North County Leader 12 April 2011

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WIN WIN WIN! Tickets to Ideal Home Show 2011 See Page 25

North County Roses Profiled See Page 23

WIN WIN WIN! Your Pure Escape in the North County See Page 8

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Tuesday, 19th April

Your Quality Local Newspaper We deliver A registered newspaper at the G.P.O.

12th April 2011 • Volume 18, Issue 10 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200

Loved T Ones Found

here was widespread relief in the North County at the news that the bodies of the two missing fishermen, Ronan Browne and David Gilsenan were recovered after exhaustive searches by hundreds of volunteers. The moment the two men failed to return to Skerries after their boat, The Lady Linda overturned in bad weather, a huge search operation was put in place. Whilst this is a tragedy of huge proportions, the fact that the two bodies were recovered at the same time will be of great consolation to the families and friends, who were able to give their loved ones a Christian burial. David Gilsenan (41), a father of two children was buried in Whitestown cemetery in Rush on Monday, while Ronan Browne (26), who was only married last October, was laid to rest today (Tuesday) in Ardla cemetery in Skerries. The last week or so has gone a long way to restoring one’s faith in humanity and, particularly the undying community spirit of North County residents. The reaction of people of all ages was to spring into action in whatever way they could. This appalling tragedy prompted a display of compassion, empathy and

solidarity, and brought out the very best in people. Groups responded by combing inlets and coves all along the coast in an effort to locate the unfortunate men. This tragedy touched the hearts of everyone and volunteer groups set out in pleasure crafts up and down the coastline. Families identified with the heartbreak of the fishermen’s families left no stone unturned, as they explored clifftops in an attempt to spot something which could provide a vital piece of information. This never say die spirit is typical of residents of the North County and comes as no surprise. This unbeatable spirit was most evident when an appeal for fuel was sent out. This triggered a series of impromptu fundraisers, coffee mornings and non uniform days, by concerned people from all areas of the North County. A total in excess of €80,000 was raised for fuel and it is safe to assume that the response of local residents, in rallying to this call, played a huge part in the recovery of the bodies. This outpouring of support and solidarity from all quarters of the North County will, hopefully, prove to be a pillar of strength for the distraught families as they attempt to come to terms with their terrible loss.

Local Fundraisers Many local fundraising events have taken place over the past few days to help to supply fuel for trawler men in their heroic efforts to locate the two men. Thousands of people took part in a Walk of Solidarity in Skerries on Wednesday, 6th April last in a huge outpouring of

By Patrick Finnegan

support for the families of the two fishermen. The crowd was estimated to be between 5,000 and 8,000 in size. It started at Red Island and continued through the town, past the harbour and back again, a distance of about five kilometres. Pupils from Rush National

School who raised an incredible €4,175 in one day to support the fuel fund. Principal, Margaret Dobbinson told the County Leader about how the collection started. “I was approached by one of the pupils to hold a raffle. It was then decided to hold a non-uniform day instead

Pictured are the students from Rush National School, who managed to collect a staggering €4,175 in one day for fuel to help local fishermen continue their search for Ronan Browne and David Gilsenan. From left, Tadhg Hegarty, Aoife Smith Harford, Principal Margaret Dogginson, Shauna Dobbinson and Alex Benson.

and the children went around the classrooms with buckets and some had to return for new buckets, such was the response,” she said. “This is typical of the generosity of the parents who have always been very responsive to any call for assistance. The money was immediately sent to the fishermen’s families. In another local fundraiser, Rush resident, Anne McCloone held a Coffee Morning in her home and managed to collect a staggering €5,000 for the fund. Another heart-warming fundraiser came from the staff of Geo Operations in Google, Ireland, where Ronan’s wife, Linda is employed. They felt that as an office and as a community, they needed to help as much as possible in support for their friend and colleague, Linda. They have donated a total of €1,043.90 to the fuel fund.

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Top Class Community Facility For Thornleigh By Patrick Finnegan There was great news for the community of Thornleigh in Swords last week, with the announcement that a new multi-purpose facility for the area has been given the green light. The local authority and the Department of Education have sanctioned the new facility, which is part of Phase Two extension to Thornleigh Educate Together National School. The new extension is 595 square metres in size and will be as big as the existing school. It will house an 11 a-side soccer pitch, as well as a dance studio, creche facility, servery and offices. The new facility will be available to


North County Leader 12th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

the local community after school hours, which will be a tremendous boost for the Thornleigh and Applewood areas. School principal, Paula Carolan was delighted with the news and told the County Leader, “We will have 184 pupils, up to 3rd class in the school for next September, with a total of 300 expected to be catered for when the new extension is complete. It will include 10 more classrooms, a library and resource area. The work is expected to begin in early 2012 and the 32 week build is expected to be completed in September 2012.” “This will be great for the community and will help to solve the problem of anti-social behaviour in the area, as the youngsters will now have full use of this magnificent community facility,” said Ms. Carolan. The facility will also include a new landscaped area to add further to this much needed project.

Tremendous Success For Portrane Hockey Club

Pictured with the plans for the new extension for Thornleigh Educate Together National School are Principal Paula Carolan, Secretary Veronica O'Reilly, with pupils Tyler Melia and Callum Dunne.

The success of Portrane Hockey Club has brought praise from local TD, Brendan Ryan (Lab). He said, “I would like to pass on my congratulations to Portrane Hockey Club on their resounding win in the Irish Challenge Cup Final, beating Kilkenny 6-2. The success of Adrian Henchy and his team, bringing the Challenge Cup to Portrane for the first time in the club’s history, is a wonderful achievement for the club. He continued, “With a new playing facility under construction in Donabate, the future looks very bright for Portrane Hockey Club. I wish the management, players and supporters every success as they move the club forward and I’m sure the Challenge Cup win will act as a springboard for the club to return to the upper echelons of Leinster Hockey.”

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Advertising .............................Marian Charles General Manager ...................Mubashar Hafeez Editorial ..................................Patrick Finnegan & Leslie Murphy Head of Production................Seán Fitzmaurice Managing Editor.....................Gerry Fitzmaurice Printers...................................MCP - Navan Published by ..........................Seel Publishing Ltd. Advertising

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North County Leader 12th April 2011

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Council Slammed For Ignoring Balbriggan Eyesore

Donabate Student’s Selfless Trek For Charity By Julie Murphy

By Noel Greene The appalling condition of Bremore Castle in Balbriggan is causing concern among local residents, who believe that the local authority is ignoring their calls for improvement works to be carried out. Chairman of Cardy Rock Residents Association, Garrett Mullen has spoken out about Chairman of Cardy Rock Residents Association, Garrett Mullan is pictured at Bremore Castle, Balbriggan which is causing safety concerns for local residents. Pic: NG the amount of time it has taken to restore the castle. The Residents Association believe that the local authority are of this amenity. “Many people bought their homes close to the putting projects in Malahide ahead of ones in Balbriggan. castle, as it was earmarked as an attraction and investment in the “Bremore Castle is in need of an investment, far more than town of Balbriggan. The town is seriously lacking in amenities.” Malahide Castle, which has just been given money for upgrade There are over 40 different nationalities living in Cardy Rock works,” he said. “We have stopped asking the council for things, and Garrett sees the huge opportunity which is being lost to the because we were told there was no money available. We were area. “Visiting family members, friends and relatives would furious when we heard that Malahide Castle had been given a love to visit the castle and would use the grounds as a place huge investment, which, quite frankly we find insulting,” he said. where their kids could let off steam and have family picnics etc. “This once beautiful castle and its neglected grounds are now an We have no real sport centre or swimming pool for children. We eyesore and a safety hazard for local youths who hang out would love to have the castle grounds as a picnic area, but not in there,” said Garrett. He went on to explain the initial attraction its present state,” he said.

Fourth Green Flag For Balrothery School The pupils and staff of St. Oliver Plunkett’s NS in Balrothery were extremely proud to receive their fourth Green Flag at a recent Awards Ceremony in Croke Park recently. The school received the flag for exploring the theme of Travel in relation to the environment. A Travel Green School’s Committee was set up in the school, with representatives from 3rd-6th class. The children, with the aid of the staff and a representative from An Taisce, brainstormed and came up with lots of exciting new ideas to implement

in the school. The main aim was to make everyone aware of the environmentally friendly methods of travelling, like walking, cycling, bus, parking and striding and car pooling. The target was to tackle the amount of cars coming to the school every day. As some of the children live quite a substantial distance from the school, practical allowances had to be made for this. The park and stride option was a brilliant idea to get these students and parents out of their cars for at least a percentage of their journey. Some of the

other activities and initiatives in the school include: WOW (Walk on Wednesday) and COW (Cycle on Wednesday) Days, a brand new bike shed to keep bikes safe and dry, a visit from a local ‘bike-doctor’, travel-themed workshops from an Taisce, Cycling Training in the School Yard, a Green Schools Rap/Art Competition and much much more. Both pupils and staff were very excited and enthusiastic about undertaking the Travel theme and it was all hands on deck in achieving it! There will be a special flag-raising ceremony later in the school year to mark the momentous occasion.

Piers Ryan, a Transition year student from Donabate will travel to Tanzania in June to tackle one of the world’s highest mountains, Mount Kilimanjaro. Piers is a former pupil of St Patrick’s Boys National School in Donabate and the school recently held a “Cash for Clothes” event in order to raise much needed funds for this expedition. All money raised by Piers Piers Ryan and his fellow team mates from Belvedere College will go to the Oncology unit at Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin. Piers and the 12 boys taking part in this challenge visited some of the children at the

3 hospital a few weeks ago and Piers is hoping that the people in his local community will see this trek as worthwhile and will support the charity in any way they can. All costs of the trip will be covered by Piers and his family in order to allow all money raised to benefit the children in Our Lady’s Hospital. The team of 13 boys and three mentors will leave Dublin for Africa on June 12th and it is estimated that the trek to the summit can take seven to ten days. Altitude sickness and harsh weather conditions, as the group near the summit, will present difficulties for many, but the boys have been in training at weekends and to date, have been away climbing Croagh Patrick, training in the Wicklow Mountains and most recently, climbing Slieve Foy in Carlingford. Over the Easter break they will be climbing Carrantuohill in Co. Kerry.

