North County Leader 20th December 2011

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20th December 2011 • Volume 18, Issue 38 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200








Waste Management? T

he news that the County Council has decided not to proceed with the Nevitt Super Dump has been greeted with universal relief in the North County. It is the latest in a list of projects planned for the North County to be abandoned. This great news, however, is tempered by an appalling waste of public money in the process. The total amount of public money wasted on three local projects, namely Thornton Hall, which was earmarked to replace Mountjoy Prison, Metro North and Nevitt Super Dump is a staggering €231.7 million. The breakdown of the costs are included in the attached information box. This waste of taxpayers’ money comes at the height of the deepest recession in living memory. Just earlier this year, Special Needs assistants were withdrawn from schools in the North County, due to lack of funding. This has left the most vulnerable citizens in our society without the necessary tools to provide for their further education. Would €231.7 million have made a difference here?

By Patrick Finnegan As we travel across the North County, we see schools with old prefabs dotted around the landscape. At this time of year, these outdated add on’s are poorly heated, many with leaking roofs and utterly inadequately equipped for the purposes of top class education. Similarly, as we reported recently, the hospitals surrounding the North County all have unacceptable numbers of patients waiting on trolleys in overcrowded conditions, which many believe to be potentially life threatening. Would €231.7 million have made a difference here? Minister for Health and local resident, Dr James Reilly spoke about the possibility of Swords having it’s own world class health facility during his term of office. In all areas of the North County, communities are struggling to provide community centres and facilities for recreation to improve quality of life, but yet again, funding is not available. We cannot turn on our television sets without hearing about another nursing home that has to be closed down, again due of the lack of funding. People have


contacted us about the state of many of our so called health centres, which are in bad need of upgrading. Our hard pressed citizens have just been handed a Christmas present in the form of a property levy of €100 per household - all happening in the same area that the sickening amount of €231.7 million was squandered. A spokesperson for the local authority has confirmed to the County Leader that the “total spend to date on the Nevitt Landfill project is €32.7 million. County Mayor, Gerry McGuire summed up the general relief at the decision to cancel the Nevitt project when he stated: “People from the area are very relieved that the super dump is not going ahead. On top of the €32.7 million spent, it would have required a further €45 million to complete it,” he said. Many local residents, who are opposed to the proposed Monster Sewage Plant being located in the North County have expressed a fear that the same mistake will be repeated here and that a further astronomical amount of public money will be wasted on another project that may unravel.

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Pictured at the loading of the container to be shipped to Lesotho at Portmarnock Community School are Ambassador Paramente of Lesotho and his wife, with members of the Ireland Action Trust and students of Portmarnock Community School. Also included are members of Dublin Fire Brigade who will help to train the Fire Service of Lesotho. See story on page 3

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

For Your Convenience

Terminals Gear Up For Festive Season Double the terminals at Dublin Airport means double the fun this Christmas as the airport gears up to fill termi-

nals one and two with festive cheer. The airport will be alive with the usual colour, the wonderfully festive

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North County Leader, the only local newspaper delivering to 95% of houses in North County Dublin For the covenience of readers and businesses alike and because we are the newspaper that listens, we have increased the number of pick-up points for our readers who do not want promotional material delivered, but still want their favourite local newspaper. Your convenient locations are: SWORDS: Holywell Eurospar Boroimhe Supervalu Applewood Eurospar JC’s Supermarket Collinstown Business Park

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Your Award Winning Newspaper Balbriggan and District Chamber of Commerce Business Award 2009 recipient

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arrival doors and the Christmas trees and lights around the terminals and piers. Speaking to the County Leader, a spokesperson from the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) said: “Once again, we’ve invited a number of local schools to take part in our annual Christmas competition. Children were asked to draw a picture of their favourite month of the year and from those we will pick the best 12 which will be in our DAA 2012 calendar.” A selection of the best entries will be displayed as an art exhibition in the Terminal 1 Arrivals Hall during the Christmas season. During the whole month of December, children have been performing songs in both terminals and will continue to do so in the run up to the big day. Dublin Airport would like to wish all its customers a very Happy Christmas and New Year.

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North County Leader Newspaper, Leader House, North Street, Swords Tel: 8•400•200 email: or log onto

NUMBERS TO KNOW Swords Garda Station ................01 666 4700 Balbriggan Garda Station..........01 802 0510 Malahide Garda Station.............01 666 4600 Skerries Garda Station...............01 849 12 11 Lusk Garda Station.....................01 843 72 22 Rush Garda Station ....................01 843 72 02 MABS Money Advice ...................1890 283 438 Citizens Advice Centre ................01 840 68 77 D-Doc ..........................................1850 224 477 Crimestoppers ............................1800 250 025 Samaritans.................................1850 609090 Alcoholics Anonymous ................01 8420700 Childline .....................................1800 666 666 Aware (depression)....................1890 303 302 Dublin Rape Crisis Centre...........1800 778 888 Crisis Pregnancy- CURA ..............1850 622 626 Al-Anon Family Groups ..............01 8732699

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Santa Visits Balbriggan Cancer Support Group After his long journey from the North Pole, Santa Claus had to take a breather, so he stopped at the new premises of Balbriggan Cancer Support

By Roxana Neag Group (BCSG) recently. The members of the group greeted him in a wonderful festive grotto, decorated in style. Santa took time out of his busy schedule to visit the very excited children in Balbriggan, who made sure to tell him all the toys on their ‘wish lists.’ The event, organised by Balbriggan Cancer Support Group was a great and memorable success and only one from the long list of Christmas events organised by the group. The group also had their Christmas raffle in Supervalu recently, were first prize was a trolley dash in the shop. “We just want to remind people that the Harvest and Milestone pubs are doing a Christmas hams draw and all proceeds are going to the centre, they have a list of 20 fabulous prizes so everyone is welcome to

Pictured here is Carol from Balbriggan Cancer Suport Group with Amaris Ciugulea who is eagerly waiting to see Santa in Balbriggan.

support us,” said Laura Quinlan from BCSG. Balbriggan Cancer Support Group offer support, advice and information to cancer patients and their families and friends.

Charity Fight Night In Rush Paul Cowzer and his team organised a charity fight night in St. Maur's GAA in Rush recently. Paul helped organised the night, in aid of children with special needs, as his

Review Of Swords/ Balbriggan Bus Services Bus services across the Balbriggan and Swords electoral areas will be reviewed next month when officials from Dublin Bus will visit local councillors. Cllr Tom Kelleher (Lab) has asked for a full review of services in the area with particular emphasis on providing better access to third level institutions such as Dublin City Universality and Blanchardstown Institute of Technology. The members of Dublin Bus will attend the January meeting of the Balbriggan/Swords Area Committee to discuss a range of issues relating to the services it provides to the Swords and Balbriggan areas.

