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12th February 2013 • Volume 20, Issue 05 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • Tel: 8•400•200 •
Scepticism Surrounds Council’s Public Consultation Plans The latest update on the proposed Monster Sewage Plant is that the County Council will commence an environmental assessment of the review of their sludge management plan. This assessment however, has been given a guarded welcome by a leading opponent of the siting of the proposed Monster Sewage Plant in the North County area. Lorcan O’Toole from Lusk Waste Watch told the County Leader, “We would welcome a review of the plans, as we are keenly aware of the need to plan for the sustainable treatment of all waste, including sludge. We have always supported the idea of each area treating it’s own sewage locally, with smaller regional wastewater treatment plants, like the one
Malahide Initiative Gets Underway Last December, a new ‘Malahide Public Realm Strategy’ project was developed to enhance Malahide Village. At a gazebo set up on the Diamond in Malahide, members from the County Council asked local residents and visitors questions about what they would like to see changed in Malahide. The questionnaire also provided the opportunity for members of the public to write down any general thoughts or comments on the village. The responses received are currently being analysed by the team and will help in the development of the Public Realm Strategy, aimed at improving the amenity and enjoyment of the village. The next stage of the strategy will focus on meeting with stakeholders in the Malahide area including local schools, businesses and groups to identify their suggestions for improvement. Speaking to the County Leader, Councillor Anthony Lavin (FG) said “This gives an opportunity for residents and visitors to engage with Malahide. We need to rejuvenate Malahide Village, particularly to repair the broken footpaths from uprooting trees.” “This is a welcome new initiative particularly for local traders in Malahide,” he continued. “There have been ongoing issues in the area surrounding parking and retail competition to neighbouring towns. Local businesses have also highlighted the need for town development and better linkage to Malahide Castle, to increase the tourism potential and footfall in the Village.” Over the coming months, the team will be holding workshops to bring together stakeholders and professionals to develop this strategy. The process is an opportunity for all members of the community to meet with the team and others, and to have their say. The Council has emphasised that it wants active participation by as many residents as possible, so keep your eyes open for the next part of this process.
claims that, “SEA is a By Patrick Finnegan process that ensures operating in Donabate, as a case in point.” He that significant environcontinued, “The building of a Monster Sewage Plant mental effects arising in Lusk has no benefit for locals. I can look out at one from policies, plans and of the preferred sites from my window here and the programmes are identionly ‘benefit’ I will get from it is the smell. I still have fied, assessed and mitito pay tax on my septic tank. It’s sickening to think gated. It also ensures that not one house north of Dublin Airport will have that opportunities for their sewage treated in this proposed plant,” he said. public involvement are The Council will commence a Strategic provided. SEA is an Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the review of the important instrument Sludge Management (SMP) Plan for the entire North that helps achieve County region in the coming months. The current sustainable developSMP was completed in 2002 and made proposals for ment in public planning dealing with sludge arising in the area from a and policy making. A number of sources, including Agriculture, Industry, Draft SMP and associ- Skerries girl and former North County Leader Sales Representative, Erika Fitzmaurice celebrated her wedding to Joseph Ward last Friday. The reception was at Knightsbrook Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment. ated SEA Environmental Hotel, Trim. The statement from the Greater Dublin Drainage, Report will be made which is a County Council initiative said, “The 2002 available for public SMP made recommendations for the treatment of consultation in the coming months during which sludge arising from the wastewater treatment plants time public open days will be held and feedback which were existing or planned in the county at that welcomed’. time. The SMP needs to be reviewed in the current This presents another bone of contention for context, including the proposal for a new Regional O’Toole, who is doubtful about the the Council’s Wastewater Treatment commitment to listening Plant as part of the to people. “I welcome Greater Dublin Drainage any public consultation project. and any opportunity for O’Toole, however takes the public to get issue with the Council involved, but I’m scephere. “They are taking tical due to their track for granted that the record. We can only Monster Sewage Plant hope that the public will be built in the North consultation will be County area, but I’m a more meaningful and bit puzzled about how genuine than the cynical they can plan without sham of the so-called knowing the location of public consultation the proposed plant, or Chairman of Lusk Waste Watch, Lorcan O'Toole is pictured conducted by Greater indeed the certainty that at home studying the Greater Dublin Drainage plans for a Dublin Drainage previit will be built at all.” Strategic Environmental Assessment of the review of the ously,” he concluded. The local authority Sludge Management Plan
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