Pictured at the presentation of the fourth Green Flag for St Oliver Plunkett's School, Balrothery are L-R, Lousie Cassidy (Nestle), Diarmuid Kennedy, (Wrigley), Lauren Murphy (6th Class student), Adele Mc Hale (teacher), Moses Lubanzadio (5th Class student), Edwina Dunford (County Council) and Sandra Flavin (An Taisce).


North County Dublin’s


Portmarnock Photographer Promotes Media Fund Media projects which promote a positive image of Africa will be considered favourably by the Simon Cumbers Media Fund. This is an initiative to increase public understanding of

global development issues. Details were announced by the Minister for State for Trade and Development, Jan O’Sullivan. Simon Cumbers Media Fund applicant, photographer

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and Portmarnock resident, Kim Haughton, said; “the Simon Cumbers Media Fund is a great initiative offering photographers and journalists the opportunity to travel to developing countries to highlight humanitarian issues to an Irish audience that would otherwise go unreported.” The aim of the fund is to promote more and better quality coverage of development issues in the Irish media. Journalists are invited to submit proposals for coverage of a development issue, which will involve travel

OWLS Kicks Off For Swords Pupils

Pictured at the launch of the Simon Cumbers Media Fund are Portmarnock photographer and former fund applicant, Kim Haughton and Minister of State for Trade and Development, Jan O’Sullivan.

to a developing country. Under the Simon Cumber Media Fund, members of the media are assisted

with travel, accommodation and other ancillary costs that are associated with travelling abroad to cover a story.

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By Leslie Murphy

children are less aware of living things around them. In fact, very few can name ten birds or five common mammals nowadays. OWLS stands for Outdoor Wildlife Learning Survival and is a children’s nature education and awareness organisation that is focused on raising environmental awareness in young children and their families. OWLS is about giving the children of today the opportunity to learn and enjoy the outdoors in a supportive environment whilst providing a unique learning experience in and with nature. Over the next few weeks, different schools in the North County will also take part in this great initiative. Pictured are 4th class students of St Colmcille’s Girls’ National School, Swords are pictured at Swords Castle on a day out, as a part of the OWLS initiative.

Fashionable Swords Students Students from Loreto College in River Valley, Swords have been chosen to represent the East in the National Final of ‘Junk Kouture’, a competition where students must design high couture fashion from waste products. Students from Loreto College entered three costumes into the competition with all three progressing to the eastern semi final, which was held recently at Killashee House Hotel in Naas. The girls were up against tough competition, with over 80 semi-finalists competing, but their journey was not wasted as they secured one of the 15 eastern spots in the national final. The final will be held in the Burlington Hotel on April 17th. Pictured are Loreto College, Swords students have been chosen to represent the East in the National Final of Junk Kouture. The successful students (pictured) are Tara Flanagan (Model & Artist), Julie Fitzsimons (Designer & Artist), Rebecca Murray (Assistant Model & Artist) and Denise Feerick (Artist). Pic: JR

Essence Bistro in Swords has decided to hold a 'Country Themed Evening' on the first Monday of every month. On Monday, 4th April last, the theme was a French one with the finest French wines and cuisine enjoyed by all. Next month's theme is Australian and it promises to be a great success. Pictured getting special service from Ian Montgomery of Essence are, Helena O'Connell, Lia Burns, Michael Burns, Coleman Mannion and Dorothy Mannion.

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St Colmcille’s Girls National School, Swords have become involved in a new project called OWLS. Pupils from 4th class recently went on a walk throughout Swords, visiting many of the areas that still boast some beautiful natural areas including Swords Park and Castle. Many adults remember their childhoods with hours spent in a world of make-believe. In the park, searching for treasure or building secret dens that could protect you from anything, on the beach or even fields that surrounded your home. There are not as many areas these days and children are not able to experience these adventures at a young age, due to the perceptions of danger, such as the roads, the risk of strangers or the unknown within a natural area. As a result,

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North County Leader 12th April 2011

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North County Leader 12th April 2011

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Having a party?... Call Us Now On: 8•400•200 Don’t Forget To Tag Your Photo! Visit our facebook page:

Let us know and we’ll send one of our photographers to capture your special night!

It was first night out in the Cock Tavern, Swords for Nicola after the birth of her new baby,. Pictured from left are, Tony Pepper, Nicola Pepper, Jayne Purdy, Devora EMcQ Edwards and Shane Kenny.

Pictured at the 30th birthday party for Patrick Carroll Jr, in The Lord Mayor's, Swords are, Patrick Carroll Sr., Annie Carroll, Patrick Carroll Jr. and Margaret Carroll. EMcQ

The 22nd birthday party for Karolina Majewska was held in The Old Boro, Swords recently. Pictured from left are, Marta Majewska, Aoife Creevey, Karolina Majewska, Cathal Hughes, Jenny Snook and Jordan Dennis. EMcQ

Aisling Mulligan held her 21st birthday party in The Harp Lounge, Swords recently. Pictured enjoying the celebrations are, Laura Carolan, Aisling Mulligan, Niamh Ryan and Karen MacCallion. EMcQ

Pictured at the christening party for their baby son, Daniel in The Harp Lounge, Swords are proud parents, Ann Marie Sherlock and Robert Callaghan. EMcQ

Pictured at a party in The Old Boro, Swords is Dennis Grant with two of his granddaughters, Amy O'Keeffe and Rebecca O'Keeffe. EMcQ

Marie Meehan held her Hen Night in The Old Boro, Swords recently. Pictured enjoying the night are, Stephanie Redmond, Anita Bolton, Edele Myers, Marie Meehan, Melissa Redmond, Rachel Dobbyne, Louise Murray and Anne-Marie O'Sullivan. EMcQ A party was held in The Old Boro Swords for Mandy Healy, who's leaving her position in Dunnes Stores Donaghmede after a long stretch there, many of her colleagues came out in good cheer to give her a proper send-off. Pictured here from left to right are Sarah Creenane, Louise Dore, Jessica Clarke, Michelle O'Dowd, Darren O'Brien, Niamh Judd, Bryan Cudden, Mandy Healy and Daniel Murphy. EMcQ

Pictured at a night out in The Old Boro for staff of The Gourmet Food Parlour Ballyboughal are, Lauren Clarke, Lorna Flynn, Mary Rooney, Lidja Salina, Nadia Pohankova, Jenny Whyte and Ita McKittrick. EMcQ Friends, David Kelly, Michael Keating and Shane Hogan are pictured celebrating their 21st birthdays in Skerries Rugby Club recently. DD

Pics: Eoghan McQuinn & Declan Doyle

North County Leader 12th April 2011

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North County Newspaper

Oh how the years fly by!. Balbriggan has changed dramatically in the last 10 years, but it's good to know that you're still spoilt for choice at Echo. Originally two separate shops, mens and ladies, in different premises, we amalgamated 10 years ago and haven't looked back Janice Allen Adrian Allen since. It's great having everything under one roof, as the two businesses what our customers tell us they want. We spend complement each other so well and is great a lot of time looking for the most exciting, yet for customers too, as couples can shop wearable collections around and deliver them at the keenest prices. We shop around so our together. customer doesn't need to,” said Janice Allen, coThe shop is really bright and spacious, so it owner. ”We have deliveries of new stock weekly throughout the year, so there's always something provides a comfortable new in store. We know our space to browse over customer is looking for our exciting selection of something a little bit different, labels at your leisure. which is why we stock labels Providing the very that you won't see everybest in customer where on the high street. service is paramount Indeed all our brands are to our business. Our exclusive to us in the town. Its friendly and experiall about being stylish, without enced staff are always being a slave to fashion, as the ready to help you, famous Coco Chanel once whether its matching remarked, "fashion fades, only the right shirt and tie style remains the same.” Brands for a suit, or finding stocked at Echo include, Lipsy, that all important perfect pair of jeans Diesel, Vichi, Henleys, for your shape. We also provide an alteration Glamourous, Rant and Rave, Gionni, Laundry service, so that's one less hassle for you.! Room and more.!” “Our many loyal customers appreciate the personal service they get at Echo and coupled “Independent retailers, in general, are in a with the relaxed atmosphere, and of course, up position to offer the customer so much more to the minute fashion, its what keeps them by simply listening to their needs and reacting coming back for more! "We feel we've been quicker than chain stores aimed at the mass successful over the years because we listen to market,” said Adrian Allen, co-owner.

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North County Dublin’s


North County Leader 12th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

Important Information On Slipped Discs Slipped Discs are more properly called Prolapsed Discs. The discs are the shock absorbers between the bones (vertebrae) in your spine. They consist of a tough, fibrous outer coat and a softer gel like substance on the inside. What happens is that the outer fibres tear and allow the nucleus to protrude. They are popularly called ‘Slipped Discs’ . If you are unlucky, the protruding disc material will touch one of the nerves coming out from the spinal cord, sending pain down the leg. It is not the physical pressure on the nerve which causes most of the pain but the body’s reaction, that is both inflammation and also your own immune system attacking the disc material because it is unfamiliar. What causes it? Either a severe trauma, for example a car accident or twisting while lifting injury. However, many patients will visit the clinic saying, “All I did was bend down to open the drawer and this happened.” The truth is that back injuries do not occur through such simple activities. Chiropractors are trained to take and read X-rays which are often very useful in the diagnosis process and help the patient to understand the problem. For more information visit Dr. Jefferson Enderly from Enderly Chiropractic at

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Pictured are the Mothers Day Competition winners at the Pavilions Shopping Centre, Denise and Mark O’Connor from Skerries, with Centre Director, Ian Hunter.

