed with them.

“I think nothing has changed very much. It’s the same routine - politicians are telling us to tighten our belt but aren't doing the same themselves.”

“In other professions such as care workers, they cannot claim expenses when they're off work. This government has not made enough changes to stop spending on such allowances.”


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Get Voting This year, for the first time ever, organisers of the European Business Awards have introduced a new video element to their awards and a brand new online public voting system. The company video with the highest number of votes for Ireland will automatically get through to the next round of voting and become a National Champion. Swords business Home Instead Senior Care are asking supporters from around the North County to visit the Business Awards website, view their video and vote for them. The public vote takes place from now until 17th October. In addition to the public vote, a panel of expert judges will be viewing the videos and will award National Champion status to between five and two other organisations from Ireland. Speaking to the County Leader, the owner of Home Instead Senior Care in Swords, Tara

Shortall, said: “We are hoping that the public will get behind us and take some time to view our video and vote. We believe our submission gives us an opportunity to

explain our background and highlight why we are successful, despite the current economic conditions.” Log onto and get voting for them today! The National Champions will be announced in November 2012.

North County

North County Living


by Jennifer McShane

For Sale

Full Of Heart

ICA Crafts Display The Irish Countrywomen’s Association (ICA) will be exhibiting a display of crafts from 15th to 27th October at Balbriggan Library. Call to the library for further details.

Garristown AGM The Annual General Meeting of Garristown Community Council will be held in Garristown Community Centre on Thursday 11th October at 9.00pm. All are welcome.

Pat Kelly is a true representative of all that is wonderful about the Lusk community. In the first of our County Living series on our local Tidy Towns, Pat sat down to tell us exactly what inspired her to get involved with Lusk’s now very successful Tidy Towns. Pat Kelly is somewhat famous around Lusk. Her name is now synonymous with Tidy Towns and her involvement in what is one of the upcoming towns in the North County. Pat moved to Lusk in 1962 and says it took quite some time to adapt to this quaint, small rural village after the hustle and bustle of a busy London life. “I arrived in Lusk when things very much moved to a slower pace of life. I’ve been lucky to see it evolve from a small village to the energetic town it is today.” She notes how even in the early days the friendliness of the locals was apparent. “The people were so welcoming and friendly and that certainly hasn’t changed in all the years I’ve been here.” It was in 1980 that the idea of Lusk entering the national Tidy Towns competition was raised and Pat, who is the current PRO, joined in 1983. “My children were growing up and had finished their exams and I now had time to devote my energies to the organisation.” After a staggering 29 years as a member, I asked Pat what motivated her to join in the first place. “I’ve always really loved Lusk,” she said. “My interest in joining the Tidy Towns stems from a need to ensure that our community looks it’s very best. I also love to meet and interact with people, so Tidy Towns was a perfect opportunity to do both.” It is clear upon meeting Pat that she truly enjoys being a part of the local community. She is chatty, lively and contains an historian's knowledge about Lusk’s Heritage. Her energy is instantly infectious; I am eager to go and see these sights for myself! She is also equally humble about the amount of her own time given to the Tidy Towns. Each of the local groups are run solely by volunteers, who generously devote much of their time and energies for the benefits of the wider community. Pat says she doesn’t see her work with the group as a sacrifice of her time, but rather something she just enjoys doing regardless. “The people of Lusk have always greatly supported our endeavours and the positive feedback we get has always spurred me to do as much as I possibly can.” Though clearly very modest, it is quite an achievement, both for Pat and the other members of the Tidy Towns, to have devoted so many selfless years to the whole community. She repeat-

edly acknowledges that the town's achievements are down to the group as a whole unit; each working together for the better of the town and its people. She was particularly pleased to see that one of the committee’s stalwarts, John Flynn being honoured with a Tidy Towns Hero award this year. “It was a testament to both his and indeed everyone else's great work throughout the years.” Pat has been kept busy over the years and enjoys her family life immensely. She has five children and eight grandchildren and will reach another milestone in her life this year as she celebrates her 50th wedding anniversary. Indeed, this coincides with her arrival in Lusk. She is an avid fan of photography and a member of the Lusk photography group. She collects photographic memorabilia of various sights around Lusk and other places, all of which will be passed on to her children and grandchildren. A keen traveller, she has been to America, Budapest, France, Venice and Scotland amongst other places and hopes to continue to do so in the future. “I had never travelled until I arrived in Lusk and really saw much of the world as a result. Travelling and working with the various groups is a fantastic way to get to know the locals and I’ve made some great friends down through the years.” As a key holder of Lusk Tower for the past 20 years, Pat has had a unique opportunity to befriend visitors from around the world - something which she thoroughly enjoys. “I’ve seen many visitors come and go, and have kept in touch with some. We already have visitors booked in for tours next year. I think some are initially surprised at the amount that we get, but I love it and it’s my chance to inform them about the rich heritage of the area.” Lusk is a very tight knit community and Pat is in her element at the heart of it all. She says she has had a very happy life and is utterly content to be living in what she says is something of a “hidden gem” in the North County. She is eager to praise the town she is proud to call her home. “It’s been wonderful to see the town grow and flourish from this sleepy little village to a full blown, thriving community.” As one of the long standing residents, Pat is full of stories, but finds it difficult to pick out one particular high point as there has been so many. “Lusk is just a great community to be part of and I just want to thank everyone involved for all their hard work and commitment. “ A gregarious person by nature, Pat is the ideal ambassador when it comes to Lusk. “It’s really been great fun. I still get a quiet buzz from the town, even after all these years.”