Contact Us: North County Leader Leader House, North Street, Swords Tel: 8 400 200 Advertising

son Adam (3) has Down Syndrome. A large crowd turned out on the night for the fun boxing night between friends and to raise money for charity. As tickets cost €20 and raffles were also held to raise funds, it is expected to raise over an impressive €2,000. The money, donated very generously by

local residents will then be donated to the chosen charity. The night resulted in a packed hall of enthusiasts and participants who gave it their all for charity in a fun and competitive way. The organisers would lke to thank eveyone who contributed to making the night a great success.

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Mill St, Balbriggan Ph: 6905377 Advertising ...............................Marian Charles Kristina Beljakova Jason Brennan Editorial ....................................Patrick Finnegan Jennifer McShane Printers.....................................MCP - Navan Published by ............................Seel Publishing Ltd.

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


Inside the issue Artful Triumph For Malahide Student

A painting by 11years old Malahide student has been chosen to illustrate the contents page of the 2012 Texaco Children’s Art Competition calendar. See page 5 >

Protest March Brings Swords To A Standstill

Portmarnock School’s African Initiative Gains Momentum By Patrick Finnegan Following the conclusion of a very successful five year project in the Eastern Cape area of South Africa, a project instigated by Portmarnock Community School has gained momentum. It has resulted in the development of a number of community based projects, including health, education and cultural projects. In 2012, the organising steering committee is to focus it’s attention on the mountain kingdom of Lesotho. They hope to utilise the organisation’s energy and enthusiasm to embark on a range of educational, health care and agricultural projects.

Niall Fitzgerald, a teacher from Portmarnock Community School is Chairman of Ireland Action Lesotho and Swords based architect, Fran Whelan from WCA Architects is CEO of the organisation. Whelan told the County Leader: “There will be a total of 65 travelling to Lesotho, with 32 from the school, five from the medical team, six from construction, four from Dublin Fire Brigade and the balance made up of parents.” A delegation from Action Ireland Trust visited Lesotho last February and held meetings with senior officials within the Lesotho Government and agreed to partner with Hlalele School, Roma Nursing Training College, St. Joseph’s Hospital and the Teacher Training College in the capital,

A huge protest march against the proposed Monster Sewage Plant being located in the North County, took place in Swords on Monday, 12th November last.

Great Success For Swords Lions Club Appeal Swords Lions Club received a record 46 trolley loads of foodstuff during this year's Annual Christmas Food Appeal. See details on page 8 >

Balbriggan School Gives To Charity Pupils from St.Molaga's National School, Balbriggan generously donated to the toy appeal in St. Vincent de Paul Charity (SVP) Shop in Balbriggan. See page 13 >

Maseru. The country has deficiencies in the Fire and Ambulance Service and Dublin Fire Brigade have agreed to assist in a programme of training, skills exchange and provision of equipment to enhance this badly needed services. It is hoped to twin Portmarnock Community School with Hlalele High School and local firm, Country Crest will provide expertise for a horticulture project and will teach students how to plan, grow and produce sustainable crops. Whelan continued: ”DHL have kindly sponsored two containers to go to Africa, with drugs, medical equipment and the cargo will also include an ambulance. Maurice Meade, CEO of DHL has been very helpful in assisting the group in the past number of years,” concluded Whelan. Lesotho has very high levels of HIV Aids, T.B., Mother and Child mortality at birth, due to the remote village locations, lack of manned clinics and services.

Ladies Celebrate Captain’s Dinner In Donabate

See report on page 7 >

Pictured last Monday at the Rotary Club of Dublin Fingal lunch were; Eva West, with her guide dog Parker, Ian Hunter (Pavilions Shopping Centre), Club President Greg Langan, Tom O’Neill (Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind) and Breege O’Neill with her guide dog Unice. Greg Langan hands over a cheque for €3,000 to Tom O’Neill. This money was the proceeds of a Rotary collection which was facilitated by The Pavilions Shopping Centre.


Following the very successful Captain’s Dinner recently, Donabate Golf Club held its annual Lady Captain’s dinner in its Clubhouse function room on Saturday 10th December. It was a full house of Donabate committee members as well as visiting Captains and Vice Captains from neighbouring golf clubs. Founded in 1925, with its first female captain in 1928, some of its male members still made their presence felt. While quite busy at this time of year greeting the children of the North County, Santa still found time to greet the 130 female guests on the night and the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. Captain of the Ladies Club, Pauline Byrne would like to thank everybody at the club for their efforts during the year and to wish all a very Happy Christmas. The club will resume its activities in the new year and look forward to more successful nights in the future.

Snippet Swords Fashion Show Sam Maguire found himself moving in some very fashionable circles last recently when the cup was guest of honour at St Finian’s GAA Club annual fashion show. Some very well known sporting heroes also took to the catwalk, as Dublin hurlers Liam Ryan, Peader Carton and Michael Carton made an appearance with the League Cup too.

Happy Christmas and a Prosperous and Peaceful New Year


Email: Balbriggan Office: 8417633 Swords office: 8901300



North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Having a party?... Call Us Now On: 8•400•200 Don’t Forget To Tag Your Photo!

Pictured enjoying Christmas drinks in Keelings in Donabate are Ken Brown, Bernadette PK Brown and Catherine Keaney.

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Pictured at a Girls Christmas Night Out in Blue Bar, Skerries are Denise Creagh, Helen Sweeney, Mary Allidine, Ann-Marie Gleeson, Maura Rogers and Paula Murphy. PK

Pictured at the Donabate Christmas Lights celebration in Keelings in Donabate are Neil Jackson, Siobhan Jackson, Alisha Costigan, Paul Costigan, Mark Costigan, Gillian Costigan and Audrey Carolan. PK Kara Bissett, on left, celebrated her 29th birthday in Blue Bar, Skerries recently. Pictured with Kara are Lisa Bissett, PK Trisha Bissett and Elaine Pollis.

Pictured enjoying a Friends Christmas Drinks evening in Keelings Pub in Donabate are Mark Michael, Nicole PK Michael, Charlie Ford and David Ford. Pictured at Amanda McGrattan's 30th birthday party at the Old Schoolhouse, Swords recently are Ian Monaghan, Jimmy McGuirk, Amanda McGrattan and Maurice McGonagle. PK

Pictured enjoying a Girls Night Out at Blue Bar in Skerries are Joanne Goss and Eleanor Quinn. PK

Kids Inc Creche held their Christmas Party at the Carnegie Court Hotel, Swords recently. Pictured are Maggie Byrne, Maddie Mutuzau, Renata Gwiazda, Halina Kraszewska, Elaine Holbrook and Shawna Meegan. PK

Peter Trevaskis celebrated his 50th birthday with a party in Jade Palace in Applewood recently. Pictured enjoying themselves are Tabby Trevaskis, Karen Trevaskis, Peter PK Trevaskis, Zoe Trevaskis and Jamie Cruise.