Local Authority Responds To Sporting Fingal Claims In response to our article last week about the council’s decision to grant contracts to Sporting Fingal players a mere week before the club folded, has provoked the following response from the local authority. “Sporting Fingal F C Ltd is the vehicle whereby the football club Sporting Fingal administered its affairs. That club ceased trading and commenced wind-down proceedings in mid-January 2011. It is understood that these proceedings are continuing and that those with claims for outstanding or overdue payments may make them to that company as is normal in such situations. Fingal County Council has no responsibility for matters that properly belong wholly with Sporting Fingal FC. Deputy (at that point Councillor) Daly did submit questions and motions as described, the most recent during the Budget 2011 meeting in November 2010 where she was advised again that Fingal County Council had not contributed funding to Sporting Fingal FC as to do so from the Rates levied on business would have been wholly inappropriate. In response to a question at an Area Committee around the same time as to any outstanding debt to the Council in respect of Sporting Fingal she was advised that there was a debt in the region of €6,000 in respect of the use of Morton Stadium but that it was understood that the club would be in funds by year-end sufficient to discharge that debt. The circumstances that may cause the former players to have monetary claims on Sporting Fingal FC Ltd were and remain completely outside the remit or responsibility of Fingal County Council. No such claims have been made to the Council to date and, were they to be so made, the Council will vigourously contest such claims for which it has no legal responsibility. The Council very much regrets the demise of the initiative to establish and develop the Sporting Fingal entity that held such promise in the use of sport to develop and consolidate communities as only sport can. The economic circumstances that beset the country are the sole and primary reason that made it impossible that the venture could continue,” it concluded.

A Pure Escape sunrise in Swords

The winner of North County Leader's weekly Facebook Photographic competition in association with Pure Escape Beauty Salon is Paul Gallagher from Swords. Paul is presented with his prize by Sandra Masterson of Pure Escape alongside Leslie Murphy of North County Leader.

North County Leader are offering budding and amateur photographers a fantastic opportunity to win a voucher for a massage for the boys or a facial for the ladies at the leading local beauty spa, Pure Escape to the value of €100, and receive fantastic recognition for their photography skills. To be in with a chance of winning this fantastic weekly prize all you have to do is 1. Take a picture of your favourite place in North County Dublin, 2. Post it on our Facebook wall ( 3. Email us the original of the picture to with your contact telephone number and the location of your picture.

Terms & Conditions: You must “like” North County Leader’s Facebook page and post your picture on our wall. You must email your picture with the name of the location to Winners must be willing to be photographed receiving their prize. North County Leader reserve the right to publish your picture in the Newspaper, online or in ancillary publications. Competition is open to amateur photographers only, professional submissions will not be considered.


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North County Leader 12th April 2011

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New Businesses To Open In Swords A number of jobs could be created shortly with the news that a number of new businesses are set to open in a well known Swords building. Up to seven companies will begin trading at the former Swords Hardware store on Main Street when it’s subdivided into four retail units and three offices. Among the businesses taking up residence are a restaurant, clothing store and insurance brokers and talks are continuing with other established businesses. The local authority granted planning permission for the subdivision of the existing unit in February and fit-out works are scheduled to commence in the coming days. The premises has been unoccupied since Swords Hardware ceased trading in November 2008 and was Well known Swords Hardware store which originally on the market for €8m . However, it’s understood the units has been given the go ahead to house a are set to be leased with interest high in what is a prime retail locanumber of new businesses. tion. Fingal Dublin Chamber CEO, Tony Lambert, told the County Leader, “The Chamber welcomes this development on this site on the Main Street in Swords. It was a thriving business site for many years and will be again the creator of new jobs. New jobs are always very welcome but in this instance it will create more business activity that will benefit all. This is really tremendous news and the chamber very much welcomes this project going ahead.” he said.

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Writes Siobhán Kinsella We regularly talk about the preparation that is needed to get you that elusive job. Today we will focus on those still in employment that have gone through significant change. Most organisations at this point have reduced headcount and changed work practices. In times of recession merger and acquisition activity significantly increases. Sometimes the owning company cannot trade through even though the business is viable. Companies’ ability to source injections of capital from traditional sources such as the banks are rare at present. Companies often enter acquisition mode to benefit from economies of scale from the acquisition of complementary businesses. What effect does

North County Dublin

Swords Area







Breakdown of distribution and sales figures of Local newspapers in North County Dublin

Paid For




735 * 5,000

7,000 13,500

Balbriggan Area


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* 7,600

Malahide / Portmarnock Area

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North County Leader’s Weekly Helpful Guide For Jobseekers

Who Likes Change?

North County Leader 12th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

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Door to Door Delivery


this have on you the remaining employee? Team members can help with stability in times of transition. Firstly your role was retained because it is of value to the company. It is vitally important that you remember that change is not always bad. If your team or company is to grow into something sustainable and enjoyable it needs your positive input. This is important regardless of your role. Focus on the positives; it rubs off on your colleagues. Communicate, this helps fight the feelings of worry and isolation. Effective positive communication is one of the greatest gifts you can give your colleagues and your employer. Remember to enjoy your work and your team environment. Retain the competition element of your interaction. Sales, productivity and effectiveness is the best protection of your role. Those remaining in the company should remember that an investment was made so that the company has a

future. You have as much of a responsibility to make your current situation work as your current or new employer. Positive attitudes are empowering in addition to giving you energy and a desire to get out of bed and make the best of the day ahead. Siobhan Kinsella is Manager of CPL and Flexsource Solutions with responsibility for the Fingal area. She is a Director of Fingal Dublin Chamber of Commerce & Drinan Enterprise centre. Siobhan is also an active member of the Rotary Club of Dublin Fingal




* 1,000 7,300


735 * 1,000 3,600

735 * 3,600



Estimation based on total ABC audited sales figures (3,677) diveded evenly across 5 distribution areas

Huge Holiday Entitlements Of Top Council Staff Senior staff in the County Council are enjoying 34 days annual leave with one privilege day at Easter. This figure of 35 days does not include the normal

public holidays, amounting to a further nine days off per year. This equates to almost twice the annual entitlement of people in the private sector, who are enti-

tled to 20 days annual leave. There is now huge pressure on the Department of the Environment to ensure that all local authorities leave is

Accounts Administrator Full time position available in a small busy polymer distribution company based in Donabate. Responsibilities will include: • Debtors & Credit Control • Processing sales • Purchase orders • Month end duties including stock reconciliation Previous experience in this area or with similar responsibilities would be an advantage. The candidate needs to be numerate, have experience of Microsoft Excel, Outlook and Word and will work with an in-house accounts package. Interpersonal skills are essential. Ability to work independently is a pre-requisite. Attractive package and working conditions available for the right candidate. Please reply confidentially with covering letter and CV by April 25th indicating current or previous salary and a brief explanation as to why you believe you would be suitable for this role. Please send CV to: Unit 1 Block 8, Ballisk Court, Donabate, Co. Dublin

standardised in light of the IMF directive that public service pay and entitlements are reformed. The local council’s annual leave entitlements are not the highest in the country, but they are fairly generous on a national scale. The Department of the Environment said that entitlements were arranged by the respective County Managers at a local level over the years. Talk about reform of the public sector has been on the agenda for many years and is an area where movement is very slow. Should the IMF crack the whip, the officials at the County Council will be forced to accept more realistic leave entitlements, w h i c h will bring them more in line with everyone else.

New Warhammer Club In Malahide Library A new Warhammer Club has started at Malahide Library for children aged 11 and over. Learn how to capture, control, seize ground, annihilate and paint. If you have figures, please bring them along. Further information from the library at 01-8704430.

North County Leader 12th April 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of


O’Brien Slams Varadkar Over Metro North Senator Darragh O’Brien (FF) has expressed his anger and disappointment at the decision of the Minister for Transport, Leo Varadkar not to approve the enabling works for Metro North. It is now included in a review of transport projects already planned, delaying critical infrastructure investment and job creation. There are three transport projects for Dublin, including Metro North and local Minister Varadkar said it is impossible for them all to be sanctioned. The genuine fear now is that Metro North will be shelved, despite the project costing €135 million to date. A decision is expected to be made in September. O’Brien blasted Fine Gael for their hesitation in sanctioning Metro North and said, ‘This is worrying, particularly for Swords and it looks like they are reneging on their pre election promises. James Reilly promised that the project would get the go ahead if they got to power. They need to live up to their election promises. Fianna Fail brought it to this level,

now the government needs to complete it. North is the most crucial infrastructural Minister Varadkar has simply made the project for Dublin city and North County wrong call here. The North County needs area. The job creation potential during Metro North and it should be construction and afterwards is built. He’s missing the point unrivalled anywhere in the entirely, as a lack of commitcountry. It is vital that the key ment and certainty from the new decision makers realise the Government to this project benefits accruing from the could bring that exact scenario project. The Chamber fully about.” endorses the project and looks In emphasising the concerns forward to engaging with the from a business point of view, Government to ensure its O’Brien said, “Many businesses delivery," he said. in the North County have O’Brien concluded by saying, expressed their doubts to me Senator Darragh O’Brien “This is the fastest growing about the commitment of Fine county in Ireland and its Gael and Labour to this imporpopulation is set to double tant piece of infrastructure. Now the two over the next two decades to almost half a parties have thrown the project into serious million people. Building Metro North doubt. Far from committing to it, Metro is makes sense and Minister Varadkar should ‘under review.” be providing certainty around this project and Fingal Dublin Chamber CEO, Tony Lambert not fuelling doubt and uncertainty,” he supported the project when he said, Metro concluded.