“Lusk is just a great community to be part of and I just want to thank everyone involved for all their hard work and commitment.”


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Name: Location: Newsworthiness:

Pat Kelly Lusk PRO and Secretary of Lusk Tidy Towns

WHITE communion dress for sale €30. Tel. 085 1406165 GO-KART 2 seats plus safetybar, 4 brand new tyres. €150. Tel. 353872483470 22" PHILIPS television suitable for PC and Sky. €20. Tel. 353872483470 SOFA, 2 armchairs & multipurpose foot stool/storage box, length 200cms, height 90cms, depth 100cms overall, seat measurements width 50cms, depth 52cms. Tel. 086 2068532 TELEPHONE/Hall desk, pull out seat, pull out writing tray with a drawer, shelf and a press, can also use a storage area under seat, w 91cm h 74cm d 40cm Tel. 086 2068532 WINGED sofa and two armchairs to match, yellow and brown cloth covering clean, very good condition. Must be seen, €295 ono. stripe telephone table mohogany, rope edge style €20 ono. Adjustable ironing chair €10 ono. Breakfast bar chair mahogany style €15 ono. stainless steel cd rack €6 ono. Balbriggan. Tel. 086 8433601

Misc. WALLET LOST, brown leather, business card with contact details in it. Lost between Ardcian park and Kilshane cross Tuesday October 2th, around 8.45 am. Tel. 086 0264262

Motors 1.3 LITRE , Nct 03/13, Tax 07/13, E/W, Immob, Cradle system built in, Air Con, C/L, , Built in Cd player and radio, Spare Tyre and foam fix kit puncture, Mechanically sound, Engine a looked over by a mechanic,€5100. Tel. 086 1247897



North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

County Club bers Is

Now O www.north countyleandline @ and als

o on Facebo ok! Pics: Derek O’Mara

Michelle Judge & Jen Quinn Eneq Ionela & Cheryl Doyle

David Barken & Martina Conway Fiona Flynn, Ciara Connolly, Elaine O'Gara.

Denise Matthews & Ciara Darcy

County Clubbers was back in Swords last weekend at Rouge nig htclub. The crowd were in great form and happy to pose for a few snaps!

Denise Byrne, Owen Norton & Linda Byrne

Dan O'Grady & Lizzy Biggins

Fiona Whelan, Lisa Kearns & Laura Ashmore

Joe O'Donnell & Marc Smith

Sabrina Sullivan, Dennis Hartnett & Niall Sullivan

Jake Williams & Matt Dunne

David Killeen, Tracy Bannon, Sarah Foy & John Hickey

Kamil Wrzesczc, Kararzyna Babik, Harchy Wolvyewicz

Susan Dennehy, Anna Kane, Stephen Markhan & Stephen Burke

Mary & Clare Collins

Barry Stewart, Stephen O'Donoghue Louise, Kim, Sharon & Martina Brown


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

The Old School House Bar & Restaurant, Swords


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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. D.K

Recent published deaths from the North County HICKEY (Malahide) - Raymond; deeply regretted by his loving wife Brifget, daughter Laura, Jennifer and Emer, sisters Maura and Emer, sons-in-law Viv and Luke, grandchildren Emma and Evan, relatives and friends.

(Burton), John and Sarah (New-York); She will be much missed by her loving family, parents-in-law, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, grandniece and many friends.

SHEAHAN (nee Cassidy) - Jennifer (Skerries, Co. Dublin and formerly of Clontarf) - surrounded by her loving family, she left us after a long illness bravely borne in the wonderful care of the staff at The Bon Secours Hospital, beloved wife of Don and loving mother of Daniel and Sophie, loving daughter of Jack and the late Maureen, treasured sister to David, Susan

O'CONNOR (Holmpatrick, Skerries, Co. Dublin) - George L (peacefully) in the wonderful care of the staff of Moorehal Lodge, Drogheda, to the great sadness of his loving wife and best friend Dympna, his daughter Keeva, sons George and Eoin, dearly loved grandchildren George Og, Stephanie, Fionnán, brother Pat, sister Betty, son-inlaw Andy, daughtersin-law Edel and Lea, sister-in-law, nephews, nieces, neighbours and large circle of very good friends.