Pics: Peter Kearney


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Donabate Switches On Christmas Lights Special guest and North County author, Derek Landy, switched on the Christmas lights in Donabate on Saturday, 10th December last. A large crowd of all ages, turned out at the Church grounds for the festive occasion and to celebrate Donabate. Jointly organised by Donabate Community Council and the Lambay Singers, there was something laid on for everyone. There was merry singing, treats for the kids, seasonal mulled wine as well as the traditional minced pie, for those who braved the elements. Derek even took the time to chat with and sign autographs for his many fans. There was another very special guest, in his traditional red and white to great the boys and girls of Donabate. Indeed Santa even stopped to have his photo taken with one or two of them. A wondrous night filled with good cheer and laughter is sure to make this Christmas a memorable time for all in Donabate. Santa is pictured with young James Leonard and Rachael Whearty at the turning on Pic: PK of the Christmas lights in Donabate.

Festive Fun In River Valley Festive fun and Christmas cheer was the order of the day for St Finian’s GAA Club in River Valley, as the club hosted a successful Christmas Fair recently. The event, which was well attended by dozens of locals, included a visit from Santa who arrived along with some community officers from Swords in a rather unorthodox, but well received replacement of Rudolph and Co. He was assisted by club helpers, Alison Halpin and Grace Murray, who helped distribute goody bags to those fortunate enough to meet Santa in his grotto. Also available at the fair was an array of festivities such as cake stands, book and craft stalls, a whole host of jewellery and a coffee shop. A Christmas cake raffle was held, with the eventual winner being one of the stallholders, also described as a club volunteer. Following on from the Christmas Fair, the club held its annual Christmas night on Thursday last, 15th December, where one lucky punter scooped an €1,000 first place prize in the Bumper Christmas Draw. A very Happy Christmas indeed!

Since Tesco Mobile launched their new Pay Monthly service in October, 300 customers per day have been joining up. Tesco Mobile now has over 130,000 customers and is the fastest growing and best value network in Ireland. To keep up with demand in Balbriggan, the network provider has, this week, embarked on a largescale ‘pop-up shop‚’ programme that will run for the coming months, opening 29 pop-up shops in areas that do not currently have an option to buy a Tesco Mobile phone in-store, including North County Dublin. With free calls and texts to all on Tesco Mobile, it makes sense to encourage family and friends to join Tesco Mobile and the group can benefit from the mobile cost savings. Pictured is staff member, Aine McDermott at the new Tesco Pay Monthly pop up in their Santry Store.


Artful Triumph For Malahide Student By Jennifer McShane A painting by 11-year old Malahide student Stephen Delaney is set to brighten up thousands of homes across the North County next year. His work, entitled ‘Just Keep Swimming’ has been chosen to illustrate the contents page of the 2012 Texaco Children’s Art Competition calendar. Stephen is in fifth class and is a pupil at St. Oliver Plunkett National School in Malahide. He received a Merit Award for his piece and he also did a design for a CD cover for his school. Speaking to the County Leader, Stephen’s mother Angela, says he was delighted to get a merit and have his piece Wacky World published in the USA calander: “There were around 30,000 entries Pilot Trapped In in ther contest overall so to have done so well Toilet Sparks is really wonderful,” Scare she said. Art clearly A pilot created a runs in the family. hijacking scare when he Angela is an Art teacher got stuck in the lavatory and Stephen’s sister during a flight in the US. Shona received a merit The captain of the Delta in last year’s competi- flight accidentally locked himself in the tion. Stephen is the only bathroom during the student from the North flight from Asheville to County area and one of New York.The co-pilot only thirty young became alarmed and notified air-traffic artists whose work control after a have been chosen to passenger tried to alert illustrate the calendar the cockpit of the which is quite an problem. achievement.

Pictured her is Stephen Delany with his sister Shona. Stephen was awarded a merit in the 2012 Texaco Children's Art Competition and Shona was awarded one last year.

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Charity Tractor Run In New Year

Barney Greene, Adam Greene, Jim Gaffney, Barney Grimes and Matt Beggs at a previous Charity Tractor Run.

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The fifth annual Tractor Run, in aid of end of the run, and tickets can be St. Francis Hospice Raheny, has been purchased from the starting point. announced. Tickets cost €2 per ticket or €10 for a book of six. Entertainment on the By Peter Kearney day will be, as always, by Morning Organised by Barney Greene and a Dew. voluntary committee, the run will An entrance fee of €20 applies commence on Sunday 8th January which, along with proceeds from next at 11:30am from the Man O' War. the raffle and auction and all other The route is Man O' War - Ballough - donations, will go to St. Francis Blake's Cross - Ballyboughal - The Hospice. Barney hopes that people Naul - Balbriggan Church can still support and donate to the Roundabout - Balrothery - Man O' run, as they have so generously War. The committee will reward the done so in the past. Those wishing “best turned out tractor at the run” to par ticipate should contact with the perpetual cup. A raffle and Barney on 01-8438560. auction will also take place at the

Major New Extension At Kilbrew Nursing Home Kilbrew Recuperation and Nursing Care has just completed a major extension to it’s existing facility at Curragha, outside Ashbourne. It is now a 74 bed nursing home, an increase of 14 beds. Director, Fran Whelan told the County Leader: “The new extension incorporates new design philosophies in terms of resident care, particularly those suffering with dementia. This new innovative design also incorporates a

new sensory garden.” The nursing care team at Kilbrew is led by Director of Nursing, Helena Moore, who has extensive knowledge in the provision of care for recuperating patients and long term residents. “There are now great benefits attached to the new facility in terms of wellbeing for the residents. It is a state of the art facility. Our 12 quality apartments adjoining Kilbrew House provide secure, inde-

pendent living for our residents,” said Whelan. The new rooms are expected to be available by Christmas. The entire nursing home has been designed by WCA Architects from Swords.

Skerries Badminton Club’s Christmas Night Skerries Maritime women's badminton club held their Christmas party in Isabella's Italian Restaurant in Skerries on Wednesday 14 December. With 2012 their silver jubilee year, Chairperson Deirdre O'Neill, is happy to report a very successful 2011 for the club. This year three of the Maritime teams reached the Leinster finals in May. They also competed very strongly in the North County Leagues, between January and May, which is their busiest time of the season. As well as playing competitively, and for fun, the club hold several social events throughout the year. Deirdre said that “all new members are welcome and that those interested would play every Monday morning between 10am and midday in the Skerries Community Centre.” Those interested in joining can contact the Community Centre.

Pictured at the Skerries Badminton Club’s Christmas party are, Michelle Fennell, Liz Rehmann and Jennifer Pic: PK Clarke.

Christmas In The Air In Balbriggan Huge crowds took to the lively town centre in Balbriggan as the town council hosted a very successful Christmas Festival recently. After three attempts, Balbriggan town was aglow thanks to the beautiful Christmas lights which only added to the already festive atmosphere. The town centre was full of life and fun as crowds were kept entertained with the help of some fabulous fire-eaters, jugglers and clowns. St Patrick’s Brass and Reed Band and a local school choir provided the night’s musical entertainment, performing plenty of festive tunes for the audience. The local Farmers’ Market were also on hand offering free mulled wine to keep locals warm. The highlight of the festival came when a certain Mr Claus (complete with that eye catching red suit) rolled into town on his sleigh. A huge well done to everyone who helped put the event together and to all who came and supported this magical community event.