North County Boys Bound For Europe Three young bowlers from the North County have qualified to represent Ireland in the European Youth Tenpin Bowling Championships in Munich, from the 15th to 25th of April. Kieran Grice from Swords, Matthew Kestell from Balrothery and Aidan Byrne from Portmarnock have been working towards representing their country for the last year and have had to participate in six domestic competi-

tions to achieve the necessary averages needed to take part. The team is completed by a fourth player, Taylor Nally from Raheny. They play on specially oiled lane conditions which bring more challenge into the game and they need to be familiar with many oil patterns on the lanes which can totally change the reaction of the ball bringing in a much greater level of skill needed. The range of

Pictured are the members of the Irish 10 Pin Bowling team to compete in the upcoming European Youth Team Championships in Munich. L-R, Matthew Kestell (Balrothery), Kieran Grice (Swords), Taylor Nally and Aidan Byrne (Malahide).

difficulty levels run from leisure, to sport to competitive conditions. They have all come through the ranks of the ALSAA bowling club situated at Dublin

Airport. This is a wonderful achievement for the club and demonstrates the standards that can be achieved within our locality. Here's hoping that


North County Newspaper

all their work will produce great results and they will benefit from an experience on the international stage no matter what.

Art Exhibition By Balbriggan Students By Jennifer Ryan Fifth Year Art students from Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan hosted an excellent art exhibition entitled “The Looking Glass.” The exhibition featured contemporary self portraits created by fifth year art students. These are based on the students visit to IMMA earlier in the year. The exhibit curators were students, Niamh Conway, Lesley Goulding, F a b i e n n e Renaudin and Laura Fitzpatrick. On entrance to the exhibition, the public were invited to "look closer" via a projection, situated on the side of the Loreto School. The message could only be read by viewing it from one particular angle. F a b i e n n e Renaudin focused her project on the

difference between herself and her twin who she is frequently mixed up with - their teeth! A i s l i n g McGloughlin used

her self portrait to show the inadequacies of language by projecting 54 d i f f e r e n t languages onto a plaster cast of her body, showing how body language can portray emotions when words cannot.

Pictured is Fabienne Renaudin, with her Art teacher, Luke Kilgarriff at the Art Exhibition at Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan recently. Pic: JR

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North County Dublin’s

Evan Batt is pictured after making his Confirmation recently. Also pictured are his mother Trish Batt, brother, Alan Batt and father Stuart.

Jordan Lynch from St Cronan's School, Brackenstown, made her Confirmation at St Cronan's Church recently. She is pictured here with her parents, Karen and Declan.


Rebecca Fitzgerald made her Confirmation at St Cronan's Church recently. She is pictured here with her father Michael and mother Jackie.

Laura Phelan is pictured here with her uncles John Farrell and John Phelan, on left, her father Jim Phelan, her mother, Linda, sister, Ella and grandmother, Betty Farrell.

Simona Ausraite from St Cronan's School, Brackenstown, made her Confirmation at St Cronan's Church recently. She is pictured here with her mother Ausra Ausriene, her father Zydzunas Ausra, Luga Ivanuaskiene and Raminta Ausraite.

Brothers, Declan Cullen and Dean Cullen made their Confirmations at St Cronan's Church recently. They are pictured here with their father, James and mother, Christine.

Ryan Kennedy made his Confirmation at St Cronan's Church recently. He is pictured here with his father Robert and mother Maria.

North County Leader 12th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

Pictured is Aaron Gibson who made his Confirmation at St Cronan's Church. He is pictured here with his mother, Sharon, dad Derek and sponsor, Damien Chalkey.

Rachel Dalton and Shauna Daly recently made their Confirmations at St Cronan's Church. Pictured from left are, Anne Martin, Rachel's grandmother, Rachel Dalton, Shauna Daly and Linda Dalton.

It was Roisin Murray's Confirmation day at St Cronan's Church recently. She is pictured here with her father, Francis Murray, mother Breda and brother, Michael.

It was Gavin Scanlon's Confirmation at St Cronan's Church recently. He is pictured here with his father Keith and mother Lisa Scanlon.

Pictured are Chloe Hayden, Katie Noctor and Reece O'Hanlon who made their Confirmations at St Cronan's Church.


Pictured is Kelly Oglesby who made her Confirmation at St Cronan's Church. She is pictured here with her mum, Jackie.

Sam Power made his Confirmation at St Cronan's Church recently. He is pictured here with his father, Tony and mother Donna.

Kate Breen recently made her Confirmation at St Cronan's Church. She is pictured here with her parents, Colm and Deirdre

Pictured is Dara Callaghan who made her Confirmation at St Cronan's Church recently. She is pictured here with her mother, Siobhan Callaghan.

North County Leader 12th April 2011

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North County Newspaper


The Dance Fitness Craze that’s sweeping the world now available from Stepping Out Ireland’s Premier Dance Fitness company Zumba is in 90,000 Locations Worldwide In 110 Countries with 10 million participants every week

Ditch The Workout

Join Us Now for the great

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Bop till you drop....a dress size that is! Dance your way to a lighter, tighter summer shape and banish those bikini blues

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No Year’s Membership - No Special Equipment Needed - Get Fit - Tone Up - Change Body Shape - Lose Weight - Increase Your Energy Levels - Brilliant Latin Music - Make New Friends - Learn To Dance The ZumbaÂŽ program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a ďŹ tness program that will blow you away. The goal is simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, to get hooked. ZumbaÂŽ Fanatics achieve long-term beneďŹ ts while experiencing an absolute blast in one exciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, aweinspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life! The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin Flavour and international zest into the mix and you’ve got a ZumbaÂŽ class! In the past years, the ZumbaÂŽ program has become nothing short of a revolution, spreading like wildďŹ re, and positioning itself as the single most inuential movement in the industry of ďŹ tness. ZumbaÂŽ is recognized by the world’s leading ďŹ tness educators, including The American Council on Exercise and The Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. ZumbaÂŽ is danced in line formation so partners are not required but like any party the more the merrier!! Stepping Out do offer great group discounts on pre booked groups, but feel free to come on your own. As of October 2010, the ZumbaÂŽ program is being taught at over 90,000 locations in 110 countries, with an astonishing 10 million participants taking Zumba classes every week.

Stepping Out Founder Sharon Tinkler

Pre-booked group of 5, the 5th person is FREE

10 Classes only₏100 You can burn off up to 600 calories while having the most fun you have ever had working out. As you would expect from Ireland’s largest Dance Company, all Stepping Out teachers are licensed ZumbaŽ instructors and all members of ZIN, ensuring you receive the best quality ZumbaŽ class delivered with the professionalism, humour, and special attention Stepping Out have become famous for. Please feel free to call us and allow us to explain why ZumbaŽ and Stepping Out will be your perfect dance partners.


Please be advised the Summer Shape Up classes book out very quickly so early booking is strongly recommended to avoid disappointment.

Venues in your area: FREE PARKING Alsaa Dublin Airport Sports Complex Commencing: Mon 18th April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba 9:00 - 10:00pm Salsa Slims - El Segundo Also Commencing: Tues 19th April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba 9:00 - 10:00pm Salsa Slims - El Dorado

Balbriggan Bracken Court Hotel Commencing: Thurs 21st April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba Skerries Rugby Club, Holmpatrick Commencing: Wed 20th April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba Clontarf Clontarf rugby & cricket club Commencing: Mon 18th April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba 9:00 - 9:00pm Zumba Donaghmede St Kevin’s Junior School, Newbrook Avenue Commencing: Tues 19th April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba Baggot Street Scoil Chaitriona CBS, 59 Lwr Baggot St Commencing: Mon 18th April 11 5:30 - 6:30pm Zumba 6:30 - 7:30pm Zumba Wynn’s Hotel Abbey Street Commencing: Tues 19th April 11 5:30 - 6:30pm Zumba 6:30 - 7:30pm Zumba

IFSC Clarion Hotel Commencing: Mon 18th April 11 6:30 - 7:30pm Zumba 7:30 - 8:30pm Zumba Castleknock St Francis Xavier senior school, Roselawn Commencing: Mon 18th April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba Citywest City West Hotel Commencing: Wed 27th April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba Glasnevin Na Fianna GAA Glasnevin, Mobhi Rd Commencing: Wed 20th April 11 6:00 - 7:00pm Zumba 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba Drogheda Boyne Valley Hotel Commencing: Wed 13th April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba Dundalk The Fairways, Dublin Rd Commencing: Tues 12th April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba Liffey Valley Clarion Hotel Commencing: Mon 18th April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba Malahide Malahide Rugby Club, Estuary Rd Commencing: Mon 18th April 11 7:00 - 8:00pm Zumba 8:00 - 9:00pm Zumba

As the classes ďŹ ll we do endeavour to put on extra classes at other times so if you are having trouble trying to book a place online please call us for updates on extra Once course places are reserved by credit card we cannot accept classes being run. cancellations as class numbers are limited.

“Zumba zooms to the top of the exercise world.â€? CNN “Dragging yourself to the gym to sweat on a treadmill on your day off just isn’t fun. That’s where Zumba comes in.â€? Cosmopolitan Magazine “Yes, workouts can be fun.â€? Time Magazine “A session of Zumba can feel like a trip to a nightclub.â€? The New York Times “The Stepping Out organisation runs a slick programme.â€? Irish Times “Sexerciseâ€? The Irish Independent “Most fun you can have with your clothes on.â€? Debbie Allen Q 102 “Leave your inhibitions at the door and have fun getting ďŹ t.â€? Sunday Business Post ZumbaÂŽ and Zumba FitnessÂŽ are registered trademarks of Zumba Fitness, LLC.