EDUCATION IRISH TUITION • Experienced teacher for pre-exam prep. classes in Irish • Individuals or groups • North Dublin area.

TEL: TOMAS 086 058 9713 TAXIS ROUND TOWER CABS We need evening drivers for Lusk & surrounding area Contact Tom or Pat

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MANSFIELD (Skerries, Co. Dublin) - Noel Thomas; sadly missed by his wife Laura, children Elka, Fiona, Paul and David and their partners, grandchildren, brother Tony and extended family. PRIOR (Magee) Rita, aged 97 years (formerly of Malahide, Corlough, Ballymote and Staghall, Co. Cavan) at the Tara winthrop Nursing Home, Swords; she will be sadly missed by her children Paddy, Pauline and Austin, her grandchildren Pamela, Paul, Brendan, Jane, Eleanor, Sarah, Debbie and David and by her six greatgrandchildren.

PLANNING APPLICATIONS Fingal County Council Permission sought to build new single storey extension to rear with attic conversion above and two new Velux rooflights to front and rear together with internal alterations at 39 Forest Walk, Swords, Co. Dublin for Mr. Tim Hanlon. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours, and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Planning Authority of the application. Fingal County Council Permission is sought by the Board of Management of Scoil Padraic Cailini to construct four new permanent classrooms in lieu of existing temporary classrooms all located to the rear the existing school at Scoil Padraic Cailinin, Portrane Road, Donabate Co Dublin The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council (Swords) during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council We, The Board of Management, wish to apply to Fingal County Council for planning permission for a development at St Teresa’s Primary School, Hampton, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. The development will comprise of a new 171m_ single storey standalone extension to include two 80m_ classrooms with en-suite toilets and a connecting corridor (these will replace 2 existing rented prefabs which will be removed from elsewhere on the site). It will also include a covered walkway between the existing school and the proposed extension and all ancillary works including connecting into existing services etc. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin during its public opening hours of 9.30 to 16.30 Monday – Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council I,Darren Bently intend to apply for Planning Permission for A. 1 ∏ storey detached dormer bungalow, B. Detached double garage, C.Waste water treatment system, D.All associated site works on site at Wimbletown,Ballyboughal, Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal Co Council during public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the

planning authority on payment of a prescribed fee (20 euro) within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council I, Michael and Laura Housely intend to apply for Planning Permission for, A.two storey extension to side. B.all associated site works at No 66A The Chantries,Balbriggan Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal Co Council during public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of a prescribed fee (20 euro) within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council We Mr and Mrs W Murray intend to apply for PLANNING RETENTION for development at this site, 51 Hawthorn Park, Swords, Co. Dublin. The development consists of the construction of a 5 sq.m. single storey ground floor rear extension with 1 no. velux roof window to the rear private garden space of the existing 2 storey semi-detached dwelling. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at the offices of Fingal County Council during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Permission is sought for the demolition of existing garage to side of existing dwelling & the construction of a single storey replacement extension to side of existing dwelling @ 3 Miller’s Lane (also known as 42 Miller’s Lane), Skerries, Co. Dublin for Ian Mc Gloughlin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (20 euros), within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council We, Martina Wogan & Peter Boyd, wish to apply for Outline Planning Permission for a Residential Bungalow property at Wimbletown, Ballyboughal, Co.Dublin The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee (20 euros), within the period of 5 weeks,

Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders

Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are


North County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas: Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny, Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy, Malahide and Portmarnock Adverts must be supplied by email to


Next Issue:


Tuesday, 2nd October NING : 27TH S EPT

Fingal County Council Planning permission sought by Clodagh Harvey for the construction of a one and a one and a half storey extension to the side and rear, relocated vehicular entrance and waste water treatment system at Rose Cottage Newtown, Naul, Co. Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is requested for a new single-storey Dwellinghouse (140sq/m) along with new Biocycle wastewater treatment system and all associated siteworks. At:- Racecourse Commons, Lusk, , Co. Dublin.. Signed:- Mark Dennis. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9.30am – 15.30pm Monday-Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by Fingal County Council. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is requested for a new single-storey extension to side & rear of existing Dwellinghouse along with all associated siteworks. At:- 22 Curran Park, Balbriggan , Co. Dublin.. Signed:- Doris Rooney This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9.30am – 15.30pm Monday-Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by Fingal County Council. Fingal County Council Planning permission sought for the demolition of an existing single-storey garage to rear and erection of a new free standing gym/playroom, store and toilet to the rear of the existing dwelling/back garden together with all associated drainage and site works at No.22 Portmarnock Grove, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. Applicant: R. O’Sullivan. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.


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beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application.

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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