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11th December 2012 • Volume 19, Issue 40 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 •
Heartwarming Generosity Of North County Residents In the aftermath of Budget 2013, and the consequent hardship it will bring to many people, it is indeed heartening to be in a position to report on the extraordinary generosity of residents of the North County. Some charitable agencies in the local area have spoken to the County Leader, praising the selflessness of our citizens. Christmas is a time that brings the best out in people and according to local charity activists, a definite change is evident in the kind of donations made to people in need. Denis Barry, who is President of St Finian’s Conference of St Vincent de Paul and his wife Phyllis who is Secretary of the Conference, from River Valley in Swords spoke to the County Leader about the ‘astounding generosity’ of local people, as well as the vital contribution made by schools in the area. Denis said, “Unfortunately, there is more demand for our services than ever before. Last year was up by 38 per cent on the previous year, and we’re up a further 20 per cent this year alone. Indeed, many of our former contributors are now recipients of the service, where both jobs have been lost.” Phyllis, spoke about the humanity and kindness of people. “In recessionary times, people who have money are inclined to think of the less fortunate. Locals are now inclined to concentrate on home based charities rather than overseas ones. The generosity of people knows no bounds. Without this, it couldn’t work,” she said.
By Patrick Finnegan They spoke about a discernible change in the type of food being collected in recent times. “The quality of food has increased dramatically. We are now getting more than just tins of beans. There’s a more luxurious type of food, with tins of biscuits, tins of sweets and little treats. There is also an increase in the amount of breakfast cereals and tea bags, which are essential for people with children,” said Phyllis. They showed me the food collection for one night only, which filled an entire room in their house - such was the generosity of the local community. Many shops contribute to the cause and Denis spoke about the Rotary Club of Dublin Fingal who have been amazed at the generous monetary contributions from locals. Their collection buckets have been very well supported at JC’s Supermarket in Swords. President of the Rotary Club, Dave Murray said “we are very happy with how well our collection was received by the shoppers at JC’s, people really dug deep for this very worthwile cause.” A similar situation was reported from Balbriggan, where President of St Peter and Paul Conference of St Vincent de Paul, Dermot Murray thanked the people of the area for their exceptional generosity. “I wish to thank the people of Balbriggan, the scouts and girl guides, as well as schoolchildren and their teachers, all of whom have been marvellous. It’s so encouraging to see the amount of food contributed by the schools,” he said. Other
Denis and Phyllis Barry are pictured with the exceptional food donations for one night's collection for St Vincent de Paul
local charities, including Supervalu in Boroimhe, which is the drop off point for the 2FM Toy Appeal, has been very successful. Lions Clubs throughout the North County collect the food, which is then distributed by St Vincent de Paul. “This makes a huge difference,” said Denis “Denis Barry spoke about the highlights of being involved with his charity. “What gives us the greatest satisfaction is when we deliver hampers at night and the door is answered by the father or mother. Suddenly, four little faces at varying heights appear and focus on the hamper. That’s what brings it home to us and makes it all worthwhile, to see the little faces filled with delight and wonder,” he concluded.
Free Parking To Bring Festive Cheer To Shoppers There was great news for hard pressed shoppers in the North County, with the news that free parking will be available in Swords, Malahide, Balbriggan, Skerries and Rush in the lead up to Christmas. The County Council’s Pay and Display areas will be available free of charge on Saturday 15th and Saturday 22nd December. This initiative was introduced in a bid to encourage residents to shop local and support local retailers in the lead up to Christmas.
County Manager, The news was also David O’Connor said welcomed by local “The Council are keen councillors, Darragh to support local busiButler, and Tom nesses and to O’Leary. Butler said, encourage people to “This should help do their Christmas encourage shoppers shopping in their to shop local and locality, supporting should benefit town jobs and local main streets and retailers. We work County Manager, David town centres that O’Connor closely with local find it difficult to Chambers of Commerce and are compete against large out of delighted to offer this pilot free town retail centres. Pay and Display initiative in the O’Brien went on to state that he lead up to Christmas.” had been working on these
proposals with the Malahide Chamber of Commerce and local Malahide businesses and he was delighted to see the local authority agree to these measures. Butler stated that he believed this was really positive news for Swords Main Street and once again encouraged shoppers to buy Irish and shop local and support our town centres. O’Leary said, This is a very welcome move by the County Council to assist local business and shoppers in the lead up to Christmas.”
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