All Venues: Abbey Street, Baggot Street, Crumlin, Tallaght, Templeogue, Stillorgan, Rathmines, Lucan, Liffey Valley, Castleknock, Dublin Airport, Skerries, Balbriggan, Sandycove, Clontarf, Glasnevin, Chapelizod, Malahide, Shankill, Citywest, Rathfarnham, Donaghmede, Blackrock, IFSC, Drogheda, Dundalk, Waterford City, Dungarvan, Maynooth, Newbridge, Clane, Naas, Ferrycarrig, Gorey, New Ross, Enniscorthy, Greystones, Bray, Wicklow Town, Navan, Kells, Castletroy, Ennis Road, Dooradoyle, Newcastlewest, Renmore, Salthill, Loughrea, Oranmore, Mullingar, Midleton, Montenotte, Nemo’s, Frankfield, Mallow, Ballincollig, Cavan, Kilkenny, Carlow, Clonmel, Portlaoise, Ennis


North County Dublin’s


North County Leader 12th April 2011

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Supporting Small Local Business Chamber Buildings, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin Tel: 8900977 Fax: 8900990

Contact Us For Your Free New Business Kit

Starting your own business is a big responsibility. It’s something that many of us dream of all our lives, but are just afraid to do it. Starting your own business is a brave step into the wonderful world of business. A venture like this takes so much planning and hard work in order to ensure that everything is in place. Like everything, start at the beginning, put a plan in place and like a jigsaw, let the plan work for you. There are so many different things to be looked at when taking the important step of starting up your own business. Do you want to be the

boss? Have you dreamed of owning your own business for a long time?

track of everything you do and if you’re going to arrange a meeting, you can be

Fingal Dublin Chamber CEO Tony Lambert met with newly appointed Minister for Small Business, John Perry TD, at a recent meeting of Chamber of Commerce Chief Executives from throughout the country. “This was an excellent opportunity to meet with a new Government Minister and to inform him of the issues faced by small businesses in to-days difficult trading environment.” Said Tony

Well remember the saying, “If you wish hard enough for something, you just might get it”. Putting all your efforts into making your dream a reality can pay off once you have everything covered. The County Leader has put a guide together to assist you if you’re planning on setting up your own business.

assured you won’t double book. Find out what the market is like for your product. Many people want to start businesses selling products or providing services just because they always wanted to do that. But rule one of starting a business is that other people have

to want to buy the product or service being provided. Be sure to contact your local Chamber of Commerce to get some help. The various chambers throughout the North County can offer some great ideas, tips and information. It’s also a great way to meet people, by going to the many

networking events they organise. This gives you a chance to talk to other people who are, or were in the same situation as you and can offer advice about their experience. Writing a business plan is the best way to test whether or not an idea for starting a business is feasible,

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other than going out and doing it. In this sense, the business plan is your safety net, writing a business plan can save you a great deal of time and money, if working through the business plan reveals that your business idea is untenable. Often, an idea for starting a business is discarded at the marketing analysis or competitive analysis stage, freeing you to move on to a new (and better) idea.

The Nitty Gritty Unlike a house, a business isn’t static. We often make the mistake of thinking of a business plan as a single, static document that you just put together when you’re first starting out and then set aside. In actuality, the business plan for any business will change over time as the business develops, and any particular business may have multiple business plans as its objectives change. Unless you have been lucky enough to have a windfall, or been left some money, you’re going to have to come up with the money to back your business at the start. There are grants available and your local chamber and the Fingal Enterprise Board can help you find out more about this. A business loan from a bank is a very clean way of financing your

business. In most cases, having a good Business Plan is essential to convince the bank that you are worth backing. Often, a bank will ask for personal guarantees or other forms of security. Remember that risk reduction is the name of their game and it should be yours, too. Never offer security, especially if your Business Plan stacks up. Remember to shop around, there are many banks and even different branches of a bank that may have different lending criteria for new businesses. When dealing with your bank, it is essential that you are adequately prepared, even from the first meeting. Make sure that you have a clear business plan and that you can answer any questions that your bank may have. Keep your bank informed in good times and bad times. If you inform your bank when things are going well, they are

likely to be more understanding when things aren’t going so well. If you are facing problems, don’t just ignore them. If you inform the bank of your problems they will be able to help

you. Use them as a source of advice. It is important to gather as much information and advice as possible, as good advice is the key ingredient of any successful business.

Rush Chamber of Commerce • Building new business • Promoting new business • Supporting new business

Enterprise Board Can Help New Businesses

For Membership please contact: Tel: 01 8439349 Email:

The availability and quality of state supports for small business start-ups is hugely important for the econom ic recovery of our country. The County Enterprise Board is the first stop key state agency with responsibility for helping new small businesses to become establish ed at local level. Local Enterprise Support and First Stop Shop. There are 35 CEBs in Ireland, located within local author ity bounda ries and each funded by the Department of Enterprise Jobs and Innovation. The Boards operate at local level and are focused on helping new businesses get off the ground. is a useful first port of call, where you will find information on all business support services available to new start-up businesses, as well as links to state agencies involved in helping new business . The supports available to people starting up a new business from CEBs fall into two broad categories, Financia l Supports and Management and Business Development. For start-up businesses that have potential to develop into an internationally trading service (or manufacturing business), Fingal County Enterprise Board can provide funding of up to €80,000. When applications are approved for funding, the amount approved is usually determined by the number of new jobs being created and the future job potential. The average grant approve d per new job is between €7,000 and €10,000. The CEB will advise potential applicants on what the best options are for applying for funding.

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North County Leader 12th April 2011

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Bop Till You Drop A Dress Size!

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Zumba, the world’s fastest growing exercise sensation is sweeping the nation, as the country’s premier dance fitness company, Stepping Out, are


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Pictured at the launch of The Stepping Out Zumba Summer Shape Up course Stepping Out founder Sharon Tinkler and Stepping Out Teachers.

launching their 10 week Zumba Fitness Summer Shape Up. The dance driven programme features fast and slow rhythms, fusing South American zest with high energy moves, combining into the perfect exercise routine. It is the ultimate way to shed loads of pounds without spending them. If you lose 2 lbs a week over the 10 weeks of the course, you would lose 1.5 stone. You would be fitter,

healthier and because of the workout, you change body shape and we will make you smile. The sessions and routines are done in line formation, so clients do not have to have partners. It is a satisfying and fulfilling fitness programme, but the gain comes without pain, and that is why it is so popular across the planet. For further information on local venues and start dates call 01 620 5030

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Make the most of outdoor living by visiting Murdock Builder’s to experience great landscape and decking products to suit everybody. It seems that it has never been more important to make the most of our available outdoor space. Murdock’s have found that customer’s attitudes to landscaping has become more creative as they try out newer and more adventurous themes. Decking, paving and flagging your outdoor area extends your home into the garden and provides a usable space that always looks good and is easy to maintain. There is a range of hard landscaping options that will cater for every imagination. You can achieve any look you want from the traditional look right through to a sharper more contemporary look, and everything in-between. Most of there branches offer a landscaping display area. Or if you can’t get to visit in person, find them at to get an idea of what you could do to make the most of your outdoor living area. Murdock’s are located at M1 Business Park, Balbriggan. Pictured at Murdock Builder's Merchants Landscaping and Decking event at their facility at M1 Business Park on Saturday. 9th April last are Jarlath Devlin of Acherson Glove, Trish and Oisín McCartan.

(083) 0099739 *All therapists trained with MaterMalahide. Hospital and UCD 2 Castle Terrace,

• Recovering In Mental Health • Mental Health Issues • Care Of The Older Person The above subject areas will include delivery of FETAC level 5. Application forms are available by contacting the office at 7 The Plaza, Forster Way, Swords, phone 8408946 email: County Dublin VEC is an equal opportunities employer. Closing date: Friday 18th June 2010 Coiste Gairmoideachais Chontae Atha Cliath County Dublin VEC

North County Leader 12th April 2011

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North County Newspaper Advertising Feature

house& home

Outstanding 5 Bedroom Detached Residence 13 Longwood, Dublin Road, Drogheda

Weekend Home Projects It’s great to get lots of work done in your home and finding the time is sometimes as hard as doing the work. Get

your home ready for Summer now, so you can say you used your time wisely in Spring. For many of us whether we’re working, studying or stay at home parents, the week is

always busy so how about embarking on a project at the weekend and getting the whole family involved. If you are looking forward to discarding your heavy winter clothing for something lighter, you’re

also probably looking for easy ways to lighten and freshen up your home. For a fast, fresh look, take down those heavy drapes and replace with crisp, fresh curtains or simple blinds. If privacy is not a problem, opt

for just a lightweight valance or scarf across the top of the window. If you don’t have any curtains, use bright bed sheets or even lace tablecloths instead. Put away heavy blankets or quilts and replace them with lightweight ones. Remove heavy tablecloths and leave tables bare or brighten them up with a simple vase of flowers or a bowl of fruit. Contd. on page 18

Furniture Options

~ A quality home with an abundance of extras ~ This stunning double fronted family home with exceptional living and bedroom accommodation comprises: Entrance Hall, Sittingroom, Study, WC, Diningroom, superb fully fitted Kitchen, Utility Room, 5 Bedrooms (2 with en-suite), Bathroom. In absolute mint condition throughout. Delightful private rear garden. Wonderful location just off the Dublin Road close to Drogheda train station (5 minutes walk), on the Bus routes and a 25 minute drive to the airport.

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Tea Dance In Rush Fingal Senior Citizens Network are hosting a tea dance this Wednesday 13th April in St Maur’s GAA Club, Rush from 2.30pm to 5.30pm. Admission is €10 including refreshments and music is by Cameo.