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A new library was opened at Donabate/Portrane Educate Together National School recently. The much needed library will bring hours of enjoyment to the pupils of the school. Pictured cutting the ribbon at the opening are pupils, Hugo Fitzgerald and Malena Flynn, with principal, Maeve Corish and teacher, Geraldine Roche.


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Balbriggan Kids Get Creative For Christmas The Garda Band in Balbriggan held a festive Christmas concert in conjunction with the “Design a Christmas Card” Competition, organised by the Community Policing Unit in Balbriggan. The awards ceremony took place in Tesco Millfield Shopping Centre on Friday, 9th of December last, when all guests enjoyed a memorable recital of Christmas

songs and carols given by the Garda Band Over 700 children from nine schools in the town took part at the competition, which ran for five weeks. The overall winner was Ellen O’Driscoll from Balrothery National School, who went home with €160 Tesco shopping voucher, a certificate and a box with Christmas cards especially designed by Merlin

Press. Ellen also won a laptop for her school. The other three winners were Ciaran MacDiarmada from Gael Scoile Bhaile Brigin for the 8-9 years category, Rachel Durnan from Balscadden National School for the 10-11 years category and Niamh Rowe from Balrothery National School for the 12-13 years category. “I wish you all a very


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Protest March Brings Swords To A Standstill

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A huge protest march against the proposed Monster Sewage Plant being located in the North County, took place in Swords on Monday, 12th November last. The march, which was organised by the Reclaim Fingal Alliance, brought the town to a virtual standstill, as protesters marched the length of the town as far as County Hall. A total of up to 1,000 people braved the wind and rain and were led by piper, Darragh Bollard, with a garda escort through the town. They came from all corners of the county and included schoolchildren from Corduff National School, which is beside one of the proposed sites at Newtowncorduff. Elected representatives from every party were united in their opposition to the plant, which is widely regarded as a money making exercise by the local authority. Marchers, upon reaching County Hall, were cheered by a large crowd who were already at County Hall. The protest was held to coincide with the final full Council meeting of the year. A letter of protest was handed in by Brian Hosford of the Reclaim Fingal Alliance. A total of 10,000 letters of submission have already been received by the local authority up to this point. Loud whistles and jeering were clearly audible in the council chambers, as a reminder of the hurt and pain that this decision is causing to many residents of the North County. Anne Skelly from Lusk summed up the mood of the meeting when she told the County Leader, “We’ve put up with 40 years of being dumped on, with Balleally dump, a detention centrewe won’t take any more,” she said.

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• Full written guarantee on installation • High security locking systems with A rated windows • Sash windows, bi folding doors, timber windows • Conservatories • Spiral Stairs Garristown, Co. Dublin • Visit our website - Tel 018354066 - Fax 018354088 Don’t forget to mention North County Leader to avail of Discount!

PA Hair would like to take this opportunity to thank all of their loyal clients for their custom this year….

Claire Colgan (16) made history by becoming the first girl from Donabate Taekwondo club to receive a Black Belt. Claire, who is a student at Loreto Secondary School in Balbriggan has been training hard for this belt for the last year. Her ambition is to get on the Irish team and in the meantime, she is training for another degree, which no doubt she will achieve. Claire is pictured here with her instructor, Derek Hanlon.

Fingal’s Only Under Cover. Drive Thru, Coal Depot

The PA Hair team (l to r): Anna Lynch, Denise McKenna, Linda O’Brien Sharon Byrne and Darragh Di Fiore

Wishing all our customers a Happy Christmas Christmas Opening Hours Christmas Eve 8am-1pm Thurs Dec 29th 9am-1pm

Ideal Location, Easy Access (Just off the R132 opposite Murtaghs Pub) Ballough, Lusk Co. Dublin Tel: 843 85 21 email:

We would also like to welcome our newest stylist Denise McKenna to the Salon

Watch this space for January, February & March for recession busting prices on all your favourite styles!!

PA Hair

14 Chapel Street, Balbriggan, Co Dublin • Ph: 01 883 4937



North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Great Success For Swords Lions Club Appeal Swords Lions Club received a record 46 trolley loads of foodstuff during this year’s Annual Christmas Food Appeal, at local supermarkets JCs, Superquinn and Dunnes Stores over the first two weekends of the month. This represents an increase of 35 per cent over the 34 trolley loads collected last year, itself a record at the time. “When you consider the increasingly difficult

Pictured here are L-R: Swords Lions Club members Maurice Kealy and John Boylan in action last week in the Pavilions Shopping Centre.

Wacky World

USA Dog Shoots Hunter In Buttocks A US hunter was rushed to hospital after being shot in the buttocks by his dog. The 46-year-old man was hit after his "excited" pet stepped on a shotgun in his boat. He escaped serious injury, receiving only minor wounds to his buttocks and probably a bigger one to his pride.

Thank You From Balbriggan Guide Dogs Balbriggan/North County Dublin Branch of Irish Guide dogs would like to thank all who bought at their stand during their two days of selling Christmas cards and calendars plus a wide range of merchandise inside of Supervalu Balbriggan recently. A whopping €2515 was raised! The branch had a lovely hamper to raffle and the lucky winner was Sindy Hughes from Balbriggan. The branch also wishes to thank all the volunteers who helped sell the merchandise and to all the staff of Supervalu Balbriggan for their wonderful cooperation throughout the two days and for all the years gone by that they have supported them. Should anybody wish to volunteer or become involved in anyway with the branch just send an email to The branch wishes everybody the best for the upcoming season.

their By Jennifer McShane launched “Message in a Bottle” economic times over the project, an Emergency past few years, this Information System, for speaks volumes for the truly outstanding generosity of the local community for this very worthy cause” said Lions member Maurice Kealy, who explained that the food is distributed evenly to the needy, through the four Swords SVP conference areas. The Lions Club recently

elderly or vulnerable people in their home, to assist the Emergency Services. The bottle

the d hotel

Warm Up With Home Heating The choice of a home heating system is one of the most important decisions the home owner will make. It will shape the quality and comfort of your living environment for years to come. Vesta Heat technologies are a company whose aim is to provide those around the North County and beyond with a quality, economical home heating system. The Vesta experience is of a higher standard than other basic heating systems. It embraces all aspects of modern living and design, as it generously heats the home while simultaneously providing clean warm air and reducing heating costs. They strive to provide customers with a complete service from guaranteeing the appliance is installed and commissioned correctly, to providing proper maintenance, and of course supplying properly seasoned wood for fuels. Please contact Vesta Heat on 1800 611 511 or visit for more information.

(small plastic container, including instructions) which is kept in the fridge is available free of charge from local chemists.

Celebrate New Years Eve in style at the d hotel, Drogheda.

From only €119 PPS

Exclusive Package includes, 5 Course Gourmet Meal with Gala Ball, Mulled Wine Reception, Glass of Bubbly at Midnight, Entertainment by the Band ‘The Enemies’ & Late Breakfast on New Years Day.