2 The Way Golden Ridge Beautiful 3 bedroom, double fronted semi detached house with low maintenance exterior and large back garden with rear access. Large kitchen and sitting room with 3 well spaced bedrooms. Master bedroom with large ensuite and walk in wardrobe. Fully fitted kitchen, furniture & garden shed included. Within short walking distance of Rush Main Street and beautiful beach

Price region: €255,000

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North County Leader 12th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

Advertising Feature

house& home

New Showroom

Wide range of carpets, solid , semi-solid and laminate flooring

Main Street , Donabate ( Next door to Keeling’s Pub) Tel: 01 8836666

• • General General Carpentry Carpentry • • Replacement Replacement stairs stairs & & handrails handrails • • Doors Doors supplied supplied and and fitted fitted with with locks, locks, standard standard handles handles and and hinges hinges • • Decking Decking and and side side gates gates supplied supplied and and fitted fitted as as required required • • Replaced Replaced doors doors and and frames frames taken taken away away free free of of charge charge • • Timber Timber Garage Garage Doors Doors

Contd. from page 17 bag options have come a long way and there are some very Budget Friendly attractive options Ideas out there at relatively inexpensive Interior decorating prices. doesn’t need to be By going all white expensive and the with bedding, a fresh entire room doesn’t new look is created have to be renovated that’s perfect for to create a fresh new winter or spring. It feel. If you take it also creates a room by room you neutral palette for will eventually get future decorating through the whole with coloured throw house. Bedding in a pillows, blankets and accessories. Furniture can be transformed in a weekend with some primer, paint and s a n d p a p e r . Inexpensive furniture from a second hand store is the perfect target for trying a new paint colour, some decorative painting or a distressed furniture look. For a real change, lampshades can make a huge difference and are availVertical able in many Blinds different stores throughout the From North County. Old €89.00 lamps become new whether they are in the bedroom or living room.

ACME BLINDS Don’t Delay Call Today 50% off Pleated Blinds 30% off Timber Venetians Buy 4 20% off Roman Blinds Rollers get one 20% off Venetians FREE FREE Design Service • FREE Measuring • FREE Quote • FREE Fitting Call 01-8402213 Today & Mention This Advert To Obtain These Great Offers Acme Blinds, Unit 20, Town Centre Mall, Swords, Co Dublin E-mail:,

Let There Be Light You can change the view and the natural light in a living room by changing the window and what’s around it or hanging on it. Ready made curtains are easy, inexpensive and don’t require a lot of maintenance. Brighten up windows in bedrooms with a lick of paint or a nice fresh spray of

flowers. Replacing flooring can be expensive but buying an area rug doesn’t have to be and it can create a dramatic impact immediately. A rug will give a new look to a room if centred correctly and also gives a feeling of comfort. Painting an entire living room is one of the quickest and easiest ways to transform a room’s décor, but even an accent wall can have a dramatic impact.

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North County Leader 12th April 2011

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North County Newspaper

Advertising Feature

house &home Step out of the box and do some decorative painting or freehand stencilling to make the accent wall even more impressive.

Love Your Kitchen We complain about cooking and cleaning sometimes, but there is now a way to avoid the amount of time we spend in the kitchen. We can also enjoy our kitchen more once we have some of our favourite things in it. Give your kitchen a lift by painting the walls or cupboard doors. Painting cupboards isn’t expensive and can give a kitchen an entirely new look. Peel and stick floor tiles have gotten very inexpensive and attractive over

the years. Old linoleum can be covered in just a weekend with fabulous results. A tiled backslash is a pretty big DIY project but it can be done with some patience, a little research and some pretty inexpensive supplies. The result is not only impressive but it’s an i n c r e d i b l y rewarding project. When trying to change a room’s décor on a tight budget there are a few key tips to remember; changing the lighting can give a room a whole new feel, colour is one of the fastest and easiest ways to create a new look, and DIY projects can dramatically drop the price of any home redecorating or renovation.

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Fully qualified and insured Phone:018413880 0877555181 Email:kwmlandscapingworks The Inch, Balrothery, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin

Perfect purchase! Tobermore Paving & Walling

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North County Leader 12th April 2011

Quality Newspaper



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WAS €1,995

NOW €995




NOW €995

NOW €895

NOW €995


NOW €995


NOW €795

North County Leader 12th April 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of



NOW €650


NOW €695



North County Newspaper


20KW HEATS 9/10RADS WAS €1,295

NOW €895


NOW €550

NOW €299


NOW €950


North County Dublin’s


Quality Newspaper

North County Leader 12th April 2011

County Club bers Is

Now O www.north countyleandline @ with Declan Doyle

Clubbers decided it was time to re-visit an old reliable on it’s nightspot list recently, the Old Boro in Swords. As ever the welcome was friendly and the atmosphere was electric, with all present intent on having a wild night!. The Boro is unique in that the smoking section is somewhat centrally located, so the craic there can be as mad as the other areas! (not that we condone smoking of course, nasty habit!). A great night was had by all, definitely going to return very soon!.

Tony Ryan, Ciaran Carton, Tara Grace, Leanne Daniel, Ciara O’Connor.

Magadalena Hedstrom, Fiona Woolhead.

Niamh Sheridan, Karen Manley, Audrey Finnegan, Emma Barlow. Marie Walsh, Stephen Walsh, Fergal O’Rourke, Mark Fleming.

Jen Ryan, Louise O’Carolan,

Don Matchett, Muriel McLoughlin

Bernie Tamfey, Anna McGuire, Celeste Jones, Andrea Stafford.

Ciara Smith, Mandy Walsh, Louise Norris.

Antonia Armitage, Kevin McCabe. Paul Kelly, Darren Smith, Cillian Delaney. Michael Cahill, Damien Ennis, Geoff Cahill. Gillian Lee, Jesse Tolbet.

Natalie Murphy, Ann McGann.

Paul Hannon, Nicola Deenan.

Irene Ryan, Leticia Lowndes.

Jamie Corr, Emma Hagan, David Weldon.

North County Leader 12th April 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of



North County Newspaper

The Birdman Amie Doyle Lusk Of Malahide D

riving out the Coast Road in Malahide on a bright spring day to meet Richard Collins, ornithologist, zoologist and philosopher, the location of his bright, light filled home seems entirely appropriate. It has magnificent views over the sea as far as Lambay Island and Ireland's Eye. Richard describes pulling back his bedroom blinds in the morning and listening to the 'sea roaring in, and the massive waves in winter.' Richard's mellow voice is instantly recognisable from Friday afternoon's Mooney Show on RTE Radio. Residents of Malahide and its environs may not realise that this is the voice of the white haired man, often seen striding along the Coast Road towards his home or with binoculars draped around his neck as he surveys the swans inhabiting the Broadmeadow Estuary.

Malahide resident, Richard Collins who has been sharing his vast knowledge of wildlife with radio listeners for many years.

For the past 16 years, Richard has joined Derek Mooney and a panel of experts to chat and inform listeners on various aspects of nature. Richard describes the Mooney team as, "having a netting attitude and keeping their minds wide open for interesting things." They prepare topics that may be in the news, but because the show is live, it can "wander into all kinds of quirky things," keeping the listener entertained. Among the contributors is the indomitable botanist Eanna Ni Lamhna, who listeners will know frequently disagrees with Richard. In reality, their friendship can be traced back 35 years and they have run nature courses together for school teachers for more than two decades. Richard has also spent the last 20 years lecturing on Irish birds as part of UCD's part-time adult education programme. Born in Limerick on 19th April 1944, Richard's obsession with the natural world began at a young age. "I collected bird's eggs as a child. I was very careful and took the egg out with a spoon, and only if I didn't have that particular species." He debunks the long held belief that if you touched a bird's nest the bird would desert. "It was an old wives' tale really, but that was the belief, so I was very careful and would never take more than one egg for my collection," he said. It bothered Richard even taking that one egg and he never swapped eggs with other boys as was the norm. Richard eventually built a big container with glass on top to display and label the eggs and laughs that he "probably got some of them wrong, but it's where I started." Richard describes the world of the '40s and '50s in which he grew up as 'closed in and dark.' While attracted to studying philosophy at college, it was a time of economic austerity and therefore he undertook an engineering degree in UCD. However, working as an engineer in the Department of Posts and Telegraphs for 30 years was satisfying and challenging and provided Richard with valuable


Heffernan opportunities to travel across Europe and pursue his many other interests. At a later date he completed an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and English. "I loved philosophy, it always interested me and I did it as entertainment. The philosophical spirit produces a kind of desire to commitment, a desire to change the world!" In addition to studying, Richard became honorary secretary of Bird Watch Ireland in the '60s. "I'd an enormous amount of work to do…but it was very interesting." He also trained for many years to achieve a bird ringing licence and travelled around Ireland on bird catching expeditions with his wife, Barbara and their three sons. Richard recalls happy family times 'going out to islands, staying in tents, catching sea birds and putting rings on their legs.' They survived living out of tins and eating pasta. During one family trip, Richard decided to track the vast swan population of Malahide, as he was intrigued to learn more about their movements. He attached 'coloured rings with engraved characters' to the swan's legs to enable them to be tracked through a telescope.' Having ringed 1,500 swans, Richard needed to get word out to the public that anyone finding a dead swan should contact the British museum to enable data to be recorded. He contacted another bird aficionado with access to the national airwaves, Brenda Moran, a researcher with RTE. She gave Richard the opportunity to discuss the history of swans in Ireland and explain his project on The Rodney Rice Show. Richard believes he was 'nervous and inept' in the broadcast, but a flood of postcards and phone calls following his appearance and the ensuing 16 years broadcasting on The Mooney Show suggest otherwise. While proximity to the Broadmeadow Estuary and the coast line were prime considerations for Richard and Barbara in choosing a home, 40 years ago, they were also influenced by Malahide's accessibility to the city. "I love the city as well as the country. I love museums and art galleries, concerts and music.' Richard and Barbara's home is an oasis, the entire back wall built of glass looks out on their west facing garden, where Richard points to a 'mist nest' which looks remarkably like a hammock. He explains that the nest is for catching swans and even when his sons were eight or nine, they were catching swans. "They had them in the garden here, sick ones and injured ones and they were in and out feeding them." He assures me there is nothing to be afraid of around swans. "The swan can't see very well up to its bill and as it grasps bread, it can grasp a child's hand but it isn't biting them. A swan will only attack you if you go near its nest and there are no nests at the Broadmeadow Estuary." As if he isn't busy enough, he has written a weekly column for The Examiner for the past eight years. His articles are informative, but irreverent making them totally engaging. He also reviews books on topics such as science, astronomy and ornithology and is currently reading The History of Ornithology, a 500 word tome. He believes in reading a book closely to be fair to the author who has toiled over it and to the reader who may buy it on his recommendation. With regard to retirement, Richard believes "you should go on while you can." He gets enormous pleasure from his five grandchildren aged between one and eight. "I'm old now and life could get very empty and pointless very easily, but the grandchildren change all that. They exhaust me but I love it.' It is impossible to envisage Richard losing engagement with life; he believes it is 'all about learning.' Hopefully listeners to The Mooney Show can look forward to learning much more about the natural world, as they listen to his dulcet voice and wry humour for many years to come.