Book online at or call 041 9877700

The North County Leader has teamed up with The Wedding Journal Show to offer lucky readers a chance to win a pair of VIP tickets and ten pairs of runners up tickets to the Wedding Journal Show, Citywest Complex, Dublin 13th – 15th January 2012.



Carnauba Enriched Polish Hi performance Car Shampoo Hi Performance Wheel Cleaner

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The Wedding Journal Show 2012, in association with Ireland AM, will feature over 450 exhibitors and provide brides and grooms alike with a one-stop-wedding shop, together with all the inspiration they need to plan their big day. From venues and flowers to dresses and cars, the Wedding Journal Show has it all – and all under one roof!

To be in with a chance to win simply answer the following question… Q. Where is the Wedding Journal show taking place? Send your answer on a postcard to: North County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin




SWORDS MOTOR FACTORS Open Christmas Eve 9am to 1pm Reopens 28th Dec 10am – 4pm Forest Road, Swords, Co. Dublin - Ph: 01 840 2303 Station Road, Lusk, Co Dublin - Ph: 01 843 7085

Terms and Conditions Closing date for entries: Friday 6th January 2012 Prize is non-transferable and no cash alternative will be given.

You’re No.1 Local Newspaper


Huge Support For New Gaelcholaiste The new Gaelcholáiste will open it’s doors in September 2014 to first year students. After a four year long campaign, the Founding Committee and An Foras Pátrúnachta hope to be in a position to welcome these students in just over two years. The Department of Education and Skills has already confirmed that the secondary school that will open in Balbriggan in 2014 will be a Gaelcholáiste. The long serving founding committee for Coláiste Ghlór na Mara have invested a huge amount of time, research and

North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

effort in the project. Tadhg Ó Tuachaigh, the chairman of the founding committee for Coláiste Ghlór na Mara, said: “The fact that the Department of Education has decided that the only school to be opened in Balbriggan at second level is to be a Rush local and professional singer and actress Tracy Leonard runs Dancing, Acting & Gaelcholáiste is every- Singing classes with Industry professionals in a fun and safe environment. The DAS thing that we could Academy is coming to Rush and will be opening on the 9th and 12th January. Pictured here are members of DAS Academy. have hoped for.” Your support is needed. To register your interest An Foras Pátrúnachta, please email Caitríona in the new Gaelcholáiste under the patronage of Bairéad at or call 01-6284110.

Rush Foróige Christmas Night

Pictured are Foroige, Rush leaders (L-R) John Jones, Eoin Hoey, Laura O' Brien, Brenda McEntee, Sharon Hewitt, Nicky Shanahan, Sinead Flanagan and Darina Byrne, as they enjoy their Christmas night out at Sapphire Chinese Restaurant in Rush. Pic: PK

Dorset College (01) 8309677 Excellence Through Life-Long Learning Career Focused Courses - excellent progression opportunities FULL-TIME BUSINESS & COMPUTERS • ECDL, Office Skills & Career Counselling (10 Weeks) • ECDL-European Computer Driving Licence • FETAC Supervisory Management & Leadership Level 6 • FETAC Coaching Certificate Level 6 • FETAC Train the Trainer Level 6 PART-TIME COMPUTERS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • Cloud Certified Professional (CCP™) program • Digital Marketing & eBusiness • CompTIA A+ / IT Essentials-PC Hardware & Software • CISCO – CCNA Computer Network Associate • JEB/EDI Teachers’ Diploma ICTS • CIW-Web Design Professional (Web Design & eCommerce) • CompTIA Network+, Security + • ECDL-European Computer Driving Licence PROGRAMMING • JAVA - Oracle Certified Associate - for Beginners • JAVA - Oracle Certified Professional – for Programmers DATABASE • Oracle Database 11g Administrator Associate LAW & FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY • Cybercrime & Network Security (FETAC Level 5) • Diploma in Criminalistics & Forensic Psychology (FETAC Level 5) ACCOUNTING & BUSINESS • ACCA Certified Accounting Technician – Year 1 • FETAC Manual & Computerised Accounts Level 5 • FETAC Manual & Computerised Payroll Level 5

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Wacky World

CHINA NoodleCooking Robots Attract Diners A restaurant has become famous in China after employing robots to cook noodles for customers.The owner bought the robots in the hope they would attract more customers. And he says the investment has paid off - with many customers being nagged by their children to try the robots' noodles.

Sapphire Chinese restaurant in Rush hosted the annual Rush Foróige Christmas dinner on Thursday 8th December last. The evening was organised by Foróige club leaders for their members, aged 12 18, in the junior and senior committees. Club leaders, Sharon Hewitt and Brenda McEntee, said that it was a fitting end to a great year. They had a very successful year with many events and days away. On the days away, you can meet members of other Foróige clubs from all around Ireland. The club also organises discos, quiz nights, music and sport. Members can also go on to become secre-

Malahide Toastmasters Malahide Toastmasters meet in the Grand Hotel, Malahide, at 8pm, on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month from September to May. Further information is available on or contact Anne on 087-2216839 (after 7pm).

tary or treasurer, where they will receive special training from the Foróige national organisation. The Foróige leaders also receive special training. The club meets every Thursday and Friday evenings, from September to May. The club is proving so popular with locals that there is a waiting list to join. Those interested in joining should go to St. Joseph’s Secondary School on T h u r s d a y s at 8pm or Friday at 7:30 pm.


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Snippet Loreto Balbriggan Reunion Loreto Balbriggan is holding a 50-year reunion next year for the Class of ’62. Plans are underway for the reunion in Dublin for September 2012 so if you or anyone you know attended Loreto Balbriggan that year please contact Rhya McInerney by e m a i l i n g Anyone who attended the school around that time is invited to attend.

Call Factory Blinds Direct On 01 8 370 100 or 086 8806455

St. Sylvester’s Infant School

Yellow Walls Road, Malahide Co. Dublin. Enrolling for Junior Infants September 2012

Please call into the office to collect an application form on Wednesday 18th January 2012 Application forms must be returned on or before 31st January 2012

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Fingal Dublin Chamber Christmas Lunch at The Clarion Airport Hotel

Oisin Geoghegan (Fingal County Enterprise Board), Claire MacNamee (The Linc), John Hickey (Cloudium Systems) and Philip Gillen (Safe Food 360)

Jock Jordan (One 4 All) and Bob Mullen (RM Motors)

Andy Hennessy (Fastway Couriers), Ian Hunter (Pavilions Shopping Centre) and Eugene Haines (Haines Fleet)

Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber), Ciaran Moore (DAA) and Andrea Sheridan (DAA)

Professor Brian MacCraith (DCU) and Joe Harford (Fingal County Enterprise Board)

Siobhan Kinsella (Nifast), Conor Loughran (Nifast), Mary Doran (Newry Chamber) and Michelle Gallagher (CPL)

Stephanie Garcia (Radisson Blu Hotel), Ann Marie Murray (Radisson Blu Hotel) and Eileen Timmons (Crowne Plaza Hotel, Northwood)

Siobhan Moore (President Fingal Dublin Chamber), County Mayor, Cllr Gerry McGuire and Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber)

Barry Rafferty, Michael Wright and Jerry Harrington (all from Wright Group)

Tony Lambert (CEO Fingal Dublin Chamber) with Don Earley (Web Direct)

Michael Kennedy (Michael Kennedy Insurance), Fergal Kennedy (Michael Kennedy Insurance), Siobhan Moore (President Fingal Dublin Chamber), Gerry Fitzmaurice (North County Leader) and Gerry McInerney (McInerney Saunders)

Allen Clarke (Clarion Hotel Dublin Airport) with Sean Sandford (Sandford Freight)

Pat Cussen (Radisson Blu Hotel), Adam Heffernan (ARI Retail) and Brendan Daly (DAA)

Paula Feehan, Brian Howley and Paula Harmon (all Bank of Ireland, Swords)

Andrea Molloy (Clarion Hotel, Dublin Airport) and Jeud Ennis (Sport Works)

Brian Murphy (Bank of Ireland), Lynn Cawley (Clarion Hotel Dublin Airport) and Michael Dawson (One 4 All)

Andy Farry and Gerry Sinnott (both from Ulster Bank).

Michael Hoey (Country Crest) with Luke Moriarty (Bracken Court Hotel)

Joanne Moody (Crowne Plaza Northwood) with Joanne Pollard (Crowne Plaza Blanchardstown)

Special Report


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


Christmas Wishes From

Malahide Chamber of Commerce Happy Christmas & a Prosperous New Year from Park Auctioneers… Your local RICS member firm, Looking after all your property needs.

• Sales • Lettings • Valuations • Property Management Make the most of your investment with Park

19 Myra Manor Malahide, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 845 2111

Malahide is a coastal, suburban town, famous for it’s array of unique shops, restaurants and beautiful coastline. If you’re looking for that special Christmas atmosphere and a place to get all those must-have gifts, you’ll be spoilt for choice will all that Malahide has to offer this festive season. The town is deco-

rated with traditional shopfronts and several cobblelock side streets, giving the village an intimate and welcoming feel, but also has a great mix of modern shops too. You can be guaranteed that all the local traders will have their shops supremely decorated so the town will really look and feel festive. There is a great deal of

ambience around the town which the visitor will instantly pick up on as you stroll around the quaint streets getting those last minute Christmas gifts. Malahide is renowned for its beautiful marina and coastline, perfect for those of you looking to take a leisurely stroll (just be sure to wrap up well!) around Christmas.

Malahide Motors


Gas Yard Lane, Malahide Visit us on

Comes Early at Malahide Credit Union

There is broad range of pubs and restaurants which will cater to all your festive food and drink needs. There is also an active historical society, a Lions club, a camera club, a musical and drama society, the r e n o w n e d Enchiriadis choirs, a chess club and a photography group all of which will have various events on throughout the New Year. They also had a very successful run in this year’s Tidy Towns Competition and will no doubt continue that wonderful tradition next year.

Malahide Has It! w w w. m a l a h i d e c h a m b e r. i e

Darragh O’Brien


Would like to wish all his constituents a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year Constituency Office: Seanad Eireann, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Website: Follow Darragh on Twitter@DarraghOBrienTD Check out Darragh's Facebook page/Darragh O'Brien TD E-mail: Phone: 01-6183802 Mobile: 086 2519893

Constituency Office: Suite 7 Manor House, Church Rd, Malahide, Co Dublin Website: Follow Darragh on Twitter@DarraghOBrienTD Check out Darragh's Facebook page/Darragh O'Brien T D E-mail: Phone: 01-8457741 Fax: 01-8457756

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We would like to wish all our members a very Happy Christmas and CU on Main Street in the New Year. WE LOOK AT THINGS DIFFERENTLY

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays



Cllr. Peter

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Donabate has exploded from a sleepy rural village into a vibrant and bustling town at the heart of the North County and is the perfect place to spend your Christmas. Donabate has much to be proud of as they recently achieved a prominent position in this year’s Tidy Towns competition and hope to do just as well next year. Donabate /Portrane really has something to offer everyone this Christmas, whether you are looking for those Christmas gifts or some leisurely time out from the festive madness, you need go no further. For those looking to get those all important

Special Report


scenic areas of the North County, which is perfect for this time of year. The walk along the cliffs to Portrane offers great views out to Lambay Island, Howth Head and the Dublin Mountains and will offer spectacular views this Christmas time. Martello Towers, can also be seen en route. The beach at Donabate is one of the region’s most popular

last minute Christmas gifts, there is an array of shops to choose from around Donabate. There is a range of outlets and services that you might not expect from

Priceless Dental Donabate Emergency Cover for the Festive Season available with Dr. Tom Hughes 086 2510036 at our Malahide/Donabate offices.

‘Seasons Greetings to all our patients from all at Donabate & Malahide Surgeries.’ Dental team also includes Orthodontist,Implantologist, Maxillofacial Surgeon and Hygienist.

Seasons Greetings & Happy New Year from BG Auto Repairs Number 1 for all your local Auto Repair needs Using all the latest computer diagnostics on all top models.

a small town. Festive shoppers will be sure to find everything they need right here in the town so they don’t have to venture out to find an essential item. One of the advantages this Christmas to shopping in a quiet suburban village is that you can avoid the mayhem and madness of the city centre and will be shopping local which is of utmost importance to local traders around this busy time. Parking will be a lot easier to come by and possibly a lot cheaper too. There is also an array of restaurants that will have plenty of tasty festive food on offer and the local supermarkets will have everything you need for that yummy Christmas dinner. The Donabate /Portrane peninsula is also a popular destination for avid walkers and is one of the most

Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas & Peaceful New Year…. From all the staff here at Leonard’s Coach Hire.


Call: 01-8436444 0868125323 or 0862555233

Happy Christmas & A Prosperous New Year from all at

Irritec Irrigation Systems Ph: (01) 8404033

Call our auto repair shop at (086) 255-2251 or email us at to schedule an appointment for your next diagnostic or vehicle repair service. Hearse Road, Donabate, Tel: 086 255 2251

and is used by locals all year round. It will be chilly around there this time of year so be sure to wrap up well! You really will find everything you need to have an unforgettable Christmas in Donabate and Portrane. The friendly locals and magic atmosphere will bring out that Christmas spirit that will be hard to find elsewhere.

Stamullen is a charming village located just over the county boundary in county Meath, three miles North West of Balbriggan. The village has grown a lot in recent years and despite this, has managed to retain its unique rustic feel that makes the village a wonderful place to visit, especially during this festive time of year. Stamullen has a number of facilities for any visitor to enjoy. It’s easily accessible from the M1 motorway, making it ideal for those who don’t want the hassle of travelling too far a distance. Similar to Rush and Lusk, Stamullen has that traditional feeling that makes for a truly wonderful Christmas atmosphere around the town. The town has managed to maintain a lovely balance of tradition and modernity in a most appealing way. And just as in Rush and Lusk, you are very likely to be served by the owner in the local shops. The warm friendly locals and traders will be sure to make your shopping experience one to

MH Carpentry Wishing all our members a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year from all the Management and Staff at BEAVERSTOWN GOLF CLUB

Call Mark on 0876885634 • General Carpentry • Replacement stairs & handrails • Doors supplied & fitted with locks, standard handles & hinges • Timber Garage Doors • Side Gates supplied & fitted as required Replaced doors & frames taken away free of charge

Beaverstown Road, Donabate Tel: 01-843 6721

Happy Christmas to all our Customers Thank you for your business, hope to see you all in 2012 Fully Insured Professional Service


Happy Christmas to all our Customers!