Lusk lovely, Amie Doyle is looking forward to the experience of being a Rose. The twenty three year old attended Lusk National School, and Skerries Secondary. Amie had many interests while she was in school and took part in Irish dancing classes, horse riding classes and filled a lot of her time with arts and crafts. Amie told the County Leader, “I was the type of child that hadn’t much interest in dolls. I loved to paint and draw. I always looked forward to Fridays because it was arts and crafts day”. This would explain the road Amie followed when she finished at secondary school, as she went straight into college with Galligan Beauty Group. This led her onto a job in a beauty salon, however she was still hungry for more education in her chosen field and attended Portobello Institute, where she studed make-up artistry. This covered fashion, theatre and media. Amie then went on to work for a well known make-up brand in Brown Thomas department store. However, she has recently become the manager of newly opened Bella ‘B’ Nail And Beauty Bar in Rush. Amie’s dad John is a local builder and is also her sponsor, through his business Amble Storage, he has been a great support to her all her life and she looks up to him. Amie is the eldest of two girls and her sister, Grace is studying for her Leaving Certificate. Amie’s mum Carmel and nana Josie have always enjoyed watching the Rose of Tralee every year with the two girls and Carmel decided it was Amie’s time to enter as she knew she always wanted to go for it. She has a big passion for animals and has ran the women’s mini marathon several times choosing DSPCA and Crumlin Children’s Hospital as her charities. She will be doing a sky dive this summer in aid of 3t, (Turn the tide of suicide) and plans to raise money by having a shaveaton and a face painting day for children. “I have always wanted to do a sky dive and this is a great way to fulfil the dream and also to raise funds for 3t, as suicide is becoming more common unfortunately. I’m so excited about my entry into the festival and my mum did the right thing by entering me. I am looking forward to making new friends and having the well known experience. I want to make my family and friends proud, especially my nana whom has been a huge inspiration to me and also to help out with the festival’s choosen charities.” Amie’s motto is, Life is to short so live it to the full, get out there and do the things that make you happy.

If you would like to enter this years Dublin Rose of Tralee fill out this form and return it to

NORTH COUNTY LEADER, LEADER HOUSE, NORTH STREET, SWORDS alternatively log on to our website or email:

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Balbriggan School Joins Web Trend St Peter and Paul’s Primary school in Balbriggan has launched its brand new website, designed in-

house by a talented member of staff. Mrs Lawless, acting principal at the school had the honour of

cutting the virtual ribbon on the project and launching the site live on the internet in a special event held at the


school. Parents, teachers and pupils celebrated this great event. Mrs Lawless welcomed everyone to the event and thanked all those involved in the creation of the new website. The site was designed by teacher, Veronica Burns who took the task upon herself and she is delighted with the results. Ms Burns is currently taking a Masters Degree in an IT related field, so the project fitted right into her skill set and the finished website will be

a valuable resource for pupils, staff and parents at the school. The new website will keep everyone who is interested abreast of all the school’s activities and will be regularly updated with a page from every class at the school and a space for the parents’ association who have supported the enterprise. The school is encouraging parents to check the site out at www.sspeterandpauljns and keep up to date with all the fantastic work going on at the school.

Department of Justice and Equality

Written submissions or observations may be made to The Chairman, Thornton Hall Project Review Committee, Department of Justice and Equality, Montague Court, Montague Street, Dublin 2. and must be received within 28 days of this notice (Monday 9 May 2011).

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We specialise in pressure treated gates which are resistant to: Dry Rot,Woodworm, and Expansion. (on average a pressure treated gate will last up to two times longer than non-pressurised)

A-Z Children’s Charity is presenting a 5 Km. Donaghmede Dash in association with Dublin City Council and Raheny Shamrocks AC. The A-Z Children’s Charity is a northside based charity, providing healthcare and education for Ugandan AIDS orphans and vulnerable children. This charitable event takes place on Sunday, 8th May, starting at Father Collins Park, Donaghmede at 3.00pm. This is a flat course and is suitable for all. There will also be a fun 1.5K Family Fun Lap, with prizes and refreshments. Online entry costs €10, while registration on the day costs €15. The cost of the Family Fun Lap is €5 per adult and €2 per child, with registration on the day.

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Last Weeks published deaths from the North County KILMURRY (Newfield, Drogheda, Co. Louth and formerly of Skerries, Co. Dublin) Breffni, beloved husband of Esther; deeply regretted by his loving wife, sons Ronan, Colm and Dara, daughters-in-law Valerie and Miriam, grandchildren Martin and Lauren, brothers Cormac, Niall and Dermot, sisters-in-law Ada, Chris and Ita, uncles Desmond and Kerry, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends CRADDOCK (Malahide, Co. Dublin) Michael (late of Malahide Golf Club and The Golfing Union of Ireland), dearly loved husband of Marie and loving father

Thornton Hall Prison Review Group In line with the commitment in the Government Programme for National Recovery the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence Alan Shatter, T.D., has announced the establishment of a committee to review the Thornton Hall Prison Project. The role of the committee is to examine the need to build a new prison at Thornton Hall and consider alternatives, if any. The full terms of reference for the committee are available on the Department of Justice and Equality website at

North County Leader 12th April 2011

Quality Newspaper

Irish Hypnosis is one of the few Hypnosis companies in Ireland that can claim to significantly reduce, if not totally eliminate negative symptoms associated with panic attacks after one single session. Panic attacks usually manifest themselves as an unexplainable feeling of nervousness which quickly develops into a full blown anxiety attack. The classic symptoms for sufferers include: palpitations, shortness of breath, sweaty palms, tingling sensations, sweating, headaches, feeling light- headed, stomach upset, fear and feeling hot or cold. Hypnosis is a safe, fast and effective solution. Although panic attacks can be controlled by some medications, doctors are referring more and more of their patients to hypnotists to completely eliminate panic attacks from their lives for good. Anxiety, which is at the root of panic attacks is dramatically reduced if not entirely removed after one session and sessions two and three are used to ensure that panic attacks are removed from the clients life permanently. For further information: Locall: 1890 252 567

of Lawrence, Michael, Gerard, Catherine, Martin and Celine, brother of Paddy, Kathleen, Mary and the late Joe and Thomas, brother-in-law of the late Christy; sadly missed by his loving family, relatives and friends. TEELING, Paul (Ballyboughal) BLAKEMAN (Portmarnock) Gaynor, beloved wife of the late Norman; sadly missed by her loving son Peter, Daughter Carol, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, relatives and friends. McMONAGLE (Sutton) James; sadly missed by his loving brother Vincent, rela-

tives, friends and neighbours. O’ DRISCOLL (Cherry Park, Swords) Dorothy; sadly missed by her heartbroken family and friends. CUMMINS (Sutton) Larry, dearly beloved husband and best friend of Loretta and loving father of Susan, David Paula and Michael, loving granda to Conor and Ciara; very sadly missed by his loving family, friends and neighbours. BYRNE (Balbriggan) Susan; sadly missed by her loving husband Tom, sons Mark and David, daughters-in-law and granddaughter Emer, sisters, brothers, sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law

PowerFul child confidence O Jesus who was said ask you shall receive seek you shall find knock it shall. Be open to you. Trough the intercession of Mary Thy most holy Mother I knock I seek Iask that my request be granted. O Jesus who said all that you ask to father in my name he will grant trough the interpression of Mary thy most holy mother I ask that my request Be granted. O Jesus who has said heaven and earth shall pass a wait my word shall not Through the intercession of Mary thy most holy mother I feel confident my request will be granted. Thank you many favours received. Our lady knock St Jude St Anthony St Martian Holy Spirit. MARY

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Miracle Prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time, I ask you for a very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. S.B

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There are 4 simple ways to have your loved ones remembered in North County Leader (1) Go to our website: and click the family notices link or (2) Call into our offices at: Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin and we will be happy to assist you with the wording of your notice or (3) Phone us on: 01-8400200 or (4) Instruct your Funeral Director: to include your loved ones acknowledgement in North County Leader

North County Leader 12th April 2011

The Biggest Circulation Of

North County Classifieds For Sale FAMILY home, 12 St. Cronans View, Swords. Close to all amenities, pics and full details can to viewed on etay, and €245.000. Ph:0858152261. PLASTIC storage tank, 1000ltr, €100. Ph: 0879980900. MAMAS and papas cot with drop side and matching change table. Priced to sell. Inmaculate €100. Swords. Ph: 0872699161 BLUE V Tech Smile games console. Perfect conditions comes with microphone and accessories 2 games (Thomas the tank and Diaego). All for €25. Ph: 0877558447 WHITE satin A&T Lotus Orient Corporation wedding dress for sale size 10-12 in perfect condition can email photos anytime. €140.00. Swords. Ph: 0877558447. BERG Buddy GoKart,

mint condition like new, barely used €100, red and yellow in colour. Ph: 0879485944 WHITE PVC French Doors size 180mm w x 207mm h. Also 1 window size 1500mm. Ph: 0862570383 NAVY Out ‘n’ About Double Nipper buggy. Suitable from birth to 4 years. Fits through all standard doorways. Each seat can be adjusted independently. Rain cover and storage basket included Ph: 0863669834 PRONOVIAS Dutch Silk Wedding Dress with Antique Lace Balero. Size 8. Perfect cond. Originally €4,500 Sell for €1000. Ph:0852199433

Property SALE or swap detached 5bed house 3 ensuite in County Leitrim would swap for 3bed house on large 2bed apartment in Dublin. Ph: 0879698599 REDUCED to sell – 3Bed (master ensuite), Semi Detached, lovely

quiet cul de sac. Lusk Village. Exc. condition €215,000 Ph:0866075754

Motors CITROEN Berlingo 1.9 Diesel 2002 5 Door N.C.T. Taxed Offers. Ph: 0851191848 YAMAHA 125cc Scooter 05 Good condition offers Ph: 0851191848 TOYOTA Camry 97, Automatic, engine 2.2 petrol, NCT 20112, Tax 2012, power window, central lock, Dublin North, for €1000. Ph: 0870998626 TOYOTA Corolla’98 Blue. Swords, Dublin. No NCT but driving perfect everyday use. No road Tax, 1.3 engine. For €800. Ph: 0870998626 RENAULT Megan’00 Blue. No NCT, driving perfect. No tax. Engine 1.4.Central locking. Power Window. For €1000. South Dublin. Ph: 0879448717

Misc. ROTTWEILLER for good home. Male 2 yr old. Fabulous temperament, great with cats, children and dogs. Owner moving house. Ph: 0851285777

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Win Win Win! North County Leader has teamed up with the Spring Ideal Home Show to give readers the opportunity to win tickets to the show. The Spring Ideal Home Show is Ireland’s biggest and best known exhibition for home owners and home lovers and takes place at the RDS Simmonscourt, Dublin from 15th to 17th April 2011. They have everything you need for your home improvements, extensions, home energy, interior design, room make-overs, gardens, patios, lifestyle and so much more. TV3's Ireland AM will broadcast live from the Feature Garden on Friday 15th April. Highlights this year include free Architects Extension Advice Centre, in association with The Royal Institutes of the Architects of Ireland; ECO Expo - The Home Energy Show; Dulux free Interior Design Advice Centre, with leading Interior Designers from the institute of Designers in Ireland ; Feature Garden 'Home in the Garden' designed by Steve Ryan from Angel Landscaping ; Free Gardening Talks with Gerry Daly and Garden experts; Luxaflex Interiors and Furnishings Village ; Kitchens and Bathrooms ; Renovate and DIY; Home Accessories and the famous Pamper Zone. The Ideal Home Show is more than a show, it's an experience.

To win a pair of tickets to the Spring Ideal Home Show, simply answer the following question: Q: Who is giving Gardening Talks at the Spring Ideal Show?

3 WAYS TO ENTER 1. Answers can be submitted to our office on North Street, Swords, 2. or by email to 3. or by visiting


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PLANNING APPLICATIONS Fingal County Council Application to Fingal County Council to remove single glazed sitting room window and replace with a bay window for Eamonn Gargan, 6 Drynam Road, Swords, Co.Dublin. This application can be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Mon to Fri between 9.30 - 15.30(through lunch) and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council I,Anthony Reilly, intend to apply for Retention Planning Permission for development within the boundaries of No. 46 Chapel Street, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin.This development consists of a two story end of terrace, dwelling ( and Permission is also sought for a proposed new front entrance, gable annexe, with w.c., and partially raising side boundary wall to 1.8 m. high )Previous App. Reg. Ref. No. F10A/0484. Date of decision 20 Jan. 2011 This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application, may be made in writing to Fingal County Council, on payment of the prescribed fee, within the period of five weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the application. Fingal County Council County Dublin Vocational Educational Committee are applying for permission for development on a site C0.416 Hectares located at Moylaragh, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin The development will consist of: The construction of a new temporary Primary School with 5no. general classrooms; support teaching spaces; administration areas and ancillary accommodation with a total combined floor area of c.540m2. The site works to the school grounds will consist of the provision of 10no. car parking spaces, 1no. ball court and junior play area. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is requested for a new single-storey Dwellinghouse (140sq/m) along with new Biocycle wastewater treatment system and all associated siteworks. At:- Racecourse Commons, Lusk, , Co. Dublin.. Signed:- Graeme Dennis. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin between the hours of 9.30am – 15.30pm Monday-Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of a fee of €20 within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by Fingal County Council. Fingal County Council Permission to demolish existing 2 no.dwellings and for construction of 2 no. replacement 2-storey 2-bed detached dwellings and all associated siteworks at “Beechcrest”, Tower Street, Rush, Co. Dublin. Signed M & F Kelly. This application can be

inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Mon.-Fri. between 9.30-15.30 (Through Lunch) and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Permission is sought by Mr Noel Hayes to demolish existing shed and construct a Single storey cottage style dwelling with attic storage, also vehicular entrance, 2No car parking spaces, and ancillary site works in garden area associated with and opposite his existing cottage at No25 The Bawn, Malahide, Co Dublin The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council (Swords) during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee within a period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission sought for agricultural shed (area 860m2) on lands at Forrest Great, Cloghran, Co.Dublin. Applicants: D. & L. Behan. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Significant planning Data in respect to further information Planning Ref : F10A/ 0538 relating to current planning application a planning permission for a 2 no. detached 2 storey houses on infill site located to rear of existing dwelling “Greengates”, Sea Road, Malahide and for permission for a vehicular access from The Cove, Malahide, Co. Dublin. Applicants Anne & Fiona Maguire. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought for Montessori/child Care Unit to rear of no: 12 Danes Court. The Village, Lusk, Co.Dublin. ''For continued Operation''. Previous Planning Permission Raf:F09A/0332 As Child Care/Montessori Facility at Rear of existing Lounge area of which comprises of additional space of 15.98 sqm.Partial change of use of lounge area to child care/Montessori Facility(20.74 sqm). A side Lobby to Entrance and additional door entrance to side of dwelling at no:12 Danes Court, The Village, Lusk, Co.Dublin for Mrs.Celine Powell. The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the office of the Planning Authority during the Public Opening Hours of: 9:30am-3:30pm Monday-Friday at the Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co.Dublin.

North County Leader 12th April 2011 A submission or observation in relation to the Application may be made in writing to Fingal County Council on payment of a fee of 20 euro within the period of 5 weeks, beginning the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the Application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought by Richard & Amanda Donnelly for 2 storey house and waste water treatment system at Mainscourt, Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee 20 euro within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought by Martina Rooney for alterations and extension to dwelling and for waste water treatment system at Barnageeragh, Skerries, Co. Dublin. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee 20 euro within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning Permission is sought by Mary Corr to construct a single storey one bedroom granny flat to rear of existing dwelling at Newhaggard, Lusk, Co. Dublin. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee 20 euro within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning permission sought for continued use as crèche to facilitate existing Sessional Services, (Monday-Friday, 08:30-13:00 & 13:00-17:30) at 2 Colman Crescent, Lusk, Lusk Village, Co. Dublin, for Claudia Fitzpatrick. Planning permission was previously ‘Granted’ by F.C.C. for a period of 2years as per condition no. 8 Reg Ref: F08a/1076. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. During it’s opening hours, Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council We, Ronan, Terrance & Mark Snow, trading as “Drynam Park Golf Centre” intend to apply for permission for a development at Pinnock Hill, Old Airport Road, Swords, Co. Dublin. The development will consist of the erection of a 6m2 advertising sign to include all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased, at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Fingal County Council, Planning Authority, Planning Section, County Hall, Swords Co. Dublin between 9:30am and 15:30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of a fee of €20.00 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Planning Authority of the Application. Fingal County Council Planning permission is sought for renovation of, and extension to existing dwelling

The Biggest Circulation Of house to include new single storey extension to front to accommodate new kitchen, dining and living room, and associated site works at Rolestown, Co. Dublin. Signed Roger Bell The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Planning permission sought for continued use as crèche to facilitate existing Sessional Services, (Monday-Friday, 08:30-13:00 & 13:00-17:30) at 2 Colman Crescent, Lusk Village, Lusk, Co. Dublin, for Claudia Fitzpatrick. Planning permission was previously ‘Granted’ by F.C.C. for a period of 2years as per condition no. 8 Reg Ref: F08a/1076. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. During it’s opening hours, Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Fingal County Council We, Station Road Apartments Limited intend to apply for planning permission for development at this site address: The Links, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. The development consists of new entrance gates at the existing entrances and exits to the estate, a revised traffic flow system within the estate, 15 new designated visitor car parking spaces and associated site works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during the public opening hours of 9.30 - 15.30 monday to friday at Fingal County Council, Fingal County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of a fee of €20, within the period of 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt by Fingal County Council of the application. Fingal County Council Planning permission sought for agricultural shed (area 860m2) on lands at Forrest Great, Cloghran, Co.Dublin. Applicants: D. & L. Behan. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application. Fingal County Council Significant planning Data in respect to further information Planning Ref : F10A/ 0538 relating to current planning application a planning permission for a 2 no. detached 2 storey houses on infill site located to rear of existing dwelling “Greengates”, Sea Road, Malahide and for permission for a vehicular access from The Cove, Malahide, Co. Dublin. Applicants Anne & Fiona Maguire. This planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of this application.



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