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ESMOND REILLY Solicitor & Notary Public, CEDR Accredited Mediator 4 Orchard Rise, Stamullen, County Meath Tel: 8416022 email: Give your whole Family a gift this Christmas

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So whether you’re looking for that traditional or more modern gift, you’ll be sure to find in in Stamullen and you’ll get to experience the charm that the village has to offer this Christmas.

It could be the greatest gift you ever give them

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remember as they take the time to help you find that perfect gift. Locals and visitors can take your pick from the mix of modern and traditional shops which will display all sorts of festive treats.

Unit 8 , The Mall, Fairways, Donabate

New Showroom , Main Street, Donabate (Next door to Keeling’s Pub. Tel: 01 8836666)

Make an Enduring Power of Attorney so that they can look after you, when you are no longer able to look after yourself Present this Advertisement before 31st March 2012 and receive a 10% discount on legal fees incurred up to that date.


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


TGI Fridays Opens in Airside Swords diners have a new restaurant to enjoy this Christmas when TGI Fridays finally opened it’s doors at Airside on Friday, 16th December last. There was a wonderful atmosphere in the restaurant, with diners from all over the locality enjoying the wonderful food. Part of the South Quarter development and located beside The Wright Venue, TGI Fridays is set to add greatly to the atmosphere of area and a very bright future is predicted. It is located as part of the Wright Group’s complex, which was completed in July 2009. TGI Fridays has over 1,000 restaurants in more than 50 countries and first opened in Ireland in February 2000.

Alan Smith, Helen Smith, Rebecca Murray, Amber Smith, Isla Smith and Freya Smith all Pic: TO’K from Swords enjoy the opening of TGI Friday at Airside last week.

Simon Hanlon and Charlie Finegan (TGI General Managers) are pictured at the opening of TGI Friday at Pic: TO’K Airside in Swords.

Balbriggan School Gives To Charity Pupils from St.Molaga’s National School generously donated to the toy appeal in St. Vincent de Paul Charity (SVP) Shop in Balbriggan recently. 22 children from the school bought and donated a selection of toys and money raised from a non uniform day to the charity. Altogether they raised an impressive €760 which was given to the shop. “We are thrilled with the money we made and donated for a good cause. The lady in the shop told us our school raised the most any school has donated this year! We hope all the children have a safe and happy Christmas,” said a representative from the school. “We are currently in huge need of more donations and volunteers, especially at our busiest time of year. For Christmas we have beautiful SVP Christmas cards and SVP Gift of Hope vouchers. There are great Christmas gift ideas for everyone to choose from and all the proceeds go towards a great cause. We have something to suit everybody’s budget.“ added Breda Murray, supervisor of Balbriggan shop.

Ireland’s most popular estate car has been beautifully facelifted to include Kia’s new family ‘tiger nose’ grille, redesigned lights, a smart new look steering wheel, new design for the centre fascia and a 6-speed gearbox. The new cee’d_SW is also superbly engineered for an even more assured ride and boasts a super-efficent 1.6 CRDi diesel engine with even lower emissions and better fuel economy. One thing, however, hasn’t changed: the unparalleled build quality which allows Kia to offer an unbeatable 7 year warranty on all our cars.

CEE’D_SW 1.6D TX FROM €22,015

includes delivery and related charges



OFFICIAL FUEL CONSUMPTION FIGURES IN l/100km FOR THE KIA CEE’D 1.6 DIESEL 5 DOOR ARE: URBAN: 5.3, EXTRA URBAN: 4.0, COMBINED: 4.5. OFFICIAL CO2 EMISSIONS ARE: 118g/km. Warranty is for 7 years / 150,000km and is subject to terms and conditions as defi ned in the owner’s warranty. and service handbook. See for more details. *Model shown may not be to Irish specification. Metallic paint extra.

Ready for a new class. The Polo. From €14,780. The Polo will certainly turn heads wherever it goes. But it’s not just about looks. It’s about performance, too. And with a choice of powerful engines, such as the 1.2 litre and 1.4 litre TSI petrol and 1.2 litre TDI and 1.6 litre TDI diesel engines*, delivering exceptional economy with high pulling power, there’s one thing to look forward to above all else. The ultimate in driving fun.

McAllister Volkswagen Airside Motor Park, Swords, Co. Dublin. Tel: 01 870 0077 Volkswagen Polo range CO2 Emissions (g/km) - 87. Combined Fuel Consumption (l/100km) - 3.3 *Model depicted is for illustrative purposes only.



North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

December 21 THE LOUNGE

December 23




LIVE ON STAGE Bottle Beers €3


XMAS COCKTAIL PARTY Cocktails €4.50 All Night - Quiz €100 Cash to be won FREE PASSES for AfterDark before 11.30pm - With Dj Ben

December 24 THE LOUNGE @ O’SHEAS

CHRISTMAS EVE PARTY DJ John Devine getting you in the mood!


THE SNOW PARTY 2011 ( Home Nightclubs most Famous Nights of the Year - The one night NOT to be missed! ) WITH Jeremy Dixon & Adrian Kennedy


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

December 26

December 31





NUMBER LIMITED – ACCESS ALL AREAS Guest List Guaranteed Entrance (tru facebook only) 3 DJ’s – 6 Bars The Biggest Night of the YEAR (Customer Appreciation night invites available)

FREE ADMISSION BEFORE 11PM DJ John Devine- Selected Drinks €3 Before 12pm Fast Passes to HOME Nightclub on Night!

December 27 In THE LOUNGE

KARAOKE WITH JIMBO REILLY Prize for best singer - PLUS DJ Pete Williams - Drinks Promos all night In AFTERDARK



NEW YEARS EVE PARTY 2011 THE BIGGEST PARTY OF THE YEAR! Glitter Cannons, Balloon Drops, Confetti Cannons & Lots more. With DJ’S Graham & Ken DOORS 10:30pm SHARP. ALL DRINKS €3 B4 12am ARRIVE EARLY TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT

January 1




All the hits of Afterdark over the years • Drinks promos all night!

With 5-4-3-2-1


December 28





WITH DJ KEN - Selected 2 for 1 Bottle Beers • Selected 2 for 1 Shots & All Cocktails 2 for 1


THE ENEMIES NEW YEAR PARTY A bit early but the lads finish the band year with a Big party – FREE Passes to Afterdark with DJ Jeremy Dixon.

The Lounge Bar & Home Night Club The Harbour Balbriggan



North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

County Club bers Is

Now Online @ www.north countylead with Tony O’Keeffe

Alan Stafford, Damien O'Reilly. Bren Daly Kacey Duggan.

Adam Lennon, DJ Costello.

Stephen Broe, Ciaran McGourty.

John Keegan, Annie Donnelly.

Kristina Juzbaseva., Dimitrij Harlanov

Mark Spelman, Daniel Redmond, Keith Coffey.

osphere Clubbers enjoyed the par ty atm recently. in Velvet Nightclub in Swords ium of Wit h the DJ pla yin g a com ped sics clas as dance hits, with a few Christm a mixed in, which resulted in pac ked dan cef loo r wit h everyone in a festive mood. As we exp ect ed it wa s a gre at nig ht wh ich left us hun gry for mo re and we can't wait to return.

Daniel Carpenter, Eamon Connolly.

Craig Seagrave, Ciaran Mew, Kevin Dardis, Scott Harding, Robert Gorman.

Shauna Crey, Damien O'Reilly, Kacey Duggan.

Eric Hendricks, Natalie McGrath. Greg Cullen, Josh Byrne.

Natalia Nowicka, Kamil Losik, Celina Kotowitz.

David Haughton, Brian Kinsella.


North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper


Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year To all Our Customers. Thanks You for all Your Support in 2011



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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

Family Notices


Family Notices


MARY GOUGH 1Oth Anniversary Birthday Rememberance 22nd December

JACK GREENE Christmas Remembrance of our Dear Parents and Brother Jack, late of Sherlock Park, Skerries, Co. Dublin. As we prepare for Christmas, our thoughts will be of you. You always made our Christmas, the happiest we ever knew. We’ll try our best to celebrate, the birth of Christ our King. But in our hearts we realise, we’ve lost our everything.

It doesn't take a special day To bring you to my mind, For days without a thought of you, Are very hard to find. Loved and sadly missed from Dave, Ashley, Ciaran and Aaron

Loved and missed always from Anne, Helen, Mary, Christopher & Patrick and their families, especially the grandchildren & great grandchildren.

Fishy Feet In Swordsfish Spa Starting a business is stressful, but starting one with a workforce of 800 is something else. However, when Swordsfish Spa opened last week in the Town Centre Mall, the workers were hungry to get started. Swimming in warm clear water snacking as you go is one way to pass your working hours. It is now a feature of life in Swords for the 800 Garra Rufa fish that offer pedicures and massages to the folk in the North County. A new business has to differentiate itself from those already in situ. By providing this niche beauty therapy the spa concentrates solely on providing a micro massage that is relaxing, rejuvenating, refreshing, revitalising, and reviving; referred to, as the five Ahhhh’s. In these current stressful economic times, you need an inexpensive time out. Why not engage with nature and wonder at these little creatures interacting with you. You may find yourself drifting AVAILABLE away for precious • Chimney Sweeping moments so close your as per government warning eyes, and listen, the only as seen on TV • Gutter Cleaning babbling are the • Garden bubbles. The cost is €12 Maintenance per session and individual group sessions are LOVES THE available upon request. If you’re interested in JOBS YOU HATE booking a session call 01 Call Kenny now at 8 135 825 or go to 8430020


Free to Air Satellite TV special

Last Weeks published deaths from the North County GRIFFIN (Skerries) Agnes, wife of the late Michael; sadly missed by her loving family Colin, Stephen and Ciara, brothers, sister, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. SWAINE (Portmarnock) Kathleen (Kay), predeceased by her loving husband Patrick of Portmarnock in the loving care of the staff of St. Clare’s Ward, Beaumont Hospital; deeply regretted by her loving son John, sisters Mary and Margeret and Brother Jackie, brothers-inlaw, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, rela-

tives, neighbours and friends. DENNIS (Skerries) Colm; sadly missed by his loving family, wife and best friend Berna, sons Carl, Barry and Andrew, daughter Sarah and their spouses, adored grandchildren, relatives and large circle of friends. BRABAZON (Swords) Mark, beloved husband of Bernie; deeply regretterd by his loving wife, mother Pat, father Jack, brothers Paul, John and Tony, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sisters-inlaw, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends

HENNESEY (Malahide) Mary sister of the late Ethna, David, Andy, Tess, Josephine, Jack, Edward, Sr. Eileen and aunt of the late Katie Kelleher; deeply regretted by her nieces Bernadette and Patsy, nephews Dan, Conor, Niall, John and Liam, grandnieces, grandnephews, relatives and friends. SHIELDS (Sutton) Sean, beloved husband of Eithne; deeply regretted by his loving wife, daughters Bronwyn, Daragh and Jennifer, brother, sisters, son-in-law, grandchildren, relatives and friends.

Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. M.C.F

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Next Issue:


Tuesday, 28th December

NING : 20TH D before 5.30pm every Thursday, in order for the application to appear in the following issue of North County Leader. A receipt will be issued when your planning notice is received. Please retain this receipt as proof of submission.

Fingal County Council I, Michael and Laura Housley Intend to apply for Planning Permission for A.two storey extension to side B.all associated site works to side of No 66A The Chantries, Balbriggan,Co Dublin. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy,at the offices of Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of a perscribed fee (20 euro) within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of reciept by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought for a residential development for 4 no. detached dwellings with detached garages, the proposed dwellings will be 2.5 storey with attic accommodation, the site is located at Kinsealy Lane, Malahide, Co. Dublin. The proposed development forms part of the Broomfield Local Area Plan. Planning Permission is also sought for a new vehicular access road and footpath from Kinsealy Lane, associated site development works, landscaping and boundary treatments. The development will also be served by a new proposed foul sewer to link the site to the Swords Road, Malahide as follows: 2.2kms of (110mm diameter rising main) sewer from Connolly Avenue pumping station to Back Road, to Malahide Road (R107) and onto Swords Road (R106). Applicants: C & M. Crawford, C. Crawford, G. Crawford and L. Crawford. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject

to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council I, C. Cash intend to apply for permission for development at this site address: Khufu, Ballykea, Loughshinny, Co.Dublin.The development will consist of the construction of new pitched tiled roof on existing single storey flat roof dwelling .The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during the public opening hours of 9.30 – 16.30 Monday – Friday at : Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords,Fingal, Co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the Application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of a fee of €20, within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the Application, and such submission or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions , or may refuse to grant permission. Fingal County Council We McEnaney Construction Ltd (in Receivership) intend to apply for Permission for development at this site at No. 3 Drogheda Street & No. 2 Mill Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of modifications to already approved retail unit under Reg. Ref. F06A/1434 as follows; replace previously approved entrance door at junction of Drogheda Street & Mill Street with fixed window, the sole entrance to the subject retail unit will be from the existing entrance at No.2 Mill Street and all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (EUR 20.00) within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the application.

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Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders


Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are

Household Maintenance Repairs From €10 Change your Kitchen Taps: Supplied & Fitted €85 All kitchen repairs All Household Maintenance done including:


North County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas: Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush, Loughshinny, Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate, Swords, Kinsealy, Malahide and Portmarnock

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North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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